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April 29, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-29

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TIiUR DAY, AF1tIL 29, 1937

FOUR TUU 4~IT~ 29, 1937





Edited and managed by students of the University o
Micligan undertheauthoity of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.-
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches cedited to
i i oriot otherwise credited in this "newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
rsEutered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Surbscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
S .0; by luai,4.5._
Member, Associatd Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative,
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackcton,
'Iing Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander,
Robert Weeks.
FPdOTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman;
Fred DeLno, Fred Buesse,Raym~nd Goodman, Carl
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel. chairman;
'Eliabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen
Douglas,Barbara J. Lovell, Kaherine Moore, Betty
Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Colemani, W Layne,1Russ ole, 1enryHenes,
Women's Bi iness Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baater, L Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hakey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
/ Departmental Managers
J. Caeron Hal, Accounts Manager; Ricard Crusor,
National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher. Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones; Local
AdVertising~ Manager; Norman Stenberg, Service
Managr; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Where Goes,
The Church..*.
oeditorial entitled "Institutional
Religion and Democratic Society," we discussed
the historic alignment of the church with con-
servative politics, and observed that unless it
is willing to become a more democratic institu-
tion to the end of promoting advanced demo-
cratic ideals, its social force will be negligible.
Since that time, representatives of the church,
although in certain instances still strongly re-
actionary, have demonstrated in many others
that the church can function in the forefront
of the progressive movement in America.
These certain instances of continued reaction
include such actions as the speech by George F.
Denniston, executive director of the Catholi
Youth Organization, Archdiocese of New York,
on Saturday before the United Christian Youth
Conference. Mr. Denniton attacked the college
peace day demonstrations, and warned his youth-
ful hearers against the "red-colored serum" of
the "poisonous snake," communism. "We find
the communist striking in the dark, disguised
as a liberal, at times'even a defender of social
justice," he said.
Another instance is that described in the
Christian Century as follows:
"Evidently the success of the Romian Catholic
Church in defeating the Child Labor Amendment
has impressed the politicians with the value of
lining up with it on its anti-red crusade. Al
Smith and Matthew Woll, vice-.president of the
A. F. of L., enlisted at a meeting of about 4,000
in the Hippodrome last week. The meeting,
prompted in the first place by Fathgr Curran of
the Catholic Truth Society and endorsed by Car-
-:dinal Hayes, Bishop Molloy of Brooklyn and
Archbishop Curley of Baltimore, secured the
support of the Protestant Episcopal Bishop of
Long Island, Dr. Sti"es, and Rabbi Landman of
Brooklyn. Bishop Manning sent a letter attack-
ing communism. Mr. Smith found reason for
solemn warning in the fact that in Russia a night
shirt costs two-thirds of a month's salary. He
made the point that this country, on the other

hand, offers opportunity for all and stamps on
its money 'In God We Trust.' "
Elsewhere in the Christian Century in this fur-
ther report of the meeting:
"At a great mass meeting at the Hippodrome,
in New York,;under the auspices of the American
Association Against Communism and the Inter-
national Truth Society (both Roman Catholic
organizations), Bherough President George U.
Harvey evoked great applause by stating ,that if
he cbontrolled the police he would 'rid the city of
communists in two weeks with the aid of a
liberal supply of rubber hose.' Father Curran,
the founder of both organizations, had a still
brighter idea. He would beat the communists by
peaceful measures if possible but-'if they want
it the way it is in Spain, we'll let them have it.'
And they say that fascism is. not a real canger!"

ful indication. Though cognizant of flaws in the
Child Labor legislation, he urges its passage, with
certain modifications, as the only way to elimi-
nate child labor. He adopts what seems to most
of us to be a sensible attitude toward what his
colleagues call the "red-serum of communism,"
when he says: "The only way to stem the tide
of communism in America is by adopting liberal
A second instance of the functioning of a
churchman in the liberal movement is Dr. Ed-
ward Blakeman. As religious counsellor to stu-
dents, Dr. Blakeman has been of invaluable aid
to the peace movement, the Spring Parley, and
the growth of the progressive group on the cam-
pus, and by so doing has convinced some of his
student associates that the worship of the Lord
is not inconsistent with straight thinking toward
amelioration of our earthly lot.
A third instance is the outstanding contribu-
tion to the cooperative movement, both student
and local, of Rev. H. L. Pickerell, of the Church
of Christ Disciples. It was with his invaluable
assistance that the cooperative rooming house
had its beginnings, and he is an officer in the
local cooperative enterprise.
A fourth instance is the work .of Rev. Harold
P. Marley. As head of the Washtenaw County
Conference for the Protection of Civil Rights,
as vigorous proponent of liberal legislation, vigi-
lant and untiring worker in defense of civil lib-
erties, and as organizer of the Unitarian's Liberal
Student Union, Reverend Marley has made the
Unitarian Church a center of activity in behalf of
true democracy. He has worked on the thesis
that there is a necessity for preserving human-
istic ideals from materialism on the one hand,
and from empty forms on the other. The neces-
sity of preserving these. humanistic ideals he con-
ceives to be the function of the church, and in
this case, the Unitarian Chuich.
It is evident, from the present contest for the
presidency of the American TWnitarian Associa-
tion, that there are many of his colleagues who
regard the church as a repository tradition, but
whether this indefatigable action on the pai't of
Reverend Marley be heresy or not, it has made
the Unitarian Church in Ann Arbor a genuine
force in our social thinking.
Needless to say, it would be a great loss to all
of us if this policy were to be changeu, and par-
ticularly to the church itself, for Reverend Mar-
ley has answered in the affirmative the question:
Can the church become a more democratic in-
stitution to the end of promoting advanced
democratic ideals?




Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion o "Ihe
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
inportance and interest to the campus.

BENEATH * ** *
'ROUBLE has broken out in the State Street
front again. The long-standing feud be-
tween the Beta's and the Chi Psi Lodgemen
flamed anew yesterday afternoon when old scars
were ripped open by a Beta sniper who used Rum,
giant Chi Psi mascot, as a target for his unusually
accurate BB gun.
The Chi Psi's retaliated when an advance
guard led by Bob Isgrig and Jack Otte gained
partial revenge by hurling a brick through th
window of the Beta dining room.
The Lodgemen, according to their own story,
were quietly pitching horseshoes in the backyard
when the pings of a BB gun began to plunk well
placed shots uncomfortably close to various un-
protected parts of their anatomy.
The enemy sniper then nailed Joe Bartley
with a well-directed shot and drew from the Chi
Psi's a volley of rocks and verbal warnings. Thus
incited, the gunman turned his attention to the
huge Great Dane which is the pride and joy of
all Lodge." brothers. Rum, hit several times, re-
tired from the scene of action but not so his
A sally was made into the Beta yard, the up-
shot of which was a brick heaved full through
a large window of Old Beta Theta Pi. The Chi
Psi's, in a statement to the press, charged the
Beta's with cruelty and the indiscriminate firing
of a dangerous weapon.
Upon being called on to explain themselves,
prominent zpembers of the Beta house waxed hot
with wrath, and hurled counter accusations
which bared the facts of a long inter-house feud.
The Chi Psi's, say the descendants of the
famous Tennesseean, started the whole thing be-
fore Christmas when they sallied forth one night
and ripped the railing off the Beta front porch.
Not to be thus easily vanquished, the Beta's
staged a counter raid and succeeded in twisting
the iron railing of the Chi Psi's establishment
until it faintly resembled a pretzel.
Thus were the seeds of bitterness sown. Later
in the winter a snow ball fight between members
of both houses resulted in a noticeable rise in the
price of window panes and some very discon-
certing drafts which the wind whipped through
the "creaky old Beta Barn," as the Chi Psi's
termed it.
The loss of Heine, large and somewhat war-
like Beta police dog after he had bitten the
judge's daughter, also heaped coal oi the flames.
The Beta's claim that now Rum, without Heine
to bother him, has taken on airs, and is becom-
ing unbearable. They consider yesterday's at-
tack adequately justified by the past conduct
of the Lodge Brothers, saying that if Rum wants
to eat out of their garbage can, they can pepper
him with BB's whenever they want.
The Chi Psi's are busy collecting bricks.
"WE HAVE DECIDED not to comment," was
the attitude of the Mosher-Jordan girls last
night after Wednesday morning's Daily carried
Fred A. Thomson's letter, protesting against
what he called a "cleansing" of the dormitory in
regard to a display of affection on the part of in-
mates and their male callers.
Beth Turnbull, past president of Jordan,
though at first declining to talk, stated later
that "she didn't care what the campus thought"
as long as Thomson was shown the error of his
Beth, apparently very indignant over the whole
affair, said that the matter had been explained
to Thompson, and that many of his statements
were shown to be untrue.
Thomson. High officials denied the existence
Jordan Hall last night, reiterated the stand he
took in Wednesday mornin's Daily.
To him, he explained, the whole idea is that
by stringent enforcement of rules against a dis-
play of affection on the part of dormitory girls,
the wrong social attitude is inculcated in the
minds of the girls themselves. He believes the
system breeds a sense of false values.
Generalt opinion appeared to be regimented in
both dormitories and aligned squarely against

Thompson. High officials denied the existence
of any anti-necking campaign, and general dor-
mitory opinion had it that mild displays of af-
fection were permissable..
The girls appeared to resent insinuations con-
cerning too ardent love-making 011 the part of
some of their number, but at the same time were
going to take steps to see that it immediately
It was also revealed last night that the girl
in the "test case" which Thomson used to il-
lustrate his argument, had been pardoned on
the grounds of ignorance of the' law, when her
case was reconsidered by the Jordan govern-
ing body.
* m* * *
SO THE SITUATION seems to boil down to this.
Thomson says there is a campaign against
necking, and many high student authorities deny
it. Thomson believes that the system is wrong,
and the dormitory people who will express
themselves, believe it is all right.
Thomson is for no restraint. Personally, I
think this notion, though perhaps a good theory,
is far from a sound practicability. Many girls,
and particularly freshmen, need a lot of mother-
infi when they come to college and certainly the
University would be grossly negligent if it did
not afford the protection of sane house rules to
these women.
If the rules are enforced reasonably and with
tact, and apparently the girls themselves think
they ar~e, it seems to me that a delicate situation
is being handled very nicely and that the best
thing to do is to let well enough alone and thank
the Lord that matters are not far worse than
4L, .. ..,.

York Times, Brooks Atkinson,
once said, in passing, that he knew
aothing of the theatre west of Eighth
Avenue except when he strayed over
o the Martin Beck Theatre. That
excuses, I suppose, errors on the the-
atre page when events in the prov-
inces are discussed. As for example
:he other day when it was stated that
the Hedgerow Players, the coopera-
tive organization directed by Jasper
Deeter, would soon present Lennox
Robinson's The Round Table for the
first time in America.
However, Play Production did it
for three performances at the Men-
delssohn on November 24, 25, and
28, 1933. A photograph from the
thiird act was published'on page 502
of Theatre Arts Monthly for July,
1934 and duly indexed in the 1934
volume. It has also been produced
oy the drama school of The Carnegie
Institute of Technology.
Perhaps the Times may be further
excused its error on the basis of a
distinction between professional and
amateur. But this department, if it
recognizes two kinds of theatre, does
not make the distinction on that
basis, but on the basis of good theatre
and bad theatre.
the Mendelssohn the Cercle Fran-
:ais will have its annual production.
This year it will consist of three one-
act plays. There is further departure
rom the usual in that one of them.
Un Client Serieux, vwill be acted by
faculty of the Romance Languages
In the cast will be Prof. Edward
Adams, Prof. William McLaughlin
Prof. Phillip Bursley, Prof. Marc Den-
kinger, Prof. Charles Knudson, Prof.
Herbert Kenyon, Prof. Emeritus Ar-
thur Confield, Mr. Charles Koelia.
Mr. Francis Gravit, and Mr. Harry
Skornia. The play, by Georges Cour-
teline, is a present-day, Parisien.
slangy, farce satire on police court
The other plays on the bill are La
Farce du Cunier a medieval farce
about husband, wife, mother-in-law;
and L'Ecole des Belles-Mere by Eu-
gene Brieux. The program is undel
the supervision of Prof. Rend Tala-
Inon. La Farce du Cunier will be di-
rected by Mr. James O'Neill.
A PLAY CONTEST which you can
just make if you mail a manu-
script today is the one annually spon-
sored by the New Theatre League
They want plays "dealing with th
problem of American Youth today.'
Also, they say: "We are anxious tc
have the subject matter of the play
treated primarily in human and per-
sonal terms, preferably demonstrat-
ing how the problems of many yoin
people affect the individual. Nor un
we interested solely in the straight
realistic drama. Fantasy, poetic
drama, comedy, farce or satire espe-
cially-in fact, an imaginative treat-
ment of the subject is welcome in thi
contest. Plays are to be 15 to 30 min-
utes in length."
There are other conditions such a:
simple stage requirements, option fo:
first performance (with royalty), per-
mission for the New Theatre Leagu
to act as agent. The judges are Mo11l
Day Thacher, playreader for th(
Group Theatre; Leopold Atlas, authoi
of But Feor the Grace of God; Len
Ward, executive director of the The-
atre Union and others. The easY
prize is $100.00. Enclose a twenty-
five cent registration fee and sent
your play to New Theatre League, 1lS
West 46th Street. The deadline i
May 1st.

usual interest to students is the
collegiate playwriting contest u nde
the joinzt sponsorship of the WPAt'
Federal Theatre and its newly formec
National Collegiate Advisory Commit-
tee. The contest is a feature of the
Committee's campaign to stimulate
student interest in the American
Any regularly enrolled student ir
an American college may submit ar
original full-length script. There is nc
restriction of theme but the direct
observation of contemporary Amer-
ican life will be preferred.
"A contestant can show what is
happening to people-all sorts of peo-
ple, in America today," VIrs. Hallie
Flanagan, national director of the
Federal Theatre Project, said.
"Not that the plays should be re-.
stricted to a study of the one third
of our nation which is ill-housed, ill-
clad, ill-nourished, through these
millions are so inescapably a part of
America today.. . Even more potent-
ly thecplays can concern themselves
with conditions back of the condi-
tions that have led to the denial of
the lowest standards of living to mil-
lions of people."
The Federal Theatre guarantees a
run of at least a week with the usual
WPA rental of $50 for the week.
Scripts should be sent to the Educa-
tion Section, Federal Theatre, 122
East 42nd Street, Nek York, before
September 1, 1937.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to an members of the
University. Copy received at the offce *1 the Assintazit to the Pre1i44Ylt
aat3 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Who Works For Whom?
To the Editor:
The curious illusion expressed in B. W.'s letter
that a demonstration against war is somehow
futile unless it is also a demonstration against
the university authorities is but an extreme case
of the misapprehension involved in the use of
"strike" for a student demonstration. There can
be no such thing as a "student strike." A strike
is, by all definition, an attempt to bring pres-
sure on some employer by refusing to work for
him. For whom are the students working? The
University? If so, instead of receiving student
fees the institution should be playing the stu-
dents wages for studying there. Strictly speak-
ing, the student is the employer and the uni-
versity "works for" him by providing the instruc-
tion which he desires.
If instead of using such dignified terms as
"teaching" and "instructing" we substitute such
commercial , equivalents as "tutoring" and
"coaching" his action might be sublime or it
might be ridiculous but it would be anything on
earth except a strike. Suppose a student attend-
ed a special class in dancing or in bridge and
then refused to move a foot or handle a card as
a protest against war (or Fascism or income tax
or measles or anything else he objected to),
his protest might be an effective demonstration
but in what sense would it be a strike? Merely
because teaching is on a large and public scale
does not altar the relationship of teacher and
I wish I could believe that the "student strike"
were merely a careless misuse of language de-
signed to capture publicity, but I fear the trouble
lies in the wrong attitude many students (some
of whom are not in the least likely to join in
peace demonstrations!) have towards a univer-
sity. Why is it, for example, that when a stu-
dent hires a private coach or tutor he is angry,
if the "man I pay to teach me" does not show
up on time, while if a regular professor or in-
structor bolts a class and gives an irregular holi-
day it is a cause for rejoicing? Why is it that a
student feels good and altruistic when he studies
hard, when he is merely being intelligently sel-
fish; why does he feel slyly wicked when he "gets
by" without studying, when he is. merely cheat-
ing himself out of the instruction he has paid
for? Why does he so commonly feel that dis-
honesty in work is a sin against the professor
(whose salary goes on just the same). instead of
against his own honor, intellectual integrity and
ultimate professional or commercial competence
which really are in jeopardy? Why is it "apple
polishing" to get the private consultation and
additional help outside the classroom which the
fee-paying student (or tax-paying parent) has
every right to demand?
Our universities would be really educational
institutions if the students could once and for
all rid themselves of the strange delusion that
they are laborers working for the faculty instead
of citizens enjoying the advantages of training
--r-virl fr } a b tu axn-v c o }h c}-

VOL. XLVII No. 148
tenArs Convocation: The Four-
teenth Annual Honors Covoation
of the University of Michigan will bex
heldt Friday, April 30 at 11 o'clock,
in Hill Auditorium. Classes, with the
exception of clinics, will be dismissed
at 10:45 a.m. Those students in
clinical classes who are receiving
honors at the Convocation will be
excused in order to attend. The fac-
ulty, seniors, and graduate students
are requested to wear academic cos-f
tume but there will be no procession.
Members of the faculty are asked toE
enter by the rear door of Hill Audi-
torium and proceed directly to the
stage, where arrangements have been
made for seating them. The public
is invited.j
Alexander G. Ruthven.I
Notice to Seniors, June Graduates,e
and Graduate Students: Please file
application for degrees or any spe-
cial certificates (i.e. Geology Certifi-
cate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) at
once if you expect to receive a de-
gree or certificate at commencement
in June. We cannot guarantee thatx
the University will confer a degree or
certificate at commencement upon
any student who fails to fie such ap-
plication before the close of business
on Wednesday, May 19. If applica-
tion is received later than May 19,
your degree or certificate may not bee
awarded until next fall.I
Candidates for degrees or certifi-
cates may fill out card at once at of-
fice of the secretary or recorder ofe
their own school or college (students
enrolled in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, College ofe
Architecture, School of Music, School
of Education, and School of Forestry
and Conservation, please note that
application blank may be obtained
and filed in the Registrar's Office,
Room 4, University Hala). All appli-l
cations for the Teacher's Certificate
should be made at the office of the1
School of Education.
Please do not delay until the last
day, as more than 2,500 diplomas and
certificates must be lettered, signed,
and sealed and we shall be greatly
helped in this work by the early filing
of applications and the resulting'
longer period for preparation.
The filing of these applications+
does not involve the payment of any.
fee whatsoever.
- Shirley W. Smith.
Attention, Faculty of Summer Ses-t
sion: Dluring the time of the School-
mnasters' Club conferences, (April 29,
30, May 1), there will be inquiries
'oncerning the work of' the coming
Summer Session. It is suggested that'
members of the faculty who will be on
;he staff during the summer post con-
3ultation hours at their offices.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeing of the Fac-
ulty of this College on Monelay, May
3, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348 West
Engineering Building. Agepdum:
2onsideration of panel procedure for
election of member to Executivea
Committee; report on new statement
of Nontechnical Electives; routine1
A. H. Lovell, Secretary.
Commencement Invitations: The
Invitations Committee in the various
schools have closed their orders as ofI
5 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Begin-
ning today and continuing until fur-
ther notice the sale of these official
Blass booklets and folders will be
handled by Burr, Patterson & Auld
company, 603 Church St. Samples1
will be provided by this company and
orders for any of the Senior class
booklets will be taken. All Seniors
who have not ordered' are urged to
do so without delay.
W. B3. Ra.

Aeronautical Engineering Students:
There will be available in the De-
partment of Aeronautical Engineer-
ing two Frank P. Sheehan Scholar-
ships and probably three assistant-
ships for the year 1937-38. These
scholarships and assistantships are
in general restricted to upper class-
men and graduate students and the
selection is made very largely on the
basis of scholastic standing.'
Applications for these positions will
be received up to May 12, 1937. Stu-
dents wishing to make application
should address them to Prof. M. J.
Thompson, B-47 East Engineering
Building, and should give a brief
statement of their qualifications and
experience in regard to both their
scholastic work and any outside ex-
perience that they may have had. A
statement should also be made giving
their plans for further study in Aero-
nautical Engineering.
Applications may be made for both
they scholarships and the assistant-
Senior and Graduate Aeronautical
Engineers: An announcement is post-
ed on the Aeronautical Engineering
Bulletin Board which is concerned

Rental and deposit charges are neces-
sary. They may be kept through
Engineering Council.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcements of Unit-
ed States Civil Service Examinations
for Senior Marine Engineer, Quarter-
master Corps, War Department, sal-
ary, $4,600; for examiner, estate tax
(internal revenue agent), treasury
department, salary, $3,200; also for
marketing specialist and production
adviser (Indian Arts and Crafts,) De-
partment of the Interior, salary, $2,-
600 to $3,200.gFor further informa-
tion concerning these examinations
call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours,
9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m.
Academic Notices
.Speech 31: Mr. Shoberg's 9 o'clock
and 10 o'clock sections of Spech 31
will not meet on Friday, April 30.
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
University Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
in the Burton Memorial Tower to-
day at 4:15 p.m.
The Deutscher Verein presents the
last' of a series of lectures today at
4:15 p.m. in Room 2003 AngellHall.
Prof. H. W. Nordmeyer will speak on
"Omar Khayyam and Faust." The
lecture is open to all who are interest-
Theosophical Lecture: Dr. B. Jim-
enez will speak on "Reincarnation in
the Light of Heredity." The lecture
deals with reincarnation in a new
way and shows its relationship to
heredity. It is sponsored by the
Student Theopsophical Club and the
local branch of The Theosophical
Society in America. The lectue will
be given at the Michigan League'
Chapel, 8 p.m., Friday, April 30.i
An exhibition of paintings by Mar-
garet Bradfield and Mina Winslow
is being held in Alumni Memorial
Hall through May 5, 2 to 5 p.m. Sun-
days, under the auspices of the Ann
Arbor Art Association.
The 1937 Dramtic Season: Dur-
ing the funeral services for Mrs. W.
D. Henderson this afternoon, the
Garden Room of the Michigan
League building will be closed today
from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The sale of
Season Tickets for the 1937 Drama-
tic Season will continue thereafter,
and daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. in
the Garden Room, excluding Sun-
Jujiir Mathematical Society: The
April meeting will take place today
in Room 3201 Angell Hall at 7:30
p.m. Dr. Ralph Hull of the Math-
ematics Department will speak on
"Extensions of Ordinary Algebra."
Refreshments will be served after the
StaffY Meeting, Department of
Mathematics: There will be a meet-
ing of the staff of the Depart ment of
Mathematics this afternoon. Those
interested in the teaching of mathe-
matics in the College of Engineering
will meet at 3 p.m. for the discussion
of matters of particular interest to
this group. A similar meeting for
the group interested in teaching in
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts will begin at 4 p.m. The
meetings will be held in 3201 Angell

Scandinavian Qlizb: The Scandi-
navian Club will meet at 8 p.m. today
at the Union to discuss plans for a
picnic and a program. The room
number will be posted on the Union
bulletin board.
Aeronautical Enginieers, I Ae.S.:
The first annual dinner meeting of
the University of Michigan Student
Section of the Institute of the Aero-
nautical Sciences will be held this
evening at the Michigan Union at
6:30 p.m. T. P. Wright of the Cur-
tiss-Wright Corporation, a national
officer of the Institute, will be the
speaker of the evening. His talk
will be, "Aeronautics--A Brief Sur-
Anyone interested is invited to at-
tend, and tickets for the dinner
should be purchased as soon as pos-
sible from any of the local officers.
Geology Field Courses in Colorado:
All students planning to take the
field courses at State Bridge, Colo.,
this summer are requested to meet
in Room 3065 at 7:30 p.m. today.
Information regarding the work at
the field station will be given. Mr.
Rigg, president of Sigma Gamma
Epsilon, a national geological frater-
nity, will give a student's impression


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