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March 13, 1937 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-13

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Crease Dance I ill Be April 2; Red Norvo To Play For Slide Rule

e Dance

Law Club Ball
Are Appointed:
Spangenberg And Forshee
Are Co-Chairmen; 'Raw
Review' To Be Edited
Crease dance, annual lawyers for-
mal, will be held from 9:30 p.m. to
1 a.m. Friday, April 2, in the lounge
of the Lawyer's Club. La Mar For-
shee, '37L and Craig Spangenberg,
'37L, have been named co-chairmen
of the dance.
"Raw Review," the "scoop" paper
which will be circulated among those
attendling the affair, is to be edited
this year by Spangenberg. Lewis
Kearns, '37L, will have charge of the
music, and Harvey Scholten, '37L,
has been named chairman of the
ticket committee. Philip Hart, '37L,
and Bernard KQnopka, '37L will lead
the finance and decoration com~mit-
tees respectively.
Robert Hogueland, '37L, is in
charge of the list of patrons and pa-
tronesses and Rowe Balmer, '37L,
has been selected as chairman of the
refreshments. The committee for
invitations will be headed by Lloyd
Parr, '37L, accordin gto Mr. Forshee.
Other committeemen who will as-
sist with preparations for the "Raw
Review" and for the dance are Henry
Halliday, Jack White, Robert A.
Johnson, Louis Coffman and Wilfred
Bassett, all '37L.
The "Raw Review," Mr. Spangen-
burg announced, will consist of 28
pages as compared with the eight
pages offered in last year's paper. It
will contain over four pages of fac-
ulty caricatures and additional news
features and will be in a form suit-
able for mounting.
The name of the band to play for
the dance will not be announced un-
til the first of next week, Forshee
stated. Last year the music for the
affair was furnished by DickrFid-
dler's band.


Plays Role In J.G.P.

Date Of Ticket
Sale For Ball
Is Announced

Engineers To Hold
Felling For Two
Open Sale Starts


-By Daily Staff Photographer.
Harriet Shackleton, '38, will play
Katinka, one of the leading roles
in "Feather In His Cap," the Junior
Girls' play.
Annual Frosh
Frolic Attracts
Large Crowd
More Than 400 Couples
Attend; Suzanne Wells
Seer In Silk ffeta
Four hundred couples attended the
annual Frosh Frolic which took place
from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. yesterday
in the Union Ballroom.
Suzanne Wells, '40, the guest of
Rpbert. Mix, general chairman, wore
a flowered silk taffeta of rose and
green with a white background. She
chose green for her accessories. Al-
berta Wood, patrons chairman, at-
tended with Paul Park, '40. Miss
Wood wore white satin with all white
Herbert Sott, decorations chairman
had as his guest Ruth Pollack, who
chose black taffeta with red buttons
down the neck. The dress was fitted
on the top and had a full skirt.
Janet Ladd, chairman of programs,
wore a rose taffeta formal, trimmed
in wine velvet. Miss Ladd was with
John Gelder,-'40.
Florence Brotherton, '40, attended
with Robert Goodyear, ticket chair-r
man. Miss Brotherton picked a print-
ed chlfon with a full skirt. Betty
Jane Johns, '40SM, wearing a tur-
quoise blue gown with accordion
pleats, was seen with Kenneth Meyer,
finance chairman.
Mary Ann Young, '40A, attended
the dance with Matthew Rea, pub-
licity chairman. Miss Young chose
a dress of blue chiffon.

Red Norvo and his orchestra have
been secured to play for the eighth
annial Slide Rule Dance to be given
by the engineering school, Friday,
April 2, it was announced late yes-
terday by Hillard Sutin, '37E, chair-
man of the orchestra committee for
the affair.
Norvo, who will come from the
Blackhawk Restaurant in Chicago
where he has been playing rqcently,
will also bring Mildred Bailey, who
is conceded by many to be the best
woman vocalist in the country, and
who is featured with his orchestra.
Previous to his Blackhawk engage-
ment, Norvo played at the Hickory
House in New York. Among his
featured entertainers are Herbie Hay-
mer, tenor saxophonist and Stew
Pletcher, trumpetist. Norvo himself
plays the xylophone as well as lead-
ing the orchestra.
The ticket sale will not begin
until Wednesday and tickets will be
on sale only for Engineers for the
first two days after which they will
go on general campus ale it was an-
noupeed yesterday by George Allen,
'37E, ticket chairman of the dance.
They will be priced at $3 and may
be purchased on the second floor of
the West Engineering Building or
from members of the central com-
mittee for the dance.
Plans for the program and for the
decorations will be announced late
next week by committee members.
Five Teams Enter
Bowlers Tourney
Five teams have entered the wom-
en's bowling tournament, according
to Miss Dorothy Beise, instructor in
the physical education department
for women. The teams have been or-
ganized into two leagues, and will
play a round robin tournament to de-
termine the winner of each league.
Each team will bowl one match
each week, the team having the high-
est score for three games winning
the match. The first matches are
League I: Weiss vs. Kappa Alpha
Theta; eestsy Barbour I vs. Kappa
Alpha Theta; and Weiss vs. Betsy
Barbour I. League II: Robson vs.
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Betsy Bar-
bour II vs..Kappa Kappa Gamma,
and Robson vs. Betsy Barbour II.
Kappa Delta will hold a closed in-
formal dance fromp 9 to 12 p.m. today.
The chaperons will be Mr. and M s
Leon A. Makielski and Mr. and Mrs.
F. A. Heller, according to Elinor
Clark, '38, chairman of the affair.
Eighteen out of 39 newspapers pub-
lished in the colonies during the
years 1775-80 had the word "Gazette"
in their title.

Badminton Practice
Hours Announced
The hours du ing which recrea-
tional badminton can be played at
Barbour Gymnasium were announced
yesterday by Miss Marie Hartwig, in-
structor in the department of phys-
ical education for women.
Women students may play from
7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Monday. From 8:00
to 10:00 p.m. Tuesday, the gymna-
sium will be open to the faculty.
From 9:30 to 10:30 p.m., Wednesday,
both men and women students may
The gymnasium hours are from
1:30 to 5:30 p.m., Friday for women
students. From 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.,
Friday and from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m.,
Saturday, both faculty and students
may play.
Last Petitioning
For '40 Project
To Close Today.
Interviewing Will Be Held
Monday And Wednesday
By JudiciaryCouncil
Today is the last day when peti-
lions for central committee positions
for Freshman Project will be accept-
ed, according to Maryanna Chockley,
'37, head of Judiciary Council.
Interviewing of all applicants will
be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Monday
and from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday
in the undergraduate office of the
The positions open for petitioning
a e those of general chairman, assis-
tant chairman and heads of the en-
tertainment, publicity, program, cos-
tume, ticket, patron, finance and
decorations committees.
One person for each position is
recommended by Judiciary Council
to the Undergraduate Council for
final action. The names of those
selected for the offices will be an-
nounced at the Installation Banquet
which will be held March 22 in the
League Ballroom.
All freshman women who have no
grade below a C and one grade of A or
B are eligible to petition. Applica-
tion blanks are available in the un-
dergraduate office.
The central committee determines
the theme of the project, which will
be held later this spring, and works
out the details of production. Colored
motion pictures of last year's project
were exhibited at the freshman mass
meeting held in January to acquaint
the first year women with the extra-
curricular activities open to them.
Delta Gamma announces the pledg-
ing of Ruth Hatfield, '40, of Chicago.
All mares and models,
Bought, Sold, Rented,
Exchanged, Repaired.
0. D. Morrill

List Of Patrons
Is Announced
By J.G.P. Head
Wednesday Performancel
Of Annual Play Will Be
For Senior Women Only.
The list of patrons for the 1937
Junior Girls Play, "Feather In His
Cap," was announced yesterday by
Margaret Ann Ayers, assistant gen-
eral chairman of the production.
The list includes President and Mrs.
Ruthven, Regent Esther Cram and1
Mr. Leroy Cram, Dean and Mrs. Jo-
seph A. Bursley, Dean and Mrs. Wil-
ber R. Humphreys, Dean and Mrs.
Edward H. Kraus, Dean and Mrs.
Walter B. Rea, Dean Alice C. Lloyd,
Dr. Margaret Bell and Prof. and
Mrs. Phillip Bursley.
Prof. and Mrs. Herbert Kenyon,
Mrs. Byrl Bacher, Miss Jeanette
Perry, Miss Ethel McCormick, Mr.
Valentine Windt, Mr. and Mrs. Stan-
ley Waltz, Mr. and Mrs. George Stan-
ley, Mrs. Beach Conger, Miss Laurie
Campbell and Miss Marian Durell.
The play opens Wednesday night
with an initial performance exclu-
sively for senior women. It will fol-
low Senior Supper, an annual event
that is given by the central commit-
tee of the preceding year's Junior
Girls Play. Edith Zerbe, '37, has
charge of the supper this year.
The production will run for three
nights following the opening per-
formance. Ther will be no matinees
this year.
Tickets are scheduled Vo sell at
50c, 75c and $1. All seats are re-
served, but tickets that may be ex-
changed for reserve seats on the
nights desired are available now, ac-
cording to Janet Allington, chairman
of the ticket committee.
Alumnae House will hold a costume
party at 5:30 p.m. today in the form
of a buffet supper. Grace Wilson,.
'39SM, is in charge of the program.

Remember when you first pranced
down the street in your new Sunday
best navy blue coat and your wide-
brimmed Milan straw hat with the
huge streamer? That same young
and pert feeling has been caught in
this spring's coats.
Not borrowing any of the sophis-
tication or severe tailored lines of
fur trimmed coats and two-piece
suits, the dressmaker coat achieves
a distinction all its own.
Reefer Is Popular
The reefer, with its traditional
four pockets and wide lapels appears
to be the most popular style in both
swagger and fitted models. Scotch
plaid is used on one coat in which
a tucked waistline emphasizes the
full skirt and broad mannish shoul-
Another reefer places all of its but-
tons above the waist, creating a high,
soft neckline. The front of the skirt
is straight while the back has an in-
verted pleat which is narrow at the
waist and ends at the bottom of the
skirt in a wide flair. A dusty orange
is the color used for a reefer which
tucks the stiff lapels under to soften
the neckline.
Large Lapels Used
A particularly charming coat in
navy has red-rimmed buttons, the
largest lapels that you've ever seen
that cover the shoulder, and inverted
gores carried up the back to the
Two unusual coats come in pearl
grey; one is trimmed with black
leather binding along the lapels and
pockets, the other boasts a collar
and buttons of velvet.
Some of the plainer coats use the'
203 East Liberty Phone 2-2973
Flowers for All Occasions

straight back and front fullness, ac-
.centuated by wide belts. Buttons
from neck to waist, and lapels are
both used with this front fullness
Waistline Emphasized
The "ballerina" model is one of
theymost extreme of the season. This
coat flaunts a widely flared, knee-
length skirt, and very full shoul-
ders. Gores are used to emphasize
the slender waistline of the style.
If you want a costume of distinc-
tion for your "best" outfit, ne that
is dressy without being "fu y," try-
these new dressmaker coats which
are the perfect complement to any
print dress.
A dressy spring coat is made in the
dirndl style that has been featured
in many dresses this season. The
coat is made of beige wool and is
closed with a narrow belt of the same
material. A large collar. of wolf
frames the face.
Sigma Nu announces the pledging
of Thomas Kane, '40, of Niles.
The thirty-two months' course,
providing an intensive and var-
ied experience through the case
study method, leads to the de-
gree of
*Master of Nursing
A Bachelor's degree in arts, sci-
ence or philosophy from a college
of approved standing is required
for admission. For catalogue
and information address:
New Haven Connecticut

Pert Feeling Of Childhood Days
Caught In This Spring's Coat


Ailnoupeements for four, fraternity
and sorority initiations to be held this
afternoon and one held earlier this
week were made yesterday.
Collegial, Sorosis
Cqllegiate Sorosis will initiate the
fololwing this afternoon: Elizabeth
Allington, '40, Mary Blodgett, '39,
Carol Collins, '39, Mary Gage, '40,
Pattie Haislip, '40, Joan Hanson '40,
Marfietta Killian, '39A, Julia King,
'40, Nina McLellan, '40, Marguerite
Richter, '40, Alice Stevenson, '40 and
Elizabeth Titus, '40.
Delta Delta Delta
Delta Delta Delta will initiate the
following this afternoon: Ruth Bry-
ant, '40, Phyllis Cannon, '40, Hazel
De Gr.oot, '38, Jane Elspass, '40,
Frances Everard, '39, Marion Flem-
ing, '40, Frances Giesecke, '39.A, Car-
melita Hatch, '40, Gertrude Hyde,
'40, Lois Longan, '40.
Mary Louise McNeil, '39, Mary
Margaret Meloche, '40, Audrey Nis-
son, '40, Betty J. Petrash, '39, Hope
Petrouleas, '39, Anna Platt, '40, Mar-
ian Price, '40, Ruth Smith, '40, El-
inor Somerville '38 and Mary Sud-
hoff, '38Ed.
Delta Kappa Epsilon
Delta Kappa Epsilon will initiate
the following this afternoon: Wil-
liam Canfield, '40; Armin Darm-
staetter, '39; Wilbur Davidson, '40;
William Delbridge, '40; James Grace,
'40; Jerome Hart, '40E; Charles Ho-
'40, Jerome Hart, '40E; Charles
Hohman, '39; Guy Howard, '40; Wil-
lis Long, '40; Walter Meyn, '40; Don-
ald Savage, '40.
Delta Tau Delta
Delta Tau Delta fraternity will
hold initiation services for the follow-
ing this afternoon: Mark Beach, '38;
Donald Belden, '39E; John Camp-
bell, '39; Augustus Dannemiller, '40;
Henry Dighton, '40; Jack Erickson,
'40; Charles Hedges, '40E; Benja-
min Jones, '40E; H. Freeman Lath-
rop, '38F&C; Dale McAfee, '38; John
McAllister, '40; Gustavus Miller, '40;
Arthur Moss, '40E; Rudolph Van
Dyke, Spec.; Carl Wheeler, '40; Erle
Whetsell, '39E.1
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Alpha Epsilon initiated the
following men recently: Paul Brick-
ley, '39, Nickerson Hinckley, '40E,
Laurence Thomas, '40, Harold Twy-
man,''38E and Robert Vandenburg,
Amelia Earhart To Start
On Flight Across World
OAKTAND. Calif. Marh 12.--P)

Ii- ii




Man, whom

philosophers term incurably religious, needs worship.

Masonic Temple, at 327 South Fourth Ave.
Rev. W. P. Lemon, Minister
Miss Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistant.
10:45 a.m.-"For God-Confidence."
Fifth of a Lenten series on "Letters on Life"
Sermon by the Minister.
Student choir and double quartette.
5:30 p.m. - Westminster Guild, student
group. Supper and social hour followed by
the meeting at 6:30. Subject: "The Lenten
Mood." Presented through readings from
the classics.
South Fourth Avenue,anear Packard
Rev. T. R. Schmale, Pastor
9:00 a.m. - Early Service (conducted in
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School.
10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship and presen-
tation of the Confirmation Class.
Sermon Topic: Our Interest in God's Word
7:00 p.m.-Young People's League
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. - Lenten Service.
Sermon Topic: The Voice from the Cross.
6. "It Is Finished."
Crun- ar W mehnfynn .nd VfthA

Oakland and East University.
DIr. Bernard Heller, Director.
Sunday School -10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.- Dr. Heller's Class.
2;30 p.m. - Pop Concert.
8:00 p.m. - Open House.
Student Symposium
(Missouri Synod)
Cor. Third and Liberty Streets
Carl A. Bauer, Minister
10:45 a.m. - Sermon,
409 South Division
Reading Room, 206 East Liberty
Services Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
Corner State and Washington Streets
Rev. Charles W. Brashares. Minister
9:45 a.m. -Student Class on "Certain
Shifts in Religious Emphasis" led by Dr.
G. E. Carrothers.
10:30 a.m. - Ten minute service of worship
through music and meditation. Mr. Achilles




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