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March 13, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-13

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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
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National AdvertisingService,Inc.
4 CollegePablishers ReYresestatipe
Board of Editors
'eorge Ancros Jewel 'Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departiental Boards
Publication Department:: Bfle A. Pierce,. Chairman;
James Boozer Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes,Ture
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, Willam E. Shacketon Irving S. Silver-
" tmanWillam:Spaler, Richard .Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, .Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman;'Fred
DeLano and Pred Buesser, associates; 'Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Wometi's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Eliabeth -Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen; Tracy
Buckwalter, Marshal Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newman, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe,
Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes.
Women'sE Busness Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane
Steiner, Nancy 'Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty
Davy, Helen Pury. Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
ional Advertising andCirculation Manager; Don ;J.
lsher Contracts Manager: Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified !Advertising Manager.
The Child-Labor
Amendmet S
an overwhelming vote refused
to ratify the Child-Labor amendment Tuesday.
Not a small part of the reason why the New York
Assembly voted the amendment down is the
militant opposition of Patrick Cardinal Hayes,
of the Roman .,Catholic Arch-Diocese of New
Cardinal Hayes, March 1, sent an episcopal let-
ter to every Catholic church in New York and vi-
cinity. The letter was read in every Mass that
Sunday. Names of the local Assemblymen to
whom parishoners were requested to write urg-
ng against ratification were given from the
altar. Form cards were distributed in some
churches, even pencils furnished.
Cardinal Hayes' arguments against the amend-
ment, paraphrased, are as -follows: Too much
power is given to Congress, thus infringing on
the sacred right of parents to guide the destinies
of their offspring; .the states are better able to
cope with child-labor, because they are in closer
touch with local conditions.
The first objection implies that Congress will
step in aid interfere with every minute action
of children in the household and ol the farm.
The second argument is the old states' rights
theory: Congress would infringe on the right of
the states which are the agencies that should
control child-labor, if child-labor must be. con-
trolled by any government.
The fact that the states themselves have not
seriously violated parental rights in regard to
education and have not abolished parochial
schools (a fact which is of no little considera-
tion to Cardinal Hayes) in their regulatory func-
tions ought to be enough to calm the Cardinal.
Some clues as to how Congress would act
with regard to parental rights may be seen in
the child-labor act of 1916. It prohibited inter-
state shipment of goods on which children
under sixteen working in mines and quarries had
been employed, on which children working in
workshops and factories had been employed, on

which children from fourteen to sixteen had been
employed for more than eight hours a day or
six days a week.
The NRA codes prohibited employment of chil-.
dren under sixteen in industry and trade with
exceptions: children might work three hours a
day outside school hours in certain group or re-
tail trades, motion pictures, radio and broad-
casting, newspapers and periodical publishing.-
These restrictions do not seem excessive.
Cardinal Hayes suggests that parents can ef-
fectively prevent child-labor. But the sordid his-
tory of the employment of children in industry
belies this theory..
Child-labor in America has been an ugly com-
panion of industrial development since the early
part of the nineteenth century. According to
the 1820 Digest of Manufacturers, children at

did ont begin till after April 1, the date on
The fact that the stateshave not met this
which the Census was taken.
What restrictions that have been imposed on
child-labor have been for other reasons than
parental willingness. Compulsory education
laws, and the desire to secure more employment
for adultsat better wages are the causes for
the fact that more children are not employed
How responsive the states have been to the
pressing need may be seen in the following fig-
ures taken from the January issue of the Survey-
Nine states through exemptions in their laws
still permit children under fourteen to work in
industry during school hours; seven states permit
children between fourteen and sixteen to work
nine to eleven hours a day; ten states allow
children in this age group to work until 8 p.m.
or later.
Thirty-two states have almost no regulation
of employment in hazardous occupations of six-
teen and seventeen-year-olds.
The fact that the states have not met this
problem in the century and more in which it has
grown acute is enough to answer any theory
that child-labor regulation be left to the states.
And what are the facts of child labor now?
Since the NRA was outlawed, the employment
of children has increased greatly all over the
nation. Figures of the 1936 report of the U.S.
Children's Bureau show that in ten states and
the District of Columbia and ninety-eight cities
in other states, there has been an increase of
150 per cent in the number of fourteen and
fifteen-year-olds taking out first working papers.
In the seven months after the labor codes of
the NRA were nullified, fifty-five per cent more
children left school than in the whole year of
Child-labor increase has occurred mostly in
the "sweated industries" such as needle-trades,
paper box, barrel, basket industries, canning,
laundry enterprises. Boys of ten work in the
lumber mills, logging in the treacherous swamps.
The sugar -beet industries of the West where
poverty is so great that almost every child above
eight is sent to work in the fields has had -a
lot to do with the increase. Wages average from
three to five cents an hour. A twelve-hour day
is the rule. Illiterate, many of them, undernour-
ished, school is a luxury of which they have
tasted little.
All these figures merely emphasize theneces-
sity for federal regulation of child-labor. It is a
national problem and as such can only be ade-
quately coped with by the nation as a whole,
Forty-eight different states have failed miser-
ably to secure to every child the right of living
in proper environments, the right to an educa-
tion, and the freedom to develop into worthy
citizens. Must we wait another hundred years
for some will-o'-wisp hope that eventually the
states will handle the problem? The time to
act is now, the means by which to act,the
Letters published in this column should not be
construedras expressing the editorial opinion of 'he
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the critera of general 'editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Guilds And Newspaper Practices
To the Editor:
A great failing among young people today is
their unwillingness to start at the bottom and
work up, according to Daily reports of the occu-
pational guidance lectures and of the remarks of
the editor of the Detroit News to Daily workers
and journalism students Thursday evening. Each
young person is, they said, self-admittedly- the
rule's exception.
From the letter's remarks, it might-be judged,
however, that newspaper owners and editors have
not gotten far beyond young persons in believing
themselves exceptions to several standard prac-
tices. Such as:
1. The organizing of editorial workers into
a guild has some features, the Detroit News editor
remarked, "that just won't work. You can't

standardize brains andtability andtofscourse that
is what all unions try to do." Is this editor not
inconsistent, then, in backing so vigorously civil
service for Michigan state government? The
classifying of government duties as to difficulty
and responsibility and applying a wage to each
classification, are key features of civil service
and industrial personnel practice. Is it because
civil service would save the "peepul's" money that
he backs the program? Why shouldn't news-
papers likewise install a personnel arrangement
allowing their editorial people to save more of
their money wages? But newspapers are the ex-
ception, it seems.
2. It is sound business, he advocated, for a
group of newspapers to purchase co-operatively
their paper stock, cartoons, cooking recipes and
other features produced by labor. But attempts
of their editorial workers to use collective bar-
gaining for their (the workers') labor is de-
nounced as coercion and demands for control
of the property.
3. It is progressive journalism, so he claimed,
for a paper to send a man to Russia to ferret
outtthe information for readers sitting in arm-
chairs at home, that the Russian government
wines and dines its visitors in style while in the
back alleys workers fight over garbage. How
many Detroit papers have been progressive
enough to show that visitors are shown the glossy
surface of the industries there but are not told
of the killing speed-up system and the long
months of lay-offs that keep the workers' annual
income so low?
4. Something for newspapers to support is the
plan for public schools devoting more time to
training the young people in manual skills and

#~#*** IT ALL
"rBy Bonth Williams a.
CHICAGO, March 12.-Safely settled in a five-
room apartment in the Windemere here, The
Daily's Chicago correspondents have spent the
last hour and a half trying to get out of a
tunnel underneath the Chicago River and find
the University of Chicago field house.
Corny Beukema, ex-famous Ann Arbor corre-
spondent and now on the sports staff of the Chi-
cago Tribune, popped his head out of the Tribune
tower long enough to promise an introduction to
Arch Ward at midnight and extended his best
to Art Van Duren and Phil Diamond, his old
Ann Arbor cronies.
In a city suddenly hit by a penetrating cold
wave, a galaxy of sit-down strikes and a taxicab
war, the death of J.J. O'Brien, assistant Notre
Dame coach, came as an added blow.
In today's Chicago American Notre Dame is
brought close to Michigan once again by sports
columnist John Carmichael who predicts that
from tackle to tackle next year Harry Kipke's
gridders will be playing the Notre Dame brand
of football. And from authoritative sources
comes the definite statement that it was Harry
Salsinger, sports editor of the Detroit News
who was largely responsible for Hunk Anderson's
selection as head line coach of the Wolverines.
-Salsinger, who for 25 years has been writing
the "eventful stories of major sporting events
the country over, told Kip that in his opinion,
I Anderson was the outstanding line coach in the
The Daily correspondents would like to extend
an invitation to all their friends to visit them
over the week-end. The hotel was so full
that the management had to turn over a fur-
nished apartment with sleeping accommodations
for five, plus a fully-equipped kitchen.
The preliminaries of the Conference are be-
ing watched by a mere handful of spectators
here in the field house, about the same num-
ber which ordinarily attend a third rate wres-
tling meet in Ann Arbor.
Jimm.y Kingsley, sitting beside me as Howdie
Davidson qualifies for the half, is checking up
on points with Harrison Church, track man-
ager. Charlie Hoyt has made it Church's job
to see that every Wolverine trackster is in
bed by 10 p.m.
Kingsley and the rest of the Michigan squad
are lounging around the track here, watching the
half and quarter milers go through their paces
in the first trials of the Conference meet. They
will see no more action until tomorrow after-
ADD'BENEATH IT ALL: Homer Lathrop, now
distinguished member of Alpha Delta Phi,
has been so galled by the chiding of his friends
that he now spends a considerable portion of
each afternoon cutting down his tummy on the
squash courts . . . The percent of take' on a
baffle board and your chances of winning more
than"a fleeting thrill can be readily calculated
when you know that the average pin game costs
$125. The fact that it tkes 2,500 nickels to pay
for one of these machines, and that many stores
depend upon them to pay rent and light bills,
indicates pretty clearly that they are not gam-
bling. You haven't got a chance . . . If Union
plans work out as expected, outstanding high
school students from all over the state will be
invited here over the Michigras week-end to
get an idea of real college life .. . Plans to move
the Senior Ball from its traditional Commence-
ment Week setting are being considered because
of, the impossibility of securing the Union for
any night that week. Why not throw it in some
less common spot during Commencement Week
when the bars are down a bit? A local pountry
club might be apropos in which to write finis
to a four-year social whirl ... T. Hawley Tapping
is convinced that if the proposed court plan goes
through, nothing short of Hitlerism lies ahead for
the United States. Naturally he is a die hard
Republican . . . Marion Fitzgerald sat up until
4 a.m. reading Zola's Germinal last night. Asked
what she thought of it, The Fitz replied, "I took a

bath and brushed my teeth."
their workers, being in training, need only ap-
prenticeship wages, and gives the big owners
reason to pay their help just enough more than
formerly to make them happy they are in the
big time.
5. Mentioning the big time reminds: that the
speaker expressed -delight over a fist fight two
of his reporters once had after arguing which
had more to do with a big story. This glow
of satisfaction over being in on things important,
the editor stated, was one of the "other com-
pensations" making up for the lack of pay in the
weekly- envelope. Yet he said that workers get
ahead because the boss editor sees talent in their
work -and enthusiasm for their jobs. It couldn't
be, surely; that reporters do some apple polish-
ing to show fitness for a five-per-week pay boost?
No, newspapers are exceptions.
And that remark: "You can't standardize
brains and ability . . . as all unions try to do"
smacks of a crack at composing room and
mechanical department workers, who are one,
of the best organized working groups in the
country, and receive as a result much higher pay
for their efforts than the supposed brain workers
in the editorial department. Is he worried that,
considering how highly paid the greasy-shirted
mechanical trades workers are as a result of
union activity, the brain workers in the editorial
department will nick him for plenty more if
After all, though, we don't see need for a news-
paper owner's fear of paying more wages to edi-
torial workers. He can always pass the added
cost on to the consumer byu nning 2dvertising

They Too A rise
The Hillel Players-present THEY TOO
ARISE by Arth-~r A. Miller. Directed by
Frederic O. Crandall. At the Mendels-
Sohn Theatre. Last perfomances this
afternoon at 2:30 and tonight at 8:15.
THE NEW PLAY at the Mendels-
sohn has been preceded by a
good deal of comment. It has won
two prizes, one in the Hopwoods here
and one of national significance in
the contest of the Bureau of New
Plays. It is pleasant to be able to
say that the play now that it has been
seen on the stage it seems to live
up to what must have been expected
from it. The audience at the open-
ing last night, judging from its reac-
tions to it, seemed to agree.
The play deals with a Jewish fam-
ily in New York. They are and have
been - small manufacturers in the
cloak and suit industry and it is the
way this particular family is treated
by the system in the industry-
crashed between labor troubles on
one side and the ruthless methods of
the larger manufacturers on the
other. The father who had always
thought that labor was just another
thing to fight against realizes as the
play goes along that the whole system
is to blame-that he himself can-
not fight against it-but that if he
does, he should know which side he
should fight. Because the background
of the characters, in relation to their
family life, is so well presented we
are interested in their business dif-
ficulties, realizing how the social and
econgmic problems are interlocked.
The problem is always associated
with the characters, never standing
out alone. It is in this character study
that the play is especially notable.
The author has made them indi-
viduals we are interested in and
see clearly-not only in relation to
their rather specialized environment
but for their fundamental character-
istics in relation to other families
in other but similar situations.
The chief action concerns orders
which the father must deliver in,
order to meet obligations that are so
pressing that the whole future exist-
ence of the business depends on
them. A strike of shipping clerks
and their picket lines prevent delivery
on time. A son with new (read "rad-
ical") ideas comes home from col-..
lege and refuses to take the goods
through while this is still possible.c
Later at a manufaturers meeting the
father realizes that the big members]
will not hesitate to use strike-break-t
ers-and take advantage of the factG
that he and the other small manu-
facturers will not resort to thesel
gangsters. So the business is ruinedl
-it is too late to do anything ex-a
cept by permitting or urging the older
son to marry the stupid daughters
of one of the big dealers who has
taken over orders which would have
saved the business.
These business troubles are close-
ly related to the home situation-
as, of course, they must be. ThisX
relation of character drawing of theI
father, mother, grandfather and thet
two sons, the colorful dialog andt
excellent relation of comedy andr
drama are the greatest achievementsl
of the play. It is primarily con-
cerned with the problems of the
father and secondarily of the older
son. The younger son helps to bring
the father to realize how the whole t
system fits together but it seems at1
times as if the play were going to
deal with his problem of whether to L
stick to principals and refuse to
help his father or to give up these
ideas for the sake of the present
pressing situation his father finds
himself in. But the author chose-
and rightly, it would seem-to deal
with the more important general
problem. So it is possible that the1
suggestion of the younger son's prob-
lem is superfluous.

The production showed a fine un-
Oerstanding of the values of th-e
script but the actors were not always
able to bring these ideas out with?
consistent excellence in the individ-
ual performances. Harold Gast as1
the father, carries the central part ofj
the father through the play with con-l
sistency. His performance is con-
secutive, building from scene to scene
and is projected as a whole. Anita1
Newblatt as the mother has warmth
and a feeling for the character but1
unfortunately does not have the
technical equipment or experience toE
make it completely effective to theA
audience. The same was true, too,
of Samuel Grant's Grandfather. He
built the important and difficult
quarrel scene to a very effective cli-
max. Robert Ulan in Liebowitz's]
single scene had both technical as-]
surance and depth of feeling. The
scene was one of the most memorable
in the play. But it was not the in-i
dividual performances but the way
they were blended together by- the
director into a fine realization of<
the possibilities of the play on thel
stage. That made They Too AriseI
effective in the the theatre.
Performances of new plays by
Michigan students will be more fre-
quent when the much-hoped-for lab-t
oratory theatre and workshop for
such plays becomes a reality.
h4illel Players Give

I) VOL. XLVII No. 116
..Students of the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts: A meet-
ing will be held on Tuesday, March
116, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1025 An-
gell Hall for students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts
and others interested in future work
in library science. The meeting will
be addressed by Dr. W. W. Bishop,
Librarian of the University and Head
of the Department of Library Science.
The next meeting in the vocational
series designed to give information
concerning the nature of and prep-
aration for the various professions,
to be held March 18, will be addressed
by Dean C. E. Griffin of the School
of Business Administration.
Faculty of'the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts: The five-
week freshman reports will be due
March 20, Room 4, University Hall.
E. A. Walter, Chairman, Academic
Applied Music Students: All in-
completes or absent from examina-
tion reports in applied music now
outstanding, must be made up by a
special examination which will be
held Tuesday evening, March 16, at
8:15 p.m., at the School of Music. Re-
ports of X or I which are not changed
to a final grade at this time will
lapse into an E.
Academic Notices
Makeup examinations in Sociology
141 and Sociology 121 on Monday
afternoon at 2 p.m. in Room 313,
Haven Hall.
Psychology 33, 35, 37: A make-up
for the final examination will be
given Saturday, March 13, from 2 to
5 p.m. in Room 3126 N.S.
School of Music Concert: The
University Symphony Orchestra,
Earl V. Moore, Conductor, with the I
following contest winning music stu-
-dents, will appear in recital in Hill
Auditorium Sunday afternoon, March
14, at 4:15 p.m.: Ellen Nelson, pi-
anist; Marguerite Creighton, mezzo-
soprano; Gratia Harrington, violon-
cellist; Emilie Paris, pianist; Jane
Rogers, contralto; and Kathleen
Rinck, pianist. The general public,
with the exception of small children,
is invited to attend without admis-
sion charge.
An Exhibiion of Chinese Art, in-
cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and
peasant paintings, sponsored by the
Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi-
tectural Bldg. Open daily from 9 a.m.
to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the
months of February and March. The
public is cordially invited.
,Events Today
The Outdoor Club will go hiking
this afternoon. The group- will leave
Lane Hall at 2 p.m. and will return
about 5 p.m. All students interested
are invited to come along.
Congregational Student Fellow-
ship: The Student Fellowship is hav-
ing a swimming and badminton party
at the Intramural building tonight.
The group will meet at Pilgrim Hall
at 7:30 p.m. All those wishing to go
please sign up in Pilgrim Hall before
noon Saturday.
Coming Events
Caps and , Gowns will be worn at
Senior Supper, Wednesday, March
17, at the League. Seniors may ob-
tain these -in the League ballroom
from 12:15 until 6 p.m. Monday,
March 15.

German Table for Faeulty em-
hers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. There will be an informal
10-minute talk by Prof. H. T. Price.
The Bibliophiles of the Faculty
;Women's Club will meet Tuesday,
March 16 at-2:30,p.m. with Miss Gil-
lette, 1319 Forest Ave.
Prof. Fred Wahr of the German
Department will speak on Wasser-
mann and Thomas Mann.
All Ann ArborIndependent ,Women
are requested to meet at the League
Monday, March 15, at 5 pm. for a
very important meeting.
Pop -Ooncert: The second in a
series of Symphony recorded con-
certs will be : given at the Hillel
Foundation Sunday, March 14, at
2:30 p.m. Beethoven's 7th Sym-
phony, and Dukas' "Sorcerer's' Ap-
prentice" will be presented.
Bureau of New :Plays, opened last


Church of :Christ (Disces), Sun-
day, March 14:
10:45 a.m., morning worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible class. H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
Disciples Guild:
5:'30 p.m., tea and social hour.
6:30 p.m. Discussion Hour. Cilf-
ford Greve will lead a discussion on
Political Freedom. The freedom of
the individual under various political
systems will be considered. This is
the second in a series on the general
topic of "Freedom in Modern So-
Congregational Church, Sunday,
March 14:
10:45 a.m., service of worship. The
servicenwill be conducted by Rev.
Stephen' A. Lloyd, His subject will
be, "What Price Christianity?"
6 p.m., Student Fellowship. Starts
promptly at 6 p.m. After the supper
there will be a talk by Professor Mc-
Clusky. His subject will be, "Can I
be a Christian and Succeed?"
The special fellowship choir for
Easter Sunday Sunrise Service will
rehearse immediately after the
Trinity Lutheran Church, Sunday,
March 14:
Service will be held in Trinity Lu-
theran Church at 10:80 a.m. The
sermon theme will be 'Beware in
Giving Alms-Honor with Man and
Lenten services are held on Wed-
nesday evening at 7:30 p.m.
HarrisHall: There will be a picnic
Saturday afternoon, March 13, at the
Hall Farm to meet the 'Right Rev-
erend, Paul Jones, Chaplain of An-
tioch College. Cars will leave Har-
ris Hall at 4:30 and at 6 p.m. Epis-
copal students and their friends are
cordially invited. Please phone for
Harris Hall, Sunday, March 14:
There will be a celebration of the
Holy Communion in Harris Hall
chapel at 9:30 a.m. followed by
Regular Student meeting at 7 p.m.
Miss Katherine Stoll and Mr. Rob-
ert Porter will lead a discussion on
the talk given by Bishop Jones at
the picnic. All students and their
friends are cordially invited. Re-
freshments will be served.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Sunday, March 14:
Services of worship are: 8 o'clock
Holy Communion, 9:30 Church
School, 11 a.m., Kindergarten; 11
a.m., Confirmation service sermon
by The Right Reverend Paul Jones,
Chaplain of Antioch College.
There will be a tea at 4 p.m. in
Harris Hall to welcome members of
the Confirmation Class.
Lutheran Student Club: A Twen-
tieth Anniversary Banquet will be
held on Sunday, March 14, at Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall in celebration
of the organization of the club. 'The
speaker for the evening will beProf.
Paul Kauper of the Law School, who
was a former president of the club.
Fellowship hour is at 5:30 p.m. and
the dinner will be served promptly
at 6 p.m. Tickets are available by
calling Alt% Haab, 6968, Marguerite
Groomes, )534, or Reverend Mr.
Yoder, 2-3680. All Lutheran students
are invited and other students who
have attended our meetings.
The A Capella Choir will meet
promptly at 4:15 p.m. for rehearsal
Sunday, March 14 at Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall.
-First Baptist Church, Sunday,
March 14: 10:45 a.m., Mr. Sayles, the
minister, will speak on "The Many-
Sided Jesus." Church School at 9:30
and High School young people at
5:30 p.m.

Roger Williams Guild , Sunday
noon, Guild House, Mr. Chapman
will finish discussion of the., prophet
6:15 p.m., Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson,
Counselor for Foreign students will
speak on "Problems of Foreign Stu-
dents in Adjusting Themselves to a
New Environment."
First Presbyterian Church: Sun-
day, March 14:
"Letters on Life" has been the
subject of a series of sermons during
Lent at the First Presbyterian
Church meeting temporarily at the
Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth
Ave. Dr. W. P. Lemon, the minister,
will preach this Sunday morning on
the subject "For God-Confidence."
The service begins at 10:45 a.m.
Special Lenten music.
At the meeting of the Westmin-
ster Guild, student group, "The Len-
ten Mood" will be expressed through
readings from Classics dealing with
the Inner Life. Margaret Brackett,
'37, is chairman of a group of read-
ers presenting the service. The meet-
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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the offie of the Assitant to the President
until 3:30; :1100 a.m. on Saturday.

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