The New York Times Tells Why
-Three Reasons Lead Nation's Number One Paper To Favor Roosevelt-
1936 Member 1937
Associied Colle6die Press
Distributors of
Cofle~ade Driest
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Board of Editors
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Three Times
And Out ... .
CONCLUSIVE information that J.
P. Morgan and his partners paid
virtually no income tax last year has been pub-
lished by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, together
with a description of the methods used to avoid
It will be remembered that the Morgan part-
ners paid no income tax in 1931 and 1932. Profits
were ostensibly wiped out then by "revaluations"
which resulted in apparently heavy losses.
This most recent transaction, the Post-Dis-
patch reports, saw collateral securities for a
Morgan loan of $48,000,000, it is believed, to the
Van Sweringen brothers, sold back to the living
Van Sweringen for $2,803,000. Senator Wheel-
er's Interstate Commerce Committee, it is said,
is seeking to prove that the Morgan partners are
not such poor business men as to take this huge
loss without regaining their control over the rail
empire which their ownership of the securities
had given them. And if this control is being
retained, if the Morgan partners are really not
returning Mr. VavSweringen's securities to him
and generously accepting their $45,000,000 loss,
then it appears that the sale was not bona fide,
and that these financiers are open to prosecution
for income tax evasion.
Public hearings on the Morgan deal, to be con-
ducted by the Senate Interstate Commerce Com-
mittee, will begin in November. It probably will
be exceedingly difficult to prove that the law has
been violated. Few will be surprised if the par-
ticipants in the deal escape punishment. Clever
lawyers can prove that they were within the
letter of the law, and that, in the past, has satis-
fied most jurists.
But, in any event, this hearing should give
stimulus to the solution of the perennial problenU
of better income tax laws. We find today
many movements to shift the tax burden onto
persons least able. to pay, most often through the
weaponof a sales tax. It is argued that an in-
come tax is not easily collectible. But the in-
come tax takes from those best able to pay.
Refusal to enact a strong law can be inter-
preted in no other way than as an effort to
protect the Morgans of this country from levies
which are large, but also logical and fair.
And Where They
Are, Nobody Knows .. .
ERO POISON is made of ordinary
newsprint diluted with printer's
ink and run through high speed presses. It is
sold at two or three cents the dose, which brings
it within the reach of all. The name under
which it is better known is Publicity." So writes
one of sports best reporters, Paul Gallico in the
October issue of the "American Legion Monthly"
from which the Readers' Digest has taken a
condensation of the article.
We think the article deserves theattention
(From the New York Times)
THE NEW YORK TIMES has long been known
as an independent Democratic newspaper.
It has always placed chief emphasis on the word
"Independent." Never having followed in blind
faith any political leader or party, it has exer-
cised the right to express its sincere convictions
on all public matters without fear or favor. Dur-
ing the past three years it has felt compelled to
oppose various policies, acts and utterances of a
Democratic Administration. Not one word of this
criticism does it regret or would now wish to
withdraw. Yet the larger question of preference
of parties remains; and at this point in the
Presidential campaign it is fitting that the rea-
sons for that preference be frankly discussed.
In a gratifying way the progress of the polit-
ical debate which has been engaging the atten-
tion of the country has cleared away a great
deal of rubbish which encumbered it at the be-
ginning. No responsible Republican any longer
froths at the mouth in charging that President
Roosevelt is setting out to be a dictator after the
style of Stalin or Hitler. The wild assertions
that he intends to tear up the Constitution and
destroy the Supreme Court are not heard today
from any serious speaker. The Democratic plat-
form by its silence really put a quietus upon the
excited orators who were saying such thing
Equally, on the other side of the party fence,
ridiculous personal accusations have fallen to
the earth. No open-eyed man speaks today of
Governor Landon as a hopeless reactionary. To
call him a creature of Hearst now provokes only
a smile. That he will be a willing tool of "Wall
Street" and the big corporations is believed only
by those who believe anything that they hear
said in a loud voic. The two candidates, Roose-
velt and Landon, stand as party leaders today
free of all this political mummery.
This leaves the way open for an estimate of
the issues as they exist at this time between
the two parties. Discussion has increasingly
shown that at many points the lines are not
sharply drawn. If the Republicans originally ir
tended to attack the Administration and all its
works, they have since dropped that strategy.
'Governor Landon has openly adopted several
Administration policies. He would use every
dollar of Federal money necessary to care for
the needy. He finds fault with the Adminis-
tration's farm policy mainly on the ground that
it does not go so far, or spend so much money,
as he proposes to do. Other adaptations or con-
tinuations of the Roosevelt policy respecting
drought relief, soil erosion, the prevention of
floods, strong Federal protection for the investor
and penalty for the reckless or crooked pro-
moter, Governor Landon quietly makes his own.
One outstanding argument, however, runs
heavily against the Republican party and its
leader in this campaign. They have advocated,
even if only half-heartedly, a policy of aloof-
ness and isolation for the United States. They
would make protective tariffs more prohibitive
of foreign trade than ever before. They would
at once abrogate the existing reciprocal trade
agreements, and repeal the very law which gives
the President power to negotiate these agree-
ments-a law long endorsed by eminent Repub-
licans. Those treaties already in effect they
attack as destructive to the true interests of
American farmers. After thus proposing to do
all in their power by legislation to shut for-
eigners out of our markets, the Republicans pro-
ceed to the pitch of absurdity and effrontery by
demanding that foreign nations pay us the debt
while depriving them of the means of paying.
All this policy, which may be called that of
Little Americans, leaves the advantage on inter-
national issues distinctly with the Democrats.
Reviewing all these factors, weighing what has
been accomplished, what is now proposed and
what uncertainties still lie ahead, The New
York Times, a conservative newspaper in its own
sphere, believes that the public welfare will best
be served this year by the continuance of the
Democratic party in power and by the re-election
of the President. Three considerations which
minute, as Gallico says, the athlete is through
he finds himself plunged into an oblivion in
which the only way he can find himself in print
,is to buy a classified ad. Gallico writes with
self-evident truth that the college football player
is the most pitiful victim of the poison, for the
season is short and "the dosage is concentrated
and ruthless. An unkown callow adolescent has
a good day-which means that he is able to
carry out tactics planned by older men, the
football coaches, and manages to lug a sectian of
pigskins through openings made by comrades.
One would think he had discovered a specific for
pneumonia or a workable plan to guarantee
everyone a job. With absolutely no previous
preparation, he is crashed into the newspapers
with pictures, interviews, photographs of his
family and his opinions on current topics. He is
likened to Thor, Ajax, Mercury, to the wind
and the thunder. He is nicknamed after some
great personage. of antiquity-or more often,
and more aptly an animal. He is completely at
the mercy of the imagination writers who have
but one thought to entertain their readers
and sell papers. How can he help but see him-
self as a figure of tremendous importance when
he reads that 99,000 will jam the stadium the
following week to see his duel with Broncho
Whosis, an equally useless and pumped up celeb-
rity from another university?"
If the athlete has a lot of sense, the sports
writer continues, he will take the jolt, but a great
many others can not take it. The readjustment
to anonymity is difficult and sad.
Another harmful result of the flood of pub-
we regard as dominant in the circumstances have
led us to this conclusion:
First, we believe that Mr. Roosevelt is a keen
enough judge of public opinion to make his sec-
ond Administration more conservative than his
first, in the sense that conservatism means con-
solidating ground already gained and perfecting
measures hastily enacted. We believe this both
because the tide of public opinion is now running
with steadily increasing strength against hasty
experimentation and because the President him-
self has moved definitely in this direction. It is
significant that most of the genuinely radical
ideas sponsored by the Roosevelt Administration,'
ideas which were radical in the sense that they
departed abruptly from the American tradition
-NRA and AAA, for example-were products of
the panic period, when, as the personal experi-
ence of Governor Landon testified, many Re-
publicans and many conservatives hailed these
very innovations as essential to the safety of the
Second, not only do we believe that forces now
operating strongly will tend to make the next
Roosevelt Administrtion more conservative, in
the sense of conserving the best of what has been
accomplished since 1933: we also believe that
in a very fundamental way the President's re-
election will provide insurance against radicalism
of the sort which the United States has most to
fear. We say this for several reasons.
It would be blind not to recognize the neces-
sity of adapting and ameliorating our political
and economic structure to the changing circum-
stances of the modern world, and equally blind
not to appreciate at full value, and to wish to
conserve for the uncertain years which lie imme-
diately ahead, the unquestioned confidence
which Mr. Roosevelt enjoys among the distressed
masses who have been the worst victims of the
depression. These masses still acutely remember
the disillusionment in public leadershipin 1932,
and have with reason felt that the President has
tried to restore hope, equalize opportunity and
prevent the excesses of the recent past. We be-
lieve that Mr. Roosevelt's defeat at the polls
would enable the more radical elements within
the Democratic party to unite under irresponsible
leadership which the force and ability of the
President have hitherto helped to check and
counterbalance. These radical elements would
thereby be strengthened in their appeal to the
In this connection we prefer to have in Wash-
ington, during the still critical period which lies
immediately ahead, a Government united in all
its branches, with power to take instantly action
which may become necessary in any emergency
which may arise. The Republican party cannot
give us such a government. Even if Mr. Landon
should be elected and the Republicans should
carry the House of Representatives, the Senate
will remain Democratic because its present ma-
jority is too large to be reversed in 1936. A
divided Congress during the next two years would
threaten the country with precisely the same
contradiction of purpose and paralysis of will
which proved to be so disastrous in 1931 and
A further assurance against radicalism is the
effectiveness of the social and economic measures
(Continued in Next Column)
pursued by the Democratic party,
though often with fundamental error
and raw materialism. We do not be-
lieve that these measures should be
placed in other hands at the behest
of thoe who have not been the real
and chief victims of the malady, and
who evolved or supported the policies
which lie at the roots of its cause.
Reform should be administered by
those who vigorously and successfully
proposed it, and the Democratic
party stands in that relation to the
public. In the administration of re-
form and the restoration of the nor-
mal processes of an American gov-
ernment, there is urgent need for
the restraining influence of the
party's conservative wing. This, if
the President is re-elected, will be
more than ever alive in the next Con-
gress, where the Democratic member-
ship in the House will probably be
cut down.
Finally, we believe that the narrow
nationalism for which the Republican
party stands today is in itself a policy
which, if put into force, would carry
us rapidly in the direction both of
"regimentation" and "radicalism." It
was the loss of foreign markets for
our surplus farm commodities that
was specifically responsible for the
demand for crop control and a
"planned economy" for agriculture.
It is a loss of foreign markets for
our factories that is responsible in
large part for the industrialunem-
ployment which still persists. The
best antidote to both regimentation
and discontent is a revival of inter-
national trade, and the reciprocal
trade treaties sponsored by the Pres-
ident and negotiated by his able Sec-
retary of State lead step by step in
that direction. That way lies hope.
The other leads to economic suicide
behind a Hawley-Smoot tariff.
In supporting Mr. Roosevelt's can-
didacy for reelection, the Times does
not intend to lose the independence
on which it has always put chief
emphasis or to compromise its own
convictions. It will continue to en-
dorse such of Mr. Landon's views as
it finds deserving of support. It will
continue to criticize and to oppose
such of Mr. Roosevelt's policies as
seem to it to lack merit. In par-
ticular, it will continue to oppose
governmental extravagance and to
insist on the vital importance of
bringing the national budget into
early balance. We are encouraged
to believe that this can be accom-
plished more readily under a second
Roosevelt Administration than under
Mr. Landon, considering the extent
to which the Republican party has
now outbid the President in promis-
ipg farm bounties.
The position taken by the Times is
in line with its traditional sympathy
for the main purposes and the mov-
ing spirit of the Democratic party.
We believe that in this case conserv-
atives and radicals can compose their,
differences within the party, and that
the result will be to dissipate, rather
than to enlarge, class antagonisms,
sectional jealousies and factional dis-
putes. Tolerance is an essential part
of the American tradition and na-
tional unity our most deeply prized
THE early season in New York is
much less interesting in its new
plays than in the three chief exhibits
form. Obviously selection was made
man's Victoria Regina, with Helen
Hayes, Sidney Kingsley's Dead End,
and Robert Sherwood's Idiot's De-'
light with Alfred Lunt and Lynn
Victoria Regina presents ten scenes
from the 30 in the published version
of Housman's biography in play
from. Obviously selection was made1
with continuity in mind so it was<
felt necessary to omit many of the
more amusing later scenes which
more especially have the quality of
sympathetic satire whichncharacter-
izes Housman's treatment of theI
Queen. .,It is regrettable, not only
because Victoria is more interesting
as an old woman, but Miss Hayes
is even better in these scenes than
in the early ones.
Dead End shows life on east side
New York where expensive apart-r
ment houses encroach on the slums.
The principal characters are a group
of boys 10 to 14 years old. The social
purpose or message is delivered by
presenting a situation without edi-
torial comment.1
The Lunts' play, Idiot's Delight, is2
the most sensational of the three, the
most theatric. It shows a group of
assorted nationalities marooned in a
resort hotel because of complicationsc
arising out of the next World War.;
There is fast action including a1
vaudeville act with Alfred Lunt as1
the hoofer; excellent in making us
feel the war is on right now. Francis'
Compton who has appeared in sever-
al of the Dramatic Seasons and who
was guest director for the Michigan,
Repertory Players in the summer of
1934 has the important part of the
French munition's manufacturer.
The early openings include: The
Golden Journey a play about young
authors trying to crash the New
York publishing game, written by
Edwin Gilbert who once went to Law
School here. It was full of dull wise-
cracks, some stock company acting
and a conclusion patched up hurried-
ly as 11 o'clock came on. Arrest
That Woman, a melodrama that
(Continued from Page 2)
* ons and a letter of approval from
the Financial Adviser, must be sub-
mitted to the Office of the Dean of
Women or the office of the Dean of
Students on the Monday preceding
the date set for the party.
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
Choral Union Tryouts: Tryouts for
membership in the University Choral
Union will be held as follows at the
office of Earl V. Moore, Musical Di-
rector, School of Music Building,
Maynard Street: Monday, Oct. 5, 4
'to 6; Tuesday, Oct. 6, 5 to 6; and
Wednesday, Oct. 7, 4 to 6. All per-
sons interested will please present
themselves during these hours.
Choral Union Ushers: All men who
ushered last year may sign up for
this year at Hill Auditorium box
office between 4 and 5:30 p.m. Mon-
New men may sign up between 4
and 5:30 Tuesday.
Academic Notices
Reading Examinations in French:
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.
in the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge during the cur-
rent academic year, 1936-37, are in-
formed that examinations will be
offered in Room 210, Romance Lan-
guage. Bldg., from 9 to 12, on Sat-
urday morning, Oct. 17, Jan. 23, May
May 22, and Aug. 7. It will be nec-
essary to register at the office of the
Department of Romance Languages
(112 R.L.) at least one week in ad-
vance. Lists of books recommended
by the various departments are ob-
tainable at this office.
It is desirable that candidates for
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
requirement at the earliest possible
date. A brief statement of the na-
ture of the requirement, which will
be found helpful, may be obtained at
the office of the Department, and
further inquiries may be addressed
to Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Saturdays
at 10 and by appointment).
This announcement applies only to
candidates in the following depart-
ments: Ancient and Modern Lan-
guages and Literatures, History, Ec-
onomics,Sociology, Political Science,
Philosophy, Education, Speech, Jour,
German 229, English influence in
German Literature in the 18th Cen-
tury, will meet next Tuesday, Oct. f-
in Room 305 U.H. at 3 p.m.
J. W. Eaton.
University Lecture: V. Gordon
Childe, B.Litt., professor of Prehis-
toric Archaeology at the University
of Edinburgh, Scotland, will lecture
on the subject "The Early Civiliza-
tion of the Indus Valley" on Monday,
Oct. 5, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Al-
umni Memorial Hall. The lecture
will be illustrated with slides. The
public is cordially invited.
Special Lecture: Edgar Ansel
Mowrer, noted foreign newspaper
correspondent and graduate of the
University of Michigan, will speak in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on
Thursday evening, Oct. 15 on the
subject "A Journalist Looks at
Europe." The lecture is sponsored by
the committee on University Lectures
and there will be no admission
Events Of Today
Nippon Club (Japanese Students'
Club) will meet at Lane Hall to-
day at 7:30 p.m. All new Japanese
students are especially welcome.
Coming Events
Women's Research Club: General
meeting, Monday evening, Oct. 5, at.
7:30 in Room 3042, Museums Bldg.
All Graduate Students are cordially
invited to the first meeting of the
Graduate Outing Club which will be
held Sunday, Oct. 4. The Club will
meet at Lane Hall at 2:30 and hike
formances with none of the fake
cuteness usually associated with stage
children. It is too bad that their
scenes haven't a better framework
than one of those accidental-deaths-
that-are-really-murders plots. Paul
McGrath and Lulu Mae Hubbard of
the 1935 and John Winthrop of the
1936 Dramatic Season had import-
ant parts.
The D'Oyly Carte Company is back
again-somewhat weakened since
they were here in 1934, especially by
the loss of Muriel. Dickson who will
sing at the Metropolitan this season.
But Martyn Green is still in the lead-
ing comedy parts-KoKo, the Duke
of Plaza-Toro, the Lord Chancellor,
and Jack. Point in Yeoman of The
Guard and the ensemble is still far
ahead of any of the other companies
frequently seen in the Gilbert and
Sullivan repertoire in New York.
The Ziegfield Follies re-opened
to the Island for baseball and a picnic
supper at a cost of 20 cents. In case
of rain the meeting will be held in
Lane Hall.
Mimes, Union Opera: All Mimes
and other students who have written
story or music for an all men's mu-
sical show are asked to attend a
meeting at 4:30 Monday aftrenoon,
Oct. 5, at the Union.
Sigma Rho Tau will hold its first
meeting of the year at 8 p.m. Tues-
day in the reference room of the
West Engineering Bldg.
Hiawatha Club: There will be a
meeting of all members at the Mich-
igan Union, Monday, Oct. 5 at 8
o'clock. All upper peninsula men
are cordially invited tonattend this
informal meeting of their organiza-
tion. Refreshments will be served.
Genesee Club meeting on Sunday
at 5 o'clock in the Union. Old mem-
bers from Rochester, N. Y., and
vicinity please attend.
Varsity Glee Club: Full rehearsal
followed by tryouts, Glee Club rooms,
third floor, Michigan Union, Sunday,
4:30 to 6 p.m.
Varsity Glee Club Quartett Try-
outs: Glee Club rooms, third floor
Michigan Union, Sunday, 3:30 p.m.
All men interested are urged to try-
out at this time.
Congregational Church: 10:45
service of worship with sermon by
Mr. Heaps. Subject, "Building Chris-
tian Personality."
6 p~m. Student Fellowship. Supper
to be followed by program with Prof.
Bennett Weaver as speaker. His
subject will be, "The Ordeal of Ed-
Stalker Hall: Student class at 9:45
p.m. Prof. Geo. Carrothers is the
Wesleyan Guild meeting, 6 p.m.
Prof. Carleton Angell will give an il-
lustrated talk on sculpture and its
relationship to religion. Fellowship
hour and supper following the meet-
ing. All students are cordially in-
vited to both of the above meetings.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship at 10:45 a.m. Dr. Charles
W. Brashares will preach on "Men-
tal Radios.'
Church of Christ Disciples, Hill
and Tappan Sts.
10:45 a.m. Morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible class, Mr.
Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., Social hour. 15 cent
supper served.
6:30 p.m. Discussion program, Top-
ic: "Campus Life and Religion."
All new students of the Church of
Christ and their friends are cordailly
invited to attend these meetings.
Students from out of the state of
Michigan should remember that this
church is known as the Christian
Church in many parts of the United
Reformed and Christian Reformed
Students: Church services sponsored
by the Reformed and Christian Re-
formed churches will be held every
Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. in the
Chapel of the Michigan League. Prof.
J. G. Vanden Bosch of Calvin Col-
lege will be the speaker for the first
service, Oct. 4. A cordial invitation
is extended to all.
Harris Hall: There will be the reg-
ular student meeting at Harris Hall
Sunday night at 7 o'clock.' The Rev.
Frederick W. Leech will lead the
discussion. All students and their
friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Services o worship Sunday, Oct. 4
8 a.m., Holy communion.
9:30 a.m., Church school.
11 a.m., Kindergarten.
11 a.m., Holy communion and ser-
mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
Unitarian Church, Sunday, 11 a.m.
Mr. Marley will speak on "Emergent
Religion." At 7:30 p.m. Prof. R. W.
Sellars will address the Liberal Stu-
dent's Union on the topic, "The
Challenge of Humanism."
The Lutheran Student Club will
meet this Sunday evening in Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall at 309 E. Wash-
ington St. Students are asked to
come at 5:30 for the fellowship hour.
Supper will be served at 6 for 25 cents
by the ladies of the churches. Prof.
Louis Bredvold will speak at 6:30"
p.m. Students who cannot come for
the supper hour are urged to come
in time for the forum hour at 6:30.
Trinity Lutheran Church invites
you to the chief worship service at
10:30 a.m. Trinity is located on the
corner of E. William at S. Fifth Ave.
Rev. Henry Yoder will use as his
theme "God's Wages."
SATRDAY, OCT. 3, 1938
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
l= -1y Bonth Williams- =
BILL DAVIDSON, versatile Port Huron fresh-
man, has devised a means of judging the
various fraternity houses which he is visiting
during rushing. It's a sound system as far as
it goes, but Bill found that it is likely to result
in some queer incidents.
Whenever Davidson, who incidentally won
three football letters at Port Huron, returns to
a fraternity house a second time, he removes the
name plate which all yearling are supposed to
exhibit on their lapels. Bill is crafty in his own
right and reasons that one way to tell just how
interested a particular fraternity is in him is to
see how many of the boys can recall his name
without the aid of a license plate.
Making his second trip to the Chi Phi tong,
Bill removed his badge of identity and in due
course of time found himself sitting next to one
of the brothers at an excellent Chi Phi dinner.
Adjourning to the library thereafter, Bill and
the brother held extended conversation on varied
subjects until 8:30 approached when Davidson
rose to make his departure. At the door the
two were alone, and as Bill murmured his ap-
preciation of the hospitality received, the fra-
ternity man murmured back and walked down
the steps with him. Arriving at the cross walk,
the brother turned and began to walk briskly
down the street, calling goodbye as he went. The
two suddenly found themselves walking side by
side. Bill asked the other man where he was
going, whereupon the brother replied "home."
"Say," said till, "aren't you a member of this
"Good lord, no," came the reply, "aren't you?"
"No, I took my badge off to see if they'd re-
member me."
"So did I."
"Well, I'll be darned, we've been rushing each
other all evening."
IF SAM STOLLER and Fred Stiles take a good
deal of time to get into shape for the out-
door track season this year, it certainly won't
be because they have been doing any running