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January 09, 1937 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-09

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SATURDAY, JAN. 9, 1937





'1l Chairnen
Publish Guests
Dance To Be Held In Both
Leagiew Arl UI ioi1n; Tw9
Bands To Play
Committee chairmen for the Inter-
fraternity Ball, to be held Jan. 15,
last night announced the names of
their guests. °
George B. Cosper, '37, and John
Mann, '37, co-chairmen of the dance,
will take Jean Keinath, '37, and Mary
Lou Willoughby, '37, respectively. Bd
Lundahl, '38, and Bob Stuart, '38,
co-chairman of the ticket committee,
will have as their guests Mary Rall,
'39, and Helen Arner, '38, respectively.
Frances Odell, '38, will go with Goff
Smith, '38, head of the program com-
mittee, and Nelson Persons, '38, will
accompany Bill McHenry, '38, pub-
licity head. Madalyn Cadagan, '40,
and Dorothy Campbell of Saginaw
will be the guests respectively of
Lowell Krieg, '38, and Dick Kendrick,
'38, co-chairmen of decorations.
James Barco, '38, chairman of the
music committee, has invited Louise
White, '37M, and Howard Ark, '38,
floor committee head, will take Janice
Brumenau, '40. Barbara Eppstein,
'39, will go with Malcolm Levenson,
'39, head of the Patrons' committee.
This year's Interfraternity Ball will
be held in both the League and the
Union. Because of the great ticket
;lemand, it was decided to hold the
dance ir two places, with two bands
playing. Fletcher Henderson's band
will provide the music in the Union
for the first half of the evening, while
Charlie Agnew will play in the
League. At the intermission the
bands will change.
Many Students
Make Known
The engagements of University and
former University students were
" made known recently and the wed-
ding plans of another couple are
Mr. and Mrs. George Barth of Yale
announced the engagement of their
daughter, Betty, '37, to Charles Van
Winkle, '38, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don
W. Van Winkle of Howell.
Miss Barth is affiliated with Kappa
Alpha Theta sorority. Mr. Van
Winkle is a member of Sigma Alpha
Epsilon fraternity.
The engagement of Mary Cullen,
'36Ed., of La Grange, Ill., to Warren
Edward Hill, '36BAd., of Churchville
N.Y., was announced during the holi-
days. Miss Cullen is a member of
Chi Omega sorority. Mr. Hill, son of
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hill, of Church-
ville, N.Y., is affiliated with Alpha
Sigma Phi. He is now employed at
Marshall Field and Co. in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Raine Bdwin Howard
of Mt. Clemens announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Loraine
Grant Howard, '34, of ann Arbor and
Mt. Clemens, to Roderick A. Norton,
'37M, of Ann Arbor. Miss Howard
is a member of Alpha Chi Omega and
Mr. Norton is a member of Nu Sigma
The marriage of Neta Meyers,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Mey-
ers of Marcellus to Clifford Shugars
'37D, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Shug-
ars, took place Dec. 27 in Marcellus.
Mrs. Shugars is a graduates of Kala-
mazoo Teacher's College. And Mr.

Shugars is affiliated with XiPsi Phi
Sons Of Revolution
Initiate Onderdonk
National Headquarters of the So-
ciety of the Sons of the American
Revolution announced last week the
election of Francis S. Onderdonk to
membership of the Michigan State
Dr. Onderdonk is a descendant of
Dr. Adrian Van Der Donck, author
of the "History of the New ztether-
lands," and the first mapmaker in
New Amsterdam. As deputy chair-
man of the "Committee for Cow Neck,
Great Neck, etc.," Adrian Onderdonk
was arrested Sept. 21, 1776 and kept
in prison by the Loyalists for a
Related to Dr. Onderdonk is Wil-
liam Onderdonk, whose marriage
with Miss Richter was announced in
the Daily.

Elbow Length Sleeves Shown In Latest Fashions

Sr '-

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Full ruff slves that eimau down to the elbows in length to be
gatheied into a, tight narrow band are featured in the new spring
fashions. The collars are high in front and made of bright paints.
Black is still the most popular color in Mid-Season afternoon dresses,
but receives a striking inew touch with the gay little collars. The skirts
are full with sevcdl pancls inserted to give them a flare at the bottam.
They aYue still short in ingth keeping about foulteen inches from the
flem% ,
S* * *
Tropical Scenes And Flowers
Inspire Newest Spring Prints

Dress Styles To Feature
Elbow Length Sleeves,
Flared Silhouette
"The best of wardrobes become
jaded in January" states a well-
known fashion magazine, thereby af-
firming an opinion probably long ago
realized by many of us. And what
could be more refreshing under our
winter coats than the new print
dresses that are splashed with such
glorious bright colors? "Nothing," one
says, after seeing the novel designs
and the subtly colorful, quietly bi-
zarre prints which are being shown.
Among these is a gray model of
pure dye silk sprayed with flowers
predominantly yellow and blue. Its
gored skirt gives it the new flared
silhouette which is so flattering. The
sleeves are elbow length and the neck
is cut in a rather low V line.
Pleasing Contrasts
Enchanting tropical scenes fur-
nished the inspiration for the figures
and flora represented on a silk crepe
of the peplum style. The blue back-
ground of this frock is in surprisingly
pleasant contrast to the trimming of
knife-pleated red and green gros-
grain ribbon which runs from the
high neck down the front to the
waist, and around the edge of the
peplum. This also has the popular
elbow length sleeves.
As strange as it may sound from a
written description, bunches of deep
wine grapes surrounded by numerous
bright green leaves, which, incident-
ly, stand out more than do the
grapes) appear most attractive
against a background of black. The
dress which possesses this pattern has]
a slight cowl neckline caught at one
side by a huge green and wine en-
ameled butterly. The sleeves are
shirred and a long sash girdles the
waist. The gown is also of silk

vored peasant effect is achieved by
narrow brown corded velvet. The
velvet outlines the bodice and ties
in one bow at the neck and in an-
ether a little above the waist. The
elbow length sleeves are darted and
the high neck is edged with narrow,
pleated ecru lace.
Still: another striking combination
is the use of a brilliantly flowered
bolero jacket and a long sash of the
same material on a frock of severely
plain black.
If you are one of the odd indi-
viduals who dislikes prints, solid col-
ors, really vivid ones, are attractive
stimulants for a tired wardrobe. You
might try the stunt, suggested in an-
other fashion journal, of carrying out
a whole ensemble in one plain color.
If you choose emerald green you can
now get hat, gloves, bag and shoes
to match, for accessory houses are
more and more invading the color
Plain colors, too, are more effective
than prints with your costume jew-
elry. With the increasing intricacy
of jewelry design, necklaces and clips
will show off to better advantage
against a plain than a broken-up
radnates To Hear
Talk OnUniversity
Wilfred B. Shaw, director of al-
umni relations, will be the speaker
at the luncheon for graduate stu-
dents which will be given at noon
Wednesday in the Russian Tea Room
of the League. This is another in the
series of regular weekly meetings.
Mr. Shaw will speak on the subject
of "The Beginnings of the Univer-
sity." Hehas written several books
on the subject of the history of the
University. The talk will be inform-
All graduate students are welcome
at the luncheon, according to Miss
Jeannette Perry, assistant to the dean
of women, who is in charge. As usual,
guests will get their lunches at the
League cafeteria and will take them
across the hall to the Russian Tea
Room, where the luncheon is to be

Tom Thumb'
Will Be Given
By Dramatists
Nell Gwynn's Company
To Present Fielding's
Famous Comedy
Tom Thumb, Henry Fielding'
famous comedy character will b
brought to life at 9 p.m. Tuesday
Jan. 12, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hal:
when Nell Gwynn's' Company pre-
sents "The Tragedy of Tragedies, o
The Life and Death of Tom Thumb.'
This dramatic company consists o
a group of faculty members, grad-
uates, students and townspeopl
who are interested in the amateu
revival of old English and American
In "Tom Thumb," Fielding is ri-
diculing the pompous, superficia
style and structure of the pseud
classic writers of the eighteenth cen-
tury. He brings in farcical imita-
tion of the absurdities into which th
writers were led by misunderstand-
ing and misapplication of the laws o
classic structure. As a result, th
play is a rollocking burlesque i
which the mismated lovers, the mm
lature Tom and the sturdy giantess
Glumdalca, pursue their ridiculou
In the cast are Mrs. Fredrick R
Whitesell; Mrs. Otto G. Graf; Mr
Joseph Brinkman; Mrs. Francis W.
Gravit; Prof. Warner Wtterson
Prof. Charles Knudson; Willia
Halstead; Harlan Bloomer; Franci
Gravit; Roy Curtis; George Meyer
James O'Neill; John O'Neill; an
Victor Lane.
The performance is under th
direction of Mrs. Guy Maier. Thos
on the production staff include Mr,
A. W. Gnau, stage manager; Ms
Joe Lee Davis and James Doll, cos
tumes; Jean Paul Slusser, settings
Miss Ruth Bloomer dances, and Ott
Graf, music.
Alumnae Hold
Group Meeting
Jan. 15 And 16
Prominent Senior Women
To Be Given Luncheon,
Group Discussion
The mid-year meetings of the Al-
umnae Council of the Michigai
League will be held Jan. 15 and 16 i
Ann Arbor, it was announced yester
day by Mrs. Lucille B. Conger, ex
ecutive secretary of the League.
The meetings, which are attende
by Michigan alumnae from all ove
the United States, will consist ofa
variety of activities and topics. A
panel discussion on "The Value o
Fellowships and the Need of Them a
Michigan" will be conducted by Mis
Clara Roe of Flint, former Alumna
Council Fellow, now a Ph.D. can-
didate and Miss Marion Siney o
Muskegon, who recently retune
from Europe where she spent a yea:
in research work as a Fellow of th
Social Science Research Council
Miss Siney is at present attending
the University where she is com-
pleting her Doctorate under th
Rackham Foundation. Dean Alice C
Lloyd and a representative of the
Barbour Scholar Group will also tak
part in the discussion.
A representative group of prom-
inent women on campus -and o1
those whom who have received senio
scholarships, Mrs. Conger said, wil
be honored at the Alumnae luncheo
which will be held at 12:30 p.m. Sat-
urday in the League. Mrs. Conger

added that' the names of the honor
guests will be announced in the near
Inaddition to the regular business
meetings which will be presided over
by Mrs. Eugene Power, vice-chairman
of the council, in the absence of Mrs.
Stowell Stebbins, chairman, a pre-
sentation of the Alumni Association's
Program for the anniversary celebra-
tion in June will be given and dis-
cussed by the council.

Second Production outStrain."p rpresent scee
TSermon by the minister. I fBethlehem
In League Series Student choir and double quar-
7 g tette. The Cong
Is Little TD C fincess 5:30 p.m., Westminster Student lowshi, the
Guild. Supper and social hour fol- votional Gr
The children's Theatre of Ann lowed by the meeting at 6:30 p.m. upper roomc
Arbor presents THE LITTLE PRIN- Subject: "Is Humanism Enough?" Sunday mor
CESS, a play for girls by Frances Speaker: Dr. W. P. Lemon. Blakeman,1
rHodgson Burnett. Directed by Sarah _____
Pierce. Settings by Oren Parker. Students, wi
Costumes by Jean Stearns and First Cong egationalChurch. Sdnt
' Thelma Tescencorf. At the Mien- Allison Ray Heaps, minister, orgY anization
"y ELeNrCUTHBERT 10:45 a.m., service of worship, Dr.
Howard R. Chapman will be the Reformed;
s RIGHT once more triumphed with guest minister. Churches: S
e the aid of the cast of "The Lit- 6 p.m. Student Fellowship, follow- the Women'
tie Princess," a Children's Theatre ing the supper there will be an un- a.m., Sunda
1 production being given this week-end usually interesting program. Mrs. meyer of G
- at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Heaps and Mrs. Roselle Knott will speaker.
r Although the plot, which is a
slight deviation from the Cinderella
f type of story, was not particularly
- strong, intei-est built up by the play-
e ers in individual situations made of
r it a very creditable performance. The
action takes place in Miss Minchin's
select seminary for young ladies, in
- the London of about 1860, and in the
1 home of Mrs. Carrisford next door to
o it. Betty Spooner, playing the title
- role, and Phyllis Blauman, playing
- the part of the two-faced Miss Min-
e chin, were largely responsible for
- sustaining the interest, although they
f were capably aided by excellent Per-
e formance on the part of other play-
ers. Miss Blauman succeeded so well
- in her portrayal that the audience of
children heartily clapped whenever
s matters went against her. A sensitive
portrayal of Sara Crew's character
1 was given by Miss Spooner. Sara, a
s. heiress to a large fortune and spoiled
'- by Miss Minchin, is treated shame-Y
; ully when it is discovered that her
m father has died, leaving her penniless.
s Mention should be made of the work
; of Marney Coe, playing the part of purchase your
d Becky, the likeable scullery maid, 10
and of Ruth Menefee, who played
e good-natured, stupid Ermengarde, a
e pupil in the school. These two, visit- g nensaan for
Sing the Little Princess in her garret ia e sa o
"room, are responsible for the little
- touch of humor in the play.
Ralph Bell, too, as Mr. Carrisford,
o should be mentioned. His name and
that of Robert Reinhart as the law-
yer, were somehow omitted from the 04 o
program. So was that of Melchisedec,
the rat, who was very much alive and
very obliging with his squeaks.
Miss Spooner handled him with
_ _conviction.Buy it at the Lo
SBULLETIiN Phone our office i
(Continued from Page 4) Student Publica
- 6:30 p.m., Dr. Howard Y. McClusky,
n Professor of Education Psychology, Building ... 2324-
n will address the guild on the subject
- "If I Were a Student Again." Op-
- portunity for questions will be given
following the address. This program
d marks the beginning of a series on iganensian TOD
r the general subject of personality
a development.
f Fist Presbyterian Church: SAVE 50 i P Bal
t 327 South Fourth Ave. S JP B
s William P. Lemon, D.D., minister.
e Elizabeth Leinbach, assistant. P t aymeis by St
- 10:45 a.m., "Life Abundant-with-
r Jewelry and
e Watch Repairing
HALLER'S Jewelry
State at Liberty
II , 1 li

"A man's greatness may be measured by the reach of his relati
-MR. CH.
Masonic Temple, at 327 South Fourth Ave. Oakland and East Univer
Rev. W. P. Lemon, Minister Dr. Bernard Heller, Direc
Sunday School - 10:00 a.
Miss Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistant. Open House in the evenin
10:45 a.m. -"Life Abundant - Without
Strain." Sermon by the Minister. Student
choir and double quartette. ZION LUTHERAN CHU
5:30 p.m.- Westminster Guild, student Corner Washington St. an
group. Supper and social hour followed by E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor.
the meeting at 6:30. Subject: "Is Human- Morning worship - 10:30
ism Enough." Speaker: Dr. W. P. Lemon. "A Living Sacrifice."
5:30 p.m.-Lutheran St
409 South Division
Services Sunday, 10:30 a.m. BETHLEHEM EVANGELI
Reading Room, 206 East Liberty
South Fourth Avenue, nea
Rev. T. R. Schmale, Pasto
ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 14:30a.m.-Morning Wo
the Rev. Kepler van Ev
(Missouri Synod) China.
Cor. Third and Liberty Streets 7:00 p.m.-Young Peopl
Carl A. Bauer, Minister Religion-Liability or As
10: 45 a.m. - Sermon,
5:30 p.m. - Student Supper
6:30 p.m.-Bible Study Program: Survey FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH

es from "The Little Town
;regational Student Fel-
first meeting of the De-
oup will be held in the
of Lane Hall at 9:30 a.m.
ning, Jan. 10. Dr. E. W.
Religious Counselor to
ll open the series at this
al meeting.
and Christian Reformed
Services will be held in
s League-Chapel at 10:30
y, Jan. 10. Rev. G. Hof-
iand Rapids, will be the


n the
1 . ..

ice on





Gay Field Flowers
Novel is the manner in which the
white leather belt runs through nar-
row panels held fast by buttons which
are laced in place (do you follow?)
on a two-piece shirtwaist frock of
dark red and white print.
"Gay field" flowers against a brown
background seem particularly ap-
propriate for a dress in which the fa-



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Zwerdlin9's 33rd



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udent Club.
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vera, missionary to
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The thirty-two months' course,
providing an intensive and var-
ied experience through the case
study method, leads to the de-

At Savings averaging One-Half
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In spite of the rapidly rising market you may still select the fur
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A store like Zwerdling's where, regardless of price, you know that
whatever the coat you select, it is of certified;4 qvality ... a certi&d value.

MIR q,




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