SATURDAY, JAN. 9, 1937
SATURDAY, JAI~. 9. 1937
High Schools
Debate Today
In Meet Here
Electric Utilities Conitrol
Is Topic; Experts Talk
To State-Wide Group
j akes Lone Stand
Doctors Advise Rest, Isolation
And Liquids To Combat Colds
Mrs. Baker Loses Composure
As Her Husband Takes Stand
(Continted from Page 1) again, pulled the hammer back, and
directed her to make it go off with-
thing" as killing Schneider and that out pulling the trigger. At first
the gun went off accidentally as she confused, she tried banging it light-
held it in her hand while attempting ly on the chair, without success.
More than 50 high schools through-E
out the state are expected to partici-
pate in the debate tournament to be
held today at Ann Arbor High School,
according to an announcement by
William P. Halstead, manager of the
Michigan High School Forensic As-
sociation, and Glen E. Mills, director
of Forensics, Ann Arbor High School.
Inasmuch as each high school may
bring as manysteams as it wishes, the
total number of squads will prob-
ably exceed 80, according to the an-
nouncement. The debates, which will
be conducted in three rounds, at 9
a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 1 p.m., concern
the regulation of electric utilities by
the government. The debates are
not officially competitive, it was ex-
plained, but serve merely as practice
for the teams which are preparing
for the state championship debate to
take place April 30, 1937.
Starting at 2:30 p.m. today an
open-forum discussion covering the
various aspects of the question will
be held in the Pattengill Auditorium,
Ann Arbor High School.
Among the speakers on the panel
will be:
Prof. E. Blythe Stason of the Law
School, who will speak on "The Legal
Aspects of the Regulation of Electric
Utilities"; Dr. Ralph L. Dewey of the
economics department, discussing
Associated Press Photo
Unanimous passage of emergency
ncutraility legislation in the House
of Reprusentatives was prevented
when John T. Bernhard (above),
new Fat mer-Laborite representa-
tive from Minnesota, cast the only
negative vote.
"Some Leading Economic Factors of
the Government in Business"; Frank
A. Newton of the Commonwealth and
Southern Corp., who will give the
viewpoint of "Regulation from the
Standpoint of the Private Company";
and Donald M. Whitesell of the Mich-
igan Municipal League, who will di-'
vulge information regarding "Rates
in Municipal Plants."
Prof. G. E. Densmore, of the speech
department, is to act as chairman.
Other members of the speech depart-
ment will judge the -debates.
Hoping to avoid additional colds
and spread of influenza on the cam-
pus, Dr. A. C. Furstenberg, dean of
the Medical School, and Dr. Margaret
Bell, acting director of the Health
Service, issued the following state-
ment yesterday which will be post-
ed in all fraternities, sororities and
"There is no specific cure for head
colds. The best prescription is rest
in bed until complete recovery.
"2. Take every question to the
doctor. When medication is indicat-
ed get it from the Health Service.
3. Protect your fellow students.
"4. Cure yourself in the shortest
time possible.
"5. Remain isolated until cold is
completely cured.
"6. Recent evidence demonstrates
Jiltrable virus remains suspended in
room air for hours and is infectious.
"7. Keep mouth and nose covered
when coughing or expectorating, or
when blowing the nose. Use cheese
cloth or tissue that can be destroyed
by burning.
Stay In Bed
"8. Get much more rest than
usual. Stay in bed.
"9. Avoid drafts and rapid
changes changes of temperature. It
is desirable to:
a. take sponge bath.
b. sleep in cool (not frigid) well
ventilated rooms.
c. no shampooing.
"10. Force intake of Iluids. Drink
at least a glass of fluid per hour.
"11. Do not use local methods of
treatment in the nose unless under
the direct care of a physician, because
this type- of therapy is frequently
the cause of such complications as
sinusitis, middle ear infections and
"12. During the course of the in-
fection it is not desirable to exercise.
Under such conditions it is impos-
sible to maintain the body heat and
one is rendered more susceptible to
"13. Avoid swimming when symp-
toms of a cold are present. Swim-
ming is to be encouraged when
"14. Avoid crowds."
Epidemic Under Control
Dean Wilber R. Humphreys of the
literary college said yesterday in re-
gard to excuses for student illness
during the epidemic, "In this college
there is no such thing as an official
excuse of absence. Statements con-
cerning the illness of students,
whether issued by the Health Service,
by private physicians, or by other
persons, are intended for the infor-
mation of the instructors concerned.
I can see no objection to the issuing
of such statements by .landladies,
house mothers, social directors, and'
fraternity presidents, to the effect
that certain students have stayed in
their rooms in accordance with the
advice given by Dean Furstenberg
and Dr. Bell."
"Thereare 10 student cases of flu
in the Health Service and in Ann Ar-
bor hospitals, and 21 with colds," de-
clared Dr. Bell. "Our patients are
improving and the epidemic is under
control," she said.
to scare him out of an "ugly and ir-
ritating mood."
Reluctantly she reenacted the kill-
ing, Prosecutor Rapp calling her
from the witness stand to a chair in
the court room and placing in her
hands her husband's gun that she
Thought Rather Harmless
She held the revolver in her hand
awkwardly, turning and shaking it,f
at Mr. Rapp's insistence, as she didI
on the night of June 29 at Schneider
in the back seat of her car, parked
near the Huron River. She repeat-
ed word for word her previous testi-
mony about not knowing the im-
portance of the hammer, which, she
said, she pulled back "to try to make
Cub think I meant business." She
had always regarded a revolver as
"a harmless weapon for me," she
stated, "because the trigger pulled so
"Did you have your finger on the
trigger that night, Mrs. Baker," Mr.
Rapp wanted to know.
"I don't know," the defendant
"Well, the gun went off didn't it?"
"And you were holding it, weren't
you," the prosecutor asked pointed-
"Holding the gun, yes," she re-
plied evenly.
Bangs Gun On Chair
The prosecutor handed her the gun
Back in the witness stand, at Mr.
Rapp's instruction, Mrs. Baker pulled
the trigger, again handling the gun
in an awkward manner.
"It wasn't hard, was it?" her cross-
examiner queried.
She hesitated. Then, "no."
"Do it again." She pulled the trig-
ger, as Papp threw a significant
glance at the jury.
Although Mrs. Baker admitted that
she "knew Ann Arbor quite well," she
told of her confusion in driving home
after the killing with Schneider's
body in the rear seat of her car. Mr.
Rapp contended that because she
turned left away from both St. Jo-
seph Mercy Hospital and the Uni-
versity hospital she did not want to
get Schneider, whom, she confessed,
,he did not definitely know was dead,
;o medical aid.
"You were trying to hide the body,
weren't you?" the prosecutor charged.
"No," Miss. Baker answered. "If I
had wanted to do that, I could have
taken a short cut home. I didn't
know what to do or where to go."
She told how she drove the car
into the Baker garage after return-
ing home, Schneider's body still in
the back seat.
"You left him in the garage for
three hours," Mr. Rapp accused.
"It was about that," she answered
"And you didn't know whether he
was dead or not, did you?"
"No, but I was sure he was."
"And you didn't give him a chance
to find out whether he could live or
not, did you? You were satisfied you
had accomplished your purpose. You
had decided if you couldn't have him,
nobody else would. You were satis-
'fied, weren't you?"
"That's not true," Mrs. Baker re-
torted definantly. I never said it.
Never ever."-.
Prosecutor Rapp introduced a let-
ter from Milton D. Shanacup, Mrs.
Baker's friend in the state attorney-
general's office, whom she called after
the killing before telling anyone else.
It started "Dear Bum Bum" (Mrs.
Baker's pet name), and in intimately
phrased terms told of the writer's
desire to be with her. It asked that
"Hoosier," i.e., Patrolman Baker,
"give you a hug for me." The prose-
cution held that in calling Mr. Shan-
nacup, she "planned her defense be-
fore you knew your victim was dead."
She answered that "Shanny knew
the situation and my nature better
than anybody else."
Mr. Rapp probed Mrs. Baker's
knowledge of affairs he charged
Schneider had with other women,
contending she was jealous and at-
tempting, unsuccessfully to cross her
up on previous testimony.
Mr. Devine, in re-direct examina-
tion, brought out Schneider's threat's
of suicide "unless I can have you for
my own," in an effort to substantiate
the defense counsel's theory that Mrs.
Baker loved Schneider so intimately
that she would not have intention-
ally killed him.
Announcement that the barn dance
and sleigh ride planned for sopho-
mores in the College of Architecture
for tonight had been postponed at
least for a week was made yesterday
by Richard Trusdell, '39A, in charge
of arrangements for the party.
S.7-OCE Nz 10 : E 819 61 '55
..... .. .. .
At three o'clock that afternoon the Chester-
fields were on their way. Four days later back
. . . giving smokers what they want
. . . Chesterfields are off on a new cruise.
From Wake Island 5000 miles out in the