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January 09, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-09

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SATURDAY, JAN. 9, 1937

F -"
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1936 Member 1937
Assocded Colle6de Press
Distributors of
Qfle6ale Diest
Published every morning except Monday during the
University yearrand Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
seond class mail matter.-
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.5G.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
JamesBoozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
iditorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.-
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
.man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas.
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Departmet
Business Assistants: Robert Martin, Ed Macal, Phil Bu-
chen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Newton
Ketcham, Robert Lodge, Ralph -Shelton, Bill New-
nan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Coleman, W. Layhe, J. D. Haas, Russ Cole.
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, DodleDay, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
Sack Staple. Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; HerbertFalender, Publications and Class-
itied Advertising Manager.
Housewives, A Farmer,
A Mill Hand, Lawyers. .
wrote to President Conant of Har-
vard University asking him to head a separate in-
quiry to determine whether there was a case
for the Regents of the University of Wisconsin
to consider against Glenn Frank, Dr. Conant
"The question before the Board (of. Regents)
is whether they have confidence in the president,
the question before the educational worl and
the people of your state is whether they have
confidence in the Board of Regents.
"Clsely connected with this question of the
ability and independence of this particular
Board is the question of the proper relation
of such a Board to the whole structure of state
"I cannot help feeling that the arrangements
in the State of Wisconsin are not particularly
happy in this regard ..."
This, it seems to us, is the central issue. Not

academic freedom, not the competence of Glenn
Frank, not the precise nature of the political
situation in Wisconsin, but why that political
situation should have been allowed at all to
affect an educational institution.
Mark Sullivan asks: "Who shall control and
manage our educational institutions; who shall
determine what is to be taught?"
In colleges and universities, he says, "as to'
what is taught and what views expressed; the
faculty should be the judge. The faculty are
scholars, devoted to disinterested search for ab-
solute truth; it is indefensible that they should
be interfered with by persons or groulIs less in-
formed or having bias, whether these be politi-
cians controlling state universities, or boards of
trustees controlling private ones. To this immu-
nity college teachers are clearly entitled so far
as they remain within their function of teaching,
and within the subjects in which they are spe-
cialists. If they go outside their fields, other
considerations arise.
"For if we grant to faculties complete aca-
demic freedom, these in turn should practice
self-imposed restraint . .."
Mr. Sullivan is concerned with more than one
question-the control of universities, and the
function of teachers as citizens. The first of
these is, we believe, the primary issue, but the
second was the cause of Dr. Frank's dismissal.
For Dr. Frank was a public figure as well as a
college president. He was hired in 1925, it has
been said, to bring publicity and prestige to the
university. He has become a political figure
of the second magnitude in the ranks of the pro-
gressive Republicans, and as such a potent com-

open hearing demonstrated that a large factor
in the action of the Regents was the political
hostility between the man who hadhappointed
ten of them and Dr. Frank.
That this factor should have entered at all into
the matter is the most unfortunate aspect of the
Frank case.
The people who now determine the educational
policies of the University of Wisconsin are not
the faculty housewives, but a physician, a labor
leader, the business manager of a newspaper, a
farmer, a mill hand, a Lutheran Fundamental-
ist clergyman, a paper manufacturer, lawyers,
the president of the Wisconsin Farmers' Equity
Union, and, ex-officio, the State Superintendent
of Public Education. They are the Regents, ap-
pointed by the Governor.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Mr. Player's Letter
To the Editor:
I hesitate to dignify with a reply the the com-
munication of one Willis Player in Friday's Fo-
rum. Professor Levi needs no defense against
such puerile attacks. To the entire faculty, to
some of the less provincial in the student body,
and especially to those who know him per-
sonally, Professor Levi's intellect, culture, hon-
esty and courage are well known.
Lest some readers be misled by Mr. Player's
eloquent infantility, however, I should like to
remind them that Professor-Emeritus Moritz
Levi taught French language and literature
during a long and honorable career on the uni-
versity faculty; that he has been a professor-
emeritus for some years; that he is an assiduous
student of many literatures, of human problems,
and of contemporary affairs. Unbiased readers
will recall that Professor Levi's contributions to
The Daily have consisted usually of literal quo-
tations, fully documented with page and line,
from authentic publications, including Hitler's
"Mein Kampf" and representative German news-
papers of the day. Professor Levi has given us
much important information from genuine
sources which most of us do not have the
leisure examine. Usually Professor Levi adds
little or no comment of his own. While he na-
tually presents facts favorable to his views, be
it noted that he presents facts, not opinions;
facts, moreover, which have been played down
or ignored by the press at large.
As to Mr. Player, I have no idea who he is,
though he tells us he has been on the campus
for over three years. His letter, in contrast
to those of the gentleman he criticizes, is so
obviously void of facts and pregnant with opin-
ion that it refutes itself.
To me as a teacher it is saddening to witness
so obvious an example of our failure to educate.
The most rudimentary sort of courtesy, even if
not embellished by culture and an open mind,
should dictate a more tempered expression of a
difference of opinion.
-Charles N. Staubach.
(Instructor in Spanish)
Mysterious Nazi CultureI
To the Editor:
I do not know whether Mr. Player's letter
was consciously or unconsciously humorous, but
certainly ever line reads like one of the topsy-
turvy bits from one of Gilbert's or Lewis Carroll's
extravaganzas. Take this excerpt for instance:
"Levi seems to think that National Socialist Ger-
many has driven out the cream of the German
intellectual crop. There are two things con-
cerning this. First, the best of Germany's rotted,
hesitating, feminized, democratic intellectuals
was pretty bad. Second, the National Socialists
have found living, vital substitutes."
Republican Germany during fourteen years of
freedom produced the masterpieces of Thomas
Mann, Erich Remarque, Hans Fallada and Franz

Werfel; a literature probably superior in quality
to anything produced during the same period by'
England, France, Russia, the United States or
any other nation. We are all agog to learn
from Mr. Player the longer and better list of
great masterpieces pz oduced by National Social-
ist authors during four years of servitude under
the dictatorship. Certainly, if he knows who
these "living, vital substitutes" for Germany's
"pretty bad" intellectuals are he should tell us,
for no one else has ever heard of them!
Or perhaps these superior productions are
in art, rather than literature. The great pic-
tures, statues and so forth produced since 1933
in Germany are-what? Or music? Or science?
All those new and greater physicists that have
superseded the primitive blunderings of Ein-
stein? Or history? Or philosophy? Or perhaps he
refers to the great increase in the attendance at
the German universities and their increased
scholarly reputation throughout the whole civ-
ilized world? Or the wider circulation and more
interesting character of the German press? No
doubt, the eight German Nobel prize winners
now in exile can be matched by a still longer list
of German Nobel prize winners who are actively
supporting the present dictatorship. I thirst
for their names! It is my job to keep informed on
current European events, and to learn that there
has been a whole "living, vital" renaissance of
German culture kept as a secret from me and
from the rest of the world is most humiliating.
Enlighten my ignorance, not with generalities
but with specific names and facts.
-Preston Slosson.
Angered And Puzzled

DIRTY DISHES must fill half the sinks in Ann
Arbor these days unless the host of avid
housewives who jam the overflowing courtroom
of the County Court House from dawn to dark'
for the details of the murder trial of Mrs. Betty
Baker, take care of their household chores at
very unusual hours.
Wild horses could not pull many of these
portly dames from their places. They arrive
almost an hour before court is scheduled to openf
in the morning, hold their places through both
the short recesses of the morning and the after-
noon, and do not budge even during the long two-1
hour noon recess when they vary the monotony
by unwrapping sandwiches and munching them1
contentedly while gossiping of the latest de-f
velopments of the trial.
Aside from the intimate nature of the testi-
mony, there is a certain joy spectators at this
murder trial seem to derive from the proceedings.
*'- * *
AS I SAT in the old court room with its
typical mahogany woodwork, and with the1
somewhat grimy American flag stretched ove(
the 14 elderly jurors-all men-and watched th
proceedings, I couldn't help feeling that I was
witnessing a high powered and highly spectacu
lar stage play. Then, with a sudden snap back
to reality, the significance of the whole picture
-a woman on trial for murder.
The atmosphere is electric with tension. Mrs.
Baker, calm while replying with carefully chosen
words to the accusing questions of Prosecutor
Rapp, bends forward slightly in the witness chair
to make her answers.
The cross examination of the defendant is
punctuated from time to time as defense attor-
ney Devine rises without excitement and moves
objections to the question.
Rapp, a commanding personality at perfect
ease, sits in a chair facing Mrs. Baker, and plies
her with questions concerning the triangle which
involved her policeman husband, her lover 'Cub'
Schneider, and herself.
The, dead man's brother, Harold sat next
to me at yesterday morning's proceedings, and
mumbled under his breath when Mrs. Baker
called her relationship with "Cub" a "beautiful
friendship." Two seats away was Al Baker,
sitting quietly in a good-looking blue suit and
intent onthe proceedings while his wife testified
to her love for another man.
Al Baker has mortgaged his home to provide
funds for his wife's defense.
IN THE FRONT ROW of the court room are
22 seats, and 18 of the occupants were women.
Ranged in a semi-circle in front of the raised
bench of Judge Sample who granted or refused
the objections of the defense in low, modulated
tones, is the press, including two women corre-
spondents for Detroit papers.
High over the door leading to the judge's pri-
vate office just behind the bench the worn face
of Abraham Lincoln looks unwaveringly down as
the trial progresses.
Mrs. Baker, whose defense rests upon the fact
that the shooting of 'Cub' was entirely accidental,
was on the stand for almost two days under the
gruelling examination of Rapp. The only food
that she took for the first 24 hours was a single
glass of milk, according to the matron of the
Rapp, who boasts a record of having triga
over 400 cases without an acquittal in the last
six months, admitted yesterday that he was com-
pletely fatigued and that he planned a vacation
trip to Florida following the conclusion of this
old American sock in the nose, that is, if they're
not too big and husky.
It seems that Willis objects to the writings of
Levi in the Forum, which he has been reading
for 31 /2,years. I don't know why Willis has been
reading something he doesn't like for 312 years,
unless it took him that long to find out that he

doesn't like it. I know a very stupid fellow who
bought a book which he didn't like after the first
day of the semester and he never looked at it
-Art Settle.
Horse Sense
To the Editor:
I should'like to comment upon your obvious
freedom from prejudice in the matter of how you
run The Daily. This freedom is conspicuous by its
absence and is beginning to amuse us of the
unaffiliated unfortunates. Twice now, the humble
League House in which I live has submitted
notices of affairs to your charming social editor
who claims that all such notices are welcome.
But we have yet to cast our feverish eyes upon
an account of our affair in the celestial sheets
of The Daily. Why? Upon inquiry, we discover
that there was no room for our notice. Of
course we realize that it's important to insert
a column stating what Mary Belle X wore to the
party last night or a feature story about the
love-sick pilot circling, Mosher-Jordan-but then
-we're conceited too, we like to see our names
in print also.
By the way, Mr. Editor, you might suggest
to the women's social editor that she read "The
Marks of An Educated Man." This is a book,
the principles of which may be applied to women
who have the intelligence to understand it-
quite an inspiring book.
-Mrs. Vanderbilt's Horse.
In 1935 pecan growers around Nowata, Okla.,
shipped 50 carloads. In 1936 there weren't
enouh necans-because of drought-to meet

It is satisfying for once to be able
to speak in superlatives about any-
thing in connection with the theatre.
In the case of Nazimova's perfor-
mances in two of Ibsen's plays next
week it is imperative to do so. She
will play the name part in Hedda
Gabler at the Cass in Detroit Mon-
day through Wednesday night with
a matinee Wednesday, Ghosts, the
rest of the week, matinee Saturday.
People who write about the theatre
are often accused by other playgoers
of dealing too harshly with perform-
ers and plays, to set too high a
standard. While I do not agree with
these accusations, I can understand
Although the theatre is flourishing
today in spite of the real estate deal-
ers and gamblers who control almost
all of it, it is so much less good than
it might if it were more efficiently
organized. In New York on Jan. 1
about 32 legitimate theatres were
open, yet only a half dozen of them
housed attractions in the "impera-
tive" class and not all of those could
by any means be called superb. Oth-
er ventures worthy of attention were
great plays with mediocre casts or
lukewarm plays superbly acted.
The most satisfactory of all is John
Gielgud's Hamlet, which has just
passed the record for number of con-
secutive performances of the part in
New York. It does compare with the
performances of Nazimova as Mrs.
Alving in Ghosts mentioned above.
Only two other performances in my
playgoing experience compare with
the emotional power of these two.
They are Julia Marlowe's Juliet and
the late Alexander Moissi's Fedya in
Tolstoy's The Living Corpse.
Nazimova like John Gielgud has
the ability, the genius to take a great
part in a play that is also a literary
masterpiece and make it come to life
in the theatre; to do what evey in-
terpretative artist must do-make the
interpreted work seem the natural
and inevitable expression of inner
emotions and thoughts. By her play-
ing she conveys a realization of the
stature of Mrs. Alving and an im-
pression of intense feeling which the
audience feels emphatecially. She be-
gins the play quietly, realistically,
then grips the audience almost una-
wares as she tells Pastor Manders
about her past life. She never re-
laxes this hold but carries the au-
dience through to the, terrifically
powerful climax at the end of the
There has been a tendency lately
to slight Ibsen. Commentators say
his work is dated--can no longer have
meaning except as a vehicle for star
performers. It is true that inferior
plays can be made into thrilling
theatre by fine acting but in Nazi-
mova's Ghosts as in Gielgud's Ham-
let, actor collaborates with play-
wright to form the final emotional
In importance to the modern
theatre Ibsen stands as Shakespeare
does to the Elizabethan with the dif-
ference that he was the initiator of
a new form of drama, the founder of
a school. So great has his influence
on the modern theatre been that
George Jean Nathan has said there
has been but one original playwright
-Pirandello-since Ibsen wrote his
"social dramas."
When he first wrote he was thought
by many of his most ardent support-
ers to be primarily a social reformer.
But in the light of the historical per-
spective of half a century he seems to
be a dramatist interested in the in-
dividual and his problems. These
problems do relate closely, of course,
to the individual's environment, but
the plays depend primarily on char-
acterization, poetic feeling, sometimes
on mysticism, on dramatic structure.

To say that Ghosts is dated because
the central problem could no longer
occur is equivalent to saying that
The Merchant of Venice is dated be-
cause a case like Shylock's could not
be brought before any court today.
Ghosts, one of his earliest prose
plays may lack the mysticism of later
plays like The Master Builder, or the
subtlety of characterization of Hedda
Gabler, or the irony of An Enemy
of the People and The Wild Duck but
it does have more tragic simplicity
relate more closely to true tragedy
than these later plays.
Nazimova's Hedda Gabler I have
not seen but according to critics she
brings to the more theatric character
of Hedda the same emotional under-
standing that she brings to Mrs. Al-
ving. Unlike her Mrs. Alving, which
she played for the first time during
the season when she played it here
in 1935; Hedda Gabler was in her rep-
ertory when she first played in Eng-
lish in this country. Probably no
one else in the theatre today has both
the background of tradition and th
ability to recreate Ibsen's women as
she has.
Standing on tip-toe and screaming
may not be the best way to call at
tention to something one admires bu
nothing less startling seems possibl
in the case of Nazimova's peiform-
ance of Mrs. Alving. It is an ex-
perience not to be missed at an
cost-that is by anyone who can be
thrilled by superlative theatre.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m.on Saturday.

SATURDAY, JAN. 9, 1937
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to students on Wednesday,
Jan. 13, from 4 to 6 p.m.
University Women: Students who
plan to change residence the second
semester must notify their household
or dormitory director not later than
Saturday noon, Jan.16.
Jeannette Perry. Assistant
Dean of Women.
Comprehensive Examination in
Education: Will be given today at 9
and at 2 p.m., in 4009 U.H.S.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: Will be given today at 8
and at 2 p.m. in the auditorium of
the University High School.
Notice to Presidents and Treasur-
ers of Student Organizations: Ar-
rangements with a photographer for
your organization group picture or
any other pictures which you desire
to appear on your page in the 1937
Michiganensian should be taken care
of at once. All organization pictures
for the 'Ensian must be submitted
before Jan. 24. Your immediate co-
operation in this matter will be nec-
essary in order to avoid the last
minute rush.
Notice to Presidents and Treasur-
ers of Student Organizations: The
1937 Michiganensian cannot accepi
any page contracts for space in thi
year's annual after Jan. 24. All con-
tracts and page copy, (names o
members and officers to appear or
the page) must be received by the
'Ensian office before Jan. 24.
The 1937 Michiganensian.
Academic Notices
Criminology Field Trip: Bus -fo
trip to Detroit courts, etc., for Crim-
inology students leaves Michigan Un-
ion at 8:30 this morning. Saturda3
quiz sections will not meet.
Reading Examinations in French
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D
in the departments listed below wh
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knoweldge during the cur-
rent academic year, 1936-37, ar
informed that examinations will b
offered in Room 108, Romance Lan-
guage Building, from 2 to 5, on Sat-
urday afternoon, Jan. 23, May 22
and August 7. It will be necessar
to register at the office of the De-
partment of Romance Language
(112. R.L.) at least one week in ad-
vance. Lists of books recommende
by the various departments are ob-
tainable at this office.
It is desirable that candidates fo
the doctorate prepare to satisfy thi
requirement at the earliest possibl
date. A brief statement of the na-
ture of the requirement, which will b
found helpful, may be obtained a
the office of the Department, an
further inquiries may be addresse
to Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Satur-
days at 10 a.m. and by appointment.
This announcement applies only t
candidates in the following depart
ments: Ancient and Modern Lan
guages and Literatures, History, Ec
onomics, Sociology, Political Sci
ence, Philosophy, Education, Speech
Carillon Recitals: Until furthe
notice, the carillon will be played i
30 minute programs, every Thursctaa
afternoon and Sunday afternoo
except when concerts are given i
Hill Auditorium) at 4:15 p.m. b
Wilmot Pratt, carillonneur.
Organ Recitals: The followin
schedule of organ recitals is an
nounced for the balance of the yea
to be given in Hill Auditorium a
4:15 p.m.

Sunday, Jan. 31:
S Palmer Christian (Bach Recital).
Wednesday, Feb. 17:
Arthur Poister (University of Red
' Wednesday, March 3:
E. William Doty.
Wednesday, March 10:
Palmer Christian.
Wednesday, March 17:
Palmer Christian.
Friday, March 26:
Palmer Christian (Good Frida
Sunday, April 25:
Palmer Christian (Bach Recital)
- Exhibitions
a Exhibitions of Prints by America
a Artists and Paintings by the Chapi
e Family, Alumni Memorial Hall, af
s ternoons, 2-5, through Jan. 19.
Events Of Today
Graduate Outing Club: A Splas
t Party will be held tonight at the Ir
e tramural Building. Meet at Lane Ha
- at 7:30 p.m. or at the Pool. All grac
- uate students are cordially invited.
e CanigEvet

Teaching of Cooperation." There will
be an opportunity provided for ques-
tions and discussion after Mr. Heise's
talk. Students taking work in edu-
cation, their friends, and those in-
terested, are cordially invited to at-
1937 Mechanical Engineers: Mr. T.
W. Prior of the Goodyear Tire and
Rubber Company will be here Mon-
day, January 11, for the purpose of
interviewing men for positions. A
group discussion will open the in-
terviews. This will be at 10:30' a.m.
in room 348. Literature and blanks
may be obtainec in room 221.

Suomi Club: A meeting will'
held Sunday, Jan. 10, at 2:30 p.m.,
the Upper Room, Lane Hall.


League Publicity Committee: There
will be a meeting Monday, Jan, 11, at
4 p.m. in the undergraduate office of
the League. Please bring your cou-
pon books.
The Nell Gwyn performance of
Fielding's "Tom Thumb" to be given
on Tuesday, Jan. 12, in Sarah Case-
well Angell Hall. will begin at 9 and
not at 8:30 as was previously an-
Michigan Dames: The Music Group
of the Michigan Dames will meet
Monday evening, Jan. 11, at the home
of Mrs. John LaMb, 715 Forest Ave.
at 8 p.m. Anyone interested is cor-
dially invited to attend the meeting.
The Monday Evening Drama Sec-
tion of the Faculty Women's Club
will meet Monday, Jan. 11, at the
Michigan Union, at 7:30 p.m.
Les Miserables: Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, January 12-13, Matinees both
days at 3:15. The box office will
open Monday at 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Forum: Prof. Lawrence
Preuss will lead the Union Sunday
Forum at 4:30 p.m. on the subject
of "American Neutrality." Members
of the student body and faculty are
urged to attend.
The Second Inter-Faith SymnPo-
sium will be held Sunday, Jan. 10,
from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Grand Rap-
ids Room of the Michigan League.
Representatives of the three trai-
tions: Oriental, Jewish, Christian, will
lead the discussion, "Can Wright and
Wrong be Abolished?" Everyone is in-
Ann Arbor Friends' Group: The
Ann Arbor Friends will meet Sunday,
Jan. 10, at 5 p.m. in the Michigan
League. Meeting for worship will be
followed by a talk by Dr. Francis S.
Onderdonk: "Tolstoi vs. the Dic-
tators." Everyone interested is cor-
dially invited.
Harris Hall, Sunday:
The regular student meeting will be
held at 7 p.m. The Rev. Henry Lewis
will be the speaker. All students and
their friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Services are: 8 a.h., Holy Com-
munion; 9:30 a.m., Church School.
11 a.m., Morning- prayer and sermon
by the Rev. Henry Lewis. 11 a.m.,
Stalker Hall, Sunday:
9:45 a.m., Student class led by
Prof. Geo. Carrothers on the theme:
"Certain Shifts in Religious Em-
6 p.m. at the church. Union meet-
ing with the Hi-Alpha Deltas. Fel-
lowship hour and supper followed by
Dr. Harold Carr of Flint, speaking
on the subject: "Some Personalities
I Have Known." All Methodist stu-
dents and their friends are cordially
t invited.
- First Methodist Church, Sunday:
Morning worship service at 10:45
a.m. Dr. Harold F.' Carr will speak
on "By 'Beautiful Larden'."
St. Paul's Lutheran Church: Carl
A. Brauer, Minister.
The morning service will be held at
10:45 a.m. The Student Club has re-
quested Bible students on two Suh-
day evening each month for the rest
of the school year. The "Book of
Genesis" will be discussed this Sun-
day evening at 6:30 p.m. at the first
in the series of "A Survey of the
Books of the Bible." The pastor will
lead these discussions and the public
i s invited to attend the entire series.
The Lutheran Student Club will
hold its regular Sunday evening

meeting in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall
at 5:30 p.m. A student discussion on
h"The Contribution of the Lutheran
- Church to the World" will follow the
l. supper hour. All students are wel-
Trinity Lutheran Church, Sunday:
Church services will' be held at
10:30 a.m. Rev. Henry Yoder will

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