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January 09, 1937 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-09

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SATURDAY, JAN. 9, .1937




Michigan Faces

Veteran Sarnia Sextet At Coliseum Tonight


Murphy AGridder
GOV. FRANK MURPHY was at one time a candidate for the Michigan
football team . . . He aspired to be a halfback but according to Fielding
H. Yost, head coach at the time the state's new political chieftain was in
school, was too light to make the grade . . . We understand that a
whippet can run 440 yeards in 27 seconds . . . Here's once when we wish
Charley Hoyt's track team would go to the dogs . .. Next December when
the sport scribes start reviewing 1937, the unexpected flop of the Chicago
Blackhawks may easily rate as the biggest surprise of the year . .. Usually
a strong contender for the Stanley Cup, and expected to be in the thick
of the scramble again this year, the Hawks are floundering in the cellar
of their division and to date have won only four games.
Seven engagements are on the Michigan athletic card for next week
and four of them will be held there . . . Monday night the cagers tackle.
Northwestern in the Field House and Saturday face Wisconsin on the -
Badgers' home court . . . The wrestlers go on the road for two meetsI
facing Lehigh Friday and Franklin and Marshall Saturday . . . The
swimmers will be hosts to Indiana next Saturday afternoon with the
hockey team clashing withMinnesota both Friday and Saturday nights
in the local Coliseum . . The latter series promises to be one of the
most heated in the long rivalry between the two schools.
Il ini Start Drive
FROM CHICAGO we receive the report that University of Illinois alumni
are going to do something about getting athletes for their alma mater ...
The major point of the plan is to advertise the school to prospective students
all over the country through an extensive alumni network . . . Acting Athletic
Director W. S. Wilson has cautioned Illini alumni everywhere to avoid
recruiting measures prohibited by Big Ten law . . . A campus employment'
bureau, better housing facilities and more scholarships based on competition
and merit are being urged . . . We have only the greatest of respect for the
Illini and the men heading their atlletic staff and fully agree with their
statement that the plan is in strict accordance with Conference regulations
... The Illinois reputation is spotless . .. Care will be taken to keep it so.
In seven games this season Indiana's powerful five has scored 323 points,
an average of 46 per game . . . Gunning is their leading scorer with 65
points to his credit . . . The promotion of Golden Gloves tournaments has
done more for the advancement of amateur boxing than anything else
ever attempted . . . And it has also helped the professional ring game no
end .. . Ray Fisher has a few of his ball players working out now, even though
the diamond season is months away . . .As usual Ray is mainly concerned
at this early date with his pitching staff and shortly will have all prospective
hurlers drilling in the cage . . . The Yale golf course is so laid out that a
player, in doing 18 holes, performs in three towns and one city-Woodbridge,
Orange, West Haven and New Haven,.Conn. -DeLano.
F 6nue4"


Varsity Seeks
To Avenge Loss
Of Last Season
Pucksters Aim To Extend
Winning Streak Against
Canadian Opponents
Berryman Is Missing
Harris, Invader's Goalie,
Stopped Varsity Attack
In Game Last Year
Determined to stretch their win-
ning streak, begun before Christmas.
to three games, a greatly improved
Michigan hockey squad will meet and
fight it out with the veteran Pt. Ed-
ward of Sarnia sextet in the Col-
iseum tonight. The game is scheduled
for 8 p.m.
The aim of the Wolverine puck-
sters is vindication for their defeat
at the hands of the Canadian stars
here last year the night after the
J-Hop when, despite the fact that
they rained 60 shots on Goalie Claude
Harris, they finished up on the short
end of a 4-2 count.
Berryman Is Out
Michigan will play minus the
services of Dick Berryman, three-
year veteran who has failed to re-
port for practice all week. To re-
place him on the second line Coach
Eddie Lowrey has drafted Ed Chase
from the ranks of the reserves to
take Jack Merrill's post on the left
flank. Merrill will play center, be-
tween Chase and George Cooke.
Pt. Edward brings a rugged, fast
skating club that has played together
for years. Harris in goal beat Michi-
gan almost single-handed last year
and he will be at it again tonight in
his efforts to rob Wolverine sharp-
shooters of all kinds of goals. Two
30-year old huskies, Jack Smith and
Tom Prudence will be out in front of
Harris at the Pt. Edward blue line,
and if they need relief Coach Ted
Moore can call on Red France and
Gordon Patterson, known as 'the big
train' and whose speciality is a
vicious body check.
Sarnia Has Reserves
Sarnia will have three forward lines
in addition to a change of defense
to send against the nine-man Wol-
verine squad, but Coach Lowrey
figures that this will give his charges
a chance to estimate the pace they
can maintain when they face Minne-
sota under the same conditions next
Friday and Saturday.
Among the Pt. Edward forwards
are such outstanding stars as 26-year
old Len Rutter, 25-year old Frank
Manning, and the ex-University of
Toronto star, Roger Clute.
Michigan will present a greatly im-
proved front when they face-off
against the invaders tonight. Par-
ticularly is that true of the defense.
Big Bert Smith and Bob Simpson are
wgrking together like veterans and
even the high scoring Heyliger, Fa-
bello, and James combine has been
hard put to get around them during
this week's drills.
Wood Well Protected
Smith is playing heads up hockey
all the time and he and Simpson
have developed a very effective sys-
tem for keeping Goalie Bill Wood
well protected. It consists of smart
hockey and hard, close checking.
Goalie Wood, the diminutive little
sophomore who has tended the Mich-
igan nets for all but one period of
the four games the Wolverines have
played this season, is looking better
every day. Imbued with a natural
cat-like quickness, and unquestioned

courage, Wood is fast learning the
tricks of the trade, and by the middle
of the season should be a seasoned
Probable Lineups:
Michigan Pos. Pt. Edward
Simpson ....... D........ Prudence
Smith .........D ............Smith
James ........ W ........ Manning
Heyliger .......C.......... Rutter
Fabello .......W ........... Clute
Michigan Spares: Merrill, Cooke, E.
Pt. Edward Spares: Grant, Manore,
Paterson, Levan, Guttridge, Burley,
McIver, Bradford, Wood, Garvie,
Cooper, Baker Top
Golfers In Tourney
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 8.--OP)-
Braving frost-laden winds, crack
golfers of the nation started down the
$8,000 money trail of the annual Los
Angeles open today.
At the end of 18 holes, Harry
Cooper of Chicago and Al Baker, un-
heralded Los Angeles driving range
pro, stood at the top with 69's two
under par.

Dick Berryman, second line cen-
ter on the Michigan hockey team,
has failed to report for practice
during the past week and will con-
sequently be replaced in the line-
up for tonight's match against
Sarnia. Berryman, a senior, won
his Varsity letter two years ago.
No reason was given for his quit-
Golden Gloves
Fans W ill See
Underhill Act
Ann Arbor fight fans will get a
chance to see one of their favorites of
last year in action again Jan. 26 and
27 in the form of Miles Underhill,
who ran through the welterweight
competition with six straight knock-
outs in the 1936 Golden Gloves tour-
Underhill fought in the novice
division last year but will be forced
into the open class in the coming
tournament as a result of his last
season's victory in this division.
One of the outstanding contes-
tants in the middleweight division is
Walter Butler who fought in the local
Golden Gloves tourney a few years
ago and then turned professional.
Butler is eligible for competition
this year because he has been out of
the ring for the last two years.
Ann Arbor's fighters have been
rallying in large numbers from fac-
tories and "hamburger joints" to the
tournament and a chance for boxing
glory-twenty having already signed
their entry blanks. Ivan Day, Bill
Cook, George Fuller, Ray Cobb and'
Herbert Terry have entered the wel-
terweight division, the most popular
class among the early entries.
The large number of local fighters
has necessitated an increase in the
number cf training periods at the
Armory and from now until the tour-
nament, the Armory will be open.

Iocckey Center Quits

Two Regulars
Out As Matmen
Face Dearborn
Thomas And Cameron Art
Injured As Grapplers
Meet Undefeated Foe
Wrestling 'coach Cliff Keeh warned
his crippled charges yesterday that
they may expect the toughest sort of
competition when they face the Dear-
born Athletic Club at 7:30 tonight in
tthe Yost Field House.
The Dearborn contingent has won
every meet this year, mainly in com-
petition with Y.M.C.A. and amateur
club teams. On their roster are sev-
eral ex-collegiate and amateur stars
including Johnny Chosoff at 126
Admission to the Michigan-
Dearborn Athletic Club wrestling
match tonight will be free, Coach
Cliff Keen announced yesterday.
pounds; Marvin Gustafson, a former
grappler at Ames College, at 135
pounds; Bill Combs, state high school
champ of Oklahoma, at 145 pounds;
and Gordon Major, former title-
holder of this state at 165 pounds.
The team is coached by Pat Reigh-
ter, captain of the Iowa team in 1933
and is well versed in the fine points
of the mat game. They will be fight-
ing hard to keep their slate clean for
the year and should fight on fairly
even terms with the Varsity in most
of the divisions.
Michigan, on the other hand, will
be seriously handicapped due to in-
juries of two of her veteran wrestlers,
Earl Thomas and Paul Cameron.
Thomas' knee was injured in practice
during the holidays, and although it
is responding to treatment,aCoach
Keen prefers to save his star 135
pounder for the Lehigh meet on Fri-
day. Cameron is not given much
chance to see action, due to throat
and tonsilar infections which have
incapacitated him. The veteran.
126-pounder is out for the season
pending further examination.
Michigan will seed the following
men against the Dearborn aggrega-
tion: John Speicher, 118-pounds; Ed
Kellman, 126 pounds; Harold Rosen,
135-pounds; Louis Mascuruskus, 145-
pounds; Captain Frank Bissell, 155-
pounds; Frank Morgan, 165-pounds;
Harland Danner, 175-pounds; and
Forrest Jordan, unlimited division.
Bill Walker, former New York
Giant and St. Louis Cardinal south-
paw, is being boosted by friends for
movie roles because of his striking re-
semblance to former King Edward
VIII, now the Duke of Windsor. Wal-
ker resides in St. Louis.

Daily Cage Expert
Wires Predictions;
Money On Varsity
With apparently little else to do
while en route to Chicago last night
Ray Goodman, Daily basketball ed-
itor, composed this telegram contain-
ing his predictions on the week end's
Big Ten basketball games. Good-
man is on his way to Purdue to wit-
ness the Boilermaker - Michigan
battle: The predictions:
Fred-Move over on your limb.
Here are week-end's Big Ten basket-
ball predictions complete with scores.-
Northwestern to take stubborn
Iowa bunch. Too much McMichaels
and Trenkle for Hawkeye. Even to
ten points.
Indiana here in town to drub Chi-
cago. Gunning, Huff man, Andres,
can drub better teams than Chicago.
Not much more than 20 point mar-
Illinois should be back on rebound
from Northwestern beating to send
Wisconsin the way of all flesh at
Madison. Ilini's two sophomores,
Boudreau and Nisbit are still plenty
good. Ten to 13 points should do.
Michigan to fool Piggy Lambert
and give Boilermakers deserved beat-
ing. Believe this is straight stuff.
If it isn't am out $1.50. Don't call me
a plunger. Not predicting margin.
Monday night Ohio State should
take Wisconsin despite ramblings to
west and east. Seven to ten points.
Illinois may give Indiana trouble
but stick with Bloomington, they are
too big for Mills' bunch. Five points.
Purdue whips Iowa. Seven to ten
Minnesota should give Chicago an-
other undeserved beating. Ten point
Be back home to see Varsity stop
Northwestern. This not not just pa-
triotism. Townsend, Patanelli, Fish-
man, Gee and Barclay will win both
games this week-end because they
are good. Seven points against Wild-
Give \regard to Andros. Think
that I am out too far on limb; it's
cracking. RAY.
Varsity Meets
Strong Purdue
(continued from Page 1)
if Lambert feels that his team needs
more height.
It is its exceptional height that
should prove to be Michigan's main
asset and the resulting ability to con-
trol the ball may prove the deciding
factor in the ball game. Both teams
have the ability to hit the basket
although the Varsity has been "off'
for the last week as has the Boiler-
maker outfit with the exception of
Young who made 11 field goals and
five free throws against the Badgers.
Cappon feels confident that his
charges will "snap out of it" when
game time comes around and that
their inability to hit the basket is
just the result of a natural tightness
before the opener.
The Michigan team is staying in
Chicago overnight and will move on
to Lafayette tomorrow morning.
Monday night the Wolverines will
return to Yost Field House to take
cn an aspiring Northwestern team
that made its first Big Ten game an
auspicious occasion by defeating a
favoied Illinois team.
Probable starting lineups for to-
morrow night's game:
Michigan Prde
TownsendY.......F......... Youn
Barclay ......F..........Sine.
Gee ...........C......Seward
Patanelli.... ...G........ Malaska
Fishman . .. .. . .G. .. . .. .. Downey


Young, Purdue ......11
McMichaels, N. U. ... 8
Trenkel, N. U. ...... 8
Gunning, Ind....... 6
Powell, Wisc. ........ 3
Rooney, Wisc. ....... 5
Nagode, N. U. ....... 4
Ricoal, Ill. ......... 3
Combes, Ill. ........ 3
Stephens, Iowa .......2
Monday all Big Ten

Big Ten Fives
Put Dopesters
To Test Tonight
Hawkeyes Attempt To Halt
Wildcats; Hoosiers Meet
Weakened Maroons
Big Ten basketball gets under way
in earnest tonight when eight teams
pair off, two for their initial Confer-
ence games and the other six for
their second encounters with Big Ten
These, with the five games to be
played Monday night will probably
decide whether the pre-season dope
gathered from non-conference games
means a whole lot or whether so-
called dopesters are going to scrap
what notes they have and start over
again each week.
Purple Is Favorite
It's Northwestern's height versus
Iowa's speed at Evanston. The Pur-
ple's fairly easy victory in their first
conference start over Illinois and its
Boudreau-Nesbit combination stand
them in pretty good favor, while the
Hawkeyes have a string of six pre-
conference victories and a 24-28 de-
feat at the hands of Indiana on their
side of the sheet.
The Hoosiers, are Chicago's first
conference foe of the season. The
Maroons, who last year failed to win
a Big Ten game may play with a
weakened team should Jack Mullins,
sophomore guard who received a
bruised wrist against Notre Dame
January 2, be unable to start.
Wisconsin will be the second team
to test the razzle-dazzle offense of
the Illini, which has been built around
the Boudreau-Nesbit combination,
when the two teams meet at Madison
Must Stop Young
Just how far the Big Ten teams
which meet Purdue will be able to
go against them this year will depend
largely on the defense that is built
against Jewell Young, flashy forward
on the Boilermaker quintet. In the
Purdue-Wisconsin game last Monday
he made the almost unprecedented
total of 27 points, three less than the
entire Badger quintet tallied, putting
him well into the lead in this yeat's
race for scoring honors.
fg ft P TP




5 2 27

NO FASHION is more typically American than the tuxedo. Created
originally in this country, it is natural that American men should
favor this truly American fashion. It was primarily intended as a
substitute for the tailcoat under formal conditions at home when
men only are present. While we can report a growing use of tail-
coats on the part of many men, particularly in the larger com-
munities, the ease and informality of the dinner jacket assures it
a permanent place in the wardrobe.

teams will

Enticed By Sight Of Expensive
Yachts, Reporter Buys $15 Boat

Either the black or
midnight blue hom-
burg or the collapsi-
ble silk opera hat is
correct for wear with

Studs and links for wear with
the dinner jacket may be of
plain gold, smoked pearl or
may even have a touch of
subdued color. The key
chain is a practical bit of for-
mal jewelry and the one here
shown has a new trick key
link in the shape of a whip.
& t
0 r
ft ht"

Socks may be silk
or lisle, ribbed or
flat, with white or
self clock or with-
out, as long as
they are always
For evening wear,
the black patent
eather oxford,
simple in line and
unadorned, is the
only correct shoe.

Q,4, Z ll

NEW YORK, Jan. 8.-(/P)-Ordered
by a nautically-minded boss to write
a piece for the papers on the Na-
tional Motor Boat Show, I bought a
second-hand copy of Emily Post's
book of etiquette, waxed my mus-
tachio, and wrapped a ten-spot
around a big wad of tissue paper.
Like the busted Hollywood movie
idol, I way down t() my last yacht
and needed a good front, for it is a
popular' impression that yachtsmen
are the nooticst folks, pound for
pound and dollar for dollar, in all
But I didn't have the bravado
(nerve to you guys). No sooner was
I cornered by a yacht salesman than
f broke down like fighter Phil Scott
and confessed I was just a salaried
fellow who had no business wasting
his time.
Common Man Sails
"Tut, tut, my good fellow," as-
sured the dapper salesman, who had
great control Hof the king's language.
"Haven't you heard? Yachting and
sailing are no longer the sport of
playboy millionaires. My, no. Why,
there are about 750,000 motor-driven
boats on the waters of this country
today. Less than 4,000 of them can
be classified as yachts and only 300
or so of those are over 100 feet long.
"Sailing has gone back to the
common people, folk like yourself
who wear white collars and quit work
at 5 p.m. to dash out for a spin on
the water."
Figures the salesman rattled off
at first made me believe he was talk-
ing about buttons and that such talk
of the common salaried man owning
a good cruising boat still is the bunk.
If you're a $10,000 a year man, you
might have the right to get fancy
and buy a boat with financial safety.
It's like buying a high priced car,
only more expensive. It's not only
the upkeep but also the cost.
Cost About $100 Foot

to 40 feet, the cost is about $200 or
more per foot. The most expensive
yacht was purchased by a Phila-
delphia woman for something like
Another trouble is that once you
ride in a bigger cruiser, you no longer
are quite satisfied to ride in a $4,-
000 model,
And yet, the motor boat is nearing
the reach of the common man year
by year with some distance still to
go. During the boom years of 1929
and '30, expensive boats sold so fast
many yachtsmen were able to sell
their old "tubs" for more than they
paid for them. As the market col-
lapsed with the times, prices were
lowered by the short cut method of
using plainer materials. Silver, ma-
hogany and teak were a thing of the
Buys Play Boat
The "Henry Ford" of the motor
boat industry today is Chris Smith,
who started his wide sweep in the
lower-priced field by building row
boats on a lake in Michigan. The
nautically-minded world beat a path
to his door.
An Englishman is the prize exhibit
of the show. He came ovf r here
to buy a boat. American boats are
getting that good.
Speed of cruisers no longer is de-
manded. Speedboats and outboard
motor boats fill that demand.
Before leaving the show, intent on
buying something, I bought a four-
foot play boat for $15, making a $10
"Good day, commodore," said the
salesman as I tucked the receipt in
my pocket and walked out.

meet Conference foes. Purdue meets
Iowa, Wisconsin takes on Ohio State,
the Illini and Hoosiers clash, Chicago
plays Minnesota, and Michigan is
host to the Northwestern five.
CINCINNATI, Jan. 8.-(P)--Gen-
eral Manager Warren C. Giles of the
Cincinnati Reds listened fior 45 min-
utes today to trade offers of Manager
Bill Terry of the Giants and then
told the New York Giants' manager:
"Bill, you want too much."
PROVIDENCE, R.I., Jan. 8.-(1)-
Gus Sonnenberg, 201, Boston, de-
feated Wally Dusek, 202, Omaha.
203 East Liberty Phone 2-2973
Flowers for All Occasions



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