SATURDAY, JAN. 9, 1937
. i
Arms Cargo For Spain Wins Race Against New Law
Of The DAY
Radio Schedule Baldensperger
For University Gives Lecture
Station Altered On Novel Style
(By The Associated Press)
Professional Strikers
Considered By Committee
inquiry into complaints by the United
Automobile Workers that the Gen-
eral Motors Company has hired pro-
fessional strike-breakers is being
"seriously considered by the Senate
committee appointed to investigate
civil liberties violations.
Disclosing this today, committee
investigators indicated company of-
ficials probably would be asked to
testify at public hearings beginning
January 14.
Report Large Car
Sale Before Strike
NEW YORK, Jan. 8.-(P)--Heavy
shipments of cars to dealers in De-
cember, before strikes crippled op-
erations, were shown today to have
helped lift world sales of General
Motors Corp. in 1936 to a new record
above 2,000,000 cars.
December sales to dealers in the
United States and abroad were the
largest for any month in the cor--
poration's history at 239,114, its
monthly report revealed. This com-
pared with 191,720 in November, and
185,698 in December, 1935.
Removal Of Frank
Called Significant
(Continued from Page 1)
charges of incompetency there will be
no question in anyone's minds as to
the truth of the charges. It is a sad
commentary on American culture
that everyone immediately suspects
political motives in a situation such
as, this."
ipficult For Outsider To Judge
Professor Nelson feels that it is
very difficult for an outsider to judge
whether the charges of incompetency
are true or not. "If the removal of
Frank was caused by political con-
sideration, as is indicated by the eight
to seven vote, it is regrettable. The
firing by a liberal body of a com-
paratively conservative educator is
just as much to be deplored as the
removal by a conservative board of a
liberal one," Professor Nelson said.
"It would appear that party pol-
itics definitely entered the dismissal
of President Frank," Prof. Preston
W. Slosson of the history department
said, "and this presents a situation
just as serious as if the issue of aca-
demic freedom had been involved."
The complaints registered against
Frank were felt to be very general by
Professor Slosson. "There is no ques-
tion that Governor LaFollette had the
right to consult with the regents, but
it nevertheless was an unwise move,
since it gave the whole affair an at-
mosphere of politics," he said.
It is quite certain that the basic
issue involved in the case was not
academic freedom, Prof. John F.
Shepherd of the psychology depart-
ment said. Professor Shepherd felt,
as did Professor Nelson, that it is
difficult for one not well acquainted
with the Wisconsin situation to de-
termine just whether Frank was a
competent administrator or not.
"It is very likely," Professor Shep-
herd added, "that political consider-
ations were the reasons for Frank's
Former 2 P.NM Programs
To Go On Air Fifteen
Mlinutes Later
A change in the schedule for
University broadcasts will become ef-
fective tomorrow according to Prof.
Waldo Abbot, director of University
Broadcasting Service.
The programs which formerly went I
on the air at 2 p.m. will thereafter be
presented at 2:15 p.m. The follow-
ing programs will be given next week,
with the broadcast times changed ac-
cording to the new schedule:
Sunday, from 9 to 9:30 'a.m., Prof.
Joseph E. Maddy, of the School of
Music, will head the class in the1
singing of popular hymns. From
12:45 to 1:15 p.m. Professor Maddy
will talk on the parent education
program. Prof. Donal H. Haines, of
the journalism department, is to
speak on "A Hobby Found Interest-
Pt-onunciation Class Continues
Professor Maddy will also have
charge of the program to be given
Monday from 2:15 to 2:45 p.m. He
will conduct the class in the playingI
of string instruments.
On the Tuesday "Actuality Broad-+
cast," Bessie B. Kanouse, curator of'
the University Herbarium, will be in-
terviewed by Professor Abbot at the
university Museums at 2:15 p.m.
Wednesday Prof. Gail E. Dens-
more of the spee9h department will
continue his class in the instruction
of diction and pronunciation. Thus
far more than 2,000 requests for
word lists used by the class have been'
received at Morris Hall, the broad-
casting station. The program time
remains the same at 2:15 p.m.
The Thursday program is sched-
uled to go on the air at 2:15 p.m. Miss
Adelaide Adams and Miss Marie Ab-
bot of the fine arts department will
continue the program known as "Art
Pilgrimages to Famous Museums."
Friday Program Unchanged
The Friday program remains un-
The Saturday programs are also
unchanged. From 10 to 10:15 a.m.,
the class in the teaching of mathe-
matics will go on the air. From 10:15
to 10:30 a.m., skits of campus life will
be presented by the students in
broadcasting speech courses. From
5:30 to 5:45 p.m., Dr. Fred J. Hodges,
professor of roentgenology, is sched-
uled to speak on the "Treatment of
Cancer and Radiant Energy."
Phi Kappa Sigma announces the
pledging of Robert Baldwin, '39E, of1
Westport, Conn.7
Balzac And Proust Said
To Be Modern Founders
Of OppositeSchools
The University Lecture Series yes-
terday presented Prof. Fernand Bal-
densperger, professor of compara-
tive literature at Harvard University,
who spoke on the subject "Une Crise
du Roman--Balzac ou Proust."
"Balzac and Proust have as a point
of coincidence," the speaker said,
"the fact that both died at the age
of 51 after a comparatively short
period of production; however, here
the similarity ends abruptly." Pro-
fessor Baldensperger then went on
to portray the essential differences
between the founders of the two
chools of French literature.
"Balzac is happy when dealing
with space," he said. A ]Salzac novel
is one based on an entirely rational
foundation. It is constructed layer
upon layer and can be aptly com-
pared to a stone building. Balzac
is an author who writes of reality,
th4 professor declared, of people as he
actually sees them. His work, then,
might be termed more objective.
"Proust on the other hand," Pro-
fessor Baldenspet'ger said "is not
conecinied in the slightest with space.
To him time is the al-important
cencep tion." Proust tried constantly,
to get a hold of this fundamnental
idea" and his woik is saturated with
these attempts. Stricken with asth-
ma, nervous, almost a neIurotic,
Proust was well qualified' to concern
himself with the inner mind of the
individual, the speaker said. The
character of Proust's work was com-
pared in msic to that of Debussey,
while Balzac was said to approach
Wagner in the tone of his work. '
In summary Professor Balden-
sperger declared the crises of the
modern French novel has been
reached. The question is whether it
will follow the Balzac or the Proust
school. Formerly completely under
the sway of Balzac the recent trend
has been decidedly toward Proust. "It
is possible," he concluded "that a
synthesis of the two types will be
effectedsin which a new novel style
will emerge."
Shepard To Give Talk
Tuesday Upon War
Prof. John F. Shepard of the psy-
chology department will lead a dis-
cussion on "The Causes of War" at
7:45 Tuesday, Jan. 12, at the Michi-
gan Union to be held under the aus-
pices of the Student Alliance.
The public is invited to attend this
meeting, it was announced, which is
the Student Alliance's monthly peace
WJR Stevenson News.
WWJ Ty Tyson: Dinner Hour (6:10).
WXYZ Nickelodeon.
CKLW Musical Echoes.
WJR Week in Review.
CKLW Joe Gentile.
WWJ Press Radio; Soloist.
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW Enoch Light's Music.
WJR Listen to This.
WWJ Religion In News.
WXYZ Rhythm Parade.
WWJ Song Stories.
WXYZ Town Talk.
CKLW French Lessons.
WJR Diamond City News.
WWJDrama: Hampton Singers.
WXYZ Sandlotters.
CKLW Nat Brandwynne's Music.
WJR Edward d'Anna Directs Band.
WXYZ Lutheran Hour.
&LLW Melody Interlude.
7 :45-
WWJ Sports Parade.
WXYZ Bob Chester's Music.
CKLW String Ensemnble.
WJR Columbia Concert Hall.
WWJ Saturday Night Party.
WXYZ Ed Wynn.
CKLW Benay Venuta.
VVJR Columbia Workshop.
XYZ George Kavanagh's Music,
9 :00-
WJR Speed Show.
WWJ Snow village Sketches.
WXYZ Barn Dance.
CKLW Maple Leafsevs.
Montreal" Qanadiens.
WJR Your Pet Program.
WWJ Smith Ballew; Victor Young's
W.JR Your Hit Prtrade.
XYZ Glen Gray's Music.
WJR Amuericans-Freddie Rich's
WWJ Irvin S. Cobb.
WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music.
CKLW Harold Stiltes' Miisie.
WJR News.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Emil Coleman's Music.
CKLW News.
CKLW Ted Weems' Music.
WJR Wismer Sports:
Olsen's Music.
WWJ ance M~usic.
CKLWaDon estor's Music.
WJR Carl Ravell's Music.
WXYZ Morris Brennan's Music.
CKWShep PFids' Music.
12:3 =. -
WJR Phil Harris' Music.
CKLWDickJurgen's Music.
WXY7 Gruff Williams', Music.
CKLW Al Lyon's Music.
CKLW Sterling Young's M'usic.
SHERIDAN, Wyo., Jan. 8.-(P)-
The wolf-proverbial doorstep haun-
ter-got more than he bargain d for
when he took to jumping through
windows hereabouts.
Mrs. O. I. Cunningham, Sayle,
Mont., ranch wife, said she was si~t-
ting in the kitchen when a big black
wolf bounded through the window
and -almost into her lap.
Startled, she grabbed a mop handle
and sent the animal scurrying out the
door where her husband shot it.
-Associated Press Photo
These splendid air views show in detail the drama enacted off Sandy honk when the government of
the United States-made a futile effort to halt shipment of $2,700,000 worth of planes and war materials
to the Spanish loyalists. Top, the freighter, Mar Can tabrico, is shown being stopped by the coast guard
cutter Icarus. Crated airplanes can be seen on the freighter's deck. Below, the ship is shown cutting a wide
circle as it turned back toward New York only to be released soon after and permitted to continue its voyage.
Large Scale Flood Prevention
Not Practical Today, King Says
I Use Of Storage Reservoirs
Not Feasible Because
Of Costs, He Says
Prevention of spring floods in the
river valleys of this country on a
large scale is at the present time im-
practical, Prof. H. W. King of the
hydraulic engineering departmentI
declared yesterday, basing his belief1
on previous projects of this nature.,
There is an exaggerated opinion,
Professor King declared, in the minds
of most people relative to the amount
of flood regulation that is feasible
with storage reservoirs. Such reg-
ulation, he explained, is dependent
upon the availability of suitable res-
ervoir sites, and usually those avail-
able that will provide storage at any
reasonable cost are not of sufficient
capacity to influence materially the
enormous volume of water that flows
down our larger streams during
floods. On small streams where val-
uable property is to be protected, ex-
cessive cost of storage may in some
instances be justified, he continued:
Such was the case, he pointed out, on
the Miami river in Ohio when five
large reservoirs were built to protect
the cities of Dayton and Hamilton
and the remainder of the small Mi-
ami valley.
Tennessee Valley Typical
Conditions in the Tennesseee val-
ley, Professor King declared, are typ-
ical of those in which the reduction
of the flood peak is highly desirable*
but not practical. Flood control on
the Tennessee river has up to the
present time received only minor con-
sideration, he said. Because of the
emphasis placed on power develop-,
ment and navigation, he explained,
the effect of the present program of
structures on flood flows is more or,
less incidental. It is unfortunate
that these ends conflict, he said. In
order that storage capacity be avail-
able to receive a flood, which may oc-
cur at almost any time, the reservoir
should be empty to receive it; then
after the flood has passed, it should
be reemptied as soon as this can be
done safely in order to be ready for
the next flood, he said.
Maximum Control Feasible
It is however, Professor King con-
tinued, the plan of the Tennesseee
River Valley Authority, to operate
the plants so as to give the maximum
flood control that is feasible without
too great interference with the out-
put of power. The pools, he pointed
out, will be kept at a comparatively
low level in the spring when floods
are most likely to occur and thus
some of the flood waters will be held
back temporarily.bAlso the upper
levels of the pool back of the Norris
dam will be kept below the crest of
the spillway so that there will al-
ways be available some storage for
flood waters, he said.
Confucian Theory
Followed By Chang
(Continued from Page 1)
a national crisis is still based upon
Confucianism. It may be summar-
ized by the expression, 'Activity with-
out aggression.' This is the policy
Chiang has folowed. Its success
may be seen in the consolidation of
the power of Nanking, the extension
of its power over the rest of China,
and by the retrocession of some of
the foreign concessions since Chi-
ang's advent.
"The young marshal apparently
became restive," Dr. Stanton said,
"and felt that he was too overshad-
owed by Chiang, and so desired to
attract attention and accelerate the
pace of events by creating a national
When Chang was expelled from
S.C.A. Class
In Shorthand
Starts Today
With 35 students enrolled, the first
meeting of the new shorthand class
being sponsored by the Student
Christian Association will be held
this morning at 11 a.m. in Lane Hall,
officials of that organization an-
nounced yesterday.
The class is the latest of a series
of projects for students of the cam-
pus that has been undertaken this
year by the S.C.A. and is mainly for'
the purpose of giving any student
who wishes it, free instruction in
Gregg shorthand for use in taking
lecture notes or in future business
cases. The course will last eight
weeks, meeting each Saturday at 11
a.m.. Later, if enough students are
interested, there may be a second,
advanced class. Walter A. Luszki,
'37, is in charge.
Besides the fact that there will be
no registration fee for the class, ar-
rangements have been made with the
library for the reservation of refer-
ence books, so that students will not
have to buy their own books unless
they want to, Luszki announced yes-
Manchuria, he said, Chiang gave him
asylum for two reasons. First be-
cause' he had an army of 100,000
men and a large personal fortune,
and second, because Manchuria is
still looked upon as a part of China.
They used their combined forces to
conduct anti-communism activities,
mainly in central China, Dr. Stanton
Classified Direc y
Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day' of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance lic per reading line
(on basis of five average words to line)
for one or two insertions. 10c per read-
ing line for three or more insertions.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
Telephone rate - 15c per reading line
for two or more insertions. Minimum
three lines per insertion.
10% discount if paid within ten days
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WANTED: Double room in an ap-
proved League house for next se-
mester. Near campus. Michigan
Daily. Box 7. 226
WANTED: Small furnished apart-
ment or suite for one month from
February 13th, for visiting lecturer,
wife and child. Address Box 9,
Michigan Daily. 241
old and new suits, overcoats at $3,
$5, $8, $25. LADIES FUR COATS,
musical instruments. Phone Sam.
6304. 78x
DOUBLE room by two graduate stu-
dents next semester. Conveniently
near campus preferred. Box 10.
ROOMS for girls available second se-
mester in approved house. 1327
S. University corner Washtenaw.
FOR RENT: Room 4 blocks from
campus. $3.00 per week. Phone
7345. 237
native German. Call 8590 or in-
quire 4122 N.S. Dr. Braun. 238
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price. 6x
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