IffURSDAY, NOV. 26, 1939
Annual Panhellenic Ball To Be Given Tornorow In League B
List Of Guests
Of Committee
Is Announced
400 Couples Expected;
Decorations To Feature
Sorority Emblems
The annual Panhellenic Ball will
be held from 9 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. to-
myorrow in the League ballroom. The
guests of the members of the cen-
tral committee were announced last
night by Betty King, '37, general
Miss King will attend the ball with
Robert Baxley, '38E. Dorothy Shutt,
'37, has invited Robert Trimby, '38M,
as her guest and Charles French, of
Detroit, will attend the dance with
Kathryn Loomis, '38. Betty Ronal,
'38, will have Fred Buesser, '37, as
her guest.
David Kohn, '38M, and Ruth
Friedman, '38, will attend the af-
fair together. Other couples will be
Betty Whitney, '38, with Bruce Telf-
er, '38, and Priscilla Smith, '38, with
Edward. Well, of Grand Rapids.
Will Lead .rand Mar ch At Sorority Formal
List Of Patrons
For Assembly
Banquet Given
Three women To Receivel
Awards For Scholarship
At AffairMonday
Patrons and patronesses for the
annual Assembly Banquet to be held
Monday in the League ballroom have
been announced by Mary Ellen
Heitsch, '37, general chairman.
President and Mrs. Ruthven, Vice-
President and Mrs. Shirley W. Smith,
Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley,
Dean and Mrs. Edward H. Kraus,
Dean and Mrs. Wilbur Humphreys,
Dean Alice C. Lloyd, and Dean Wal-
Dances Celebrate Announcements
HolidayWeekeid Of Engagements
Thanksgiving festivities include in-
formal dancesto Ma de By F oUr
Jordan dormitories and. t Chubb's.
Theta Xi and Phi Chi fraternities
held their annual pledge formals last Four engagements of former Uni-
night. versity students have been announced
Mosher and Jordan dormitories are recently by their parents.
holding a buffet supper and an in- Mr. and Mrs. William H. Riker ,of
formal radio dance from 9 to 11 p.m.
today. Jordan Hall is giving the sup- Oak Park, Ill., announce the engage-
per for the women of both dormi- ment of their daughter, Mary Par-
tories while Mosher Hall is sponsoring rish, '33, to Edward John Kelley of
the dance. Hartford, Conn. Mr. Kelley is a
An informal Thanksgiving dancegHatof o r.oK e siy
will take place at Chubb's from 8 to graduate of Georgetown University
10:30 p.m. today. Rees Makin's Kal- and Miss Riker received her degree
amazoo Radio Band will play. There from the University of Michigan
will be a floor show consisting of Mc- where she is affiliated with Delta
Collum's Trio, three feminine voices. Gamma
The engagement of Carmen Sylva
Decorations Announced
The decorations for the ball will
consist of .the representation of the
pins and emblems of the sororities in
gold on a black background in the
panels of the hall. A spotlight will
play on the huge Panhellenic seal in Betty Kingf'37, and Robert
gold on a black background placed
directly over the orchestra. Chrys-
anthemums and other fall flowers, ul
placed around the orchestra stand,
according to Miss Friedman, chair- Fresh AlA iEveni
man of the decorations.
Following the dance, the sororities
on campus will hold the traditional Carry Flowers To Dance be cen
breakfasts of Panhellenic Ball. Five fure.
of the 17 chapter houses will hold In Box For Protection achiev
their breakfasts in the League, Miss the ba
King announced. Those houses Arinst Cold ir bu
which will serve breakfast at the of one
League are Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha By JENNY PETERSEN The
Gamma Delta, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Every one receiving flowers for a for cei
Gamma, and Phi Sigma Sigma. dance opens the florist's box with a of tho
Sorority Breakfasts thrill of pleasure for the fresh loveli- eterna
The -following sororities are plan- ness inside. But that freshness is orchid
ning to hold breakfasts in their chap- short-lived for contact with hands! always
ter houses: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha and cloth and changes in tempera- trifle
Epsilon Phi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Chi ture soon spoil it. And Dame Fashion or inc
Omega, Collegiate Sorosis, Delta Del- dictates that flowers should be dis- are th
ta Delta, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa carded as soon as they appear wilted. heart.
Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, However, there are a few precau-
Pi Beta Phi and Zeta Tau Alpha. tions that if observed, will preserve +
Kppa Delta sorority will be enter- the -fresh look of corsages. They Fil
tained at breakfast at the home of should be kept in their wax paper
ter B. Rea will be among those act- r n a iegeieugnter oz mr.
E_:xhibit Mar
ing at patrons and patronesses for Siegel of Chicago, to Dr. Leonardl
the affair. Lester Weil, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Others will be Registrar and Mrs. Season s S t a r t Murray J. Weil of Benton Harbor,
Ira M. Smith, Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, was announced by her parents. Both
Miss Jeannette Perry, Mrs. Martha ForBad into Miss Siegel and Dr. Weil graduates
Ray, Miss Isabel Dudley, and Miss FIof the University of Michigan. The
Ruth Danielson. couple will be married on Nov. 28.
Miss Ethel A. McCormick, Miss The first badminton season will Another recent engagement an-
Ann Varden, Miss Vera F. Howard, begin with a mixed Thanksgiving ex- nounced is that of Margareta Ward,
Mrs. Joseph Parsons, Miss A. Evelyn hibition to be held at the Intramural daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Heuvelhorst, Miss Mary Gleason and Building from 10 a.m. to noon today
Miss Sarah Rowe will also act as pa- when a group from the University will
trons and patronesses, Miss 'Heitsch clash with the Ann Arbor Badminton
said. Charlotte Rueger, '37, presi- Club.
dent of the League, and Betty Anne All 12 courts will be used in the
Beebe, '37, president of the Panhel- exhibition match which is open to
lenic Association, have received spe- spectators. However, participation in
cial invitations to attend from the the tournament is by invitation only.
Assembly. The courts will be open at 9 a.m. but
The banquet, the third of its kind, the exhibition will not start until 10 1
has become an annual affair for non-1 a.m.
affiliated women and correspondsto A preliminary practice took place
the Panhellenic Banquet which is last night in Barbour Gymnasium.
given"achwyerby sororityh w . The following are among those slated PHONE 9690
Awards will be given to the three to play in today's games: Margot
women receiving the highest scholas- Goodrich, '37, Hope Hartwig, '38, Bet- 106 East Washington Street
tic grades in the sophomore, junior, ty Patten, '4OEd., Betty Lyon, '39, Miss
and senior classes last year. Regis- Marie Hartwig, Dorothy Lyndon andrrSihwlanoceheamsebrf
trar Smith will announce the names quirk, 37, Paul Cowisey, 37Member of
of the women to receive the awards Ernest Johnson, '37E, Gerald Mc- FLORIST TELEGRAPH
and Miss Rueger will present them. Carthy, '37E, Roger Longley, '37E F DFLI VERAY
Donald Brownlee and Harry Kasa-
Baxley, '38E
ig Are Given
tered in the front of the coif-
Many attractive effects are
ed by bands of posies across
ack of the head. Small flowers
ds are adorable tucked in back
's ear.
re are never fashions or fads'
rtain flowers, for the popularity
se commonly worn at dances is
l. For very grand occasions
s of purple, white or green are
s very, very acceptable, if a
expensive. Gardenias, singly
combination with other.flowers
e darling of the college woman's
th Graduatej
Dial 2-1013 . . 308 North Main Street
Downtown, North of Main Post Office
Michigan Theatre Bldg. 6
Mary Loughborough, '39.
Late permission, allowing the wom-
en attending the ball to stay out un-
til 3 a.m. Saturday, has been granted
by the office of the Dean of Women,
according to Miss King.
The ball, a traditional event given
eaeh e~ar by the sornrity wnmn iq
from dormitory or sorority house to
the dance, for cold weather is death
to them. No matter how grand flow-
ers would look on your evening coat,
you would rather have them fresh
than wilted on that new formal. And
in pinning them on avoid touching
the petals as much as possible, for
Meeting Hears
Talk By Rufus
Prof. Carl Rufus of the astronomy
department described his trio around
'ai!yrm uy u uVly W01en. s UN 111 Ua1uG l'itJG1ui1
usually. held immediately after ist flowers turn brown when han- the World yesterday at the fifth
Thanksgiving. It marks the one time If you think your escort, does not weekly graduate luncheon which was
in the year when the women can in-
ine theymren thormnall-canmpnsknow what color you are wearing for held in the Russian Tea Room of the
a che men to a formal, all-campus the occasion, it might be profitable League.
Anson Weeks and his orchestra will tomention it subtly or to get a bosom "Recent Journeyings in the Orient"I
friend to do it. Many evenings have
play for the ball, Miss King said. .re do it.inany withings was the topic of Professor Rufus'
Tickets have been sold to 400 couples, sa o inauspiiously wi s speech. He said that the trip was
mated gown and corsage. Intelligent the third world tour he had made'
men, if they don't like to ask directly, th w taken for he pro of
can always ask the florist to find and was taken for the purpose of
. lth T a k oct. vscipeople, particularly the Bar- I
ielh a k With so much emphasis this year 1 our Scholars. aniis uu
W ill R d ion distinctive coiffures, flowers will'WePrfsoanM.Rfu
Will Be Radioav Japnthywesetb
play an increasingly important part!arrdi oaan tere n
in decorating curls. 'Arti'ficial posies Barbour Scholars who took them on
Feature Soon would perhaps be more sensible to sight seeing tours and who held din-
wear, but there is nothing as lovely ners in their honor. He described1
as real, fragrant flowers topping your the natural scenery and places of his-
Plans for a series of radio broad- "crowning glory." One woman's mag- torical interest that they visited in
casts in health education, to begin azine shows a stunning formal com- Korea.
on Nov. 29, were announced yester- plemented by a tiny green orchid" In Manchuria they stayed in a
day by the Joint Committee on Pub- nestled in the model's bangs. The house that they had built there 25
lic Health Education. ever-popular gardenia is always ef- years ago. From Manchuria they
Clare Gates of the University Ex- fective on dark hair. went southward through China. Pro-j
tension Division has arranged with But flowers don't always have to fessor Rufus said that although they,
the Radio Committee of the Michi- I--had visited 50 countries and the prin-
gan sState Medical Societypa OURNAMENT ANNOUNCED ial cities of these countries,, he
series of 18 talks to be given by Tewmnsidvda oln thinks that Peking is the most in-'
members of local medical societies. The womn's individual bowling teresting city of the world.
The nine radio stations which will tournament will begin Monday, ac- Professor Rufus also talked about
crythe raoashi CKLW,ill cording to Miss Dorothy Beise, in- some side trips which they took in
troit;BCryBep yogiams aiey DEL e- structor in physical education. The the Philippines and about a side trip
ti; WBCM, Bay City; WELLI, Bat tournament is open to all women from Singapore to North Borneo. He
tle Creek; WFDF, Flint; WJIM, students in the University. Entries concluded his informal talk by a'brief
Lansing; WIBM, Jackson; WOOD, must sign up on the W.A.A. bulletin account of their trip to and across
Grand Rapids; WKZD, Kalamazoo board before Saturday noon. India.
and WKBZ, Muskegon. The line-up will be posted in the Professor Rufus was introduced by
the topic, "Your Health." On Dec. bowling alleys. Miss Jeanette Perry who is in charge
.;of the luncheons.
All Head Sizes
All Hats Drastically Re
Michigan Theatre Bldg.
Formerly on South State
For Lovely Women
Two-Thread Luxury Chiffon
$1.15 Value
3 pairs for $3.00
Three-Thread Chiffon
$1.00 Value
3 pairs for $2.65
Four-Thread Chiffon
Ili ~89c Value j
3 pairs for $2.25
G "Modern Weapons in the Fight
Against Tuberculosis" will be given.
"Mental Hygiene" will be the topic
for Dec. 13; "Early Cancer is Cur-
able" on Dec. 20, and "Preventative
Dentistry" on Dec. 27.
The series will extend into the first
few months of 1937.
Watch Repairing
State and Liberty
,. x.
-. _
6-95S tY'eSe he 1~s' p pX
A exs w e . s prl xy *the
a aor o;,aeatth' g las e
Q C, n aosxaxbae dff svedTael
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