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November 26, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-26

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,TU STAY, NOV. 26, 1936

six THURSDAY, NOV. 28, 193~


S.C.A. To Send Monumental Lat
Five Delegates in PreIarati
To Conference The momentous task of compiling
acomplete dictionary of classical
Latin, now being carried on in Ger-
Clark, Perrin, Wilsnack, many, will be of unlimited value to
Segalman And McDonald philologists, jurists and historians,
according to Prof. Warren E. Blake]
Are Representatives of the Greek department, who visited
the headquarters of the project atI
Five delegates have been chosen Munich in 1928.,
to represent Michigan at the Tri- The Thesaurus Linguae Latinae,'
State Y.M.C.A. Conference at Albion, as it is called, will contain every word7
Dec. 4, 5, and 6, Student Christian that can be found in Latin writings
Association officials, in charge of from the fourth century B.C. through
Michigan participation in the confer- the seventh century A.D. Professor
ence, announced yesterday. Blake called the Thesaurus "the clas-
Richard Clark, '37, president of sical Latin equivalent of the English
S.C.A., Rose Perrin, '37, William Wil- dictionaries now in preparation at
snack, '37, Ralph Segalman, '37, and the University of Michigan."
Frank McDonald, '39, will be'the of- Quoting from bulletins issued by'
ficial Michigan delegates, although the Bavarian Academy of Sciences,
other members of the group, or stu- Professor Blake stated that "work
dents interested in the conference, was begun in 1893 under the direc-f
may also attend. Registration must tion of Eduard Woelfflin and has
be made at Lane Hall or through one been continued as the joint produc-
of the delegates already chosen, be- tion of the United German Aca-
fore Friday night. Total costs for demies, composed of the Universities
the whole conference, including room of Berlin, Leipsic, Goettingen, Mu-
and board, are $4.00. nich and Vienna." In 1928 Profes-
The world scene and the relation- sor Blake saw the walls of the cen-
ships of students and faculty to it tral bureau covered with filing cab-
will be the main theme of the confer- inets containing over 10,000,000
ence. Such questions as the function cards. At that time work had been
carned s. t thaP tmewoksadbe
of universities in furthering peace completed up to "g." At present,
and the ideals of living, and questions
of the student's influence in worldu the
cae c.man, the Thesaurus has been com-
Sherwood Eddy, world travelerandlake nsairm rfes
author, will be the main speaker of het e o.Fr a Welsey of
.the conference, while others include ThegltPof.eFranci.Kleyhor-
Andrew "Andy" Roy, Christian leader
who has been working in China, and E xpanded Interests
Stanley Hamilton, industrial and co-
operative movement Hleader, as well Of Council Praised
as the national field secretaries of the
Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A. Prof es-
sor Howard McClusky, of the Educa- (Continued from Page 1)
htionas Psychology department, has
also been asked to help in the pro- existence or else it would have had
gram. C to go out of existence, Miller Sher-
ke m n yy wood, '37, president of the Council
said concerning the change in the
Slippery Road Council's activities.
He remarked that the Council had
g nexperienced a checkered past and
C auses Loca - that last week's modification by no
means set a precedent. Before 1933,
We om an s D eath he stated, the members of the Coun-
cil were nine students elected from
the various schools on campus, with
Mrs. Olson Clark, 36 years old, was ex-officio members coming from The
killed almost instantly early yester- Daily, the Union, and the Board in
day morning when the car in which Control of Athletics.
she was riding, driven by her Piu- In 1933 the Undergraduate Coun-
cil came into being, with ex-officio
bpmembers from 18 campus organiza-
ment and overturned into a ditch. tion, such as the honorary societies
The couple were driving east on and the Union, League and The
. S.- 12 in a sedan when the right Daily, Sherwood said. The present
wheels slid over the edge of the pave- Men's Council was created in 1935,
ment. Mr. Clark's attempt to right Sherwood explained, with its 18 mem-
the car caused it to get completely bers elected from the various schools
out of control and slide along the on campus and also from ex-officio
shoulder of the road into a ditch position on The Daily and Uniond
where it overturned.
Mrs. Clark's chest was crushed and
shoe lived only five minutes after the jL
Crash, according to Mr. Lindauer whoGI
was the first to reach the scene of
the accident. Mr. Clark was unin-
Witnesses to the crash said that Thanksgiving
the car had been traveling not more
than 20 or 25 miles per hour when Don't take for granted the
it started to skid. holiday on which each one of
us ought to say a silent prayer
for all the wealth that fills our
Den' fceP ls lives our homes and our
health, the platters heaped
with delicious food). Let's
Lax Societies Ears spend this day in a thankful
_______mood !
You can indeed be thankful
Admonitions from the Dean of Stu- if you are blessed with good
dents Office, in the form of the Daily health and should do every-
Official Bulletin notices, asking cam- thing possible to keep in good
pus organizations to submit a list of health. You will greatly bene-
ther ffier, rdued helist of sup- fit by drinking plenty of pure
thsery ofinciereduced tnfom water each day. Order a sup-
p oedl yeinatierdyornatossom ply from the Arbor Springs
52 t 23 yeteray acoringto iss Water Co., 416 W. Huron. Start
Eleanor Scanlon. Dean Joseph A. now to drink this pleasant tast-

Bursley's secretary. ing water and notice its good
The reason for requiring a list of effects. Phone 8270 for quick
officers for the current year, Miss delivery.
Scanlon explained, is that such a
list frequently supplies the only
means of getting in contact with
many of these groups, for they us-
ually don't have a headquarters.
After failing to answer the first a
request for this list a month ago and
then not responding to the two D.O.B.
notices, the 23 quasi-inactive organi- 4U~oa'
zations will be left to their own fate,
Miss Scanlon declared.
Go To The
Thanksgiving Ball
50c per Couple
8:00 to 10:30

references of every possible use and
in Tnesaurus meaning of the words. Except for
some etymological references in the
on, Blake Ave s originalerew or Greek, the entire
work isin Latin." To give some idea
of the magnitude of the work, Pro-#
the Latin department of the Uni- fessor Blake pointed out that there
versity of Michigan raised $500 in
1924 and another $500 in 1925 for
the Thesaurus project, when the
post-War inflation period in Ger-
many was seriously curtailing theis
necessary funds. "The editors of the4
Thesaurus are very grateful for this
help," Professor Blake said. The an- fo r Ev
nual reports of the Thesaurus com-
mission state that contributions have
been made from all over the world, Select Your Chri
including $4,000 from the Rockefel-
ler fund. Our Large and Co
"Every single known piece of clas-
sical Latinwriting, has been collect-
ed and now the tremendous task con-
sists of sorting and cataloguing the The va yer r
words found in these passages," Pro-
fessor Blake went on to say. "How- STATIONERS, PRI
ever, the Thesaurus does not contain Phone 4515 OFFICE OUT
translations into any modern lan-
guage, but gives illustrations with

are 800 lines devoted to the verb
"adoe" alone. The center of the
project is in Munich, but most of the
work is carried on by correspondence
with classical scholars scattered
throughout Europe, particularly in
Germany and Austria.
as Cards
stmas Cards from
mplete Stock NOW!
Schairer Co.
'FITTERS 112 S. Main St..

We urge you to enjoy our Special Thanksgiving Dinner.
Remember, for a delicious dinner with all the trimmings,
come to
126 East Huron Street - Phone 4241

What Would YOU Do?

. .. if you had to carry 15 to 18
gallons of hot water every time
you did your washing?

OU'D REFUSE: you'd quit right there!
got to carry it, for that's just how mt

But somebody's
uch hot water it

takes to do an average family's washing and do it right!


who's going to heat the water, if you aren't? And who's going
to pay for heating the water and pay for the soaps and the
bluing and all the other little expenses incidental to washing
clothes at home?
Still, that is what your family pays for when you send your
laundry home, and added to th at, of course, are your express
charges which are paying for the delivery charges alone! Then
why pay for all these expenses and go through all this trouble

2 Suits of Underwear
3 Shirts
6 Handkerchiefs
3 Pairs of Socks
2 Bath Towels
COST 99c

when it is really cheaper and extremely

less trouble to send

your wash to the laundry. When you pack your laundry box
this week, call the laundry instead and try this new, cheaper
student bundle that we are so proud of. Shirts, handkerchiefs

and socks are finished to meet critical eye.
pajamas are folded ready for wear.

Underwear and

Price per lb

0 0 0 ilOc

Minimum Bundle





" " 0 0

(Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price)
Sox Extra, per pair . . 3c
Handkerchiefs, Extra Ic





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