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November 26, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-26

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1936 Member 1937
Issocided Coe6iae Press
Distributors of
oie6iate Di6est
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assocated Press is exclusively entiled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mnail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by 'mal, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Bords
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, a mond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, een Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richar Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Join The Army
And See The Worlds ...
T HIS WEEK the campus is cele-
brating Armistice Day in the fa-
shion in which it should have been celebrated on
November 11th. With Play Production doing the
honors the noble business of war is being feted
in the manner that it so obviously deserves.
.ury the Dead is a "play about the war that
is to begin tomorrow night." For by tomorrow
nig~ht a new generation of youth shall have been
weaned to the point of physical and intellectual
mnaturity, and thus shall be well prepared to
carry on the noblest tradition of civilization.
Accordingly the pick of this new generation shall
be transported to some foreign land, since travel
is the final polishing of an education, where after
engaging in a number of time-honored formal-
ties, they will be thoroughly, or perhaps only
incompletely, shot.
Irwin Shaw, being one of these carefully nur-
tured young men, has been struck by the inanity
of the tradition, and moreover by its lack of
nobility. And so, impertinently enough, he is
bold enough to rebel against the whole affair.
Not the least curious of this young man's ideas
is that life here upon this not-too-perfect earth
is somehow better and more desirable than life
beneath it. To this end then he has written a
play, for he is such a young man who feels things
deeply and visions them artistically.
Mcoe than that, he has a solution. Many have
railed against war, but few know just what to do
about it; or if they do offer a solution it is such
a dreadfully complex one that many have great
diiculty in following the logic. But Shaw's so-
lotion is a delightfully simple one. Henceforth
those who die shall not allow themselves to be
Iuried. This plan has two obvious strengths:
,ne, the administrative officers in charge of the
eecution of the tradition will become utterly
confused and panic stricken, and two, the stench
of the dead bodies will become so terrible that

the living will have to call the whole affair off
if for nothing else than to escape the smell. A
novel, if nauseating idea, but it would work.
May we suggest that you of the generation that
is being prepared for the sacrificial tradition give
Mr. Shaw your respectful attention this evening
at the Lydia Mendelssohn while he explains his
plan to you?

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Twice Discredited Yale
To the Editor :
The recent "dismissal" of Dr. Jerome Davis
from Yale once again brings the inhabitants of
the college world face to face with the fact that
their society is and must be isolated from society
at large. Every university has its record of
black marks, its periods of fright and hysteria
when the administration bows to the will of di-
recto'rs and alumni. Yale's most recent case
is no exception to the rule; it merely tests and
illustrates the validity of this thesis: As opposi-
tion to the status quo (we need not discuss the
reasons for the opposition) increases, the de-
fenders of the status quo cease to employ reason
and resort to authority, coercion and "bogies." It
is almost a truism that those methods have
always been the prerogatives asserted by the,
group that has been unseated but refuses to
admit the unpleasant fact; it is also a truism
that such methods are usually ineffectual.
One becomes especially conscious of the pat-
tern of reaction when one compares the rise of
democracy in the 1790's with the rise of democ-
racy in the 1930's. The "economic royalists"
(Federalists) of that day found their power slip-
ping; the dread French "republicanism" or "sans-
culottism" had undermined the recently con-
structed Federalist state. Hysterical, they sought
to prevent the election of the "republican" Jef-
ferson by a campaign of bogies. Infidelity and
atheism were abroad in the land-the home, the
family, the Bible, the church, the state were
doomed. (Compare with the Bolshevism and
Communism which Roosevelt's election would let
loose upon the country with the same dire
results.) The Illuminati-free-thinking societies
for the propagation of the cult of reason-had
formed a net-work over the land and were on
the point of "exterminating Christianity, Na-
tural Religion, the belief in God, of that immor-
tality of the Soul and of Moral Obligation; for
rooting out of the world civil and domestic gov-
ernment, the right of property, marriage, natural
affectation (sic), chastity and decency." At
least the President of Yale College, Timothy
Dwight, from whom this quotation was taken,
thought so. (Compare with Mrs. Elizabeth Dill-
ing's "The Red Network" so effectively quoted
by Harry Jung, Chicago red-baiter at the open
heating on the Dunckel-Baldwin Bill in the
Michigan Legislature at Lansing in the spring
of 1935. Mrs. Dilling herself appeared, some-
what to her disadvantage, in the legislative in-
vestigation of the University of Chicago. Ac-
cording to Mrs. Dilling such eminent persons
as Eleanor Roosevelt are part of the "red net-
One hesitates to class President Angell of Yale
with "Pope" Dwight of Yale; President Angell
has not yet stooped to such folly. Both men,
however, have used their positions in acoercive
manner. Mr. Davis sought to bring to the Yale
campus Senate investigator Ferdinand Pecora
in 1933 and Senator Nye in 1936. On other
occasions the Angell administration refused per-
mission. In 1800, the year of Jefferson's elec-
tion, Abraham Bishop, a Yale graduate and a
"republican," was asked to deliver the annual
oration for the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale
College. In those days the Phi Beta Kappa was
almost synonymous with the faculty of the col-
lege. Bishop prepared his oration and sub-
mitted a copy of it to the secretary of the so-
ciety. Immediately, the clique representing
"order" within the chapter held a meeting, call-
ing it a "regular meeting," and, without notify-
ing Bishop, a member of the society, proceeded
to rescind the invitation and to refuse him the
use of any college building. Bishop procured a
hall, however, men being made of sterner stuff
in those days, and delivered a rousing pro-Jef-
ferson speech.
The sequels to these incidents are quickly told.

Bishop's man, the "radical" Jefferson, was elect-
ed. Davis, men, progressive supporters of "com-
munist" Roosevelt, were vindicated. In both
instances Yale stands forth as the discredited
proponent of reactionary measures.
-Eleanor Tugford.
Cabaret Assessments
To the Editor:
In response to W.M.'s lusty wail anent Soph
Cabaret assessments, I would like to make a few
She erred first and foremostly in assuming
that Soph Cabaret was a party for her more
fortunate classmates. I know well enough that
there are students here on campus who cannot
afford to pay the $1 assessment. Such persons
are not expected to contribute, and if -W. M.
will recall, I withdrew my demand when she de-
clared herself unable to pay. Furthermore, all
girls, whether they can pay or not, are urged
to come and serve on Cabaret committees.
The purpose of the assesment is not to estab-
lish a sinking fund in case we get into debt,
but to furnish us with some working capital. A
big project like Soph Cabaret cannot be under-
taken without having some funds on which to
draw, and as the League can't advance us money,
the only alternative is to assess the sophomore
women, who are the sponsors of the Cabaret.
The aim of the Cabaret is not just to break even
financially, but to make money-the process
being turned over to the League Undergraduate
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**** IT ALL
,Q -By Iouth Williams-
L AST WEEK in a moment of utter weakness
I made a feeble and satiric effort to ascer-
tain just what it is that college women are look-
ing for when, with powdered noses and sweet
emiles, they step out of their nests and into
the social whirl on the arm of some form of
the male sex. Today I received this letter from
one of the forms:
Dear Bonth:
It was fairly easy for the women to synthesize
the ideal date and really concoct something to
their fancy, but to impose such a problem on the
male mind would be unfair. What man would
have the courage to even stretch his imagination
to the point of assuming that there is an ideal
date even if it be a figment of the imagina-
But in pursuance of The Daily policy of pre-
senting both sides of any question may I tell the
result of a male symposium held in the Parrot
soon after your column presented the female
conception of the ideal date?
We all agreed over our cokes, as I stated above,
that it was audacious to even conjecture about
an ideal date, but it wasn't long before we had
"set out." Since one must fetch them, our
jumping off place was her door step. We were
all prepared for our initial thrust at the fem-
inine body social at this point. The ideal date
begins with "her" on time! (A purely hypothet-
ical "her," you understand).
Drinking, according to the sentiment ex-
pressed, is part of the ideal date, but if she
doesn't care to, and knows how to say she doesn't
care to, without making you feel like a dipso-
maniac, it's perfectly o.k.
Dancing, after some discussion, was admitted
as one of the ingredients in this "devoutly to be
wished" ideal date. There were some restric-
tions, however. Tiaras that lacerate a man's
chin, corsages worn so that they tickle his nose,
and over-long skirts that trip him or occupy on
of his partner's hands were to be as studiously
avoided, all the men agreed, as the girl who likes
to ride in taxicabs. Another ban was the one
that all of us imposed, not without imprecations,
on valise-like evening bags. There are few things
as disconcerting as dancing with ballast that
bulges your pocket in the form of an evening
bag that contains everything short of a hot water
Another point of concurrence was that the
ideal date should be characterized by an all-
pervading congeniality, but the line was drawn at
humming'in the helpless male's ear while clutch-
ing him in a fox-trot. This came under the gen-
eral topic that might be compared to the wom-
en's "rdles and regulations." Another taboo, we
all agreed was put on the discussion of other
dates, past or future. Not only because it makes
you feel inadequate, we observed, but because it's
invariably boring.
A further note of condemnation was sounded
in regard to the promiscuous application of cos-
metics. One meticulous male raised a cry against
girls who get lip stick smeared on their teeth
giving them a most unbecoming cannibalistic
Our cokes consumed and our nerves frayed by
the "sound and fury" that goes with playing the
role of 'the misogynist, we eagerly lapsed back
to our normal selves and started out in a fervant
debate on just how one manages to snag a date
for the Pan-Hell Ball; proving, I'm afraid, Bonth,
that all this "signifies nothing."
-Mr. Dogood.

In the "war that is to begin tomorrow night"
six dead soldiers suddenly refuse to allow them-
selves to be buried. This outrageously radical
idea confounds the army officialdom, panics the
businessmen, and confuses the propaganda-
stuffed sufferers at home. The situation be-
comes an increasingly anxious one as these dead
men continue in their obduracy. The generals
try gentle reason, then angry bluster; but the
dead are unimpressed. The captain tries the
solace of a negativistic philosophy, but the dead
have truth on their side and the captain retires
defeated. As a final resort, the "conservative
women" of the dead try sentiment. But the sol-
diers are strong and send them home.
For' these dead, these young who had not yet
lived their Bible-pr9mised three score and ten,
these six symbols of a generation which has not
yet tasted of the beauty of living, have learned
much from death. They have learned the hor-
ribly corrupt cheating thing which war is. They
recognized their roles as pawns in a game played
for the prize of mere real estate. And they
have recognized that this real estate operation
is no concern of theirs.
They have learned too that their business is
life, to live as they wish. These men know
that they have risen from the grave in order
that their fellow beings might know. Carried
by the spiritual strength of the idea of. Life
they are able to negate the mere physical fact
of their bodily death. They have a message
for their generation and they mean to deliver
it in person.
Such is the theme of the nlav that wa npo-

THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 1936:
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of Unit-
ed States Civil Service Examinations
for Supervising Inspector of Cloth-
ing Factories, Federal Prison Indus-
tries, Incorporated, salary, $4,600;
Lithographic Stone Grinder and
Polisher, Weather Bureau, Depart-
ment of Agriculture (For appoint-
ment in Washington, D. C. only):
and Junior Custodial Officer, Bureau
of Prisons, Department of Justice.
salary, $1,860. These examinationsI
do not require a college degree. ForI
further information concerning
them, call at 201 Mason Hall, office
hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m.
General Library: The main reading
room and the periodical room of the
General Library will be open today
from 2 to 9 p.m.
Bowling: The bowling alleys at the
Women's Athletic Bldg will be closed
today (afternoon and evening) ex-
cept for reservations.
Choral Union Members: Pass tick-
ets for the Heifetz concert Monday
night- will be given out to all mem-
bers of the Choral Union who call in
person, and whose records are clear,
Monday, Nov. 30, from 10 to 12 and
1 to 5 p.m. at the Recorder's office,
lobby of the School of Music.
Academic Notices
English 197: Professor Bredvold
will meet the English Honors Course
on Friday, Nov. 27, 3-5 p.m.
W. G. Rice.
Choral Union Concert: Jascha
Heifetz, violinist, will give the fourth
program in the Choral Union con-
cert series, Hill Auditorium, Monday
evening, Nov. 30, at 8:15 p.m. The
public is requested to be seated on
time as the doors will be closed dur-
ing numbers.
University Lecture: Mr. C. M.
Bowra, Fellow of Wadham College,
Oxford, will lecture on the subject
"Hellenism and Poetry" Monday,
Nov. 30, at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Oratorical Association L e c t u r e
Course: Alexander Woollcott will ap-
pear in Hill Auditorium on Sunday,
Nov. 29, at 8:15 p.m. He will replace
Bertrand Russell, whose lecture has
been cancelled because of illness.
Tickets for the Woollcott lecture are 1
available at Wahr's State Street

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Preid
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Exhibit of Color Reproductions of
American Paintings comprising thej
First Series of the American Art
Portfolios, recently acquired for the
Institute of Fine Arts Study Room.
On view daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in Alumni Memorial Hall, North Gal-
Exhibition of Original Etchings
and Lithographs from the Perman-
ent Collection of the Fine Arts Study
Room. Until Dec. 1, daily 9 a.m. to
5 p.m., South Gallery, Alumni Mem-
orial Hall.
Opening of an Exhibit of Photo-
graphs of Persian-Islamic Architec-
ture in the West Gallery of Alumni
Memorial Hall on Friday, Nov. 27,
under the auspices of the Research
Seminary in Islamic Art, Institute of
Fine Arts. Open to public from 9 to
5 p.m.
Events Of Today
University Broadcasting: 2 p.m. An,
Art Pilgrimage to Famous Museums,
No. 7, MissAdelaide Addams and
Miss Marie Abbot.
The Outdoor Club is sponsoring a
supper hike this afternoon, leaving
Lane Hall at 3 p.m. All interested-
students are welcome.
Play Production: Performances ofj
Irwin Shaw's "Bury The Dead" will'
be given tonight, Friday and Satur-l
day evenings at 8:30 p.m. at the
Mendelssohn Theatre. Box Office
open daily from 10 a.m. Phone
Student Christian Association: Re-
ception at Dr. Blakeman's: Group
will meet at Dr. Blakeman's house, 5
Harvard Place (off Geddes Ave.) at
4 p.m., for the after-turkey treasure
hunt. Please be prompt.
Coming Eventsa
University Broadcasting, Friday,
Nov. 27: 2:15 p.m. Interesting things
about Switzerland, Prof. Hanns Pick.
Fencing Tournament: The first
round of the Intramural Hall Fenc-
ing Tournament for Foil will beginf
next Monday, Nov. 30. The tourna-
ment will be a round-robin, two
matches every Monday and Wednes-
day for each contestant. The tourna-
ment will take place in the small
gymnasium from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
on the days indicated. The tourna-
ment is open to all fencers in the'
The Congregational Student Fel-9
lowship Supper Party will be held
Saturday, Nov. 28. All will meet at
Pilgrim Hall at 4:30 p.m.
If you wish to go please make
sure your name is on the list by Fri-
day evening. The list may be foundj
in the hall of Pilgrim Hall or you
may call Miss Joyre Harrison or Bet-
ty Ayres.

T ;URDAY, NOV. 2, 1936
Old Trends, New Process
IT HAS ALWAYS been difficult for
the small gallery to secure good
reproductions of great masterpieces
in painting. Because they were un-
able to reprint faithfully the subtle
gradations of color tone, mechanical
reproductions in the past have failed
utterly td capture the spirit of great
paintings. I recall having seen many
reproductions of Van Gogh which
appeared wretchedly ineffectual after
having seen the originals. The ad-
vent of the "collotype process" there-
fore appears in response to a sore
need. The first twelve examples of
the new process, from the collection
of American Art Portfolios, are now
on exhibit in the north gallery of
Alumni Memorial Hall.
The exhibit is a scattered collec-
tion of American landscapes, port-
raits, and still life from several pe-
riods, probably to demonstrate the
potentialities of the process more
than to present any coherent sort of
showing. Perhaps the best of the
collection is Ryder's well-known work,
"Toilers of the Sea." It is dirty wea-
ther. The dim sun hangs low above
a black and angry sea, and a small.
fishing boat scuds flat before the
wind. The artist has avoided all
detail in order to capture a com-
pletely, unified effect. The subject
is interpreted in dull, rough silhou-
ette, a style well adapted to the gen-
eral effect, in which one feels the
sense of strain and wind.
The exhibit illustrates well how
completely American art, past and
present, has been dominated by the
influence of European movements.
Pendergast's "Central Park," a color-
ful watercolor of the Sunday fashion
parade, reveals a decided influence of
Impressionism. It presents very ef-
fectively a brightly glittering pano-
rama with no particular central point
of interest. Ralph Earl's portrait in
the late 18th century British manner
has as little to recommend it as one
might expect from that period. It is
an excellent example of a bad kind of
portraiture, trite, vapid, and stuffy.
"Fur Traders Descending the Mis-
souri," a stupidly affected neo-Ro-
mantic conception by George Cales
Bingham illustrates the heavy influ-
ence of the Renaissance upon Amer-
ican landscapes of the mid-19th cen-
tury. Moving up to more recent
times, there is the influence of Ex-
pressionism in John Marin's water-
color entitled "Maine Island." It is
typical of the work of this contro-
versial figure, a compelling pattern
presented in broad sweeps of mildly
interesting color. Beyond pattern
and design there is nothing to say
for it, but of course there was noth-
ing more intended.
Less delpendent upon European
trends is John Sloan's "Wake of Ferry
Boat," a woman looking over the
stern of a shining wet deck at a gryco
pletely regional, but it does manage
to express something of America. An-
other compelling watercolor is "Pro-
menade," by Charles Burchfield. It
presents a street full of those decay-
ing architectural monstrosities of a
entury ago. Once inhabited by the
haute monde of their day, they are
now degenerated into nothing but
ghosts of their past glories. Every-
thing about the scene is baroque, even
to the frilly, writhing trees. The car
tracks and the dump automobiles in
-he foreground, already quite as out-
worn as the houses, present an ams-
ing yet befitting contrast. If you have
an eye for Falstaffian humor, note
the dogs on the sidewalk. %
A very striking work is Charles

Sheeler's crayon rendering, "Bucks
County Barn." It is a straight geo-
metric handling of an angular struc-
ture rising in hard contrast over the
soft snow, which is suggested by leav-
ing the foreground blank.
The fine arts department will add
to the collection as new additions to
the American Art Portfolio are is-
sued. Some day it will undoubtedly
amount to an imposing collection.
Meanwhile, those now presented are
interesting both to observe the past
trends in American art and to dis-
cover the value of the new process.
A notation of the wall, explaining
the tendencies binding American arl
to Europe, is worth reading before
1 studying the pictures.

-New Leadership Proposed By Party Veteran--

Sainuel Harde'n Church, President
Carnegie Institute, in Carnegie


election by the largest majority
ever recorded has been proclaimed as
a signal to all who love their coun-
try, whether they were for or against
him, to give him their support to
the very limit of good conscience.
Among those of us who opposed him,
none could picture in the most vivid
imagination a victory so astounding.
His many and serious mistakes were
known and admitted by his best
friends, and although most of the
great leaders of his party refused to
go along with him, a mighty host
followed him trustingly to victory.
On the Republican side, there was
no definitetprogram which would
counteract the plain purpose of the
New Deal to spread prosperity like
butter that would cover the whole i
slice of bread. Moreover, since the
retirement of Calvin Coolidge, the
party had not developed a new leader
whose mind had shown a capacity to
promote the public welfare in the1
highest meaning of that term. For'
at least eight years, the party of Lin-
coln had suffered from intellectual
and spiritual atrophy. Its defeat was,
forecast at the very moment when a
bewildered survey of its membership
showed that it was destitute in the
high ranks of command..
The nomination of Gov. Landon
was a wise choice. He was the only
man in the country who could fit
into the imperative emergency, and
he led a forlorn hope with splendid
courage and audacity.
President Roosevelt, in striving for'
better things in the social order of
the nation, is worthily accelerating
that upward movement which has
long been an active moral force in'
this country. It is right that he, in

who manage industry has made every
step of the way a difficult progress;
but as the loss of the 12-hour day did
not destroy the mills, and as the ac-
ceptance of the eight-hour day did
not destroy the railroads, the vision
of a six-hour day for manual labor
is becoming more and more manifest
on our national horizon.
Right here is where the Republican
party will find an opportunity for a
healthful and patriotic opposition to
paternalistic government. It must
develop a new and fresh and prefer-
ably a young leadership. The party
must then choose an objective which,
while conforming to its historic policy
of individualistic progress, will carry
it into new contacts with human wel-
But no party can expand its base
operations unless it has the loyal
support of its members, and that sup-
port must come primarily from our
captains of industry. The expansion
of that base should be fixed upon a
new and perhaps a startling principle

of social adjustment, which I ven- who provide the labor. This plan will
ture to formulate here. put 20,000,000 people on the income-
It is this: the men whose genius has tax list instead of the 2,000,000 who
built up and continues to build up are now paying the huge costs of gov-
the American industrial system must ernment, it will do away with con-
henceforth, in every field of activity, fiscatory taxes on estates, it will re-
pay a just price for the chartered store the thrift from which we build
privilege of exploiting the country's'up the savings and life insurance of
resources. - our people.
Let us take the case of a man whose The money for this new policy of
confident and adventurous spirit sur- wages and hours will be paid by the
veys a virgin tract of land and im- consumers in higher prices for the
pels him to risk his money in taking product, and a Republican tariff that
from the earth the coal, or gas, or oil, aims to protect American high wages
or ore that would forever lie hidden 'against the world will do the rest.
there but for him. It is right that We shall then buy everything at
this pioneer, whether he explores the home that is made or grown at home
in -always a Republican doctrine that
ground or fabricate a its substance bringstprosperity to our country. In
the shop, should ave a constant agriculture, the plan should look to
margin of gain as his reward for de- t~onrhpo i amb vr
veloping new sources of national farmer, and ake him maser f
wealth. freadmk i h atro
the soil.
But he would be utterly helpless rn the meaime the nn-c 1rp an

"Slippery slim slimp saplings" and "rubber
buggy bumpers" are some of the tongue-tanglers
that were given to Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti-
tute students who were trying to win a position
on the announcing staff of a local radio station.
Victor E. Albright, Wisconsin banker, donated
$5,000to West Virginia University to establish
a scholarship fund to help finance one graduate

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