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September 29, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-09-29

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fight for peace, for once these small nations are
abandoned the structure of collective security
collapses and the strength of the fascist nations
gains proportionately. It is not too late for the
major powers to realize that their policy of
giving way before fascism is a suicidal one.




t , ~

1936 Member 1937
socctdled ltG AVe6i Press
Distributors of
Coie iie e s
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by .the .Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispathes credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
4O00; by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Chicago, Ill.
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel, Wuerel IRiobard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes,
Mary Sage Montague.
Wire Editors: ClintonB. Conger, Richard G. Hershey,
associates; I. S. Silverman.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-'
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton,. Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
AdvertisingeManager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager;vHerbert Falender,-Publicatihns and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Reminder.. .
FRESHMEN and sophomores re-
sponsible for the unsightly de-
facement of the campus with paint are guilty
of a gross misunderstanding of the spirit under-
lying class traditions.
The Use Of Arms
For Strikebreaking .. .
T ESTIMONY before the LaFollette
Civil Liberties Committee in
Washington, primarily in relation to the use
by employers of espionage and violent terrorism
in their efforts to break labor movements, have
revealed conditions which are undoubtedly an
appalling surprise to many. To those, however,
who do not depend alone upon the major press
associations, who are unwilling to wait until the
conditions are officially brought to light, before
recognizing their existence and who do not be-
lieve that the employer carries the benign temper
of hearth and home into his dealing with the
workers, the testimony is hardly a revelation.
That the efforts of these realists to curb em-
ployer terrorism through governmental channels
have failed, although responsible legislators. can
hardly plead ignorance of the situation, is an
unpleasant commentary on the integrity of most
of our public men-assuming, of course, that
they are the servants of all and not merely the
owning class. It appears to be a possibility that
now, however, the LaFollette committee's inves-
tiga'tion will force legislation which will outlaw
the use of grenades, gas, live steam, spies, elec-
trically charged wires, and similar instruments
by employers.
One who feels any interest in the preservation
of democracy, whether that interest be selfish
or idealistic, will be wise tosupport such meas-
ures. The use of. force and terror by persons
of great wealth, to strngthen or even maintain
their economic position is nothing but fascism.
It has left no alternative to strikers but to de-
fend themselves with what forces they them-
selves can muster, for the law has given them
no protection against their attackers.

The Seating
Of Ethiopia.. .
ALTHOUGH it is a victory which
will not be applauded very loudly
or at great length, the seating of Ethiopia's dele-
gates to the League of' Nations is a mild boost
to the prestige of the League, and a decided en-
couragemen to the small member nations, who,
with the Soviet Union, were responsible for this
The inglorious career of the League during its
effort to check the Fascist conquest of Ethiopia
can hardly be blamed on the small nations.
Responsibility rests with the great powers who
were willing to allow Italy to flout the League
and to sacrifice a smaller member nation to pro-
tect their own interests. Previously, during the

To the Editor:
I want to commend you on your editorial in
the very first issue of your paper this year, "The
Kremlin and the White House." At this point in
a political campaign, when most of the news-
papers are trying, largely by misleading propa-
ganda, to swing the coming election, it is reas-
suring to note that you, in your capacity of news-
paperman, believe it "imperative that all of us
be able and willing to undertake . . . an analysis
. . of men and issues upon their merits." To
base one's action on 'an analysis of men and
issues upon their merits" is difficult, but no at-
tempt except this can be respected in educated,
democratic people.
As a reader of The Daily, I am hoping that
you will continue to point our attention to "men
and issues," and that your work may, on this
campus at least, counteract the subversive propa-
ganda sent among us by two of the Detroit news-
papers and other news venders of their type.
I hope to find in your pages letters, editorials
and interviews representing all points of view
on political, social and other problems.
-"Bob" A. (Grad.)
AsO Ohers See t
Education And Endowment
RECENT EVENTS on the Michigan campus
make this article by Robert Maynard Hutch-
ins, president of the University of Chicago, in
Harper's Magazine, of particular interest:
The most striking fact about the higher learn-
ing in America is the confusion that besets
it. This confusion begins in the high school
and continues to the loftiest levels of the univer-
Let us examine the causes of its confusion.
The first of them is very vulgar; it is the love
of money. It is sad but true that when an
institution determines to do something in order
to get money it must lose its soul, and frequently
does not get the money.
Money comes to education in three ways-
fromstudents, from donors and from legislators.
To frame a policy in order to appeal to any one
of the three is fatal, and as I have suggested,
often futile as well. How much of the current
confusion in universities would have been elim-
inated if boards of trustees had declined gifts
which merely reflected the passing whims of
wealthy men?
Few restricted gifts have ever been made
to a university that paid the expense of receiving
them. If men are supported, they are not housed
or given the books and equipment they need.
If buildings are given, they are not maintained.
If they are maintained, they are not manned.
From the financial standpoint alone, the uni-
versity may be worse off after the gift tha
it was before. And from the educational or
scientific standpoint, it is likely to be unbalancedy
and confused. Dependence on the casual inter-
ests of donors means that nobody can tell from
one year to another what a university's policy is.
It will become next year whatever somebody is
willing to pay to make it.
I do not mean, of course, that universities
do not need money and that they should not
try to get it. I mean only that they should
have an educational policy and then try to
finance it, instead of letting financial accidents
determine their educational policy.
* * - *
Even more important is the influence on edu-
cational policy of student fees. It is probably
fair to say that American universities above
the junior year ought to do anything and every-
thing that would reduce their income from stu-
dents. This is true because most of the things
that degrade them are done to maintain or
increase this income.
To maintain or increase it, the passing whims
of the public receive the same attention as those
of millionaires. If the public becomes interested
in the metropolitan newspaper, schools of jour-
nalism instantly arise. If it is awed by the de-
velopment of big business, business schools full
of the same reverence appear. If an administra-
tion enlarges the activities of the Federal Gov-

ernment and hence the staff thereof, training for
the public service becomes. the first duty of
the universities.
The love of money means that a university
must attract students. To do this it must
be attractive. This is interpreted to mean that
it must go to unusual lengths to house, feed and
amuse the young. Nobody knows what these
things have to do with the higher learning.
Everybody supposes that students think they
are important. The emphasis on athletics and
social life that infects all colleges and universities
has done more than most things to confuse these
institutions and to debase the higher learning
in America.
It is supposed that students want educatior
to be amusing; it is supposed that parents want
it to be safe. Hence, the vast attention given by
universities at enormous expense to protect the
physical and moral welfare of their charges.
Parents must feel that their children are in good
hands. It makes no difference whether those
hands are already full. The faculty must be
diverted from its proper tasks to perform the
uncongenial job of improving the conduct and
the health of those entrusted to it.
The love of money leads to large numbers,
and larerenmberhae nnfiin mpr teAmmai-"

BENEATH * * * *
******IT ALL
NUTTY KNIFE in one hand and varnish re-
mover in the other I return to the wars. If
it's funny, if it's interesting, if it's worth while,
swell; if it's cheap gossip keep it to yourself.
That is the standard by. which and for which
Beneath It All will exist. Contributions grate-
fully received.
PARROT gladiators may recall with some in-
teresting stories, one Betty Bowman of Pi
Phi fame, who in her day roped and threw
some of the biggest bullers in the University.
Returned to her home in the north country,
IBetty has not reformed. Engaged to a professor
at the University of Minnesota, the Bowman girl
was all set to chime the bells, when into town
came a young minister, bent upon making all
sinners repent. Betty was his first saved soul,
and as a result the Gopher wise man is going
about with a very bewildered expression, while
upon October 20th the Pi Phi's will gain a man
of the cloth.
* * *
SIFTING THROUGH the host of summer ad-
venture stories, which are countless, I haven't
found another that could parallel the tale of
Don Graves, Plattsburgh strongman, most of
whose mail bears the alternate address or the
Office of the Dean.
En route home last June, Don was in the
act of changing trains at Albany when he ran
into George Graves, freshman athlete of two
years ago who found the scholastic requirements
a little too exacting.
The upshot of the meeting was that Don, who
has played on a Yankee farm club for two years,
joined George's barnstorming ball team, and
instead of catching the train for Plattsburgh,
took one for Nova Scotia. Unfortunately the
Canadians were not enthusiastic, and after play-
ing before a crowd of eleven people in a forlorn
little northern village, George Graves realized
that he was not going to be in a position to pay
his troupe's expenses, much less the $20 per
week he had promised.
Nothing daunted, the boys went out on a
little party. Returning home down a Canadian
lane in the wee hours, their car came suddenly
face to face with a horse and buggy; as a re-
sult, Don returned home on crutches with his
broken arm in a sling along about the middle of
July, announcing to his worried parents that he
had been slightly delayed.
* * * *
THE VARSITY lineup which appears in this
morning's sport section may or may not
start in the State game Saturday, but I have a
hunch that there may be a change in the back-
field, particularly after Saturday's scrimmage.
Instead of Cooper at quarter, Smithers and Stan-
ton at the halves and Sweet at full, it is more
than likely that Louis Levine may take over
the signal calling job, with Coop taking Tex
Stanton's place at half. Levine looks like the
more able field general, while Cooper is going
to be a great running back.
Incidentally Bob has a brother, Hank, playing
half for Ann Arbor High this year, and rumor
has it that there are two other Coopers, besides,
who may start a real brother tradition here
at Michigan.
* * * *
THE OPEN SEASON on Yearlings brings to
our attention: The clever fellow who was
holding the Sigma Nu house spell bound with
an account of his cleverness, and who finally
topped it off with: "My landlady wanted 50 cents
a month for the radio, but I foxed her. I keep
it under the bed in a cardboard box and play
it after 11:30.
Also there was one of the 'lounger' type who
adorned a sofa in a prominent State Street house
Sunday afternoon for hour after hour as the
brothers looked wearily at their watches and
cursed. Suddenly the gay blade stood up and
looked out the window. The fraternity arose to
a man, real smiles of pleasure on their haggard
faces, smiles that lasted only until the Frosh re-

marked in a happy tone: "Well, I see it's still
raining. Guess I might as well stay here till it's
time to go to dinner next door." More anon.
entrance to - and graduation from professional
Since it is clear that these criteria are really
measures of faithfulness, docility and memory,
we cannot suppose that they are regarded as"
true indications of intellectual power. They
are adopted because some arbitrary automatic
methods are required to permit dealing with-
large masses of students, and these methods are
the easiest. Any others would compel us to
think about our course of study and to work out
ways of testing achievements in it. But large
numbers leave us no time to think.
* * * *
The universities are dependent on the people.
The people love money and think that education
is a way of getting it. They think, too, that
democracy means that every child should be
permitted to acquire the educational insignia
that will be helpful in making money. They do
not believe in the cultivation of the intellect
for its own sake. The distressing part of this is
that the state of the nation determines the state
of education.
But how can we hope to improve the state
of the nation? Only through education. A
strange circularity thus afflicts us. The state
of the nation depends on the state of education;
but the state of education depends on the state
of the nation. How can we break this vicious
circle and make at last the contribution to the
national life that since the earliest times has
been expected of us?

rTHE COMING of October will again
see the real raio season in full
swing. Not that there haven't been
good programs during the summer
months, but with the arrival of au-
tumn the bigger sponsors begin to
scurry around with representatives
of their advertising agencies in order
co line up all the big "names" for
their programs.
The Showboat, which has been go-
ing strong with the return of Lanny
Ross, will have as guest stars this
coming Thursday none other than
Col. Stoopnagle and Budd, who did
such a commendable job of filling
in for'Fred Allen during the latter's
vacation. The campaign to keep
Stoopnagle out of the White House
is expected to hit a snag this week.
But perhaps the boys will make up
for it by giving us some more of
their inventions. Stoopnagle and
Budd are hopping from one program
to another without any rest finish-
ing their amateur hour on Wednesday
night and then appearing on the
Showboat the following evening.
F OR GENUINE hard luck, we'd like
to cite the experience of a young
musician we happen to know quite
well. Al George, long ago dubbed
Miff by his friends because of his
ability to play trombone, lives in a
small city in Massachusetts.
He is a fine musician and has
played with several of New England's
better bands. On numerous occa-
sions he has had offers from name
leaders to join their bands, among
them an offer from Bunny Berigan,
one of the country's outstanding
trumpeters who last spring organized
an outfit of his own. Miff has con-
stantly turned down these fine op-
portunities because he did not wish
to leave his mother, who has not been
in too good health.
A few weeks ago, while Miff was
playing at a resort in Maine, he re-
ceived a wire from Charles Barnett
whose orchestra has been broadcast-
ing all summer from the fashionable
Glen Island Casino in New York, to
join his band immediately. This time
Miff decided that he would not turn
down the chance and rushed to New
York to join Barnett. After an au-
dition he was placed in the first
trombonist's chair and everything,
especially his playing, was fine.
While walking to a rehearsal on his
fourth day with the band, Miff ac-
cepted a ride from an employe of
the Casino. They had gone but a
few blocks when another motorist
crashed into them. Miff, like most
musicians, values his instrument
highly and immediately leaped out
of the wreckage, threw open his
trombone case and started to play a
roadside serenade in order to find
out if anything had happened to
his horn. Not until a policeman
came up and told him to rush to
a doctor did Miff realize that one
of his front teeth had been knocked
out and that his lips were badly
bruised. Of course his playing with
Barnett was now out of the question,
so Miff went home to convalesce.
There is, however, one cheery note
to this story. Miff's musicianship so
impressed Barnett that the latter
wants Miff to come back with him as
soon as he can get back into his old
time form.
The football broadcasters will be
back en masse this week for the an-
nual pigskin season. In addition to all
the broadcasts of the actual games,
there will be the ubiquitous anti-bel-
lum dopesters and the omni-present
post-bellum windups. Ted Husing
will start a series of sports broad-
casts at 7:15 p.m. today over CBS.
This program will be heard at the
same hour every Tuesday, Thursday

and Saturday throughout the fall and
winter athletic season. Gomer Jones,
the All-American centeir from Ohio
State whom all Michiganders re-
member with a growing desire to
commit mayhem, will be interviewed
by "Scoop" Ward over CBS at 6:15
p.m. today. Fordham's Coach Crow-
fey will be interviewed on Thursday
at the same hour.
should become one of the most
popular on the radio, with Fred As-
taire and the orchestra under the di-
rection of Johnny Green, reported to
be Astaire's favorite maestro. To-
night's visitors will include the Glea-
son family enacting a script written
by Jimmy, and the "pixilated" sisters
of "Mr. Deeds" fame.
Nino Martini returns to the air
as the star on Chesterfield's Wed-
nesday night broadcasts with Andre
Kostelanetz and his orchestra pro-
viding the musical background. Kos-
telanetz' orchestra will also be heard
on the same company's Friday broad-
casts which will also carry the sing-
ing of Kay Thompson and of Ray
Heatherton and the Rhythm Singers.
Both programs can be heard over
General Motors is sponsoring a
notable broadcast next Sunday eve-
ning. In addition to the music of
the Philadelphia orchestra, under the,

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
YMdverity. Copy received at the office of the Aselstant to the President
wtr2:30; 11:00 a.m, on Saturfay.y

(Continued from Page 2)
Part-Time Students in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts.
Permission to register one part time
must first be secured either from the
Dean (Room 1210 A.H.) or from the
Assistant Dean (Room 1220 A.H.).
Student Mail: Students expecting
mail addressed in care of the Uni-
versity should call at the Business
Office, Room 1, University Hall.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of United
States Civil Service Examination for
Research Associate in International
Relations, Department of State, sal-
ary, $3,200, requiring three years of
college or university postgraduate ed-
ucation in history or political science,
or three years of responsible exper-
ience in the field of history or po-
litical science, (or time-equivalent
combination of both). For further
information concerning this exam-
ination call at 201 Mason Hall, office
hours, 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m.
Students in Literature, Science and
the Arts, Architecture, Education,
Forestry and Music: Save your blue
print for second semester registra-
tion and save yourself the $1 fee for
securing a new one.
Assistant Registrar.
Rendezvous Men: The following
items, left behind by members of the
Rendezvous Camp group, can be
claimed by calling at the Information
Desk in Lane Hall between 9 a.m. and
5 p.m.
Green, zipper, pull-over sweater.
Tan leather traveling case.
Pair of black Converse gym shoes.
White Turkish towel.
Eversharp pencil, white barrel.
Contemporary: Manuscripts for the
first issue should be left at the Eng-
lish office, 3221 Angell Hall as soon
as possible.
Visual Acuity Research: Will those
persons who havealready served as
subjects in the visual acuity research
and who have not yet reported to
Mrs. Donahue please do so in Room
4125 N.S. between two and four today.
,Contemporary: Tryouts for edi-
torial and business staff will be held
at 5 p.m. Wednesday in the Student
Publications Bldg. Second-semester
freshman, sophomores, and juniors
are eligible to attend.
Hillel Foundation: Students de-
siring to affiliate with Hillel may do
so at the Foundation, corner East
University and Oakland, from 10 to
12 and 2 to 5 every day.
Membership in Hillel entitles you to
all religious, social and educational
privileges, including admission to
Yom Kippur services.-
Academic Notices
English 197-Honors Course: The
first meeting of the class will be held
at 4 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 2, in the
English Seminar Room, 3217 A.H.
W. G. Rice

son in Room B-302 East Engineering
Bldg., at 4 p.m. This meeting is for
the purpose of arranging hours.
Sociology 201: All students who
have elected this course willkindly
report today at 4 p.m. to Room B,
Haven Hall for field work assign-
Romance Philology 205 (Proven-
cal): The first meeting will be Wed-
nesday at 9 a.m., Room 207, R. L.
French 193: Prof. E. Rovillain's
class in French 193 will meet on
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. at
4 p.m., Room 308, R.L.
Geology 11: Quiz sections will not
meet until Thursday, Friday and Sat-
urday of the current week.
Insurance Courses:. The following
sequences of courses will be offered in
the School of Business Administra-
tion this year: in the first semester,
Principles of Insurance (Course 171),
3 hours credit, T Th S at 11; in the
second semester, Casualty and Com-
pensation Insurance (Course 172), 1
hour credit, and Life Insurance Prob-
blems (Course 174), 1 hour credit. Mr.
Hampton H. Irwin, Non-Resident
Lecturer will be in charge in the ab-
sence of Prof. Ernest M. Fisher.
Courses are open to students in the
School of Business Administration
and to those in other units who have
at least fourth year standing and the
consent of the instructor.
University Lecture: Sir Joseph Bar-
croft, Professor of Physiology in
Cambridge University, England, will
lecture on the subject "The Origin of
Respiratory Movements in Foetal
Life" on Thursday, Oct. 1, 1936, at
4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Au-
ditorium. The lecture will be il-
lustrated with moving pictures. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: V. Gordon
Childe, B.Litt., professor of Prehis-
toric Archaeology at the University
of Edinburgh, Scotland, will lecture
on the subject "The Early Civiliza-
tion of the Indus Valley" on Monday,
Oct. 5, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Al-
umni Memorial Hall. The lecture
will be illustrated with slides. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Of Today
Swimming for Women Students:
The swimming class which is sched-
uled to meet at the Union 'Pool
Tuesday evening at 7:30 will meet at
the Women's Athletic Bldg this eve-
ning at the same hour.
The Student Christian Association
will meet tonight at the Michigan
League at 8 p.m. The room will be
listed on the bulletin board. There
will be an important discussion of
the year's activities, and all.-mem-
bres are urged to attend. Anyone in-
terested in the work of the SCA is
Christian Science Organization
meets tonight in the chapel of the
Michigan League at 8 p.m. Students
and faculty members are invited to
Tau Beta Pi: There will be a regu-
lar dinner meeting at the Union at
6:15 tonight. Very important-busi-
ness to be taken up-every member
must be present.
The following men are askedto call
at the Union between 2 and 4 p.m.
Bril Livingston
Art Bartholmew
John Campbell
Don Belden
Myron Wallace
Wallace Bash
Paul Brickley

Earl Wilson
Irving Isaacs
Jim Ireland
Marshall Rodgers
Bob Elliot
Bob Angley
John Parker
Ted Abstein
Eliot Robinson
Fred Luebke
Francis Anderson
Roger Blake
Bob Costella
Jim Hollinshead
Vince Butterly
Chas. Kessler
Carvel Shaw
Wm. Spitalny
Maurice Hoffman
Irving Klein
Bernard Rubiner
Newton Burrows
Seymour Hertzberg
Herbert Wolf
Coming Events
Women's Field Hockey: For all
students who wish to play elective
hockey, open practices will be held on
Tuesday and Thursday from 4:15 to
5:30 on Palmer Field during the two
weeks of rushing. First practice
ctart tllc ftrnnn

Room 231,

159; Sec. 2, will meet in
A. H. instead of 1209 A.H.,
at 10 a.m.
Paul Mueschke.

English 297: My section will meet
from 7:30 to 9:30 on Wednesday eve-
ning in Room 406 General Library.
R. W. Cowden.
English 230, Studies in Spencer,
will meet in 2213 Angell Hall Wed-
nesday, Sept. 30 at 4 p.m. to arrange
time of class meeting.
M. P. Tilley.

English 293: Bibliography.
class will meet on Wednesdays
4-6 in 2235 A.H.


W. G. Rice.
English 297: Students in my sec-
tion will meet for arrangement of
hours todayat 8 p.m.,Room 3216,
E. A. Walter.
English 211e, Pro-seminar in
Rhetoric and Criticism will meet
Tuesday from 2-4 o'clock in Room
406 General Library.
R. W. Cowden
Chemistry 139: Dr. Fajans will
meet the class on, Wednesday, Sept.
30 at 4 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry
Bldg., to arrange for a regular time
for the class.
Chemistry 203: This will be given
at the same time and place as
scheduled in the catalog, but under
the direction of Dr. Fajans instead
of Dr. Bates.
Aero. 3, Section 11: Theory and der
sign of Propellers. This class will
meet in Room 4219 East Engineering

direction of Leopold Stokowski, John 'Blg.
M.Cormack, Irish tenor, will be heard . aA

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