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November 18, 1936 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-18

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Mary Heitsch Named Chairman Of Third Assembly B


Senior Society
Will Nominate
New Members
New Merit Point System
For Activities Adopted
By LeagueCouncil
Mary Ellen Heitsch, '37, will act as
general chairman of the third an-
nual Assembly Banquet to be held
Monday, Dec. 7 in the League Ball-
room, it was announced at the meet-
ing of Assembly yesterday in the
Grand Rapids Room of the League.
The women who will assist Miss
Heitsch on the central committee
are: Doris Robbins, '38, chairman of
the finance committee; Jewel Drick-
amer, '39, in charge of publicity for
the affair; Eloise Campbell, '38,
chairman of the committee on dec-
orations, and Jane Carson, '37, who
will head the parton committee.
The banquet, held each year, is
usually attended by 500 independent
women. Prominent personalities of
the campus are asked to speak, Sen-
ior Society'taps its new members at
the end of the dinner, and honor
guests are invited. Audrey Talsma,
'36, was general chairman last year.
At the general business of the
meeting, announcement was made of
the new motion referring to merit
points earned by pledges in extra-
curricular actiities, by Mary An-
drew, '37, president of Assembly. It
was moved by the League Council
that the total number of merit points
for extracuricular work be given both
to place of residence and to sorority
of affiliation and that all women
shall join athletic teams according to
their residences. This is to go into
effect with the winter sports season.
Miss Andrew told the assembled
independent women about the con-
vention which she attended at Mount
Pleasant last week. She discovered
that this University is the only school
in Michigan which has a working or-
ganization for independent women.
The Frances Paine Bolton School
of Nursing was described by Mar-
jorie Mackintosh, '37, head of the
publicity committee of the League.
The school is in Cleveland, and is for
college graduates interested in nurs-
ing, Miss Mackintosh said.
The meeting was attended by the
representatives of the seven zones on
campus and from the various dormi-
tories. Miss Ethel A. McCormick;
social director of the League, was
also present.
Dorn Director
Is Entertained
With Reception
MisS Mary E. Gleason, new social
director of Martha Cook building,
was honored last night at a formal
reception at which 500 guests were
present. Miss Gleason recently com-
pleted eight years as executive secre-
tary of the Encyclopedia of the So-
cial Sciences in New York.
Kathryn Zimmer, '37, was appoint-
ed general chairman by Virginia Wy-
att, '37Ed., social chairman of the
dormitory. The committee chair-
men .were Mary Parsons, '37, dining
room; Barbara Wykes, '37Ed, decor-
ations; Betty Behler, '38, refresh-
ments; Virginia York, '37Ed, recep-
tion; Dorothy McDonald, '37, cor-
ridor and Barbara Watson, '36, Blue
M1sic was provided throughout
the evening by Jane Lombard, '37,
cellist, Ardemis Kouzian, '38, violin-
ist, Lois Mayer, '37SM, pianist, Lou
White, '37SM, pianist, and Phyllis

Price '38SM, pianist.
In, the receiving line were Mary
Bennett, '37BAd-Lit, house presi-
dent, Miss Wyatt, Miss Gleason, Miss
Sara Rowe, house director, and two
members of the board of directors
and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs.
Delos Parker Heath and Dr. and Mrs.
James D. Bruce.
The Presbyterian Church is to
hold a dinner at 6 p.m. tomorrow at
the Masonic Temple, 327 S. 4th Ave.
Ruth Holmes, '38SM, will give two
choral numbers: "Celebrated Air" by
Bachand "Tarantella" by Squire. Dr.
William P. Lemon will read selec-
tions from the Book of Revelations
with a musical accompaniment by
Helen~ Aupperle, '39SM.
Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the edu-
cation school will attend a meeting
of the Association for the Advance-
ment of Science from Dec. 28 until
Jan. 2 in Kansas City, Mo.

Is Named


Theatre Group
To Start Ticket
Sale Campaign
Fraternity, Sorority Gifts
To Aid Children Unable
To AttendPlays
The Children's Theatre drive for
donations to send under-privileged
children to its performances will start
at the end of this week, Margaret'
Guest, '37, chairman of the Theater
and Arts committee announced yes-
Sorority and fraternity houses will
be asked to donate money which will
buy tickets so that Ann Arbor chil-
Jren who have never been to the the-
itre may have the opportunity of at-
tending one performance of the Chil-1
dren's Theatre. Children will be
recommended to the committee
through the school principals. Fifty
cents will send three children to a
The Children's Theatre has carriedf
on this drive for two years and in
the second year doubled the amount
taken in the first.
Last year 315 children were taken
care of with the $52.55 donated by the
sororities. Sigma Chi represented
the fraternities last year and it is
hoped that others will join in the
present drive so that the amount will
double that of last year.
Letters and subscriptions blanksl
will be sent to all the houses on
campus, Margaret Ayres, '38, who is
in charge of the sorority and frater-
nity drive, has announced. Blanks
will also be found in Miss Ethel Mc-
Cormick's office in the League.
The Children's Theatre was start-
ed for the purpose of presenting plays
which appeal to both children and
adults and profits made each year
go .o swell the, League scholarship
fund. The first performance this
year "Hans Brinker or the Silver
Skates" will be held Dec. 4 and 5 and
will include one matinee on Friday at
1:30 p.m. and two on Saturday at
1:30 and 3:30 p.m.
The Young Voters' League of the
Democratic party will hold a meet-
ing at 8 p.m. tonight in Room 7, Ann
Arbor Savings Bank Building. Final
arrangements for the dance to be
held Dec. 5 will be made and tickets
for the dance will be distributed to
the members to sell. All members
are urged to attend.

Clothes Will Be New Gay, Youthful Fur Coats Louis Strauss
Topic For Next Will Add Color To Wardrobes To Be Speaker
Charm Lecture Time was when a fur coat was a what to do to fur in wet weather. All For Graduates
permanent feature of one's wardrobe, experts agree that damp fur should!
Stude Q'nts ~del Campus to be shaken out of its mothballs at be shaken and permitted to dry "The Community of Scholarship"
the first hint of snow, and to. be naturally. It should never, never be will be the subject of the talk to be
Styles; Skit On Etiquette packed away again after the spring placed near a radiator. And dark, given by Prof. Louis A. Strauss of the
Will Be Presented thaws. It was purchased with an eye cool closets are the proper place to English department at the luncheon
to long wearability and was usually keep furs because heat and bright for graduate students to be held at
a "sensible" article in the worst sense lights injure them. noon today in the ussian Tea Room
Correct clothes for all types and of the word. Now, however, fur If your pocketbook hL
every occasion is to be the topic of coats have become suddenly gay and does not warrant a fur About 45 students are expected to
the second demonstration "Person- youthful and are distinguished by - coat, a hat, pair of
ality and Poise" lecture to be given at tricks of cut and trimming. gloves or bag of fur ae h e meek w is the
4 p.n.tcday in the League Ballroom, Gone is the full-length, shapeless would fill the hole in fou th in g, re. A t l-
p~m. cdayweek's meeting, Prof. Margaret El-
according to Jean Hatfield, ' coat with a huge collar. Supplanting your wardrobe. Mink liott of the economics department
chairman of the orientation com- it is the swagger or - gill, squirrel and Per- spoke on "Social Security." The
chaiman f te orentaiopcom-,.,sian lamb make tricky
mittee. A skit illustrating the finer princess silhouette with k speaker for next week has not yet
points of etiquette will also be given., a small round collar i t of a d ther been announced.
Illustrations of appropriate dress ndfullness concen ent ofgrandmothe There ae two puf poses in hold-
f trased in sleeves and ing thluncheons, according to Miss
for sports, afternoon and evening back. Lines that were nice trimmings on Jeanette Perry, assistant to the dean
werand for all types of women are formerly common only cuffs of gloves and the woi ncag.Te
to be given by representatives from toressmme dnpy of women,resessapnofhurgs.TTuh
dto dressmaker dressesw flaps of purses. Touches are held to give graduate students an
teDlo Shop, Goodyear's, and o u nwoe rse
Jacobson's Stores. Apparel from all are now being worked of fur on woolen dresses opportunity to become acquainted
out in pelts with a uni- mak~e last year's models opruiyt eoeaqane
three stpres will be displayed. uwith each other and with the work
Women students who will model versally flattering ef- look like new. of departments other than the one in
the various outfits are Joanne Wes- fect. The fashion editor has not only which they are specializing.
terman, '40, Sally Thomas, '40, Mary Gray in furs has en- been thoughtful in selecting warm
Wheat, '39, Margaret Cramm, '39, jdyed unprecedented furs for coats, hats, and dresses, heDold
Betty Rouse, '40, and Mary Gage, '40. popularity, especially has even added fur on galoshes. Drama Sororty ls
Lillian Platte, '39, is to take part in sheared kidskin, krim- These fur-lined boots are smart and Membership Tryouts
the skit. mer and caracul. Progress in dyeing light on the foot. They are dressy
Sponsored by the orientation com- has increased the list of gray furs, and may blend in color with the fur Omega Upsilon, national profes-
mittee primarily for freshman the lowly lapin appearing in silver on your coat. White boots trimmed sional dramatic sorority, will hold
women, the series of lectures is open, and eel shades. Dyeing can even with white fur are right for evening tryouts for membership at 7:30 p.m.
free of charge to anyone wishing make a fur look better than it is, be- wear on cold winter nights. today in Morris Hall broadcasting
to attend. Attendance for freshmen cause now expensive pelts like chin-- station. Those interested will read
is not compulsory, Miss Hatfield said. chilla can be simulated. If the coat a skit and their vocies will be tested
Succeeding lectures are to deal is bought at a reputable furriers', a ACACIA over the microphone.
with such subjects as demonstrations dyed fur is a safe investment. Acacia fraternity announces the Professor Abbot is sponsor of the
of make-up, manicures, care of the Reliable old stand-bys like beaver initiation of the following: Tracy chapter at the University. Officers
hair and skin, accessories and further are now being sold in new and more V. Buckwalter, Jr., '39E, Massillon, for this year are: Helen Rowe, presi-
illustrations of etiquette. frivolous guises. With its leather O.; Tom H. Kelley, '40, Niles; Dun- dent; Jeanette Strauss, vice-presi-
All will consist of practical demon- softened and some of its weight can B. McKee, '37E, Grand Rapids; dent. Jeanne Pray, secretary and
st ations with especial care to b sheared away, beaver is almost as and Arthur L. Valpey, '38Ed., Detroit. Janet Kappler, acting treasurer.
given to individual problems and are pliable as velvet. A pert little finger-
to be held every week at this time tip swagger of this fur has an ad-
with the cooperation of other local tae o th a b cd
shops. justable collar with a double cord
Last week a demonstrated talk around it. This model
Lastweeka deonstatedtalkis one of those valuable .? ~1 k 6 m ~ ets~
on hair dressing was given by Misscosn th sequal
Pauline Kalb, proprietress of Pau- coats that is equally
line's Beauty Shop. Hair lines be- good for wearing to the NT H E L E NGT 0 F A S TO C K I N (
coming to different types and lines Union on Friday night,
flattering under the new hats were or trudging reluctantly TFO T YOU R L E G S
shown. Eleanor Skiles, '39, Ruth to eight o'clock on I
Dillman, '40, and. Betty Baldwin, '40; Monday morning.
served as models. Jacobson's store Beaver appears in .,S0You can easily see that sor ie
exhibited a line of hats to aid in another young-looking Astockgs might be right to the
the demonstrations. coat, but merely as a . - stockngs might beright:to"th
collar. The box swag- inch in length and still wrinkle
FACULTY WOMEN'S CLUB ger itself is made of and twist on your legs. But not our
The Faculty Women's Club will panther cat, a spotted
hold its annual musicale and tea at fur that rivals its wrikle-defyig Belle-Sharmeer
3 p.m. today at the League. Prof. snooty cousin leopard Stockings! They come in true leg
Arthur Hackett of the School of for popularity among college wom-
Music, will give a song recital in the en. Another successful imitation is sizes . . . not only graduated in
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre for the a coat of mink cuttings, snips of fur length but also individually sized
members of the club and their guests. from the throat, sides and paws of in width, from top to toe. And
Professor Hackett, who will be ac- the costly little animal.
companied by Mrs. Hackett, will sing Ann Arbor weather being what it they always fit to perfection! Just
a group of German leider is, it might be profitable to know ask for your foot size by number
and your leg size by name...Brev

that supplies all your needs
For that beautified skin
Cosmetic Preparations

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SPECIALISTS - in All Lines of Cosmetology

307 South State Street

Phone 8384

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The entire stock of fall suede footwear is reduced



Brown Black


Formerly Priced to $7.50


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