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November 18, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-18

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'WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18, 1936


~WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18, 193&

- -
1936 Member 1937
Associded CoIde6iae Press
Distributors of
Co e6iate Di6est
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Departmente:Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J., Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham,,Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising. Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
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Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as-confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Paternalism At Mosher
To the Editor:
On behalf of the 439 other residents of Mosher-
Jordan, I wish to protest against the closing
sentence of the article in Tuesday's Daily on the
proctor system in Mosher Hall.
Your article stated that Mrs. Ray believes
that the girls like the plan. If Mrs. Ray honestly
believes that, she knows far less about the girls
under her care than we think she does. If Mrs.
Ray honestly examined the situation, she would
find that the girls do not like the system-
they hate it.
I wish to explain why we hate it.
In the first place we feel that it is one of the
functions of the University to help us learn to
think for ourselves. Apparently, from the talks
given in Orientation Week, the very ones who
are now doing their best to keep us from think-
ing for ourselves on the question of studying
were the ones who urged us at the beginning of
the year not to keep to the established ruts of
thought, but to use our own minds on problems.
We admit that all of us may not use what
freedom we have to the best advantage, but
surely even the Dean of Women will admit that
one cannot learn how to use one's freedom wisely
by having that freedom abridged.
In the second place, in the words of the old
adage, one can drive a horse to water, but you
cannot make him drink." And driving us to
our books every evening will not make us more
studious, except of ways to get out of it. In fact,
we feel that such a system will drown that "thirst
for knowledge"- which the orientation speakers
praise so highly.
Furthermore it is definitely unfair to establish
a system in the dormitories and let the sororities
go unscathed. Why should those of us who can-
not join sororities be forced to abide by rules
which are not in force in sororities. In a sup-
posedly democratic institution, this is certainly
an example of the privileges of the rich.
For a fourth reason, we have the fact that girls
have been hired to act as spies and jailors on
other girls of thei own age. Mrs. Ray may talk
about girls being hired solely because they pos-
sess "tact, confidence ,and respect" of the rest
of the girls,' but we doubt very much whether
four girls out of 200 possess these qualifications.
If they do, they certainly haven't shown it so far.
It is doubtful if anyone has much confidence in
a person of her own age who has been hired to
watch her, especially when she knows that the
"proctor" will be backed in her every act by the
Furthermore, we feel that the "proctor" systemI
is an imposition on those who cannot defend
themselves. We have to live in the dormitories-
they are much the best places in Ann Arbor. We
think it is because Lloyd knows that we won't
move that she has dared to force on us a system
not of our own making or suggesting (this in the
face of her protestations of belief in student self-
government), a system utterly foreign to our
ideas and one which must conform only to her
ideas of how we ought to conduct our lives.
This belief is borne out by the report that
when a protest against the proctor system was
registered in the dean of women's office, the
official merely showed the list of names of those
who want to get into the dormitory and re-
marked that "if the girls didn't like it, they.
knew what they could do about it."
I would like to print my own name, but not
wishing to make enernies of the czars in the dean
of women's office when they can regulate so
much of my activity, I will sign this,
-A Mosher-Jordanite.
More On Paternalism
To the Editor:

Residents of Mosher Hall are up in arms over
the introduction into dormitory life of a newf
system of regimentation which threatens to
undermine the very foundations of university
life. Ever since the first "co-ed" trod the Mich-
igan campus in search of higher learning, so-
called, feminine students have chafed at the
restriction in activities entailed by the need to
keep hours; regulations of this sort can be
justified. Now authority has seen fit to pro-
mulgate an ordinance which requires that girls
at Mosher must be in their own rooms after
11:15 p.m. The only exception to this rule
is that a girl may go to another girl's room in
order to study there. Other girls have been
appointed to see that these visits actually are
for the specified purpose. What shall be the
nature of the punishment for violation of the
new nle has not been made known, but it
has been intimated that punishment will take
the usual form of social probation.
Before attacking the system itself, it should
be stated that this treatment is unfair. Why
should dormitories be singled out for this ex-
periment? All league houses and sororities are
Furthermore, the 'plan tends to undermine
the characters of the girls who are chosen to
be monitors. The establishment of a system of
paid spies, euphemistically called proctors, is
unsportsmanlike, un-American, and provocative
of jealousies, dislikes, and unpleasant relations.
Nobody likes a "tattle-tale."
One of the main purposes of a university is
to promote independence of thought on the part

****** IT ALL
A --By Bonth W iiams-
MARSH SHULMAN blew in from Dallas this
morning with a wistful look in his dark eyes,
stories of swing bands at football games, and
minus his heart which now belongs bag and
baggage to the beauty and belles of the romantic
"Also the convention was quite worthwhile,"
Marsh smiled, but here he is to tell you the whole
story himself. Marsh Shulman:
Dear Bonth:
From the moment that a taxi-driver was polite
to me and drove with caution as I left the station
in Dallas, I knew that this was going to be no
ordinary experience. From that time on, the
courtesy and friendliness of everyone-from bell-
hop to university president-was heart-warming.
People would stop ih public places and introduce
themselves when they saw the bewildered look on
my face, and I bethought myself of the hostility
that passes between people up here, even between
students on the campus.
We stopped in at some of the fraternities on
the Southern Methodist University campus,
which is, you know in the outskirts of Dallas, and
at one--it was the Lambda Chi house-the boys
entertained us with songs and a bit of friendly
conversation. One of the lads had ridden most
of his life up in the Panhandle, and he con-
sented graciously (with none of the false modesty
we sometimes meet) to sing some of the cowboy
favorites for us. Fraternity Row out there doesn't
include many houses, and they aren't very im-
pressive when compared to some of our local
mansions, but they do house a group of genuine
and likable young men; perhaps, Bonth, their
unimpressive structures haven't keyed them up
to the high standard of formality and artificial
social standards such as more luxurious quarters
might have done.
The campus of S.M.U., by the way, resembles
exactly the movie conception of college. The
campus is spacious, with spreading green lawns
and an illuminated fountain, and its buildings
are uniformly of the Southern Colonial architec-
ture-not, as here, a collection of heterogeneous
styles and periods. We bumped into their home-
coming celebration last week-end, and were in-
vited to the barbecue pep meeting held before the
game. There everyone was gathered to sing the
songs, cheer the president, and eat some of the
most appetizing barbecue I've ever tasted. Among
the invocations was one addressed to the Deity
to put generosity in the hearts of men that
they may remember their Alma Mater with gifts.
If we do anything like that here, Bonth ,we'd bet-
ter specify what we want, or we're liable to get
another football stadium instead of men's dorms
or more endowments for faculty salaries, which
we really need.
And then the football game was a real experi-
ence. In the first place, their stadium wasn't a
very expensive structure, and they probably
didn't have to worry if the team should lose how
they'd be able to pay off the bonds. As you
know, Bonth; this probably has an effect on the
extent to which professionalism enters football
recruiting. And then, the most amazing thing
of all was their band. They were swing bands,
and they played the latest in syncopated col-
legiate numbers. There was a girl cheerleader
who did one of these dances-I don't know what
you'd call the dance, but it involved considerable
anatomical displacement, and I think President
Ruthven wouldn't like it-but down there it
seemed all right and everyone enjoyed it, myself
included. Every third play down there was a
pass, which made it nice for the spectators be-
cause a wide-open game such as they play is
fun to watch, even if we don't know anything
about football,
The band, as I started to say, handles not
only the conventional concert stuff of college
bands, but also produces swing stuff very ca-
You asked about the convention, Bonth, and
I would have enjoyed it except for one thing.
Last year you remember that John Flaherty went

to the convention for the Michigan chapter of
Sigma Delta Chi, and John organized a "90 Proof
Club" of competent imbibers. Some of the dele-
gates, remembering John, expected this year's
delegate from Michigan to maintain the high
standards and large capacities of the Club, and
I did my best, but don't give credence to the
stories you might have heard. As a matter of
fact I don't really remember an awful lot about
the Club, especially what happened later in the
evening ..,-
One further thing, Bonth, that I know you
particularly would be interested in. In all my
life I've never seen a more complete collection
of beautiful women than that which Dallas pos-
sesses. On the campus, in hotels, everywhere
in the city, these breath-taking southern gals-
with the mellifluous voice, melodic tone, rhyth-
mic accent and little habits of speech like "Y'all"
-simply took the heart out of the convention.
They certainly are hospitable. And lovely. And
gracious. And I didn't want to come home.
By the way, Bonth, how come y'all didn't reply
to that wire for more money I sent yo'?
students eye askance of all isms. This is the
avowed aim of the university. It can be best
attained by the exchange of ideas through con-
versation with others. The new system thus
does away with one of the major functions of
the university.
Furthermore, a girl who has reached college
age is old enough to govern her own actions.
If she feels that she has prepared her lessonI
well enough for the morrow, she should be

Contemporary, A Reviewy
(Of The English Department)
S EDATELY and with the reticence
becoming the highest browed
campus publications, Contemporary
has hurled a bombshell. I refer not
to the "Red Ants Explode From Hill"
in Mr. Kirschbaum's highly evocative
Still Life, but to the evaluation of
changing objectives and methods of
education in our colleges in What
Th- Colleges Are Doing. Mr. Stubbes,
whose identity is not traceable in
campus directories, has tried to un-
derstand the students'* needs and how
the college may meet these needs.
Too often they are not met; the stu-
dnt who comes to us, as most do,
unable to think sustainedly, to write
or speak his thoughts clearly, even
to read profitably a paragraph of
thoughtful prose, is assumed by those
who are valiantly upholding "college
standards" to be able to do all these
things, or at most to need only a se-
mester or so to achieve that difficult
The student is soon aware of what
is impossibly expected of him and
he learns to bluff, to conceal the hol-
lowtin hisaunderstanding by the use
of terms and statements which he
doesn't comprehend but which seem
to pass current all around him. He
learns to choose courses in which
some skilled enthusiast will enjoy
literature for him whie he quakes
responsively as at a movie. He learns
to prize highly those courses in which
brilliant instructors c a r r y him
through the history of profound
changes in social organization or in
culture with such , rapidity that he
has no time to grasp any social or-
ganization or why there is such a
thing, or to understand any one cul-
ture, or even to grasp fully what one
writer thought and felt. Consequent-
ly his own powers to read, t think,
and to write effectively have not been
developed. He has not had an edu-
cation; he has not even been ex-
posed, as we say, to an education; he
has, been exposed to the results of
someone else's education.
Mr. Stubbes would have us con-
centrate our efforts not on covering
ground, not on keeping the machin-
ery of grades and degrees working
smoothly, not even on interesting the
student, but on developing his pow-
ers to read, think, and write effec-
tively. To that end it is suggested
that the student be tested by general
examinations at fairly long inter-
vals to determine the progress he
has made in assimilating, under-
standing, and integrating his studies.
Since general examinations have al-
ready been adopted by several of our
best colleges, Mr. Stubbes hopes and
believes that "ultimately degrees will
be awarded not because students do
well in signal practice, but because
they prove that they can perform ca-
pably in Saturday's game."
I find myself in hearty agreement
with Mr. Stubbes and regret only that
he had no space in which to point out
the difficulties in reorganizing de-
partments so that they would be able
to educate their students. At present
too many departments are organized
as trade schools for the turning out
of Ph.D.'s in this or that; even the
courses for freshman and sophomore,
if one examines them closely, are in
some degree perverted by the major
objective of the department, which
is to win kudos as a Ph.D. mill. If a
reading of Mr. Stubbes' article were
followed by a reading of President
Hutchins' Higher Learning in Amer-
ica it is possible that even our edu-
cators might be educated.
I am afraid that my enthusiasm
has been heavily drained by this one
article among many excellent things
in Contemporary which may attract
other readers more. The high de-
gree of competence shown by the
contributions in the short story and
in poetry impresses upon me the com-

paratively low level of college publi-
cations twenty years ago. Maybe
things are not as bad as Mr. Stubbes
and I fear; but I suspect that most
of these bright young people have ed-
ucated themselves while being car-
ried more or less effortlessly by the
Chaliapin Don Quixote
ONE of the pictures some of us
have been urging the Art Cin-
ema League to bring here is the G.
W. Pabst production of Cervantes
Don Quixote with Feodor Chaliapin.
It has now fitted into the schedule
and will be shown at the Mendel-
ssohn this Friday and Saturday. The
possibilities of this novel on the
screen and of Chaliapin's singing
and acting are so great that one is
apt to be skeptical as to whether
these would be used as effectively as
theygmight be especially we who are
used to Hollywood pictures. But this
picture has few, if any of the faults
of most American pictures made
from favorite novels.
Although it follows the novel
closely in the episodes, it has done
snore in terms of pure cinematic
:echnique than most picturized nov-
els. The important things, of course,

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the PresideMn
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18, 1936
Freshmen from the following
schools are reminded of the confer-
ences with their principals in the
Registrar's office Thursday, Nov. 19:
Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Bay City,
Birmingham, Carleton. Chelsea,
Cranbrook, Dearborn, Detroit (Cass,
Central, Chadsey, Cooley, Country
Day, Denby, Eastern, Mackenzie,
Miller, Northern, Northwestern, Per-
shing, Detroit-Redford, Redford-
Union, Southeastern, Southwestern,
Western), Ecorse, Ferndle, Flint,
Grass Lake, Grosse Pointe, Hazel
Park, Highland Park, Howe, Jackson,
Kalamazoo Central, Kingswood,
Lansing, Manchester, Marshall, Mi-
lan, Monroe, Mt. Clemens, Muskegon
Heights, Northville, Oak Park, Owos-
so, Pentwater, Plymouth, Pontiac,
Port Huron,.River Rouge, Royal Oak,
Saginaw, St. Joseph, Stanton, Ver-
milion, Wayne, Wyandotte, Ypsilan-
Ira M. Smith, Registrar.
Upperclassmen: Former students
of the schools listed above are invit-
ed to stop in at the Registrar's Of-
fice Nov. 19. If you will call Exten-
sion 373 you can learn at what hours
your principal will be having inter-
Ira M. Smith, Registrar.
Freshman Instructors: Principals
and teachers from 66 high schools
.will be in the Registrar's office
Thursday morning, Nov. 19, to con-
fer with their former students. Yoti
are invited to stop in to meet the
principals and talk with them.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar.
Students, School of Education:
Courses dropped after Wednesday,
Nov. 25, will be recorded with the
grade of E except under extraordi-
nary circumstances. No course is
considered officially dropped unless
it has been reported in the office of
the Registrar, Room 4, University
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for removal of incom-
pletes will be Saturday, Nov. 21.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
will be open to registration by stu-
dents Wednesday through Saturday
of this week, Nov. 18-21 inclusive.
t Blanks may be obtained at the office,
201 Mason Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4
each day except Saturday, when the
office will be open 9-12 only. Both
seniors and graduate students, as
well as staff members, are eligible for
the services of the Bureau. Both
February and June graduates are
urged-to register at this time, as this
is the only general registration to be
held during the year. There is no
charge for this service, but after No-
vember 21 all students taking out
blanks are subject to payment of $1
late registration fee.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of the
following United States Civil Service
examinations: (Requiring B.S. de-
gree or experience substitutions).
Senior and welding engineer, Navy
department, salary, $3,800 to $4,600.
(No degree required).
Supervisors of Alphabetic Dupli-
cating Key-Punch Operators, Alpha-
betic Accounting-Machine Operators,
and Horizontal Sorting-Machine Op-
erators, salary, $1,620 to $1,800. Un-
der Card-Punch, Alphabetic dppli-
eating Key-Punch, and Horizontal
Sorting-Machine operators, salary,
$1260 to $1440. Field Assistant (En-
tomology) with optional branches,
salary, $2,000.
For further information concern-
ing these examinations, call at 201'
Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and
2 to 4 p.m.

International Dinner: Attention is
called to the fact that all acceptances
to the International Dinner must be
in my office, Room 9, University Hall,
same subject which Chaliapin used
to sing a great deal was not used in
'he picture. New music was com-
posed by Jacques Ibert and one aria
by Dargomijsky is used. This has
been especially well blended into the
scene of the burning of the books
which has been used in a dramatic
way to close the picture.
The English version-the one to be
shown here-is, curiously enough,
superior to the one in French. This
is possibly due to the acting of
George Robey in the part of Sancho
Panza. Robey is a very well-known
English comedian who has appeared
in America only once and that was
20 years ago.
Chaliapin has the unusual distinc-
tion of being not only an opera sing-
er but an actor and one who made his
singing and actinga unity, blended
she two into a single straightforward
interpretation of the part in ques-
:ion. Even in his concert programs

phone 303, by 4:30 p.m. today (Wed-
nesday), Nov. 18.
J. Raleigh Nelson,
Counselor to Foreign Students.
Academic Notices
Botanical Seminar meets today at
4:30 p.m., Room 1139, N.S. Bldg.
Paper by F. K. Sparrow "The Chy-
tridiaceous inhabitants of submerged
insect exuviae." (illustrated).
University Lecture: Dr. Salo Fink-
elstein, of Cleveland, well-known cal-
culating genius, will give a lecture-
demonstration under the auspices of
the Department of Psychology at
4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
torium on Nov. 19. The public is
cordially invited.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: Alexander Woollcott will ap-
pear in Hill auditorium op Sunday
night, Nov. 29, at 8:15 p.m. Tickets
are now available at Wahr's State
Street bookstore. This number re-
I places the Bertrand Russell lecture
and tickets originally issued for that
number will be honored on Nov. 29.
Exhibition, Architecture Building:
An exhibition of the Ryerson Compe-
tition drawings including those of
teams working here under the direc-
tion of Professors Hebrard and
Bailey is being shown in the third
floor exhibition room, Architecture
Building, Nov. 11 through 18. Open
from 9 to 5 p.m. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Exhibit of Color Reproductions of
American Paintings comprising the
First Series of the American Art
Portfolios, recently acquired for the
Institute of Fine Arts Study Room.
On view daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in Alumni Memorial Hall, North Gal-
Events Of Today
Research Club will meet in Room
2528 East 'Medical Building to-
night at 8 p.m. The.follow-
ing papers will be presented:
"Atomic Disintegration by the Cyclo-
tron" by Prof. James M. Cork; "Kor-
ean Astronomy" by Prof. W. Carl
Rufus. The Council will meet at 7:30.
Luncheon for Graduate Students
today at 12 o'clock noon in the
Russian Tea Room of the Michi-
gan League Building. Cafeteria serv-
ice. Dr. Louis A. Strauss, Isaac New-
ton Demmon, Professor of English
Language and Literature, will speak
informally on "The Community of
A.Ch.E.: All Chemical and Metal-
lurgical Engineers are invited to at-
tend the meeting tonight at
7:30 p.m. in Room 1042 East En-
gineering Building. Mr. H. V. Smith,
Assistant Superintendent of the Skel-
ly Oil Refinery, El Doredo, Kan., will
speak on."Petroleum Refining." The
first of three short quizzes, on gen-
eral topics, will be given to members
in competition for a de luxe edition
of the "Handbook of Chemistry and
Physics." Please bring a pencil with
you. Refreshments will be served in
the Chapter Room.
Mechanical Engineers: The Stu-
dent Branch of .the A.S.M.E. will
hold a meeting this evening at
7:30 p.m. in the Michigan
Union. J. H. Walker, superintendent
of Central Heating for the Detroit
Edison Co., will speak on "Modern
Trends in In'dustrial and Domestic
heating and Air Conditioning." Stu-
dents are reminded that all dues and
applications must be in by Dec. 1 in
order to be listed in the 1937 direc-

Phi Sigma Meeting tonight at 8
p.m., Room 2116 N.S. Bldg. Prof.
Dow V. Baxter, forest pathologist,
will speak on "Alaska," illustrated
with moving pictures.
Tryouts for membership to Omega
Upsilon Radio dramatic sorority will
be held in Morris Hall today. All
those interested should meet at the
Radio Station, 7:30 p.m.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Formal initia-
tion of the new members is to be
held in the Michigan Union tonight
at 7:30 p.m. All active members are
required to be in uniforms.
Freshman Glee Club: Important
rehearsal today at 4:30 p.m. Sing
for Dean Bursley's luncheon Thurs-
day noon.
Stanley Chorus: Regular meeting
tonight in the League at 7:15 sharp.
Besides regular rehearsal, we will
discuss the question of pins, and the
possibility of an 'Ensian picture.
Sphinx: There will be a luncheon
meeting at 12:15 p.m. today in the
Michigan Union.

T WAS with some amusement that
we read in yesterday's Daily of
the latest use to which government funds are to
be put. On the NYA, four women students are
to be employed by the Mosher-Jordan dormitory
to ascertain that other women students are safely
in and in their own .rooms at a certain hour of
the evening. Thus the National Youth Admin-
istration will preserve not only the morale, but
the morals, of the youth of our nation.
It is very considerate of the directors of the
dormitory to make sure each night that none
of their wards "may be locked out in the bitted
cold," a painful experience, no doubt, but it is
an insulting reflection on the judgment of women
The question of paternalism as an academic
issue hasn't concerned us much, and doesn't
'now, but on a purely pragmatic basis, we wonder
if the evil effects of such intimate and detailed
supervision may not outweigh the good.
Being realistic, we cannot argue that students
come up to Ann Arbor with judgement suffi-
ciently mature to govern their actions wisely.
Complete freedom would probably be disastrous
for many. Complete control of living conditions,
on the other hand, postpones the maturing pro-
cess. The job of those responsible for the life
of the students is the difficult one of finding
a judicious balance between these two extremes.
If the dormitory requires women students to be
in at 10:30 each week night, it would see that the
University has fulfilled its responsibility. To
do more than this, as the dormitory now pro-
poses to do, would be to remove any pretense of
individual judgment.
Within limits, responsibility for the morals
of the students rests upon the university, in
America. If the intellectual maturity were
greater than it is, the students might be ex-
pected to govern themselves wisely, or if the
academic standards were sufficiently high so
that only those seriously interested in the in-
tellectual pursuits of universities were admitted,
there would be less necessity for official tucker-
inners. At Oxford, where paternalism reaches
magnificent heights, the men are supposed to be
in at nine, may be expelled if they aren't in be-
fore twelve, and are not allowed to be seen in
taverns or at dances. Yet the academic pro-
gram is such that this business of paternalism
really matters very little, since, within the walls
of Oxford, intellectual freedom is complete. In
the world of ideas there is there no paternalism.
We cannot be said to offer opportunity for real
maturity in either world. If we were interested,
as Oxford is, in keeping out influences detri-
mental to the Oxford way of life, we would
be justified in guarding closely the action of
students in their activity outside the college;


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