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November 11, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-11

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Late Wire
(By The Associated Press)
It's A Steeplechaser For
Peggy Joyce's Fifth}
LONDON, Nov. 10.-A')--Peggy
Joyce, with four husbands behind her,
has chosen Vivian Jackson, 30-year-
old professor of astrophysics at Lon-
don University and gentleman
steeplechaser, as her fifth.
The couple said today they in-
tended to marry as soon as Jackson
obtains a divorce decree from his
present wife-probably next spring.
Divorce proceedings already have
been instituted, he said.
Mutual love of horses was largely
responsible for their attachment,
Jackson revealed, after Peggy sug-
gested demurely that he do the talk-

Plan Of

To Trap Planes
Great Britain

LONDON, Nov. 10.-( P)-A plan to
trap attacking airplanes in huge nets
strung between balloons around Lon-
don was disclosed tonight in the
House of Commons by Sir Thomas
Inskip, minister for defense coordi-
While Inskip did not elaborate on
his "balloon trap" plans, it was un-
derstood that the British Govern-
ment was making extensive research
along that line.
During the latter stages of the
World War similar seines were used
against airplanes outside London,
with a network of wire, strong enough
to crash a plane, stretched between
Gov. Fitzgerald Denies
Any'Senate Appointment
LANSING, Nov. 10.-(IP)-Govern-
or Fitzgerald said today he has not
offered to appoint anyone United
States Senator Vg take the place made
vacanft by the death of Senator James
Couzens, although .it had been sug-
gested Prentiss M. Brown might gain
seniority by an immediate appoint-
The Governor said that if this
proves to be the case, he may ap-
point Brown. Otherwise he will leave
the place vacant until Brown, who
was electedSenator in the November
election, takes office in January.
The Governor said he has made
no investigation to.determine wheth-
er appointment would help Brown.

Sophomore's Squirrel
Makes Ladies Squeal
Strolling across campus with a
squirrel perched on his shoulder, Milt
Frankel, '39E, of Jeffersonville, N. Y.
presents a living lesson of the reward
of patience.
Oscar, the squirrel, was found pros-
trate at the foot of a tree by Frankel
when he came back to Ann Arbor for
school this fall. Hoping that his
prowess for domesticating New York
State squirrels, and he's done it
plenty of times he says, would work
on the Michigan variety of Sciurus
niger rufiventer, Frankel took the
moribund Oscar to his rooming house
at 620 Forrest and began administ-
ering luke warm milk in small quan-
Oscar has recovered remarkably
well according to Frankel, and the
milk and eye dropper technique has
long since been .abandoned. In fact
Oscar is militantly omnivorous, his
maaster complained, and has an an-
noying penchant for pencils and his
latest chef d'ouvre was the better
part of a window sill in Frankel's
rooming house.
Frankel admitted that Oscar does
have his disadvantages as most pets
do, and that it has been hard to for-
give him for the neckties he's eaten.
But his greatest disadvantage, he
said, is the way he makes women
chirp out, "Isn't he kieeeuut!"
Adeiphi Club Hears
Deate On Uiities
At its weekly meeting last night,
Adelphi, campus forensic society,
listened to two members of the varsity
debating team, Eugene Gressman, '38
and Harry. Shniderman, '38, debate
the affirmative and negative aspects
respectively of the question "Re-
Solved: that all electric utilities
should be governmentally owned and
operated." Adelphi members, acting
as judges decided that the affirmative
side was the more persuasive argu-
At the conclusion of the debate a
lively discussion was held in which
the members themselves contributed
their personal beliefs on the subject.'
Prof. Mehl To Give Talk
On Solid Metals Tomorrow
Prof. Robert F. Mehl, head of the
department of metallurgy at Car-
negie Institute of Technology, will
give a, talk on "Diffusion in Solid
,Metals" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in
Room 1042, East Engineering Build-
ing. , The lecture is under the aus-
pices of the American Chemical So-
ciety and open to the public.
Professor Mehl is a former Na-
tipnal Research F e 11 o w, having
worked at Harvard University from
1925 to 1927, and also served .as su-
perintendent of the division of physi-
cal metallurgy in the Naval Research
Laboratory from 1927 to 1931. He
has published a number of papers on
the constitution of alloys, crystal
structure, aging phenomena in alloys,
Iradiography and general metallurgy.

-Associated Press Photo
This radio picture shows the ruins of a church at Getafe, Spai'n,
Sunday after the city had been bombarded by insurgent troops driving
en to Madrid in Spain's bloody civil war. Fascists took over command
of Getafe, only seven miles from the capital city where heavy loss of
life and devastation were reported in later fighting.
Astronomer's Life Is NotAlways
:FullOfRomajce, Says Dr. Curt is

Big Guns Wreck Spanish Church

W.P.A. Courses
For Teachers
Object To Give Work Antid
Educational Facilities To
Many Groups
Courses for unemployed teachers1
being given in the WPA correspond-
ence courses are achieving success, a
member of the correspondence de-1
partment said yesterday.
A second objective is the provision
of educational facilities for people
who would ordinarily be denied such
service, it was announced.
Conducted in conjunction with the
University Extension Division the
supervised correspondence "eurses
reach more than 900 students
throughout the state, it was revealed.
Centers have been organized in 29
cities and in 41 CCC camps. Each
study center has a WPA paid sup-
ervisor who meets a group of stu-
dents to assist them in their work, a
representative of the department ex-
The department employs 97 people
most of whom hold college degrees.
The professional training of 16 is not
available, it was indicated, but of the
remaining 81, four hold Ph.D's, there
are 26 with master's degrees, 37 have
A.B.'s, two hold L.L.B.'s, and five are
bachelors of science. Of the re-
maining seven who hold no degrees
five are office workers.
"Some of them were without work
of any kind; others were working at
manual labor; a few were back in
school, attempting to get higher de-
grees. living, in some cases, on bor-
rowed funds," it was said concerning
the teaching staff.
In Ann Arbor the courses are con-
ducted by a supervisor at the evening
school of the Ann Arbor high school.
The WPA financed plan was begun
by the University Extension Division
in Jan., 1936. Since then it has in-
creased its enrollment tremendously,
it was revealed.
Students receive credit for courses
by taking a validating examination
at the end of the semester in June
and February. Such credif will en-
able a student to enter a college or
university, the department explained.
Tryouts Called For
'Yeomen Of The Guard'
All students desiring to tryout for
the operetta "Yeomen of the Guard"
to be presented in January instead of
the latter part of November as re-
ported in yesterday's Daily, have
been requested by Valentine B. Windt,
director of flay Production, to report
at 2 p.m. at the Laboratory Theatre,
for an initial meeting or see or call
Mr. Windt any time during the after-
. Mr. Windt explained that there will
be vacancies for students not en-
rolled in the course so' that any stu-
dent on the campus may tryout for
a part in the Gilbert and Sullivan
operetta which is being produced
jointly by Play Production and the
School of Music.

Gleason To Present 'Ruthven And Regents
Program On Organ Attend College Meet
President Alexander G. Ruthven
Harold Gleason, head of the organ, and Mrs. Ruthven last night en'-
department of the Eastman School trained for Lexington, Ky., where Dr.
of Music, will appear as guest or- Ruthven and three members of
ganist at the Twilight Organ Recital the Board of Regents will attend the
at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. meeting of the Association of Gov-
Mr. Gleason will offer: erning Boards of State Universities
Purcell: Trumpet Tune and Air; and Allied Institutions. The meeting
Couperin: Rondeau; Buxtehude: will last through this week.
Fugue in C Major; Bach: Choral Pre-
ludes including "Come Redeemer of Barnes: Toccata on a Gregorian
Our Race," "Rejoice Now, Chris- Theme; Hanson: Vermeland; Vierne;,
tians," "I Call To Thee, Lord Jesus," Scherzetto in F-sharp Minor; Karg-
"In Thee Is Joy." Elert: Choral-Improvisation -"In
Franck: Choral in B Minor: Dulci Jubilo."

Tells Of Discovery of New
Stars, Department Work,
University Observatories
According to Dr. Heber D. Curtis
of the astronomy department, the
life and experience ofathe astronomer
is not always as romantic or what it
is "cracked up to be."
Speaking over the University radio
hour on the program known as the
'Actuality Broadcasts,' Dr. Curtis re-
counted yesterday various happenings
in Michigan's astronomy work to his
interrogator, Turrell Uleman, chief
technician of the University, who
brought the broadcasting equipment
right into the Observatory.
As a challenge to those who might
find it hard to believe that astrono-
mers are something besides mathe-

dome would hamper the vision of the
"Yet this is the kind of work the
astronomy staff does every night ex-
cept Sunday-as long as it isn't
cloudy, and these are the things that
they have to contend with on their
nightly vigils," he said. It seems that
the main method of escaping the
cold lies only in wearing discarded
army or navy aviation uniforms lined
with fur.
Astronomy Interesting
Although astronomy may not be
romantic, it is, however,. very inter-
esting, according to Dr. Curtis. At
least the University doesn't lack f a-
cilities that make it so, he stated,
as he told of the many observatories
owned by Michigan. "Besides the
two instructive telescopes on Angell
Hall," 'e said, "the University also

maticians, he suggested that they pay flhs oranebee in South Africa and
a visit to the observatory some clear, L An n Po.
cold morning in January about 3 a.mn.a "The- Lamonrt-Hussey Observatory
when the mercury lurks around the B natBoemfontein in South Africa, 9,-
10-degree mark. The unfortunate 00 miles away, has discovered over
0-degree mark. Ti~h e un i'tn 5,000 double stars, that.is, twin suns,"
thing abaout such a visit. he added. 5

Dr. DaFoe
Night Ofl;

Gets Annual
Sees The Loop

CHICAGO, Nov. 10.-(P)-Dr. Alan
Roy DaFoe went for a swift ride to-
night on the merry-go-round of Chi-
cago night life.
Off on his annual fling, the little
Canadian physician who brought the
Dionne quintuplets into a wondering
world sped from a cocktail bar to
dinner at a smart casino, to a theatre
and two night clubs.

is the fact that there is no relief from
the cold inasmuch as heat in the
Colection Easy





Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns. close at. five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box num bers may be secured at no'
'extra charge.
Cash in advance lic per reading line-
(on basis of five average words to line)
ror one or two insertions. 1Ocper read-
ing line for three or more insertions.
Mininim three lines per insertion.
;E Telephone rate -- 15c per reading line
for two or more insertions. Minimum
three lines per insertion.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
,WANTED: Student experienced in
cooking for part-time work. Tele-
phone 5001.

Rentals, Sales and Service
Special Rates to Students
406 Wolverine Bldg.
Ann Arbor Phone 5888
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price. 6x
WANTED: Registered pharmacist for
part time. Experience and good
credentials necessary. See Mr.
Crippen, 217 N. Main or 207 S.
Main. 152
WANTED: Occasional work as a
mother's helper. Also mending.
Rates reasonable. Phone 2-3407.
NEW and old books. Antiques. 202
East Ann. 127x
LOST: Large black notebook. His-
tory, sociology and poems. Very
valuable. Reward. Please call 5547.


The Social Security Act's payroll
tax for unemployment insurance and
old-age pensions will not greatly in-
crease the accounting burden of the
larger industrial corporations. Prof.
Herbert F. Taggart of the department
of accounting declared yesterday.
"Most of the larger firms already
have on file the records of their em-
ployes which the Social Security'
Board will use," he said, "but small-
er companies will have to establish a
system to keep such records."
Deducting money from employee's
pay checks .won't be a new task to
the many employers who take out
certain percentages weekly for in-
surance and welfare funds, Professor
Taggart asserted. No new means of
accounting will be necessary becausej
the tax itself is brief.
The government, on the other hand,
will experience more difficulty in ad-
ministering the taxes, Professor Tag-
gart believes, because keeping 26,000-
000 separate accounts with the na-
tion's workers and collecting month-
ly payments from employers will
necessitate a tremendous clerical
Although the Post Office Depart-
ment will distribute the initial in-
formation, Professor Taggart ex-
pects the Bureau of Internal Reve-
nue to collect the taxes in the fu-

he said. While the MeMath-Hulbert
Observatory at Lake Angelus is de-
voted to securing moving pictures of
the motions and changes of celestial
bodies. The recent spectacular mo-
tion pictures of the great prominences
on the sun, secured by Mr. McMath
with the new solar tower of that ob-
servatory, have aroused great excite-
ment in the astronomical world, and
opened up many new fields of val-
uable research, according to Dr. Cur-
Reflector Accurate
The broadcast also revealed how
the huge reflector, the moving parts
of which weigh 'about fifteen tons, is
driven by accurate clock work in
order to follow a star in its course
across the sky; how the upper sur-
face of a disk of glass, weighing 600
pounds, has a parabolic surface
shaped within the limits of one-500,-
000th of an inch; how many calcu-
lations are involved in a subject of
this sort; how large and well-in-
formed an astronomical library is
owned by the University-more than
5,000 books; how the seismograph
records a great amount of informa-
tion, such as the fact that the earth
on the whole is more rigid than would
be a ball of steel of the same size;
and finally, how the machine shop
is an integral part of the modern ob-


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SOFT WATER shampoo, wave 50c.
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