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November 11, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-11

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The Weather

Cloudy and warmer today,
with moderate southerly winds,


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An Ironic
Celebration .. .



Peace Rally
Is Scheduled
Faculty Urges All Students
To Attend;, Professor
ShepardTo Talk
Observe Armistice
With Silence At 11
Peace Council Will Present
Program In Mendelssohn
Theatre; Tickets On Sale
The Peace Council will institute
its first Armistice Day program to-
day with the presentation of a peace
program at 8:15 p.m. in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre and will support ob-
servance of a moment of silence at 11
The campus will pause in its ac-
tivity at 11 a.m., while four buglers,
stationed at each corner of the
grounds, blow "Taps." This brief
tribute to those who died in the
World War, will be the only obser-
vance of the day on the campus.
Tickets will go on sale in Angell
Hall, University Hall, and the Li-
brary, for the peace program today
at which Prof. -John F. Shepard of
the psychology department and Fred
Warner Neal, '37, associate editor of
The Daily, will speak. Also scheduled
is a one-act play,e"The Terrible
Meek," which has been directed by
Sarah Pierce, '36.
Faculty members of the Peace
Council, Dr. E. W. Blakeman, coun-
selor of religion, Prof. John Tracy
of the law school, Prof. Howard B.
Calderwood of the political science
department, and Prof. Preston W.
Slosson of the history department,
yesterday urged all students to at-
tend the peace program. Tickets at
25 cents each will be available at the
Lydia Mendelssohn box office from 1
p.m. to 8:15 p.m. today, it was an-
nounced last night by Julian Orr, '36,
president of the Peace Council.
"It is up to the students of Ameri-
ca to lead the way toward world
peace," said Dr. Blakeman yesterday.
"The audience at the Peace- Council
program will find a new type of Ar-
mistice Day observation-dedicated
not to the glorification of past wars
but to peace.''
Three Parties
In Freshmen
Election Joust
Preparations for the coming fresh-
man elections are well under way,
and three parties, Independent, State
Street and Washtenaw are making
preparations to boom their candi-
The State Street freshman party
met last night at the Union and ap-
proved a platform embodying full
support of the proposed dormitories.
The party also plans to promote in-
terest in the sophomore-freshman
games and cap night. Plans for a
Frosh Frolic were also discussed.
At a meeting of the freshman In-
dependent Party of the College of
L. S. and A. last night, it was de-
cided that the party would mainly
support the issues upheld by the
sophomore Independents in their re-
cent election. Their platform calls
for a social program suitable for all
students, cooperative eating and

rooming houses, a book-store and full
cooperation with the dormitory com-
mittee in'any prpjects supporting the
dormitory movement. All Indepen-
dents were asked to attend a meeting
at 7 p.m. today in Lane Hall Audi-
The Washtenaw Party held a cau-
cus last night and is keeping its plans
secret for the coming week.
Belgium Will Pause
To Respect War Dead
BRUSSELS, Nov. 10.- (P)-The
government and the people of little
Belgium, historic battlegrounds of
European armies, made ready tonight
to pause in tribute tomorrow to the
country's World War dead.
King Leopold, in a simple but sol-
emn ceremony, is scheduled to confer
the fire-cross on the unknown sol-
dier who lies buried at the foot of
the Congress Column in the Rue
A civilian parade and a military
one are to mark the ceremony be-
ginning shortly after 10 a.m.

New Era In Modern Industries,
PhysicsIs Seen By Dr. Randall

Permanent Council Set Up
To Correlate Efforts Of
Two Units
The beginning of a new epoch in
the science of physics and in modern
industry was foreseen yesterday by
Prof. Henry M. Randall, head of the
physics department, as a result of a1
meeting of the American Institute of
f Physics in New York, attended byf
Professor Randall.
Complete belief in the necessity fr
using the methods of physics was evi-
denced by the representatives of in-,
dustrial concerns R mattended the
Institute, Professor Randall report-
ed. A willingness to collaborate to
the fullest extent in thedevelopment
of professional research physicists
was likewise expressed, he added.
As an initial step in the direction
o correlating the efforts of physics
and industry, a permanent council;
has been set up with members drawn,
from industrial and and university
Band Dazzles East
With Brilliant And'
Unique Maneuvers
The University of Michigan Band
made a definite impression in the
East on their Philadelphia trip, ac-
cording to reports from papers ini
that section. W
The Philadelphia Public Evening
Ledger carried pictures of the key- '
stone formation and base' player
John Houdek, '385M, and the story'
about the bottle formation, saying
"Michigan's band went into bottle
formation, pulling the cork and pour-
ing 'Penn.' right out of the neck. A
big band of double-stepping musi-
cians, Michigan outgamed the Qua-
ker musicians."
An excerpt from a story in the New
York Sunday Times declares, "The
110-piece Michigan band was by all
means the best thing seen in the East
this year. Musically and tactically
it put on a great show. Its piece-
le-resistance between the halves was
a firecracker number that exploded
into a huge keystone with a "P" in
the center. The band could march,
spell and play stirring music while
its drum major performed juggling
prodigies with his baton and the
leader maneuvered his men by re- i
volver signals."
The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin'
carried a picture of the Band stand-'
ing at attention and declared: "If the
Maize and Blue had any edge in the
first half, it had to be from their
band. It put on a between-halves
demonstration that showed it had a
bag full of formations."
Arch Ward, in his Monday issue of
his "Talking It Over" column, de-
scribed the firecracker formation in
great detail and declared it to be!
A re Foreseen
In Dock Strike
No Statements By Officials
Are Issued: Alaska And
Hawaii Short On Food
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 10.-(P)-
Complications threatened today to
swamp the government's new peace
efforts in the maritime strike while
the walkout further extended its
strangle-hold on American shipping.
Assistant Secretary of Labor E. F.
McGrady met with a group of ship-
owners to arrange a resumption of
projected peace negotiations with the

unions but left the conference with-
out making a'statement.
A spokesman for the Federal Mari-
time Commission, which recessed its
strike inquiry to give the right-of-
way to the peace negotiations, indi-
cated it was planning to resume hear-
ings Thursday.
Fresh food shortages grew in Alas-
ka and Hawaii.
Honolulu strikers refused to sail
seven ships homeward unless prom-
ised concessions which employers said
were "out of the question." The im-
passe there caused Governor Joseph
B. Poindexter to ask McGrady's aid,
saying the tieup left 1,729 additional
persons to feed from diminishing
fresh food supplies.
Federal officers encountered a new
obstacle to execution of a court order
to discharge a $10,000 banana cargo
from a strikebound ship at Los An-

laboratories. Prof. O. S. Duffendack
served on the committee which for-
mulated a program for the physi-
cists, while Professor Randall has
been made a member of the perma-
nent council. Representatives from
Columbia, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Pennsylvania S t a t e,
Minnesota and Cornell are also in-
cluded in the council.
In these provisions for the applica-
tion of laboratory physics to indus-
try and in the attitude of the indus-
trialists toward physics, Professor
Randall saw a development whose
importance should not be minimized.
As an immediate effect, it is now be-
coming possible for universities to
prepare their students muchdbetter
for eventual entrance into industry.
Qualifications which business heads
expect to find in graduate physicists
will be the first problem with which
the permanent council and cooperat-
ing scientists will deal. These indus-
trial requirements have been met for
some time by the University physics
department in preparing its students,
Professor Randall found from the
opinions of industrial physicists at
the Institute.
Also, Professor Randall pointed out,
the University's department has long
been actively interested in research
on industrial problems and for many
years has prepared at least half of its
students for industrial work.
The, outstanding conviction appar-
ent in both university and industrial
representatives at the Institute meet-
ing, Professor Randall concluded, was
that a period of rapid expansion in
industrial research in commencing
with all laboratories due for great
expansion, and establishment of new
ones to be the policy of organizations
not yet so equipped.
Soviet Schools
Give Reliance,
Says Mrs. Reed
Emphasizes Education Is
For People; Acquaints
Them With The Modern
Soviet Union education, which has.
given "the world a youth which is not
acquisitive," was last night described
in its coordination with Soviet farms
and factories by Ferdinanda W. Reed,
authority and author on Russia, in
the Unitarian Church. Nearly 100
persons attended the lecture, which
was sponsored by the Student Alli-
Mrs. Reed emphasized that Soviet
Russian schools "are for the people.
There are no private schools in So-
viet Russia. This system of educa-
tion is for all the children of all
the people."
Education in Soviet Union begins
for the Russian child when he is two
years old, she said. He is instructed
in the methods of personal care and
resultantly taught self-reliance. Six
months later he is instructed in social
responsibility in individual relation-
Every effort is made by the Soviet
Union, Mrs. Reed explained, to ac-
quaint the Russian youth with mod-
ern machine methods. By frequent
visitsmto nearby factories, farms and
Russian engineeing feats, nursery
school students become acquainted
with science, although they are too
young to accurately comprehend ma-
chinery. The purpose of this plan,
Mrs. Reed said, is to instill curiosity, a
desire for knowledge, in Russian
youth early-
As they are promoted in school,
Russian students become more ac-
quainted with the work of their par-
ents and of their nation when they
assist in the manufacture and farm-
ing. At the age of seven or eight

|years, school children make axe,
hammer, hoe and scythe handles for
collectivized farms. Later, Mrs. Reed
said, they make metal objects, and
complementarily learn of the origin
and composition of metals, subjects
(Continued on Page 6)
Lawrence Quits
Post As State
Banking Head
LANSING, Nov. 10.-(4P)-Howard
C. Lawrence, anticipating Democratic
threats to fire him as soon as the
new administration takes office in
January, resigned today as State
banking commissioner, effective De-
cember 31.
Frank Murphy, Democratic gov-
ernor-elect, had announced that one

F. D. R. Claims
No New Taxes
To Be Needed
Possibility Of Increased
Relief Work Allotments
Is Seen By President
Change In Corporate
Taxing Is' Unlikely
NYA, CCC, May Combine
With Other Departments
And Be Perpetuated
WASHINGTON, -Nov. 10.-)-
President Roosevelt reiterated today
an expectation that no additional
taxes would be necessary to run the
Federal government the next fiscal
year, but said a supplemental ap-
propriation to bolster current work
relief funds might have to be asked.
of Congress.
Discussing government finances at
a press conference, the chief execu-
tive said while budget officials had
not as yet estimated total receipts
for 1937-38, he believedxthe govern-
ment could operate next year with-
out raising taxes or adding new ones.
Asked about the possibility of mod-
ifying the undistributed earnings tax
enacted at the last session, he said
that would be up to the congressional
Changes Not To Affect 1936
Further questioning developed an
offhand forecast that any changes in
the corporate tax structure would not
apply to 1936 profits. The govern-
ment needed the money too much to
permit any concession of that kind,
the President said.
He asserted the unforeseen drain on
the $1,425,000,000 work relief funds
for drought aid probably would re-
quire an additional appropriation to
carry on the job-giving program un-
til June 30.
The White House press interview
was- one of the longest in months.
questions on a score or more of sub-
jects were fired at the chief execu-
tive in rapid succession, ranging from
inaugural plans to constitutional
The President dressed in a light
gray suit with pin stripes and smok-
ing his customary cigarette in a long
yellow holder, was surrounded by
more than 100 newspapermen in his
oval private office.
Maritime Strike Watched
He said he still was keeping a
watchful eye on the maritime strike
and expected to make no shifts in
the diplomatic service for the present.
Discussing a conference with. Rex-
ford G. Tugwell, resettlement ad-
ministration chief, the President said
the question of making this agency a
permanent one by transferring it to
some existing or new department was
Further questions brought a state-
ment that other agencies, such as the
National Youth Administration and
the Civilian Conservation Corps,
probably would be made permanent
by having them absorbed into some
He explained the use of the term
new department by saying the three
congressional and presidential com-
mittees now studying reorganization
of the Federal set up may recommend
some consolidations and that the
whole question would await the re-
port of these committees.

Senior Class
To Designate
Potential '37 Graduates
Will Cast Their Ballots
In NearlyAll Schools
Dewey, Ayres, Meet
In Literary School
United Engineers Battle
Independents; K r a u s,
Collatz Head Tickets
Senior classes in practically every
school on the campus will hold elec-
tions this afternoon as the potential
graduates of '37 gather to cast their
ballots for the year's officers.
State Street and Washtenaw par-
ties will clash as usual in the literary
school with Tom Ayres heading the
latter slate and Al Dewey the former.
Washtenaw has named as the rest
of its slate: Betty King, vice-presi-
dent, Beth Turnbell, secretary, and
Jack Porter, treasurer. The State
Street nominees opposed to these
are: Betty Wills, vice-president, Vir-
ginia Callon, secretary, and Arnold
Gross, treasurer.
In the engineering school the Unit-
ed Engineers will battle it out at the
polls with the Independent Engineers.
On the first slate are: president, Paul
Krans, vice-president, Rod Eshelman,
secretary, Clarence Green, and treas-
urer, Stan Crook; also Bob Osgood for
the honor council and Cedric Sweet
as engineering council representative.
The Independent Engineers offer:
Gustav Collatz, president, Don Hil-
lier, vice-president, William Olson,
secretary, and Kenneth Emery,
treasurer. Dave Eisendrath is their
nominee for the engineering council
and Bob Baldwin for the honor coun-
Elections' will also be held in the
education, pharmacy, architecture,
business administration, and forestry
schools. according to Miller Sher-
wood, '37, president of the Men's
All elections will be held from 3 to
5 p.m. today, Sherwood announced
and identification cards will be es-
sential for identification.
Literary stucdnts will use voting
machines and the campaigning will
be governed by the rules printed in
yesterday's Daily. Here are the des-
ignated polls for each school: Lit-
erary, Room 231 Angell Hall; educa-
tion, Room 2436; engineering school,
Room 308; pharmacy, Room 300
Chemistry Building; architecture,
Room 101, Architecture Building;
business administration, 110 Tappan
Hall; forestry, Room, 2039 Natural
Science Building.
Girl Cheer Leaders
Still May Be Ladies
ALBANY, N. Y., Nov 10-(,-P)-A
girl can be a cheer leader and still
be a lady, Walter A. Cox, director
of health education in Albany public
schools, said today.
This exuberant pursuit, he added,
gives girls a "chance to express them-
selves and trains them in leadership.
Cheer-leading, is ladylike and mod-
ern. I can see no reason why some
of the mid-western educators are
frowning upon it."
Cox did not say specifically who
had been frowning.

11O'Clocks, As Usual,
Is Answer To Students
A member of The Daily staff with a
flair for statistics figured that at
least 100 students called up last night
to ask the question:
"Will there be classes tomorrow
from 11 to 12 o'clock?"
So many were the calls that a
sophomore was named Armistice Day
Editor, and was kept running from
one telephone to another to explain
that no, there would be no let-up
in the usual daily routine.
After he had given out positive in-
formation on the subject to a half-
hundred hopefuls and heard the hope
die from their voices, he began to
wonder if he had the right dope him
self. He began to perspire all of a
sudden. He grapped a nearby tele-
phone, called Dean Bursley.
"That's right," he said. "There'll
be classes all day."
He sat down and mopped his brow.
Sororities Vo te
To Continue New
RushingPeriod l
Plan To Lay Off Pledging
Until Second Semester
Rejected By All Houses
Eleven out of 18 campus sororities
yesterday voted in favor of a contin-
uation of the new three-week rushing
period put into effect for the first
time this fall while a plan to defer
rushing until the second semester was
opposed by all houses submitting
All but three of the sororities fa-
vored the new system which consists
of three weeks of formal rushing in-
stead of the two week period used in
former years. The present system
calls for dinners held every other
night for three weeks with a luncheon
on each Saturday. The old plan had
a dinner on every night of the week
in the formal rushing period.,
Longer Time Favored
The sororities in favor of the new
system are Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha
Epsilon Phi, Alpha Gamma Delta,
Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha
Xi Delta, Chi Omega, Delta Delta
Delta, Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa
Gamma and Zeta Tau Alpha.
The three houses opposed to the
three-week period are Alpha Delta
Pi, Kappa Alpha Theta and Phi Sig-
ma Sigma. Gamma Phi Beta is as
yet undecided and three other sor-
orities, Collegiate Sorosis, Delta
Gamma and Pi Beta Phi, are not yet
willing to give their opinions.
Reasons for the approval of the
new system were the longer oppor-
tunity to become acquainted with the
rushees, less tension involved, the
breathing spell between the dinners
and the chance to study during the
formal rushing period.
The sororities which voted against
the new plan did so because they
thought they were only three weeks
behind in their school work instead
of two and that they can know the
rushees well enough in the shorter
period. One of the sororities voted
that rushing was such an ordeal that
it should be completed in as short a
time as possible.
Deferred Rushing Taboo
Every house which submitted a ver-
dict on the deferred rushing plan
voted against it. The plan postpones
all forms of rushing to the second
semester when the formal rushing
period would be put into effect. Four
of the sororities have asked for a
longer time to discuss the question in
their house meetings before express-
ing their opinions.
The possibility of "dirty rushing"

during the first semester is the rea-
son for the disapproval shown by the
sorority votes. All opinions have been
received in answer to a survey being
conducted by The Daily.
} j m mi*~ ttng n

Bombs Rain
Into Madrid,
Bu~t Loyalists
Fascist Bomber, Piloted
By German, Surrenders
To Defenders
Planes Strafe City
With Machine Guns
GoVernment Men Retain
Hold On Trenches And
Push BackBeseigers
-(A)-Fascist soldiers returning to
the rear today stated the Insurgents
had reached Pasco Delas Delicias
within Madrid's southern limits in
the face of terrific resistance.
Officials at headquarters, however,
said they were unable to confirm that
any Insurgent troops had crossed the
Manzanares River into the capital.
Gen. Francisco Franeo's big guns
continued to attempt to dislodge the
socialists from the Parque del Oeste
(West Park) in the western quarter.
Fascists admitted they were en-
gaged in the hardest fight of the civil
war, even exceeding the fury of the
battle for Irun on the North Coast.
Air fleets from both sides repeated-
ly bombed the positions of thpir re-
spective enemies.
MADRID, Nov. 10.-(P)-Fascist
airplanes dumped forty explosive and
incendiary bombs on the defenders of
Madrid today, rocking wide sections
of the capital in the heaviest aerial
bombardment the inhabitants have
Dozens of shells raked the capital.
Blasted from their narrow trenches
time after time by the big guns and
airplanes, the ragged workers' armies
cluhg to the capital's edges-even
pushed ,back the besiegers from the
gates and bridges.
Three giant bombers speeding low,
protected by 15 swift pursuit planes,
roared over the city before dusk, then
dived on government forces near the
Toledo bridgehead.
Bombs Shake Madrid
Huge clouds of smoke and debris
rose skyward as the successive deto-
nations shook Madrid.
Again the planes dived, their ma-
chine-gunners pouring lead on the
shallow government trenches fring-
ing the city.
One of the attacking planes was
shot down, the government reported.
A German pilot of another fascist
bomber, officials said, landed at Al-
cala de Henares and surrendered to
the government.
The trenches west of the city's
gates were evacuated repeatedly dur-
ing today's bombardment, but the
militiamen swarmed back into them
as soon as the planes sped away.
Government infantry, sweeping to
within 500 yards of the 'Toledo gate
and Angel bridge last night, said
they had pushed back their attackers
on the south a distance of two miles
from the bridge. Furious fighting,
however, raged today in Casa Del
( Campo, the great preserve west of the
Newspaper Wrecked
-The Montana barracks were under
heavy fire as dozens of shells fell in
the city throughout the day.
One large projectile hit in the Plaza

de Espana, while another wrecked
the "Ahora" newspaper plant.
The effect of the aerial and artil-
lery bombardment of government
' trenches was disastrous, leading ob-
servers to believe that the final at-
tack on the entrances to Madrid's
streets tonight was but a matter of
The panorama of the battle at Ma-
drid's gates could be seen plainly
through field glasses atop Madrid's
taller buildings.
Off to one side a Moorish cavalry
regiment stood paised as if impatient
for the final order to attack Madrid's
gates. Shrapnel burst all around
Resistance Stubborn


New Keynote Of Simplicity Marks
War Monuments, Says Hammet

War memorials of the various na-
tions of the world which today will
be the centers of Armistice Day cere-
monies in tribute to the soldiers of
the Great War, were described yes-
terday in an interview by Prof. Ralph
W. Hammett of the College of Archi-
"Memorials of the last war," Pro-
fessor Hammett said, "differed from
those of any preceding war in that
they were not extravagant triumphal
arches and victory monuments erect-
ed by the victors, but instead were
erected more in a spirit of tribute
to those whose lives were sacrificed
in the war.
"There seemed to be a spirit among
the combatant peoples after the war,
especially among the Americans and
English, to forget what they had
been through. They built doughboy

separate cenotaph at Whitehall in
London, while the United States has
the Arlington Memorial Amphithe-
atre, in front of which the Unknown
Soldier now rests.
Then, too, many of the unknown
soldiers of other countries have been
placed in some previous national
shrine, he explained. The French,
for example, placed their unknown
soldier beneath the Arch of Triumph,
the English, theirs in Westminster
Abbey, and the Italians theirs at the
base of the equestrian statue of Victor
The tomb of America's unknowr
soldier, Professor Hammett said, is
among the most beautiful. It is or
the steps of the Arlington Memorial
Amphitheatre in Arlington Cemetery,
overlooking Washington and the Po-
tomac. The approach to it is up a
gentle slope between two widely sep-
arated rows of beeches, thirty feet
high, flanking the way up to the steps


Dec.11 As Date
Of Soph Prom
Plans are under way for the Soph
prom. The committee met last night
at the Union and set the date for
Dec. 11. The orchestra is being
chosen from a group of nationaly
known bands including George 01-
son, Herbie Kay, and Orvil Knapp.
David Drysdale, Delta Kappa Epsi-
lon, chairman, appointed committee
heads to discharge the duties of the
prom officers. Robert Vander Pyl,
Theta Chi, was chosen as financial
chairman to handle expenses and
publicity. Tickets, invitations, and


The stubbornly resisting govern-
ment militia apparently held their
foes at bay with a deadly scythe of
machine gun fire in the Casa del
Campo sector-a battlefield that once
was a game preserve across the Man-
zanares river from the old Royal Pal-
The clamor of battle rolled over the
city, now jammed with reinforce-
ments from other battle areas.

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