V oV. U, Me
MichiganMorale Is Buoyed By Return Of Injured Re
John Smithers
Rejoins Mates
In Lively Drill
Patanelli's Ankle Reported
Improved; Sure To See
Action Saturday
Art Valpey May Start
Tailback Role Assigned To
Hook As Ritchie Nurses
Bruised Sholder
Hopes for a victory over the na-
tion's leaders, the Northwestern
Wildcats, took an upward swing yes-
terday afternoon when Johnny
Smithers, dependable wingback, re-
ported for the final intensive drill on
the offense scheduled by Coach Har-
ry Kipke in preparation for Satur-
day's game.
Showing no trace of being both-
ered by his wrist, the husky halfback
tossed passes the way he has been
doing all season and took his turn at
carrying the ball behind the inter-
Hopes Rise
News from the University Hospital
also buoyed the morale of the Wol-
verine football camp as physicians
reported that treatments had re-
duced the swelling on Captain Matt
Patanelli's ankle considerably, and
although he might not be able to
start, he will see action for at least
part of the Northwestern game. The
Michigan leader will be released
from the hospital tonight or tomor-
row morning.
With Smithers back in the lineup,
Coach Kipke devoted his efforts to-
ward finding another man to alter-
..*. ,.*nate with Wally
Hook. Bob Camp-
bell got the call
y es te rd ay and
showed that he
could run and pass
with sufficient
ability to insure his
seeing more action
in this tilt than he
has in any pre-
vious game.
Stark Ritchie,
who has had the
Kovatch first call at the
wingback post since Cooper was in-
jured in a scrimmage session before
the Columbia game, stood on the
sidelines again today still bothered
by a charlie horse. Hook, it appears,
will get the Kipke nod as the starting
wingback. Trainer Ray Roberts was
able to predict, with almost fatal
certainty, that Cooper will not be able
to play against the Wildcats.
Sweet At Full
Ced Sweet worked the entire af-
ternoon at the fullback post. His
punting duel with the Wildcat full-
back, Steve Toth, will be one of the
features of Saturday's game. It was
Toth who averaged 41 yards in punts
against the Gophers and plunged over
the Minnesota goal line for the win-
ning score.
Line assignments remained the
same with the exception of the right
side of the forward wall where Fred
Ziem, George Mar-
zonie and Dutch
VandeWaterua r e
battling it out for
the guard assign-
ment and Jim
Lincoln, Earle Luby
and Forrest Jordan
are working for the ?
first call at tackle.
VandeWater a n d *..
Lincoln appeared in
the Varsity lineup
yesterday, but
there is such little Toth
difference in the ability of the players
that any one may get the starting
Ziem relieved VandeWater during
the dummy offense, while Luby played
on the defense opposite Lincoln. Jor-
dan and Marzonie worked with the
second team.
Danny Smick and Art Valpey drew
the end assignments on the Varsity
after the entire squad went through
its group drills on blocking and tack-
ling. Smick draws the tough assign-
ment of playing opposite the Wildcat
who is seeking All-American honors,
Johnny Kovatch when the Wolver-
ines are on the defense, and will have
his hands full all afternoon.
(Daily Sports Editor)
NORTHWESTERN has just been'
awarded the Associated Press
ranking as the country's leading col-
legiate football team of the week for
the second time in a row, but Coach
Harry Kipke has not yet given up
hope of a win for his young eleven.
"We have a chance," says Kip, "if
I can only get our offense to click. I
can't understand why it doesn't. We
have good blocking in practice, but
don't get it in games. We've worked
hard on fundamentals. But the boys
seem to lose the knack in actual com-
petition. I still believe in the boys
and still think they may yet get go-
ing in one of our two remaining
And that is the way it should be.
Michigan will make a strong
bid for the 1937 Big Ten track
and field meet, Athletic Director
Fielding H. Yost has announced.
The coming season's track team
appears at this writing to show
promise of becoming a truly
strong aggregation, although
Coach Chuck Hoyt has made no
comments yet. The Outdoor Con-
fcrence meet at home would be a
fitting climax for a successful
If Ann Arbor does get the meet, it
will be the second Big Ten spring
meet held on the Ferry Field track
in three years. It was in the 1935
meet here that Jeese Owens of Ohio
State, now famous as the American
Olympic hero of last summer. set!
three world records and tied a fourth.
And there may be a second Con-
ference meet here next spring. Al-
though *no definite negotiations have
been begun as yet, Michigan will also
make a bid for the annual tennis
* * *
Fred De Lano, our ace prog-
nosgticatr_ has. ma da hi re n at
Death Overtakes Star
At Top Of AP
Gridiron Rating
Heap, Vanzo And Toth Chief
Wildcat Threats, Says Weber
U- .WuY1TuaT~Tr V . nrffauTnd
a-ainarl 11)tl Yrarric mnra by rtt.rhintr i
N-FJLi ~ lii Y- gW~ri.i6 ( BY RICHARD LavARCuA gaeua iz u rs mreDy uiungm
Don Heap's running, Fred Vanzo's than the Wildcats and in addition
swamped an improved Iowa team 52-
Minnesota In Second Place hard blocking, Steve Toth's kicking o whereas Northwestern only won 18-
With Fordham Third; and the able replacements in the 0 over the Hawkeyes. There is no
backfield are the main reasons why doubt that this view could be ques-
Alabama Gains Northwestern, newly-crowned Big tioned from many angles.
NEW YORK, Nov. 10. - ( ) - Ten champion, has managed to go In addition to VanZo, Heap, Geyer
Northwestern maintained a slight feated thus far this season ac- and Toth, the Wildcats boast several
mrg ern Minstamday ihecording to Coach Wally Weber who other outstanding players. In the
margin over Minnesota today ft- has watched the Wildcats beat Illi- line De Witt Gibson at left tackle is
Associated Press national college foot-'being slated for the All-Conference
ball poll, Fordham remained more se- nois, snap Minnesota's march to na- eleven. The two guards, Lester Schrei-
curely in third place, and Alabama tional honors and then outscore a ber and Steve Reid, have provided
leaped from fourteenth to fourth in fighting Wisconsin eleven. my plenty of trouble for opposing backs.
leaAlthoughfoHeap'sthrunningthbenJohn Kovatch, at left end, is a stand-
the biggest gain of the week. Although Heaps running may be out. So are halfbacks Bernie Jef-
Despite Minnesota's amazing 52-0 considered as the main offensive ferson, Ollie Adelman and Clarence
victory over Iowa and Northwestern's threat because of his ability to re- Hinton. F. Fuller, center, has also
struggle against a desperate Wiscon- turn punts and kickoffs, one can- turned in several fine performances.
sin team, the Wildcats were given a not overlook Don Geyer, the Wildcats' The only conclusion one can make
16-vote advantage over the Gophers. other 'Don,' who leads the Big Ten is that Michigan needn't fear the lack
Football writers game Northwestern scorers with 25 points and his "twinoftuhcmeintisSura
435 out of a possible 470 votes, Min- Don" by seven.
nesota 419. Fordham's total rose to Is Great Punter
348 on the strength of its convincing
15-0 victory over Purdue.
Marquette skidded from fourth
to eighth place after squeaking out
a 7-6 win over Creighton. Pitt, Ne-
braska, and Louisiana State followed
Alabama in fifth, sixth and seventh
places, and Santa Clara and Wash-
ington were voted ninth and 10th.
The ballots were geographically di-
vided as follows: East, 21; Middle-
west, 12; South 6; Rocky Mountain,
i1; and Far West, 3.
Tulane, thrashed by Alabama, slid
from 10th place out of the picture
this week. It didn't get a single vote.
Southern California, given 76 votes1
for 11th place the week before, got
only nine votes today.
The Rankings:*
- Associated Press Photo
Spero Costas, late 21-year-old
captain and quarterback of the
Butler University football team,
was killed in an automobile acci-
dent near Crawfordsville, Ind., Sat-
urday night. Costas was returning
to Indianapolis after having direct-
ed his team to a 41-0 victory over
Valparaiso to clinch the Indiana
conference title.
Wolverines Win
Jay Hawk Tilt
In I-M Football
Known mainly for his punting abil-
ity, Toth, Geyer's alternate at full-
back, really showed the experts that
he's also quite a ball carrier when
against Wisconsin last Saturday he
went over for two touchdowns and
then added an extra point to boost his
season's total to 19 and thus gain a
tie for third place honors with Cecil
Isbell of Purdue. Toth also scored
the touchdown that beat the Gophers
after Geyer failed to come through.
There is no doubt that Coach
Weber would name Vanzo's blocking
as the reason for three of the Wild-
cats being among the conference's
leading scorers. He adds that if you
want his proof for this statement
just make sure that you get out to
the stadium Saturday afternoon.
Weber claims that Vanzo is an All-
American quarterback and he may be
right in that Grantland Rice, whose
choices for the Colliers All-American
team is considered by many 'as offi-
cial, shared Weber's views after see-
ing the Wildcat pilot in action
against Minnesota's Gophers.
Rates Gophers High
Speaking of the Gopher tilt, Weber
said that on a dry field he would
rate Minnesota two touchdowns bet-
ter than the Wildcats. For proof,
Weber cites the fact that the Gophers
~1, o e '.J eW a tG
e(NOK r
za Cag
Tag ,
First Ten Pts. Last Wk.
1. Northwestern 435 First
2. Minnesota . .. . 419 Second
3. Fordham .....348 Third
4. Alabama......252 Fourt'th
5. Pittsburgh . .. . 203 Fifth
6. Nebraska .....201 Eighth
7. Lo'siana State 184 Seventh
8. Marquette . . . 145 Fourth
9. Santa Clara . .118 Ninth
10. Washington . .117 Sixth
Visit your Downtown
106 East Huron Phone 7289
llub uawr, eias sr t r.zi ls eporL
on his selections of last week-end. In a quarter-final playoff of the in-
Fred reports 20 winners, seven dependent touch football league the
losers and three ties and an av- Wolverines copped a win from the
crage for the week of .741. His Jay Hawks in an extra period. The
total percentage for seiections of score was tied at the end of the
the past four weeks is now an fourth stanza and the game was fi-
even .750 with 75 winners and 25 nally decided by giving each team
losers. ' four downs. The Wolverines clinched
Shorts: Assistant Coach Wally the game by scoring 14 yards to the
Weber says Northwestern's Don Heap Jay Hawks 11.
is the best running back he has seen The Jay Hawkers were favorites be-
in the Conference this year . . And fore the game but the Wolverine pass-
Wally should know: he is the chief ing attack enabled them to crash
scout . . . Fred Vanzo is All-Ameri- through with a tie. The Wolves
can caliber at quarter for -the Wild. scored their touchdown when Kenega
3ats, also, according to Weber . . caught a pass in the end zone. The
Vanzo is the boy Grantland Rice gave Jay Hawks scored when Wise Newski
the most credit for Northwestern's caught a punt and galloped 40 yards
win over Minnesota . . . He is a for a touchdown outdistancing all
blocker who makes opponents' ribs of the would-be Wolverine tacklers.
shake . . . Both teams worked well on defense
and the game was a toss-up through-
out, but as games cannot be de-
State W orks cided on ties it was necessary to run
the additional four downs. The Wol-
verines after running three plays
O vertim e To were still short of the Jay Hawks total
yardage of 11 yards, but on the last
play they completed a pass for 10
yards sewing up the game.
Psi U won over Phi Gamma Delta
EAST LANSING, Nov. 10.-(,z)- in a quarter-final second division
Michigan State's footballers, who speedball contest, 6-4. The teams
have not tasted victory since October were almost evenly matched, the
17, worked overtime tonight to per- score being 3-2 at the half.
feet a defense against the pile-driver
thrusts they expect from Kansas Sat- SUITS
They examined the Kansas attack,
breaking from single wingback ior- Custom Tailored
mations, as it was exemplified by a $22.50 to $45.00
team of freshmen. Walk a Few Steps and Save Dollars
Senior Spartans, with the close of
their college careers rapidly ap-- U vH
proaching, swung into the practices
with a new determination to win 205 E. Liberty Phone 8020
back their first string recognition.
They were demoted in mid-season in'
favor of scrappy sophomores and jun-
The drill tonight was the last hard
work which Coach Charley Bachman
will order before they board a train
Thursday for Lawrence, Kas. He
planned only a dummy scrimmage to LLORI
polish some new plays and a shadow
scrimmage to achieve precision.
The Kansas game will be State's1
last away-from-home appearance.
State winds up its schedule the fol-
lowing week-end at East Lansing Making a Name
against the University of Arizona. For Themselves ...
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