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November 07, 1936 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-07

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PAG ' 71V.'4;

Sarah Pierce Is Chosen As Director Of This Year's Junior Gir


.} --

Eope Hartwig
Urges Scripts
Be Submitted,

To Direct J.G.P.

Honor Society
Is To Sponsor

Lounging Pajamas
Of Challis, Flannel
Emphasize Comfort

Anyone Qualified To Write
Music Or Manuscript For,
1937 J.G.P.
Merit Points Given;
Preference For Committee
Jobs To Be Accepted At
Mass Meeting
Sarah Pierce, '35, is to direct this.
year's Junior Girls Play, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Hope Hartwig,
.38, general chairman of the pro- SARAH PIERCE
Miss Pierce directed the Freshman1
Pageant last year and is now acting U naated
as director of the Children's The-
atre. She is an assistant in thet
speech department and is now work-
ing on her master's degree in this.
field. She was a prominent memberofr
of .The cast of the 1934 Junior Girls H l Y e t d y
While an undergraduate Miss Over 250 Women Attend
Pierce was active in Play Production.
She is especially known for her roles First Of Regular Series;
as the poet in "The Kingdom of Charlie Zwick Plays
God" and the title part in "Elizabeth ______ l s
the Queen." She has been a mem-I
be~r of the Michigan Repertory Play- At the first of the regular series of
ers duringsummer sessions for three League undergraduate teas held yes-
years and last summer appeared as terday in the League ballroom, more,
the lead in Zoe Akin's "The Old than 250 women students were en-
Anyone who wishes to submit man- ter tined by the social committee.-

Lance ioday With bluebooks and midsemesters
raising their ugly heads, study is be-.
Tickets Are Still Available;* coming increasingly important. And
since you are going to spend so much
Mich.-Penn Football Tilt time in study, why not be comfort-
!!3ble? Fashion's latest lounging pa-
Will Be Broadcast ?.jamas and robes are the ultimate in
comfort and warmth.
The tea dance to be given under Distinctive fabrics and fabric com-
the sponsorship of Mortarboard, na- binations are not exclusively for
tional honorary society for senior dresses. One new lounging pajama
women, will be held from 3 to 5:30 ensemble appears in soft, warm camel
p~m toay n te ballroom and the uede. Another number featured in
p.m. today in the m ad te campus shop is of satin and flan-
Grand Rapids Room of the League. nel. The trousers are satin, toppedl
Tickets for the dance may be ob- with a "swing" jacket of finger tip
tamied at the dooror in sororities and ength. Printed challis is a new ma-
dcrmitories from Mortarboard mem- terial that will be lopular. in pa-
bers. The price is S0c. jamas because of its warmth and
Charles Zwick and his orchestra non-crushable quality.
will play for the dancing in the ball- rushabe devitd-
room. Guests may also listen to the Robes have deviated from the con-
broadcast of the Michigan-Pennsyl- ventional flannel models and have
va a sgame o n any onehig ofseveral beccme definitely flattering. Prin-
vaniagamehonanyeoneofe e cess lines with plenty of fullness in
iadios which will be placed in the the long skirts are being shown in
Grand Rapids Room. Dean Alice C. all local stores. Sturdy corduroy
Lloyd, Miss Marie Hartwig .and Prof. makes a grand robe especially when
and Mrs. John Tracy will act as it features a large collar and raglan
chaperons for the affair. sleeves. Almost as soft as angora
One hundred and four women of is the new Linda wool which is mak-
the junior and sophomore classes ing robes more comfortable than ever.
have been especially invited to at- If you are all worn out from four
tend the dance. They were selected hours of reading, what could be more
for their high scholastic averages, conducive to sleep than a soft flan-
Members of fraternities and the law nel nightgown? Shirtwaist styles are
I club were also invited to attend as new, and so are patterns of polka dots
stags. and floral designs.
Grace Snyder, president of Mortar-
board, is general chairman. Mary B
Allen Heitsch is in charge of tickets,
while Edith Zerbe is chairman of
publicity. Arrangements with the U lf
League have been made by Maryanna Will Be Motif
Chockley. Gretchen Lehmann has 0 , _@

Large Crowd Mystery Play To Be Group To Hear Talk
Given At Club Meet By Barbour Scholar
Attends Annual Miss Toyoko Nagashima, a.Bar-
Play Production will open its sea- bour scholar from Kuigo, Cosen,
U nonwutn"ahJapan, will speaktaththe World Fel-
te'ry melodrama written by Prof. John lowship Service to be held by the
L. Brumm, chairman of the depart- Girl Reserves of Ann Arbor at 4 p.m.
Detroit Dance Team, Tenor ment of journalism, for the eighteenth tomorrow at St. Andrew's Episcopal
annual convention of the Churchit
Featured In Floor Show; Press Club of Michigan. Miss Nagashima will speak on "An-
LttonButton", nual Events for Japanese Girls." She
a"e8pem.rFdBo viwill be presented is a graduate of the Japanese Wom-
en's College at Tokio, and studied

The seventh annual Unicn Formal Ij ydia vendelssonTheatre for mem
was attended by a large crowd last bers of the Press Club and invited
night. The dance was unique in guests.
combining a floor show and supper Professor Brumm, who founded the
as entertainment. Press Club of Michigan here 18 years
Samuel M. Charin, '38, chairman of ago, has written other plays which
the dance had as his guest Harzite were presented at meetings of this
Kunzman, '40, who wore an old rose club; among those are "Scrambled
moire formal with diagonal gold Ego" and "The Mayor's Husband,"
stripes. Elizabeth Miller, '37, who which were directed by Valentine B.
was the guest of William Struve, '37, Windt, and "Why Print That?"
wore green satin with a halter neck. directed by James Doll. "Editors Are
i We~ noticed Huih Rader. '38. with Also H uman" was nrodced for Com-




VV tU~lCU l~L1 vac, o, WL
Mary Louise Halburt, '40.
Frederick Collins, '38, another com-'
mitteeman, had as his guest Francis
Everhard, '38, who looked lovely in
turquoise blue satin with a rhinestone
belt. Jane Hardy, '39, was seen in a
stunning blue violet velvet dress with
a very full skirt. Miss Hardy was the
guest of H. Murray Campbell, '38.
During Supper
During the supper we noticed John
C. Thom, '38, a member of the comxi-
mittee, with Mary Margaret Thomas,
'40. Miss Thomas wore navy blue
net over taffeta with a drop shoulder
effect. Mary Lambie, '37, wore black1
crepe with a silver lame collar and
straps. Miss Lambie was the guest
of Burton S. Williams, '38.
Louis B. Iloffman attended the
dance with Jean Rheinfrank, '39, Ju-
lan Orr, '37, had as his guest Bar-
bara Watson, '38, who wore a royal

C"Oki AA UlY1GLi1 YXGLU j.Ji VUUGGU* AV f.,l Vllt

edy Club two years ago and directed
by Professor Brumm.

uscripts or to write music for the
1937 production is asked to contact
Miss Hartwig as soon as possible. She
emphasized the fact that anyone,
no matter what class or whether or
not he or she is enrolled in the Uni-
versity, is qualified to tryout fpr this
work. Past productions have been
of the musical comedy type with a
great variety of parts to accommo-
date as many women in the junior
class as possible. Merit points are
to be given to junior women who sub-
mit manuscripts, whether or,not they
are accepted by the central commit-
There will be a meeting for those
interested in such work, the time of
which is to be announced next week.
No definite date has as yet been
set for the mass meeting of junior
women at which time preferences for
work on the various play committees
will be accepted.
Hockey Team
Plans Tourney
In Ann Arbor
Tentative plans for the Great Lakes
Hockey Tournament to be held Nov.
21 and 22 in Ann Arbor were an-
nounced recently by the Ann Arbor
Hockey Club.
The club, assisted by members of
the Women's Athletic Association
here and at Michigan State Normal
College, will be hostesses for the tour-
nament. Representatives of the girls
athletic associations from local high
schools will also have a part in en-
tertaining the Great Lakes group.
More than 15 different games will
be played in the tournament between
teams from Ann Arbor, Buffalo, Chi-
cago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Colum-
bus, Detroit, Hamtramck, Pittsburgh
and Toledo. All the players will be
amateurs and about 300 are expected
to participate. There will be games
for high school groups allied with the
Great Lakes Association in addition.
Corhmittee appointments for the
tournament include: Miss Lurene
Prouse, general chairman; Miss Marie
Hartwig, finance; Miss Hilda Burr,
Helen Manchester and Laura Ham-
monn, grounds, fields and materials;
Louise Karpinski, Betty Noyes, Billie
Carlton, Marjorie Darken, Gretchen
Mueller, Ida Sumner and Mrs. Helen
Striedick, hospitality; Mrs. Jane Ea-
ton, Betty Mitchell, Gertrude Epler
and Miss Prouse, tournament dinners.,
Miss Laura Campbell and physica
education major students, officials,
timers and scorers; Dr. Margaret Bell
and Miss Amy Barton, medical aid;
Gertrude Eppler, Miss Dorothy Beise,
Miss Burr and Jean Gourlay, '37, reg-
istration; and Dr. Mabel E. Rugen,
Miss Hartwig, Miss Ruth Bloomer
and Florence Shaw, publicity.
Officers of the Ann Arbor club in-
clude: Miss Prouse, president; Miss
Karpinski, vice-president; Esther
Carstens, secretary; and Miss Hart-
wig, treasurer.
Students Initiated
Into Hiawatha Club
Hiawatha Club held its first in-
itiation Tuesday at the Union.
The following men were initiated:
Phil Westbrook, '40, Carl Arntson, '40,
TnhL.... f l.. +a. 1 AA .. ,Ar. wry. is. n: t!1 +

Dancing to the music ofeCharle

Zwick and his orchestra were Marie charge of chaperons. ' blue taffeta gown with rhin stone
Sawyer, J.G.P. committee chairmen, Other members of Mortarboard 0 f t halter neck. Jane Elspass, '40, who
and Marlene Fingerle. Harriet Heath, who have been assisting with the - was seen with Frederick Giele, '33,
head of the social committee, was dance are: Marjorie Turner, Mar- The Pilgrim fathers with ballet wore a striking black moire trimmed
welcoming people. She looked very garet Guest, Lois King, Harriet chorus furnishes the motif for a play in turquoise.
attractive in rust crepe. Eleanor Skiles Heath, Charlotte Hamilton, Elsie written by Prof. Lowell J. Carr of Committee Members
requested her favorite "Stomping at Pierce and Charlotte Reuger. the sociology department which will Other members of the committee
the Savoy." - be given by the Hampstead Com- and their guests were: Jack MacLeod,
Alys Pierce and Nancy Dall im- . munity Players Nov. 19 in Pattengill '38, and Josephine Van Wormer, '37,
pressed everyone with their compli- Eleanor Blacl Auditorium, under the auspices of the Hudson Tourtellot, '38, and Patty
cated steps and Alice. and Virginia FnJunior Chamber of Commerce. Williams who wore turquoise satin
Osterman were also dancing togeth- 1 "Frontiers" is the title of the play, trimmed in rhinestone clips, and Carl
er. The recently appointed g rii 10t . ratt a musical comedy concerning the Clemment, '38, and Sally Eschbach,
g lstory of Roger Williams and PrU- '38. Miss Eschbach wore black net
hairman of the Sophomore Cabaret, 11 W 1 dance Appleby in Puritan New Eng- shot with silver.
Barbara Heath, wore a lovely gun 1 0 W ed Toda land, complete with witch-burnings, During the floor show we noticed
metal knit with touches of navy blue. superstition and Indian warfare. The Bruce Telfer, '38 and Betty Whitney,
We noticed Joanne Kimmell and score was written by Dr. H. Handorf '38. The supper and floor show were
Frances Everard helping themselves Wilmot Flint Pratt, the new caril- of Northville. presented at 11:30. Bob Steinle and
to teafamous chocolate lonneur recently announced for the Among the principles of the cast his orchestra played for the dance.
cake. Nancy Kover and Mary John- Baird Carillon, will marry Miss El- will be Prof. W. L. Badger of the - - --
son were discussing something so im- eanor Matilda Black, daughter of Chemical Engineering department, ARCHERY CLUB TO MEET
son were discussi shing sondred i, Mrs. Maurice. Black of Ridgefield Carl Nelson, '36, Truman Smith, '35,
portant that Betty Whitney wandered Park, N. Y. The ceremony will take Lois Greig, '38SM, Ralph Clark, and There will be a meeting of the
over to enter in on the conversation, place at 4 o'clock today in St. Thomas Prof. Hempstead S. Bull of the Elec- archery club today. All those in-
Mary Wheat and Margaret Hamilton Episcopal church, New York City. Mr. trical Engineering department. terested should contact Barbara Epp-
were hostesses at the affair. Margaret Pratt had served as carillonneur at The technical staff includes Prof. stein, '39, at 2-3281.
wore a gray knit accented with wine that church for several years. Louise Kyler of the School of Music,___
grsran Dr. Roelif H. Brooks, rector of St. Barbara Van Der Vort, '34, and Jock
Margaret Ann Ayres and Kate Thomas, will perform the ceremony. Conklin, who will assist with the mu-
Landrum were drinking tea together The full choir will sing, with T. Ter- sical direction; Prof. George Brig-
and we saw Margaret Allerdige and tius Noble playing the organ and ham of the College of Architecture
Ruth Friedman watching the dancers. Grover Oberle playing the carillon. and Richard Trusdell, who will do the
Dorothy Curtis was talking to Mar- Mrs. Edward Merkle will be Miss stage designing.:I
garet Curry who wore another of Black's matron of honor and the A cast of 40 exclusive of the chorus
those popular knits. Misses Margaret Hatzfield and Adele has been assembled for the produc-
Wives of faculty members who Hargreaves will be the bridesmaids. tion. Included in the chorus will be
rdwere s.EwMr. Pratt has asked Leslie Paffrath, a large number of singers from -the
pored ere M. Edwrd ML. Adams, to be best man. The ushers are School of Music.
EBk, Mrs. ph eW. Aigry, Mrs. tto be Roger Lund, Stanley Paffrath,
E. B oak, Mrs. Joseph. A. Burgley, Mrs. adM.Mrl.FrinG
Philip E. Bursley, Mrs. Samuel T, anMr. _erk_-ForeignStudents
Dana.To Cranbrook Schools
Mrs. James B. Edmonson, Mrs. Pitch And Putt Club T ra n suek our
P tClbEdward H Kraus, Mrs. WalterB
EdadH ruMs atrB. The regular foreign students tour
Pillsbury, Mrs. Theopile Raphael, Plans Last Meetin was conducted yesterday when a
Mrs. Walter C. Saddler, Mrs. Ira M. ' group of foreign students visited the
JSmith, Mrmrs.nCranMroks.
SmtMrs. Shirley W.Sih r.Cabrok schools in Bloomfield

" /

At your Druggist's. Sold in Boxes
of 12 and Handbag Packets of 3.

John Sundwall and Mrs. Allen S.
Arthur S. Aiton
Will Address
Wonen's Club
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton will talk on
"The Present Crisis in Spain" at a
supper sponsored by the *Ann Ar-
bor and ' Ypsilanti Branch of the
American Association of University
Women at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
League ballroom.
Professor Aiton returned to Ameri-
ca last May after having - spent four
months in Spain where he gave a
series of lectures at the University of
Seville. From 1926 to 1933 he was
a member of the Board of Editors of
the Hispanic-American History Re-
view and since 1935 he has been on
the committee which conducts re-
search on Latin American relations.
He is also the author of several books
dealing with Spanish history.
The affair tomorrow is one of a
series which are being arranged by
the A.A.U.W. in order to give those
interested an opportunity to hear
discussions of international questions
by men who have observed the sit-
uatioil personally. Mrs." W. W.
Blume, a member of the International
Relations Committee, is in charge of
arrangements for the supper.

November 18th is set as the ten-
tative date for the supper meeting of
Pitch and Putt women's golf club,
according to Mary Jane Mueller, '38.
The supper will be held in the
W.A.A. building at 6:00 p.m., and will
be the -last regular meeting of the
club until spring. Games will be
played after dinner and moving pic-
tures of national champions will be

These tours were conducted by the
University with a minimum expense
of the students to afford the foreign
group an opportunity to visit points
of interest in the vicinity. George
E. Luther, assistant counselor to for-
eign students, has already taken the
group to the Ford plant at Dearborn,
Greenfield Village and the Starr
Commonwealth at Albion.





to the WIE
Follow the example of the majority of smart
women, select the fur coat of your dreams,
now, at ZWERDLING'S. Prices are advanc-
ing rapidly and many of the coats which we
have now in stock will cost at least 20 more
for the pelts alone.
Superbly tailored in the season's smartest
fashions you will find Furs of every descrip-
tion at unexcelled values.



When you do you may find that
w you are paying in total cost for
automatic gas heat-that, after all,
the househeating you wished you could afford, you really can afford. Gas comes
into your home ready to burn while liquid and hard fuels must be converted into
"as bfore burzn nznd ' onmust -nav an -ar1if - o'gf nf, +lc unvirnfil+mP~li



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