SATURDAY, NOV. 7, 1936
1 :t 6 --:
1936 Member 1937
ssocided CLeiide Press
Distributors of
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An Analysis Of
The 'Maritime Strike. .
THE WEST COAST has for a long
time been the locale of one of the
most clear-cut illustrations of the continuing
struggle between organized capital and organized
labor. Today, with more than 40,000 maritime
'workers again out on strike, the struggle has be-
come sharper and more relentless than ever be-
And this strike is not the localized, though
bloody, affair that the 1934 strike was. All along
the American seaboard maritime workers have
struck in sympathy with their West Coast fellow
workers, achieving thereby a complete tieup of
American shipping. Moreover, this sympathy
strike is in direct repudiation of orders from the
vested leaders of the International Seamens'
Union. The fight, then, is not only one between
capital and labor, but between the rank and
file workers and the union leadership. In a
situation of such complexity, analysis may be
achieved only by an appreciation of the history
of the- rise of this rank and file resistance.
In 1919 and again in 1921. the Longshoremen
of San Francisco struck for improvement in
working conditions and for recognition of their
International Longshoremen's Association, the
I.L.A. They were completely beaten, and became
victims of a bitter reprisal by the shipping com-
panies. Company unions were created, and all
workers required to possess "blue books" in order
to be eligible for employment. Hiring was done
on the docks, the worker losing much time by
being forced to wait about while the wharf boss
hired on a preferential basis. Criticism of these
blue book unions was met by refusal to employ.
No standardization of hours or working condi-
tions was operative. Exploitation was complete
and bitter. These were the conditions until 1933
when the NRA with its 7A section was effected.
The long muleted longshoremen rushed almost
immediately to join en mass. the newly reor-
ganized I.L.A., which had been inoperative since
1921. Negotiations were at once attempted with
the shipping companies, but they were met with
absolute unresponse. Blue books were still re-
quired. Finally, on March 5, 1934, the longshore-
men struck. After two weeks, however, the strike
was called off at the President's request. For a
six-week period there was a truce, of which the
determined shipping companies took advantage
by arming themselves for the fight. Then the
longshoremen resumed the strike, for absolutely
no concessions had been made to them.
After bloody and fierce fighting in the streets
of San Francisco, the maritime strike culmi-
nated in a general strike by all the organized
labor of the city. But, though firm and united.
labor was beaten by violence and a well dissem-
inated flood of false propaganda. Led by the
newspapers of the city, the publishers of which
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Farmer-Labor Party
To the Editor:
Faith in the idea of democracy has been sat-
isfyingly refreshed by, the result of Tuesday's
election. Reaction, whether in the form of the
Landon-Hearst-Liberty League combination or in
the Lemke-Coughlin group, has been unmistak-
ably repudiated. The myth of an impartial press
in America has been efectively shattered. The
workers, farmers and professionals who make up
the bulk of the American people are united as
never before by their belief in the right of every
American to liberty, security and work.
But the question must be raised whether the
nation is really in a position to cope with the
problems facing it immediately and for the next
four years. Most grave is the imminence of war
which threatens to engulf the world almost
daily. Equally important is the problem of un-
employment which is still as serious as ever.
Moreover, labor's demands have been consis-
tently neglected and the maritime strike is but
the prelude to a new round of strikes to gain
a decent wage and the right of organization
for the workers. The status of civil liberties in
this country is still sadly uncertain as the in-
cidents in Terre Haute and Tampa have shown.
These are but four of the many problems to be
To deal adequately with such problems requires
a nation both fully aware of their significance
and resolutely backing a party whose principles
represent some adequate solution. But while
the masses voted nearly unanimously as a class,
almost for the first time in American history,
they voted not for a party pledged to satisfy
their demands but for the man who seemed to
servative and the radical elements in the union.
John P. Ryan, the president of the International
Seamens' Union, of which the I.L.A. was a local,
sacrificed the best interests of labor to the ship-
ping interests. But, under the leadership of
Harry Bridges, the I.L.A. repudiated Ryan's
union, as well as his "settlement" and continued
the" fight.
And with the help of the federal government
the I.L.A. was able to win a victory in the new
settlement. They received: a 30-hour week,
straight time pay raised 10 cents to 95 cents
per hour and overtime pay raised 5 cents to $1.40
per hour,- which was retroactive to July 1, 1934.
But upon the fundamental issue they accepted a
compromise: the new hiring halls were to be
controlled jointly with the shippers, through the
hall-dispatchers, who have charge of dock as-
signments, were to be chosen by the union. This
settlement expired Sept. 30, 1936.
For two years the shipping companies streng-
thened their united organization to fight the
unions. An the unions, for their part, did the
same. Nine interdependent unions, including
along with the I.L.A. the Warehousemen, the
Teamsters, etc., united to form the West Coast
Maritime Federation, which is, in effect, a large
industr-1 union. The leader of this organization
is Harry Bridges of the I.L.A., a rank and file
longshoreman, but inspiring and dynamic, and
having the full confidence of the workers. They
have thus completely refused the reactionary
leadership of John P. Ryan, who is unquestion-
ably a union racketeer.
Thus, when the settlement expired a month
ago, both sides were prepared for the inevitable
fight. The shipping companies are adamant
in refusing the renewal of the terms. They want
to break the union with its hiring halls, its de-
termined protection of the individual worker
from abuse, its maintenance of a decent wage;
in short, they want to break the very idea of
a union of longshoremen who express a common-
ality of purpose and a determination to achieve
that purpose.Butthe union refuses to be
broken. The complete membership of the Fed-
oration is out on strike, some 40,000 men. Added
to these, Joseph Curran is leading the rank and
file of the International Seamans' Union, called
the Seamans' Defense Committee, against the
racketeering of Ryan and his fellow officers, in a
sympathy strike. On the West Coast and in the
port of New York private shipping is at a stand-
still, though Ryan is threatening to man the
vessels and picket the rank and file picketers in
New York and thus to break the S.D.C.
The only mediating force in the struggle is
the Federal Maritime Commission, which, under
the leadership of Admiral Hamlet has been con-
ducting, a sporadic investigation of the whole
struggle. It is to be hoped that the Commission
will exert pressure upon the three major ship-
ping companies concerned, Dollar, Matson and
American-Hawaiian, all of which receive large
Federal subsidies. But peace cannot come about
in any other way than through the efforts of the
government; the struggle is too bitter and too
There are three aspects of this strike which
should be observed by those interested in the
future of America:
1. The strike as the most concrete example
of the struggle between capital and labor in the
United States today. The fact is definite and af-
firmed by both parties.
2. The strike as the struggle between the rank
and file and the vested leadership for control of
union policy. It is Bridges and Curran, the I.L.A.
and the S.D.C. against John P. Ryan and his
3. The strike as the struggle between the
them to have defended and would continue to
defend their interests. In their zeal to defeat
Landon, they forgot President Roosevelt's eva-
siveness and indecision on matters of vital im-
portance to labor, and the machine bosses and
southern gentlemen of the Democratic Party.
Despite the trust which the people have in
President Roosevelt, there is absoluely no guar-
antee that he will hold out against the clamor
for increased profits or keep the country out of
war. If the needs of the people are to be met,
they'must bring to bear continuous and decisive
pressure on the President but neither the Demo-
cratic Party nor trust alone can be expected to
do that. Only an organization designed to ex-
press and achieve the people's demands can
guarantee the jobs, security and peace they de-
The nucleus of such an organization is to be
found in the Farmer-Labor party which, far
from being radical, is yet aware that only inde-
pendent action by the people can gain their
ends. The way to preserve the fruits of Tues-
day's victory is, I believe for the people to or-
ganize into a national Farmer-Labor Party im-
mediately wth the end in view of electing a
Farmer-Labor bloc to Congress in. 1938 and a
President in 1940. What the issues will be then
is of course impossible to predict accurately but
if the experience of Europe is of any account,
then the preservation of democracy will be at
stake. And only a united people will be able
to save it.
Vandenberg Replies
To the Editor:
A recent letter which I despatched to Senator
Vandenberg, and which appeared in the Forum,
criticized the Michigan senator, among other
things for the inconsistency in political action
of supporting social security legislation at its
inception and then repudiating it during the
campaign just ended.
Inasmuch as there are two sides to every
criticism, the following letter of reply from
Senator Vandenberg should be made known:
"My dear friend: I am referring only to that
portion of your letter which discussed your
belief that I supported the Social Security Act
and voted for it and then reversed myself in the
recent campaign. I know you will be glad to have
the facts.
"I did support the Social Security Act because
of its fundamental objectives-although I sharp-
ly criticized some features of it at the time of
its passage. I have taken precisely the same
position regarding it during the campaign. I
have continued to approve its general objectives
-and I have continued to criticize some of its
impractical features. I have not joined in any
general assault upon it because-generally speak-
ing- I believe in its fundamentals.-A. H. Van-
-Art Settle.
Our Loyal Adviser
To the Editor
It is characteristic of the person who writes
in today's Daily commenting on Boake Carter
that he should climax his febrile rotarianistic
outburst by signing himself "An American." The
question is not whether something could be done
to improve the American system of government,
but whether we should suffer an Englishman
(who incidentally seems to have become enough
Americanized to become a citizen) to tell us
anything about how to do it. The only attitude
less desirable than a servile worship of everything
foreign is the sort of indignant provincialism dis-
played by our "American"-a provincialism
which assumes (doubtless because Mr. Hearst
has had so much to say about the subversive
influences that threaten the sanctity of our
Constitution) that Mr. Carter's criticisms must
be bad because they cone from a former English-
man who is still un-American enough to think
that there is some good in the English system of
Nothing is ever accomplished by railing at
comment on our government simply because it
comes from someone who was not reared in Mis-
souri and nurtured on Hearst. Let us answer
criticism, if it is to be answered, with reason and
analysis. Nothing is less constructively Amer-
ican than the attitude of the 100 per cent Amer-
icans. Your "American" correspondent could
surely spend his time to better advantage exam-
ining the problems of our government than in
trying, with more heat than light, "to repudiate
our loyal adviser from the British Isles."
Lonely Illini Bandsmen
To the Editor:
The sight of lonely groups of Illini bandsmen
walking up and down State Street Saturday
night suggests that upon such occasions in the
future it might be a gesture of hospitality for
some campus group to sponsor a dance to which
people need not come in couples and where in-
troductions might be performed by the time-
honored Paul Jones.
-Harold Thompson.
To the Editor:
The following, by 'Ted Robinson, in the Cleve-
land Plain Dealer, is pertinent at this time.
If I could find a country where
People were few and speech was rare,
Where printed books did not exist,
And newspapers were not missed
Because such things had not been heard of-
Where there had never been a word of
Sermon or drama or oration,
Lecture or speech or recitation-
Where movie films had never been,
Nor mail bags ever entered in-
Political Farce Coming
HERE will be another comedy at
the Cass next week-American in-
stead of the very British Call It A
Day which closes its run tonight.
First Lady is American not only in;
style but in subject matter inas-
much as it deals with activities among
faculty-wives (excuse me, wives of
politicians) in Washington just be-
fore a presidential nomination. In-
stead of substituting the traditionalI
group of men in a hotel-room for theI
national convention, the play substi-
tutes two charming women-more or
less-over the silver tea things in a
The two authors are Katherine
Dayton, a Washington newspaper-
woman and radio skit writer, and
George Kaufman. Miss Dayton was
unknown to the Broadway theatre1
before this play opened but Kaufman
is known for a long series of col-
laborations. He wrote Once In At
Lifetime with Moss Hart, June Moon
with Ring Lardner, the earlier Beg-t
gar on Horseback and The Butter and
Egg Man with Marc Connelly whoj
has deserted the field of farce and
light comedy for subtler things like
The Green Pastures. Kaufman's play,
this season is Stage Door, which like
Dinner at Eight was written with Ed-
na Ferber.
First Lady although it attacks cer-
tain amusing Washington backstairs
manners ,does not go at the subject
hammer and tongs in the way that
Kaufman and Hart annihilated Hol-
lywood's unique mores in Once in a
Lifetime. It is pleasanter, more sense
of humor, more suited to the mood of
elegance with which its star, Miss
Jane Cowl, always manages to sur-
round herself.
Jane Cowl appeared in Ann Arbor
a few seasons ago in Twelfth Night1
and Camille. Although her name has
often been associated with serious
matters (she holds the New York
record for number of. consecutive per-
formances of Juliet) her style of act-
ing is better suited to comedy as aI
comparison of her performance of
Viola and Marguerite Cautier will1
show. Miss Cowl is always at the1
center of things in any cast and man-
ages to keep things going-off stage1
as well as on. You can read about her
activities during rehearsals in Josepht
Vernor Reed's book, The Curainf
Falls,in which some of her more or
less quaint person characteristics aret
more thoroughly discussed than those
of any other contemporary actress.
Mr. Reed in partnership with Ken-
neth Macgowan presented Miss Cowl
in Twelfth Night in New York as wellI
as in Penn Levy's Art and Mrs. Bottle.1
This is the very bad play in whichI
she played a one night stand at the1
Whitney Theatre in the spring of
1931. Her last appearance on Broad-
way, previous to First Lady, was in S.
N. Behrman's Rain from Heaven.
First Lady opens Monday, Nov. 9,e
at 8:30 p.m. and plays through the
week with matinees Wednesday and
Cass, last performales this after-
noon and tonight: Gladys Cooper and
Philip Merivale in Call It A Day, the
comedy by Dodie Smith. Reviewed
here yesterday.
Masonic Auditorium, Detroit, last
two performances today: The Great
Waltz, the musical spectacle with
music taken from the works of the
Johann Strauss,' father and son.
Cinema Theatre, Detroit, now play-
ing: The Youth of Maxim. One of the
most important pictures to be made
in the Soviet Union.
Unitarian Church, tomorrow at 5
p.m.: Rev. H. P. Marley will discuss
Irwin Shaw's vigorous and original
anti-war play, Bury the Dead. It will
be Play Production's next offering.
The Art Cinema League will bring
G. W. Pabst's production of Don
Quixote, the moving picture with the
great Russian basso, Feodor Chalia-
pin. Mendelssohn, Nov. 20 and 21.
With it will be shown Three Little
Pigs in French and a Donald Duck
cartoon, The Polo Game.
President Gets
Hero's Ovation
At Washington
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
(Continued from Page 2)
First Methodist Church, Sunday:
Morning worship setvice at 10:45
a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach
on "Life and Death."
First Presbyterian Church, Sunday:
Masonic Temple. 327 S. Fourth
Ave. Dr. W. P. Lemon, minister.
At 10:45 a.m., "In God's Stead" is
the topic upon which Dr. Lemon will
pream at the morning worship serv-
ice. Music by the student choir.
At 5:30 p.m. the Westminster Guild
will hold its supper and social hour
Armistice Day will be recognized at
Bethlehem Evangelical Church in the
I morning service to be held at 10:30
a.m. Rev. Theodore Schmale, pastor,
will preach on "The Peace to Come.
In the evening at 5:30 p.m. the
Youth League will enjoy a supper and
fellowship hour.
First Congregational Church, Sun-
10:45 a.m., service of worship, Rev.
Howard R. Chapman will conduct the
service. Prof. Preston Slosson will
give the first of a series of Lay-Serm-
ons on "False Gods," his subject be-
followed by the meeting at 6:30 p.m., ing "The Infinite is God, or Wor-
which will be in the form of a stu- shipping Nature."
"- . ".. ....... iT{. A - -C / -3 f
dent symposium on "My Idea of God .-
Harris Hall, Sunday:
The regular student meeting will
be held at 7 p.m. in Harris Hall. Re-
ports of the Provincial Student Con-
ference in Chicago will be given by
the delegates who attended as rep-
resentatives of the University of
Michigan Episcopal Student's Guild.
All Episcopal students and their
friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Services of worship are:
8 a.m., Holy Communion.
9:30 a.m., Church School.
11 a.m., Morning prayer and serm-
on by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
11 a.m., Kindergarten.
First Baptist Church, Sunday:
10:45 a.m. Mr. Sayles will speak
ori Sincereity in Religion," in a
series on Sermon on the Mount.
12, Student Fclass in Guild House.
Mr. Chapman will lead discussion on
"A Christian Society."
6 p.m., Students meet at Guild
House. Special Armistice Day pro-
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sun-
Liberty at Third, Carl A. Brauer,
Public worship at 10:45 a.m. The
pastor will speak on the topic: "What
Price Christianity."
Student supper and fellowship hour
begins at 5:30 p.m. Prof. Arthur L.
Cross of the History Department of
the University will give an address at
6:30 p.m. on the topic: "England To-
day." Every one interested is invited
to attend the service and the lecture.
Church of Christ, Disciples, Sun-
10:45 a.m., Church service. Rev. C.
M. Yocum, Secretary of the Foreign
Department of the United Christian
Missionary Society, will speak on "The
People of the Orient."
5:30 p.m. Tea and social hour.
6:30 p.m. Address by Rev. Yocum
on the topic, "Some Foreign Friends
of Mine." Rev. Yocum has traveled
extensively and has been intimately
associated with the people of many
races and nations.
Student Fellowship at 6 p.m. this
evening. Following the supper Rabbi
Heller will speak on "Europe As I
Saw It Last Summer." All students
who are interested will be welcome.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Sunday:
E. William at S. Fifth Ave.
Services will be held in Trinity Lu-
theran Church at 10:30 a.m. with
the sermon delivered by the pastor,
Rev. Henry Yoder on "And He Said
'Follow Me'."
Choir will render "Holy Art Thou"
by Handel.
Lutheran Student activities will be
held in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at
5:30 p.m.
The Lutheran Student Club: Mr.
Fred Benz of Ann Arbor will show
some moving pictures taken on his
last trip around the world. The pic-
tures will include scenes from New
Zealand and Fiji Islands. The meet-
ing will be held at Zion Parish Hall
on Sunday, Nov. 8. Friendship ahd
supper hour at 5:30. Forum hour
at-6:30 p.m. All Lutheran Students
and friends are urged to come.
The Hillel Independents will hold an
important business meeting, Sunday,
Nov. 8, promptly at 8:30 p.m. After the
meeting, Professor Blumer of the
University of Chicago, who is now
visiting our university, will address
the group. All are cordially invited.
Come, and bring your friends with
Hillel Tea: There will
the Hillel Foundation
from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m.
are invited.
be a tea at
on Sunday
All students
Graduate Education Club: The
Graduate Education Club will hold
its second meeting of the academic
year, Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 4 p.m. in
the library of the University Elemen-
tary School. Dr. Guthe of the An-
thropology department of the Uni-
versity will speak on, the subject,
"Anthropology and Education." An
opportunity will be provided for ques-
tions and discussion after Dr. Guthe's
talk. All graduate students interested
or taking work in Education, as well
as their friends are cordially invited
to attend.
'Veritas'a.Harvards Great
C.ontribution To America
The following article, written by Dr.
Stephen Duggan, director of the Insti-
tute ofnInternational Education, is re-
printed from the news bulletin of that
DURING the past month the alumni
and students of Harvard Uni-
versity engaged in a great celebration
to commemorate the three hundredth
anniversary of its founding. Thou-
sands of non-Harvard men and wom-
en throughout the country viewed the
celebration with sympathy and re-
joicing, for the tercentary was a na-
tional event ofthe greatest import-
ance in the history of higher edu-
cation in the United States. During
those three centuries Harvard gave
the natioh many of its leaders in
politics, literature, science and phil-
osophy. It provided guidance and
assistance to many of the younger
colleges throughout the country by
its example and by means of its grad-
uates who taught and administered in
them. The record of its contribution
in every field of research is most im-
pressive. Every intelligent non-Har-
vard citizen will want to express to the
oldest college in North America con-
gratulations for its past achieve-
ments, and sincere and confident
wishes for its future.
Were we to stop here we should
vard authorities to dismiss a profes-
sor accused of teaching radical doc-
trines. But the administration at
Harvard stood adamant against such
suggestion. The Harvard faculty has
always maintained a sensible atti-
tude in the matter of academic free-
Harvard's motto is Veritas, Truth.
Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, "What is
Truth?" At least it is not deliberate
falsehood. Neither is it propaganda.
Whenever the aim is not an honest
search for the facts of a situation and
a fair, honorable, and objective in-
terpretation of those facts we have
not truth. With increasing insistence
Harvard seeks to realize its motto, to
discover and diffuse truth. It is for
that reason that a hearing is given
to what is considered hereticfl. That
was once needed primarily in reli-
gion'and it resulted in religious toler-
ance and the separation of Church
and State. Today it is needed pri-
marily in the field of social relations
where it is just as difficult to main-
tain objectivity as it was in the do-
main of religion in the seventeenth
The Harvard tercentenary cele-
bration was not only a national event
of great importance, it was interna-
tional in its influence, Leaders in
scholarship from every country in the
world assembled at the celebration.
They freely discussed problems of the
deepest significance; not only prob-
lems of physical nature but of so-
ciety. In this day of intellectual sup-
pression over so large an area in'the
world, it was heartening to follow
their untrammeled discussions. The
Harvard celebration thereby rendered
an inestimable service to the cause of
WASHINGTON No ( v. . -~(A" )-lose the chief significance of the
Welcomed as a conqueror by a cap-;- Harvard celebration. Harvard stands
ital that takes presidents for granted, for freedom: freedom to undertake
Franklin D. Roosevelt swung into with energy and courage the research
his post-election tasks today in jolly that will advance the boundaries of
humor and feelingfit.knowledge; freedom to engage in
umra eg untrammeled and enlightening dis-
While reporters crowded about his cussion that alone will prepare men
desk in a manner reminiscent of his as educated citizens for service to a
"horse and buggy" press conference democratic state; fieedom to advocate
after NRA had fallen, but in an at- and unpopular cause that ought to be
mosphere contrasting with the ten- sustained. Freedom at Harvard has
sity then, he lightly brushed aside!
questions pertinent to the SupremeI
not gone without attack. As early as
the days of the Salem Witchcraft,
democracy and liberalism every-
where. Universities and university-
trained men must become leaders of
mblic ninion mn reand mor TTn.