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November 07, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-07

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v/ v'1 clothes, and in a great majority of IIOEP
MoScow Choir sen Sea Demonstration Radium Detector s Development e fses searches for it have bee su- WASH
cessful." search
Will Give Third x Debate Forum Is Traced ByP..iThe detector, Professor Smith said,ene o
- has never been commercialized, main-endtd
-ly because radium is so rare that it of Invest
_ N6Opens Today seldom used. However ,several Wanted
Insurance Companies Use in diameter and a foot and a half in sselns use owetr evralconsrn
_____physicians have constructed private cpiri
Detector In Searching For height. Air confined in this base, ones, and these men, Professor Smith pointmen
Nicholas Afonsky To Lead Program For High School while still subject to radiations from explained, are as entitled to claim the sought si
SLost-Radium radio-active elements which can pass instrument as their invention as he to appea
Cathedral Sigers In Speakers Will Be Given through its sides, is free from the ex-
CIHow he developed a radium detec- terior physical forces that render the
Choral Union Program p In Lydia Mlendelssohn eetocp mrcia.Aoeti
y for adapted from the old electroscope electroscope impractical. Above this
tor dOm is a smaller compartment with a hori-
The Moscow Cathedral Choir, led Dr. William P. Halstead, member to be used in the recapture of the zontal microscope tube attached to it
by Nicholas Afonsky, will continue I of the speech department, will open radio-active substance after its use in and through this compartment the
the Choral Union series on Nov. 16 the first demonstration forum for medical work, was described by Prof. rod of the electroscope is passed, ex-
rLydia Mhendelsbate todayin the Arthur W. Smith of the physics de- tending well into the bottom of the
of the current series in Hill Audi-. . partment in an interview yesterday.
His talk will begin at 9 a.m. on the yjusted in the focus of the microscope
"Ever intsinceu ofthe mfirstpe
torium. technique of stage make-up. Later "Ever since the first knowledge of and the inner lens is minutely scaled
The Moscow Cathedral Choir was in the morning Prof. Gail E. Dens- electrical phenomena and radio-ac- so that movements of the leaf can be
more, also ofthespeech department ive elements," Professor Smith said, seen. The nearer it comes to radium,
founded a decade ago by Afonsky who will speak on "What Makes A Goo "physicians have been able to dis- the faster it falls, he pointed out.
presentS The choir is composed of 24 Debater." cover the presence of radium and! Used By Insurance Firms
Sponsor.eThbyh theisichigsad Hig24other similar ray-giving metals by Sic aimwudbxot bu g: f:.
Russian men and women who have use of an instrument called the elec- ine radium would be worth about
School Forensic Association and the$20,00aoucisbttteu-
toured both Europe and the United troscope. This consists of a gold $2,000,000 an ounce, if substitute sub-
States to achieve international ad- University Extension Division this leaf hung on the side of a vertical stances had not been discovered to
miration. meeting, which will have an estimat- metal rod. When an electrical charge take its place, insurance companies ;
The program to be presented by the ed audience of 400, is designed for is put on this rod, the leaf is repelled, send for the radium detector imme-
Choir will include: high school debaters throughout the and its motion can be measured by diately when any radium is lost, Pro-
Bortniansky: Te Deum Laudamus, state and their coaches. means of a microscope. fessor Smith continued. He himself
Hymn of the Cherubims, and Blessed The feature of the afternoon ses- Air Is Ionized has served in about 12 cases, and
Be the Man Fearful of God (Psalm sion will be a debate between the var- "Air is ordinarily a poor conductor other detectors elsewhere in the coun-
112) (Concerto); Arhen sky: HearPress Photo sity teams of the University and of electricity, but when subjected to try are also used. "In actual search,"
M Pra er O L rd (nals 102)' Here is how Nebraska's 75-year- Wayne. At the conclusion of the certain radiations of radio-active ele- he said, "the history of the case is 4 1/*' =
MyePrayer, or m ' old senator, George W. Norris, ap- afternoon an open forum discussion ments called 'gamma rays' it is 'ion- first gone over, and the detector isr-
anmo: Credo (solo by Mme. peared at his home in MaCook, of the debate on government owner- ized' and becomes a good conductor. taken as near as psible to places
G.Bah-enod: A MNeb., as election returns told him ship and operation of electrical util- Thus the presence of these elements where the lost radi is thought to
ranged for mixed choir by J. Strim- he had won his fight for reelection ities will be participated in by the near the electroscope will cause a .hee ay e in thebcsa room
runnin as a indeenden by p- audence.reacton inthe gld lef. causee atwwheredit rwasshused,, in" rubbish heaps,",:
mer); Rimsky-Korsakoff: Yer Hme runng as an idependent by pe- audience. if the room has been swept and
(Spring Hope) from the opera "The tition. Other speakers on the program are The electroscope, however, Pro- cleaned recently, or even in laundry
Bride of the Tzar" and Indian Guest's Miss Edith Thomas of the University fessor Smith stated, is not in itself baskets if clothes have been sent out
BridetsofftheohesahavandeIndian Guest's
Song from the opera "Sadko" (Ar- Ref Library Extension Service and Prof. practical in several respects for use that were in the room during the *
ranged by Wal-Berg); Rubinstein: Reform Asked Rupert L. Courtright of the speech in outside work. For instance, there time of its use. Last year, a particle U
The Persian Song (solo by M. J. department of Wayne. are several factors such as wind and of lost radium was even found in
Jaroff); Moussorgsky: Gopak from Demonstration debates and forum other physical contacts that will the stomach of a pig. Usually it is
the opera "Sorotchinska Jamorka",ef anlsm discussions will be held all over the make the gold leaf move, as well as found in cracks in floors and inn{
(arranged by J. Strimmer). F rstate in the program of the state de- electrical reactions, he said. And itI~y
(aragelb J Srime)i"n w aigscey i a none yalso had to be adapted so it could t
Dr. Halstead. be more easily used in research. Con- XMAS CARDS
Zakharova); Lacomibes: Estudian- sequently, a few years ago he de-
tina (in Spanish); Liadoff: It Rains (continued from Page r) .j "vised a radium detector that adapted 50 CARDS
in the Streets (Choral); Gretchan- M.S.C Seeks Raise the electroscope to these needs. 50 ENVELOPES
inoff: There Are Horses Standing ens of the department of instruction)This consists, Professor Smith ex- Printed with your name
veleko Egr omarinsk of Michigan, said that his office main- To withFinancemtasdeDormssonedu nine nc es35 Manrd stret Phone 8
(Russian Dance Song); Davidovsky: tamedtonecriterion.i "is t e
Tchikoo (Ukrainian Folk Song); The and that criterion he said, "is the EAST LANSING, Nov. 5.-(P)-
Violin in the Street (Ukrainian Song) evaluation of all activities in terms Michigan State College prepared to
(arranged by A. Koshitz). of the contribution to the welfare of ask the 1937 State Legislature for an
(arra.the children of Michigan.'' increase of $700,000 a year in its op-
Dr. Thurston holds a degree of erating budget, and for a six-year -
Professional doctor of philosophy from the Uni- building program in addition that
versity. He and Emens spoke in would cost $5,000,000.
" h I h' place of Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, state Dr. Robert S. Shaw, college presi-
S o a RI JpS superintendent of public instruction, dent, also disclosed a plan to xequest
who also holds a doctor's degree from legislation that would permit the
Are Awarded the University. State Board of Agriculture:govern-
Comparing the cambaign of pub- ing body of the college-to finance
lie health to a battle on the field, Dr.the construction of two large dormi-
David Brezin, '37M, John A. Cet- Nathan Sinai, professor of public dents.Thelmes nom eSml
ner '37M, and Edward R. Nell, '37M, health at the University, said that "no dtss e bods
have each been awarded a University quarter must be given board to issue bonds.
Scholarship in Professional Schools, tepubi eal rhaped no t stA
it was announced yesterday by Dr. "The public is ready for health tion's increased enrollment as pasis
Frank E. Robbins, assistant to Presi- education. There must be a better for the request for an annual budget Those who claim to practice the art of ju
dent Rores.-distribution of the facilities of sci- of $2,050,000.
Entsutshvenrby his shoes perhaps bank most on the pr
Established in 1932 and awarded ence. Parent teacher groups can be Shaw said that the new dormitories, the first things a lazy man will neglect.
annually to 12 seniors in the Medical of great importance to the organza- if the financing can be arranged, after an order of attend to the welfare of their shoes, eve
School, the Law School, the den- tion of public health units," he point- would be self-liquidating. afford several shines a day. First in imp
tistry school, the education school, ed out. our delicious food trees for your shoes, whenever they're no
the business administration school Other speakers on the program of three-day meeting here with the ad- both for applying polish and for cleaning
and the forestry school, these schol- the second day of the Parent Educa- dress at a luncheon in the Union to- and one for black shoes, are necessary.
arships each provide for tuition fees Ition Institute were Dr. Charles A. day by the noted American educator, flannel will polish off the job. A small br
for one year. Recipients in other Fisher, assistant director of the Ex- Prof. Hughes Mearns of the depart- We make a special effort to hcve guests enjoy our or wire is necessary to keep the natur
schools have been previously an- tension Division of the University ment of education of New York Uni- m s to the umost. Visit our NEW TAPROOM. reverse calf shoes
nounced. and Mrs. J. K. Pettengill of the Na- versity.
The Edward S. Dunster Scholarship, tional Congress of Parents and Teach-WACHF-EX-T
established last year by the will of the eors. - WATCH FOR NEXT SATI
late Dr. Dunster, formerfaculty mem- Both spoke at a luncheon at the CHELSEA T1 E A IEE L II TE L
ber of the medical school, was award- Congregational Church upon the pos- F LOW ER S HOP1 trh
ed to Robert L. Bortugno, '37M, yes- sibility of merging with other organi- 126 East Huron Street - Phone 4241
terday by President Ruthven upon zations interested in parent educa- 203 East Liberty Phone 2-2973
the qommendationothe hemedicaltion and child study. Flowers for All Occasions
school faculty. The Institute will conclude its

INGTON, Nov. 6.-/)-The
or Representative John J.
and his son, Charles, wid-
ay with the Federal Bureau
igation joining in the hunt.
for commitment to jail for
g to sell a West Point ap-
t, the Hoeppels have been
nc eOct. 28 when they failed
r to start serving terms
dging a man's character
~emise that his shoes are
Many men personally
n though they may well
)rtance for shoe care are
t on your feet. Brushes
the shoe, one for brown
Soft -rubbing cloths of
ush of either stiff bristle
al smart finish of your

oCtilities Set for December I8t
Worship should be the truest language of the soul. - DR. CHAPMAN A A *-% VW& V A N U A se f" .s A fs .. U





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