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March 01, 1936 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-01

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The Weather


Sic igmi


A Chance To Help .
Past, Present And Future. . .

Conttinlircldd With ijnOdi

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Japan Is,
Still Led
By Okada
But Position Is Shaky As
Loyal troops Keep Tight
Grip On Country
Death Report Fools
Even Rebel Killers
See 'Man Of Great Prestige'
New Government Head;
Admiral Suzuki Lives
(Copyright, 1936, by Associated Pressi
TOKIO, March 1.-(Sunday)-(P)
-Premier Keisuke Okada, back from
official "death," directed the Japan-
ese government today as soldiers
maintained peace in the governmen-
tal office district from which the
rebels had departed .
The citizenry stayed indoors,
thankful for peace and for the fact
that Okada lived. They and the
world were told officially last Wednes-
day that the statesman had been
killed by assgssins.
Although he still is nominal head
of the government, political observers
were of the opinion that Okada will
not be in power much longer. Au-
thoritative sources stated that his
premiership must be terminated and
replaced by a government headed
by "a man of great prestige and in-
fluence, capable of restoring the shak-
en national morale."
Loyalist Troops Arrive
The government itself disclosed
Okada was still living as loyal troops
moved into the area of government
buildings which 1,000 rebel soldiers
had held since last Wednesday when
they attempted to overthrow the gov-
It was then that members of the
group shot down Admiral Viscount
Makoto Saito, former premier and
lord keeper of the privy seal, Corekiyo
Takahashi, minister of finance, Gen-
eral Potaro Watanabe, chief of mil-
itary operations, and Admiral Kan-
taro Suzuki, lord chamberlain of the
imperial court
Of these, Admiral Suzuki alone
survived. Although gravely wounded,
he was said by an official of the im-
perial household to be recovering,
following a blood transfusion Fri-
The assassins tried to kill Okada
and it was not until yesterday that
the world outside the palace knew
he had escaped.
Killed At Dawn
A group of men sworn to "remove
corrupt influences from around the
throne," went to his home just be-
fore dawn Wednesday and called him
out into the snow-covered garden.
A man appeared in answer to the
summons, and they killed him with
The war office announced at that
time that the victim was Okada,
but today it was disclosed that the
man who lost his life was Okada's
brother-in-law and secretary, Col.
Denzo Matsuo.
The authorities' secrecy as to the
actual victim apparently misled even
the assassins, for, prior to the offi-
cial announcement, there was not
even a rumor that Okada still lived.
Faculty Loses
Thomas Reed

The resignation of Prof. Thomas H.
Reed of the political science depart-
ment has been received and accepted
by the Board of Regents.
A member of' the political science
faculty since 1922, Professor Reed bas
in recent years during leaves of ab-
sence engaged in municipal consult-
ing work and advising various cities
on governmental problems. His rep-
utation in the field of municipal gov-
ernment is world-wide.
At the present time he is manage:
of the National Municipal League
in New York City which is under
the general direction of L. W. Dobbs,
a professor at Princeton University.
In recent years practically all the
work by Professor Reed has been in
helping various cities in problems of
city administration of government
and serving on different committees
and cmmissions on municipal gov-

T T 'A &1._I I! l 7 -T i v 1I m w UI -= 1- - - IV- "

Happy, Modest, Frof. Strauss.
Thinks World Is Growing Better
Says Optimist's Philosophy I!ent-day standards," he said proudly,
Has Come From Study "but I am not. There are now more
HFygood things than ever.
Of Browning's Works "For instance, frankness," he
pointed out. "People now call a
By FRED WARNER NEAL spade a spade." With a smile he re-
Happy and contented as he looks ferred to the "noble experiment," and
back over his 42 years as a member declared that "on the whole I think
of the University faculty, that mild- there will be less dissipation and
mannered,rmodestscholar, Prof. drunkenness than before prohibition.
Louis A. Strauss, retiring chairman Drinking is now only a moral ques-
of the English department, views the tion so far as hygiene is concerned."
future confidently and thinks the "It is the business of the Universi-
world is growing better. ty to make the best of democratized
.Itishislif log wrk th stdyeducation," Professor Strauss assert-
It is his life long work - the study ed, "and it is a very good thing that
of RobertrBrowning's poetry - that is it is." Such a condition, he said, may
largely responsible for Professoritendsomwch at opditonthe cul-a
Strauss' optimistic attitude, he ex- to pull down the cul-
plained, and then reluctantly told (Continued on Pale 2)
how he started on the career which
now finds him one of the most world- M odern M
famous authorities on that great poet. 6 a 5
He told it reluctantly because he Ge
doesn't see "why you should inter- Gods Seubet
view me anyway. There are a lot of
great men here who have important A
views of interest," he smiled. "But u c s
I'm not great. My life has been very
uneventful." 11.

lash In War
Trade Asked
By Roosevelt
Hails Embargoes As 'New
And Definite Step' To
American Peace
Applies Resolution
To tly, .Etiopia

tired Varsity
Hockey Team
Defeated, 4-3
Michigan Tech Overcomes
Early Two-Goal Lead
In Last Period
Back Injury Keeps
James Out Of Game
Fabello, Heyliger Score
In First Period, Lose
Power In Overtime

I raeliren ueteat
Indiana lIn Hectic,
Surprising Battle

Speaks Here Today

Varsity Forced'
From Behind
50 2/3 To 44

To Come
To Win,


Prohibiting Loans
Trade Extended To
1, 1937


Joined Faculty In 1893
When, in 1893, after being graduat-
ed from the University, he became an
assistant in English, Professor Strauss
frequently found himself alone when
students failed to take advantage of
his office hours. On his desk was a
small book, "Introduction to Brown-
ing," by Prof. Hiram Corson of Cor-
nell University, which he read in
those leisure hours. And then and
there, he related, he decided that
Browning, a subject at the time
,thought to be only for "highbrows,"
needed , teaching. He suggested it
and shortly afterwards started giv-
ing the first course in Browning in
the University.
"It's a lot of fun, teaching Brown-
ing," Professor Strauss laughed (He
will continue with his teaching after
resigning his chairmanship). "It's
the most grateful subject a person
can teach. Young people like Brown-
ing. He is virile, robust. He is a
man. And his greatest appeal is
that he has so wide a range of sym-
pathies and interests."
Changes For Better
Despite the fact that the change in
life after the World War, from the
Victorian age to the present, came as
''a violent shock to all older people,''
Professor Strauss thinks the changes
were for the better. "Many of my
contemporaries are shocked by pres-
A New Daily Feature
Beginning today, The Daily will
present each Sunday "The Week
In Review," a concise, analytical
summary of world and national
news of the past week. This fea-
ture is to be found on page two.

Wesleyan tuna .t o nova
Discussion On Kagawa
in Stalker Hall
The relationship between God andl
the man of the present age will fea-
ture the discussions in five local
churches today.
The student forum of the First
Presbyterian church, at 9:45 a.m. in
the Masonic Temple, will discuss
"What Evidence Can We Find for the
Thought of God in History?" The
sermon by Dr. William P. Lemon,
which begins at 10:45 a.m., will be
on "The God of the Average Man.
The Westminster Guild meets for a
discussion at 6 p.m.
The life of Kagawa, Japanese co-
operator, who is coming to Ann Arbor
later this month, will be the topic of
discussion at the Wesleyan Guild
meeting to be held at 6 p.m. tonight
in Stalker Hall. The subject for Dr.
Charles W. Brashares' sermon at
10:45 a.m. in the First Methodist
church will be "What Christ Can
Do for Inferiority Complexes."
The morning service of the Congre-
gational church will begin at 10:30
a.m. with a sermon by Allison Ray
Heaps on "The Bread of Life." The
Rev. H. P. Marley of the Unitarian
church will be the guest speaker at
the student meeting at 6 p.m.
The Rev. Mr. Sayles will speak on
"God and These Times" at 10:45 a.m.
in the First Baptist church. The
Roger Williams Guild meets in the
Guild House at noon to discuss
"Christian Social Action" and at 6
p.m. to hear Vung-Yuin Ting, '39M,
speak on Confucianism.
The service at the St. Andrew's
Episcopal church will begin with Holy
Communion at 8 a.m., followed by
(Continued on Page 2)

WASHINGTON, Feb. 29.-(A)-
A new appeal to Americans to re-
frain from excessive trading with
belligerent nations was issued today
by President Roosevelt, coincident
with his signing of the amended neu-
trality resolution and his immediate
application of it to Italy and Ethi-
Hailing the addition of a ban
against loans to warring nations as
"a new and definite step" toward
American peace, despite conflicts
abroad, the President added this
"On Oct. 5, 1935 I issued a procla-
mation which made effective the
(arms) embargo (of the earlier law)
with respect to exportations to Italy
and Ethiopia, and I have now issued
a new proclamation in order to meet
the requirements of the new enact-
The measure he signed into law ex-
tends the neutrality act of 1935 from
today until May 1, 1937. It contains
authority to embargo arms and am-
munition to belligerents, with the ad-
dition of a prohibition against loaned
credits to such countries. It forbids
also either the purchase or sale of any
obligations of a government against
which an arms embargo has been de-
ROME, Feb. 29. - (A) - While Fa-
scist sentries occupied Amba Alaji,
erasing the defeat of 40 years ago,
Italian soldiers and Ethiopian sol-
diers of Ras Kassa clashed today in
the Tembien section of the northern
Reports of the battle came to Rome
from Marshal Pietro Bodaglio, head
of Il Duce's Ethiopian army. His
communique read:
"While troops of the First Army
Corps reached Amba Alaji, troops. of
the Third Army Corps and those of
the Eritrean Army Corps attacked
on the north and south the forces of
Ras Kassa.
Amba Alaji fell before the invad-
ing forces with virtually no defense
according to the Italian reports.

Six leg-weary Michigan skaters
climbed the steep stairs to the dress-
ing room in the Coliseum last night,
beaten out of the State title by Mich-
igan Tech in a 4-3 overtime thriller.
But behind that defeat lies a story
-the story of six of the most cour-
ageous athletes Michigan has ever
boasted. Foi' 70 minutes of gruelling,
hard-checked hockey those six men,
playing without relief except for one
minute in the first period and 45 sec-
onds in the third, returned thrust for
thrust with a Tech team that made
excellent use of a pair of capable
forward lines.
Off to a two-goal lead in the open-
ing period, and withstanding a de-
termined Tech offensive throughout
the second, Michigan, just as they did
against Minnesota a week ago, weak-
ened in the third stanza.
Not Enough Reserves
But Michigan did not weaken be-
cause they let up or because they
allowed their alert defense to lapse;
they weakened because they did not
have the strength or power to go on.
Their stamina carried them to a win
Friday night and through the first
two periods last night, but to ask a
hockey forward to match the speed
and aggressivness of two men for two
complete games, the second an over-
time, is to ask the impossible, and it
is to the everlasting credit of those
half dozen men that totally exhaust-
ed, but never giving up hope, they
fought back doggedly until the final
Gib James, kept on the bench at
the start of the game, tried to play
mid-way in the opening period, but
was forced to retire by the back in-
jury which he received last night.
From then on the Michigan players
had no hope of relief.
Vic Heyliger opened the evening's
scoring when he broke up an em-
bryo Tech attack at the Husky red
line and swept in on the unprotected
Campbell. Vic faked Campbell to the
right and then picked the opposite
corner with a beautiful shot.
Johnny Fabello Scores
The second Wolverine goal came
when a drive from the stick of Johnny
I Fabello got past Campbell and bound-
ed out again. It was ruled a valid
score but Tech's Captain Latimer
requested that the goal judge be re-
Michigan was on defense through-
out the second period and most of the
third, but Tech's sophomore line of
Abb, McCarthy, and Stack came on
mid-way in the third period and tied
up the score with two quick fire goals,
one by Abb and one by McCarthy.
The overtime period was a contin-
uation of the bruising play which had
characteristized the whole game. Nek-
ervis scored for Tech from in close,
and with less than four minutes to go,
Ken Pelto made the score 4-2 with an-
other shot on which Shalek had no
chance to save.
Fabello counted for Michigan on a
brilliant solo dash a moment later,
but the Wolverines had shot their
bolt, and could only hack exhaustedly
at the puck during the remaining
minutes of play.

Two Speechesk
Planned Today
By Msgr. Ryan
Speaks On Intellectualt
Elements In Religion
At Faculty Luncheon
The need for rational considerations
and examination of one's own relig-E
ious creed was stressed by the Rt.
Rev. Msgr. John A. Ryan of the Cath-
olic University of Washington, in thet
first of his two Ann Arbor addresses
in the Union yesterday.]
Monsignor Ryan will occupy the
pulpit at the 10:30 a.m. mass in St.
Mary's Student Chapel today and will
deliver a public lecture on "The Cath-
olic Church in Contemporary Life" atj
8 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohnj
Theatre. -
Speaking at a faculty luncheon1
yesterday, Monsignor Ryan urged aj
critical analysis of the religious con-
cepts one possesses. He said one who
accepts a certain concept of religion4
purely on the basis of emotion is to I
be condemned just as fully as he who
rejects religion without a rational
examination of it.
"To be sure," said Monsignor Ryan
in part, "a man can investigate these,
historical facts or alleged historical
facts (contained in the New Testa-
ment), if you please, and find him-
self unable to accept them as true.
In that case, his unbelief is the out-
come of a rational process." "I desire
to make it clear," Monsignor Ryan
said, "that the Christian faith is not
irrational; it is not vague intuition
nor the outcome of vague inner ex-
perience, or fond trust, whether we
consider its foundations or the pro-{
cess by which it is or can be re-
Threats, Promises
Denied By Hoffman
TRENTON, N J., Feb. 29.--o)-
Gov. Harold G. Hoffman, in a sharply
phrased letter to Col. H. Norman
Schwarzkopf, head of the state police,
denied today he had any knowledge
of "threats or promises" made by his
representatives to state troopers who
I worked on the original Lindbergh kid-
nap investigation.

Conference Indoor
Loss Of Dan Caldemeyer
Handicap To Hoosiers;
Upsets Numerous

For the second successive night a
4ichigan team came from behind to
vin the final event and to keep a
ong dual-meet record clear as the
Volverine track squad last night de-
eated Indiana, 50 2/3 to 44 1/3, in
ost Field House, repeating a like
>erformance by the swimming team
he previous evening.
The Michigan track victory, which
ept an indoor record of seven years
ntact and renewed hopes for a suc-
essful defense of the Big Ten title,
ame in one of the wildest meets in
ecent years as previous perform-
nces went for nothing and practical-
y every track event saw a favorite
Relay Team Wins
Indiana, without the services of
)an Caldemeyer, hurdles and high
ump star who is convalescing from
recurring attack of influenza, scored
even firsts to Michigan's three, but
ight outright seconds for the Wol-
'erines to one for Indiana brought the
wo teams to the mile relay with
dichigan leading by one and two-
hirds points. The remarkable Wol-
erine relay quartet of Fred Stiles,
larvey Patton, Stan Birleson and
Sob Osgood then ran a hard race but
won handily in 3:24.4 to provide the
vinning margin.
In a meet marked by surprises, the
utstanding feature was the removal
rom hitherto unquestioned supre-
nacy of the vaunted Hoosier distance
rio of Lash, Smith and Deckard,
>y a fighting quartet of Wolverine
nilers and two-milers.
In the mile, first event of the meet,
Jim Smith of Indiana asserted him-
elf in a last-lap drive over Ray
E'ink and Clayton Brelsford of Mich-
igan after a jockeyed pace by other
Mlichigan entries had forced Don
Lash and Tommy Deckard to the rear.
Brelsford made a bid against Smith
:m the last lap as Ray Fink caught
his teammate 15 yards from the tape
and surged through to a second.
The winning time was 4:22.5.
Staehle Edged Out
Bill Staehle, Wolverine sophomore
distance ace, almost drove the Ho-
iers out of a win in the two-mile,
but his bid for victory fell short as
Don Lash, Big Ten indoor andout-
door champion, went on to win in
9:24.7. Walter Stone of Michigan
trailed in third place while Deckard,
the early leader, faded behind Stone.
Smith, obviously burned out by his
race in the mile, was lapped by the
One Field House record was shat-
tered and another tied in the meet
as an "unknown," Malcolm Hicks,
surged across the finish in the quar-
ter-mile ahead of Stan Birleson and
Bob Collier, the favorites. Hicks'
time of 50.4 seconds broke Birleson's
old mark of :50.8.
In the high hurdles, a year-old
mark made by Willis Ward was tied
by Bob Osgood, for the second week
high-scoring individual of the meet,
for Michigan. Osgood ran the high
hurdles in eight seconds even and
added a first in the low hurdles
as well as running on the victorious
relay team.
Marmeduke Hobbs, Indiana's
middle-distance star, came from be-
hind to edge out Howard Davidson of
Michigan in the closest finish of
the meet, in the half-mile. His time
of 1:57 gave him a victory scant
(Continued on Page 3)
Suspension Threat
Confronts Badgers
CHICAGO, Feb. 29.-M)-The
Western Conference faculty commit-
tee gave the University of Wisconsin
a choice today between restoring ath-

Fcy Men Welcome Controversial
Social Questions In Class Discussions

Should a teacher bring into his
classroom controversial social and
economic questions?
Four replies to that problem in-
spired by the findings of a commis-
sion of educators, which reported to
the congress of the National Educa-
tion Association last week in St.
Louis, were given yesterday by Prof.
Preston W. Slosson of the history
department, Prof. Lawrence Preuss
of the political science department,{
and Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the so-I
ciology department.
The report of the commission,
drawn up after four years of study,
read in part: "The great need is for
a school program (in the social stu-
dies) that will deal boldly and firmly
with the problems of the age, neither
giving way to hysteria on the one
hand nor clinging blindly to tradi-
tion on the other . ."
Political Control A Menace
Responding to the question of the
duty of teachers to foster discussion
of controversial matter in class, Pro-
fessor Slosson stated:
"Should a teacher deal with con-
troversial subjects? Well, there can
be no question of that. About two-
thirds of all philosophy, sociology,
economics, and politics, and perhaps
one-third of history, and even cer-
tain advanced phases of the natural
science and philological and literary
studies involve disputed theories. The
only question is in what manner the
teacher should approach these battle

No question on earth has been more1
,7id.ely disputed than the origins of
tho World War, and few questionsi
awaken deeper prejudice and pro-
founder emotion. Naturally I have;
my own opinion on the subject, but
my first duty is to give the bare nar-
rative facts. My second duty is to'
give each of the principal interpreta-
tions of those facts which other'
schblarb have formulated and to re-
fer the students to their works for
direct study; and only when all this
Daily, 'Ensian
Business Staff
Tryouts for the men's business staff
of The Daily and both men and wom-
en tryouts for the Michiganensian
business staff will report tomorrow,
the former at 5 p.m. and the latter
at 4 p.m., at the Student Publications
Building on Maynard Street, officials
of the publications announced yester-
Tryouts for the women'srbusiness
staff of The Daily are to report at
4 p.m. Tuesday.
Those eligible to try out are fresh-
men and sophomoies who have been
on the campus one semester or more,
and who received, last semester, no

has been done to present my own
views and the reasons for them. I
imagine that these general principles
would be taken as axiomatic by near-
ly all conscientious university teach-
Professor Preuss made clear that
in his department and in all the so-
cial sciences, the realm in which there
is no unanimity of opinion is great.
Professor Preuss agreed with Pro-
fessor Slosson that it is the duty of
the teacher to make clear to students
that controversial subjects are con-
trove rsial.
Teacher 'Can Be Wrong'
"It is impossible to exclude 'con-
troversial matter' in the social
sciences or from the teaching of them
in class because their omission would
empty the studies of content," he
said. "It would mean avoid all im-
portant subjects."
On the subject of Communism,
Professor Preuss asked that a dis-
'inction be made between explain-
i.g its tenets and "propagandizing.'
"The word 'teaching'," he stated,
"is a bad one because it may mear
anything. In the eyes of many,
'teaching' means to inculcate, but
this meaning is not that one which
should be applied at school."
"There is no doubt but that it is the
duty of educators to bring into dis-
cussions all the sides of controvers-
ies," Professor Wood said, for if the
student cannot receive varied opin-
ions in school on controversial sub-
jects, he will probably never be able
to get them after he leaves. It is the


Vigorous Czechoslovakian Fight
For Democracy Seen By Cech

Whatever the rest of Europe does,'l
whether it goes communistic or fas-
cistic or back to democracy, Czecho-
slovakia will remain the same democ-
racy that it is today, Prof. Eduard
Cech, in the United States on sabat-
tical leave from the University of
Brno in Czechoslovakia, said yester-
Famous as an authority on pro-
jective differential geometry, Profes-
sor Cech professes no political astu-

help peace in Europe than they are
doing right now.
"Perhaps the League should be a
strictly European affair," he conjec-
tured, "and I like the United States'
policy of neutrality."
Here for a visit of two weeks, Pro-
fessor Cech spends almost all of his
time at the Institute for Advanced
Study at Princeton, N. J., where Dr.
Albert Einstein is also a guest.
He was the author of 31 journal
articles between 1921 and 1930 on
projective differential geometry, and

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