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May 13, 1936 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-13

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The Weather
Lower Michigan: Thunder-
storms, cooler in west today;
tomorrow fair, cooler.



Sex Education



Taft Given
Margin In
Ohio Vote
Report Of 358 Precincts
Show Borah Is Trailing
For All Positions
Roosevelt Swamps
Col. Breckenridge
Gov. Davey Leads Young,
Hubbell For Democratic
COLUMBUS, O., May 12.- UP) -
President Franklin D. Roosevelt,
polled 25,857 votes in 604 of the
State's 8,579 precincts tonight to
2,074 for Col. Henry Breckinridge in
the Democratic presidential prefer-
e'nce race.
In the Democratic gubernatorial
race, 819 precincts gave Gov. Martin
L. Davey 27,780, Stephen M. Young
18,272, and Charles 11. Hubbell 1,677.
COLUMBUS, O., May 12. - (d') -
Ohio's "Favorite Son" presidential
forces swept into a good lead late
tonight in a Primary Republican
delegate fight with fiery Sen. Wil-
liam E. Borah of Idaho.
Statewide voting put an entire
slate of eight delegate-at-large can-
didates favoring Robert A. Taft, son;
of the l'ate president, ahead of sevenl
Borah delegate-at-large candidates
on the basis of returns from 348 of
the State's 8,579 precincts.
Three of Borah's 28 district dele-
gate-candidates were leading in two
distrcits, but 21 "Favorite Son" dis-
trict delegate-candidates held leads
in 10 contested districts.
Two contested districts were un-
reported, while in eight others Taft
candidates were unopposed.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
swept into a commanding lead over
his New Deal foe, Col. Henry Breck-
inridge of New York, in the Demo-
cratic presidential preferential race.
Returns from 355 precincts gave
Roosevelt 14,145 to Breckinridge's
Gov. Martin L. Davey increased his
lead over two opponents for the pri-
mary Democratic nomination for
Davey polled 15,747 votes in 531
precincts. Congressman Stephen M.
Young of Cleveland, 11,661, and )
Charles H. Hubbell of Cleveland, 922.
The lowest "Favorite Son" candi-
date was Frank M. Ransbottom,
Zanesville industrialist, who placed
eight with 6,789, but was consider-
able ahead of the highest Borah
candidate, Daniel E. Morgan of
Cleveland, who polled 4,373.
CHARLESTON W. Va., May 12. --
(P)-Halting returns from West Vir-
ginia presidential primaries showed
President Roosevelt polling a great-)
er vote in his Democratic contest
than was cast for Senator Borah inI
the Republican Presidential prefer-
ence contest.
The first 44 of the state's 2,437
precincts to report gave Roosevelt
3,033 votes. He was assured of the
popular choice vote and all candi-
(Qoatinued on Pae 2)
Student Union;
Hears Report
On Low Wa es

The Student Workers Federation,
meeting last night at the Unitarian
Church, heard an analysis of working
condition of students employed in
restaurants, and suggestions for their
Tom Downs, '38E, chairman of the
committee to correlate grievances,
read the compiled report covering 17
eating places on the campus, in which
it was shown that wage rates are as
low as 14 cents an hour. A survey
of restaurant working conditions was
made, rather than a complete inves-
tigation, according to Downs, because
"it is reported that working condi-
tions are worst in restaurants, and
they depend directly on student pa-
The report declared that a great
number of owners of eating places had
indicated their hearty support of the
outlined program to stop exploitation
of student labor. In several places
students work an hour and a. half for
one meal, with complaints that they
are served stale food and short serv-

Students Are Unblushingly
Frank In Interviews On Sex

University Men, Women
Found More Intelligent
Than Average
"Higher than the average in intel-
ligence and maturity" with regard to
'sex matters are University of Mich-
igan students, according to Mrs. Flor-
ence Haxton Britten, who is here this
week conducting for Harper and
Brothers publihing company a sur-
vey of sex habits and attitudes.
Mrs. Britten, a writer for the New
York Herald Tribune and wife of Wal-
ter F. Bullock, American correspon-
dent of the London Daily Mail, has
interviewed more than 50 University
students, both men and women, since
she arrived in Ann Arbor Saturday.
And she reports that the world has
nothing to fear from the younger
geneation in the way of loose sex
habits if what she learned here is any
Mrs. Britten has conducted similar
series of interviews at 15 other col-
leges and universities, and 45 edu-
cational institutions have been can-
vassed through questionnaires. Dor-
othy Dunbar Bromley is working in
cooperation with Mrs. Britten, and
they will write a book to be entitled
"Youth Comes of Age." Its purpose,
she explained, "is to find out the sex
adjustment of the present genera-
tion and contribute to the sociological
information of the subject."
Mrs. Brittens' interviews are frank,
serious and scientific. She asks per-
sonal questions point blank and re-
ports that the answers she receives'
are "surprisingly frank." Men are "a
Winter To Give
Annual Henry
Russel Lecture
Delivers Talk Tomorrow
In Lydia Mendelssohn
On Papyrology
Prof. John G. Winter, chairman of
the Latin department and director
of the division of Fine Arts, will de-
liver the annual Henry Russel lecture
at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The winner of the Henry Russel
award will also be announced fol-
lowing the lecture. Both the Henry
Russel lecturer and the winner of the
award are selected by the Research
club of the University, of which Dr.
Heber D. Curtis is president.
The only restrictions concerning the
award are that it is to be given
to an assistant professor or instructor
whose work in research seems espe-
cially significant or seems to show
great promise.
Professor Winter, who has achieved
international recognition as a scho-
lar, is the eleventh faculty man to re-
ceive the honor of delivering the lec-
ture. The subject of his speech is
"Papryology: Its Contributions and
For many years Professor Winter
has been identified with the Univer-
sity. In 1919 he was appointed to a
professorship and has been chair-
man of the Latin department for sev-
eral years. le was a lecturer on the
Thomas Spence Jerome Foundation
of the American Academy in Rome in
1929 and is a member of many archae-
ological and philological societies in
America and in Europe.
Must Salute Flag
For Mouth As Fine
BATTLE CREEK, Mich., May 12.--
/P) -- The Battle Creek police were

well prepared tonight to facilitate the
flag salutes to be given for a thirty-
day period by Dan Keeler, 24-year-old
unemployed truck driver.
The salutes constitute a court sen-
tence imposed on Keeler by Justice
Will Cady after the youth was ar-
rested for wiping grease from his
hands on a flag.
Police officers had two flags to'
night. One was received in the mail
from a Brooklyn, N. Y., resident.
The first two days of Keeler's sen-
tence, there was no flag flying from
the police station. The Brooklyn man
wrote that he had read that the po-
lice were without one.
When Keeler reported yesterday
that he had a job near Charlotte, au-
thorities were about ready to excuse
him from his sentence. He showed up
this morning for the salute, explain-
ing the job had not materialized.4

little franker" than women, she
"Many of the moral taboos on sex-
ual relations that characterized the
Victorian era has been largely ban-
ished by the present generation, Mrs.
Britten declared. But, she main-
tained, "this generation is not so wild,
however, as that immediately follow-
ing the World War."
The reason for the "new attitude
that your generation" has toward sex
questions, Mrs. Britten believes, is
accounted for largely by the new free-
dom of action and elevated position of
Mrs. Britten was graduated from
the literary college in 1915 and ob-
tained her M.A. degree here a year
later. She is a member of Phi Beta
Kappa, a classmate of Dean Alice C.
Lloyd and belongs to Alpha Chi
Omega sorority.
Campbell Will
Spend Rest Of
Life In Prison
Pleads Guilty Of Bremer
Kidnaping; Is Sentenced
By JudgeJoyce
ST. PAUL, May 12. -(P)-In the
presence of the man he helped seize
and imprison for 22 days, Harry
Campbell, lame mobster of the Bark-
er-Karpis gang, today pleaded guilty
to conspiracy in the $200,000 Edward
G. Bremer kidnaping and was sen-
tenced to life in prison.
Sentence was imposed by Federal
Judge M. M. Joyce as Bremer, 39-
year old bank president kidnaped
Jan. 17, 1934 ,listened attentively
to the proceedings.
Campbell, seized in Toledo six days
ago by Federal agents, pleaded guilty
after five days of almost constant
questioning by Federal agents and
confessed, District Attorney George
Sullivan said, that he and his one-
time chieftain, Alvin Karpis, played
principal roles in the abduction.
Karpis, the nation's unofficial No.
1 Public Enemy under indictment as
a ringleader in both the Bremer and
William Hamm, Jr., abductions.
Hamm, president of a brewing com-
pany, was kidnaped June 15, 1933
and paid $100,000 for his freedom.
Sullivan diselsoed in court that
Campbell received only between $6,-
000 and $7,000 as his share of the
ransom. Although Campbell was
charged with both the actual kid-
naping and conspiracy to kidnap,
Sullivan moved for arraignment on
only the conspiracy charge.
Campbell will be taken first to
Leavenworth Penitentiary and later
probably transferred to Alcatraz
Island prison in San Francisco Bay,
where other members of the kid-
nap mob are serving time. Now in
Alcatraz for life are Arthur (Doc)
Barker, alleged co-leader with Karp-
is in the two kidnapers; Harry Saw-
yer, "Finger man"; Volney Davis,
who delivered theransom notes, and
William Weaver, one of the guards
at the Bensenville, Ill., "hideout"
where the banker was held captive
22 days in what he termed "a living
District Attorney Sullivan named
Campbell and Karpis as among the
actual kidnapers and said they drove
Bremer to and from the. "hideout"
in addition to acting as guards vir-
tually the entire period of imprison-

Peace Efforts
Crumbling As
Italians Leave1
League Members Leave At
Council's Condemnation
Of Italian Conquests
Council Adjourns;
Sanctions Remain
Alliance Between Italy And
Germany Is Predicted
By Statesmen'
GENEVA, May 12. - (P)- A fresh
effort to build up security for uneasy
Europe crumbled tonight when the
Italian delegation to the League of
Nations brusquely bolted from Gen-
eva at the imperative command of
Premier Mussolini.
The Fascists walked out after the
Council adopted a resolution which
was virtually a new condemnation of
Italy's conquest of Ethiopia.
Asserting it needed further time
"to consider the situation," the
Council adjourned until June 15.
Sanctions meantime will continue
against Italy.
Widespread pessimism also was
based on the fact that the Italians
boycotted a scheduled meeting of the
remaining Locarno powers to act on
Germany's renunciation of the treaty
Mussolini was reported flirting
with Adolf Hitler. Some saw the
possibility of an alliance between the
two dictators.
A reliable source here said a secret
exchange of Italo-German views took
place in Berlin yesterday and ob-
servers wondered if it was connected
with the withdrawal today of the
Italian delegates.
Great Britain was apprehensive of
her position in regard to the vital sea
route to India.
The League was worried lest the
departure of the Italians be followed
by Italy's resignation from the
Orders for the Italian delegation
to leave came from Rome. Baron
Pompeo Aloisi, head of the Fascist
delegation, announced his instruc-
tions to Dr. J. A. C. Avenol, secre-
tary-general of the League. Aloisi
had walked out of a private session
of the Council yesterday, refusing 'to
sit with the Ethiopian delegate, con-
tending Ethiopia no longer has sov-
ereignty but is Italian.
Leading members of the Council
had drafted a resolution in effect
condemning Italy. When Aloisi was
shown a copy of it he called it
"quite unacceptable to Italy." It
was modified somewhat before the
Council adopted it after Italy's de-
After learning that the Italians
were leaving ,the Council in a brief
public session adopted this modified
"The Council, having met to con-
sider the dispute between Italy and
Ethiopia, recalls the conclusion
reached and the decisions taken in
this matter by the League since Oct.
3, 1935, is of the opinion that furth-
er time is necessary to permit the
members to considernthe situation
created by the grave new steps tak-
en by the Italian government, de-~
cides to resume its deliberations on
the subject June 15, and considers
that in the meantime there is no
cause for modifying the measures
(sanctions) previously adopted in
collaboration by the members of the

Jordanite Bewvails
LOSS Of Departed
Delirium Tremens
Have you seen any delirium tre-
mens, commonly known as D.T.'s run-
ning around lately?
There are many cases on record in
which alcoholic patients have enjoyed
processions of vari-colored animals on
the wall, but Betty Hunter, '37, is
probably the first person who ever
became so attached to a mental me-
nagerie that she wished to keep it
after the cure. In any event, on page
2 of today's Daily is an advertise-
ment for one lost orange giraffe with
green and brown spots that answers
to the name of Clarabelle.
It is with fear in our hearts that
we further publicize this creature. If
you should perchance encounter Clar-
abelle the best advice that we can
give is that you immediately get in
touch with the University Hospital,
or go on the wagon.
To Miss Hunter and her search for
the missing monstrosity we can onlyI
give our condolences. If she will just
try and think how she encountered
Clarabelle in the first place and re-
peat that rather pleasant process
she may be happy. Or is it all just
a Jeep advertisement.
Eckener Lauds1
U. S. Courtesy
To Hindenburg
Zeppelin On Return Trip
To Germany With Good
Weather Foreseen'
MANY, May 12. -UP)- Dr. Hugo
Eckener, after predicting' a 40-hour
flight by the Zeppelin Hindenburg
from Lakehurst, N.J., to the English
Channel ,hit today at critics of ar-
rangements at Lakehurst to handle
the giant airliner..
A small group in the dining room
was discussing what one called "prim-
itive" arrangements at Lakehurst
when Dr. Eckener, president of the
Zeppelin Company, said sharply:
"Do you not realize what a tremen-
dous debt we owe the United States
government for courtesies extended?'
Why, Lakehurst would have been
closed long ago except for a promise
to me to keep it open for the Hinden-
"Do not criticize details in view of
this magnanimity."
Shortly after the Hindenburg left
the United States coast on the return
of its maiden North American flight,
Dr. Eckener said optimistically:
"The last weather reports indicate
we'll make favorable progress all the
way across, reaching the channel in
40 hours."
Later, over Nova Scotia, reports in-
dicated rain but Dr. Eckener said "we
will decide when we get nearer whe-
ther to detour or not."
Captain Ernst Lehman of the Hin-
denburg said he was "overwhelmed"
at the hospitality shown the zeppelin
crew at Lakehurst, New York and
The Hindenburg, which shattered
the Transatlantic record for lighter-
than-air craft on her westward cross-
ing, began the return trip to Germany
shortly after 10 p.m. last night, her
officers hopeful of an eastern record.
Her westbound trip took 61 hours, 38
Early morning risers along the
southern shore of Nova Scotia caught
glimpses of the ship before it headed

out over the North Atlantic. Her
speed was estimated at about 64 knots.
She passed Halifax at 5:00 a.m.
(Eastern Standard Time) and wea-
ther reports indicated rain and a
northeast wind.
Dispatches from Frankfort-on-
Main, Germany, said a triumphant
welcome awaited Dr. Eckener because
of the favorable reception given the
flight in the United States.
Recently the veteran dirigible ex-
pert, making the present trip in an
advisory capacity, had been reported
out of favor with the Nazi party be-
cause of his reported reluctance to
cooperate in the Reichstag election
But district Nazi party leaders plan
to present him with a silver cup when
the Hindenburg lands. An official
welcome planned in Frankfort was
seen as a probable step toward a com-
plete reconciliation between the Nazis
and Eckener.
Eckener's name was not mentioned
in German press reports when the
Hindenburg flew over,
JACKSON, May 12. - (/P) -As an

Brilliant Opening
Of Festival Brings
Music Lovers Here

11 Fraternities
Will Take Part
In Annual Sing
Interfraternity Council To
Conduct Affair On Steps
Of Library
Eleven fraternities had by list
night notified Robert E. Merrill,
'36E, chairman of the Interfratrenityr
Council Sing committee, that theyI
would compete in the second annual1
Interfraternity Sing at 7 p.m. Friday
on the Main Library steps.t
Merrill expected as many more
entries later last night or today for
the Sing, which will be given in con-
junction with the Union Sing. 1
Simultaneously Merrill announced
that Green Bros., local cleaners, hadf
donated a loving cup to be awarded
to the fraternity whose melody was
judged best. Burr, Patterson &1
Auld, local jewelers, have donated a
loving cup to be awarded for atten-
Judges who will decide the win-
ners of the awards will be Dean
Joseph A. Bursley, Prof. David E.
Mattern and Prof. E. William Doty,
both of the School of Music.
The Interfraternity Council is fol-
lowing successful movements at the;
University of Chicago and Wabash
University in developing the Sing as]
a tradition here.
Each fraternity will sing one Mich-
igan song and one fraternity song.(
There will also be mass singing,(
Merrill said.1
The fraternities which have al-
ready entered the competition and
their respective selections are as fol-;
Hermitage: College Days; BlackI
and Gold.;
Chi Phi: Drink a Health to Dear
Ann Arbor; Drink a Highball.
Chi Psi: Friars' Song; Chi PsiI
Phi Gamma Delta: Here's To'
Michigan; Fiji Sweetheart.
Phi Sigma Kappa: I'll Ne'er For-
get My College Days; Come Brothers,
Be Merry.
Psi Upsilon: College Days; Dear
Old Chimes.
Sigma Chi: (Michigan song un-
announced); Sweetheart of Sigma
Sigma Phi: The Victors; Good
Theta Chi: In College Days; (Fra-
ternity song unannounced).
Theta Delta Chi: Toast to Michi-
gan; Stars Ablaze.
Zeta Psi: Friars' Song; The Devil
Is a Jolly Good Fellow.
Pres. Ruthven
Endorses SCA
Tag Day Drive
President Ruthven urged "enthus-
iastic support" yesterday for the Stu-
dent Christian Association's tag days
Friday and Saturday to raise $1,000
for the University Fresh Air Camp for
"The Student Christian Association
of the University of Michigan could
hardly have chosen a more thought-
fully or directed its activities toward
a more direct and practical service
to the community," the President said,
"than by establishing and maintain-
ing its Fresh Air Camp.
"The project is one which is espe-
cially appropriate to an organization
made up of college men," he declared.
"The Camp has been very success-
ful in accomplishing its purposes and
is worthy of the continued and en-

thusiastic support of this campus."
The camp is located at Patterson{
Lake, 25 miles from Ann Arbor. At
it each year, underprivileged boys
from the city and the Detroit area
are given the benefit of outdoor rec-
MeNitt, Journalist
To Talk At League
Virgil McNitt, noted journalist and
director of the McNaught Newspaper

Stokowski Is To Conduct
Philadelphia Symphony
Orchestra Twice
Childrens Concert
Is Set For Friday
To Give Tribute To Bach
And Wagner In Opening
Concert Tonight
With the arrival here of singers,
musicians, conductors, critics and
music lovers, Ann Arbor yesterday
became the Mecca of the musical
world, a position which it will hold
throughout the course of the 43rd
Annual May Festival, May 13, 14,
15 and 16.
The brilliant program of this year's
Festival promises to make it an even
greater event than it has been in
former years. Leopold Stokowski is
to personally conduct two perform-
ances of his noted Philadelphia Sym-
phony Orchestra and the various con-
certs wil lfeature such artists as Lily
Pons, Julius Huehn, Rose Bampton,
Giovanni Martinelli, Paul Althouse
and Keith Falkner.
The opening performance tonight
will consist of an especially fine con-
cert, and will constitute a tribute
to Bach and Wagner, the famous
German composers. The Bach works
which will be presented are "Toccata
and Fugue in D Minor," "Aria,"
"Fugue in G Minor," "Come Sweet
Death" and "Passacaglia."
Wagner Numbers Planned
Selections from Wagner's operatic
compositions are to make up the sec-
ond half of the concert. Included in
these works will be "Prelude to 'Die
Meistersingers,'" "Prelude to 'Lohen-
grin,' " and "Love Music from 'Tristan
and Isolde.' "
In the second concert, to be given
tomorrow night, Elgar's "Caractacus,"
a fine choral work, is to be presented.
The solo roles will be sung by Miss
Vreeland, soprano; Mr. Althouse,
tenor; Mr. Falkner, baritone, and Mr.
Huehn, baritone. The Philadelphia
Orchestra and the University Choral
Union ,under the directioon of Prof.
Earl V. Moore of the School of Music
will accompany the soloists.
Friday afternoon is the date set for
the traditional event of the May Fes-
tival, the Children's Concert, when a,
selectedchorus of Ann Arbor school
children will sing a group of Christ-
mas carols and Pierne's "The Children
at Bethlehem." The carols on the
program are "O Little Town of Beth-
lehem," "Away in a Manger," and
"Silent Night,"
Pons To Sing
The Children's Festival Chorus is
to be directed by Juva Higbee and
Professor Moore. The Philadelphia
Orchestra, directed by Charles O'Con-
nell, associate director, will accom-
pany them. Another artist who will
be heard in this concert is Harold
Bauer, pianist. le will play Beetho-
ven's "Concerto No. 5 in E flat for
Piano and Orchestra," known as the
"Emperor Concerto."
The noted French operatic soprano,
Lily Pons, is to sing in the fourth
concert to be given Friday night. The
orchestra will open the program with
Brahms' "Symphony No. 1 in C Mi-
nor," including the movements, "Un
poco sostenuto - allegro," "Andante
sostenuto," "Un poco allegretto e
grazioso," and "Adagio, pin andante
--Allegro non troppo, ma con brio."
Miss Pons will sing first two arias
by Mozart, including "The Magic
Flute," and "Queen of the Night,"
from "Pamina's Air." Her next songs
will be Debussy's "La Cathedrale Eng-
loutie," the "Bell Song" aria fron
"Lakme" by Delibes, and "Fete dieu a
Seville," by Albeniz.
Dr. Stokowski will again direct the
Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra in
the concert Saturday afternoon in a
symphonic program. The selections

from this concert have been chosen
from the orchestral works of the mod-
ern composers, Sibelius, Stravinsky
and Tschaikowsky
Especially featured will be Sibelius'
Concerto in D Minor for Violin and
Orchestra, including three move-
ments: ::Allegro moderato," "Adagio
di molto," and "Allegro ma non
tanto." Mr. Zimbalist will play the
solo parts in this offering. To close
the concert the orchestra is to be
heard in the "Introduction," "Dance
of the Princesses," "Kastchei's In-
fernal Dance," "Berceuse," and "Fi-

boys Letters Attest To Worth
Of SCA Drive ForCamp Funds

With the SCA-sponsored Tag Day
to raise funds toward support of the
University of Michigan Fresh Air
Camp for Boys only two days off, the
committee in charge of the bucket
drive is busy today with many things
-winding up last-minute plans to
make this the most fruitful of all an-
nual drives.
George Alder, director, 'of the
camp, said last night: "It would be
impossible to carry on our project
were it not for the help of the Stu-
dent Christian Association fund. We
are deeply appreciative of the gen-
erous spirit shown each year by Mich-
igan students, whose donations go
toward the support of an eight-week
camp for 200 underprivileged boys
from Ann Arbor and the Detroit
"Better than any second-hand de-
scription of the camp, are these let-

money for you to stay out at camp
a few days how would you feel well
thats just the way I feel, greatful &
happy. The reason is because they
have friendly counsellors & a well
equiptted camp. Thanking you,-
Harold-, Detroit."
And another:
"Dear Mrs. Sigma Pi, I had the best
time of my life. I never swam in a
lake like this before, or a camp that
had boats like this one, the food is
of the best. Each boy picks out his
Interest Hour and stays in it for a
part of the camp period and then goes
to another. When he passes the
test he gets a head band. The camp
has a zoo that is growing all the time.
For leaders they picked out the fin-
est men they could fine. Yours
Here is another letter, written to
express appreciation to one of the,

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