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May 13, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-13

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European Tour
For 1iraduates
To Give Credit
Tour Visits 8 Countries1
NFW S~C Offering 6 Hours Credit
In Summer Session
A European study tour through
eight countries will be offered by the
Hook Proposes Safety University Summer Session for gradu-
For Veterans' Jobs uate students in education, Prof. El-
mer D. Mitchell of the School of
WASHINGTON, May 12. - (P) - Education, director of the tour, an-
A proposal to safeguard the Works nounced.
Program jobs of World War veterans The course, which offers class dis-
after they receive their bonus bonds cus'ion and study projects leading to
in June was made to the Senate s
Appropriations Committee today by two, four, or six hours credit, will
Rep. Frank E. Hook, Ironwood, Mich., devote particular attention to the
Democrat. study of health, physical education,
Hook said he suggested to the sports, recreation, vocational educa-
committee that the first deficiencytinyohmve nsautdc-
bill, which would provied $1,425,- tion, youth movements, adult educa-
000,000 for WPA, be amended to ex- tion, and children's hospitals, as
clude the bonus payment in determ- found abroad.
ining the eligibility of World War The cost of the tour, New York City
veterans for WPA jobs. The bill has and return, will be $491, traveling
passed the House. third class on the Cunard White Star
The Ironwood Democrat said he
had been informed relief authorities S S. Aquitania. This covers all
in Michigan issued an order recently expenses except the American pass-
that receipt of the Soldiers' Bonus port, tips, tickets to the Olympic
be considered a "resource" in de- games, laundry, and any personal
termining relief eligibility. purchases. The students enrolling in
"I discussed this situation with the trip for credit are required to
members of the Senate, Works Pro- pay the regular Summe Session fee
gress Administration officials, and of $34 in addition to the cost of the
representatives of the Veterans of trip. Graduate students entering the
Foreign Wars," Hook said. University for the first time must pay
_ ___a 'summer matriculation fee of $5 in
ENDaddition to the regular Summer Ses-
TTRADIO ion fee.
IĀ®The low cost of the tour is made
PG Apossible by the fact that the men-
I. __________________________bers of the party will be housed at
- student lodgings during their stay
6:WO-WJR Jimie stevenson. at oetz, Prague, Berlin and Lund.
WXYZ Easy Aces. Each student will be provided be-
6:15-WJR Jimmy Allen. fore the trip with a list of recom-
WWJ Dinner music. mended readings in books and cur-
WXYZ -Key Ring.
CLW Joe Gentile. rent magazines. Special emphasis
6:30-WJR Kate Smith. will be placed on the innovations that
WWJ Buletins.
WXYZ layinsReview. have taken place since the World
CKJ.W Rhythm Ramblings. War in each country's program of
':45 WJR Boake :Carter.
WWJ Ryhthm Review. health, gymnastics, sports, folk dances
WXYZ RubinofW-Peerce. and recreation. The European situ-
}.QKLW Song Recital.
:00-WJR Cavalcadie of America. ation in general will also be studied
WWJ One Man's Family, in order to orient the student as far
WXYZ Folies de Paris.
C1LW Phil Marley's Music. as possible for travel on the conti-
7:30-WJR Burns and Allen; nent.
Jacques Renard's Music.
WWJ Wayne King's Music. France, Germany, Austria, Hun-
WXYZ Lavender and Old Lace. gary, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Swe-
CKLW Music Box Review.
8:00-WJR Lily Pons; Andre Kostelanetz' den and England will be visited. In.
WWJ Fred Allen: addition, special side trips at extra
Peter Van Steeden's Music. expense may be arranged to Switzer-
WXYZ The Lone Raiiger land, Italy, Poland, Finland and
CKLW Variety Revue.
8:30-WJR Strange as it Seems. Russia.
W AYZ Co certWaientein's sin- The trip will cover a period of 65
fonletta. days, or nine weeks, from June 27 to
':5-WJR aports nstParade. September 1. Members of the tour
WWJ Your Hit Para e. may go to the Olympic Games if
CKLW Husbands and wives. they wish. Special events at the
9:15-WXYZ Claude McCoy. Olympics which will take place at this
0-WJR Marh ogi.time will be the opening ceremonies
CKLW Mart Kenney's Music. on August 1; the Dance Festival on
0:45-WJR Hot Dates in History. the same evening with such famed
CKLW Charioteers.
J0:00-VJR Duncan Moore. artists as Mary Wigman and Kreutz-
WXYZLowryClark's Music. berg participating; the track events
CKLWW Scores and News. continuing from August 1 to 8; the
W:15WJStudio Hour. Mumass demonstrations of Swedish,
WXYZ Don Bestor's Music. German and Sokol gymnastics on
CKLW Lloyd Huntley's Music. August 9 and 10; and the numerous
10:30--WJR Waltz Time.
WXYZ Anthony Trini international conferences listed.
10:45 -WWJ Evening Melodies. The social side of the trip is also
WXYZ Enoch Light's Music, emphasized by Professor Mitchell.
11:00-WJRMerle Carison's Music. This may mean the Opera or Mont-
WXYZ Baker Twins, marte in Paris, mountain climbing in
CKLW Hal Kemp's Music. the Tyrol, going to coffee houses or
411:15-WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Joe Rines' Music. light opera in Vienna, gypsy music in
11:30-WJR Xavier Cugat's Music. Budapest, cafes in Prague, rathskel-
W/WJ Bob Chester's Music.
WXYZ Luigi Romaneil's Music. lers in Germany, Finnish baths in
CKLW Ted Weems' Music. Scandinavia, bicycling or eating Da-
11 :45-WJR Meditations.
.2:00-WJR Max Leib's Music. nish pastries in Copenhagen and hav-
WWJ Russ Lyon's Music. igtai odn
WXYZ Bert Stock's Music. ing tea in London.
CKLW Clyde Track's Music. Candidates for the 'trip may pay
10 Sophe TucerDayusic. the Summer Session fee of $34 any
1:00-CKLW Ted Weems' Music. time prior to June 15, 1936. Checks
1:15-CKLW Joe Sander's Music. may be made payable to the Univer-

sity of Michigan and mailed to the
Taft Receives Leadh office of the Summer Session, Univer-
sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich-
0 no Pnlmary igan. Prof. Mitchell emphasized
strongly that students should make
Continued from Page 1 early application for the trip in or-
der that various arrangements for
dates for delegate to the national ship reservations and requests for
convention are pledged to him, tickets for the Olympics may be
In the same number of precincts assured.
Borah had 1,505 votes. He was con-
ceded the popular vote although QUARTERDECK ELECTS
there were some write-in votes for Quarterdeck, honorary society of the
Gov. Alf. M. Landon of Kansas. The department of naval architecture of
"write-ins" cannot be counted under the Engineering School, elected new
West Virginia law. officers last night. J. F. Goodrich,
A trend toward U. S. Senator M. '36E, was chosen commodore; G. W.
M. Neely, seeking reelection, de- Colberg, E. vice-commodore; C. G.
veloped in early votes deciding his Scott, '37E, purser; W. C. McNeil,
feud with his Democratic colleague, Grad., steward.
Rush D. Holt.
Their battling through the cam-
paign, with Holt charging the senior
Senator used the WPA to build a
political machine, played a large part TODAV TOMORROW,
in bringing out a heavy Democratic aX'FRDA
Holt battled for Ralph M. Hiner, DOUBLE FEATURE
former speaker of the House of Del-
egates. ALINE MacMAHON
The first 21 precincts gave Neely BASIL RATUBONE
2147 votes and Hiner 270.
____ ____ ____ ____ ___in
MCHIGAN "Kind Lady"
ANET 1,Qirco I0ri/' ,
r PICT----<-.
PICUR1Adolph Zukor presents
nor f:

Entrance To New Federal Depository

at~~~ FotKnx y.Fft rord
t- T
11 f
--Associated Press Photo
ive doorway will bestored six billion P.
es. It is the main entrance to the of
epository being built among armed M
at Fort Knox, Ky. Fifty armored F
eretiv onderonit in the caer ofh
)o YouPrefer,
Men Of Letters?
the psychological, sociological ques- ge
tionnaire printed below is being given Ke
in order to capture any sly and elu- of
sine fact~s regarding womanhood 1 l
which might be lurking behind some liR
of the beautiful green bushes which Sol
have recently bloomed on campus. F
The engineers are suspected of
brushing away the moth-balls from' M)
their alidades, theodolites, and slide- o
rules in an attempt to determine their d
relative ponderosity in the scale of ' M

On the other side of this impress
dollars in gold by the United Stat
mammoth, impregnable federal d
forces on the military reservation
trains will bring the gold hoard to s
six months when the work is comple
Co-eds, Which 1
Engineers Or
Fill Out The Blank Below
And Make Your Choice,
Slide Rules Or Shelley
The annual classic battle to the
death between Alpha Nu, the literary
college deb.ating society and Sigma
Rho Tau, which performs the same
function for the engineers, will take
place at 4:00 p.m. this afternoon. The
subject will be, "Resolved, That Co-
Eds Prefer Engineers," the engineers,
with a beautiful-to-see modesty, tak-
ing the affirmative.
Many grave consequences are ex-
pected from the debate because both
parties have engaged in a strenuous
research into the whims and foibles
of the fair sex, all parties concerned
laying claim to a superior charm.
Foul play has been charged by both
factions, the engineers charging that
* *

ev ii System
__p_ eClassiiled,
Vro-up Na es
etitive Bod NOTICES
WARNING: Only a reliable furrier
can clean youi' furs and fur coat
O Ci3tiO a 1 fTO Further withoutaharming the skins. 32
Ci ii Service Program. years of expert fur service recom-
Sicks Leaders for safe fur cleaning and storage,
- Phone 8507. 16x
LANSING, May 12...-(,P) --The
1'hi;an Merit System Association, NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair
. ntd ito further a state civil serv- and refinish furniture. Phone 8105.
i iogram, announced the choice A. A. Stihlman. 15x
day of nine of its 15 executive ciom- SELL YOUR OLD CLOThES: We'll
Stee members. buy old and new suits and over-
Thi association was launched at a coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
: n meeting here with George A. prices for saxophones and type-
-orn. Sault Ste. Marie newspaper writers. Don't sell before you see
itor and son of former Governor qam. Phone for appointments.
as S. Osborn, as president. W. 2-3640. lox
Lovett, of Detroit, executive sec- -
Airy, disclosed a list of 47 mem- EYES examined, best glasses made at
i who have agreed to serve on the lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M.
socialtion's general committee. graduate, 44 years practice. 549
Members of the executive commit- Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x
e who have accepted appointments WANTED
on the organization committee are:
ark L. Brody, of Lansing, Chair- WANTED: Double garage with elec-
1- Mrs. WeSta ehad of Aric- tric light on a quiet street in or near
,ygan; former Governor William A. Ann Arbor. Call 4121 Extension 361
nmstock; Charles Gessner, of Es- r write Daily Box 125. 478
John I. Keeton, of Munisin; Leslie-
Kefgen, of Bay City, a member LOST: Brown kid purse with glasses,
the State Prison Commission; Mrs. identification card, and other per-
alcolm V. Mackinnon, of Detroit; sonal belongings. Call 7721. 486
'ank A. Picard, of Saginaw, former WILL the young lady who found a
laiman of the State Liquor Control black life-time Shaeffer pen at 2
ommission and John Reid, of Lan- o'clock in front of the library please
ng, Secretary of the Michigan Fed- call 3262. 483
"at ion of Labor.-________ _______
The 47 members of the general com- FOUND: Pair of lady's white kid eve-
ittee who have accepted appoint- ning gloves. Corner South U. and
ents include: Forest. Friday. Call 9749. 482
Roger H. Andrews, Menominee pub- I LOST: All black Cocker spaniel, one
her: Js. Gray, Monroe newspaper year old, male without a collar.
ltor; William Haber, State Eme r- Phone 2-3171. 479
-ncy Relief Director; Walter I. Mc-_
enzie, of Detroit, former chairman LIFE FOR FOURTH OFFENSE
the Democratic State Central Com-
ill ee; Stuart H. Perry, Adrian pub- STANTON, May 12.-(P) --'Three
her; Louis R. Cornelius, of Grand previous felony convictions brought
ipids; David W. Kendall, of Jack- Russell Chub, 32, of Ashley, found
n; D. C. Shilling, of Kalamazoo; guilty of breaking and entering 11
itest R. Baldwin, of Berkeley. places in Crystal, a life term in south-
J. C. Osborn, of Owosso; Royal G. ern Michigan prison. Judge Royal A.
all, of Albion; G. I. Nipress, Sag- Hawley in circuit court sentenced
aw educator; Mrs. Siegel W. Judd, Chub as a fourth offender.
Grand Rapids; Miss Elizabeth M.
o kel, Allen Taylor, of Adrian and 15c TO 6 - 25c AFTER 6
Ei. L. A. HaIl, of Flint. 1T
T~f~t.IT WE-- -- NOW
DETROIT, May 12.-)(A'-Belief "'DAET ERD VS
at Detroit welfare affairs are re- DANGEROUS"
ruing to "a normal condition" was and
;pressed by John F. Ballenger Tues- J AC K HOLT
ay in resigning effective July 31 as
neral superintendent of the depart- "DANGEROUS
cut of public welfare. The public WATERS"
elfar'e commission postponed accept-
eg the resignation in hopes it could Extra -NEWS --CARTOON
eruade him to retain the post.

LOST: One giraffft. Orange with
green and brown spots. Answers
to name of Clarabelle. Sentimental
value. Reward. Betty Hunter. 594
Jordan. 487
"Hoover Insurance & Trust Service"
has a few openings in Detroit and
Michigan which olfer an excellent
opportunity to earn while receiving
a thorough practical business train-
ing. Juniors and seniors aspiring to
a business career should write, Da-
vid IR. Hoover, 848 Michigan Build-
ing, Detroit. 17x
SUMMER employment at pickle sta-
tions for men twenty years or older.
Only men who have had farim ex-
perience need apply. Interview rep-
resentative of H. J. Heinz Company
at Union on Thursday, 14th.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned
Careful work at low price. 1x
DURING May Festival comfortable
airy rooms for five people at 1240
Ferdon Road. Telephone 2-1697.
COLLECTION of choice antique fur-
niture, glassware, jewelry. Loca-
tion one block south of East Hill
Street offdBerkshire Road. 2122
Dorset Road. 484


Gala Opening
2May 18
''L IBE L"
and George SOMNES.
"A smoth, suave thriller. Smash-
ing and conclusive. Engrossing
from beginning to end."
-N. Y. Journal
75 cents,'$1" and $1.50; Wed. and
Fri. Mats., 50 and 75 cents. Phone

human values as determined by the
fairer members of the Wolverine
Co-eds are asked to fill out the
questionnaire, which will be collected
on campus by some embryo sceentist
interested in this research. The en -
ineers have chosen home grounds
on which to fight this battle of the
century, the debate being held on
Eigma Rho Tau's stump at the engi-
neering arch.
* *

i t t

Please answer these questions in one word:


Do you prefer manly men?
Are Liberal Arts men more manly than Engineers?
Do you like the calculating type of man?
Do you prefer the well-dressed man? (Esquire dictated).





. . _

5. Do you prefer the practical or the artistic type?
6. Do you prefer a good social manager?
7. Do you prefer the reserved to the forward type?
8. Do you prefer the strong silent type or the entertaining talka-
tive type?
9. Do you demand humor in a man?

- -___

Another Order
"The Only Exclusive"
1 s Tops


presents them in
on May 14th


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