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May 05, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-05

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TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1936


Publisned every morning except Mouday during tho
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mai)., $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.

John Milton once said:
" . . not to know at large of things remote
From use, obscure and subtle, but to know
That which before us lies in daily life,
Is the prime Wisdom . ..
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English depart-
ment remarked at the Spring Parley:
"We must consider the problems of human na-
ture before the problems of political or economic
systems, and Spring Parleys will go on futilely
discussing improvements in these systems unless
first are discussed improvements in human qual-
The man in the street says:
"Higher education is fine, but first you've got
to have good, hard, common sense."
In face of all this - and you could supply your
own quotations - how shall we look upon our spe-
cialized and more or less complex college educa-
All of us are aviators flying planes of diverse
and unique design, according to our special apti-
tudes. Our ability to keep from crashing depends
on our ability to manipulate the instruments of the
plane - for which ability we spend years in
preparation. Yet no matter how proficient we are
as aviators, if it were not for a certain law of na-
ture, called gravity, there would be nothing to keep
us from spinning off into space.
As pilots we must develop instrument-knowledge
to succeed. There is, however, no immutable force
to keep us from spinning off into complete ineffec-
tuality up in the stratosphere of "obscure, subtle,
remote" knowledge. We must create that force out
of our common sense, out of our earthy ties in
sympathetic human nature, out of our capacity to
receive, as does Kettering, the simplicity which
is the essential part of the problems of daily life.


Th e Conning Tower
On Reading Rudyard Kipling's Last Story-
"'Teem' - A Treasure-Hunter"
W HEN Rudyard marched to Paradise
In answer to the Call,
He summoned all his company
Because 'e liked 'em all;
His children, his women,
His animals, his men,
He marched them with him through Gates
That Never Ope Again.

A Washington

ik/ASHINGTON, May 5. -There isT TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1936
some evidence to be found in VOL. XLVI No. 150
Secretary Roper's reemployment Notices
speech to the United States Chamber President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
of Commerce convention that the New at home to the students on Wednes-
Deal administration actually feels al- 'day, May 6, from 4 to 6 p.m.
most as confident of President Roose- To Members of the Faculty and
velt's reelection as "Sunny Jim" Far- Others Interested: Each year the Uni-
ley says it is. versity arranges housing accommoda-
As always, when tuned up on his tions for its guests at the annual
favorite government - and - business- conference of the Michigan Inter-
partnership theme song, "Uncle Dan" scholastic Press Association. This
was conciliatory and reassuring. Yet year, because of the calendar con-
he did not fail to crack the whip. flict with Mothers' day week-end
Failing "substantial" progress in re- (which cuts down the number usual-

Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. CongerRobert Cummins, Richard G. Her-
shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes.
Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D.
Rports Department: Wiliam R. Reed, Chairman: George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman.
Wmn's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions. Lyman Bittman.
If Not;
Throw ThemOut...
ROYAL CITIZENS who are anxious
for peace, nationally and interna-
tionally, should keep a sharp eye these days on
their representatives in Congress and watch how
they vote on the military bills now pending.
Coming on the heels of greatly increased army
and navy appropriations of more than $1,000,000
these measures, if enacted, will build up trained
reserves, in addition to the regular standing army,
also recently increased, at a rate of 1,000,000 men
per year, a rate that is nothing but madness - war
For example, consider the proposals of Rep.
John J. McSwain, South Carolina Democrat, chair-
man of the House military affairs committee and
ii menace to his country. Mr. McSwain, supported
by the high command of the army, would force
upon the country:
1. Enlistment in the regular army of 500,000
men for one year periods.
2. Enlistment for six-month periods of unem-
ployed graduates of high schools and colleges. No
limit on the number.
3. Enlistment for a period of from two to five
months of all men leaving the Civilian Conserva-
tion Corps with honorable discharges. This last
bill could, in no time at all, provide for an added
army personnel of 300,000 men.
It is our firm conviction that Mr. McSwain and
all representatives and senators who vote for these
bills should be defeated. And it is our advice that
every voter watch closely to see how his Congress-
man votes.
The Daily has long contended that the present
army of the United States, with the Reserve Offi-
cers Training Corps and National Guards, is quite
adequate at the present time. As we scan the
troubled horizon of the world today, we are unable
to see where the United States can be involved
in a war, if - and that is an important word -
the persons at the head of the government are
determined to keep us out.
Passing huge army and navy appropriations
and boosting the size of standing and reserve
forces, we have said and we say again, is not a
course that will keep us out. There is nothing like
preparedness for war - when preparedness means,
as it does in this instance, bigger armies and
navies - that begets war. The United States, we
maintain, is fully prepared today, but the natural
thing to do with bigger armaments is to use them.
This line of reasoning does not even take into
consideration the damning armament races which
such increases in defense machinery create. It
does not consider the terrific expenditures with
which this country is already burdened. It does
not consider the several million jobless and hungry,
for whom the money could be spent with much
better purpose.
The people of this country have adequately dem-
onstrated, we feel, their opposition to war -and
what sane people have not? The youth of this
country, especially, through peace demonstrations
as we have had here at Michigan, have served
notice on their governors that they will do anything
to keep out of war.
The wishes of the American people have been
clearly and unmistakably demonstrated. Will
their representatives in Congress follow them? If

not, we say throw them out.
Things.. .

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
fhversity. Copy received at the office of th' Assistant to the President
1 tsi 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


Letters published in this column should not be
construedsas expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
The 'Learned Profession'
To the Editor:
Chalk up one, not for The Daily, or Gargoyle,
but for the New York Times - stiff competition,
I'll admit. The Times of Friday, May 1, features
two stories, one of Williams College and below it,
of the University of Michigan.
President Tyler Dennett, in response to informa-
tion that the Reich Ministry of Education gives
special training to all young men going abroad,
to aid them in spreading the ideology of National
Socialism, announced that the system of exchange
scholarships would lapse in June. "One of the in-
dispensable conditions for study in an American
college is an open mine; it seems unlikely that
anyone who is officially committed to any political
program to the point where he is not at liberty
to change his mind as to the rightness or wrong-
ness of a governmental system would profit by
what an American college has to offer; it is hardly
likely that anyone so handicapped would be con-
sidered here. We do not select our scholarship
recipients that way." The trustees took action
on the matter last February.
The second article deserves reproduction in toto.
"The University of Michigan authorities today con-
firmed a previous announcement that two uni-
versity delegates would attend the celebration of
the 550th anniversary of Heidelberg University
in June. This announcement was made despite
the fact that the Nazi political machine would
assume an important role in the celebration.
"President Alexander G. Ruthven of the Univer-
sity of Michigan stated he believed that Germany's
persecuting of Jews and Catholics had been no
worse than Italy's treatment of the Ethiopians,
and recalled that academicians from all parts of
the world attended similar scholastic ceremonies
in Rome a year ago, which were presided over
by Premier Benito Mussolini."
What can a humble student, not yet initiated
'into the realms of higher learning, add to this
statement, except to say that he has not yet re-
covered from the shock; he can't believe this report
to be true. Since when do two wrongs make a
right? Or is the degree and comparisons of per-
secutions the major criterion necessary to denounce
intellectual despotism? Or have persecutions be-
come an accepted part of our mores?
With all due respect to President Ruthven, I
might add that were I president, I wouldn't only
recall "academicians from all parts of the world"
but would also recall Oxford and Cambridge in
their decision; venerable intellectual fortresses
indeed, and an honor certainly to be lined up with
them in any capacity. I would also recall that
Harvard refused Hanfstaengel's (Putzy) gift. I
would recall an editorial in the New York Times
of April 12 which partly read, "The Bishop of
Durham spoke with hot indignation of the dis-
tinguished university scholars whom the Nazi re-
gime has driven into exile. But he had in mind,
too, the lot of the university teachers left be-
hind. . . . And thus the question arises whetherI
it helps or hinders these opposition scholars and
teachers when the foreign learned world throngs
to the Nazi festivals and. commemorations . . .
The learned visitors who come to Heidelberg Uni-
versity for the June 30 festival will become in the1
hands of the Nazi propagandists a foreign endorse-
ment of something far different from the Heidel-I
berg idea or the university idea; June 30 is the1
anniversary of Hitler's famous 1934 purge . . .
Our international system makes it incumbent ont
governments and their citizens sooner or later to1
bend before a foreign de facto regime. But there
is no obligation on the private citizen anywhere
to have barter with intellectual despotism in a1
foreign land . . . the duty of unofficial opinion to
raise its voice against de facto oppression in any1
However, we have yet to witness Harvard's re-1
naction, since she also acceted the Heidelberg invi-

Because the Call came suddenly,
With little time for packing,
He scarce had time to look around
To see if aught was lacking.
And so he left behind him,
By an unlucky chance,
One single tiny creature,
A little dog of France, -
A little dog, a little dog,
A little dog of France.
Teem was an Artist,
Who dreamt the Artist's Dream.
Teem was an Artist,
A Follower of the Gleam.
When Rudyard joined the Children,
The Children known as "They,"
He told them Just-So Stories
At the dawning of the day.
And later, in the gloaming,
When pipes were lighted up,
He sat with Stalky and McTuck
And passed a friendly cup.
But, deep in the midnight darkness,
When the Loneliness began,
He felt the loss of a Questing Nose
That is not known to Man,
Teem was an Artist,
Who dreamt the Artist's Dream.
Teem was an Artist,
A Follower of the Gleam.
Teem, who pried for truffles
With his prime artistic snout,
Dug up the finest trophy
From the country round about;
Trotted all along the road
Where Earth and Heaven meet,
And laid this precious treasure
At Saint Peter's feet.
Peter thought is was a toy
And threw it as a ball;
And Teem was saddened that the Saint
Did not know at all.
Teem was an Artist,
Who dreamt the Artist's Dream.
Teem was an Artist,
A Follower of the Gleam.
Saint Peter thrice denied him,
And looked at him askance:-
A little dog, a little dog,
A little dog of France.
But Teem was not to be denied:
And, with his primal snout,
ie nosed his way round Heaven's Wall
And compassed it about.
He dug, as erst for truffles,
Beneath high Heaven's Wall,
And earned his entry to the State
That Nevermore Shall Fall.
Teem was an Artist,
Who dreamt the Artist's Dream,
Teem was an Artist,
A Follower of the Gleam.
Mulvaney and MacAndrew,
Mrs. Hauksbie, Strickland, Kim,
We clustered round a Brushwood Pile,
All listening to Him.
When a tiny tattered creature,
With eyes and tail a-dance,
Came trotting in to join the group,-
A little dog of France,-
A little dog, a little dog,
A little dog of France.
Teem was an Artist,
Who dreamt the Artist's Dream,
Teem was an Artist,
A Follower of the Gleam.
Mr. Laurence Axman, attorney for the alleged
whist alleged gamblers, said, "If somebody
charges admission to a theater where entertain-
ment is supplied there is clearly no gambling."
Clearly? When you buy a ticket to a play, it is,
our contention is, a gamble. (If the play is ex-
cellent, you win, the odds being about ten to
one; if it is bad, or you think that it is, you

lose an evening and the price of a ticket or two.
It may interest the attorneys for the bridge
teachers to know that this department has con-
sidered the game too slow for gambling pur-
poses. To our prejudiced notion it is a shade
snappier than horse racing. Gambling should
have about three-quarters luck in it. Take Mr.
Ira Gershwin, as most players do; "throw skill to
the dogs," he says, "I'll none of it," as he draws
three cards to a pair of non-contiguous hearts,
hoping to catch a flush. - F.P.A.
thing I am certain - the learned profession has
miserably failed the society which gave it its
opportunities and looked to it for salvation - wit-
ness Republican economist No. 1 of Harvard, T.
Carver, who obviously having exhausted his eco-
nomic knowledge, suggests we adopt some of Hit-
le and Mussolni'nn niPC in ar eina--

employment, he said, "a longer period
of increased taxation" lies ahead with
those taxes coming "largely from
business earnings."
AS THAT Roper speech without
question was carefully read at
the White House before delivery -
quite possibly by the President per-
sonally since it was to amplify his
challenge to business to step up its
reemployment efforts -it rates spe-
cial attention.
Via Roper, business has been pro-
vided with a 10-point administration
blue-print of how to go about the
stepping-up process. And via Lewis
Brown, chamber spokesman in what
amounted to a government-business
debate of the problem, the New Deal
has been presented with a six-point
list of counter suggestions. Despite
the very conciliatory tone of both
speeches, the reader of both"is apt to
see the same head-on collision of
views between business and the New
As a background of Roper's blunt'
warning of continued high taxes on
business earnings unless the reem-
ployment problem is solved, it might
be noted that within a few hours of
his address, the House had whipped
through the first rough draft of the
new tax bill, three-to-one, with less
than a dozen Democratic dissenters.
And that in an election year when
tax legislation is so highly unpopu-
lar to all House members facing re-
election campaigns.
AND almost simultaneously on the
political front, the New Deal was
doing something else to indicate that
it does not feel under any particular
compulsion to truckle to business as it
surveys election prospects. It was
naming Senator Wagner of New York,
Wagner of 7-A and labor board bill
fame, to pilot the committee at Phila-
debate of the problem, the New Deal
Democratic platform.
That assignment assures an espe-
cially powerful voice in committee for
the labor point of view. It can bet
regarded as designed to strengthen
the New Deal appeal to labor election
day; but it hardly tends to reassure
business as to future New Deal legis-
lative moves should the reemploymentl
bugbear carry over into the next ad-
The House virtually snapped its
fingers at spokesmen for business who
were inveighing against the tax bill
before chamber convention sub-meet-
ings eve as the House vote was taken.
It just so happened, however, for
under the special rule the measure
came to a vote just about then. Yet
as indicative of the judgment of the
mass of House Democrats on what
will be voter reaction between now
and November to the President's
"suggestion" of reaching undistribut-
ed corporation surpluses for tax pur-
poses, the vote was significant.

ly accommodated in sororities and
fraternities), and because of an an-
ticipated record-breaking attendance,
it is necessary to secure additional
rooms for the nights of Thursday,
May 7, and Friday, May 8. Those
having rooms suitable for these high
school editors will please write or
telephone details to Maynard Hicks,
journalism secretary, room 213 Hav-
en Hall, campus phone 485.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information: In
order to render the most service to
the individuals on the campus, we are
arranging to meet groups of students
with common interests. This is being
done for the purpose of calling at-
tention to various opportunities and
for the purpose of discussing better-
methods of procedure.
Groups are scheduled as follows:
1. All graduate students interested
in teaching on Tuesday, May 5, at
7:30 p.m. in Room 116, Michigan
Union (Attention is called to the
fact that this group has been changed
from Thursday, April 30.)
2. All Seniors interested in get-
ting business positions on Tuesday,
May 5, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 116,
Michigan Union.
3. All Graduate Students interest-
ed in business positions on Wednes-
day, May 6, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 116,
Michigan Union.
T. Luther Purdom.
Notice To Seniors, Graduate Stu-
dents: Diploma fees are payable now.
Early settlement is necessary for the
preparation of diplomas. In no case
will the University confer a degree at
commencement upon any student
who fails to pay fee before 4 p.m.
Monday, May 25.
In case the Faculty does not recom-
mend any paper, the fee will be re-
funded on surrender of receipt for
The above applies also to fees for
all special certificates.
Candidates for degrees or certifi-
cates should at once fill out card at
office of the Secretary of their own
college or school, pay the cashier* of
tie University, have card receipted,
and file indicated section of this re-
ceipted card with the Secretary of
their own school or college. (Stu-
dents enrolled in the Literary Col-
lege, College of Architecture, School
Sof Music, School of Education, and
School of Forestry and Conservation,
please note that blank forms should
be obtained and receipted cards filed'
in the Recorders' office, Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall.
Please do not delay until the last
day, but attend to this matter at
once. We must letter, sign, and seal
approximately 2,000 diplomas and
certificates, and we shall be greatly
helped in this work by early payment
of the fee and the resulting longer
period for preparation.
Shirley W. Smith.
*-The Cashier's Office is closed on
Saturday afternoons.
Instructors of Engineering College
Courses whose classes are too large to
be examined properly in their regular
classrooms, will please report that
fact to the undersigned representa-
tive of the Committee on Classifica-
tion, before May 9, starting the num-
ber of students in each class that
must be accommodated.
H. H. Higbie.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of United
States Civil Service Examinations for
Associate and Assistant Naval Archi-
tect, (Optional Branches, Ship Piping
and Ventilation, Hull Structures and
Arrangements, Scientific Ship Calcu-
lations, General, Small Boats), salary,
$2,600 to $3,200.
For further information concerning
these examinations, call at 201 Mason
Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to
4 p.m.
Marsh and Mandlebaum Scholar-

ships: Postponed interviews with ap-
plicants for these scholarships will be
held in Room 1220 Angell Hall on
Tuesday afternoon, May 5, at the
times indicated.
1:30, Bond, F. A.
1:40, Cranmure, M.
1:50, Dunlap, G. L.
2:00, Edgar, E. G.
2:10, Gram, H. J.
2:20, Grimes, W. V. V.

epce and Arts: Senior caps and
gowns may be obtained at Moe's Ath-
letic Shop, 711 N. University Ave.
You are urged to place your order as
soon as possible to insure delivery.
Seniors, Literary College: Orders
for Commencement announcements
will be taken in Angell Hall lobby to-
morrow morning from 9 to 11 a.m.
This will be the final day to place or-
Tickets for Alice in Wonderland
are on sale at the box office, Michigan
League, daily from 9 to 6 p.m.
Academic Notices
Anthropology 32: .Mid - semester
make-tip at 4 p.m. today, Room 1025
Angell Hall.
Schedule for Doctorate Examina-
tions in Psychology: General Experi-
mental, Saturday, May 8, 10-12 a.m.,
Room 3126 N.S.
Comparative and Genetic, Friday,
May 15, 2-4 p.m., Room 3126 N..
Physiological, Saturday, May 16,
10-12 a.m., Room 3126 N.S.
History, Friday, May 21, 2-4 p.m.,
Room 3126 N.S.
Tests and Measurement, Saturday,
May 22, 10-12 a.m., Room 3126 N.S.
Abnormal and Applied, Friday, May
28, 2-4 p.m., Room 3126 N.S.
Publie Lecture: "Byzantine Civiliz-
ation, its Character and Influence,"
by Prof. Arthur E. R. Boak. Sponsored
by the Research Seminary in Islamic
Art. Monday, May 11, 4:15 p.m.,
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Ad-
mission free.
Chemistry Lecture: Dr. D. A. Mac-
Innes, of the Rockefeller Institute for
Medical Research; will lecture on
"The Interionic Attraction Theory of
Electrolytes" on Wednesday, May 6,
4:15 p.m., Room 303 Chemistry Bldg.
The lecture, which is under the aus-
pices of the University and of the
AmericanbChemical Society, is open
to the public.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
A collection of sketches, cartoons,
photographs and full sized details for
murals carried out under the WPA
Federal Art Project in New York City
is now being shown in the third floor
exhibition room in the Architectural
Building. Open daily 9:00 to 5:00
p.m. except on Sunday, through May
23. The public is cordially invited.
An exhibit of scenery and costume
designs for Play Production offerings
thi'oughout the year is now on dis-
play in the Michigan League lobby.
Coming Events
Junior Research Club meeting will
be held at 7:30 p.m., Room 2082,
Natural Science Building.
Papers to be presented are: "Al-
lergic Eczema" by Dr. J. M. Sheldon
and "Some Problems in Immunol-
ogy" by Dr. R. L. Garner. This
change is necessitated by the sickness
of Dr. Brassfield.
Phi Sigma meeting at 7:30 p.m.,
Room 2116 N.S. Prof. F. N. Blan-
chard will give an illustrated talk
on his trip through Southwestern and
Western U. S. Election of officers
for the coming year will be held. Re-
freshments. Please note change in
date of meeting.
Adelphi House of Representatives
meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Adelphi
Room. The program will be in the
form of a debate conducted by the
freshmen of the organization.
Zeta Phi Eta: Initiates and pledges
please plan to meet at 5 p.m., in the
Michigan League for election of of-
ficers. All financial obligations
should be met immediately.
Cercle Francais: Meeting at 7:45

p.m., Michigan League. This will be
the last meeting before election and
all* membei's must be present.
Stanley Chorus: Tryouts, for girls
who missed last Wednesday, will be
held from 4 to 5 p.m., for all voices,
at the League. Inquire at desk.
Hiawatha Club: A meeting will be
held at 8 o'clock at the Michigan
Union. All men from the Upper
Penninsula in regular attendance at
the University are cordially invited
to attend as a special guest feature.
Guest speakers will be Dr. Hootkins
of the University faculty, and Mr.
Walter Bietila who has recently re-
turned from the Olympic Games in
Germany where he competed. There
will be a short business meeting for
members which will include the elec-
tion of officers.
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this or-
ganization tonight at 8 p.m. in the
Chapel League Building. Students,
alumni and faculty members are cor-
dially invited to attend.

Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
Of May 5, 1926


Dr. Lynn Harold Haugh, former
president of Northwestern University,
will give the address of the Honors
Convocation to take place at 11 a.m.
this morning in Hill Auditorium.
Because of the fact that only a
portion of the funds necessary to
launch the University expedition to
Greenland this summer has been'
raised, and it is now too late to com-
plete arrangements for the project
this year, the expedition has been
postponed until the summer of 1927.
England's present crisis is only aI
symbol of more fundamental causes
than immediate wage or hour dis-
putes, said Sir A. Frederick Whyte,
former president of the legislative
assembly in India, in the first of a
series of three lectures here yester-
Arrangements for Michigan's new
cheering section to be insti uted next
fall were completed yesterday when
the price to be charged for the maize
and blue outfits to form the "M" was
set at $1 per student for the entire
Journalism, its opportunities and re-
quirements will be the subject of a
lecture by Malcolm W. Binaav. man-I



Hahn, W. A.
Hay, J.
Jensen, M.
Johnson, F. H.
Kanter, B. B.
Kaplan, S.


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