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May 05, 1936 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-05

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Yrerry-o~o 1R kgund
Another big week-end is over and is now but a memory . . . but once again
Stephanie will try to make that memory a bit more vivid. The best part
of the whole week-end was of course the Military Ball . . . and it was one grand
party . . . with lots of atmosphere. We start at the very beginning of the
evening . . . and that means the Scabbard and Blade dinner at the Union
. . . which was given in honor of the new initiates.
William Eason acted as toastmaster . . . and did a very fine job . . so
fine in fact that when he broke into an accent of some sort . . . the gentle-
man sitting on Stephanie's right asked . . . with a very puzzled look on his
face . . . what nationality the speaker was. After the banquet we went
down to the ballroom where we received very good-looking programs done
in red and black upon which was fastened a pin which took the form of' a
Now for some of the people that we saw at the dinner . . . Norma Pioch
. . . in an aquamarine formal . . . was with Rod Eschelmen . . . Mary Jane
Mueller was with Mill Hyatt . . . Mary Jane looked very lovely in a flow-
ered print over which she wore a full length purple net jacket . . . Lola
Campbell . . . in light green trimmed with brown. . . was with Bill Oliver ...
Ruth Kennedy . . . in a blue and yellow print . . . came with Floyd Sweet ...
Ruth and Floyd came in with Sue Johnson and Butch Abbott . . . and
Sue had on one of those formals that suits her so well . . . it was old rose
moire with rhinestones along the straps
Under The Sabre Arch .. .
We had a grand chance to look around and see who was with who during
the drill exhibition and the grand march. First of all the new initiates . . .
Bill Mason . . . Robert Buehler . . . Rod Eschelmen . . Jack Briner . . .
Bill Donovan . . . Cedric Sweet . . . Earl Getkin . . Richard Perry .
and Robert Speer were presented. Then the drill team gave their exhibition
. . . and then the initiates of Scabbard and Blade formed a sabre arch
through which Edith Merickel and Paul Philips led the grand march. Edith
chose a green lace formal with a long-sleeved jacket for the evening.
Standing around the side of the ballroom watching the performance
we saw Avis Day. . . in a pink chiffon with a finger tip length jacket . . .
with Stan Thomas . . . Betty Whitney in a rose coral chiffon with Bob.
Beuhler. . . incidentally Betty and Bob were part of the sabre arch . . . and
Harriet Heath and Stek McCallum were standing talking to M. E. Moore and
Floyd Gustafson . . . Harriet had on a lovely damask satin print. Just as
we were leaving we passed Harriet Shackleton and Don Alexander in the
lobby and we stopped for a minute to talk to Jean Keinath and George Cos-
per . . . but on to the next party.
Saturday night we dropped into the Law Club and about the first place
that we headed for was the dining room where they were serving ginger
ale and cookies. There we saw Jean Shaw . . . in powder blue . . . with Bill
Hartman . . . Jean MacGregor . . . also in blue . . . with Curtis Henderson
. . Mabel Howard . . . in a print with a pink ruff at the neck . . . with
Bill George . . . and Betty Scherling in blue and pink with Harold Love.
Among The Lawyers,.
And on the dance floor we saw Gertrude Veneklasen dancing with Joe'
Taylor . . . Gertrude wore a blue crepe with short puffed-sleeves. It seems
that blue was the favorite color at the dance. . . but now for a change . . .
Florence Harper . .. who was there with George Van Vleek. . . wore a green
and brown print . . . and Barbara Teall . . . who chose gray crepe . . . was
with Bill Hooper. Now for one more observation . . . if Spring is here cant
Summer be far off . . . and just to prove that it isn't far off "Soapy" Wil-t
liams and Bob Woodhams came forth in white.
Although the Military Ball was the evening's big attraction Friday a
large crowd found the League very amusing. The ballroom was packedt
but no one seemed to mind a bit. Stephanie noticed Doris Bolton, wearing
a grey suit with a pink blouse . . . Doris was dancing gaily about with
Fletcher Platt. Mary Margaret Campbell and Boyd Bolitho looked in and7
decided to spend the evening there.G
One of the most attractive couples were Louise and Dewitt Snyder..
Louise's younger sister who was with Ross Faulker stopped a minute to
chat with them. When the orchestra played "Muggng," Betty Young and
Murray Campbell danced right up in front of the orchestra . . . evidently
they didn't want to miss a bit of the piece . . . Betty had on a blue sheer witht
white lace collar and cuffs.-
On Derby Day...
And while those who couldn't go to the Derby Saturday night were being
consoled at the Law Club. . . the Union was the scene of much merriment
as couples danced to the Union band which was as excellent as ever . .
Ginny Eaglesfield ... in grey lace . . . danced by with Johnny Strayer . .
and Margaret Hiscock. . . in a dark green print dress with a ruffled collar
. . . who was dancing with Johnny Perkins . . . seemed to be enjoying it all.
At a large table for four in the ballroom Ruth Ann Jernegan and Louise
Sprague were vieing with Russ Runquist and Russ Coward for potato chips
. Ruth Ann was in grey with a blue and white jacket .. . and Louise was
in brown and white . . . Charlene Vallet and Ted Williams were showing
each other "new ones" in that good old sign language craze. The high spot
of the evening came when Bob Claflin entertained during the intermission
with imitations of Bing Crosby. . . Nelson Eddy. .. and Rudy Vallee . .
Stephanie and her date crashed the Sorosis formal Saturday night. Al
Goslin wearing a lovely linen print in rose and lavender shades was coming
down the stairs and almost saw us . . . but we eluded and joined the dancers.
Johnnie McLean flew by doing an intricate step which Becky Bursley was

expertly following . . . Becky was the object of much admiration in her
tunic formal of red chiffon dotted with white . . . Frances Sutherland in a
colorful print on a white background stood with Fritz Vogt near the piano
applauding the band.
Leaving The Sorosis House. .
As we approached the punch bowl Peyton Stapp was helping Louise Nack
to some and Ross Faulker in his tricky English cockney was reciting "Hick-
ory, Dickory, Dock." With that Stephanie decided it was about time to amble
on her way . . . Jo Wilcox . . . newly elected president of the house bid
us "good-bye" at the door . . . she looked stunning in a navy taffeta with
white polkadots as she stood with John Seeley.
With a new stack of records . . . and a gay crowd . . . the Alpha Chi
radio party started out in full swing with Marge Kress and Jack Wilson and
Peg Narcross with John Keyser arguing as to the proper records. Dotty
Oostdyk with Al Lindsay were seen on the porch talking to Chuck White and
John Steare.

Benton Harbor May Queen Honored

-Associated Press Photo.
Virginia Mae Pound {.ci ted) was presented with a bouquet by Mary-
beth Kemp (right) in honri' of the Blossom Festival to be held May 3 to
10 at Bentan Harbor and St. Jo-ph, Standing are Mary Jane Anderson
(center right) and Margaret Dougherty, hostesses.
Disappearing (tais Anud Flying
Queens A reAlli Pan Of WAlice"

Union Planning
To Hold Contest
At MayDanee
'Most Attractive Looking
Girl' To Be Selected At
That Time
The "most attractive looking girl"
from a group of sorority and dormi-
tory representatives will be selected
Saturday night at a May dance to
be held in the Union Ballroom, Rob-
ert G. Dailey, '37, Union councilman,
announced yesterday.
Various sororities and dormitories
were contacted recently, Dailey said,
and asked to select a member to rep-
resent them at the Saturday night
dance. A group of faculty and stu-
dent judges, as yet to be appointed,
will make the award. Those mem-
bers selected by the different groups
and their escorts, will be the guests
of the Union council for the evening.
Several of the groups have not as
yet been heard from and the com-
plete list of names was not available
last night. However, as soon as all
of the sororities and dormitories have
reported their selections, the names
will be published.
The girls who have been so far
chosen and the groups they will rep-
resent are as follows: Jean Nelson,
'36, Alpha Chi Omega; Evelyn Blue-
stein, '37, Alpha Epsilon; Maureen
Friar, '36, Alpha Gamma Delta;
Charlotte Mitchell, '36, Alpha Omi-
i-on Pi; Dorothy Slatcher, '37, Alpha
Xi Delta; Katherine Taylor, '36, Chi
Omega; Adelaide Ely, '37, Collegiate
Sorosis; Jean Greenwaid, '37, Delta
Delta Delta; Kay Taylor, '38, Delta
Gamma; Jane Reinert, '39, Delta
Zeta; Marjorie Mackintosh, '37,
Gamma Phi Beta; Jean Seeley, '36,
Kappa Alpha Theta; Elaine Cobo,
'37, Kappa Delta; Martha Steen, '36,
Vi BetNa Phi; Barbara Worth, '37, Jlor-
(Ian Hall.
tle ofNaoaz&i es
The Undergraduate Council of the
League is initiating a drive to sell the
Alumnus Magazine to sororities,
dormitories and zones, to start May
11 and to continue two weeks. Mary
Lambie, '37, vice-president from the
College of Architecture is in charge.
Approximately 75 women are need-
ed to sell the magazine. Applications
for such positions may be filed for a
period starting today in the Under-
graduate Office. Anyone desiring to
sell should place her name on a green
slip and attach it to a spindle which
will be provided in the anteroom.
Merit points are to be given for this

TurnbulI Is Named
Leader Of Jordan
Beth Turnbull, '37, of Dearborn,
was announced President of Jordan
Hall for the year 1936-37 Sunday
morning at the annual Junior-Senior
breakfast held at the dormitory.
Miss Turnbull has been very active
in Jordan Hall since her freshman
year. She has been president of theI
sophomore class, member of the house
council for the past two years, as-
sistant social chairman for 1935-36,
and has played on the Jordan hockey
volley ball, and baseball teams.
Her activities outside of the dorm-
itory include her being a representa-
tive of the Assembly in 1935, and a
member of the orientation commit-
tee of the League in 1936.
The Junior-Senior breakfast at
which t he announcement was made
is given annually by the junior class.
The program was carried out in the
form of a radio broadcast.
Danies T) Hold
Installation Of'
N e wOfficers
Installation of officers for the Mich-
igan Dames will take place at 6:30
p.m. today in the League when 100
Dames and their guests are expected
to attend the annual banquet of the
Officers to be installed are Mrs.
Lewis Haines, who will succeed Mrs.
Wilbert Hindman as president; Mrs.
Edward Hard, who will take the
place of Mrs. Paul Cramton as vice-
president; Mrs. George Wynn, re-
cording secretary, who will follow
Mrs. Albertus Derks; Mrs. James
Bradbury, who will succeed Mrs. J.
Gast as corresponding secretary; and
Mrs. David Andrews who will take
the place of Mrs. E. D. Hart, treas-
f-1ojf. Ptestun \W. Slosson is to
speak On "T*he Ctnrent American Po-
litical Situation"; and a group of
Scotch ballads will be sung by John
Johnstone, accompanied by Mrs. J.
W. Kelder.
Mrs. Lewis Haines will head the
banquet committee and Mrs. Howard
Dickie will be toastmaster. Mrs. Don-
ald Church will be in charge of in-
vitations, Mrs. R. W. French of music
and Mrs. E. G. Asmus, Mrs. P. R.
Konz, Mrs. P. H. Crampton, Mrs.
Irving Palmquist, and Mrs. Kenneth
Hodge will arrange the decorations.
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Interviewing For J.G.P.
Chairmien Is Announce
Interviewing for chairmanship po-
sitions on next year's Junior Girls
Play is to take place from 3 to 5:30
p.m. today, tomorroy and Thursday
in the Undergraduate Office of the
League, according to Maryanna
Chockley, '37, head of Judiciary
The general chairman and 11 as-
sistant positions are to be filled.
State and Liberty
Watch Repairing!

ycrw .git miwme~
mozanatXma ..9iae

Fantastic Sce tes Desiglled
For I.ast Play Pro(hilelion
fferhig Of Yea r
Fan Iasy in costrnes a iul scenery
as well as in blo will make "Alice in
Wonderland," the joint; preS(-i nIation
of Play Production and the Children's
Theatre, a fairy-tale triumph. "Alice"
will open tomorrow at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre and will continue
through May 9, with children's mat-
inees Friday and Saturday.
Dodo-birds, pools of tears and dis-
appearing cats sound impossible to
the practical-minded, but their crea-
tion was all in the day's work to
James Doll and Oren Parker who
were responsible respective'ly for 's
(ining and sets.
Atima l ostuw
Following closely lie ori;iial Ten-
nill illustrations for "Alice in Won-
derland 'the costume comnmittee has
made over 50 costumes including a
turtle, a griffin, and an exotic some-
thing called a Lory. Most of the an-
imal creations have been made with
chicken wire as theii' foundation. cot-
ton batting sculptured over it and
painted muslin over all.
However, the turtle costume is an
exception, for with the two parts of
its shell hanging over the character's
shoulders it resembles a sandwich

inan's sib rn. By far the heaviest and.
Iet difficulh to constiuct of all cos-
Itumel(s wxas that of the white queen
which is ade of cotton, silu Iled oil -
cohe antd meal hoops.
White Quiel lDifficult
The White Queen also caused miuch.
work for tle scenery committee for
%c' d iof I 'rentIances are supposed
lo be flying ones. But this require-
nieut presented no difficulties at all
to Parker's helpers for they set to
constructing an intricate arrangement
of wire and counter-balances. At-
tac hed to the wires by a harness the
lady will soar easily when stage-
hands raise and lower the weights.
Another example of the ingenuity
oif those working on sets is the dis-
appealing Cheshire Cat. Shaped of
metal, with electric light bulbs under,
muslin covered with luminous paint,
tlie grinning animal will sit in a tree
uind lade gradually away to a smile.
Plut it will appear also in a kitchen
scene wi en its head will be rocked by
a string pulled fr m the wings.
TPickets are on sale at. the Lydia
Mcndelssohn box office for 50 and 75
dents. Children's tickets are 25 cents.
For the opening night, groups of ten
will be given tickets for the price of
Alpha Chi Omega annouc'es the
pledging of Evan Niles, '39. of Ham-
burg, N. Y.

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The Chinese smelled fit out

--- --- .. ...


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chlists thought

t up! a

thosewonderful people, the
Chinese, discovered camphor by
nose. Visiting the isla nd of
Formosa in 1421, they were sur-
prised to find stately forests
that spread a balmy odor for
miles around.
Out of these camphor trees,
Formosan natives made a prod-
net which Orientals used to
ward off evil-and mother still
uses to ward off colds.
But that doesn't begin to ex-
plain camphor's uisefulniess. It's
an important iingredient of py-
roxylin plastics such as "Pyra-
til," which is tused lt m laing i
toiletware, fotintant peil barrels,
safety glass acid dozens of other
useful things. Caumphor is iteeded
for photo'graphie film, too.

Because the foreign source of
camphor was practically mon-
opolized, chemists made many
attempts to produce it chemi-
eally, following the discovery of
its structure near the close of
the last century. High quality
at a reasonable cost was a big
stumbling block-but the chem-
ists kept at work.
Not long ago, Du Pont chem-
ists succeeded in perfecting a
process which uses, as raw ma-
terial,turpentine from Southern
pine trees. Du Pont now pro-
duces camphor at a price which
makes it unnecessary to buy it
This is only one of the many
way's that 'hemincal research has
served 1lie uation.


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