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May 05, 1936 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-05

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I-M Gives 42



Individual High Point


Clayton Leads
Field With High
. Total Of 586
First Set Of Awards To Be
Followed By 108 Other
Emblems In June
Following the policy announced at
the opening of the school year, the
Intramural sports department an-
nounced yesterday the 42 winners of
the first set of numerals to be award-
ed this year. One hundred and eight
more will be given out early in June.
This award, an oval sweater em-
blem with the inscription "3 I-M 6,"
is given this year for the first time to
encourage individual participation.
The numerals were awarded to those
men with the highest number of
points in the fraternity and inde-
pendent divisions, 32 going to the
former and 10 to the latter. Points
were awarded on a system closely re-
sembling the point plan used in com-
piling the team totals. Those who re-
ceived the emblems have not yet com-
pleted the year's competition but
are far enough ahead to warrant the
Frid Is Second
In the fraternity division Harold
Clayton of Delta Upsilon is high man
with 586 points, amassed from par-
ticipation in nine different sports.
George Frid of Theta Chi is second,
26 points behind Clayton with 560. He
also competed in nine events.
Clayton collected the bulk of his
total in speedball and basketball,
winning 136 points in the fall sport
in which his team was beaten in the
finals and 110 in basketball by reach-
ing the playoff round.
Frid won 150 points in speedball,
in which Theta Chi was team chain-
pins, and 136 in basketball for reach-
ing the semi-finals of the hardwood
Bob Kunitz and Neal Dillon, both
members of the D.D.'s are high point
winners in the independent division,
Kunitz leading with 580 and Dillon
second with 480. First place in volley
ball gave them 100 points, runners-
up in touch football 135, and semi-
finals in basketball 110.
List Of Winners
The complete list of the 42 winnersI
includes: Clayton, D.U.; Frid, Theta
Chi; Joe Whits, D.U.; Elbert Haight,
D.U.; Walker Graham, Theta Chi;
Dick May, DU; Dick Eiserman,
Theta Chi; Bob Heusel, Lambda Chii
Alpha; Chuck Evans, Psi U.; Sanford
White, Psi U.; Arthur Whiting,
Lambda Chi Alpha; Harry Tillotson,
Theta Chi; Art Cohen, Phi B.D.; and
Dick Gerkinsweyer, Theta Xi.
Other fraternity winners are: Leon-
ard Meldman, Phi B.D.; Lloyd Mc-
Kay, Chi Psi; Jack Briner, Theta Chi;
Kermit Webb, Alpha Kappa Lambda;
Dick Palmer, Chi Psi; Thomas Wat-
kins, Psi U.; John McLain, Chi Psi;
S. M. Cohen, Phi B.D.; Ed Payne,
Chi Psi; Charles Marshner, D.U.;
Jack McLead, Lambda Chi Alpha;
Jim Cohen, Phi B.D.; Al Blumenfeld,
Phi B.D.; George Bolas, D.U.; How-
ard Kahn, Phi B.D.; Jerome Dick
S.A.M.; Robert Evans, Alpha Kappa
Lambda; Arthur Roberts, Theta Chi.
Independent winners include: Bob
Kunitz, D.D.'s; O'Neal Dillon, D.D.'s;
Lesswing Drews, D.D.'s; Allan Schul-
man, J.O.E.'s; Wilbur Spitzer, D.D.'s;
Louis Smullen, J.O.E.'s; George Stone,
Wolverines; Richard H a m b u r g,;
D.D.'s; B. H. Brown, Wolverines; Wil-
liam Whitehorn, J.O.E.'s.
The Week's Sports
Friday: Ohio State at Ferry Field,

4:00 p.m.
Saturday: Ohio State at Ferry
Field, double header, 1:30 p.m. 1
Saturday: Illinois at Ferry Field,
2:00 p.m.t
Saturday: Clinic for state coaches
and players at Yost Field House, 10:00
a.m. Varsity game at the Michigan
Stadium, 4:00Gp.m.
Friday: Louisiana State University
at the University golf course, 1:00
Saturday: Northwestern at the Uni-
versity golf course; doubles, 9:00 a.m.,
singles, 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday: Michigan Normal at Ferry
Field Courts, 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday: Toledo Tennis Club
at Toledo (tentative).
Friday: Purdue at Ferry Field
courts, 2:30 p.m.
Saturday: Chicago at Ferry Field
Courts, 2:30 p.m.
Alpha Tau Omega 7, Phi Sigma
Kappa 3
Phi Gamma Delta 18, Alpha Sigma
Phi 14

I -



Larson To Face
Sports of the Day
Hilltopper Nine (By the Associated Press)

In Today's Tilt


SURPRISINGLY enough, it wasn't a
greatly disturbed Charlie Hoyt who
started back from Columbus with his
conquered trackmen the other night.
It's no fun to lose, everyone who
knows Charlie Hoyt has heard him
say, annd it's no fun in particulart
to lose to a rival like Ohio State. But
when a trimming was in the books,
when could there be a better time
than three weeks before the Confer-
ence meet rather than at that event?
Better than anyone else, Charlie
Hoyt had seen a trimming in the off-
ing. Not that there is any particular
reflection on the Michigan squad, it
was one of those inevitable human
consequences. For two years this
team has been cleaning up all com-
petition, not so much because of over-
whelming strength but because when
it came to the pinch every last man
was giving just a little bit more than
his best.
No better proofs are possible
than the last two Conference
meets. Outdoors last spring

against great odds a
team came through to
ing win. This winter,
points which meant an
lost through ineligiblity1
team took advantage
break, giving just al
more, to win again.

a thrill-
with the
easy win
the same
of every
little bit

With those wins, accounted for by
the consistent giving of more than
best, the Michigan team had swept
through two seasons. There came
the reaction. Not an obnoxious
cockiness, for Hoyt teams aren't built
that way, but an unconcious relaxa-
The team was on its heels when it
went to Ohio Saturday. Charlie
Hoyt knew that, and so he wasn't
particularly disturbed when the in-
evitable occurred; defeat at the
hands of a Buckeye squad as keyed
to the occasion as Michigan was re-
moved from its peak.
Saturday's defeat is far from
signifying Michigan's elimina-
tion as an outstanding contender
in the Conference meet. In the
first place there was a different
spirit around Ferry Field yester-
day. Nothing is going to be taken
for granted during these next
three weeks ,and the well known
"grim determination" is an actu-
Then figuring out a dope sheet,{
however prematurely, it is difficult to
give Ohio State more than 40
points. They can have 30 points
as surely as Jesse Owens, Chuck
Beetham and Dave Albritton enter in
the meet in sound flesh. But be-
yond that it's tough picking to get
45 points, which would win the meet.
Neal Walker can get a possible four
points in the high jump, but they'll
not be easy; George O'Brien may
get as many as two points wherever
Ile enters; it remains doubtful if Bob
Pettigrew can get as much as a third
3 in the javelin; Charlie Beetham
might pick up an extra point in the
quarter, but that would be sacrific-
ing relay chances; and Paul Benner
will have a fight to place in the money
at all in the two-mile. Which gives
the Buckeyes 40 points and very little
Michigan on the other hand,
assuming they return to Colum-
bus at the mental and physical
pitch which it is safe to bet they
will, can get as much, not with
ease, but with a degree of safety.
Wisconsin and Indiana, however,
still remain very much in the race,
particularly the Badgers with their
pole-vaulting strength. It's pretty
risky business picking a favorite at
this distance, but our money, not
untainted by bias, rests with the Wol-
But we'd rather miss the revolution
than that meet.

Varsity Seeks Ninth Win
At Hillsdale; Regulars
Back In Lineup
Michigan's fence busting ball club,
alleged Big Ten pennant contend-
ers, will this afternoon attempt to
add the season's ninth win to the
records at the expense of the Hills-
dale College nine. The game will
be played in Hillsdale.
To date the Wolverines have won
eight out of 12 games, two of them
Conference tilts. Unfavorable wea-
ther has caused two other games with
Big Ten opponents to be postponed
and has necessitated the playing of
two double headers, the first to be
here this Saturday with Ohio State.
Hurlers Need Work
In the two games with Michigan
Normal last week Coach Fisher's
staff of hurlers showed definitely that
they were not getting enough work,
and as a result he has made a slight
shift in plans for today's affair which
John Gee and Herm Fishman were
formerly slated to divide between
Because Capt. Berger Larson did
not get to do any hurling Saturday,
rain calling off the Illinois game, he
will also be used this afternoon, and
Fisher hopes that all three will be
ready for full games this week end.
There will be a single game with Ohio
State Friday and a double bill Sat-
urday with Michigan favored to cop
all three battles.
Starts Best Lineup
Fisher has a high respect for the
power of the 'Dale nine that will
be played today and will start his first
string lineup. So far the Dales have
made an impressive record and a
win over Michigan would greatly in-
crease the club's prestige in the M.I.-
A.A. With Michigan's "Big Three"''
doing the pitching, however, the
chances of a Hillsdale victory seem
Activity in the Western Conference
was almost at a standstill over the
week end as far as the leaders were
concerned. Minnesota added two
more wins to an unmarred record
when it trounced Wisconsin, 12-0,
and 6-5. Now Illinois leads the loop
with six wins, Iowa, Minnesota and
Indiana have all won four while
Michigan has two wins to its credit.
None of these five have been beaten
in Conference play.
Kipke Divides 1M ci
Into Two Squads
In preparation for the annual
spring game which is scheduled to be
played off next Saturday afternoon
at the Stadium, Coach Harry Kipke
divided his squad into two groups
yesterday. Each team, they will be
known as the Yellow and the Blue,
was given a different set of plays to
master for the scrimmage.
Special significance is given the
intra-squad tilt inasmuch as it will
give observers a good idea of what
kind of eleven Michigan will have
next fall. The freshman who is
proclaimed winner of the Chicago
Alumni Trophy must make a good
showing Saturday.
I l i III-

NEW YORK, May 4.-Bo Molenda,
former Michigan star, who for the
past four years held down the full-
back position on the New York Gi-
ants today was appointed assistant
to the Giants' head coach, Steve
Owens for the 1936 National Foot-
ball League season.
CINCINNATI, May 4.-Already in-
definitely suspended without pay for
his failure to slide home in Sunday's
game with the New York Giants, Paul
Derringer, ace hurler of the Cincin-
nati Reds, was faced with the pros-
pect of being dropped from the ac-
tive list by General Manager Larry
NEW YORK, May 5. - Ali Baba
will seek to repeat his victory of 10
days ago over Dick Shikat in the
Madison Square Gardens tonight and
strengthen his claim for the world's
heavyweight wrestling crown.
BOSTON, May 4. - The crippled
Detroit Tigers had a respite today
as rain prevented their game with
the Boston Red Sox. Manager Mick-
ey Cochrane expects to return to the
playing field tomorrow and will pitch
Schoolboy Rowe against Bob Grove.
Trackmen Drill
In Preparation
For Illini Meet
Back from Columbus where rain,
Jesse Owens, and the Ohio State
middle distance men combined to
hand Michigan a 721/'-5312 defeat,
the Wolverine track team yesterday
started about the business of prepar-
ing for the invasion of the Illini
tracksters Saturday in the lone home
meet of the outdoor season.
Coach Chuck Hoyt, although na-
turally disappointed over the out-
come of the Buckeye meet, was op-
timistic about the Illinois encounter
and sent hisurunners through a series
of time trials throughout most of
yesterday afternoon.
Second Buckeye Win
Capt. Frank Aikens summed up the
Ohio meet very nicely when he point-
ed out that it was a combination of
over-confidence on the part of hisj
mates, and an inspired Ohio team
that accounted for the Michigan de-
feat-only the second Scarlet win
since the commencement of the fam-
ous track rivalry.
Another factor in the Wolverine
defeat was the downpour which
turned the track into a quagmire and
made running conditions extremely
hazardous. Pole vaulting was par-
ticularly difficult and the rain made
the javelin hard to grasp.
An idea of the weather conditions
can be obtained by the fact that just
as the hurdles were about to start
an extra strong gust of wind swept a
new sheet of rain across the field and
blew down every hurdle on the course.

Netmen Meet Mi
TodayIn First
Varsity Defeats Clevelandj
Squad Sunday; Captain
Kahn Wins First Tilt
Michigan's Varsity tennis team re-
turned to Ann Arbor Sunday after
a lengthy road trip during which they
defeated a group of the best netters
in Cleveland, were forced to accept a
tie with Ohio State in an abbreviated
contest, and lost to Northwestern;
and went through a stiff practice ses-
sion yesterday in preparation for the
first home meet with Ypsilanti at 3
p.m. today at the Ferry Field courts.
Little is known of the strength of
the Huron squad which will invade
the Wolverines' camp tomorrow but
Coach John Johnstone has succeeded
in making the match a six man affair,
and superior strength in the number
five and six positions should swing
the meet to Michigan.
Kahn Improves Game
Attention will be focused particu-
larly on the playing of Capt. Howie
Kahn in the number one match and
the doubles play of Jarvis Dean and
Jesse Flick. Captain Kahn's game,
which has been improving steadily,
reached its peak on the recent trip
when he was nosed out 8-6, 7-5, in a
close match with Don Leavens, North-
western star, and defeated Johnny
Dorr, high ranking Cleveland play-
er, 6-4, 6-4. Flick and Dean seem
to be the answer to Coach Johnstone's
quest for a second doubles team.
In the match with Ohio State.
Michigan had divided the first four
singles matches, Ted. Thorward was
polishing off his man 6-1, 2-3, and
Jesse Flick was merrily trouncing his
opponent to the tune of 5-0, 40-love,
when - perhaps the Bucks prayed to
the god of rain-a heavy rain washed
out the match and Michigan's only
chance to defeat the Buckeyes this

ch'gan Normal
Match At Home
a standstill, concluding with a 3-6,
6-4, 6-3 score. It was the most color-
ful match of the encounter.
Michigan Wins Doubles
Ted Thorward suffered the other
Michigan defeat in a two-set match
with Walter Smigel, indoor title-
holder in Cleveland tennis circles. The
6-4 6-4 score does not tell the story
of the long volleys and careful place-
ment which featured the second set.
Johnny Rodriguez and Jess Flick
disposed of their opponents in
straight sets. Rodriguez took Monte
Ganger to task for a 6-3, 8-6 beating,
and the Texan dropped Kaille 6-3,
The doubles all went Michigan's
way. Kahn and Sherwood had a long
and lively job defeating Ingraham
and Ed Howard, and lost to their
hosts in the opening set. They were
able to turn the tables, despite a
fall Kahn took later, and come out
on the long end of the 4-6, 6-4, 6-2
The Clevelanders will get a chance
at revenge when they invade Ann Ar-
bor for a return match with the
Wolverines Sunday afternoon.
Jim Tully's biography of Jack
Dempsey has been indefinitely post-
Now at
712 E. Washington Ph. 9793

1 -,


- - - ____. _ 1


Defeat Cleveland Squad
A smashing victory over a bedrag-
gled Cleveland net squad climaxed
the three-day series of intensive ten-
nis on Ohio courts for the Wolverine
tennis players. With but two defeats,
both in singles competition, they took
the untrained Clevelanders into camp
with a 7-2 match score in an exhibi-
tion Sunday at Cleveland.
Weather conditions made it im-
possible to play on clay courts at the
Tennis and Racquet Club where the
match was scheduled, and the event
finally took place on cement courts
in a cold and raw, though not windy
spot in East Cleveland.
Capt. Howard Kahn switched his
season's balance to the black side of
the ledger for the first time this year
by overcoming the veteran Johnny
Dorr in straight sets, 6-4, 6-4. His
conquest was a fairly easy one, both
boys showing smooth form and pre-
Andy Ingraham, who has appeared
on the Ann Arbor courts to his ad-
vantage in previous years, downed
Jarvis Dean after a hard fought three
set battle. Dean took the first set,
but Ingraham regained his stride and
fought the determined Wolverine to

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