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April 26, 1936 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-26

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May Festival Is Classed Among World's Outstandtng Musical


Concert Series
Bring's Many
Famed Singers
Pons, Leopold Stokowski,
Jeannette Vreeland Art
Amiong Gnests
(Continued from Page 1)
Toscanini, who chose him to sink
with the New York Philharmonic
Symphony in music from Wagner's
"Die Walkuere."
Although born in England, Harolc
Bauer, noted pianist who will be
heard in Beethoven's "Emperor" Con-
certo in the Friday afternoon concert,
has, been a citizen of the United
States for many years, and no mar
is more thoroughly identified with
the musical life of this country. In
early youth Bauer toured his native
England as a violin virtuoso, but-one
night he was called upon to accom-
pany a singer in an emergency. The
great Polish pianist, Ignace Paderew-
ski, heard him play and advised himr
to take up piano, so he spent thre:2
years studying abroad, and then madt
sensational debuts in both Europear
and American cities. Last year he
was decorated with the Legion of
Honor by the French government ir
recognition of his valuable services
in the cause of French music.
The name of Efrem Zimbalist, dis-
tinguished Russian violin virtuoso
who will be heard in the Saturday af-
ternoon concert, has become synony-
mous with great violin music. He
stands at the pinnacle of the musical
ladder in popularity and prestige. The
son of a Russian orchestra leader, he
received intensive training in his early
youth and won the coveted Ruben-
stein scholarship of 12,00 rubles upon
his graduation from the Imperial
Conservatory in Petrograd. He made
his Berlin debut at the age of 18
and scored an instant success. He is
also a composer of note, his most re-
cent work being a symphonic poem
called "Daphnis and Chloe," which
was given its world premiere by the
Philadelphia Symphony orchestra
under Stokowski. He is also the
composer of the operetta, "Honey-
dew," a Sonata for violin and piano
in G Minor, "Three Slavic Dances,"
and numerous short violin composi-

Lily Pons To Sing Arias In Friday Night Concert

Featured InCotncerts

Modern Agre Has Given Much
To Music, Stokowski Says

The phenomenal contributions of
a mechanical and materialistic age to
the enjoyment of so purely abstract
an art as music. receive nothing but
praise from Leopold Stokowski, con-
ductor of the Philadelphia Symphony.



Contrary to the condemnatory opin-
ion of many musicians a few years
ago who viewed "canned music" with
gloomy despair, Mr. Stokowski be-
lieves that music is rapidly becom-
ing a source of pleasure to all man-
kind throug these mechanical media.
Science And Music
"The means for disseminating
music are growing constantly in
scope," Mr. Stokowski said in a re-
cent interview. "We now have the
radio, the phonograph record, and
the sound motion picture, all miracles
of modern science. These forms of
communicating music to everyone all
over the world, in addition to con-
certs, have heightened the interest.
in this form of art to a marked de-
gree, and have lifted it out of the
realm of special privilege where only
the wealthy could enjoy it."
The radio, of course, ranKs nrst.
among these popularizers of music.
"It is the radio which has made it
available to everyone." The phono-
graph, however, has the additional
advantage of selectivity. "With re-
corded music you can play what you
want, when you want it," Mr. Stokow-
ski pointed out. "You can't tell me
when I am conducting a public con-
cert that you would like me to re-
peat a certain movement of a sym-
phony. But you can command youi
phonograph to do just that. You
can concentrate your attention like a
Ipowerful spotlight on any one part
or any one phrase till you are familia
with it."
More Recordings
Incidentally, in this connection, the
Philadelphia Orchestra has mad(-
more recordings of great symphonic.
works than any other in the world.
In addition to the radio and phono-
graph, the world-famous maestrc
cited the great potentialities of the
movies in reproducing fine music
"There is no reason why music shoulk
be taught in a dull pedagogic fash-
ion," he said, "and that is why I
approve heartily of giving good music

to everyone through this entertain-
ing. enjoyable medium." Mr. Sto-
kowski lauded in particular the oper-
atic pictures, such as Lily Pons' re-'
cent "I Dream Too Much," where
great music is attractively presented
and a superb voice faithfully repro-
Mr. Stokowski was born of Polish
parents in London in 1887. After
graduating from Queen's College, Ox-
ford, he studied instrumentation at
the Paris Conservatoire, and directed
symphony, operatic and oratorio
work in Paris. Coming to New York
in 1905, Mr. Stokowski was in charge
of St. Bartholomew's Choir. A little
later, he became conductor of the
Cincinnati Symphony, and in 1912
he succeeded Carl Pohlig as conductor
of the Philadelphia Orchestra. Among
the many novelties which he intro-
(uced in United States was his first
performance of Mahler's Eighth Sym-
phony in 1916 with a body of 1000
instrumentalists and singers.

500 Children
Give Concerts
Unique Appeal
(Continued from Page 1)
then. The chorus was trained by
Florence G. Potter, then supervisor
of music in the Ann Arbor public
schools, for a period of six years, but
the children were conducted at the
Festival by Dr. Albert A. Stanley.
In 1920 the children were conduct-
ed by Russell Carter, who had suc-
ceeded Miss Potter as music super-
visor. From 1921-1924, George Oscar
Bowen was in charge of the chorus;
and from 1925-1927 Joseph E. Maddy
presided. Since 1928, Juva N. Hig-
bee, supervisor of music in the public
schools of Ann Arbor has trained
and conducted the chorus. Dking all
these years, the music supervisor
has been ably assisted by sympathetic
cooperation of the principals and
members of the faculty of the various
schools throughout the city.


-Associated Press Photo.

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McGeogh Explains
_Uestival Numbers
(Continued from Page 1)
of intention and high-minded pur-
pose. The music is heroic, tender
and passionate, as the text demands.
Brahms 1st Symphony-C Minor
Until recent years, Brahms' music
was considered "incomprehensible"
and. "difficult" and "unsympathetic."
Today Brahms is one of the most
popular and beloved of symphonists.
His popularity at the present time
is greater than that of Tschaikowsky.
The C minor Symphony caused
Brahms great pain and trouble. Be-
ginning the, sketches of the first
movement in 1850, the symphony

did not come to completion until 1876,
when Brahms was forty-seven years
of age. During the interim, he had
written and destroyed several other
symphonies. "Sublime" is the word to
describe the wonder of the music in
this work. The fourth movement
particularly is remarkable in its
sweep, exultant buoyancy and all-
embracing htunan quality. There is
nothing in the literature for the sym-.
phony to equal the glorious opulance
and thrilling grandeur of this move-
Sibelius Concerto (Violin)
This Concerto is seldom heard on
current programs, no doubt because
of its great difficulty, both technically
and interpretively. It shares, in com-
mon with the symphonies of Sibelius,
a lofty and profound beauty full of4


melancholy brooding and strange im-

provisatory passages.
Sibelius is without doubt

the out-I

standing symphonic writer alive to-'
day. His music bears the print ofI
a powerful and independent person-
ality revealing outstanding national-
istic qualities. He is the first com-
poser to attract the attention of
the world to his native Finland as a
musical nation. His art is an ex-
pression of his country, the psychol-
ogy and prevailing sadness that is the
(Continued on Page 4)

1 _






f r

The right is reserved to make such changes
in the programs or in the personnel of partici-
pants as necessity may require. Tickets are
sold at purchasers' risks, and if lost, mislaid,
or destroyed in any manner, the University Mus-
ical Society will not assume responsibility, nor
will duplicates be issued.
Concerts will begin on Eastern Standard time,
which is one hour faster than Ann Arbor rail-
road time. Evening concerts at 8:30 p.m. and
afternoon concerts at 2:30 p.m.
Holders of season tickets are requested to
detach the proper coupon for each concert and
present for admission (instead of the whole
Concerts will begin on time, and doors will
be closed during numbers. Late comers will
be required to wait until admitted.
Lost and found articles should be inquired
for at the office of Shirley W. Smith, Vice-
President and Secretary of the University,
University Hall.
Those who leave the Auditorium during
intermission will be required to present their
ticket stubs in order to reenter.
Traffic regulations will be enforced by the
Ann Arbor Police Department and the Build-
ing and Grounds Department of the University.
For obvious reasons, notices will not be
announced from the stage.
Rehearsals are private, and listeners will
not be admitted.
An art exhibition will be conducted in
Alumni Memorial Hall during the Festival.
The Steinway is the official piano of the
University Musical Society.
cor six concerts by "Stars," Choruses, and Or-
chestra, are $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, for those hold-
ing "Festival" coupons, and 6.,00, 7.00, and
$8.00 for others.
The prices of the in~dividual concert tickets
will be $1.50, $2.00, and $2.50.,


icerts) are now on sale at the

main office of the University School of Music, Maynard
$6.00, $7.00-and $8.00
WITH FESTIVAL COUPON prices are reduced-to
$3.00, $4.00 and $5.00

the unsold


tickets and will be offered "Over

the Counter" for

Enclosed find remittancec of $.
May Festival Tickets, as follows:
Six Concerts)
Nu ee. .
......at $8,00 each $.......
......at $6.00 each $..........
Notice-- If Festival Coupon is

...... . ....for ...
N u m b e r:E.
......hurs. Eve. at $......a
......Fri. Aft. at $........
......Fri. Eve. at $.......

$I.50, $2.00 and $2.50




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