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April 26, 1936 - Image 9

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VOL. XLVI No. 145



9 Famous Artists
To Appear Here

- i

In May
Series Of Six Concerts To
Be Held May 13-16 lit
Hill Auditorium
Leopold Stok owsk
To Lead Orchestra
Pons, Vreeland, Bampton,
Martinelli, Althouse,
luehn, Falkner To Sing
Ann Arbor will become the Mecca
of the world of music for the four
days beginning May 13 when nine
world-famous concert singers, violin-
ists, and pianists gather here to pre-
sent the six concerts arranged for
this year's May Festival.
The imposing list of artists who will
participate in this year's Festival with
the distinguished Philadelphia Sym-
phony Orchestra, conducted by Con-
ductor Leopold Stokowski, includes
Lily Pons, Jeannette Vreeland, Rose
Bampton, Giovanni Martinelli, Paul
Althouse, Keith Falkner, Julius
Huehn, Efrem Zimbalist and Harold
Miss Pon, the leading coloratura
soprano of modern times, is no
stranger to Ann Arbor music-lovers
for she has appeared here several
times, both in former May Festivals
and in Choral Union concerts. A
record-breaking list of achievements
has been laid at the feet of this di-
minutive brunette singer, for within
a period of two years she has risen
to world fame. For a third consecu-
tive season she starred at the Met-
ropolitan Opera while in South Amer-
ica, her performances broke all rec-
ords. Born in the city of Cannes on
the French Riviera, Miss Pons was
twenty-one when she took her. first
voice lesson.
Made PBbut In LI~akne
After only three years of study
she made her debut in "Lakme,"
an opera from which she has chosen
the "Bell Song" aria for her appear-
ance in the May Festival. Gatti-
Casazza heard her in a small pro-
vincial town, and a few weeks later
she was on her way to America to
make her debut at the Metropolitan
Opera. After her first aria in "Lucia
di Lammerimoor," Miss Pons was the
sensation of the season, and ever
since then she has been one of the
most popular stars of the Metro-
Giovanni Martinelli, one of the
most beloved singers ever to appear
in opera, has had a long and dis-
tinguished career in music. He made
his debut in 1910 in Rossini's "Stabat
Mater," in Milan after having begun
his career as a soldier in the Italian
army. He soon became a sensation
in Rome, and then went to London
where he created the role of Gennaro
in "The Jewels of the Madonna."
He came to America in 1913 to sing
with the Metropolitan and has re-
mained here ever since as the idol
of the American opera. He appeared
here last fall in a Choral Union con-
Began Career In Navy
Like Martinelli, Keith Falkner be-
gan his career in military service,
though he was a pilot in the English
Naval Air Service. He began his. ca-
reer in the choir of St. Paul's Cathe-
dral in London, and after studying
in Vienna, Paris and Berlin, he
stepped into the front rank of bari-
tones. This is the first time he has
appeared in Ann Arbor.
Another Festival artist who will
make his debut here is Julius Huehn,
American baritone. Though his en-
thusiasm for a musical career was
dampened by the fact that he did
not win a National Radio Contest in

which he competed with candidates
from every state in the Union, he
regained his ambition when he ob-
tained a fellowship at the Juillard
School of Music to study with Mme.
Schoen-Rene. He has sung with the
Philadelphia and Chicago Grand
Opera Companies and now has been
engaged by the Metropolitan.
To Appear In "Requiem"
Tall, stately Rose Bampton, has
become a favorite with Ann Arbor
audiences since her first appearance
here several years ago. Her charm-
ing contralto voice will be heard ir
the Saturday night performance oi
the "Manzoni Requiem" by Verdi.
American born and Americar
trained, Paul Althouse, distinguished
._ . L . , .: - tit l . y T IVI .I

Featured As Soloist

Symphony To1 0A' Opr
Plypy Tei ay Festival's irra Of pera
Play HlerebIm
Concert Tour And rchestral tars Pro is
Ann Arbor Concerts Will
Be Only Performances
In State Of Michigan
to ow ki Arra-ngeNoted Orchestra To Take Part In Concerts Stokowski An
IMiany BroadeaskU Will Ileadli
Of Musical
Great Itinerary To Inclade __......__«.
Trip To Canada; Covers Series ToI
I1 ~ I 3-Mile DistanlcIwo (1I0


d Symphony
tie Program
lt~a1 Works

:..,The six concerts which the Phila-
delphia Orchestra will give in Ann
Arbor during the coming May Festi-
val will constitute the major events
in which that orchestra will partici-
pate on its present nation-wide tour
lasting more than a month.
Under the direction of the world-
famed conductor, Leopold Stokowski,
the Philadelphia Orchestra is now
undertaking one of the greatest road
tours in the annals of musical history.
The trip, which will include a visit
PAUL AlT OUSEto Canada, is expected to cover a
-~--~~total distance of 11,113 miles. The
itinerary will include stops in all
Two Directoil s the key cities of the nation friom
Boston to San Francisco.
W ill Be Heard Only Concerts in Michigan
The concerts to be given on May 13,
. 14, 15, and 16 in Hill Auditorium will
W-h Stokowsk abe the only ones given in the state
of Michigan and can be said to com-
prise the last leg of the orchestra's
Star Conductor To Lead long journey, for immediately after
Firs Conert; a t On the last Ann Arbor appearance the
First Concert; Caston, musicians will entrain for New York
O'Connell OnFriday City, which can almost be considered
home for the orchestra for they ap-
In addition to the dynamic perfec- pear there often during the season.
The concert to be given in Madison
tion of Director L'opold Stokowski, Square Garden Sunday night, May
two brilliant young associate direc- 118, is expected to furnish a great
tors of the Philadelphia Symphony climax for a great season. According
orchestra, Charles O'Connell and to Charles A. Sink, president of the
Saul Caston will be heard in this School of Music, the selection of
yar Mayn Fetivlt be ieardn Ms Madiscon Square Garden for the final
1year's4MayFestival,tobegivenAMayroad appearance of the Philadelphia
13, 14, 15. and 16, in Hill Audi- Orchestra by Stokowski is very typi-
toriurn' cal of the latter's desire to make good
lDr. Stokowski will personally con- music available to all classes, regard-
duct the opening concert on Wednes- less of financial consideration. By
day night, and the Saturday after- giving the concert in Madison Square
noon concert, while Mr. O'Connell Garden, many more people will be
and Mr. Caston will conduct the afforded an opportunity to hear this
orchestra in the Friday afternoon musical organization than is ordi-
and Friday night concerts. narily the case when concerts are
The first program will be divided given in Carnegie Hall.
into two portions, the first half con- Means Much to Stokowski
sisting of five compositions of Johann In the opinion of President Sink,
Fugue in 'D minor," Aria, Fugue in G this tour by the Philadelphia Orches-
minor "Come Sweet Death" and "Pas- tra means a great deal to Leopold
sacaglia." After the intermission, Stokowski. It means that people
three numbers by Richard Wagner all over the country will be able to
will be played: the Prelude to "Die enjoy the incomparable music of the
Maestersingers," Prelude to "Lohen- Philadelphia Orchestra. This idea
grin" and the Love Music from "Tris- seems to have dominated the mind
tan and Isolde." of Stokowski from the very day he
On Saturday afternoon Dr. Stokow- took over the podium of the orchestra,
ski will direct the orchestra in for he has conducted it for numerous
the Brahms Symphony No. 1 in C recordings and for countless radio
minor, after which he will present broadcasts. In this manner good
Efrem Zimbalist in the Sibelius Con- music has been available for thou-
certo in D minor for violin and or- sands of people who have no oppor-
chestra. Mr. Zimbalist was especially tunity to see and hear the greater
engaged for this occasion at the re- musical aggregations in person.
quest of Dr. Stokowski. Even on the present tour, Stokow-
The closing number Saturday after- ski has arranged for broadcasts from
noon will offer to the Festival audi- many of the chief stopping pces,
ence Stravinsky's "Bird of Fire" and he is planning to give many,
music, consisting of: Introduction, lectures on music in the towns in-
cluded on the itinerary.

- - - - -

Festival History
Since 1888 Is
Huge Undertaking Grew
Out Of Modest Beginning
43 Years Ago
From its modest beginnings 43
years years ago, the Ann Arbor May
Festival has grown into a musical
Colossus-and today it is recognized1
as one of the most outstanding eventsJ
in the world of American music,,
which every year attracts nation-
wide recognition for its splendid pro-
One of its god-parents in the
Board of Directors is still in Ann Ar-
bor - Levi D. Wines, Professor-emer-
itus of mathematics in the Ann ArborI
High School. For fifteen years pre-
ceding the event, the University Mu-
sical Society had been in existence
and had provided an annual series of
concerts, some of a choral nature, in
which the Choral Union participated,
and others by visiting artists and or-
Inaugurated By Stanley
In 1888 Albert A. Stanley was called
to the University of Michigan as pro-
fessor of music.. He also became mu-
sical director of the University Mu-
sical Society. In association with
Professor Wines, President J. B.
Angell, Francis W. Kelsey, and other
distinguished citizens of Ann Arbor
and the community, he conceived the.
idea of closing the concert series for
1893-1894 with a gala event of three
concerts in May. This was given in
old University Hall, and attracted
people from all over the state of
Michigan and neighboring states be-
cause it was the only great musical
event in this part of the middle west.
The Boston Festival Orchestra of
fifty players under the management
of George W. Stewart, still living in
Boston, conducted by the late Emil
Mollenhauer, came to Ann Arbor on
a Friday forenoon; held a rehearsal
that afternoon, gave a concert in the
evening, and on Saturday afternoon
they provided a symphony concert.
Saturday evening, a monumental per-
formance of Verdi's "Requiem" was
put on. This same work will be pre-
sented in this year's Festival. This
Festival of three concerts became the
e first annual Ann Arbor May Festival.
Four Concerts Given
s The next year the event was in-
creased to four concerts. A few years
- later it was increased to five, and
still later, to six. Until the Festival
of 1904, Mr. Mollenhauer and his
, band of Boston players participated.
- Beginning with the Festival of 1905
however, the University Musical So-
- ciety looked westward for its or-
, chestral support, bringing to that
s event, Frederick Stock, who had just
d succeeded to the conductorship of
t the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
y upon the death of Theodore Thomas
is and seventy men from the regular or-
chestra. For thirty-one years Mr.
Stock and his players have made
g annual pilgrimages to Ann Arbor.
n Dr. Stanley continued as musical

Sink's Foreword O Festival
The May Festival of 1936 will be outstanding. The Philadelphia
Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski, Conductor, will participate. It will be
the third orchestra to have taken part in Ann Arbor's May Festival, the
other two being the Boston Festival Orchestra, Emil Mollenhauer, Con-
ductor, which appeared in the Festivals of 1894-1904 inclusive; and the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, which took part for thirty-one consecutive
years, 1905-1935. In the early days, but three concerts were included.
This was expanded to four, then to five; and finally to six, the present
schedule, consisting of four evening programs and two matinees.
The Festival, under the musical directorship of Earl V. Moore, also
presents the University Choral Union in two outstanding choral works:
Elgar's "Caractacus" and Verdi's "Requiem"; while the Young People's
Festival Chorus, trained by Juva Higbee, will appear in Pierne's "Chil-
dren at Bethlehem."
Soloists commensurate in importance with the organizations, conduc.
tors, and choral works to be provided, will be heard, includingluminaries
from the Metropolitan Opera Association, as well as instrumentalists of
first magnitude. New faces, as well as "old favorites" will be present.
The University Musical Society is happy to present to the music-loving
public this combination of outstanding performers in varied but brilliant
programs, each program representing a unit in itself, but also forming a
part of a complete whole. The Society is conscious of the loyal and
continuous patronage which since 1879 has so graciously made possible
the Choral Union concerts and, since 1894, the May Festivals; and is

deeply and sincerely grateful.

CHARLES A. SINK, President
of the School of Music.

(Wednesday Night Concert
To Consist Of Selections
By Bach And Wagner
A brilliant arrangement of pro-
;rams, featuring a galaxy of prom-
nent American and European con-
ert stars, has been planned to make
his year's May Festival an event of
yen greater importance to Ann Ar-
or music-lovers than it has been in
ormer years.
Headlined by six appearances of
he famous Philadelphia Symphony
)rchestra, two of which will be per-
onally directed by Leopold Stokow-
ki, the Concert will feature such ar-
ists as Lily Pons, Julius Huehn, Rose
3ampton, Giovanni Martinelli, Paul
klthouse and Keith Falkner.
Opening Concert Interesting
An especially fine concert has been
alanned to open the Festival, on
Wednesday night, May 13, and will
>e a tribute to the great German
omposers, Bach and Wagner. The
Bach works which will be heard are
'Toccata and Fugue in D Minor,"
'Aria," "Fugue in G Minor," "Come
Sweet Death," and "Passacaglia."
The second half of the concert will
e devoted to operatic selections from
Wagner, including "Prelude to 'Die
Meistersingers'," "Prelude to 'Lohen-
rin'," and "Love Music from "Tri-
tan and Isolde'."
A fine choral work, Elgar's "Car-
actacus," will be heard in these sec-
>nd concert, which will be given
Thursday night. The solo roles will
be sung by Miss Vreeland, soprano;
Mr. Althouse, tenor; Mr. Falkner,
baritone, and Mr. Huehn, baritone.
The Philadelphia Orchestra, and the
University Choral Union, under the
direction of Prof. Earl V. Moore of
the School of Music will accompany
the soloists.
Children To Sing
A traditional event of the May
Festival, the Children's concert, will
be given Friday afternoon when a se-
lected chorus of Ann Arbor school
children, will sing a group of Christ-
mas carols and Pierne's "The Chil-
dren at Bethlehem." The carols
which they will sing are "O Little
Town of Bethelehem," "Away in a
Manager," and "Silent Night." The
Children's Festival Chorus will be
directed by Juva Higbee and Professor
Moore. They will be accompanied by
the Philadelphia Orchestra under the
direction of Charles O'Connell, as-
sociate director. Harold Bauer, pi-
anist, will also be heard in this con-
cert. He will play Beethoven's "Con-
certo No. 5 in E fiat for Piano and
Ochestra," known as the "Emperor
Lily Pons, famous French operatic
star, will sing in the fourth concert to
be given Friday night. The orchestra
will open the program with Brahms'
"Symphony No. 1 in C Minor" by
Brahms, including the movements,
"Un poco sostenuto-allegro," "An-.
dante sostenuto," "Un poco allegretto
e grazioso," and "Adagio, piu andan-
te-Allegro non troppo, ma con brio."
Miss Pons will sing first two arias
by Mozart, including "The Magic
Flute," and "Queen of the Night,"
from "Pamina's Air." Her next songs
will be Debussy's "La Cathedrale
Engloutie;" the "Bell Song" Aria
from "Lakme" by Delibes, and "Fete
dieu a Seville," by Albeniz.
Symphonic Program Planned
The Saturday afternoon concert
will again present Dr. Stokowski di-
recting the Philadelphia, orchestra in
a symphonic program. The selec-
tions for this concert have been
chosen from the orchestral works of
the modern composers, Sibelius,
Stravinsky and Tschaikowsky.
Especially featured will be Si-
belius' Concerto in D Minor for Violin
and Orchestra, including three move-
ment, "Allegro moderato," Adagio
di molto," and "Allegro ma non tan-
to." Mr. Zimbalist will play the solo
parts in this number. To close the

concert the orchestra will "Intro-
duction," "Dance of the Princesses,"
"Kastchei's Infernal Dance," "Ber-
-.opz nd "Pinnl"fn om "IMP Ri.A

I iuonr.inutu om j7,Hvr, c,

Verdi's 'Manzoni Requien', First
Given In 1894, To Be Repeated
By GLENN McGEOGH of the truly great and inspired re-
(Of the school of Music) iigious works in choral literature.
"Manzoni Requiem" by Verdi which "Children At Bethlehem"
will be sung at the Saturday night This work, over which nothing
concert of the May Festival, was ever written for children can claim
given at the first May Festival in 1894. pre-eminence, tells the old story of
On this occasion the Philadelphia Or- the birth of Christ with charming
chestra and the Choral Union under naivete. It dwells upon the reaction
the baton of Earl V. Moore, will be as- of the Bethlehem children, the an-
sisted by Rose Bampton, Jeannette imals, the ox and the ass, to the
Vreeland, Giovanni Martinelli, and wonderful sights they beheld on the
Keith Falkner. night of the nativity. The story is
This remarkable work was written poetic and suggestive, and the music
by Verdi at the age of sixty-one, but is constantly aware of all the subtle-
it shows no diminution of his crea- ties in the text. The orchestration
tive powers, but rather maturity of particularly, is marked by its deli-
artistic judgment which comes only cacy and sensitiveness to every mood
with year's. The "Requiem" is like no matter how fragile or how fleet-
Verdi's great operas - extremely mel- ing it might be.
odic and impressively majestic. It Effective, as the work is for chil-
contains many of the familiarly strik- dren's voices it is extremely difficult
ing dramatic effects one finds in his and any performance of it requires
great operas "Aida," "Falstaff" and much detailed preparation. A gooc
"Othello." performance therefore reflects great
Shortly after Rossini's death (No- credit and honor to any community
vember 13; 1868) Verdi suggested that which can provide a children's choru
Italian composers unite in writing a capable- of rendering it.
worthy requiem as a tribute to the "Caractacus"
memory of their fellow composer. It "Caractac s" is a dramatic setting
i w .n q h j rfrmmd at the Boogne of an pnisnde in the Roman invasion

1-fartinelli Almost Lost
To Opera By Faux Pas
When Giovanni Martinelli made
his operatic debut in "Ernani" in the
Teatro Dal Verme in Milan, a good
time was had by all - except Mar-
tinelli himself. In one of the most
dramatic moments of the opera, his
sword jumped out of his hand and
clattered to the floor. He was so mor-
tified that he made up his mind he
detested opera and would never sing
again. At the depth of' his despair
he was called out of his dressing
room, and he realized finally to his
astonishment that the applause which
was thundering across the footlights
was meant for him.
500 Children
Give Concerts
Unique Appeal
Appearing with a famous symphony
orchestra and prominent concert solo-}
ists on the stage of Hill Auditorium
in the Young People's Festival Con-
cert is always a major event of the
school year for 500 Ann Arbor school
The annual Children's Concert has
become a permanent part of the May
Festival, and, according to President
Charles A. Sink of the School of
Music, "Not only have these young
people offered entertainment of high
quality to concert-goers, injecting a
wholesome youthful spirit into the
Festival, but they themselves have
profited musically from splendid
I training, and in after years in many
cases they have become members of
the Choral Union or similar choral
societies throughout the land. In
1 some cases, individual members have

Sink Reports Very Rapid
Sale; Requests Received
From Many Cities
'Tickets for the May Festival are
rapidly being sold, according to Pres-
ident Charles A. Sink of the School
of Music. Requests for tickets have
been received not only from Ann
Arbor and vicinity but also from
many points throughout the mid-
west and the eastern part of the
country, including Detroit, Chicago,
Buffalo, New York and Boston, it
was explained.
Season tickets for the Festival are
$6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 with a $3.00
reduction on all season tickets for
holders of Choral Union season tick-
ets. However, applications for this
reduction must be made before April
Tickets for the individual concerts
are $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. These are
available for any of the six afternoon
or evening concerts.
For those not holding Choral Union
coupons, the price of tickets is ex-
ceedingly low, and in most cases much
lower than those for which the same
artists and attractions can be heard
in great metropolitan musical centers
of the country.
Orders for tickets may be mailed
or left at the office of the School
of Music on Maynard Street. These
will be filed and selections of loca-
tions will be made in sequence, each
person being given the location as
near as possible to that asked for
in the respective sections.
The tickets will be mailed about
' Mav 1 .t n urchnar's risk. nle san

May Festival
Tickets To Be
Mailed May 1

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