SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 19036
Lamiont-Hussey Observatory-
Fruition Of Generosity, Vision
(Continued from Pagel) _I isM m r
In His Memory
in the hope that the southern-most
zone of the double star survey would
be completed under more favorabler
conditions at a southern station. It
was but a few short years before plans
for this southern station began to
take concrete form.
In June, 1908, Mr. Lamont author-
ized Professor Hussey to proceed to-
ward the construction of a telescope
of 24 inches aperture for the study of'
the double stars of the southern por-
tion of the sky. He made an initial
contribution of 1,000 dollars.
During April, 1909, Professor Hus-
sey studied the 26-inch refractor at
the Naval Observatory, in order to se-
cure data for the designs of the Ann
Arbor telescope. Plans and drawings
for the new telescope mounting were
begun in 1910.
A contract for a 24-inch lens was
placed with Alvin Clark and Sons
in 1911. A pair of discs for a 24-inch
lens were ordered from a French and -?
a German company in 1913, but these
were never delivered. It is said that
during the World War, the govern-
ment of both countries seized the
discs and cut them up to be used for PROF. WILLIAM J. HUSSEY
field glasses for their armies.
In 1915, Lundin, who had been rect the Lamont Expedition, and Dr.
selected to perform the exacting op- Rossiter was ordered to continue the
tical work on the lens, had died. undertaking that Professor Hussey
During the years immediately follow- had so -hopefully planned. Dr. Ros-
ing, an attempt was made to pro- siter sailed from England in No-
duce the discs in the United States, vember and reached Bloemfontein on
but without success. Saturday, November 28.
Lenses Sent From Germany In October, 1927, Messrs. Jessup
Four years of the post-war period and Donner sailed from New York
had gone by, when Professor Hussey to complete the staff of the South
was notified that a pair of 24-inch African Expedition. A large steel
discs could be obtained from Jena, dome and observing chair had left
Germany, and without delay Mr. La- New York in the late summer, and
mont authorized their purchase. In reached the expedition in October.
January, 1925, after delays due to The city of Bloemfontein furnished
the death of their foremost optician, a site 300 feet square on the level
Mr. James B. McDowell, the firm of summit of Naval Hill. Plans for the
McDowell and Company of Pitts- observatory were prepared and con-
burgh, delivered the completed 27- struction begun.
inch lens to Professor Hussey at Ann Finally, on April 28, 1928, the La-
Reports Survey
Of Motorists'
Reaction Times
Automobile Drivers Show
No Efficiency Advances
After 4 Years Experience
Do not believe the man who say
he is able to "stop his car on a
dime." At 20 m.p.h. the best he is
able to do on a dry pavement is to
halt his car after going a distance of
:7 feet from the time he had his first
yarning to stop.
This is merely one of a set of in-
teresting facts uncovered by Frank
0. Olmstead, assistant research en-
gineer of the Michigan State High-
way Department in a survey conduct-
ed by the department in the interest
of public safety.
The survey, which includes results
from the reaction tests given at the
Engineering Open House last spring
also showed that after four years
experience the individual ceases to
improve as a driver and that the
drivers between the ages of 17 and
31 are the most alert.
The results of the survey, which
have not been officially published as
yet, are of particular interest at this
time because of the fact that the
machine to test the driver's reaction
to a stop light is at the Union where
it will remain for the remainder of
the week.
The importance of split-second
driving reactions is readily seen when
one realzies that at 40 m.p.h. an au-
tomobile travels at the rate of 57 feet
per second. Mr. Olmstead found that
the faster drivers have more acci-
dents but since they drive more miles
than the slower-moving motorist the
chances of accident are equal to all
Mr. Olmstead drew the conclusion
from his survey that the best means
of influencing drivers to drive safely
is an educational program pointing
out to them the need for alertness
at all times.
Poets Best At 25,
Psychologist Finds
An Ohio University psychologist
has reported, after research, that
writers reach their peak in literary
production at forty-one, chemists are
best between thirty and thirty-five,
inventors at thirty-five, and astron-
omers between forty and forty-five.
According to Dr. Harvey C. Leh-
man, poets produced their best work
between twenty-five and twenty-eight
and short-story writers before thirty-
Doctor Lehman asked English pro-
fessors of various universities and
colleges to select what they regard-
ed as the 2,000 best works in litera-
ture. Taking their selections, he
drew a graph showing the average
number of miscellaneous publications
per chronological age level per living
writer. The graph showed writers'
productivity ascending more rapidly
before forty-one than descending af-
ter. There was, however, a sharp
descent after forty-four, Doctor Leh-
man said.
I nf r-Red TreatmetRestores Writin
It's getting tougher for crooks ... A burned promissory note is illegible
when photographed by an ordinary camera, but an infra-red picture
of the same charred paper reveals both printed and written words.
Writn Upont Blackened Paper
W *0
Resurrected By Infra-Red Photo
New Development Further same forms as visible light, and a
P roo-OfAdage,'Crume heat, or infra-red sensitized film, re-
produces a photograph of the original
Does Not Pay document.
Uutra-Violet Different
G.O.P. Leaders
Consider Role
Of Vandenberg
Half Of June Convention
Delegates Are Chosen;
Steiwer Also Backed
WASHINGTON, April 25. - OP) -
The names of Senators Vandenberg
of Michigan and Steiwer of Oregon
assumed increased importance in Re-
publican councils this week as the
personnel for the June convention
became almost half complete.
If a deadlock threatens between
the now leading possibilities for the
presidential nomination, friends of
the two legislators would be in a
more starategic position to advocate
them at Cleveland.
No suen aeadlock has been predict-
ed. But observations heard at the
capitol following endorsement of Van-
denberg by the Michigan Republican
been named convention keynoter, in-
dicated party leaders had not dis-
missed the possibility. A way to har-
mony is the principal goal of some.
Action today in Colorado brought
the delegates so far named to 477
of the 1,001 total. Of these an un-
usually high percentage are nomi-
nally uninstructed, 376 in all.
Claims by some followers of Gov-
ernor Landon of Kansas, Col. Frank
Knox of Illinois and Senator Borah
of Idaho overlap to an extent that
suggests the full story must await
the actual balloting.
WThether any of these three are
found within striking distance of a
nominating majority, or 501, at the
outset may determine the course of
advocates of Vandenberg, Steiwer,
Senator Dickinson of Iowa or others
at present talked of as "dark horses."
Borah said he would decide whether
to go to Cleveland as a delegate, which
would be necessary for service on the
committee, by the time the Idaho
delegation is picked May 9.
Arbor. mont-Hussey Observatory was
In the late summer and autumn of licly opened and dedicated.
1925 the Lamont Telescope was fully ceremonies were held under the
assembled by Mr. Colliau for final of the Lamont telescope and
testing and adjustment on the than 50 of the prominent towni
grounds of the University's Detroit of Bloemfontein, were present.
Observatory. The tests on the stars Jessup remained as assistan
confirmed the excellence of the large three years, and then left. D
lens. The telescope was dismounted stayed on for five years. Dr. Ro
late in November and was ready to be is still carrying on the work of
crated for shipment a few weeks later. covery and measurement. On ac
Due to unexpected delay, it was not of the lack of publication funds
shipped to its destination until Aug- 2,232 of the 5,000 double starsu
ust, 1926. have been discovered have re
In the meantime, the site of the publication. The measuremen
southern station of the Lamont Ex- these are contained in the Me
pedition had been definitely selected. of the Royal Astronomical Soci
Professor Hussey had studied observ- London.
ing conditions in the Orange Free The survey will be about 9
State and the Transvaal in South cent complete in July, 1936,1
Africa, and was impressed with the lack of funds will probably neces
astronomical possibilities of the sites termination of the survey. Fo
about Bloemfontein, in the Orange last few years the project has
Free State. The site finally chosen supported by Rackham Trust fI
was located on Naval Hill in the city since Mr. Lamont has found i
of Bloemfontein. possible to continue its fin
The expedition party headed by maintenance.
Professor Hussey, including Mrs..
Hussey, Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ros- 400 LAUGHS TO A TEAR
siter and their two children, sailed EVANSTON, Ill., April 25. --
from New York to England en route There are 400 laughs to every
to Bloemfontein, on October 9, 1926. on the college campus.
Just before leaving the United States, The cheerful ratio was report
Professor Hussey had suffered an at- the Midwestern Psychological1
tack which was diagnosed as pleurisy, ciation today by Prof. Paul Th,
and had been confined to bed for Coung, of the University of Illin
several days. During the voyage to
England he had improved in health,
and in London had been careful not
to overdo, though he found it impos-
sible to decline the invitation to ad-
dress the Royal Astronomical Society
at that time. While at dinner with
friends in London, though apparently Ju bile
in good health, he suddenly collapsed
in his chair, and died instantly with-s
out pain. S
When news of this Lragic occurrence THE BENJAMIN HOU
reached Ann Arbor, Prof. R. H. Cur-
tiss, then director of the University in
Observatory, was commissioned to di-
it for
if dis-
ts of
ety in
o per
r the
t im-
ted to
(Associated Press Science Editor) !
BOSTON, April 26. - ()P) - A little
of the heat which destroys burned
papers resurrects them photograph-
ically, makes black pages seemingly
white, and print and writing distinct,
in a new development of -infra-red
photography here.
The heat photography recreates the
original page of any paper not
crumbled to dust. The technique
was worked out by Gustavus J. Es-
selin, chemical consultant.
Pages so coal black that neither
eye nor microscope distinguishes
traces of their original printing or,
writing come out white to gray in
the infra-red photographs. The
words written on them retain their
original blackness, form and clarity.
Heat 'Rumples' Paper
The pages might appear all white
except for the fact that heat always
rumples them. The white color is re-
stored only at the level of perfect
focus of the camera. Areas slightly
out of focus appear gray or dirty.
The infra-red, or heat rays, photo-
graph what is left of the original
structure of the paper and the print
in the ash remaining after the fire
destruction. The heat reflects the
Don't Take Chances
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We're anxious to help
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This new use of invisible light dif-
fers from the work done with ultra-
violet, which brings out things often
invisible to the eye, like erased writ-
ing and chemical spots. The ultra-
violet rays cause the invisible sub-
stances to fluoresce, that is, to give
off light of their own.
The Infra-red rays produce no
secondary glow, but take the place of
visible light in restoring to sight
>omething gone beyond the reach of
visible reflection. Together the two
processes promise to narrow still
further the crook's chances of com-
pletely destroying evidence.
In fires valuable papers, enclosed
in filming cases where they do not
blaze, are often destroyed by heat
that blackens them completely with-
out crumbling. Such papers turn
white again on the.infra-red plates.
The burned inks still appear black
because they absorb infra-red to
blackness the same as they absorb
Alterations undetected before the
documents were burned sometimes
show up under the heat photograph3
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