SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1938
Regulars Rout
Yaunigalan Nite
By 20-3 Score
Varsity Moundsmen Baffle
Scrubs; Larson, Uricek
And Rudness Star
If the two intra-squad games that
have been played so far by Michi-
gan's baseball squad can be used as
a basis for judgement, the Wolver-
ines will have to depend on air tight
pitching for victories this spring,
rather than on any fence busting
offensive tactics.
Coach Fisher sent his charges
through a 10-inning workout yester-
day that ended with the Regulars on
the long end of a 20-3 score. Many
of the 20 runs were pure gifts, as
the Yannigans play in the field was
as sloppy as in Thursday's tilt.
Again the bright spots of the gam
were furnished by the pitchers and
it appears probable that the presen
corps will carry much of the work
when the season opens. A pair of
southpaws, Settle and Herndon
shared the spotlight as far as the
Regulars were concerned while Hert
and Fishman stood out as the aces of
the Yannigan moundsmen. Capt
Larson hurled three innings, but did
not bear down at any time.
Regulars Score At Will
A six-run splurge in the second
inning put the game on ice for thc
Regulars, but they continued almos
at wil lthrough the rest of the game
Greenblatt and Lahti yielded 12 of
the Varsity runs between them, bu
the Regulars collected only seven hit
off their combined pitching efforts.
Hertz pitched three innings and in
that time gave only two hits and a
pair of runs. Fishman yielded one
hit in two innings for the Regulars
and in that time gave but one run
and one hit, that a scratch single by
Chris Everhardus. Settle took over
the mound duties at that point and
in the next three sessions was touched
for the same number of hits and no
Rudness Leads Attack
Steve Uricek, George Rudness and
Berger Larson led the Regulars at the
plate. Uricek was credited with
three singles,Rudness a double and
a pair of singles and Larson a single
and a double. Everhardus collected
three hits for the Yannigans, but
two of them were of the scratch va-
The Regulars' fielding was above
their standard Thursday and gives
promise of improving. A total of
16 hits was registered by the Regu-
lars in .the 10 innings. Fisher will
probably send the squad through an-
other game tomorrow.
Score by innings:
Yannigans .....000 100 001 1-3
Regulars.......162 320 010 5-20
Batteries: Yannigans-Greenblatt,
Lahti, Hertz, Fishman and Brauser.
Regulars-Herndon, Settle, Larson
and Jablonski.
Gridders To Have
Initial Scrimmage
Coach Harry G. Kipke announced
yesterday that the Varsity football
squad would have its first scrimmage
of the spring practice season next
Wednesday at Ferry Field.
Kipke has been bringing the squad
of 70 players along slowly, empha-
sizing the need for speed with fre-
quent spring drills and concentrat-
ing on the fundamentals of blocking
and tackling, giving out only a hand-
ful of plays in the first week of out-
door practice.
First cuts in the squad, which Kipke
plans to reduce to 40 men before the
playing season next fall, will be made
next week. Some of the members of
this year's freshman squad have been
making things hot for the veterans
of last year's Varsity.
The freshmen who have been show-
ing the most stuff in the drills up
to the present are Alex Loiko, for-
ward passing back, and Clarence Van-
dewater, who plays at a guard posi-
I. -_____________
'The HOT
T'S the champions who come
. through when it counts and Mich-
igan will welcome back a swimming
team with not only a seventh na-
tional championship for Coach Matt
Mann, but a quartet of divers who are
champions in every sense of the word.
Last week the heat was definitely
on for the Michigan divers, Captain
Prank Fehsenfeld, Ned Diefendorf,
Ben Grady and Der Johnston. Months
ago Coach Mann had predicted that
his championship chances for the
year would stand or fall with his
divers, and two weeks ago they had
fallen at the Conference meet.
So it was that during the last week
he quartet was definitely put on the
;pot. Either they would come
hrough and Michigan would retain
ts team title in the national cham-
>ionships, or they wouldn't, and that
was all.
The story of the first day's per-
formance on the low board in one
short day has become a legend. DidI
hey come through? Very definitely,
and who was the leader but Der
Johnston, the boy who couldn't take
t, who tightened up when the goingI
rot rough. But here, in his biggest
neet of the year, Johnston did come
-hrough, to win the title as Fehsen-
reld got third.
Saturday's diving was but an anti-
limax to Johnston's victory. With
hree places necessary to carry the
VAichigan total to 30, the estimated
vinning score, the Wolverines came
hrough again with just those places.
Which might seem to detract from
he showing of Jack Kasley, as great
i competitor as ever carried the
Nolverine colors, and as reliable as
nortal man can be.
They're champions all.
Tcronto 3, New York Americans 1.
Buffalo 3, Cleveland 1
Kasley S119"s
As Swi1. ttmei"s
Win Nationals
IContinued from Page 1)
pace for the rest of the competition
by smashing three world standards in
one race. In his trial heat of the
200-yard breast-stroke he was clocked
in 2:22.5, then went on to swim 200
meters in 2:37.2 and 220 yards in
For his feats Kasley was presented
with the prize awarded to the na-
tion's outstanding college swimmer of
the year by Coach Fred Cady of
Southern California.
100-yard free style: Won by Hut-
ter (Harvard); second, Walters
(Iowa); third, Macionis (Yale);
fourth, Cooke (Yale). Time: 52.9.
200-yard breast stroke: Won by
Kasley (Michigan),- second, Degnan
(Wesleyan); third, Heilpern (Ohio) ;
fourth, Horschke (Northwestern).
Time 2:25.
440-yard free szyie: Won by Medica
(Washington); second, Gilhula
(Southern California); third, Ja-
cobsmeyer (Iowa); fourth, Barnard
(Michigan). Time 4:44.6.
Three-meter (high) board diving:
Won by Fehsenfeld, (Michigan); sec-
ond, Patterson (Ohio State); third,
Diefendorf (Michigan); fourth,
Grady (Michigan); fifth, Johnston
(Michigan). Total, 146.22 points.
400-yard relay: Won by Iowa (Ja-
cobsmeyer, Christians, Walters, Sieg);
second, Yale (Willcox, Cooke, Rogers,
Macionis); third, Harvard (Berizzi,
McKay, Bainbridge, Hutter); fourth,
Illinois (Hansen, Ov man, Irwin,
Lewis) ; fifth, R_ :. :,-n(Kasley, Bar-
iard. hrew. jow-.-yen. Time: 3 :35.5.
(Continued from Page 2)
etary's office, 3233 Angell Hall, by
U. S. Mail or by Campus Mail.
Any members who have not been
receiving the notices of the Annual
Banquet and desire to have them are
asked to inform the Secretary.
Orma F. Butler, Secretary.
Biological Station: Application for
admission for the coming Summer
Session should be in my hands be-
fore April 15 when all applications
will be considered. Announcements1
of courses offered can be obtained
at the Office of the Summer Session
or from the Director. Applications
should be made on application blanks
which can be secured at my office,
Room 1119 or at Room 3089, Natural
Science Building.
George R. LaRue, Director.
Mid-Semester report cards for stu-
dents in the College of Architecture
are now in the mail. All reports of
these students should be mailed
promptly to the office of Professor
Lorch, Room 207, Architecture.
E. E. Sophomores: Some very de-
sirable summer work is open, in a,
Detroit concern, for a very few quali-
fied men. Requirements: maturity
(age 21 preferred); ability to deal
with all kinds of people; over average
heighf: gti d a f oi r)vlabT, Fyi f :( , Swenmcn . Purstein, I1 t oriutw 'The public is cordially in
gti tit_ i i ' I m:,c I I( 0 dxic i . 14 lv : ;:n lc t I; : It:l
NLlmst.mity -.R O
l h ii qi*I q iiv~~ LI Nltl'ank;, 1 .Irtt t .r I1: A, Ita~vi (h ~t . C l -rt-, r: R. (C, 'W
Who ill I{ Caralr iu(l1liIy ,a, sta.O'ed I Norrish P.S., of Camubridge Uni
above, need app)Iv. Preliinay iihV'- ii Cak .lfi,. irs- versity will lecture on the topic: "Re-
terviews' by Prof. A. 1). Moore in bis e ,>.,J. Strayer. cn tde nteKntc ft
office, Monday. 9 to 11. 2nd Tenors: Paul Wolff, Robert (Continue n ae4)
---Moore, R. Williams, F. Epstein, R.
Scholarships in Religion: Three Mathews, E. Haapa, J. Czajkowski,
scholarships for graduate study in Hugh Roberts, W. Sawyer, A. Swann,
Religion are available for superiorT Draper.
students graduating from 2dtas:h.eilRTMotgmei
versity of Michigan in 1936. For 2nd Bass: A. Hill R. Montgomery,
further information confer with the H Dunks, T. Jensen, P. Yergens, E.
Counselor in Religious Education, Sinclair, R. Harris, R. Hunerjager, H.
Room 9, University Hall, before April Carrothers, R. Lodge, S. Kasle.
j 10. Alternate: E. Sherwin, E. Racz, H.
Spencer, J. Collins, R. Gillis.
Frankfort High School won the In-
diana state title here tonight, rout-
ing Fort Wayne Central, 50 to 24,
after defeating Anderson, 1935 cham-
pions, in the semi-final round this
All Students of the University who
are Daughters or Sons of Rotarians
are cordially invited to be the guests
of the Ann Arbor Rotary Club for
luncheon on Wednesday, April 8, at
12 :15p.m. at the Michigan Union.
Please make reservations promptly in
Room 107. Mason Hall.
Sunday Breakfast Group: Sunday
at 9 a.m. The Inter-Faith group will
meet for cafeteria breakfast in the
Russian Tearoom of the Michigan
League to discuss "Jainism." Miss
Cama of India will speak first.
Friends may be invited.
E. W. Blakeman, Counselor in Re-
ligious Education.
Varsity Glee Club: The following
men have been chosen for the Spring
Vacation tour:
1st tenors: John Cole, Paul Robin-
University Lecture: Prof. Rudolf
Carnap, of Prague, will lecture (in
English on ) "Philosophy and Logical
Analysis," Thursday, April 2, at 4:15
p.m. in the Natural Science Audi-
U - r 3 - A- - - - - -
Between Geddes
and Woshtenaw
One of the choicest building
sites available just east of Ann
Arbor. One acre facing north
overlooking miles of the Huron
river valley as well as beautiful
views on the east, south and
west. Low taxes.5Priced for a
short time at $2,500. Oril Fer-
guson, 721 Church. Ph. 2-2839.
R. Edward Sayles and
Howard R. Chapman, Ministers
10:45 a.m.-Mr. Sayles on
"The Power of a Great De-
12:00 Noon - Students at Guild
House. "How Christian is
Our Economic Order?" Mr.
Chapman. Discussion.
6:00 p.m.-Dr. W. D. Baten,
of Dept. of Mathematics, will
At All Dealers
J. J. O'KANE, Dist. Dial 35
Repeat ....*
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Your Clothes Come Back
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