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March 29, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-29

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MARCH 29, 1936

Ii to'The Open.. .

Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper.' All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.

I3ASSAGE by the House of a measure
calling for the registration of all
persons engaged in efforts to influence legislation
and for detailed statements of contributions, ex-
penditures, and salaries strikes a blow at one of the
most serious weaknesses of democratic government
-its vulnerability to pressure by powerful minority
By the proposed law, which has already been sent
to the Senate, all partnerships, committees, asso-
ciations, and corporations or other organized
groups of persons must register with the secretary
of the Senate and the clerk of the House. More-
over, detailed reports would be submitted to these
officials at the beginning of every month. With
such teeth in it, the act can not help but be of
some value and benefit.
Lobbying is not always an evil and does not
always have harmful effects upon governments.
Very often a lobbyist group can originate a de-
sirable reform which will later result in a benefi-
cial law. In the case of such lobbyist groups,
registration of their members will meet with little
opposition and may even possibly benefit their
Unfortunately, however, in many cases lobby-
ist activity does more harm than good. Although
it is still a subject of controversy, perhaps the
public utilities holding company bill of the last
session of Congress would have passed if it had not
been for, in the words of Representative O'Con-
nor, "the $20,000,000 lobby."
From the time of Plato on down, democracy
has been criticized because of its tendency to per-
mit powerful outside groups to influence it unduly
and result in its downfall and destruction. The
new lobbyist bill of the House is an attempt to
make the powerful minority groups come out and'
work in the open so the general public, and not
a few of the public's representatives, can judge as
to the desirability and need for their aims and pro-

[The Conning Tower
("Floods will not be man's mortal fate."-
Dorothy Thompson in the Herald Tribune.)
These stricken cities will again
Challenge the sun with gilded towers,
And little homes of prudent men
Sit smug among new-planted flowers.
Mountains of stone and steel will dam
More fearful floods of other years,
According to the diagram
Of super-super-engineers.
Yet where the masonry to thrust
Against the devastating spate
Of blindness, cruelty and lust?
Floods will not be man's mortal fate.
Well, The Conning Tower is Aladdin's lamp.
Yesterday we wondered what sweepstakes win-
ners had done with their money, and whether
they did what they said they were going to do.
And in Liberty for March 28, "Sweepstakes
Riches," by Will Irwin, tells all those things.
And just as we were about to give up reading
lists of winners, along comes the name of Mar-
garet Powell Swope, who won $500. Her hus-
band, Herbert Bayard Swope, is chairman of the
Racing Commission, and there will probably be a
Senate investigation.
Suppose a hearer of a candidate's speech knew
no English, and it was necessary to have it in-
terpreted. The speech would take an hour or so
to deliver. "He say," the interpreter would nut-
shell, "Roosevelt no good. He say he good."
Elevator Men's Pay Is Taken Up.-Sun head-
Twenty-four, please,


Telephone 4925

Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kiene, Chapinu;
Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummis, Richard G. Her-
shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes.
Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D.
Sports Department: William R. Reed. Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman.
Women's Departmem: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Idward Wohlgeuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising andaPublica-
tons, Lyman Bittman.
I11tlgra tion
In Education...
T HE AVERAGE student cannot help
being a trifle bewildered at the in-
consistencies and antitheses that lie criss-crossed
between the various departments of the University.
It is jarring, to say the least, to transpose one's
self from a 9 o'clock in Browning, where the in-
dividual is held largely responsible for his own
morality, to a 10 o'clock in sociology, where society
is held responsible, to an 11 o'clock in psychology,
where neither is held responsible and good, or evil,
is seen to be merely an interaction of "external
stimuli" with "internally-organized" experiences.
Perhaps the most wide-spread contrast exists
between the engineering and literary colleges. The
technically-inclined engineering student pooh-
poohs at the general discussion courses on the other
side of campus, while literary students generally
deplore the "narrow-mindedness" of engineers.
The anthropologist is inclined to dismiss with a
lofty gesture the "few seconds of time" in which
the historian deals, and the music school student
arches a sensitive eyebrow over the cult of ma-
terialism in the business administration school.
A conflict presenting probably one of the most
serious obstacles to a student's ordered outlook on
life exists between the philosophy and economics
department. In the latter talk centers around
"getting ahead of the world," around "success,"
while in the former such success is regarded scorn-
fully as "careerism," and abstractions are empha-
With such inconsistencies volleying continuously
and from all sides at the unarmored student, de-
fensive strategy involves a perplexing paradox.
How to reconcile the contemporary demand for
specialization with the ever-present need for cul-
tural broad-mindedness presents a difficult and
important problem which must be faced by all
It would be useless here to suggest a "middle
of the road" course, or attempt to describe the
obvious ideal of a "broad-minded specialist." To1
recognize an ideal is easy, to permeate one's self,
with the significance of that ideal, to incorporate
it into working philosophy of life, is not so easy.
There are essentially two methods of achieving
such an integrated philosophy of life. The first is
by having a superior authority drill it into us,'
the second is by constructing it for ourselves
through a self-motivated process of integration and
organization. The first is the method of dicta-1
torship, the second the way of democracy.
The first is exemplified by a notice ,which ap-
pears somewhere on the walls of every school
building in Italy, and which was copied. down by
Prof. Stuart Courtis of the School of Education.1
It reads:
"The government demands that the school'
aspire to the ideals of the Faschismo and that it
be neither hostile, nor strange, nor agnostic to its
principles; it demands that the entire school sys-e
tem in all its teachings educate the Italian youth
to understand the principles of Faschismo so thatl
they will become ennobled by living in this his-l
torical age created by the Fascist Revolution."
The second is exemplified by a plan now being'
undertaken by the Progressive Education Asso-
ciation under the sponsorship of the National Edu-

cation Association. Several million dollars have'
been appropriated to finance the college education
of nearly 1,000 students each year (during the next{
five to eight years) who have been especially
trained in high school to synthesize, organize, in-
tegrate or unify what they have learned.
Their training, in its emphasis on the philosoph-
ical aspect of education, in its devotion to the

As Others Sfee It
The Adam Smith Boys
(From Temple University News)
"GOVERNMENT interference - bah!" is the fa-
vorite sneer of the rugged individualist, the
utility magnate, the Liberty Leaguer, and the
gentleman who clips coupons every day between
10 and 11.
With unity of thought, the disparagers of gov-
enrment interference withdraw from their vest
pockets limp-bound copies of Adam Smith's (lais-
sez-faire) "Wealth of Nations."
"Adam had the right idea," they chorus. Turn-
ing to the proper paragraph, they nod their heads
in assent to the contention that government inter-
ference disturbs the free flow of labor and capital,
disturbs the normal balance of economic life;
throws the country into chaos.
"That's what's the matter with the country,"
they diagnose. "If the government wouldn't al-
ways fuss about minimum wages, maximum hours,
collective bargaining, prevention of child labor,
and the rest of that stuff, we'd all be much better
off. Prosperity would bound around the corner
into our laps."
They forget that government interference has
two sides.
Adam Smith might have opposed such concepts
I as the NRA principle of minimum wages.
But he'd just as surely scorn the monopolies.
granted by the 'government to the public utilities
magnate, the high tariff, by which the government
protects the manufacturer; the patent office, by
which the government protects the DuPonts.
Remove government interference in the way
which Adam Smith meant it to be removed and
the coupon-clipper could read Adam Smith's
"Wealth of Nations" for solace every day between
10 and 11.
Child Labor Amendment
(From The Daily Illini)
r 'HE DEATH of the NRA was greeted with a
great many opposing reactions and the whole
subject is yet one of considerable discussion. But
most really intelligent and right-minded persons
were agreed that the end of NRA was a distinct
disadvantage in one respect.
That point is the one involving child labor.
Under the NRA one of the few really effective steps
towards ending that disgusting practice was taken,
but it was retraced with the action of the Supreme
Twice previously the Supreme Court has rejected
laws aimed at the abolishment of child labor on the
grounds that such laws were not in keeping with
the Constitution. In response to that view a child
labor amendment has been drafted - and lain idle
for many years because of the disfavor of such ac-
tions engendered by the failure of the prohibition
Twenty-four states have ratified that amend-
ment but there is need for 12 more. With the pres-
ent emphasis on social security and permanent im-
provements in employment methods the time is
ready for the action to be completed. No self-
respecting member of Congress would dare vote
against .a statute on child labor if he was given
a mandate from the states.
The indecency of employing children of 12 and
14 years of age at starvation wages should be evi-
dent to the public and should call forth a wave
of indignation that would completely engulf those
employers who take advantage of childhood.
Among suitable objects for justifiable homicide,
say Northwestern University co-eds, is the man
who hums while dancing

Well, Mr. Gifford, we'd like to know this about
telephones: Why don't companies discontinue
the service on the date they threaten to.
Most of the tenors and basses in the choir
and even one or two oversized altos were envious
when Billy Wager was granted the privileges of
clanging hymn tunes out of the new chimes. His
selection was logical enough; he was the tallest,
with the longest reach. Arms had to be long
to manipulate those nine wooden levers. They
were waist high, and you had to come down
upon them with an emphasis that short stature
could not achieve. The shorter the man, the
higher he had to jump to jam the levers down
with sufficient force, and each lever must be
released immediately to avoid blurring the .tone
of the bell far above. Having alighted on a lever
after a vigorous jump, the short man's tendency
was to stay there, thus depriving his technique
of the necessary staccato. Billy Wager was tall
enough to pounce upon the levers from stance.
All he had to do was to raise a long arm, let it
drop, then let go, and the music soared arund
the town while the pigeons circled around the
tower in terror.
Somebody came up from the McNeely factory
in Albany to get Billy off to a flying start. He
perspired through rehearsals with the clappers
detached from whatever connected to the levers.
There was a hospital a mile up the hill and a
parochial school just across the street, so Billy's
tentative scales and arpeggios and even more
tentative chords were wreaked out of the sweat
of his elongated brow in charitable silence.
There seemed to be an unwritten law that
Billy's program a half hour before each service
must be opened by a fanfare of scampering
scales and galloping arpeggios. That required
the breathtaking use of both arms and climaxed
in two chords that enlisted the left knee. Hav-
ing worried through the preliminaries, Billy would
pause to rally whatever breath he had left, then
in a single swoop pounce his right hand down
on the A lever, his left on the F, and stand-
ing like a crane in a brook, wrap his left knee
around the C lever. That was t;e penultimate
chord. The "men" part of the "amen" was
turned out of the tower by a similar triple threat
-right hand on the G lever, left on the E and
knee again approximating a strangle hold on the
C. And he held his balance on that lone long
leg all the time.
Billy practised so faithfully that the concert
which introduced to the town its first towerful
of chimes was marred by as few sour bells as
might be expected, considering the fact that,
with the clappers now attached, he was intro-
ducing himself to the full effects of his lever
tickling. I'll never forget that night, We choir
boys romped all over the church lawn with an
abandon that belied the sanctity of the overtones
that jelled in the air around us. We saw no
incongruity in playing leap frog in time with the
slow, majestic beat of "Peace, perfect peace, in
this dark world of sin," nor in shouting "Sorry,
sorry, hardly knew ya" while Billy with religious
fervor flung "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"
against the patient stars. We were too young
to notice the symbolism of his closing selection.
It was "The strife is o'er, the battle won." But
not quite won. In the final chord of his tri-
umphant "Amen" Billy's left knee missed that C.
a rapturous night in the Governor Bryan
Hotel, room 947, back in Omaha. -Percy Ham-
mond's review of "Idiot's Delight."
There may have been a rapturous night in
947, too. But the characters portrayed by Mr.
Lunt and Miss Fontanne were in 974,
Speaking of songs, if there were no diplomacy,
Germany would say to France:
And we are wrong, and you are wrong,
And all is wrong as wrong could be.
It may be imnossihie. Assemblvman Bronnol

AST week we noted with a tinge pf
sadness that the Metropolitan
Opera broadcasts had come to an
end for this year. However, all is
not lost, for word has been received
that for the first time the Metropoli-
tan Opera will be broadcast during
the spring season. Starting Saturday,
March 16, the programs will be alter-
nated weekly over the Red and Blue
networks of NBC.
YEHUDI MENUHIN, 19-year-old
genius of the violin, who acquired
world-wide fame as a child prodigy
many years ago, will make his final
public appearance before retiring for
two years on the concert to be broad-
cast at 10 p.m. tonight. Although
he may broadcast occasionally over
California stations, Menuhin plans to
spend the two years resting and
studying at his ranch in Santa Cruz.
He will resume his concert activities
in January, 1938.
THE Flying Red Horse Tavern show,
starring Beatrice Lillie, Lennie
Hayton and his orchestra, and Walter
Woolf King as master of ceremonies,
is providing plenty of good enter-
tainment. "Auntie Bea" seems to be
getting better with every broadcast.
The skit which went on the air a
short while ago, wherein she was
leading a group of campfire girls
through the wilds of Philadelphia,
was every bit all right. Lennie Hay-
ton is fulfilling his duties at the piano
ETHEL MERMAN, who acquired
considerable radio fame before
she appeared in "Anything Goes,"
will be the guest soloist on Ben Ber-
nie's program Tuesday night. After
seeing Ethel inhthe movies, we are
willing to give her our O.K. She is
also a fine vocalist. The Ol' Maestro
is doing all right by himself, too. His
line of chatter is still the same but
it always goes over. Incidentally, al-
though his band as a whole does not
rank at the top, Bernie has oneof
the country's most proficient sax
players in Ricardo Domenico "Dick"
BETTE DAVIS will appear as guest
in the Radio Theatre tomorrow
night. She will be starred in "Bought
and Paid For."
Released through United Artists, writ-
ten, directed and produced by Charles
Chaplin, starring Charlie Chaplin, and
featuring Paulette Goddard.
Few pictures live up to the publicity
that precedes them; "Modern Times"
is one of those. It proves again that
Charlie Chaplin is not only a brilliant
comedian but that he has an ingen-
ious business sense, a rare creative
ability, and a remarkable understand-
ing of what is going on in the world
today-and he has produced an-
other picture to which very few Hol-
lywood ventures can even hold a
Is "Modern Times" funny? It will
keep you rolling in the aisles as you
watch its diminutive hero wrestling
with his position on a production line
in a huge factory in which he tightens
two bolts on the machinery that is
coming through - tightens them so
fast and furiously that his muscles
go right on with his job after the
power is shut off for lunch. You
will not be able to restrain yourself
as he is subjected to a lunch-feeding

machine which is devised to save the
factory's time, as it pours soup in his
face, stuffs him with bolts and nuts,
and wipes his silly little mustache for
him. And you will never find any-
thing so hilarious as his experiences
as a night watchman in a department
store, unless it is his venture as a
waiter in a night club.
Yes, "Modern Times" is funny. You
will laugh, all right. But you will
also find that you have to take it se-
riously. Comedy, for Charlie Chaplin,
has become his most expedient sati-
rical agent. The hilarity he presents
is penetrating, poignant, and
thought-provoking; and belly-laugh-
ter though it may be, there is his
whole outlook on life within it. He
jokes about life but never fails to in-
fer what he has really found it to be.
The story in "Modern Times" is
very faint, so faint that°it is only a
skeleton on which the more important
aspects of the picture are based.
There is Charlie, and there is Paulette
(neither of them has a name in the
picture), and there is the world in
which they try to get along. Charlie
goes to jail almost every day. Paul-
ette is constantly sought by juvenille
authorities. One event after another
takes place. They both always get
worst of it, but in the end they walk
down a country road together arm in
arm looking for another. Charlie
winks with one eye and lets a tear
come out of the other ,and those
who watch him watch America's
greatest contemporary tragi-comed-
ian at his best.

Publication in the Bulletin is constxrittlve notiCE to all members of the
WOiversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
natU 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 3)
Combustion of Aldehydes and Hy-
drocarbons" on Monday, March 30,
4:15 p.m., Room 303, Chemistry Bldg.
The lecture, which is under the aus-
pices of the University and the Ameri-
can Chemical Society, is open to the
Graduation Recital: Margaret Jane
Kimball will appear in a piano re-
cital in partial fulfillment for the de-
gree of Master of Music, in the School
of Music Auditorium on Maynard
Street, Tuesday, March 31, at 8:15
p.m., to which the general public,
with the exception of small children,
is invited, at which time she will play
the following program:
Antiche Danze ed Arie ... Respighi
Gagliarda (Galilei, 155)
Italiana (Ignote, XVI)
Siciliana (Ignote, XVI)
Passacaglia (Roncalli, 1692)
Sonata in A flat major, Op. 110
. Beethoven
Moderato cantabile molto espres-
Allegro molto
Adagio ma non troppo
Fuga: Allegro ma non troppo
Prelude, Chorale and Fugue . .Franck
Miroirs ...................... Rayel
Oiseaux tristes
Une barque sur l'Ocean
Alberade del gracioso
Exhibition, Architectural Building:
A collection of drawings representing
the work of the schools affiliated with
the Association of Collegiate Schools
of Architecture is now on view in the
third floor exhibition room of the
Architectural Building. Open daily
9 t 5 except Sunday, through March
,31 The public is cordially invited.
Events Of Today
Stalker Hall:
12 noon, Class led by Dr. Bessie
Kanouse on "Developing the Chris-
tian Personality."
6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild Meeting.
There will be a discussion led by
members of the group on "What
Kagawa's Religion Means to Me."
7 p.m., Fellowship Hour and supper.
All Methodist students and their
friends are cordially invited to all of
these meetings.
First Methodist Church:
At 10:45 a.m., Dr. Brashares will
preach on "Christ's World." Stu-
dents are cordially invited to attend.
Congregational Church:
10:30, Service of worship and re-
ligious education. Mr. Heaps' sermon
subject is "Why the Congregational
Professor Slosson will lecture on
"Kant, Philosopher of Peace and
Freedom," the last in the series on
"Men of Thought."
6:00, Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Counsel-
or in Religious Education, will speak
on "The Challenges of Kagawa's Co-
operatives," following the supper
Roger Williams Guild:
12:00 noon. Student class at Guild
House. Mr. Chapman.
6:00 p.m., Dr. W. D. Baten of the
department of mathematics will ad-
dress the students on "Anticipating
the Cross."
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Services of worship are: 8:00 a.m.,
Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church
School; 11:00 a.m., Kindergarten;
11:00 a.m. Morning prayer and ser-
mon by The Reverend Frederick W.
Church of Christ (Disciples) :
10:45 a.m., Church worship service.,
Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister.

12 noon, Students' Bible Class. H.
L. Pickerill, campus minister, leader.
6 p.m., Social hour. 15c supper
The remaining two Sundays before
Spring Vacation the Guild will co-
operate with the University Peace
Council in a program of peace educa-
tion. This Sunday evening, March
29, the Guild will have charge of the
evening church service at 7:30 p.m.
and will present a play, "Peace I
Give Unto You," by Dorothy Clarke
Wilson. Students and residents of
the community are cordially invited.
This service at 7:30 will take the,
place of the usual 6:30 discussion
hour. Please note the change of time.
First Presbyterian Church:
At the Masonic Temple, 327 S.
Fourth St. Ministers: William P.
Lemon and Norman W. Kunkel.
9:45 a.m., Westminster Student
Forum, Mr. Kunkel, leader. Sub-'
ject: "What is the Most Aggressive
Thing in the Spiritual Life?"
10:45 a.m., Morning worship with
sermon by Dr. Lemon on the theme,1
"A Certain Lost Art."
5:00 p.m., Westminster Roundtable
will discuss the question, "Does Pray-

minister, will speak on "The Power
of a Great Decision." At 9:30 the
Church School meets. At 9:45 Dr.
Waterman's class meets at Guild
Harris Hall:
9:30 a.m. there will be a celebra-
tion of the Holy Communion in the
Chapel at Harris Hall.
Sunday, 7:00 p.m., there will be the
regular student meeting. There will
be three student speakers on the
program and opportunity for dis-
cussion. All students and their friends
are cordially invited.
Trinity Lutheran Church:
Henry O. Yoder, Pastor.
9:15 a.m., Church school.
10:30 a.m., Church worship ser-
vice with sermon on "The Cross and
Christian Service-Inseparable." This
sermon will conclude a series of ser-
mons on the inseparables of the
Christian Service.
5:30, Student Fellowship and sup-
per hour in Zion Lutheran Parish
6:30 p.m., Talk by Dr. Henry San-
ders on Biblical Manuscripts. All
students are invited.
Lenten Service on Wednesday eve-
ning at 7:45 with sermon on Voices
at Calvary.
Zion Lutheran Church:
Ernest C. Stellhorn, pastor.
9:00 a.m.,.Church School.
10:30 a.m., Church service with
sermon by the pastor on "Glorifying
5:30 p.m., Fellowship and supper
hour of student club.
6:30 p.m., Talk by Dr. Henry San-
ders on Biblical Manuscripts. All
students are invited.
Services will be held on Wednesday
and Thursday evening at 7:30. Ger-
man service on Wednesday. Medi-
tation for this week will be on The
Seventh Word from the Cross.
Lutheran Student Club: Prof. Hen-
ry A. Sanders, of the Latin Depart-
ment, will be the guest speaker at
the meeting this evening, in the par-
ish hall of Zion Lutheran Church on
East Washington Street. The subject
of his talk will be "Biblical Manu-
The talk will follow supper at 6.
Hillel Foundation: Forum at 8:00
p.m. Dr. Heller will speak on "Plight
of the Polish Jew." The Forum will
be followed by a social. All are wel-
Unitarian Church, today, 5:30,
Twilight Service-"Nikolai Lenin-
The Proletariat are also People."
Special music and readings.
7:30 p.m., Liberal Student's Union,
Miss Florence Binell will talk on
"Patent Medicine Palliatives."
Scalp and Blade Spring initiatioin
at 3 p.m., starting from the Library
steps. The formal initiation will fol-
low at 5 p.m. A banquet in honor
of the new members will be given at
6:30 p.m. Professor Bracket, of the
English Department, will speak.
Members will please attend."

Triangles, meeting at 11 a.m..
the Union, Room number will


{ Genesee Club meeting at 5 p.m. at
the Union.
Coming Events
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
Wednesday, April 1, 4:15 p.m., Room
303 Chemistry Building. Mr. G. M.
Kosolapoff will speak on "Quinonoi-
dation of Acridyl Chlorides."
Graduate Education Club meeting
Monday, March 30, 4:00 p.m., in the
Elementary School Library. Dr. Wil-
liam C. Olson will talk on the sub-
ject "Education of Children in Europe
Today." All graduate students in ed-
ucation are invited to attend.
Phi Beta Kappa: The annual meet-
ing for the election of officers and
new members and the transaction of
routine business of the Chapter will
be held on Thursday, April 2, 4:15
p.m., Room 2203 Angell Hall. All
members are urged td be present.
U. of M. Public Health Club invites
its membei's to attend a meeting
Monday, March 30, at the League.
The meeting will commence with a
short and interesting talk by a speak-
er whom we all know. The rest of
the time will be devotqd to future
plans for an outdoor party. The
meeting will begin at 8:00 p.m.
Alpha Kappa Delta meeting Tues-
day, March 31 at 5 p.m. Room D, Ha-
ven Hall. Election of new members
will be held at this time.
Faculty-Alumni Dance: The last
dance of the series will be held on
Wednesday, April 1, at 9:30 p.m., in
the Michigan Union ballroom.
Tuesday afternoon Play Reading
Secion onte acsultWmen'sClu

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