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March 28, 1936 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-28

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SATURDAY, IrlAiCCH 29, 1 1 ;l;



I ________________

All-Star Team
Doinitated By
Rieck And Palmer Picked
Unanimously For Places
On Fraternity Squad
As is usually the case, this year's
All-Star Fraternity cage team was
dominated by representatives of the
outstanding squads of the tourna-
ment. Chi Psi, the champions, and
Delta Kappa Epsilon, runner-up
each placed two men on the first
team. Choices were submitted by
the referees.
Two men were unaimously picked
for first team positions. Jack Palm-
er, Chi Psi forward, was chosen for
the second straight year. At a guard
position is Johnny Rieck of Phi Kap-
pa Tau, who by his brilliant play
throughout the season, made a medi-
ocre team look good.
Savage Gains Team
Chuck Menefee of the Dekes mer-
ited the' forward position opposite
Palmer, although he was closely
pressed in the ballotting by Carl Fer-
ner of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Russ
Coward of Theta Chi.
Leon Moore, rangy Deke tip-off
man, nosed out Chuck Hensely of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon for the center
post, while Eddie Payne, Chi Psi
freshman flash, was awarded the re-
maining guard position. Harry Til-
lotson of Theta Chi and Chris Ever-
hardus of D.K.E. were named as
second team guards.
Payne Named As Guard
Big Mike Savage set some sort of
record when he was chosen on the
Independent All-Star team for the
fourth straight year. Mike, a mem-
ber of the Physical Eds, was a unani-
mous choice for the center position.
Steve Fowdy, sparkplug of the cham-
pion All-Stars quintet was likewise a
unanimous choice. He was picked
at forward. "Skinny" Nelson of the
Physical Eds at forward, George
Drescher of the All-Stars and Fred
Keswick of the 7-11's at the guards,
complete the first team.
Secondd team Independent choices
include, Ed Fraser of the All-Stars
and Sam Mummery of the D.D.'s at
the forwards, George Shakarian of
the Physical Eds at center, and Ben
Wilcox of the D.D.'s and Julian Buch-
er of the Forestry Club at guards.-
Squad's Work.
In First Game
Pleases Fisher
Unfavorable playing conditions on
Ferry Field yesterday forced Mich-
igan's Varsity baseball squad to fore-
go its second practice game and re-
sort to drilling in Yost Field House.
Coach Fisher appeared pleased over
the showing his charges made in
Thursday's six inning affair, realizing
that because it was their first actual
play of the year no spectacular work
would be turned in. Herm Fishman's
pitching brought special mention
from Fisher, and the Michigan men-
tor believes that with experience Fish-
man will become one of his most ef-
fective hurlers.
Fisher is planning to send his men
through intra-squad games practical-
ly every day, weather permitting, be-
fore the spring trip opens April 10.
In this way he hopes to give the team
enough work to reach winning form
by that time. Ohio Wesleyan is the
first opponent for the Wolverines.
Yesterday's workout consisted of

the same general routine that was in
effect through the first few weeks of
practice. Special attention was given
to bunting and base running. John
Jablonski, slated for the Varsity
catching post, drilled on cutting down
base runners at second and gave defi-
nite proof that few men will be able
to beat his throw this spring. Fisher
hopes to take the squad outside again
Riskey Announces
Badminton Meet
An announcement of the third an-
nual Ann Arbor City badminton tour-
nament to be played Monday, March
30, to Saturday, April 6, at the
Intramural Sports Building was made
yesterday by Earl Riskey, tourney
Entrance is open to any amateur
residing in Ann Arbor. There will
be no entrance fee, but the contes-
tants must furnish their own birds.
Matches will be played in the men's
and women's singles and doubles and
the mixed doubles. The present titles
are held by John Carmichael in the
men's singles, Mrs. Henry Lewis in the
women's singles, Carmichael and Eu-
stace Fox are the men's doubles
champions, Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Ar-
thur Boak in the women's doubles,

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- --By BILL REED -

Lei - '(i(I. hI $,4,tii'

Medley Relay Swim Trio Sets
INew Record At National Meet

-Associated Press Photo.
Mickey io smiling today for his biggest problem of the training sea-
son was solved when slugging Hank Greenberg, Tiger first baseman who
was voted the league's most valuable player last year, ended his holdout
siege and made peace with the Tiger bosses. However, that smile may
soon turn to a frown for he must turn loose some of the Bengal rookies
so as to remain inside the American League player limit. This will be
a hard task for Manager Cochrane because some of the lads have shown
real talent.
leaters Play Ranking Matches
For OpeningMeet With State,
By CARL GERSTACKER ierrors in a set, he is forced to admit
Although many ranking matches the truth.
are yet to be played before the season Three-Day Tennis Meets
Last year, a system of three-day
opens, Capt. Howie Kahn seems to be Las ynrgusy te d thre-a
the logical choice to lead the Varsity tennis meets was inaugurated which
netters against Michigan State in the proved very succgssful. In these
opening meet on April 21. t meets, three teams meet with each
other at the same place in a three-
Kahn and Jarvis Dean tangled in day tourney. This system brings
a three set battle Thursday that left about some rather instem bennis
both players exhausted, with Howie but cuts down on the traveling ex-
coming out on top by a 6-2, 6-8, 6-4 penses of the team and gives the
score. Dean played a beautiful cross team more time and money so that
court game that kept Kahn con- the schedule can be broadned.
stantly on the run but Howie's steadi-
ness eventually turned the tide in. At first, it was though~t that play -
his favor. ing two meets on successive days
might handicap the players but ac-
Miller Sherwood has also shown up cording to Coach Johnstone the brand
well in the ranking matches, having of tennis played last year was up to
defeated Jarvis Dean, Johnny Rod- par and much better friendship was
riguez, Ted Thorward,, and Jesse ipromoted among the players of the
Flick. Idifferent schons

RECOGNITION o' orne s talents is
one thing, but too much publicity
is another ,according to Harry Kipke.I
Since the word concerning his leger-I
demain card activities has gone
around he has been unable to get
opponents for even an innocent hand
of bridge, when, in his own estima-
tion, his card playing abilities are
nothing short of "lousy."
Mill Marsh, sports editor of the
Ann Arbor Daily News, has capitalized
on the Kipke repertoire of prestidigi-
tation during the past week, but the
game finally ended with the score
against him. Mill's piece de resist-
ance was to call any card which the
victim would draw from the deck,
repeating it to show there was a
science involved.
Then, when the victim was be-
ginning to draw away, Mill would
offer to call Kipke on the tele-
phone, that he could give the
card, too. Which worked very
well until Mill tried to get his
Highly excited, Mill gave Kipke
the wrong signal, and he still be-
lieves Kip crossed him up.
ALITTLE story about Ray Walters,{
Iowa's brilliant sophomore swim-
mer, is particularly interesting this
week-end. It seems that when Walt-
ers was eleven year old he was al-
most drowned in a sand pit when he
got beyond his depth, and became
panicky when he tried to swim back
to safety.
Michigan and the field in the
National Collegiate meet will at-
test to the degree of improve-
ment in his swimming abilities
which he has shown since then.
WITH the track team revelling in
a week's layoff between indoor4
training, cinder talk this week re-
solves itself about participation in
the Penn Relays. Michigan fans
are hoping that at least two of the
Wolverine relay teams may be given
a chance to display middle western
form to the East, but Coach Charlie
Hoyt has announced the matter re-
mains a question of financing the
Although competition is strong at
the Drake Relays, which the Michi-
gan team will enter if no one goes to
Penn, the eastern appearance is gen-
erally considered to have more pres-
MAJORS GIVE $290,000
Since 1928 the two major leagues;
have given a total of $290.000 for the
furtherance of American Legion jun-
ior baseball.

Capt. Frank Fehsenfeld contin-
ued where he left off last year as
he led all the qualifiers in the one-
mcter board diving by totaling 125.2
pain E. Ned Diefendorf, Ben Grady,
and Der Johnston were other Mich-
igan qualifiers among the six
U'nion Pinmen Beat
Toledo University
Extending their winning streak
to nine matches, the Michigan Union
bowling team edged out the Universi-
ty of Toledo by 57 pins, yesterday af-
ternoon at the Union alleys. The
score was 2678-2621.
Toledo took an early lead by bowl-
ing over 914 pins in the first game
for the highest game score of the
match. However, they could not
maintain this pace in the last two
games, and the Union team's more
consistent performance gave them the
George Terpenning's 593 was the
best three-game total of the meet. In-
cluded in this was the high single
count of 216. Camp, of Toledo, led
his teammates by rolling a 575 series.
while Foizer had a single-game high
of 201.
Terpenning, Markham, Zak, Falk
and Sidman composed the Michigan
lineup while Mattison, Folger, Camp
Karpanty ,and Ayling bowled for To-

(Continued from Page 1)
Jim Patterson of Ohio State who
passed Fehsenfeld in the last few
dives. Ben Grady of Michigan was
fif h and Ned Diefendorf placed
Yale regained some of its lost
ground to dethrone the Wolverines
in the 220-yard free style as Ma-
cionis and Cooke trailed Medica to
the finish. Jimmy Gilhula of South-
ern California was beaten out in the
last 15 yards by the Yale entries.
None of the leading teams earned
points in the 150-yard back-stroke
except for the addition to Northwest-
ern's total. An unknown, Willey of
Princeton, upset the dope to slip in-
to second place ahead of Cummins
of Harvard, Westerfield of Iowa, and
Rieke of Michigan who trailed in that
While Medica was winning the
1500-meter event, Hoyt of Yale placed
second by beating out Woodford of
Ohio State, Barnard of Michigan and
Jacobsmeyer of Iowa.
Final events to be run off tomorrow
include the 100-yard free style, 200-
Frosh Matmen
Victorious In
Campus Meet
Freshmen emerged victorious in the
finals of all the divisions of the All-
Campus wrestling tournament, com-
pleted this week at the Intramural
Two victories by falls featured the
program. In the 165-pound division,
Ray Courtright, Jr., son of the golf
coach, threw Max Shirley of Kokomo,
Indiana in 57 seconds, using a half-
nelson and a body scissors. Harold
Rosen, diminutive Plains, Pa. grap-
pler, had an easy time with Bob
Luery of Escanaba, pinning him in
two minutes.
In the heavyweight feature, For-
rest Jordan, husky 'freshman from
Clare, eked out a close decision over
Bill Jurca of Cleveland. Tim Hurd
of Cleveland became 175-pound
champ by gaining a time advantage
over Harlan Danner of Ann Arbor.
In the closest match of the after-
noon, Rex Lardner of Great Neck
N. Y., took the 135-pound final from
Dick Springer of Ambridge Pa. Tom
Aye, dropped a close decision in the
, 155-pound class to Fred Thomson, of
Harold Nichols, gained a large ad-
vantage over Dave Drysdale of Grosse
Pointe, in the 145-pound division.
The 118-pound final saw Charles
Schwader of Rochester, N. Y., defeat
Bob Eddy of Ann Arbor.

yard breast stroke, 400-yard free
style relay, 440-yard free style, and
the three-meter board diving.
1500-meter free-style: Won by Med-
ica (Wash.) ; second, Hoyt (Yale) ;
third, Woodford (O.S.U.); fourth,
Barnard (Mich.). Time, 20:23.7. (New
intercollegiate record. Old record of
22:41 held by Howell of Northwest-
50-yard free-style: Won by Wal-
ters (Iowa); second, Hutter (Har-
vard); third, Brown (Chi); fourth,
Haapaneima (Gus. Ad.). Time, 23.4.
150-yard back-stroke: Won by Zehr
(NW); second, Willey (Princ.); third,
Cummins (Harvard); fourth, Wester-
field (Iowa). Time, 1:36.8. (New in-
tercollegiate record. Old record of
1:38 held by Kojac of Rutgers).
220-yard free-style: Won by Med-
ica (Wash); second, Macionis (Yale);
third, Cooke (Yale); fourth, Gilhula
(S. Cal.). Time, 2:09.6 (New intercol-
legiate record. Old record of 2:11.5
held by Medica).
One-meter board diving: Won by
Johnston (Mich.); second, Patterson
(O.S.U); third, Fehsenfeld (Mich.);
fourth, Faulkner (Rutgers). Total,
13 1.40 points.
300-yard medley relay: Won by
Michigan (Rieke, Kasley and Mower-
son) ; second, Northwestern; third,
Ohio State; fourth, Iowa. Time,
2:58.2. (New intercollegiate record.
Old record of 3:00.8 held by Mich-
Laabs, York Slated
To Leave Bengals
LAKELAND, Fla., March 27.-(P)
-Next Friday the Tigers will break
camp and head northward on a barn-
storming tour with the Cincinnati
Reds that will bring them into Cleve-
land for the opening game of the
American League season. Before then
Gordon Stanley Cochrane will take
out his little hatchet and lop a couple
of more names from the Tiger roster.
The exodus probably will begin Mon-
day after the game between Egan's
Rats and the regulars.
Among those slated to go is Chet
l Laabs, the muscular ball mauler from
Milwaukee. He will go to Lake Wales
to join the Milwaukee club. Rudy
York, who joined the ranks of the
unemployed when Hank Greenberg
came to camp, will probably accom-
pany him. Laabs will go out on a
twenty-four-hour option because
f Cochrane thinks he 'will improve
enough at Milwaukee to permit -his
recall before the season is over.
s Jockeys in England receive $15.75 a
t race and a bonus of $5,000 for riding
the winner of a classic.

ulucicu a .iivvaa.

Will Take Squad Out


Coach Johnstone expects to finish
the first round of the ranking matches
indoors, and then, if the weather per-
mits, will take the squad outdoors for
the second round matches.
In an effort to point out more clear-
ly to his netters their weaknesses,
Johnstone has devised a card system
on which he records all the errors and
placements made during the ranking
matches. Some of the items recorded
are service faults, service aces, place-
ments, errors on backhand, errors on
forehand, overheads, and lobs.
Tthe card system seems to be bring-
ing results. It is always hard to con-
vince a player that his backhand is
weak or that his forehand is weak
but when he is presented with a rec-
ord in black and white showing just
how many times he made backhand
Rejuvenated Ferry
Field Greets Nine's
First Appearance
As Ferry Field bakes out in the
afternoon sun, workmen are busy ply-I
ing hammer, paint brush and rake,
preparing it for the coming baseball
season. Already the diamond is ap-
proaching playing condition. Home
plate and the base bags are in place
and the infield sod has been rolled
and raked until it is firm and hard.
The entire baseball lot has taken
on a new appearance. The stands
are being thoroughly cleaned and
trimmed with bright green. The bat-
ting practice cages are on the field
waiting to be rolled into position be-
hind home plate to catch stray foul
balls as they are tipped off by bat-
In the outfield workmen drag large1
seeding machines back and forth
planting grass that will soon feel
the dig of metal spikes. The only
factor missing that is necessary to
complete the picture is the resounding
smack of hickory meeting horsehide,
the incessant chatter of infielders
waiting to scoop up the offerings of
the hitters, and Coach Ray Fisher's
Varsity ball players will soon furnish
all of the missing elements.
The football field is by no means
an idle place, either. Heavy motor-


Bothered Bey


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