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March 28, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-28

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. ............ . . . . . ......... . ...... ... ... .. . . ....

Court Orders
Hayden Jailed;
Bail Withheld
Rapp Says Trial May Not
Reach Docket Until May
Session Of Court
[Continued from Page 1)
the first I knew of the hold-up was
when they shouted 'This is a stick-
up.' Then one of them came over
and covered me."
"Do you see the one who covered
you in this court room?" Prosecutor
Rapp asked.
"That is the man right there,"
Conlin replied, pointing at Padgett.
Conlin further testified that he was
sitting behind a clothes case at the
time that the actual shooting took
place ,and could not °see over its top
Who actually fired the gun or guns.
"There were two shots," he asserted.
"I ain't smart enough," Padgett
stated when Judge Payne asked him
if he wished to question Conlin. "I
can't see why a man would deliberate-
ly lie-"he continued, when Judge
Payne interupted him and reiterated
his warning that Padgett must con-
fine himself to asking questions alone.
During Wetherbee's graphic de-
scription of the events that took place,
Padgett listened intently, elbows rest-
ing on the table and his hands
clasped beneath his chin.
"Padgett," Wetherbee testified,
"started walking toward the door as
if ,he were a customer walking out.
When he got between Stang and the
door, he turned around and stuck his
gun in Stang's back. The big fellow
took his gun and started for the door.
Apparently he jumped for them, and
the next time I saw him he was ly-
ing on the floor beneath the tie
Wetherbee stated that he was busy
dialing the police station when the
shooting occurred and was not an
eye-witness. He also related how he
had walked up to Stang and warned
him at the risk of his own life. "I'll
shoot your guts out if you let on,"
he quoted Padgett as saying when
he (Wetherbee) walked up to Stang.
'My duty is obvious and easy,"
Judge Payne said as he ordered Pad-
gett bound over. "There was suf-
ficient evidence given to show that a
crime had been committed and that
there is probable cause for suspect-
ing the respondent. That is all that
Is necessary."

Five Killed When Speeding Train Crushes Automobile

--Associated Press
Five persons, returning to their hemes in Lansing, Mich., from a church convention, were killed
their automobile was crushed by a speeding Grand Trunk pacstngcr train at Haslett, nearby village.
girls waiting at the crossing for the train to pass were struck by flying debris.


Debate Squad
Announced For
Big Ten Meet
Coach Secord Is Preparing
Two Teams For Western
Conference Tournament
Michigan's representatives in the
Western Conference Debating Tour-
nament, to be held April 3 and 4 in
Chicago, were announced yesterday by
Arthur E. Secord, Varsity debating
coach. The squad making the trip
to Chicago is divided into a negative
team consisting of Harry Sniderman,
'38, Clifford Christenson, '37, and Col-
lin Brooks, '37; and the affirmative
team of Don Mayfield, '37, William
Centner, '38 and Eugene Gressman,

Huron River Once As Large
As Ohio, States Prof. Leverett
Carried Glacial Waters In its edge to the southward. The River
Deep Valley Soithwa1 hjoined this stream at the point where
. y. . . .the Fairview Cemetery now stands,
,ro Mississippi River made a sweep through the city by
Ferry Field and entered the Raisin
By PROF. FRANK S. LEVERETT and Lake Maumee at Tecumseh.
This is the first of a series of ar- From this lake its waters escaped
ticles on the Huron River valley. writ- through the Fort Wayne outlet into
ten by members of the University fac- the Wabash and the Ohio.
ulty for a guide booklet to the Huron
River. Other articles will appear at As the ice continued to melt, Lake
a later date. Maumee extended northward along
The story of the Huron is the tale the face of the glacier beyond Ypsi-
of a young and vagabond river that lanti with a branch running up to
has wandered about over its territory Ann Arbor. Here the Huron built a
as few other rivers have ever done. delta at the head of the estuary. The
It was less than 40,000 years ago terrace along the Ann Arbor Rail-
that the stream took its rise at the road west from the Pontiac Road was
edge of the ice cap which then cov- made at this time. In Ypsilanti
ered the State of Michigan except for Lake Maumee formed the bar on
an irregular strip running up through which the Water Tower now stands
uc II i LIr ffh t a nfnI) wiuicrich

Union Lecture
To Be Offered
By Prof. Ford
Economist To Base Talk
On Federal Government
Tax Measures
Prof. Robert Ford of the economics
department will speak on "Federal
Taxation" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in
the fifth of the Sunday lecture series
sponsored by the Union.
A research investigator for the New
York State Tax Commission and an
agricultural economist for the United
States Department of Agriculture in
1933, Professor Ford is very well
qualified to speak on the subject of
taxation, Union officials declared.
"The subject should prove most in-
teresting both to the general public
and to students, in view of the great
discussion concerning taxes," Rush
Bowman, '37, committeeman in
charge of the lecture series stated
last night,
"Since the processing tax has been
declared unconstitutional, one of the
greatest problems of Congress has
been in trying to find suitable mea-
sures for raising revenue," Bowman
pointed out. The talk by Professor
Ford will deal with the proposed new
measure and with other possible plans
for raising money to pay for the vast
governmental expenditures.
Professor Ford will also give a val-
uation of the neCw tax proposals and
will discuss the controversial corpora-
tion surplus tax provision.
Comparatively new to the Universi-
ty faculty, first being appointed in
1934, Professor Ford has long been
interested in taxation and has made
that subject his special field for re-
search. He was an instructor in Co-
lumbia University until 1933, receiv-
ing his doctorate in that year. Since
coming to Michigan he has served on
the economics faculty and has been
research investigator in the Bureau
of Reference and Research in Gov-
WAYYOON LAKE, March 27.-(A)
- Walter Master, builder of fast
boats and cruisers for summer vis-
itors, died Thursday.
down to and into the lake. The wa-
ter now found escape through Lake
Erie out along the Ontario ice cap
I by Syracuse and down the Mohawk
and the Hudson to the Atlantic. The
outlet from Lake Erie must have
been lower then than now for the
waters were drawn to a much lower
level than the present, and the Huron
built a delta many miles out into
Lake Erie.
About eighteen thousand years ago,
it is estimated, the ice was so far
melted out of the Ontario basin that
the waters began to flow over Niagara
Falls and down the St. Lawrence.
The Huron has thus in succession
discharged its waters into the Kan-
kakee, the Wabash, the Grand, into1
Lake Erie and the Hudson, and into
the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
The only rock outcrops in the bed
or bluffs of the river are in the
vicinity of Flat Rock and Rockwood,
near the mouth. In places the river
is at a level of 150 to 200 feet above
its rock bed.

Classified Directory
CLASSIFIED FURNISHED apartment availabl
ADVERTISINGApr 1st, June 15th. For appoint-
Place advertisements with Classified 413
Idvertising Department. Phone 2-1214. ...................._.
The classified columns close at five MODERN apartment with sleeping
>clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no porch for rent through the summer.
extra charge. Phone 2-2806402
Cash in advance Ic per reading line
(on basis of five average words to ---
line) for one or two insertions. loo FOR RENT: Five-room housekeeping
per reading line for three or more apartment with yard and basement
Insertions. Minimum 3 lines per in-
sertion. Call 6809. 406
reiephone rate --15c per reading line
for two or more insertions. Minimum FOR RENT: Suite with overstuffed
three lines per insertion.
10% discount if paid within ten days furniture, private bath and shower
from the date of last insertion. Also single room. Cross ventila-
By contract, per line -2 lines daily, Alosgero.Cos etia
one month ......................:8c tion. shower bath. Phone 8544
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........e422 E. Washington.
2 lines daily, college year......7c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........8c
100 lines usedaas desired .. .. c FOR RENT: One double, one singl
300 lines used as desired .. .8 room. Comfortable, clean, well
1,000 lines used as desired........7
2.000 lines used as desired ........6 furnished. 1117 Forest. Call 3909
The above rates are per reading line 405
based on eight reading lines per inch
[onic type, upper and lower case. Add
5c per line to above rates for all capital LOST AND FOUND
letters. Add 6c per line to above for - ----
bold face, upper and lower case. Add LOST: Black Cocker Spaniel. Sturd-
10c per line to above rates for bold face iybulwtefrp s.Rwr
capital letters. ily built, white forepaws. Rewar
The above rates are for 7% point offered, 501 Onondaga St. 6890.
LOST: Small diamond in ring. Prob-
MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our em- ably in Library or League or be-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x tweei. Call 194 Jordan. 407
EYES examined, best glasses made at LOST: Women's oxford glasses
lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M. Finder please call D-42 Lawyer
graduate, 44 years practice. 549 Club. 401
Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x _____..___._
NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair
and refinish furniture. Phone 8105.
A. A. Stuhlman. 15x
buy ofd and new suits and over-
coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
prices for saxophones and typewrit-
ers. Don't sell before you see Sam.
Phone for appointments. 2-3640.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned
Careful work at low price. Ix
French Fellowship THRILL!
Awarded To Prator 7
Clifford H. Prator, a Teaching
Fellow in the French department oft
the University, was awiarded an
American Field Service Fellowship Romance! Drama!
for 1936-37, it was announced recent- Mystery! A truly
ly. Mr. Prator is the second graduate great picture!
student from the Department of Ro- LIO
mance Languages to win this much
coveted award within the past three
It was stated that there are now ERICLINDEN
only three Field Service Fellowships Dudley Digges Spring Byington
in French for the entire country. Mr. Charley Grapewin- Henry Wadswort
Prator will spend most of the year in Directed by Richard Thorpe
study in France where through the AMetigokdgnIHayrpcTrnU
facilities of the libraries and archives \ Also
he hopes to compete his doctoral dis- JOE COOK in "PENNYWISE"
sertation. "TIMBER GIANTS" Novelty
JACKSON, March 27.-()-Two MYRNA LOY in
trusty inmates of Southern Michigan "Petticoat Fever"
state prison plowed furrows with a
tractor Thursday around the farm -_ _ _ _---
home of Theron Dunn, four miles
north of here ,to save it from a
spreading marsh fire. In a letter to
prison officials, Fire Chief Ernest C.
Daunter praised the two trusties,
Peter Perrigo and Peter Podah. n~- T ,r-," .U



6:00--WJR Musical Moments.
WWJ Ty Tyson.
6:15-WJR News of Youth.
WWJ Dinner Music.
CKLW Joe Gentile.
WXYZ Walter Remson.
6:30-WJR Musicale.
WWJPress-Radio; Soloist.
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW Rhythm Ramblings.
6:45-WWJ Religion in the News.
WJR Musical Masters.
WXYZ Don Orlando.
CKLW Old Bill.
7:0O-WJRYou Shall Have Music.
WWJ Concert Orchestra.
WXYZ Town Talk.
CKLW Will Osborne's Music.
7 :15-WWJ Popeye the Sailor.
WXYZ Lady in Blue.
7:30-WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Musical Moments.
CKLW Serenade.
7:45-WXYZ Sandlotters.
WWJ Hampton Singers.
CKLW Washington Merry-Go-Round.
8:00-WJR "Ziegfeld Follies of the Air."
WWJ "Your Hit Parade."
WXYZ Larry b'unk's Music.
CKLW Bob Albright.
8:15-WXYZ Boston Symphony.
8:30-CKLW Cincinnati Symphony.
9:00-WJR Nino Martini: Andre Kostel-
anetz' Music.
WWJ Jan Peerce: Rubinoff's Music.
9:15-WXYZ Henry Biagini's music.
9:30-WJR Stoopnagle and Budd.
WWJ Al Jolson.
WXYZ Barn Dance.
10:00-WJR California Melodies.
10:30-WWJ Celebrity Night.
WJR "Racket Expose."
WXYZ 400 Club.
CKLW Scotch Varieties.
11:OQ--WWJ Russ Lyon's Music.
WJR Smelt Run.
CKLW Freddie Martin's Music.
WXYZ Baker Twins.
11:15-WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music.
CKLW Kay Kyser's Music.
11:30--WJR Ozzie Nelson's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Glen Gray's Music.
CKLW Shadows on the Clock.
12:00--WJR Barney Rapp's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Carefree Carnival.
CKLW Basil Foreen's Music,
12:30-WJR Bernie Cummin's Music,
CKLW Johnny Johnson's Music.
WXYZ Griff Williams' Music.
1:00-CKLW Jack Hylton's Music.
1:30-CKLW DeMarco's Music.
2:00-CKLW Ted Weems' Music.

The question to be used in the Big thriver s tse
Ten tournament is the same one that river has its source,
has been the subject of numerous It followed its present channel as
practice debates for the past two far as Base Line Lake, but there it
weeks, namely, "Resolved: That Con- found its course to the southward
gress Should Be Empowered to Over- blocked by the ice sheet and turned
ride by a Two-Thirds Vote, Decisions westward, flowing across the present
of the Supreme Court Declaring Acts beds of the Grand, Kalamazoo and
of Congress Unconstitutional." St. Joseph Rivers to discharge into
Continuing their schedule of prac- the Kankakee and thence into the
tice debates in preparation for the Mississippi. As the stream was at
Tournament, the squad will debate in this time fed by glaciers on three
two dual meets Monday in Detroit sides which must have been melting
with the University of Detroit and rapidly, it became a mighty river
Wayne University, Mr. Secord an- nearly as large as the Ohio, as the
nounced. Tuesday night another shores of its old channel indicate.
practice debate will be held with Al- As the ice melted to the south and!
bion College, in which the two teams east, the river turned'southward in-
will meet Albion, on both the nega- to its present channel and excavated
tive and affirmative side of the Con- a wide valley to Dexter where it made
gress-Supreme Court question. a detour to the south and east and;
After returning from the Chicago reentered the present valley below
meet, the team will hold its last de- Delhi. The western front of the gla-
bate of the season Monday, April 6 cier was now at Ann Arbor, leaving
with Rutgers College in the Lydia a moraine near the Pontiac Road,
Mendelssohn Theatre. and a broad stream was flowing along
Continuous 1:30 - 11 P.M.
aFeture 1:00 - 3:12 - 5:18 - 7:30 - 9:42
15c to 6 -- 25c after 6

with its beach running through High-
land Cemetery.
Lake Maumee ultimately extended
northward around the Thumb into
the Saginaw Valley From thence its
waters were discharged through the
Grand River Valley and connections
into Lake Chicago, which was the
lower end of what is now Lake Mich-
igan, whence the waters of the Huron
find their way again into the Missis-
The large lake of the Erie Basin,
Lake Whittlesey, now covered the
lower reaches of the Huron and
formed a strong beach just below
Ypsilanti with a delta extending up
through the present site of the city,
forming the terrace on which the
business section west of the river
As the ice melted from the Erie ba-
sin and the waters flowed eastward,
the mouth of the Huron moved east-
ward with the receding waters form-
ing a series of deltas from Belleville

Think a Minute!I
ver oy's Radn9The
k~ead_ .. w .. Ads



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REULnw is the time

Religious Activities

State and Washington Streets
Music: Achilles Taliaferro
Sermon -

Corner East University and Oakland
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
8 I'M. -- Sunday venng Forum.
Dr. Heller will speak on the

Mlasoni Templ , k .327 Sonth Youri h
Miv-nisters: William P. nLenon
and Ni Nrm umW. Kunkl
lel . leader. Wia ItIs I(lie Most
AggrPesi \e Tingin t he Spiritual
1:5 A.M - .-Serm on b Dr Toemon

(! (F


cAr jgtse jtt-'
4 ner tea on
titler i n otilY

ga 7.1714
ichiga" DailY






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