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March 28, 1936 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-28

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The Weather
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Court Orders
Hayden Held
Without Bail,
Accused Repeats He Has
'Nothing To Say' Before
judge Jay I. Payne
Conlin, Wetiherbee
Identify Defendant
Rapp Says Trial May Not
Reach Docket Until May
Session Of Court
Stubbornly repeating that he had
"nothing to say," William H. Pad-
gett, 44 years old, alias "Shorty Hay-
den," was ordered held without bail
for circuit court yesterday after an
examination in Justice Court before
Judge Jay H. Payne, where he was
charged with the murder March 21,
1935, of Officer Clifford A. "Sid"
The basement of the City Hall was
packed with the bystanders whose
leaders only were able to jam into
the small courtroom to hear City
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp call five
witnesses for the purpose of estab-
lishing the commission of a crime and
showing cause for suspicion against
Rapp said after the trial that Pad-
gett's case might not reach the cir-
cuit court's crowded docket until
the May term. The defendant is
meanwhile being held in the Wash-
tenaw county jail.
Identified By Proprietors
William J. Conlin and Herbert T.
Wetherbee, proprietors of the cloth-
ing store at 118 E. Washington Street
in which the murder took place dur-
ing the course of a hold-up, while
under oath, positively identified Pad-
gett as one of the participants. James
W. Akers,' 38 ,a customer in the store
and a witness to the hold-up, did not
appear in court, but had previously
identified Padgetthat thedcounty jail.
After first presenting a- motion to
change Padgett's name in the war-
rant from Hayden to his authentic
name, Prosecutor Rapp called on
Chief of Police Lewis Fohey, who out-
lined Stangs' service record, es-
tablished the corpus delicti, 'and gave
a resume of Stang's activities im-
mediately before the slaying, and of
the steps the police department took
upon being notified. Padgett, who
acted as his own counsel, asked Chief
Fohey if the local police went around
in pairs. Upon receiving a reply in
the negative, Padgett said, "I just
wanted to know if he had a partner."
Cause Of Death Told
Dr. Stacy C. Howard, pathologist at
St. Jseph's Mercy Hospital, who per-
formed the post-mortem on Stang,
next took the stand. He stated that
death resulted when a .32-caliber
bullet severed several large arteries,
causing internal strangulation. Of-
ficer William Mars testified to be-
ing the first officer to reach Stang
and told of taking him to the hospital,
where Stang was pronounced dead
shortly after being admitted. His
testimony conclusively established
the identity of the corpus delicti, link-
ing it with the hold-up.
Padgett asked the witness if Stang
had been killed instantly. Mars
stated that he had not, and Judge
Payne warned the prisoner that he
could not make any statements until
he was under oath.
The first witness Prosecutor Rapp
called in an effort to establish a prob-
able cause for suspecting the prison-
er of the murder was Conlin. He

testified that he was waiting on Akers
when two men entered and asked to
see a topcoat, "Mr. Wetherbee waited
on the taller of the two," he said, "and
(Continued on Page 2)
Alumni Officers
To Me-et At Union
Officers of the ninth alumni dis-
trict will meet today in the Crowfoot
Room of the Union to confer with
Alumni Association officers. The of-
ficers of this district are, Christian S.
Matthews, of Mount Clements, presi-
dent; Franklin Mugavero, vice-presi-
dent; J. Evans Campbell, Owosso, sec-
retary; and Frederick C. Matthaei,
Representatives of the Alumni As-
sociation attending this meeting will
be Emory J. Hyde, president, T
Hawley Tapping, general secretary.

Interest Is Aroused In
'Flashiest Dressed' Pol
The Gargoyle's Prize Contest to
determine by a campus poll who is
Michigan's flashiest dressed man and
to reward him for this questionable
distinction is gradually gaining mo-
mentum, according to Don Miller, '36,
Although the contest doesn't close
until April 10, Miller urges all Gar-
goyle readers to clip their ballots and
send them in now so that the trend
of the contest can be determined,
thus making it more of a sporting af-
luyskens Will
Remain In Race
For Senate Seat
Declares Abbott Support
Rapidly Diminishing,'
No Candidate Available
For the second time in less than
three weeks the broad-brimmed hat
of Prof. John H. Muyskens is in the
ring again for the senatorial elec-
tions, this time, he announced last
night, in all seriousness and with
every intention of staying there.
"I definitely plan to run for the.
Democratic senatorial nomination,"
the phonetics professor said in a
formal statement. At the time of
his earlier entry, he announced him-
self in the field as "a joke on the
state and Horatio J. Abbott," after
Abbott, Democratic national com-
mitteeman for Michigan, had said
he might run himself rather than
leave the place blank on the primary
Wanted Couzens
This has been the plan of the Muy-
skens group in the state party, which
had visions of inducing Sen. James
A. Couzens, now Republicansenator
from this state, to run on the Demo-
cratic ticket as "one of the best Demo-
crats in Congress."
But in the period since that time,
Professor Muyskens said last night,
the definite alignment of Senator
Couzens with State Republicans, "the
reconciliation to Senator Couzens of
the Republican party," as he put it,
has absolutely cancelled any possi-
bility of that political lineup for this
year's elections.
The announcement of his formal
candidacy for nomination, Profes-
sor Muyskens added, was also an ef-
fort to draw out the opposition with-
in the party. "We naturally expect
a good candidate from them, and we
want to know who he is." he said.
No Abbott Man Left
(Asked who he though that sena-
torial candidate might be Professor
Muyskens shook his head as if baf-
fled. "I don't know," he replied.
"They're falling away from Abbott
so fast I don't think he can find any-
one to run for him. I don't think
h'll run himself.")
The slate of the Muyskens group
to date for the September primaries,
which they will carry into the battle
at the state convention late this May
in Grand Rapids, includes so far
Frank Murphy, pow high commis-
sioner to the Philippines, for gover-
nor; Leo J. Nowicki, Wayne County
drain commissioner, for lieutenant-
governor; Professor Muyskens for
United States Senator, and either
GeorgeSchroeder of Detroit, Rep.
Prentiss M. Bro.wn of St. Ignace, or
James O'Brien of Detroit for the na-
tional committeeman's post now held
by Abbott.

Women Elect
Remainder Of
League Staff,

Start Seeking
2nd Reprieve

Death Probe Halts v
As Parents A rive lM lieb igan, Miedi ca
Investigation of the suicide of
John Granville Williams, Grad., who
hung himself in his room Thursday,
came to a standstill last night when
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wil-
liams of Wallingford, Conn., arrived1'
here, unable to help police and Uni- First
versity officials find a cause for his

O'Ferrall, Woodley And Governor Hoffman Seeks
Lambie Rank Highest In Legal Power To Delay
Campus Vote Yesterday Killer's Execution
Officers Will Be Attorney' rrying
Installed April 6 1 o Prevent Action
Judiciary Council Elected; Hoffman 'More Convinced
Maleszewski, Hamilton, Than Ever' That Trial
Johnson, Kolle Named Was Unfair

Jane O'Ferrall, '37, Grace Woodley,
'37, and Mary Lambie, '37, were elect-I
ed vice-presidents of the League, rep-+
resenting the literary college, educa-
tional school, and architectural school,
respectively in an all campus voteI
held Thursday, Winifred Bell, '36,
chairman of the Judiciary Council,
announced yesterday.]
In the same election, Charlotte
Hamilton, '37, and Jacqueline Kolle,
'37, were named the senior members]
of the Judiciary Council while An-
geline Maleszewski, '38, and Mary]
Johnson, '38, were selected for the'
junior members.1
A general election was held for the
Judiciary Council candidates while
a vote according to the respective+
schools was taken for the three vice-
presidents, Miss Bell said. A totali
of 250 votes were cast in the .election.
In speaking of the election, Miss
Bell stated that "never in the history
of voting for the Judiciary Council
has the final result for the senior
nominees been as close as it was this
These new officers areto be for-
mally installed into the League April'
6 at the annual Installation Banquet.'
All of the candidates were recom-
mended by the Judiciary Council to
the Undergraduate Council who ac-
cepted the recommendations.
Miss O'Ferrall, a member of Col-
legiate Sorosis, has been active on
various League committees. In addi-
tion, she was the costume chairmen
for the Sophomore Cabaret, and is a
member of the central committee of
the Junior Girls Play. She is a mem-
ber of Wyvern, junior women's honor
Miss Woodley is affiliated with Chi
Omega sorority. She is a member of
the cast for the Junior Girls Play,
and is a member of Athena. Miss
Lambie has worked on a number of
(Continued on Page 5)
Find Air plane
Near Phoenix;
Graduate Dead
TUCSON, Ariz., March 27. - (P) -
The missing airplane carrying four
Phoenix business men was found
wrecked, with all occupants dead,
25 miles north of here, late today
by a rancher, Deputy Walter Jami-
son reported to the Sheriff's office.
The wreckage was located on the
ranch of Johnny Rhodes, just north
and east of the Catalina Mountains,
Sheriff John Belton said.
Howard A. Marx, '28L, was a pas-
senger on board the plane which is
missing near Phoenix, Ariz., it was
learned here last night. He is a
director of the National Junior
Chamber of Commerce and a practic-
ing attorney in Phoenix.

TRENTON, N. J., March 27.-(P)
- Gov. Harold G. Hoffman called to-
day on the prosecutors ofhBruno
Hauptmann to show him how he could
legally grant a second reprieve to the
Lindbergh baby killer, and his plea
met with sharp and swift rejection.
The governor, charging that the
Hauptmann trial "reeked with unfair-
ness, passion and prejudice," said he
would "gladly" grant a second re-
prieve, procided that Anthony M.
Hauck, Jr., the Hunterdon county
prosecutor, or Attorney General David
T. Wilentz would show him he had
the legal right to do so.
Hauck. in a statement as direct
in language as was that of the gov-
ernor, reiterated his intention to see
that the courts not be made a "laugh-
ing stock" by the governor.
Charges Incompetency
To the charge by Gov. Hoffman
that he was "incompetent," and that
he was merely the "errand boy" of
the Attorney General in the Flem-
ington trial, Hauck replied:
"I would rather be the errand boy,
of the Attorney General than of a'
convicted murderer"
Hauck charged that Gov. Hoffman's'
active interest in the Hauptmann case
was "purely political" and added:
"No man ever became successful
politically over the murder of a baby."
Hauck had nothing to say on the
goveinor's statement that he lacked
authority for a future reprieve, nor
did he indicate that he would an-
swer the governor's challenge to "show
me I have the right" to grantan-
other stay of execution.
Claim New Evidence
On the heels of the statements by
the governor and Hauck, C. Lloyd
Fisher, chief of Hauptmann's counsel,
said that he had new evidence suf-
ficient to warrant a request for a new
trial for the condemned man who
has been sentenced to die next Tues-
day night. He did not indicate what
the evidence might be.
Fisher has an appeal for clemency
which the Court of Pardons has been
asked to hear, possibly tomorrow or
Monday. The request for a new trial
would be made only if the plea for
celemency failed, he said-.
The governor said he would "sin-
cerely welcome" a legislative inves-
"As a matter of fact," he added.
in a formal statement, "I think it
would be a very healthy thing to
have the legislature authorize an in-
vestigation of the activities of the gov-
ernor, the attorney general, the super-
intendent of state police, the prose-
cutor of Hunterdon County and any
representatives of their departments
who might have participated in any
way in the Lindbergh case.
Military Treaty
Is Formalized
PARIS, March 27.-- (P) --France's
military alliance with Russia, on
which Adolf Hitler based his action
in rearming the Rhineland, became
formally effective today.
The actual ceremony involved only
the exchange of signed pacts between
Foreign Minister Pierre Etienne-Flan-
din of France and Foreign Commis-
sar Maxim Litvinoff of Russia, al-
though the treaty places the Soviet
1,200,000 man army at France's dis-
posal in event of an "unprovoked at-
The alliance, in the language of the
document, mentions only a European
power as the possible aggressor but
parliamentary debate in the French
assembly left little doubt that the
pact was aimed directly at Germany
- a fact which Hitler has also recog-
The "ratification" today, after the
treaty had been approved by both
fli" r~c nmprnr )iliic an +h

Funeral services for Williams will
be held today in Detroit. Burial will
be made in Elmwood cemetery.
The father of the dead student is
a member of the class of 1906.
Kagawa Closes
Martin Loud-
Lecture Series
Says Economic Change,
Cooperation Necessary1
For National Recovery
Prophesying that we will have no
real economic reconstruction until a
system of cooperatives is installed in
the United States and emphasizing
that a completely new view of eco-
nomics is needed in this country, Toy-
ohiko Kagawa closed the Martin Loud
Lecture Series yesterday afternoon
when he spoke on "The Cross andf
Economic Reconstruction."
Prosperity will not really return to
the United States, the Japanese so-
cial worker said, until a system of
cooperatives, in one form or another,
is realized. Finland, Sweden, and
Denmark have cooperative systems,
and they feel no depression, he point-
ed out. The United States with its
limitless resources, its great capital
wealth calls for cooperation as per-
haps no other nation does, Kagawa
Sickness Caused Poverty
In New York during 1914 and just
after the start of the Great War
there was a great boom. Yet, about
300,000 people were living in poverty-
stricken areas and were on relief, and
more than 60 per cent of that num-
ber were on relief because of sickness,
Kagawa pointed out. In a coopera-
tive system such a condition would not
be tolerated or experienced. The co-
operative rests upon exchange value,
and this is the fundamental principle
of the movement. The laborer, cap-
italist and skilled worker all partici-
pate in the returns of production in
accordance exactly to what they put
in, Kagaw emphasized.
The great Japanese then outlined
in brief the main principle on which
his theory would work, declaring that
"we have a desperate need of this type
of movement in the United States
and that until it is installed no really
true economic reconstruction can be
No Cheating In System
"There would be no cheating in a
system of cooperatives," Kagawa
pointed out"because a person can't
cheat his neighbors as much as he
can the government with its vast re-
lief program."
Social legislation, such as compul-
sory sickness, insurance, old-age pen-
sions and unemployment insurance
would be inuch more readily installed
in a cooperative system, according to
"Our system," the speaker con-
cluded, "is the result of different
schemes in different nations. Here
in America we must change our views
of economy. Cooperatives have worked
in many of the hospitals I have seen.
They will work in America. We can
have no true economic reconstruction
until the system is put into practice
in the United States."

W. A. White Calls
Collegiate Product
Mighty Poor Stuff'
EMPORIA, Kans., March 27. -WP)
- William Allen White, noted editor
and author, said tonight most col-
leges were turning out "pretty poor
Addressing alumni and faculty
members of church related colleges of
Kansas, White said too many young
people viewed a college today as a
training school for success.
"The kind of men and women which
the state colleges and most of the
other great colleges are turning out
of our great state leader factories to-
day is pretty poor stuff," White as-
He told of seeing in the Orient many
graduates of church colleges who
"were giving their lives with the
thought it would count." He urged
the support of Christian colleges so
that they might "set up another type
of education from the type prevailing
Four Students
To Be In Final
Speech Contest
Hall, Centner, Meyers And
Christenson Selected In
Trials Yesterday
Four students were chosen from
those who took part in the annual
Oratorical 'Association Contest pre-
liminary tryouts yesterday afternoon
to appear in the finals which will be
held at 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 8, in
Room 4203 Angell Hall. The prelimi-
nriries yesterday were held in the
Adelphi Room of Angell Hall.
The students selected for the finals
were J. C. Hall, '36, William A. Cent-
ner, '38, Howard Meyers, '37, and
Clifford Christenson, '37. From these
four one will be selected in the local
finals to represent Michigan in the
Northerri Oratorical League finals
which will be held on May 1 at
Northwestern University.
The subject of Hall's talk was
"Pillage of the American Nation."
He deplored the abandonment of the
civil service by the present adminis-
tration and urged a return to the
merit system for choosing men to fill
government positions.
Centner's speech was entitled "The
Challenge to Liberty," in which he
gave a detailed discussion of the fun-
damental principles of liberty upon
v;hich the United States was found-
cd. He went on to state that the
conditions have changed since the
early days.
"It Can't Happen Here" was the
subject of Meyers talk. He empha-
sized the deprivation of rights guar-
anteed to the American people by the
constitution. '
Christenson spoke on "Strepsiad-
ism." In his talk Christenson urged
an inspection of the methods being
applied to the evils claimed to exist
in the world.

Michigan Natators Pushed
To Record By Powerful
Northwestern Trio
Backstroke Event
Is TakenBy Zehr
Der Johnston Wins Diving
Crown; Walters Places
First In Dash
NEW HAVEN, March 27. -(P) -
Michigan's fighting Wolverines made
a surprising comeback in the opening
day of the thirteenth annual National
Collegiate A. A. swimming champion-
ships to share honors with Wash-
ington's record-breaking Jack Medica.

Four intercollegiate marks were
racked as Medica won the 1500-meter
md 220-yard free-style events, Danny
Zehr of Northwestern captured the
ackstroke, and Michigan's medley
:elay feam placed first.
In the first event of the day, the
espectacled Medica outdistanced his
iearest competitor, Norris Hoyt of
Yale, by 25 yards to establish a new
N.C.A.A. standard of 20:23.7, more
than two minutes under the old mark
of 22:41 made by Dick Howell of
Northwestern in 1924. He came back
MICHIGAN .................16
Washington ... ............10
Ohio State.................9
Yale ......................8
a few hours in the 220 later to beat
out Johnny Macionis, Yale's sopho-
more sensation, in the record time of
2:09.6, nearly two seconds faster than
his old N.C.A.A. time of 2:11.5.
Danny Zehr, Wildcat ace, twice
lowered the inter-collegiate mark in
the 150-yard backstroke, coming close
to the world record for the distance.
His time of 1:36.8 was 1.2 seconds
under George Kojacs time when he
swam for Rutgers in 1930.
The Wolverine medley relay trio
was chased to a new record in the
300-yard event as both the winning
team and Northwestern, the runner-
up, bettered the existing standard
of 3:00.8 set by another Michigan
team last year. The Maize and Blue
mermen were caught in 2:58.2 while
the Purple trio negotiated the dis-
tance in 2:59.8.
In the 50-yard free-style finals,
Ray Walters of Iowa nosed out
Charles Hutter of Harvard, the pre-
meet favorite, in the fast time of 23.4,
tying the pool record for the dis-
One of the big surprises of the
meet took place in the one-meter
board diving event in which Der
Johnston of Michigan dethroned his
teammate, Capt. Frank Fehsenfeld,
by scoring 131.40 points to edge out
(Continuea on Page 3)
Into Hell Week
Are Continued
Phi Kappa Sigma Put On
Social Probation Until
May 14 By Council
Reported Hell Week violations are
still under consideration and puni-
tive measures may yet be taken by
the executive committee of the Inter-
fraternity Council, Paul W. Philips,
'36, secretary of the council, said last
night. Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity,
1443 Washtenaw Ave., was placed on
social probation yesterday, effective
until May 14, he also disclosed.
Philips indicated it was possible
that the committee will announce a
complete new set of rules to govern
Hell Week activities after its meet-
ing Monday.
Both announcements came as com-
plete surprises for it was generally
thought that the committee's action
in closing Beta Theta Pi fraternity
was to end its consideration of Hell
Week violations, and it was not sus-
pected it would undertake making

Michigan Beauty May Reign
As Queen Of Drake Relays'

Pollock Declares Civil Service
Could Save Michigan $1,000,000

Michigan's great track and field
stars who will journeytokDes Moines
for the twenty-seventh running of the
annual Drake Relays April 25 and 26,
may perform before a Michigan girl
cast in the role of queen of the fa-
mous Drake Carnival.
An invitation to enter the Michigan
girl who combines the utmost in
beauty, poise, personality and intelli-
gence was received yesterday from
'The Quax,' Drake year book which
annually sponsors the beauty contest
as a vital part of the two-day Drake
Relay program.
With all transportation paid to and
from the University which she repre-
sents, the Drake queen, selected from
the entries submitted by the compet-

activity in extra curricular affairs are
stressed as equally important factors
with natural feminine charm and ac-
tual beauty.
The decision of the committee will
orobably be made known tomorrow
when the chosen candidate will be
photographed and her name forward-
ed to the central committee for the
final judging.
The central committee which last
year named Nona Kenneaster, Cali-
fornia, as the Relay Queen, selects the
royal lady from the. photographs and1
accompanying data sheets which in-
quire, among other things, into ability
to wear clothes; personal belief's,
sophistication, buoyancy and scho-
lastic attainments.
Entertainment and excitement ga-
lore are in store for the college

What can civil service do for Mich-
For one thing, if the example of
New Jersey is any indication, accord-
ing to Prof. James K. Pollock, it can
save Michigan $1,000,000 per year, en-
able it to have more efficient govern-
ment and at the same time get on
with 3,500 less state employes.
Professor Pollock's state civil serv-
ice study commission recently com-
pleted a study of the New Jersey merit
system, and Professor Pollock, who
returned last night from Columbus,
0., where he had been on a similar
mission, reported that the study dem-
onstrated without question the value
of civil service.
WhloMirhrrw'cs ~~,msn+ a ronn

in the way of saving the taxpayers
many dollars a year."
He quoted the estimate of Charles
P. Messick, secretary of the New Jer-
sey Civil Service Commission, that the
commission saves $1,000,000 per year
by selecting employes fitted for their
tasks, salary control and keeping de-
partments within reasonable control
as to personnel.
The New Jersey system provides ex.
emptions for key positions, such as de-
partment heads, but Professor Pol-
lock pointed out that "it is not compli-
cated by legislation for special classes
of employes." Praising the type of
"practical tests" that are adminis-
tered, he said that they involve only
actual nerformances in the work an

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