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March 28, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-28

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WIWI lr"A 1 II Ws


K.- -
Publisned every morning except Monday during th
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mal matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
Reppresentatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
eublicatiou Department: Thomas II. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her-
shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes.
Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D.
4ports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman.
Women's Departmeno: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel,
local Advertising, William' Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
A Regrettable
tional programs from the University
for the current season will end Sunday. Despite
the fact that Station WJR, over which it broad-
casts, donates the use of its facilities for these
informational programs, the broadcasting budget
permits only 19 weeks of broadcasting during
the college year.
It would be a waste of time to dwell at length
upon the value and accomplishments of the
University Broadcasting Service, for almost every-
one connected with the University realizes them.
The importance of the contact that it furnishes°
between the University and the people of Michigan
who support it cannot be over-estimated. That'
such a contact should properly exist is not de-
batable, and broadcasting is admittedly the cheap-
est, most reliable and most effective means by
which the University can provide that contact. It
is cheapest because the facilities of WJR are do-1
nated; it is most reliable because members of the
faculty write and deliver their own addresses, leav-
ing no chance for misinterpretation or misquota-
tion of the material presented. It is most effec-
tive because of the personal contact, because more
information can be disseminated, because it offers
a speedy method of counteracting misleading in-
formation about the University, and because it
reaches more people than any other means.
That the value of university broadcasting is
recognized elsewhere is shown by the fact that the
University of Wisconsin is on the air six hours a
day during the whole year, that the Ohio State
University is on all day, and that the University of
Iowa owns its own station over which it broadcasts
18 hours a day. And yet, while our programs are
recognized as among the best of any of the edu-
cational broadcasts on the air, the Broadcasting
Service must cease operations within a few days.I
By a small addition to the budget for broad-
casting purposes, the administration would bed
taking advant age of a priceless opportunity to re-
tain the contacts it has formed by means of the
broadcasts from Morris Hall. It would be contin-
uing the interest of taxpayers of the State who
have no other means of obtaining information and
explanation about the work that is being conducted
in the laboratories and classrooms of the campus.
It will make use of the best means it possesses
to gain and retain the confidence, faith, and sup-
port of all the people of the State of Michigan.

It would be taking advantage of the experience
of other universities, whose initial investments in
the field were followed by expensive outlays and
it would give an impetus to an activity which is
bringing renown to the University.
Hitler' s
'Electdiol' a *
THE GERMAN voting population
goes to the polls Sunday to elect an
unopposed slate of government candidates for the
Reichstag. For several weeks Reichsfuehrer Hitler
and the entire Nazi organization have been carry-
ifig on a propaganda campaign to bring out a large
number of voters to back the government's can-
didates. Herr Hitler isn't worrying about the
outcome of the election, but he does want a heavy
vote to impress upon the rest of the world that
the German people are united behind him.
'rhoma' ion rn c.v c- o hPmaxx orh-f'0 A fn-o ha

after the polls have closed to check the election
returns and to prevent the government from exag-
gerating the figures. The stupidity of the election
is so obvious that Herr Hitler seems to have de-
feated his original purpose.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial imnortance
and interest to the campus.
Beta Theta Pi Closing
To the Editor:
As an impartial observer of the recent closing
of the Beta house, there are a few things I think
worthy of note which might well be brought to the
attention of the Interfraternity Council and equally
as well to the attention of the campus. In the
first place, the "conviction" came under the Hell
Week plan which was passed last spring and was
not under the all-comprehending "NRA" which
was passed this fall. The reason for this was that
the Beta Hell Week took place before the regula-
tions of Feb. 26 were put through. Consequently,
unless the Betas' activities really violated the gen-
eral "precepts" set up last spring, it seems the
Council has overstepped bounds of propriety in
closing the Beta house.,
The Michigan Daily of May 2, 1935 sets forth the
HellWeek plan as passed the night before:
"(1) That Hell Week shall be limited to
a maximum duration of one week.
(2) That Hell Week activities of each fra-
ternity shall not be so arranged as to result
in any inconvenience to persons not affiliated
with the fraternity, either by destruction of
property or creation of a public disturbance.
(3) On any report of any pledge or initiate
who feels his initiation has been unfair and
unreasonable, the Executive Committee of the
Council shall investigate.
(4) Any rumor of physical injury or unrea-
sonable practices by any fraternity may be
investigated and if malpractices be discovered,
the usual penalties shall be meted out.
(5) The same persons who are now res-
ponsible to the University for the adherence of
each individual fraternity to social and finan-
cial regulations shall be held responsible for
the strict observance of these rules by their
(6) Any violations of these precepts shall
fall within the jurisdiction of the Executive
Committee of the Interfraternity Council and
shall be punishable by imposition of social
probation or forfeiture of rushing privileges or
both. The duration of such penalties in each
case shall be at the discretion of the aforemen-
tioned Executive Committee."
That this regulation embodies "general precepts"
is conceded and it was proposed in that spirit
on the occasion of its passage. There was a feel-
ing among many of the fraternities that the matter
of how a Hell Week should be run was essentially
a matter for private regulation of each fraternity.
But it was also evident that reasonable regulations
should be placed on this power of regulation so as
to avoid some of the atrocities of the early days of
college fraternities. Consequently, the plan not
only provides against public disturbance and prop-
erty damage and against unreasonable physical
punishment for the initiates but gives the Council
the power to investigate any unreasonable prac-
tice, whether included within these limitations
or not, and to impose the usual penalties in case
malpractice is discovered. Just what caused the
furore regarding the Beta Hell Week seems to
remain undisclosed and consequently it is impos-
sible to determine whether the activity did violate
the precepts of the Hell Week plan or merely was
something which was frowned upon by the mem-
bers of the Committee. Granted that a practice
that the Committee frowns on probably should be
stopped, the fact remains that unless such practice
is within the limits of the Council's resolution, it
is improper for the Council to assume jurisdiction
of the case. The Daily of Wednesday, March 25
states that "the committee ruled that it has power
to take any action for the better interest of the
fraternities" and it may be true that the Council

does have such power. However, if such a general
power exists outside of specific regulations passed
on the floor of the Council, it seems curious that
it would be necessary to have any code of Hell
Week rules passed by the representatives of the
fraternities. In the absence of such a general
power, the Executive Committee must be limited to
powers granted by the houses' representatives.
Did they so limit themselves in this instance?
However, if we assume that the Committee was
correct in taking jurisdiction of this case and found
that there was misconduct which comes within
the scope of the regulations of May 2, 1935,
it is hard to discover a basis for the power to close
a house. Sec. 6 allows the committee to place a
house on "social probation" or to take away its
"rushing privileges" or both but it is hard to read
into these clauses the power to close a house en-
tirely. It seems that the Committee clearly over-
stepped its bounds here.
Perhaps to persons "in the know" there is an
obvious answer to all this. However, it appears
to this writer that the Committee might better
come into the open and show which provision of
the Hell Week plan has been violated and to show
where the power completely to shut down a house
for Hell Week misbehavior finds its course. Per-
haps there is more to this than a mere violation of
the Hell Week code but it seems that if the closing
of the house is because of such a violation, the
conviction should be justified.
-Laurence D. Smith, '37L.
An Error Acknowledged

The Conning Tower
Some are stout,
Some are thin,
Some go out,
Some stay in,
Some lie low,
Some are brave,
Some like show,
Some don't shave,
Some will join,
Some hate queens,
Some chase coin,
Some eat beans,
Some are bores,
Some are bright,
Some do chores,
Some can write,
Some will pain,
Some drink suds,
Some are quaint,
Some are duds-
Which makes them out
Peculiar blokes.
Or just about
Like other folks.
"Indeed," said Miss Dorothy Thompson yester-
day, writing of the floods, "the catastrophe is too
soon forgotten. Were men's memories longer they
would prepare against its recurrence." They
would; and yet Noah, with his gopher-wood ark,
was the only man in the Bible that prepared.
Men's memories are short. They don't pre-
pare against the recurrence of war, and not much
against the recurrence of the poverty that comes
with wide unemployment. They don't remember
the campaign promises of politicians; and the1
politicians don't remember them, either.
Stories to the effect that Hartford, the insur-
ance capital of America, had practically no flood
insurance for its inundated area sounds to most
persons as if it were a case of the physician failing]
to heal himself. But try to get a flood insurance
policy from a fire or a casualty company. They
have no information about it, nor can they quote
rates for any district. Lloyds, an insurance expert,
will not write such a policy. Even The Conning;
Tower wouldn't underwrite it, except for Mount;
Sidney Howard says that the stage is the place
to learn to act, and that the Garbos and the Har-
lows would be no good on the stage. This temperate
statement of Mr. Howard's will be exaggerated in
Hollywood, where already they are angrily para-
phrasing the Jesse James ballad to:
Jean Harlow is is a star who's good as any are,
And Garbo, she is brave;
But the dirty little coward they call Sidney
Has put those ladies in the grave.
We don't buy any sweepstakes tickets, because we
save time by non-purchase. We don't have to read
the list of names of winners. And we never had
to read, and don't have to read -under the Con-
stitution - the statements of winners telling what
they are going to do with the money. If we were a
newspaper editor we'd send out a reporter to find
out what became of the winners of the past ten
years, what became of the money, and the dis-
crepancies between what they said they would do
with it and what they did.
Senator Borah, Colonel Knox, and Senator Van-
denberg don't say precisely what they would do
if elected, but they say what they would'nt do,
which mostly is not to spend the taxpayers' money.
More specifically they would not do almost every-
thing that President Roosevelt, that mysterious
dictator whom they don't name, is doing and has
done. The other night the talk, oddly enough,
drifted to politics, and the question came up, "What
would you do if you were President?" The prize-
winning answer was "I would ask to be impeached."
Mr. John Hamilton says that Governor Landon

does not rely on ballyhoo; that he needs no ma-
chine to guarantee his popularity, and no press
agents to rewrite and interpret his words. What
does he need? A campaign manager named John,
How you goin' to keep her on a city square
When the sap begins to rise?
When, awake or sleeping, garden spots
Appear before her eyes
She'll go stark mad some April night
And dig up the hyacinths, pink and white,
That grow in the Shepard's window-box,
And fork up a pair of those Belgian blocks,
Letting them fly, with a mighty swing
Right through the windows of Maxie Schling
Throw plaintain seed and milk-weed pod
On Radio City's cloud-kissed sod,
And set out a packet of blue moon-flowers
To climb on a string up the Waldorf Towers,
Fill the sprinkling carts with Chanel perfume
-And what price that, when the lilacs bloom!-
And picket the streets with a placard smart-
"Spring's Unfair to the Country Heart."
All this talk about transportation to the World's'
Fair, originally planned for 1939, is academic. Most
of us will go in wheel chairs.
On Monday, at the end of the luncheon of the
Sixth Avenue Association, Mayor LaGuardia said,
"Now let's go out and tear down the Sixth Avenue

RICH MEN DIE and leave millions
of dollars to be used in scientific
experimentation, they will their ex-
pensive art collections to museums,
and bequeath lavishly to charities; but
seldom does one hear that the theatre
has been financially smiled upon by
such a benefactor - after death. As
patrons of the arts these men prob-
ably receive as much cultural enjoy-
ment and benefit from the theatre
as they do from any of the other
arts. They go to plays, perhaps even
finance them, but they usually leave it
up to someone else to provide vitality
to the theatre as a cultural institu-
tion. Why don't some of these men
build and endow Little Theatres?
The Little Theatre has already
found a position in American society
and promises to become one of the
most important contributing factors
to the furtherance of the theatre as a
prominent part of our culture. The
theatrical dictatorship of New York.
the decline of the "road shaw, and
the cinema made the enjoyment of
new plays and important actors pro-
hibitive to most people living more
than a few miles from Manhattan.
Hollywood now and then brings us
adaptations of Broadway produc-
tions, and some of the most finan-
cially successful shows go on the road,
but for the most part we who live int
the Mid-West and West miss a great
deal of what is going on in the the-
atrical world.t
IN AN EFFORT to overcome this sit-
uation, Little Theatres have recent-
ly sprung up all over the country.
Some of them, such as the Dallas
Little Theatre and Le Petit Theatre
du Vieux Carre in New Orleans, have1
been in existence for more than fif-
teen years. These and others, in-
cluding the Pasadena Community
Playhouse, the Vassar Experimental
Theatre, the Kalamazoo Civic Play-
ers, the Omaha Community Play-
house, the Curtain Players of Flora1
Stone Mather College in Cleveland,I
and the Los Angeles Junior College
Department of Drama, are enjoying
a prosperous existence and bringing
worthy theatrical experiences to in-
terested members of their communi-
It is not difficult to organize a
Little Theatre. In most sizeablet
communities there can always be
found a good number of people whose
interest in the theatre is more than;
merely passive. What of all the
young men and women whose life;
ambition is to act, to direct, or to de-
sign scenery or clothes? There are
thousands of them looking eagerly for
such a chance as they would get inj
a Little Theatre. Probably some of;
the most promising talent in these
lines is being wasted in filling sta-
tions, department stores, and the
lobbies of movie palaces. If this tal-
ent were given something to start on,
the chances are that the results would
be felt not only individually but by
the community as a whole. If it were,
possible to secure the services of an
experienced actor, director, or pro-
ducer to oversee the work of a newly
organized group of this sort, it could
swing into production rapidly, and
soon bring a worthwhile series of in-'
expensive and enjoyable theatrical
events to the community.
THE MOST DEADLY competitor of
the Little Theatres is, of course,
the movies. With millions of dollars,,
the country's most appealing talent,a
and world-wide publicity, Hollywood
is able to undersell almost every other
type of entertainment. But if the
problem is attacked properly and
forcefully, if the public is acquainted
with a Little Theatre movement,

aroused to an interest in it, and
given what it wants in entertain-
ment, it most likely will not fail. An
intelligent full house paying movie
prices to see really talented friends
and neighbors bringing them a re-]
cent New York production which has
been interestingly advertised all over'
town stands a pretty good chance
of being well entertained. And it is
likely that this full house will return
again to see flesh-and-blood actors
doing other plays, to create their own
local celebrities, and to support an
institution in which they have a local
pride and which they patronize in
preference to inferior movies.,
Unles the American public increases
its desire to see a famous movie idol
act a poor play poorly rather than to
see a good play acted well by less
notorious actors, the Little Theatre
movement has only begun. Someday
America will have not only two the-
atrical centers, it will have many,
the importance of which will bring
not only intelligent entertainment
but theatrical prestige and cultural
prominence to the cities whose Little
Theatres have produced the best
work. And Hollywood and New York
will have to look to their laurels. l
Five whistling swans that have
picked Geddes pond as a resting spot
on their annual trip north have given
townspeople something unusual to
gaze at for the last few days and

VOL. XLVI No. 126
Phi Beta Kappa: The local chapter
of Phi Beta Kappa is anxious to have
on its lists the'names and addresses
of members of the organization who
have recently moved to Ann Arbor.
The names may be sent to the Sec-
retary's office, 3233 Angell Hall, by
U. S. Mail or by Campus Mail.
Any members who have not been
receiving the notices of the Annual
Banquet and desire to have them are
asked to inform the Secretary.
Irma F. Butler, Secretary.
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of the Loan Committee in
Room 2, University Hall, Monday af-
ternoon, March 30. Students who
have already filed applications for
new loans with the Office of the Dean
of Students should call there at once
to make an appointment to meet the
Students of the College of Litera-1
ture, Science, and the Arts: A meeting
will be held on Tuesday, March 31, at
4:15 p.m., in Room 1025, Angell Hall,
for students in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts and others
interested in future work in Business
Administration. The meeting, one of
the vocational series designed to give
information concerning the nature
and preparation of the various pro-
fessions, will be addressed by Profes-
sor R. G.ARodkeyrof the School of
Business Administration. The next
proessional talk, to be given by Dean
H. C. Sadler of the College of Engi-
neering, will be given on Thursday,
April 2.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
The adjourned meeting of the faculty
of this college is called for Monday,
March 30, 4:15 p.m., in Room 348
West Engineering Building.
The Univerity Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of United
States Civil Service Examinations for
Clinical Director (Female), Director
of Laboratories, Associate Psycho-
therapist (Female), Saint Elizabeths
Hospital, Washington, D. C., salary,
$3,200 to $5,600; Senior, Associate, As-
sistant, and Agricultural Engineer,
Bureau of Agricultural Engineering,
Department of Agriculture, (Optional
Branches-Farm Power and Machin-
ery, Farm Structures, Rural Electri-
fication, Soil Erosion Control, Drain-
age, Irrigation, and General) salary,
$2,600 to $4,600; Associate, Assistant,
and Marine Engineer, Department of
the Navy, salary, $2,600 to $3,800;
Junior Veterinarian,$Bureau of Ani-
mal Industry, Department of Agricul-
ture, salary, $2,000 (Open to Senior
Students); Junior Astronomer, Naval
Observatory, Navy Department,
Washington, D. C., salary, $2,000
(open to Senior students).
For further information concern-
ing these examinations call at 201
Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and
2 to 4.
E. E. Sophomores: Some very de-
sirable summer work is open, in a
Detroit concern, for a very few quali-
fied men. Requirements: maturity
(age 21 preferred); ability to deal
with all kinds of people; over average
htight; good appearance; reasonably
good grades. Those selected who
make good, will continue every sum-
mer until graduation. Only those
who in general qualify as stated
above, need apply. Preliminary in-
terviews by Prof. A. D. Moore in his
office, Monday, 9 to 11.
Mechanical Engineers: Mr. P. W.
Boynton of the Socony-Vacuum Com-
pany will be in Room 221 West Engi-
neering Building, on Monday, March
30, for the purpose of interviewing

men interested in possible employ-'
ment with this organization. Please
make an appointment, and obtain an
interview blank prior to that time.
H. C. Anderson.
All Students of the University who
are Daughters or Sons of Rotarians
are cordially invited to be the guests
of the Ann Arbor Rotary Club for
luncheon on Wednesday, April 8, at
12:15 p.m. at the Michigan Union.
Please make reservations promptly in
Room 107, Mason Hall.
Varsity Glee Club: The following
men have been chosen for the Spring
Vacation tour:
1st tenors: John Cole, Paul Robin-
son, Leland Swenson, I. Burstein, H.
Goldsworthy, B. Samuels, E. Kowalka.
1st Bass: L. Hall, P. Kent, D.
Nichols, K. Tustisen, A. Koljonen, D.
Swann, R. Clark, B. Claflin, S. Hirsh-
berg, J. Strayer.
2nd Tenors: Paul Wolff, Robert
Moore, R. Williams, F. Epstein, R.
Mathews, E. Haapa, J. Czajkowski,
Hugh Roberts, W. Sawyer, A. Swann,
T. Draper.
2nd Bass: A. Hill, R. Montgomery,
Tr Tlinlnzr Po,-n c~o, V .Tno c 1

organization. Please make an ap-
pointment prior to that time.
H. C. Anderson
Academic Notices
Economics 254: Professor Knight
will meet his theory seminar on Sat-
urday, March 28, from 4 to 6, instead
of on Monday evening as previously
Zoology 31 (Organic Evolution).
There will be a make-up examination
held in Room 2116 N.S., Saturday, 1
p.m., March 28, for all those who
missed the final examination in that
course last semester.
Chemistry Lecture: Dr. R. G. W.
Norrish, F.R.S., of Cambridge Uni-
versity will lecture on the topic: "Re-
cent Studies in the Kinetics of the
Combustion of Aldehydes and Hy-
drocarbons" on Monday, March 30,
4:15 p.m., Room 303, Chemistry Bldg.
The lecture, which is under the aus-
pices of the University and the Ameri-
can Chemical Society, is open to the
Graduation Recital: Margaret Jane
Kimball will appear in a piano re-
cital in partial fulfillment for the de-
gree of Master of Music, in the School
of Music Auditorium on Maynard
Street, Tuesday, March 31, at 8:15
p.m., to which the general public,
with the exception of small children,
is invited, at which time she will play
the following program:
Antiche Danze ed Arie ... Respighi
Gagliarda (Galilei, 155)
Italiana (Ignote, XVI)
Siciliana (Ignote, XVI)
Passacaglia (Roncalli, 1692)
Sonata in A flat major, Op. 110 . .
IModerato cantabile molto espres-
Allegro molto
Adagio ma non troppo
Fuga: Allegro ma non troppo
Prelude, Chorale and Fugue . .Franck
Miroirs ...................... Ravel
Oiseaux tristes
Une barque sur l'Ocean
Alberade del gracioso
Events Of Today
Angell Hall Observatory will be
open to the public from 7:30 to 10:00
this evening to observe the moon.
Children must be accompanied by
Graduate Outing Club: Second an-
nual banquet of the Graduate Outing
Club. Meet at Lane Hall at 3:00 p.m.
Transportation will be provided to
Wolverine Day Camp (scene of the
event). Total expense 50 cents.
Coming Events
U. of M. Public Health Club invites
its members to attend a meeting
Monday, March 30, at the League.
The meeting will commence with a
short and interesting talk by a speak-
er whom we all know. The rest of
the time will be devoted to future
plans for an outdoor party. The
meeting will begin at 8:00 p.m.
Graduate Education Club meeting
Monday, March 30, 4:00 p.m., in the
Elementary School Library. Dr. Wil-
lard C. Olson will talk on the sub-
ject "Education of Children in Europe
today." All graduate students in ed-
ucation are invited to attend."

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Welversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
vttil 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.



Genesee Club meeting at 5 p.m. at
the Union, Sunday, March 29.
Congregational Church, Sunday:
10:30, Service of worship and re-
ligious education. Mr. Heaps' sermon
subject is "Why the Congregational
Professor Slosson will lecture on
"Kent, Philosopher of Peace and
Freedom," the last in the series on
"Men of Thought."
6:00, Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Counsel-
or in Religious Education, will speak
on "The Challenges of Kagawa's Co-
operatives," following the supper
Stalker Hall, Sunday:
12 noon, Class led by Dr. Bessie
Kanouse on "Developing the Chris-
tian Personality."
6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild Meeting.
There will be a discussion led by
members of the group on "What
Kagawa's Religion Means to Me."
7 p.m., Fellowship Hour and supper.
All Methodist students and their
friends are cordially invited to all of
these meetings.
First Methodist Church, Sunday:
At 10:45 a.m., Dr. Brashares will
preach on "Christ's World." Stu-
dents are cordially invited to attend.
Harris Hall, Sunday:
9:30 a.m. there will be a celebra-
tion of the Holy Communion in the
Chapel at Harris Hall.
C- '7 . -AA -m + 'h,, mmill hp t


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