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January 26, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-26

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I 1

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Publisned every morning except Monday during the
UniversityyeavrandSummer Session by the Board in
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The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
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A New English
HE ADVENT of "Contemporary"
has again made clear the need of a
new type of English course in the University cur-
riculum. This excellent magazine, through no
fault of the editors, contains articles written only
by a limited group of upperclassmen. A glance
through it will serve to show that the student
body has little interest in writing for it.
One good reason for this fault is, perhaps, that
the student body has not been sufficiently well
educated in contemporary American literature,
and so might well benefit from a new course en-
titled "Current Events in American Literature."
We have a number of courses which make a
study of "modern American literature," but these
stop short of the goal. Radical changes have
occurred since 1914, when, according to Carl Van-
Doren, the newest school of writing made its ap-
pearance. These courses do not enable the aver-
age student to understand the poetry printed in
"Contemporary." Instead of making modern lit-
erature an unending parade, passing before our
eyes, a carnival of new styles and ideas, they
picture it as something static, something to be dis-
sected, rather than observed.
The new course would study magazines and
newspapers, as well as books. It would enable
the average student to understand and appreciate
new and living ideas, and so to take an active part
in their development.
The Oil
Santions - ...
NOW THAT the League of Nations
Ss IbCouncil is meeting ostensibly to dis-
cuss the problems of the oil sanctions, someone
ought to tell them that their best move now
would be to hire a professional rain-maker - per-
haps the famed J. Pluvius Aspinwall of the movie,
"In Old Kentucky." '
Then, by sending him to Ethiopia, disguised
as just another war correspondent, they could
have him wreak his havoc with the Ethiopian
plains and mountains, until he achieved his pur-
pose of bringing on the rainy season early. The
countryside would be deluged, and the Fascist
planes grounded, their artillery and tanks mired
in the mud - and Premier Mussolini would have
to withdraw as gracefully as possible without
candidly admitting that his expedition was a fail-
ure. Then, when he is down for the count, so to
speak, the League Council could rise up in righteous
indignation, and chastise "Little Caesar" Musso-
lini without benefit of a general European war.
Just at present Mussolini is in a bad way, not-
withstanding the fact that the sanctionist nations
seem to be so coNA ed by his threats that they
have banded together in a mutual assistance pact.
His troops have not scored even moderate military
success, in spite of the fact that the Italian press
bureaus are only too willing to send out dispatches
transforming minor skirmishes into important1
battles. In fact-his troops have even been de-
feated at times by the elusive Ethiopians. His re-
sources are rapidly dwindling, and the Italian
people are becoming tired of pouring money into
the war chest only to have the war drag on and
on without any encouraging news. There is noth-
ing that will make a government more unpopular
than an unsuccessful war.
If the il sanctions were applied Mussolini would

tionist nations. The oil sanctions might prove
disastrous to him, but he would drag down the
rest of Europe with him by involving them in a
The League Council can't be blamed for wanting
to put off the evil day of passing the oil sanctions
in the hope that Mussolini will hang himself with
his own rope, or at least get drowned in his own de-
As Others See It
Michigan Vs. Notre Dame
(From Detroit Saturday Night)
W7E MOST HEARTILY commend the Michigan
Daily on its efforts to bring about a football
alliance between Michigan and Notre Dame. For
years these two teams have been the leaders in
this section of the country, Michigan dominating
the Western Conference, and Notre Dame, through
a more extensive schedule, dominating the country.
The fact that each has had, and will continue to
have, its ups and downs takes nothing from the
importance of their meeting. Over a stretch of
years, Michigan and Notre Dame will be two of
the best teams in the country and occasionally
they will be the two best in the same season.
As long as football is to be conducted on the
'present basis of public entertainment, it seems
sensible to book the best possible attractions, pro-
viding they measure up to reasonable standards
of scholastic ability and athletic eligibility. Mr.
Yost has said that his reason for not scheduling
Notre Dame was that her standards were not those
of the Western Conference. We think this is
mere quibbling. There is so much difference in
the scholastic standards of the various "Big Ten"
colleges that if Michigan insisted on an absolute
parity, she would find herself confined to intra-
mural sport. Michigan meets some teams whose
eligibility and scholastic requirements are lower
than hers and a few whose scholastic requirements
are even more rigid. Whether the Notre Dame
code is the same as the Western Conference code
in text, or not, it is close enough in substance
to warrant Michigan's booking a game.
We believe that the Michigan-Notre Dame game
if given an advantageous date on the schedule
would soon become the high spot on the country's
football program. Victories should be equitably
distributed and whatever the previous records of
the two teams in a given season, the intense
rivalry would make the battle an important and
thrilling one.-
Michigan And Notre Dame
(From the South Bend< News-Times)
NOTHING COULD BE more gratifying than
yesterday's news to the effect that the "Mich-
igan Daily," official University of Michigan student
newspaper, has launched a campaign for the re-
sumption of football relations with Notre Dame.
The reply of the Rev. Hugh O'Donnell, C.S.C., vice
president of Notre Dame and chairman of the
faculty board of athletic control, who says that
the University of Notre Dame is glad this move-
ment has been launched, stresses the fact that
the desire of the two schools is mutual. The
people of South Bend as well as all Notre Dame
followers will be happy when, as Father O'Donnell
intimates, the matter will be presented to the
Notre Dame athletic board for consideration.
It strikes us as a fine thing that the alumni and
students of two great universities should, of their
own volition, urge athletic relations between their
respective schools. It is a manifestation of
splendid sportsmanship which is, after all, the
real objective of intercollegiate athletics. If Notre
Dame and Michigan can find it possible to enter
into an agreement whereby these institutions of
higher learning meet each other on the football
field every autumn, it will create between the
institutions a wholesome spirit of rivalry which
is based on friendship - a rivalry which will make
for warm cordiality and sincere respect for each
There is, too, something of sentiment in this
affair, for older Notre Dame alumni do not forget
that the first intercollegiate football game Notre
Dame ever played was with the team representing
the University of Michigan. This was in 1887,
and among those who attended the "old-timers

reunion" held at Notre Dame recently, were men
who participated in that game. As the story
goes, Michigan came to Notre Dame the day
before the game and practiced with the newly
organized Notre Dame team. The next day,
when the regular game was played, Michigan won
by a score of 8 to 0. The position held by the
University of Michigan in intercollegiate athletics
has always been outstanding. Fielding H. Yost,
Michigan's athletic director and desrving to be
called the dean of American coaches, is one of
the great figures of football history. It will indeed,
be a splendid thing if in the not far distant future
Michigan and Notre Dame again meet on the
Back To The Family
(From the Columbia Missourian)
COMMUNISTIC RUSSIA, report Moscow corre-
spondents of American newspapers, is swing-
ing back to the ideals of a state founded on sound
family life. This face-about attitude of the gov-
ernment is said to be complete, and the warm smile
of Dictator Stalin is pictured often these days in
the Soviet press as a doting father.
"If the Great Stalin can be happy as a fam-
ily man, the rest of the nation can be likewise -
that is the idea," writes one trained observer.
Thus Communistic Russia apparently has
learned she cannot afford to discard the corner-
stone of her progress.
The social progress of all history can be traced
directly or indirectly to the place of the family
in the state, and the Russian about-face is sig-
nificant for its recognition of a basic need.
To nrevent the overcrowding of the lexan nro- i

The Conning Tower
I saw among the rainy hills of spring,
Breaking the wrack, a burst of sun which came
Over the valleys fledged with silver flame
And shed down laughter from his lament wing
To make the quick brooks leap, the brute rocks
And exultation past all bound or name
Beat in my heart and shook its fleshy frame
With a lost rapture men no longer sing;
For so the hills were crowned in ancient days
In regions nigh to tall Olympus's base,
And daring watchers of the secret ways
Might chance to look on hidden pagentry,
Or meet Apollo with his mirthful face
When jocund gods passed luminously by.
Day before yesterday a lady resident of a cer-
tain mansion in the national capital, who is writing
about her day in an evening newspaper, spoke
unspecifically of "a man who was Works Progress
Administrator in the State of Arkansas,' of his
funeral, "held in a building which he had built,"
and of "a rural community, which he had planned
for the sharecroppers." All that we didn't object
to, because we could find out who, what building,
and what rural community. But she ended her
diary: "I had a most delightful time catching up
on long-hand letters and even reading a volume
of poems which a friend had sent me." Well,
Mrs. Roosevelt, one of our major interests is poetry;
and we are 51 per cent agog to know what friend
sent you what volume of poems.
Our acquaintance with the late Theodore C.
Wallen was brief, we regret to say. But in Hart-
ford, whenever we met somebody, the inevitable
remark was "You're on Ted Wallen's paper, aren't
"Here is this new desensitizer," said Defeatist
Dan, "and it is just my tough luck that I don't
need any dental work done."
Rudyard Kipling, January 17
George V, January 20
The year was new and the night war dark,
And pitiful was the weather,
When England's King and England's bard
Drew up anchor together.
"Now heave, my liege and set your sail,
As well you know how to do,
And I've a chanty kept till now,
And it will sing us through."
"Full well you sang before, my friend,
As all my kingdom know.
No man could raise me a loyaler song
To cheer me as I go.
Purple and gold our old ship launched-
Stripped to the decks we leave her.
But never a word of yours or mine'
Did weaken or soil or grieve her."
"Then up sail, sire, and set your course,
I'm here beside you singing.
Now at last shall fill your heart
Bugles of England, ringing!"
Proud through the calm, strong through the storm,
(Ah, but they'd seen rough weather!)
They nailed her colors to the mast,
And sailed from their England together.}
It is an ever-receding goal, that of the vaca-
tion that comes because the schoolhouse has
burned down. Last Sunday we thought that we
might be snowbound, with not even the telephone
working to warn the boss and the public. But
the road, dimly seen through the mists of the wind-
shield, was passable. Now the elevator, strike
looms as a possible excuse for a holiday. But all
that will happen, at best, is that we'll walk up to
the eleventh floor, and frequently to and from the
fourth-floor-composing room.
It seems that the Nye Committee needs about
$9,000 more in order to continue the investigation

of munition makers. That is a small sum to a
rich man. Now if Mr. J. P. Morgan had a sharp
sense of satire-
Sir: Dont believe it. I did not miscredit lines
of Labouchere through Kipling. What I said was
that Kipling reported the words of, quote "The
North Wind and the South Wind, the East Wind
and the West Wind," unquote, to answer the ques-
tion, "What Is the Flag of England?"
I didn't recite anybody's poetry. I could not
have done so because I never have broken the
vow never to recite again, which I made the
day the substitute teacher in grade 3, of the Mil-
waukee Public School, induced me to recite be-
fore the whole class the poem which began:
The boy engineer was the jest of the road, j
Scarcely a man of us knew him by nane.
Though superintendent partiality showed
In his promotion, but we knew he was game.
-AND I have never, never, never (and I dont
mean hardly ever) recited poetry since I stumbled
through the last line and failed to remember the
beginning of the next stanza, only because of the
gurgling sounds emitted by my classmates. So
I did not even quote Kipling's "The English Flag."
But I do believe that the poem defines the min-
strel of empire more clearly than any other.
The investigation of the Daily Worker by the
District Attorney gives us so sharp a pain that we
yell for the new desensitizer. It seems to us that
the Daily Worker is often dull, violently partisan,
and one-sidedly unfair. If every dull, partisan.
and unfair newspaper that cried "Ouch!" when
the freedom of the nrP..,fmwAe hrogfnti nama

Off The Record
JOHN J. O'BRIEN, handsome sec-
retary to Sen. A. H. Moore, of New
Jersey, bears no ill feeling for New
York's Jimmy Walker but he wishes
Walker would stay in Europe.
Reason: O'Brien looks so much like
Walker that his trips to New York
are a misery. While Walker was in
Europe O'Brien's troubles dropped
away. Few people asked him for
autographs or jobs. But now that
Walker's back they're at it again.
THE PLIGHT of a penniless Negro
bothered Rep. Wesley Disney, of
Oklahoma. He decided to get the
man at least awarm pair of socks.
"What size do you wear?" asked
"Dunno," said the Negro, "Does
they come in sizes?"
"Certainly," said Disney. "How do
you usually buy them?"
"I just ass for 'em," was the an-
swer, "and sometimes they feels good
and sometimes they don't."
Sen. Peter Norbeck of South
Dakota, who calls himself a "The-
odore Roosevelt Republican," has
a large stock of "T. R." jokes on
which he draws occasionally. To
illustrate the current fears ex-
pressed on all sides he tells about
the time someone asked "T.R." if
he believed in ghosts.
"No, indeed," said the late pres-
ident, "but I'm afraid of them."
Sen. Joseph C. O'Mahoney, of
Wyoming, points out that he was
born to represent his great, cattle-
growing state. In Gaelic his name
means "the great steer of the plains."
No matter what dress she wears,
Alice Roosevelt Longworth never ap-
pears without a huge, old-fashioned
tapestry bag tucked under her left
Just one of Washington's hurdy-
gurdy men is left. He gets a shower
of nickels when he plays "East Side
West Side" outside the House office
On every day of the year except
one Rep. Otha D. Wearin, of Iowa,
wears a red neck tie. St. Patrick's
Day is the exception.
IN THE LIVING ROOM of the home
of Attorney General Cummings is
a collection of New Dealer's auto-
graphed pictures which, in part, forms
mute testimony of the rapid rise and
fall of careers here in the last twd
Among them hangs a picture of the
late Senator Thomas J. Walsh of
Montana. Walsh was slated, before

Publication in the Buaetinacoy-tIVctiVC noice to all rnemb'r4 of th.
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30, 11:00 a.m. on Saturday

(Continued from Page 31
ture on the subject "Rome of Yes-
terday and Today: The Aqueducts"
(illustrated by stereoptician), Thurs-
day, February 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.
Oragn Recital: Palmer Christian,
University organist, will play the
following program Wednesday, Jan-
uary 29, at 4:15 p.m. in Hill Audi-
torium to which the general public,
with the exception of small children,
is invited.
Chorale Prelude on the Hymn-tune,
"Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart" ......
Vermeland (transcribed for organ by
Warren Allen) ............ Hanson
Sonata No. 1............. James
Andante con tranquillita, Allegro
con brio, Molto meno mosso,
Allegro con brio
Andante cantabile
Finale (Toccata on a melody from
the Geistliche Kirchengesang
known as "Ye Watchers and Ye
Holy Ones")
Suite: "A Chinese Garden (MS)... .
The Fountainj
Prelude on the Gospel Song by George
F. Root, "The Shining Shore"....
Toccata on a Gregorian Theme
(Symphony 1) ...........Barnes
Graduation Recital: Frances Dell,
Grand Blanc, Michigan, a senior in
the Piano Department of the School
of Music, will present the following
graduation program, Tuesday eve-
ning, January 28, at 8:15 oclock, in
the School of Music Auditorium, to
which the general public, with the
exception of small chidren, is invited
without admission charge.
Prelude and Fugue in A Minor..... .
Sonta, Op. 7 -
Allegro molto
Abegg Variations ........Schumann
Intermezzo, Op. 117 .......Brahms
Etude in F Major .........Chopin
Pour le Piano ............ Debussy
Events Of Today
Stalker Hall:
12 noon, Class led by Mr. L. L.
Finch on "Was Jesus Religious?"
6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting.
Mr. L. L. Finch will speak on "Build-
ing the Christian Life."
7 p.m., Fellowship Hour and Sup-
First Methodist Church:
Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on
"How Discipline Your Life?" at 10:45
First Baptist Church:
10:45 a.m., Mr. Sayles will speak
on "Durable Satisfactions." Church
school meets at 9:30. Dr. Waterman's
class meets at 9:45 in Guild House.
Young people meet at 7:00 in church
Roger Williams Guild, 503 E. Huron
street. Noon Class. Forty minutes.
Mr. Chapman.
6:00 p.m., Rev. H. O. Yoder, Min-
ister Trinity Lutheran Church and
Lutheran Student Pastor, will talk
to students on "Why I am a Chris-
tian." After the address eats will be
served during a social hour.
Congregational Church:
10:30 Service of Worship with ser-
mon by Mr. Heaps. Subject, "A Por-
trait of St. Paul as a Teacher." Last
in the series. Special music under
the direction of Thor Johnson.

6:00 p.m., Student Fellowship meet-
ing. Following the supper, Miss Wil-
ma Lester will speak on "An Ameri-
can Student views the Orient."
First Presbyterian Church:
At the aMsonic Temple,327 South
Fourth Street. Ministers, William P.
Lemon and Norman W. Kunkel.
9:45 a.m., Prof. Bennett Weaver
speaks to the Westminster Forum,
subject, "Literature and the Abun-
dant Life."
10:45 a.m., Dr. Lemon preaches,
subject, "The Cure of Souls."
5:00 p.m., Mr. Kunkel speaks to
the Westminster Guild, subject, "A
Historical Approach to Christianity."
5:30 p.m., Social hour with cost
6:30sp.m., Westminster Guild meet-
ing, Dorothy Shapland, leader. Re-
ports of the five o'clock meeting will
be presented and discussed. There
will be no social meetings following
the regular meeting for the next two
Harris Hall:
Regular student meeting in Harris
Hall this evening at seven o'clock. The
Reverend Henry Lewis will speak .on,
"Personal Equipment for Marriage."
411 mefilnf-c and f+hair +-innrl ar

Communion; 9:30 a. m. Church
School; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten;
11:00 a.m. Memorial Service for King
George of England, Morning Prayer
and Sermon by The Reverend Ed-
mund H. Fellowes, Canon of St.
George's Chapel, Windsor, England.
Trinity Lutheran Church:
9:15 a.m., Church School. 10:30
a.m., Church worship. Sermon, "Joy
in Spite of Suffering" by the pastor.
Lutheran Student Club will meet in
ion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30.
Dr. Edward Blakeman will speak to
the Club.
Zion Lutheran Church.
9:00 a.m., Church School. 10:30
a.m., Church Worship. Sermon by
the pastor on "Faith Firmly Estab-
lished." 5:30 p.m., Lutheran Student
Club, social hour. 6:30 p.m., Forum
hour. Speaker, Dr. Edward Blake-
man, Counselor of Religion.
Lutheran Student Club will hold its
last meeting of the semester this
evening in the parish hall of the Zion
Lutheran Church on East Washing-
ton Street.
The program will follow supper at
6 o'clock.
Mech and Aero. Divisions of A. S.
M. E.: The Michiganensian picture of
the combined groups of the A.S.M.E.
will be taken at Spedding's studio at
12 o'clock noon Sunday, Jan. 26.
Scalp and Blade semi-annual din-
ner at the Union at 6 p.m. Professor
A. D. Moore will speak. All members
are urged to be present. Room will
be posted.
Varsity Glee Club: Very important
rehearsal and business meeting at
4:30 p.m. Every member must be
Coming Events
Acolytes will hold their last meeting
of the semester Monday, Jan. 27, 7:30
p.m., in Room 202 South Wing. Pro-
fessor G. Y. Rainich, of the Mathe-
matics Department, will present a
paper, "A Mathematician Philosophi-
zes." All members are urged to at-
tend this meeting.
Luncheon for Graduate Studentg:
Wednesday, Jan. 29, 12:00 noon in
the Russian Tea Room of the Mih-
igan League Building. Professor
Burke Shartel of the Law School will
speak informally on "The Supreme
Court and Recent Legislation."
Phi Eta Sigma Picture - All active
members of Phi Eta Sigma, freshman
honorary fraternity, will have their
picture taken at 5 p.m. Wednesday,
January 29, Dey Studio on State
Street. Please be on time. Wear a
dark suit.
'Ensian business and editorial staff
try-outs will please meet at Rent-
schler's Studio at 4:30 Monday for
the group picture.
Michiganensian business staff will
meet at 4:00 on Monday instead of
Frosh Frolic Committee: Important
meeting Monday, January 27, 7:30
p.m., Michigan Union.
Bookshelf and Stage Section of the
Faculty Women's Club will meet
Tuesday January 28, 2:45 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. Emory W. Sink, 1546
Packard Street.
Monday Evening Drama Section of
the Faculty Woman's Club Will meet
Monday, Jan.i27, 7:45 p.m., third
floor of the Michigan Union. Mem-
bers may bring guests."
Michigan Dames Homemaking
Group will meet at the home of Mrs.
Clifford Kiehn, 712 E. Ann Street, at

8 o'clock Tuesday evening, January
28. The topic will be "The Proper
Use of Cosmetics."
. Wives of all students and internes
are cordially invited to attend this
Sigma Delta Chi will hold a regu-
lar dinner meeting at 6:15 p.m. Tues-
day in the Union. Speaker of the
evening will be Mr. Philip Adler,
traveling correspondent for the De-
troit News, who will discuss his re-
cent experiences.
- First Regimental Band rehearsal
will be held Monday evening at 7:30
p.m. There will be election of officers
at this time.
Sphinx, Junior Men's Honorary So-
ciety: Pictures will be taken at 3 p.m.
this afternoon. All members are
urged to come.
Business Grows Better
While Education Slumps
WASHINGTON, D. C., an. 25.--(P)
While business shows marked im-
provement, educational conditions
throughout the country have been
growinghsteadily worse, according to
a recent government survey.
TTnitw4 SA-atC n fAinP f t nna~tnn

his sudden death, to hold the
Cummings now fills.




A Fox picture with Warner Baxter,
Alice Faye, Jack Oakie, Arline Judge,
Mona Barrie, Gregory Ratoff, Dixie Dun-
bar, Fats Waller, Nick Long, Jr., and
Kenny Baker.
Jack Oakie's faces, Dixie Dunbar's
dancing, Alice Faye's singing, Warner
Baxter's steady performance, and Ar-
line Judge's leap year act feature King
of Burlesque, the latest of the all-star
musical extravaganzas. The story isn't'
very new but 'its importance is min-
imized by the excellence of the dia-
logue and the musical numbers.
The show really belongs to Oakie
since he has opportunity to twist
his face as only he can, and is also
blessed with unusually good lines
which fit his talent perfectly. There
are a number of good songs, headed
by "Lovely Lady," "I'm Shooting
High," and "Whose Big Baby Are
You." Choruses are above the ordi-
nary as are the dances, sets, and
The story tells of the ambitions
and life of Baxter, king of the pro-
ducers of burlesque shows, who rises,
from Fourteenth Street to Broadway
and a series of musical shows which
are smash hits. In all of the shows
Alice Faye is the star and Oakie the
general manager. Baxter's desire for
"class" blinds him to the fact that he
really loves Alice and so he jumps
at an opportunity to marry a Park
Avenue widow who has designs on
his bankroll. She tries to put her
ideas in his shows and of course they
flop, and Baxter goes broke. Wifie
then leaves with her secret boyfriend
and ex-husband heads for a saloon
to forget itaall, but Alice returnsat
this time and with the aid of the
money she has saved finances a come-
back show which is the biggest hit
of them all. Most of the characters
in the latter are former members of
the office staff of the Baxter organi-
A triple wedding seems imminent
as the picture ends, with Baxter and
Faye reconciled; Oakie finally caught
by Arline Judge; and a couple mem-
bers of the cast making it complete.
The short subjects include the lat-


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