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January 26, 1936 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-26

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26, 1935


Ask Board For
New Pool For
Dr. Bell Announces Plans
For Improved Swimming
Facilities For Women
A proposal to erect a new pool in
the Women's Athletic Association
Building has been submitted to the
Board in Control of Student Athletics
by the Women's Physical Education
Department, according to Dr. Mar-
garet Bell, head of the department.
The new pool would solve the prob-
lem which has existed since the con-
demning of the women's swimming
pool in Barbour Gymnasium early in
December, the plans reveal, and would
eliminate the necessity of improv-
ing the old pool.
The Barbour Gymnasium pool is
nearly 40 years old, and was con-
demned because it did not comply
with state regulations stipulating that
the water must be clear enough to
see the bottom of the pool. Due
to the hardness of Ann Arbor water,
and the lack of a water softener, the
pool was unable to meet this require-
The only other pool open to women
students is the one at the Union, and
according to Dr. Bell the facilities for
women who desire to swim would be
inadequate even if the old pool is
improved to meet the state laws.
In the first place, she pointed out,
the Union pool is available to women
for only a few hours - from 8 to 11
a.m. daily and from 7:30 to 9:30
p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
These hours often dc not fit in with
the schedules of women interested
in swimming, and consequently, Dr.
Bell stated, they have no place to
A second consideration, she con-
tinued, is the fact that the women
taking swimming at the Union pool
must pay 25 cents per swim or buy a
series of 25 tickets for $5. Since many
girls cannot afford this, the lack of
facilities is further aggravated.
No action has been taken on the
department's proposal.
Adams Named
To Advertising
Advisory Body
Appointed To Membership
On Committee To Assist
In 'Advertising Science'
Prof. Henry F. Adams of the psy-
chology department has been named
to the Founders' Committee of the
National Committee of Advertising
Critics, a group dedicated to the de-
velopment of a new "science" of ad-
One hundred college and university
professors, authorities on advertising
matters and specializing in adver-
tising, merchandising, and selling,
will serve on this committee, to give
advice and counsel to advertisers
and advertising agencies.
Author of "Advertising and Its
Mental Laws" and "Why We Buy,"
Professor Adams is recognized as one
of the outstanding advertising psy-
chologists in the country. In com-
menting on the program of the com-
mittee, he stated: "The problem is
one of fundamental importance."
As a part of their program to de-
velop a new "science" of advertising,
the committee will award annual
medals of honor for outstanding copy

and campaigns, it was announced.
Statistics on trade swings, research,
and new market areas will be re-
leased periodically by the national
The purpose of the program and
the work of the committee was ex-
plained as an attempt "to render a
service to advertisers which will en-
able them to expend their appropria-
tions more effectively, more econom-
Student Quits Study
For WarReporting
GREENVILLE, Tex., Jan. 25.-(P)
- J. C. Arnold, 19, University of
Texas journalism sophomore, decided
he wanted to be a war correspond-
ent, in spite of having little exper-
ienceamoney or connections. So he
got aboard the first freighter offer-
ing him a chance to work his way to
Dijbouti, French Somaliland, and
several Texas papers are now using
his feature stories, air-mailed from
Addis Ababa.
According to the last work received
by his agent, Boyd Sinclair, editor
of the Wesley College Pilot, Arnold
is staying in Addis Ababa with Count
Hilliare du Berrier, French adven-
turer, an English airplane pilot, and
a newspaperman from Lahore, India.
Arnold sailed from Marseilles,
France, to Djibouti with Taklo Ha-
wariate, Ethiopian delegate to the
League of Nations, interviewing him

Chicago Firemen Battle Fire In Sub-Zero Weather

SUNDAY, JAN. 27, 1936
VOL. XLVI No. 86
LaVerne NeyeE Scholarships: Hold-
ers of LaVerne Noyes Scholarships
during the first semester should in-
terview Dr. Frank E. Robbins, 1021
Angell Hall, at once if they desire
scholarship aid for the second se-
Graduate School: All graduate stu-
dents who expect to complete their
work for a degree at the close of the
present semester should call at the
office of the Graduate School, 1006
Angell Hall, to check their records
and to secure the proper blank to be
used in paying the diploma fee. The
fee should be paid by the end of Jan-
Registration forms for the second
semester will be available in the of -
fice, 1006 Angell Hall, this week.
Graduate students are urged to fill
out the forms in advance of the regu-
lar registration period, which will ex-
tend from Wednesday noon to Satur-
day noon, Feb. 12, 13, 14 and 15. Fees
must be paid by Saturday noon, Feb.
15, to avoid payment of the late reg-
istration fee.
C. S. Yoakumn
All Men Students: Students intend-
ing to change their rooms at the end
of the present semester are hereby
reminded that according to the Uni-
versity agreements they are to inform
their landladies of such intention at
least two weeks prior to the close of
the semester, Friday, Feb. 14. It is
advised that notice of such intention
to move be made at once.
Automobile Regulation: Permission
to drive for social purposes during
the weekend of the J-Hop from Fri-
day, Feb. 14, at 12:00 noon until
Monday, Feb. 17, at 8:00 a.m., may
be obtained at Room 2, University
Hall through the following procedure:
1. Parent signature cards should be
secured at this office and sent home
for the written approval of the par-
2. Upon presentation of the signed
card together with accurate informa-
tion with regard to the make, type
and license number of the car to be
use, a temporary permit will be grant-
ed. It is especially important to des-
ignate the year of the license plates
which will be on the car during the
week end of Feb. 14.
3. Out of town cars used for the
weekend must not be brought into
Ann Arbor before 12:00 noon on Fri-
day, Feb. 14, and must be taken out
before 8:00 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 17.
The foregoing will not apply to
those students who possess ,regular
driving permits. The above permis-

sion will automatically be granted to<
this group.
W. B. Rea, Assistant to the
Sophomores, College of Literature,}
Science and the Arts: Elections must
be approved in Room 103 Romance
Language Building in accordancet
with alphabetical divisions listed be-
low. Failure to meet these appoint-
ments NWill result in serious conges-
tion during the registration period.
Please bring with you the print of
your record which you received last
Hours 10-12; 2-4 daily.'
AB, Monday, Jan. 27.
C, Tuesday, Jan. 28.1
DE, Wednesday, Jan. 29.1
FG, Thursday, Jan. 30.7
R. C. Hussey,
J. H. Hodges, Sophomore
Academic Counselors.
Conflicts in Final Examinations-
College of Engineering -Instructions
for reporting conflicts between final
examinations are posted on the bulle-
tin board adjacent to my office. Room
3223 East Eng. Bldg. All conflicts
must be reported to me before Jan-
nary 29. J. C. Brier ;
Academic Notices
Saturday Classes in Education: All
Saturday classes in Education for the
second semester will start on Febru-
ary 15. It is imperative that part-
time students electing these courses
shall have completed their registra-
tion before this date, in order that
they may be in attendance at this
first meeting.
Ph.D. Candidates in History: A
written examination in the field of
Hispanic American History will be
given in Room B, Haven, Tuesday,
Jan. 28, at 4 p.m. Those intending
to take this examination will please
register with the Department Sec-
retary, 119 Haven, before Tuesday
Arthur S. Aiton.
Notice to Students Planning to do
J-Hop Chic 1
by o
611 E. University Ph. 4300
-,JU-- neeyg--o

Directed Teaching: Students expect-
ing to do directed teaching the second
semester are urged to interview Dr.
Schorling on Thursday, January 30,
in Room 2435 University Elementary
School, according to the following
1:00 to 2:00 - Mathematics and Sci-
2:00 to 3:00 -Social Studies and
Commercial Subjects.
3:00 to 4:00--Latin, French, and
4:00 to 5:00-English, Speech, and
Fine Arts.
It is of the utmost importance that
seniors come to this conference, for
everything else being equal, the op-
portunities for directed teaching will
be assigned in order of application.
Any student who has a definite ap-
pointment at the hour suggested
should report for a conference at one
of the other periods. Every effort
will be made to meet his needs.
University Lecture: Dr. Esther
Boise Van Deman, formerly Carnegie
Research Professor of Roman Archa-
eology in the University of Michigan
and Fellow Emeritus of the Carnegie
Institution of Washington, will lec-
(Continued on Page 4)
V V-
O ini
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-Associated Press Photo.
With the temperature below the zero mark, Chicago firemen responded to a 5-11 alarm which brought
out a quarter of the city's fire-fighting equipment, to subdue a blaze just west of the downtown loop district
which threatened adjacent buildings.

Lectures May Becomes Periods
Of Pure Rest, Or Are They Now?

Guided Reading Superior
To Dictation Method Of
Learning, Survey Shows
As sources of permanent and ef-
fective learning, lectures may make
their future bid for fame solely on
the merit of offering a quiet and
restful preserve for somnolent stu-
dents. At any rate, a group of over
600 college students discovered that
their test results from a guided read-
ing procedure of studying were far
superior to the scores from lecture or
unguided reading methods, according
to a survey conducted by Dr. Edward
B. Greene of the psychology depart-
During guided reading periods the
students were given tests along with
the booklets and asked to answer the
questions. The lecture procedure, al-
though based on a corse of study
specially created for the experiment,
was similar in its main features to
the average college lecture. "Rough-
ly, the gain of the guided reading
method over either of the others was
50 per cent for information items
(where the answer could be deter-
mined from one line of the text) and
over 500 per cent for inference items
(in which a comparison of facts must
be made)," Dr. Greene stated.
Readings Increase Efficiency
The student group which had re-
ceived its information from lectures
was correct in answers on immediate
tests approximately 57 per cent of
the time, while guided reading pro-
cedure raised the efficiency to 83
per cent. For delayed tests the lec-
ture method brought correct answers
totaling 46 per cent of the total; in
the same testing situation, guided
reading was 64 per cent correct.
A wide gap in performance on im-
mediate tests of the inference type
is caused by the two systems of study.
Lecture procedure was 15 per cent
correct, while guided reading brought
an efficiency of 76 per cent. For
delayed tests lecture study dropped
to 10 per cent correct, while guided
reading study'dropped to 62 per cent.
"There is not as much as one chance
in five thousand statistically cal-
culated that any student from the
group tested would do as well after
either lecture or unguided reading, as
after the guided reading perid," Dr.
Greene revealed.
Lectures Handicap Better Students
Further research in the group test-
ed by Dr. Greene revealed the fact
that lectures tended to hold back the
best readers and accelerate the pres-
entation for the slower readers. On
the average good readers move at a
rate of 215 words per minute, while
the slower readers average about 97
words per minute. The normal lec-
turer speaks at a rate of 100 words
per minute, Dr. Greene stated.
"Statistically the chances are about
one in five thousandrthat a student
in the highest quarter of readers
would do as well after one of the
lectures administered as he would
after reading for himself,." Dr. Greene
In a query to students in the high-
est quarter it was discovered that
three quarters of them preferred un-
guided reading to the lecture method.
Five-sixths of the poorer students
indicated a preference for the lec-
tures as a method of presentation,
Dr. Greene pointed out.
The effects and benefits of note-
taking were also determined in this
survey. The investigation showed that
at the average writing rate of 20

took notes were not able to review
them for a delayed test.
Reveal Benefits of Note-Taking
The benefit of notes was revealed
in a situation where students were
allowed to review their notes before
taking a delayed examination. The
average delayed test without the aid
of notes showed approximately 46
per cent correct, and with notes 54
per cent correct. Dr. Greene empha-
sized the fact that the benefit of notes
was more prominent in information
items than inference items, the notes
usually not being clear or complete
enough for this type of examination.
"There is about one chance in five
thousand that any student will do
as well from lecture or unguided read-
ing with the aid of notes as he will
from guided reading," Dr. Greene an-
"These results are fairly conclusive
for the particular students and pres-
entations reported," Dr. Greene stat-
ed, "but they should not be used
as a basis for sweeping generalization
concerning the relative worth of all
lectures and guided study plans."
Hammett And Shaw
Seek Council Posts
Prof. Ralph W. Hammett of the
College of Architecture and Wilfred
B. Shaw, director of Alumni Rela-
tions have filed intentions of seek-
ing office as aldermen for the fifth
and sixth wards respectively. Both
are Republicans.
Shaw is the present incumbent,
while Hammett will enter politics
for the first time. Rev. A.A. Wein-
ert, pastor of the Calvary Evangelical
church will seek the post of super-
visor of the fifth ward. Two Repub-
licans have filed for offices in the sec-
end ward, H. L. Kennett will run for
the post of supervisor, and D. D.
Helmstettler will be a candidate for
The final day on which nomination
petitions for the spring elections can
be filed is next Tuesday. No Dem-
ocratic petitions have been filed, as
it is the custom of the Democratic
leaders to file their intentions on
the last day...
FRESNO, Calif., Jan. 25.-(A) -
A paroled motor car thief was held
at an undisclosed jail today as the
confessed slayer of Mary Louis Stam-
mer, 15, daughter of Walter H. Stam-
mer, wealthy Fresno attorney.

English Critic
Is Praised By
'Most Notable Example Of
Creative Critic,' Speaks
Here Tomorrow
J. Middleton Murry, English critic,
who will lecture at 4:15 p.m. tomor-
row in Natural Science Auditorium on
the life and work of Katherine Mans-
field, his wife, has been described by
Prof. Clarence D. Thorpe, of the Eng-
lish department as "perhaps the most
notable example among living writ-
ers of what is known as the creative
His effort is to explore fully the
mind of an author and his work and
to make known to his readers the
peculiar qualities he has discovered,
Professor Thorpe declared. "He is in-
terested in biography, but only for
what the facts of a poet'sbor novelist's
life reveal of the inner nature of his
"Mr. Murry's theory of good writ-,
ing, ably set forth in 'The Problem
of Style,' is that success is achieved
through the precise expression of
the peculiar thought and emotions of
an author. In his criticism he at-
tempts to reveal in its uniqueness the
thought and feeling of the writer he
is studying."
Professor Thorpe continued: "Mr.
Murry's studies of Keats have been
unusually discerning, and have done
much to give Keats his proper place
as a poet of depth and seriousness
as opposed to the old tradition that
he was merely a devotee of the sen-
M"When he lectures on Katherine
Mansfield tomorrow, Mr. Murry will
be talking about a gifted young prose
writer who as much as anyone in
English literature resembles Keats in
sensitivity and in complete absorp-
tion in her art."
Discussing Miss Mansfield's work,
Professor Thorpe stated that her
short stories are like poetry in their
concentration and suggestive quality.
"She was a writer who, steadily re-
fusing to be content with surfaces,
exerted her whole force to express the
deepest truths of her subjects," he
went on to say, "and since she was
Mr. Murry's wife, he therefore had
an opportunity to know her genius
given to no one else."
Mr. Murry's criticism has covered
a wide and varied field, including in-
terpretations of D. H. Lawrence,
Blake, and Keats, essays of Shake-
speare and Proust and a constant
stream of articles for literary period-

Ir. . i

It Was the Night of the J-op

Dick and Dot were having the time
of their lives. The music was smooth,
the conversatoin was easy, and the
girls were prettier than ever.

But suddenly, Dot missed Dick who
was nowhere to be found. So there

was a bit of sleuthing, our distressed
heroine becoming more angry as time

Sep Us....

Then said Dick: "My sweet, I have
ordered you a J-Hop EXTRA. Will I
have to cancel it?' That was all that
was needed, and now the two are to-
gether and happy again - All was

went on. And when she discovered
him with another girl - Oh!
Dick was really ashamed of himself
for he loved the pretty Dot. She cried
and cried and told him to go away
forever. He was very sad and blue
for there was nothing he could say
that would please her.

At the
After the


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