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January 24, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-24

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FRIDAY, JANv~UR 24, 1938

Ir U

The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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Like A
Horse Race*...,
hension that exists on the campus
immediately preceding final examinations we are
again faced with the problem of what courses to
elect for the ensuing semester.
With this problem it is forcibly attracted to our
attention that in the majority of sophomore and
freshman prerequisite courses offered in the lit-
erary college choosing an instructor is very similar
to betting on horse races, only not quite as certain.
Whether or not this situation is deliberately
planned or is just a lack of foresight is not known.
The daily racing form lists not only the name
of the horses running in any particular race, but it
also lists the names of the jockeys, imposts and
the past records of the horses. The additional
catalogue of the University, which lists the courses
offered to aspiring literary students, has very little
to say about the instructors of the aforementioned
courses, the jockeys. To be specific, in Zoology
I the instructors for 12 sections in the first semester
and 10 in the second are given as "Hann and staff."
Of 15 sections the first semester and nine in the
second for Psychology 31, not one member of the
staff is named.
The problem is obvious. Because of the omis-
sion of the names of the instructors, a student is
given no chance to select one whom he feels will
be able to give him the most out of the course.
If the daily racing form presents all the available
data for those who wish to beat the ponies, isn't
it reasonable to expect the University to print all
the available data on courses designed to aid us in
2eading a richer and fuller life? The political
science department lists the name of the instruc-
.or for every course and every section. Other de-
;artments should be required to do likewise.
Oh, well, a 10 o'clock section in Psych will suit
the to a T, and I almost forgot Head Play in the
sixth at Santa Anita ought to worth two bucks.
Alliances. ..
interview that a World war was
"out of the question today" because of the present
diplomatic situation, meaning that there were no
alliances or at least no powerful alliances, in exist-
ence. However, her statement was made one day
too soon. Five powers have reached an agreement
to resist an attack against Italy.
No one doubts the danger of having any pacts
such as that formed by Great Britain, France, Tur-
key, Greece, and Yugoslavia. The existence of such
alliances had a great part in bringing on the war
of 1914, and if they again become prevalent in Eu-
rope will unquestionably do their part to precipi-
tate another catastrophe.
The trouble with such alliances is not the fact
that they are defensive alliances, but in the inter-
pretation placed on the word "defensive." Ac-
cording to the Mutual Assistance Pact, the five
powers will pool their armaments against Mus-
solfihi only if he strikes a blow at the British fleet.
Here lies the trouble.
Just exactly what is a "blow?" That term is
not defined, and if these same five powers sud-
denly decide that Italy is endangering the markets
or the economic independence of the several na-

Japan Ard
Her Teal-hers... .
be the result of granting independ-
dence to the Philippines seems quite likely to
materialize in the light of Japan's recent policy
which is averse to any pact guaranteeing the inde-
pendence of the islands.
In a statement by one of the spokesmen of
that government upon future Japanese and Phil-
ippine relations it was revealed that "The Japa-
nese government renounces the idea of great
powers concluding agreements guaranteeing the
freedom, integrity or neutrality of another nation."
With almost the same camouflage of words
Japan was against any pact which would guar-
antee Chinese territorial integrity adding that
"Such agreements are humiliating to the nation
they are supposed to benefit," and stating that
the Nine-Power Treaty of 1922 relegated China to
a "humiliating semi-colonial status."
Assuming this attitude the Japanese seem to
consider themselves the protector of all nations
which are "humiliated" by other powers. It would
be decidedly unfortunate if Japan's agressive for-
eign policy were directed against the Philippines
which are still in the preparatory stage before
obtaining complete independence. It seems likely
if such action were taken the Pacific waters would
no longer maintain their calm serenity, but the
United States, it seems to us, would not stand idly
by. Neither would other nations who are involved
with Pacific possessions allow Japan to protect
"humiliated" nations.
It is a situation that is loaded with dynamite,
but the Western Powers brought it on themselves.
Japan has proved too apt a pupil in the school
of international robbery. It is now time for
teacher to decide what to do.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Theatre Conduct
To the Editor:
In response to the letter on Campus ut-ups re-
cently printed, I would like to offer the following
theories in justification of the "theatre conduct" of
these inveterate hellions:
1. - After having paid fifteen cents (and some-
times even twenty-five) to see a picture, which, as
it turns out, neither tells a good story, reveals hu-
man character, or offers good entertainment, then
the Cut-up feels justified in compensatirg for the
frustration of his desire for amusement by produc-
ing loud noises, cheers, boos, clapping, whistling,
horse-laughs, spook-laughs, and wise-cracks.
2. --A desire for recognition, unsatisfied by fra-
ternity memberships, raccoon coats, and Phi Beta
Kappa keys, leads the Cut-up to express himself
and gain superiority as best he can. The inflation
of the ego which ensues when the poor, suppressed
Cut-up finds himself competing with the world's
finest actors, actresses, comedians and musicians
is a tremendous stimulus to a personality beset by
inferiority feelings. Psychiatrists are rapidly com-
ing around to this point of view.
3. - Finally, the Cut-up cannot withstand the
continuous assaults on mind and spirit which he is
forced to suffer while viewing such eminent pro-
ductions as Miss Temple's latest tear-jerker. The
advertisements speak truly:
"Your heart will do strange things,
Your throat will misbehave,
When Shirley dances and sings
And does her best to be brave!"
The emotional strain is too great and the Cut-up
must burst forth into tears, cheers, or jeers. Con-
ditioned as he has been to suppress the first, he
must perforce indulge in the last. It is a defense
mechanism which cannot and shall not be denied.
Pardon an old man's musings, but we recall the
early days of vaudeville when the audience, con-
fronted by an impossible performance, had but
to cry in defense of its sanity, "Give 'im the hook"

and the desired satisfaction was received. Imme-
diately a long, slender pole with a curved iron
implement on one end would appear mysteriously
from the wings and drag the unfortunate perform-
er from the stage. Robbed by advancing civiliza-
tion of such crude methods of social control, we
have naught left but the antics so childishly in-
dulged in by the Campus Cut-ups. Are these also
to go?
"Shoot if you must this old grey head,
But spare my defense mechanism," she said.
Fellow Campus Cut-ups, we must organize! Our
psychological liberties are at stake.
-Phil Wicklund, '37
To the Editor:
As regards the review of Contemporary in Wed-
nesday's Daily, I would like to say that I agree
heartily with Professor Jones. The second issue
of the magazine is certainly not my idea of light
entertainment. I feel that a publication supposed-
ly representing the student body should at least
represent material capable of interesting and being
understood by the average student. As it stands,
the magazine in no way represents the undergrad-
uate students, but rather the graduates and even
the faculty. The average student, having listened
to lectures all day, can scarcely be expected to
devote himself to the study of Mark Twain, T. S.
Elliot, and the like for relaxation and enjoyment.
After all, Mark Twain can scarcely be called Con-
temporary; in point of fact, he has been dead fif-
teen years.
Personally, I should contribute my whole-hearted
support to a magazine devoted predominatefy to

The Conning Tower
Threat Against Heaven
They say no moon can rise on lovers there,
No darkness penetrate the gates of light,
They say the days are coloured monotone,
And angels abrogate the tick of time.
It must be nearest to that clammy dream
Foretold by prophets in their ecstasy -
Rendered as holy writ and clairvoyance -
Wherein all flesh is sweated from the soul,
And bones are undesigned and blasphemous.
The stale immortals languish in such glow,
All songs are made of milk and ominous honey,
Depend, my love, it is no precious shed;
I'd sooner we inherit worms and let
Peace, unprotested, justify our clay
And goodly skeletons. The ease of grace
Extends towards undefiled urbacity,
And clement pastures, sick for heckling rain,
And saint installed in the community
Asserverating 'this is kingdom come,
Henceforth perfection is inevitable.'
The day will be when, warning thrust aside,
Our hour will crash upon us and strike us down,
Oh unelected that we are! We go
Back to sweet eath to find the grave abhorred
Less deadly than that stringent paradise
Couched in the loud salvation of the Lord.
We wonder whether it wasn't Kipling who
was responsible, among the many phrases of his
that are incorporated in the language - phrases
often used by those who no longer quote them
as Kipling's, even by those who may never have
read a word of Kipling --for Hun, as applicable
to the German in the World War. It occurred
in a poem beginning "For all we have and are"
and the memorable line -we shall never forget
the night the poem was cabled to The Tribune -
was "The Hun is at the gate."
It may mean little that for twenty years or so
Kipling was the most parodied of poets writing
in English. And he achieved the distinction,
when he was parodied well, of having his style
parodied and criticized instead of the more general
habit, of parodying or burlesquing a specific
poem . . . Of his prose we know almost nothing.
With the exception of "Kim" and "Plain Tales
from the Hills" we never read him.
In Burton Egbert Stevenson's "The Home Book
of Quotations," Kipling is one of the few authors
rating an asterisk, meaning that there are so
many quotations that it would be futile to list
them all.
Freedom-of-the-Air note, as shown by letter
received by a cinema concern: "I have under
contract a man who will spring from a gallow
with the noose around his neck a distance of
six feet. You can visualize what this would
mean in a Frankenstein type of picture. He has
been a performer in Europe.
"On the Other Side of Jordan"
When Mrs. Jones returned from that trip to
the Holy Land with a leathern bottle of water
she herself had dipped from the Jordan river, you
were slated for baptism. You had reached the
hoary age of eight still taking an awful chance
on hell fire, and it was high time something was
done about it. It appealed to mother's occasional
sense of the romantic; father was noncommital
but tolerant and you were delighted. You were
rather a dumpy person and had the idea that
when, as and if you were baptized, you would
shoot up like a beanstalk. This conclusion was
reached from the watering of plants. Water,
therefore, sprinkled on your head, especially in
the name of the Lord, could not help but have
the effect so desired.
For the occasion you wore a white silk accor-
dion-pleated costume, a white hat tied under your
chin with wide ribbons, and white slippers which
were too long, "but her feet will grow." Father
and mother both went with you, which was ex-
cruciatingly embarrassing, as you had never seen
them go to church before. You begged them not
to; if one must, then mother, but for goodness
sake not both! Freddie Ruthrauff came and stood

at his gate as you and father and mother went
by, and he said afterward you wouldn't speak.
There were ten children in the Sunday school
to be baptized, and when your turn came the
water trickled down toward your ears as the Rev-
erend Joshua R. Mitchell put his large, hot hand
on your bangs. At that moment you realized
you loathed it all and tried to back away, but
there was no dodging Mr. Mitchell when he was
reclaiming a soul. Father, aloof but understand-
ing, wiped your ears as you stood indignant and
glowering while the other children got theirs.
The crowning insult came when old Mr. Gray led
a procession of handshakers. One and all they
welcomed you into the Church. "What church?"
you demanded, but nobody paid any attention.
"WHAT church?' you shouted, "Am I a Presby-
terian now?" "Sssh!" was all you got. Not for
nothing were you known as a spoiled child. "Am
I a PRESBYTERIAN now?" you screamed, and
it is recorded you stamped both feet. "I don't
WANT to be a Presbyterian. Did you let me go
and be a Presbyterian? I'm going to be a Metho-
dist! I tell you I'm" . The saved soul was
hustled out into the profane vestibule, where a
good smack from mother's elegantly gloved hand
stopped revolt, but not tears of fury. Home was
reached at last in a smouldering rage of resent-
ment. But the waters of the holy Jordan River
had anointed and achieved yet another convert to
the restless and acquisitive religion it represents.
We second the praise of Dorothy Dunbar
Bromley for Signora Toscanini, who refused to
give her wedding ring to Mussolini to be melted
into whatever kind of other weapon Italy makes
wedding rings into. Signora Toscanini should

WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. - A bene-
ficiary of the senate tilt over
what Chairman Nye of the muni-
tions investigating committee said,
about "falsified" testimony by Presi-
dent Wilson and Secretary Lansing
before a senate committee long ago
might well prove to be a senator who;
was not a party to the clash. What-
ever else it did, that little interlude in
senate courtesy gave Senator Arthur
Vandenberg a chance to get back in
the peace-making limelight with a
plea that the Nye committee proceed
Vandenberg was co-author with
Nye of the resolution creating the in-
vestigating committee which Nye
heads. They played a neat little,
game that session to get it going. It
loomed then as potentially good fuel
beneath the Vandenberg presidential
nomination pot. Out of it could flow
material political benefits.
As things turned out, however, the1
munitions investigation show was
more or less taken over by Nye and
Clark of Missouri. They have been
chief figures in the committee's delv-
ing into banker war activities.
IF Senator Vandenberg dreams of
a Republican nomination in June
as the man upon whom party fac-
tions in the east and west might
unite the course the munitions inquiry
has been taking might seem unpleas-
ant. Being party to the treatment
bankers and eastern industrialists;
have been getting at the commit-
tee's hands hardly would seem good
strategy for a prospective or even
hopeful harmony candidate.
At any rate, Vandenberg as a com-
mittee member has pursued in .his'
own questioning of witnesses that
ideal of objectivity for which he
pleads. He may not have been get-
ting at the committee's hands hardly
would seem good strategy for a pro-
spective or even hopeful harmony
At any rate, Vandenberg as a com-
mittee member has pursued in his
own questioning of witnesses that
ideal of objectivity for which he'
pleads. He may not have been as
active as Nye and Clark, but he has
been in much evidence as an advo-
cate of such legislation as will safe-
guard American neutrality in future.
rPHAT any Republican presidential
nomination aspirant would be a
party to impugning President Wil-
son's motives in carrying the nation
into the World War is hardly con-
ceivable. Who ever the Republicans
name at Cleveland, they are hoping
for support from conservative Demo-
crats who were ardent Wilson sup-
porters and must appeal, also, to a
lot of Republicans who voted for the
war President in 1916. Digging up
details of war-time actions of Mr.
Wilson that might not reflect credit
upon him would not help a nation-
wide campaign, whatever the case
locally where racial or other war bit-
terness lingers.
A Warner brothers picture starring
Bette Davis with Franchot Tone, Mar-
garet Lindsay, Alison Skipworth. John
Elreirge, and Nick Foran
Dangerous is another triangle story

with a few added sides to make it
nearly a hexagon, but it is one that
is different enough and features the
remarkable acting of Bette Davis in a
role that an actress of less ability
would have made unbearable. Miss
Davis is called upon to portray an
egotistical and beautiful stage star
who has gone through her career
with no regard for the ruined lives
she has left behind her, trampling
on everyone to gain her selfish ends.
When she is treated the same way at
last the necessity of paying her debt
is brought home to her and she makes
the transformation a believable one.
Franchot Tone takes the part of
the young man on the verge of suc-
cess in his profession who is almost
the last victim of the antics of Bette,
inadvertently, because she really loves
him. He gets out of it in time to
marry the girl of his original choice,
Margaret Lindsay, who contributes.
her well-known charm and ability to
a comparatively small part. John
Eldredge is somewhat gushy as the
secret husband of Bette.
The story finds Franchot engaged
to Margaret, but he is nursing a secret
curiosity about Bette, who has been
a great actress until she suddenly dis-
appeared after a series of accidents
thought to have been due to her
"jinx." Franchot finds her in a typ-
ical dive, drowning her sorrows, aids
in her recuperation, and falls in love
with her.
She is already married but conceals
this from him because she loves him
and is afraid he will change his mind
if he finds out, which he does as the

FRIDAY, JAN. 24, 1936
VOL. XLVI No. 84
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Hold-
ers of LaVerne Noyes Scholarships
during the first semester should in-
terview Dr. Frank E. Robbins, 1021
Angell Hall, at once if they desire
scholarship aid for the second se-
Automobile Regulation: Permission,
to drive for social purposes during
the weekend of the J-Hop from Fri-
day, Feb. 14, at 12:00 noon until
Monday, Feb. 17, at 8:00 a.m., may
be obtained at Room 2, University
Hall through the following procedure:
1. Parent signature cards should be
secured at this office and sent home
for the written approval of the par-
2. Upon presentation of the signed
card together with accurate informa-
tion with regard to the make ,type
and license number of the car to be
use, a temporary permit will be grant-
ed. It is especially important to des-
ignate the year of the license plates
which will be on the car during the
week end of Feb. 14.
3. Out of town cars used for the
weekend must not be brought into
Ann Arbor before 12:00 noon on Fri-
day, Feb. 14, and must be taken out
before 8:00 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 17.
The foregoing will not apply to
those students who possess regular
driving permits. The above permis-
sion will automatically be granted to
this group.
W. B. Rea, Assistant to the
Graduate School: All graduate stu-
dents who expect to complete their
work for a degree at the close of the
present semester should call at the
office of the Graduate School, 1006
Angell Hall, to check their records
and to secure the proper blank to be
used in paying the diploma fee. The
fee should be paid by the end of Jan-
Registration forms for the second
semester will be available in the of-
fice, 1006 Angell Hall, this week.
Graduate students are urged to fill
out the forms in advance of the regu-
lar registration period, which will ex-
tend from Wednesday noon to Satur-
day noon, Feb. 12, 13, 14 and 15. Fees
must be paid by Saturday noon, Feb.
15, to avoid payment of the late reg-
istration fee.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean.
Sophomores, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Elections must
be approved in Room 103 Romance
Language Building in accordance
with alphabetical divisions listed be-
low. Failure to meet these appoint-

ments will result in serious conges-
tion during the registration period.
Please bring with you the print of
your record which you received last
Hours 10-12; 2-4 daIly.
WXYZ, Friday, Jan. 24.
AB, Monday, Jan. 27.
C, Tuesday, Jan. 28.
DE, Wednesday, Jan. 29.
FG, Thursday, Jan. 30.
R. C. Hussey,
J. H. Hodges, Sophomore
Academic Counselors.
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 28. at 1:30
in Room 2, University Hall. Students
who have already filed appliations
with the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents should call there at once to
make an appointment to meet the
American-Scandinavian Traveling
Fellowships: The American-Scandi-
navian Foundation will award to stu-
dents born in the United States or
its possessions a number of traveling
fellowships, each $1,000, for study in
the Scandinavian countries during
the academic year 1936-37. Appli-
cants must be graduate students, stu-
dents who will graduate in June or
younger faculty members. They must
be capable of original research and
independent study, and it is desirable
that they be familiar with at least
one language in addition to English
-preferably Swedish, Danish, or
Norwegian. The fields of study in-
clude science, literature, and other
subjects. For details call at the
Graduate School office. All applica-
tions must be in New York before
March 15.
Mechanical Engineering Seniors
and Graduate Students: If you have
not yet done so, will you kindly fill
out a personnel record card in Pro-
fessor Anderson's office at once. Also
be sure to understand about the re-
quired photograph.
Academic Notices
Economics 130: Professor Peterson
is unable to meet the class today.
Aero. 6: Experimental Aerodyna-
mics: The final examination in this
course will be held in Room 1042, East
Engineering Building on Thursday,
Feb. 6, from 8 to 12 a.m.
Fine Arts 1092 and 204: Mr. James
Plumer will arrive from China to give
these courses in Far Eastern Art the
second semester as announced in the
Geology 11: A written quizz on the
laboratory work will be given today
at 9:00 in the Auditorium. It will
cover all the material since the last
Latin 50, Second Semester (X):
Latin Literature in English, will be
given Monday and Friday at 2:00 p.m.
in 2014 Angell Hall, instead of Wed-
nesday and Friday as stated in the
Choral Union Concert: Bernardino
Molinari, guest conductor with the
Detroit Symphony Orchestra, will
give the following program in the
seventh Choral Union Concert, Fri-
day evening, Jan. 24, at 8:15 o'clock
in Hill Auditorium.
Overture, "The Roman Carnival" .
................... B erloiz
Symphony in G major (B & H No.
13) .......................Haydn
Adagio; Allegro
Menuetto; Trio
Finale; Allegro con spirito
(4) Largo................Handel
(Arranged by Bernardino Molinari)
(b) Moto Perpetuo ........Paganini
(Transcribed for Orchestra by
Bernardino Molinari)

Symphony of the Seasons . Malapiero
Symphonic Poem, "The Pines of
The Pines of the Villa Borghese
The Pines near a Catacomb
The Pines of the aniculum
The Pines of the Appian Way.
Events Of Today
Stalker Hall: Skating Party will
leave Stalker Hall for the Coliseum, at
7:45 p.m. All Methodist students
and their friends are cordially in-
Coming Events
University of Michigan Public
Health Club invites students in Medi-
cine, Public Health, and Dental Hy-
giene to an old fashioned sleigh ride
Saturday eve, 8 o'clock, meet at the
There will be a two hours ride at
40c per person. Those who wish to
accept make your reservation by
calling R. L. Allen, 7192.
Lutheran Student Club will hold its
last meeting of the semester on Sun-
day evening, Jan. 26, in the parish
hall of the Zion Lutheran Church
on East Washington Street.
The program will follow supper at
6 o'clock.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the ottice of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
Thursday, Jan. 23, 1926

Dr. Parkes S. Cadman, hailed as
the greatest preacher-lecturer since
Henry Ward Beecher, will give the
seventh lecture of the Oratorical as-
sociation season course at 8 o'clock,
Feb. 2, in Hill Auditorium. "The
Dawne of a New Day" will be his
Announcement was made by the
J-Hop committee last night that the
1926 J-Hop will begin at 9:30 o'clock
on the night of Feb. 5. The grand
march will be one of the first events
of the evening, followed by the for-
mation of the traditional block "M";
it is expected that over 1,500 persons
will participate in forming the initial.
A photograph of the human "M" will
be taken and rushed to Detroit in
order to have a cut of the picture
back in time to appear in the Satur-
day morning Daily J-Hop extra.
Displaying excellent form in every
event, Coach Matt Mann's Varsity
swimming team easily defeated Chi-
cago, 55-14, in a dual meet held last
night in the Union pool. Michigan
also won the water polo in an over-
time game, 4-2.
As the fifth number on its program,
the Choral Union will present Walter
Gleseking, famous German pianist, in
a recital at Hill Auditorium at 8 p.m.,
Jan. 26. Mr. Gleseking, who has been
playing in Europe for several years
as a concert pianist, recently arrived
in New York.
With the Senate standing ready to
adopt Monday its drastic closure rule
which would practically cut off dis-
cussion, new negotiations were begun
tonight looking to an agreement for
limitation of debate on the World
Michigan's Varsity hockey team
won an easy victory over the Michi-
gan State ice team last night in the
first game of the season by the score
of 4-0. It was Michigan's game
throughout the evening. Although
the State team fought constantly,
they seldom threatened the Maize and

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