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January 24, 1936 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-24

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34Y, JANUARVY 24, 1930

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Martha Cook
Has Reception
For Lecturer
Dorothy Thompson Tells
Views At Dormitory In
Informal Talk
After her lecture last night in Hill
Auditorium, Dorothy Thompson, wife
of Sinclair Lewis, was entertained in-
fonally at Martha Cook Building
as the guest of Mrs. Kathleen Codd
and Miss Sara Rowe.r
Among the guests present were Miss
Ethel McCormick, Mrs. C. S. Yoakum,
Miss Alice Lloyd, Mrs. Randolph G.
Adams, Mrs. Jesse S. Reeves, Miss
Reeves, Mrs. Lucille Conger, and sev-
eral members of Alpha Chi Omega
soi ority, to which Miss Thompson be-
Punch and cookies were served in
the Blue Room by Mary Delnay, '36;
Jean Hollenbeck, '37; Eraine Hem-
meter, '37; and Grace Woodley, '37.
Marguerite Creighton sang a selec-
tion from Carmen and a song en-
titled Ashes of Roses.
Although Miss Thompson did not
give a speech, she was bombarded
with questions by women who had
heard her lecture. One of her most
interesting views is that America to-
day is far more absorbing than Eu-
rope. Any expected debacle in Eur-
ope, she said depends upon a far
more important debacle in Amer-
ica, where, she believes, a revolution
is taking place, that will shape the
course of American national life as
profoundly as did the Civil war.
If she were to graduate from col-
lege now, Miss Thompson said, she
would not go to Europe. She would
spend three years learning to know
conditions in the United States, work-
ing first on a San Francisco paper,
she explained, then on a Los Angeles
paper, perhaps then take a sojourn
in Seattle, and finally go to Washing-
Economics, political science, and
history are the best college subjects
for a newspaperwoman, Miss Thomp-
son believes. History cannot be em-
phasized too much, she said, because,
like Goethe, she believes man cannot
know anything about today without
an intimate knowledge of the past 3,-
000 years.
Miss Thompson attended University
of Chicago her first college year, and
then finished at Syracuse University
in two years because she was "boredr
with college."



Camphells Honored7
At Formal Dinnerf
Fourteen guests were present at a
dinner given recently in the Alumnae
Room of the League in honor ofs
Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of the Eng-
lish department and Mrs. Campbelld
and Prof. and Mrs. Roy W. Cowden.
Professor and Mrs. Campbell are
leaving next month to make theirn
home in New York City where Pro- o
fessor Campbell has accepted a po-
sition on the faculty of Columbia Uni- b
versity, starting next semester. f
A meeting of the Weekly Reading t
Hour was held at 4 p.m. yesterday in
Room 205 Mason Hall. Margaret W.
Brackett, '37, read "Happiness," by
Guy De Maupassant, which was fol-
following students participated: C.
W. Batchelder, grad., gave the selec-
tion entitled "Maine"; Edwin Mack,
grad., "Handin' Her a Line"; Mrs.
Blanche Arnold, '36, "Rest Cure," and
Ida Soghor, grad., "The Fur Coat." I

American Freed
Is Praised By
Contrasts Campus Spirit
To That Of Typical
Oriental School
Commending America for its free-
dom and efficiency, Charmaine Tseu,
'37, Shanghai, compared the demo-
cratic informality of University stu-
dents here with the strict formality
of students in her own country in an
interview yesterday.
Miss Tseu's first name, Charmaine,
was adopted at the suggestion of her
brother, Tsangtze, who has spent
many years in France. Charmaine
is equivalent to the name Tsangming
in Chinese.
Born In Chekiang
Born in Chekiang, situated in
southern China, Miss Tseu attended
the Virginia School for Girls, an
American missionary school. Follow-
ing her graduation, she studied medi-
cine at the German Institution at
Shanghai, and came directly to Mich-
igan, arriving here last September.
Miss Tseu originally planned to get
her college education in Germany, but
her family objected to "Hitler's race
theory." Consequently, on the
recommendation of a friend, she de-
cided to enter the College of Phar-
macy of this University - expecting
to teach or to enter into clinical work
in her home land in the future.
Likes American Spirit
"I am impressed with the friendli-
ness of the studetson this campus,"
she said. "In China everyone is so
reserved. I have noticed here that
people whom I don't know often greet
me on passing. This could never
happen at a Chinese university."
Miss Tseu, an accomplished pian-
ist, regrets not being able to continue
her studies in this field, due to the
fact that her work in pharmacy leaves1
her no leisure time. She stated that1
occidental instruments, especially the
violin and piano, are very popular
with Chinese students.
Another interesting fact disclosed
Beak Atmosphere
Covers Campus As
Examinations Near
A change has come over the cam-~
pus. This strange visitation is ac-
companied with an ominous silence,
accented only by the drifting ,:now.1
The student body as a group has hib-
ernated with its textbooks.
No blaring trumpets will break the
frosty week-end stillness surrounding
fraternity houses. Even the chink of
glasses at the Bell will have a sub-
dued tone, and the dogs who stalk
squirrels back of Haven Hall have
desisted from their daily pastime. A
date now means, galoshes, earmuffs,
woolies, and anevening at the library
with one's favorite authority on eco-
nomics or materia 'medica. Down
on Sate Street order reigns.
Over in the dormitories gallons of
black coffee are being consumed for
fortification against nights of goonish
pastime. And 'way up on the hill by
Mosher-Jordan there is no sound save
the howling wind whipping around
he corners, while the thermometer
goes down... down.
Eye Glass Frames
Lenses Ground.
HALLER'S Jewelryt
State Street at Liberty

JR Y 1
- Velvets - Metals
13-piece Boucle Knits
161/2 to 26/2.
$10.95 to $35.00,
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orn, Efficiency
Chinese Student
by this Chinese student was that
American-made movies are surpris-
ingly numerous in Shanghai, which
she termed "the international city."
The same players who are popular
here appeal to Oriental audiences.
This is evident in the fact that Clau-
dette Colbert and Warner Baxter are
among the most well-liked.

ese student
to their na
becoming t
appeals tot
tal, becaus
The pres
bother Mis
mate of
pleasure in
she has lea:
Arbor. r
home" shec
Late perm
any woman
be held Thu
nounced yes
the dean of
nitely been
essary for th

ors Native Costumes ( Christ Disciples will join in the in-
s Tseu's opinion that Chin- ternational celebration in observance
;s should dress according of the 177th anniversary Saturday
ative custom. "It is more of the birth of Robert Burns. Rev.
o them" was her reason. Fred Cowin, pastor, will deliver a lec-
American summer attire ture at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the
her more than the Orien- church honoring the works of thej
e of its comfort. well-known Scottish poet.
sent cold spell does not The Rev. Mr. Cowin, who has a
s Tseu, although she is vast and comprehensive knowledge
to the rather mild cli- of the life and songs of the poet,
Shanghai. She takes cannot in the opinion of Dr. Edgar
skating, a sport which DeWitt Jones be surpassed by any
rned since coming to Ann other lecturer in the United States
There is no skating at as an authority on the man who
concluded. E through his simple genius has won
a world-wide reputation in literature
as the peasant poet of Scotland.
H ours A4t The local program will be one of a
large number.which will take place in
different parts of the world to cele-
r1ty Dance brate the birthday of the famous bard.
Rev. Mr. Cowin will be assisted in
U the program by Mrs. John Johnstone,
S IY Scotch soprano, and Daniel G. Meikle,
Scotch baritone, who will render sev-
eral songs of Burns, accompanied, by
nission is to be granted to Mrs. Grace Cunningham Vanderbilt,
n wishing to attend the pianist.
Birthday Ball which will An invitation to attend the meet-
ursday, Jan. 30, it vas an ing has be extended to person wh
terday from the office of ighsbe xeddt esn h
soen menjoy and admire the poems of Robert
f women. Burns, some of the best known of
the hours have not defi- which are: "The Cotter's Saturday
set as yet, it will be nec- Night," "To a Field Mouse," "To a
hose wishing to attend the Skylark," and "To a Mouse."

To Celebrate
Birth Date Of
Robert Burns
Church Of Christ Disciples
Will Mark Anniversary
Of Noted Poet
The members of the Church of

Sport Styles Decree Plaid
Skirts, Tweed Jackets In
Tailored Cut
One must admit that a coat is a
very important article of apparel from
the point of view of style and neces-
sity alike. But the dress that goes
under the coat is equally important -
particularly as it is seen more than
usual this year beneath the hem of a
swagger style fur or cloth coat.
For Sports Wear
For sports wear, any nice tweed
jacket or sweater and skirt combina-
tion is, as usual, good. Incidentally,
sweaters, though they have had a long
run since last October, will continue
to be popular up through April in
lighter yarns and pastel shades. Sport
dresses in warm, colored wool are
equally good. Plaids are particularly
attractive this year -not too definite
or bright (except in scarfs), but in-
determinate and soft.
For afternoon tea or Sunday eve-
nings, there are numerous charming
styles. Most of them are suitable
now, even though they definitely sa-
vour of spring. Others will be most
welcome through March and April.
A navy-blue frock of sheer wool with
small white pique collar and lacings
on the cuffs is both youthful and
Grey For Afternoon
A delightful afternoon tea dress in
grey crepe is made with hundreds
of small graceful pleats which are
bound into tucks in the bodice and
shoulders. The fullness of skirt makes
it ideal for dancing. Black silk jersey
is "one of the darlings of the sea-
son." Made up into a short-sleeved
afternoon dress with the ever-popular
tucks flared out into another full,'
pleated skirt, and graced with a cowel
neck, demure cuffs in white crepe

Pastel Woolens, Printed Silks
Forecast Fashions For Spring

and patent leather belt, it is a prom-
ise of spring in itself.
For informal dinner, printed satin
is extremely chic. Black or dark
satin, etched wit ha delicate design
in white is piquant and different.
Made up with a draped neck line and
enhanced by one or two clever acces-
sories, it will be suitable for any but
sport occasions.
Weol For Spring
Another model in navy-blue wool
is ideal for very early, spring. Its
high neck, kimono sleeves and small
pockets, bound in bright red-and-
white pique add a fresh, enlivening
More advanced styles in spring
prints are fitting sequels to the ear-
lier modes. Bright bits of color
in all imaginable shapes -hearts,
triangles and diamonds -sprinkled
on a white or pastel background make
a frock like an April nosegay. One
might add that sandals, in colors as
gay as those of the material, will be
worn along with straw hats and light
Student TO Present
fGxradnation Recital
The graduation recital of Frances
Dell, '36M, pianist, will be held at
8:15 p.m. Tuesday in the auditorium
of the School of Music.
Miss.Dell, who has appeared upon
numerous occasions in student reci-
tals, has chosen for her program
a number of selections ranging from
the classic to the semi-modern.
The compositions which Miss Dell
will present are: "Prelude and Fugue
in A Minor," Bach-Liszt; "Sonata,
Opus Seven, Allegro molto," Beetho-
ven; "Abegg Variations," Schumann;
"Intermezzo, Opus 117," Brahms;
"Etude in F Major," Chopin: and
"Pour le Piano," Debussy.

ball to obtain permission from Miss
Jeannette Perry, assistant to the
dean of women. The exact hours will
be announced in The Daily some
time during the ensuing week.
This ball will mark the third an-
nual affair given for the benefit of
patients suffering from infantile pa-
ralgsis at the Warm Springs Georgia
Institute. Two local orchestras, Bob
Steinle and Al Cowan's have been
contracted to play for the dancing at
the Ann Arbor Ball, officials an-
There is to be an important meet-
ing of the central committee of the
Junior Girls Play at 5 p.m. today in
the Garden Room of the League,
Edith Zerbe, chairman, announced.

Sorority Presents
Evening Musicale
Alpha chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota
national music sorority, gave its for-
mal musicale at the home of Prof.
and Mrs. Joseph Brinkman Wednes-
day night.
Two graduate students, studying
under Professor Brinkman, Emelle
Paris and Suzanne Malve, and Janet
McLoud, a pupil of Mrs. Maude Ok-
kelberg gave the program. Selections
'from Pavanne, Franck, Schumann
and Goosens were played.
The next formal musicale will be
held Feb. 20 at the home of Prof. and
Mrs. Morris P. Tilley.

1 P ur l P a o, eb s y


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Costumes For
J-Hop Weekend
Will Be Shown
A collection of gowns suitable for
the many functions of a J-Hop week-
end, is being shown from 10:30 a.m.
to 5:30 p.m. today in the Undergrad-
uate Office of the League.
More than 90 formals and every
type of evening accessory will be on
display as well as sports frocks, tea
gowns ,evening wraps, jewelry and
lounging attire, according to Jean
Seeley, '36, League president.
Any woman who so desires, may try
on any formal in the group. The
gowns are to be in misses' sizes and
a fitter will be in attendance to assist
in trying them on. The collection is
being shown under the sponsorship of
a Detroit shop. Miss Eileen Yeo will
show the various evening gowns.
A tea was held by Mosher Hall yes-
terday from 4 to 6 p.m. Angel Ma-
liszewski announced the following
hostesses: Helen .Jesperson, '38;
Margaret Ferries, '38; Nancy Kover,
'38; Jo Van-Wormer, '38; Jane Kim-
my, '38 and Dorothy Phillips, '37.
Mary Andrew, '37, assistant chair-
man of J.G.P., poured with Ruth
Sanducky, '37. The table was dec-
orated with spring plants flanked by


The Knitting



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A grand slip. Be sure to put in a good supply.




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