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October 02, 1935 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-02

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Van sweringens Buy Back Railroad At Auction

Threaten March
On County Jail
New Jersey Public Utility
Dispute Angers Crempa
PLAINFIELD, N. J., Oct. 1. - (P) -
An angry, muttering crowd milled
about the bullet-marked home where
the body of Mrs. Sophie Crempa, 41,
still lay unburied today and threat-
ened to march on the Union county
jail in Elizabeth to demand release
of her son, John Crempa, Jr., 17.
Mrs. Crempa was slain last Thurs-
day in a battle with deputy sheriffs
who sought to serve her husband with
a citation for contempt of chancery
court. Crempa had long defied an in-
junction restraining him from dam-
aging power lines of the Public Serv-
ice Electric & Gas Co. which cross
his property.
Delay in freeing the son and Crem-
pa, Sr., who is in a hospital suffer-
ing from bullet wounds, caused a sec-
ond postponement of the funeral to-
Feeling among neighbors and rela-
tives, already high, rose as authorities
still deferred action on the release.
Stanley Pryga, chairman of the cit-
izens' protest committee, addressed
a crowd of several hundred persons
from the porch of the Crempa home
in Scotch Plains shortly before noon.
The committee was formed in Fal-
con hall, Plainfield, Sunday night.
He said :
"If the husband and son are not
released by 1 p.m., 750 Polish-Amer-
icans will form here in columns and
march on the jail in Elizabeth. We
will demonstrate and demand release
of the boy."
Police and deputies were sprinkled
through the crowd.
County Dole List
Shows Sharp Drop
An abrupt drop in the Washtenaw
County relief roll load was reported
yesterday by C. H. Elliott, county
relief administrator. At present 2,050
persons are receiving direct relief, a
drop of 25 per cent from last month's
and a new low for the past 15 months.
A "boomlet" in Ann Arbor industry
and the re-opening of the University
were cited by Elliott as causes of the
lighter dole. Government projects
have absorbed 444 of those on relief,
and private industry has provided
jobs for 200 others.

-Associated Press Photo.
Control of the three billion dollar Van Sweringen railroad empire
passed once again to the Van Sweringen brothers, O. P. and M. J. Van
Sweringen (left to right) of Cleveland, when the two former real estate
salesmen, aided by outside interests, bid $8,121,000 for the key securities
dangled over a public auction block in New York. The auction was
staged by a banking group headd by J. P. Morgan and Company on
default of loans amounting to, with interest, some $50,000,000.
increase In Use Of Library Books
Shown In NewLibrary Report

Plans Made For
Permanent SCA
Freshman Club
President Ruthven Among
Speakers At Meeting Of
160 Rendezvous Men
Freshmen who attended the Ren-
dezvous Camp sponsored by the Stu-
dent ChristiandAssociation met last
night in the auditorium of Lane Hall,
and plans for the permanent organi-
zation of a Rendezvous Club were
The Rendezvous Camp this year
was one of the most successful of
eleven of such camps sponsored, S.
C. A. officials said. More than a 160
freshmen attended and the program
was planned to give the new men an
opportunity to meet with several of
the University faculty men as well as
to acquaint them with the various
student leaders.
President Alexander Ruthven spoke
to the incoming students and other
faculty men on the staff included:
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, Dr.
Theodore Hornberger, Prof. F. N.
Menefee, Dr. Warren Forsythe, Prof.
Philip Bursley, Dean Clarence Yoak-
um, Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Mr. Emory
Hyde, and Stanley Waltz.
The campus leaders who talked
briefly on each of the extra-curricu-
lar activities were: Wencel A. Neu-
mann, '36, president of the Union;
Norman Williamson, business man-
ager of the Gargoyle; Thomas Kleene,
'36, editor of The Daily; and Russell
F. Anderson, former president of the
S. C. A. Larry Quinn, '36, directed the
camp for the second consecutive year.
Inheritance Tax
Collections Rise
LANSING, Oct. 1.- P)- The au-
ditor general's department reported
today an increase of $426,415 in in-
heritance tax collections for the first
eight months of 1935 over the corre-
sponding period of 1934.
Deputy Auditor-General Gus T.
Hartman said collections amounted
to $1,690,695 for the first eight months
of 1935. In the corresponding period
of 1934 the department collected $1,-
264,279 in inheritance taxes.
The amended inheritance tax law
which increases the tax on nearly all
brackets adopted by the 1935 legisla-
ture has not affected present tax
collections, Hartman said. The law
became effective on inheritances from
properties of persons who died sub-
sequent to June 6 and is not reflected
in today's report.

With the advent of this semester
the University Extension Division, or-
ganized in 1911, begins its twenty-
fourth year of service to the people
of the State of Michigan.
Organized for thehcombined pur-
poses of promoting the cause of 'edu-:
cation and the advancement of cul-
ture throughout the State "and" to
serve communities in so far as the
technical and expert knowledge of
University specialists is available, the
Extension Division has done much to
stimulate the adult educational
movement through the medium of
formal study courses of University
The work of the Extension Service
is varied and extensive. Extension
lectures by members of the University
faculty on a wide range of subjects
is offered. Educational radio pro-
grams are broadcast from the camp-
us over the facilities of WJR in De-
troit. The Michigan High School
Forensic Association which conducts
state-wide interscholastic contests in
debating, original oratory, declama-
tion, and extempore speaking is un-
der the direction of the Extension
In addition to these extension di-
visions, a health education program
is conducted undpr the auspices of
the Joint Committee on Public
Health Education, and the University.
The work of this committee is to
carry on a health education program
in the State through a medium of

the organizations interested in
health. Non-credit and credit cours-
es are also conducted under the di-
rection of the Extension Division.
Non-credit courses are organized to
meet the needs of students who are
interested in special fields of uni-
versity grade.
Extension credit courses are con-
ducted in the same manner as are
the corresponding courses on the
campus, so far as credit, hours, and
instructional requirements are con-
One of the most interesting ser-
vices is the Library Extension. This
service is engaged primarily in study-
ing current, civic, social, and general
educational problems. Attention is
given particularly to the needs of
Michigan's secondary schools.
Severe Cold Keeps
Fitzgerald At Home
LANSING, Oct. 1. - (1P)- A severe
cold confined Gov. Fitzgerald to bed
in his Grand Lodge home today and
prevented a conference between him
and the state liquor control commis-
sion on proposed new regulations.
George L. Clark, the governor's
secretary, reported that the chief
executive was under a doctor's care
and may not return to his office this

University's Extension Division
Covers Wide Range Of Service

Bricks Ely 4s
Mobile, Ala., And New
Orleans Are Scenes Of
NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 1.-(1P)-
Tear gas and bricks ushered in the
International Longshoremen's As-
sociation strike at Mobile, Ala., today,
while New Orleans police dispersed
groups of picketers and arrested 18
The strike, effective last midnight,
was called for New Orleans, Mobile,
Gulfport, Miss., and Pensacola, Fla.
No trouble was reported at Gulfport
and Pensacola, but picket lines were
At Mobile, picketers threw bricks
and wielded clubs to snatch arrested
longshoremen from police who in-
effectively used tear gas in an attempt
to rout them. J. L. Rogers, a police-
man, was slightly hurt by a brick.
Members of local unions are now
employed on the docks here, at Mo-
bile and Pensacola. The I. L. A. is
seeking recognition as well as an in-
crease in the hourly wage from 75
cents to 85 cents.
I.L.A. spokesmen have declared
that ships loaded in the four south-
ern ports by non-union labor will not
be unloaded by I.L.A. longshoremen in
other ports.

The libraries of the University
showed a marked increase in the use
of books this last year over preceed-
ing years, it was revealed by Dr. Wil-
liam W. Bishop, University librari-
an, in his annual report. 119,721
more books were used in 1934-35 than
in 1933-34.
The total circulation almost equals
the number of volumes in the libraries
which is especially noteworthy since
the library hours were decreased dur-
ing the past year. An interesting
experiment was made last year in
which it was shown that about 5,000
persons entered the Main Library
daily. Dr. Bishop ventured "It is
probable that at least seven-tenths of
the student body is in one or more
of the University Libraries daily for
a considerable time."
There was also a decided increase
in books acquired by the libraries dur-
ing the past year. In June, 1934, there
were 900,671 volumes in all the li-
braries while in June 1935, there were
926,396. The General Library had
more than half of the sum total of
books included in all of the Univer-
sity libraries.
Another test was made to deter-
mine the efficiency of the service at
the delivery desk of the General Li-

brary. For 95.44 percent of the books
asked for, the reader was either giv-
en the book or referred to the loca-
tion of the book at once. 98.97 per
cent of the books were accounted for
after some search. Only 1.03 per cent
required a longer time or were not
In commenting upon the increased
service of the libraries during the past
year in spite of the reduction in
hours, Dr. Bishop says "It is evident
therefore - what has long been a
matter of common observation-that
this library is intensively used by the
student body and the faculties."
ROME, Oct. 1. - (1') - A young
man, identified by police as James
Donahue, one of the Woolworth heirs
and cousin of Countess Barbara Hut-
ton Mdivani Haugwitz-Reventlow,
was deported from Italy last night for,
cheering Ethiopia.
Baroness HaugWitz-Reventlow re-
mained in Rome. Officials said she
had told police that she "wished to
remain in Italy and sympathized with
the Fascist regime" and that she and
her husband were "admirers of
Premier Mussolini."f

I -

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