Board in Control of Physical Ed-
ucation, containing a statement of
receipts and disbursements for the
year 1934-35 and a report on attend-
ance at 1934 and 1935 football games,
will be announced this afternoon.
Whatever the report may con-
tain in the way of official figures
on football attendance, one con-
clusion will be inevitable uponF
comparison with statistics of for-x
mer years. That is that regard-<
less of national economic situa-
tions, the drawing power of a
football team will vary directlyx
with its record.
Estimates announced at the close
of the current season by Prof. Ralph
W. Aigler, the board's chairman,
gave attendance figures for this year
as between 250,000 and 255,000 for
eight games, of which 185,000 were
at home. Of the home attendance,
it was estimated at the time of the
games by observers that almost 100,-
000 attended the meetings with Min-
nesota and Ohio State, two of the
nation's leaders.
In 1934, the report of the board
estimated attendance at 263,000, of
which 118,000 were at the five home
games and 145,000 at the three games
away, including Ohio State and Min-
Official attendance figures for 1933
reported 269,161 at the eight games,
206,392 at the five home games, and
in 1932 attendance reported at home
games showed an attendance of 144,-
From -those figures several com-
parisons are possible.
In 1932, "the leanest year of
the depression," the Michigan
team outdrew its 1934 successor
by approximately 26,000, and the
explanation is apparent in the
fact that in 1932 the Michigan,
team was winning a National
championship while in 1934 it
it was winning but one game.
Comparison between 1933 and 1935
is possible by considering that in
both years Michigan was meeting at
home Minnesota and Ohio State, both
outstanding teams and great rivals.
And the conclusion is the same, de-
spite the fact that in 1933 economic
conditions were not comparable with
1935, the national champions of 1933
outdrew the current year's team by
approximately 30,000.
Depressions nationally are not im-
portant in drawing crowds, it is ap-
parent. It is the depression at home,
of football material and the team's
record, that counts.
Frosh Boxers
Meet Today In
Annual Event
The annual Freshman boxing show
will be held at 4 p.m. today in the
boxing room of the Waterman Gym-
nasium. The public is urged to attend
the exhibition as the boys worked
hard all fall to condition themselves
for this event and popular support
is the only means of reward they re-
Coach Vern Larson reports his
proteges to be in fine shape and is
certain that they'll provide spectators
with plenty of class and action.
Seven bouts are scheduled. In the
curtain-raiser Richard Waldemeyer
will trade punches with Maurice Sim-
ons in the 114 pound class. The next
match sees Richard Sewers opposing
Leo Koizad in the 125 pound division.
In the 135 pound class two bouts
are scheduled. Bob Gere meets Dick
Perry and Hugh McCormick clashes
with Van Wolf. At 145 Harold Freed-
man will pair off with Donald Rich-
ardson. Lyvio Debouis, who holds a
class title in Massachusetts, will be
out to prove his ability against Ben
Leopold in the 155 pound class.
In the final go of the afternoon
Robert Trowell battles Don Harper
at 165 pounds.
The winners of today's bouts will be
entered in the All-Campus Boxing
tourney which will be held next week
at the Intramural Sports Building.
Coach John Johnstone will referee
the bouts, and Mel Kramer and El-
mer Cousineau have been named as
Plans Complete For
Tank Gala
Held Friday
Many Swimmers
Will Take Part
In 14 Events
Relays And
Will Be Big Features Of
Season's Opening Meet
Complete plans for the Olympic
Preparation Gala to be held Friday
night in the Intramural pool were
announced yesterday by Coach Matt
The program for the first natato-
rial attraction of the current season
consists of 14 events, with sprint re-
lays and exhibitions rivalling with
individual handicap events for top
Besides the feature 200-yard re-
lay between the Varsity, freshman
and alumni quartets, two other team
events are listed. The meet will open
with a relay over the 200-yard route
involving high school teams from
Battle Creek, Lansing Eastern, Pon-
tiac and Ann Arbor.
Girls' Teams In Relay
The last event on the program will
see girls' relay teams battle over the
same distance. Represented will be
the University Women's Physical Ed-
ucation department, Ypsilanti Nor-
mal, Indianapolis Athletic Club, Uni-
versity High and Ann Arbor High
Swimming Club.
Among the unique exhibitions to be
put on includes a rope-spinning and
boomerang-throwing act by Bryant
(Bud) Ruthven. Bobby Fries, near-
infant protege of Coach Mann and
son of Prof. Charles Fries of the Eng-
lish department, will prove that even
the youngest can learn to swim,
while Matt Mann, Jr., and Bobby
Copp, both about seven years of age,
will also show their wares. Still
among the younger athletes, a boy
and a girl aged nine and eight years
respectively will be seen in a diving
Divers To Perform
The entire troupe of Varsity div-
ers, including Captain Frank Feh-
senfeld, National Collegiate cham-
pion, Der Johnston, Ben Grady, Ned
Diefendorf and Adie Ferstenfeld, will
give an exhibition of comic and fancy
diving along with Dick Degener.
The last of the exhibitions will see
fancy and tandem swimming dis-
played by a group of feminine swim-
Included in the handicap events
open to everyone including Varsity
and freshmen swimmers are the 100-
yard breast-stroke, 50-yard free-style,
50-yard backstroke, 200-yard free-
style, and 50-yard free-style for girls.
Ohio State Books Four
Tough Grid Opponents
COLUMBUS, O., Dec. 10.-(AP)-
Ohio State's Buckeyes, co-champions
of the Big Ten with Minnesota, bit
off some big chunks of trouble today
in booking opponents for the 1936 and
1937 football seasons.
Not content with what Athletic Di-
rector L. W. St. John called the
toughest Conference schedules the
Bucks have ever played, they booked
these non-conference teams:
1936--New York University, Pitts-
burgh, Notre Dame.
1937 - Texas Christian, Southern
Filipino Featherweight
Catches Eye Of Coach
There is a little 116-pound fight-
er named Mike Bowler in the fin-
als of the All-Campus boxing
tournament who has really caught
the eye of Coach Martin Levan-
Mike, who came to Michigan
from the Philipine Islands, has
boxed Coach Levandowski several
times and the usually taciturn
boxing coach waxed garrulous as
he described how hard the littlef
Filipino punched, and Levan-
dowski should know for he has
fought many of the best heavy-
weights in the country including
Jimmy Braddock.
Coach Levandowski has high
hopes for a professional career for
Bowler, and said that "Joe Louis
is no more of a genius than he is."
Hockey Sextet -
Puts Pressure
On Goalie Pair
Irving Shalek And Reed
Low Worked Hard As
Lowrey -iJunts Starter
Not yet decided on his Varsity
line-up, Coach Lowrey spent the
greater part of last nights practice
session in the Coliseum drilling both
his prospective goalies in a hard
scrimmage. Alternating Irving Sha-
lek and Reed Low in goal against his
first line of Heyliger, Berryman and
Fabello, Lowrey had his forwards
putting on the pressure as they rained
a hail of pucks on both men.
Shalek, who has appeared off form
for the past several evenings, looked
good in goal last night again but he is
due for a hard fight from Low who
spent an hour in the nets yesterday
afternoon getting some practice with
a pick-up team.
Just which man will start against
London Saturday night Lowrey re-
fused to say, but added that the next
couple of practices would tell the
Smith May Be At Defense
Big Bert Smith looked pretty fair
at defense last night but Lowrey will
not name him as a starter until he
has given Simpson a thorough look-
ing over.
Besides the Heyliger, Berryman,
Fabello line, James, Griggs and Keith
Crossman were on the ice and pre-
sented a real test for the Varsity.
Heyliger is fast becoming a sensa-
tional hockey player, and this year
as last will be the key to the Mich-
igan attack. Fabello, an unknown
quantity at the beginning of the
winter practice, has shown a consis-
tent skill both as a stick handler and
a passer, and will work into the
Michigan style of play very nicely.
Practice sessions will be the order
for tomorrow and Thursday evenings,
but Friday the team will rest in prep-
aration for Saturday night's game as
Lowrey plans to put the freshman
squad through its first workout.
Donie Bush has signed a one yea
contract to continue as manager of
the Minneapolis baseball club of th
American Association.
Cappon Five
Battles Frosh
InLong Drill
Cagers' Defense Will Get
First Big Test Of Year
Against State Squad
The Michigan basketball team con-
tinued working on offense yesterday,
drilling long against Coach Ray Fish-
er's freshman squad for the first time
this year, in preparation for the
Michigan State game at Yost Field
House Saturday night.
Cappon, seemingly satisfied with
the defense that the Varsity showed
against the Michigan Normal team
last week, is working principally on
the offense in hopes of developing a
high scoring machine. He continued
to mix up his teams, using both the
first and second fives against the
Fisher Uses Eleven Men
Coach Fisher brought eleven men,
picked largely for their height, in-
cluding John Nicholson, Dick Long,
Howard Burr, Albert Monus, Dan
Smick, Edward Phillips, Louis Le-
vine, Robert Dewitt, Leslie MeCraith,
and Ben Weaver. Weaver was a
member of the Technical High school
of Indianapolis team on which <John
and Earl Townsend played..
The vaunted Wolverine defense
will get its first real test of the
current campaign against the Spar-
tan team Coach Ben Van Alstyne will
bring down from East Lansing. The
Spartans present a team that de-
pends more on speed and drive rather
than physical advantages. Only two
men on the Green and White five
top the six-foot mark, Maurice Buy-
see at center and Eddie Rolen at one
forward post.
State Boasts Fast Men
Ron Garlock and Joe Smith at the
guards and Danny Reck at the other
forward post are speed merchants and
exceedingly clever ball handlers. Reck
and Garlock were regulars last year
and Buysee two years ago, while
Rolen and Smith were reserves last
Garlock is the guiding force in
both the offense and defense, while
sharing high-point honors with Buy-
see, who has not yet gained the form
that enabled him to be a sensation
in 1933-34.
The Spartans, who have defeated
Albion and were edged out by Wis-
consin so far this winter, will un-
doubtedly not be as strong as in the
past two years. Particularly missed
Saturday night will be the long, accu-
rate shots of Bob Herrick and Mike
Rouse which played so important a
role in defeating the Wolverines last
February at East Lansing.
Geology Department, Coliseum Tigers Get Al Simmons;
J IRed Sox Capture Foxx
Retain Hold On Johnny Jewell CHICAGO, Dec. 10. - Learning
_/_ that the Yankees were about to bid
against him, Mickey Cochrane, Tiger
By FRED BUESSER Johnny himself prefers a more wide manager, today bought Al Simmons
Johnny Jewell has finshed his open brand of hockey with more shots from the Chicago White Sox at a
playing days as a Michigan goalie, on the goal, but with increased scor- price reported as about $75,000.
but he has not finished either his
goaltending career or Michigan. ing opportunities, both because it is At the same time the Boston Red
Besides battling with the geology more interesting to watch and to play. Sox obtained Jimmy Foxx and pitcher
department and assisting Coach Ed- Any Tuesday or Thursday after- Johnny Marcum from the Athletics
die Lowrey, Jewell journeys to De- n the former Maize and Blue Cap- fr pitcher Dusty Rhodes, rookie
troit several nights a week to guard tain can be seen patrolling the Col- cacheraGeorge Savino and cash, esti-
nets for Tool Shop, a team which is mated at $150,000.
at present at the top of the standing -s-umin his own leisurely manner_
in the Michigan-Ontraio Hockey teaching Michigan co-eds the fine
League. points of plain and fancy skating in A SUITABLE GIFT for a man
Jewell's work in goal has shown a company with Gib James, his stooge. at Christmas is one of these
real improvement since he graduated naamuW0 0iav DJ-O.' I famous briars-
from the collegiate ranks and he has x
come to be known as one of the best Yn
goalies in amateur hockey. Johnny"F
is a clever, brainy goal tender who Snt C laus for
has the faculty of split second timing '' ha M 1
coupled with an imagination withl' ____"-___C__VERT___E __ERS-
which he can sense just where a shot i So listen to his hints; (l
is being aimed. He is seldom sucked a bu the things he Iikes
out of his cage, and when he does 4 uththinsDeYikS-
come out, he smothers the puck effec- at STAEB & DAY'S-~ FILTER-COOLED
tively and prevents rebound goals.
Handling both prospective Michi-*
gan goalies as he has been for the # Just a Few Suggestions MEDiCO
last week, Jewell has been able to Listed!Below: (PATENTED)
point out to them their worst flaws. This simple appear
Shalek has learned to use his feet in Mallory Hots ing et amazing
the last few days, but he is still a lit-- Worsted-Tex Suits absor ent fiter in
tle slow in the nets. Low has perhaps and Overcoats pvetion with Cellos
phane exterior and
less natural ability, but he is more Silk or Wool Scarfs coolingmeshecreen
effective with his hands, his main Gloves - Pajamas \LATEST anteriorkee suices
fault being a tendency to dive out ofSP Shirts Hsir SandHfAaaeanfiter
Shrs-- oiery -and outofnmouth.
the goal too soon and lie sprawling on Neckwear - Robes oPrevents iong
the ice as an opposing wing flicks the Handkerchiefs, etc. 4 \ bite, raw mouth,
puck over him into the twine. wet heel, bd
The Michigan hockey system, how-f e eodor, frequeni
eedoes not call for an exceptional ex eo;
ever, 1 BS Nob reaking
goalie. The team checks back effec- $ A GIFT BOX WITH Bin.Improves
tively and keeps opposing players well EACH ARTICLE UNHEARD OF VALUEarea
covered at all times.UNEROVAE- tobacco.
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