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December 11, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-11

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" 4-1
Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W.
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Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good-
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Build A New
Laboratory Theatre.,
ceeding with the construction of
the Graduate School and the Carillon we would
like to point out the need for a new laboratory
theater for dramatic students.
Their present quarters, the dilapidated Labora-
tory theater in back of the Union, is not only an
eye-sore, but has actually been condemned as a
Two years ago Play Production was forbidden
to give any plays in this theatre, because it had
been condemned by the state fire-marshal, but
apparently those authorities have shut their eyes
to tle fact that since then it has been in constant
use bothday and night.
Every day classes in every phase of dramatics,
with a registration of approximately 100 students,
are held in this building, and in addition the re-
hearsals for their plays, which are also held there,
require the attendance of these students until late
at night. If a fire ever broke out in the structure,
as is very likely, the whole building would go up in
flames in an incredibly short time. Surely the Uni-
versity has no right to jeopardize the lives of these
100 students in this manner.
Even if it were not a fire-trap, it would still be
highly unsatisfactory as a laboratory theatre be-
cause of its cramped quarters.
All classes and rehearsals are held in one room,
which was made over into a combination class
and rehearsal room from a theatre lobby by in-
stalling a few old benches.
The highest estimate for a new building has been
set at $50,000, although the present one could
perhaps be remodeled for a great deal less.
Such a building need not include a theatre, for
Play Production can ask for no better place for
the actual presentation of their plays than the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. However, it should
have ample room for classes, dance practices
and rehearsals and should include rooms where
scenery and costumes could be made.
We realize that for several years the University
has not been financially able to do any building,
but when the time comes for starting a new build-
ing program, we do think that a new structure
for dramatic students should be given the most
serious consideration.
Giants Of
Industry ..
A MERICAN GIANTS of industry,
feeling that the government is not
moving swiftly enough in the right direction, de-
cide to organize their own council to hasten recov-
ery. With this purpose in mind, they met in
Washington to form the National Industrial
It was planned to face logically the problems
before industry, and so the group of 2,000 delegates
was to be divided into a number of round tables
composed of representatives of related units of in-
dustry. And then the fun really began.
A number of gentlemen felt that they had as
much right as Maj. George L. Berry, head of
the conference and director of what is left of
the NRA, to make their opinions, heard. The
sagacious Major Berry felt otherwise, and said so.
Excitement rose to a high pitch, and over the
shouting, he managed to accuse A. P. Haake, repre-
senting the National Furniture Manufacturers As-
sociation of having been sent to "dynamite" his
convention. Mr. Haake called him a liar.
Major Berry, who would control the fortunes of

will be safer in the hands of anyone but Major
Berry, who, it seems, is not emotionally suited to
handle anything of importance.
Craft Vs.
Industrial Unions *..*.
HE DISSENSION that has been so
apparent in labor circles for a
long time in regard to craft unions versus indus-
trial unions culminated last week in the resigna-
tion of John L. Lewis from his post as vice-
president of the American Federation of Labor.
Lewis, who is president of the United Mine
Workers of America, strongly advocates the adop-
tion of the industrial union plan. In his Thanks-
giving Day speech in New York City he stated
that mass production has caused a great many
workers to fall into the unskilled and semi-skilled
categories, thereby necessitating the organization
of labor by industries and not by the separate
crafts or trades. Lewis stated that the aim of the
industrial union idea was to make labor "equal
to the management in steel, automobile, textile,
and other basic industries."
Certainly this equality of labor to the manage-
ment of industry is an essential to collective bar-
gaining, which has been duly recognized as a right
of both labor and capital. It is also true that
craft unions have proven themselves incapable of
handling major crises that have arisen in large
industries. Another significant fact is that the
International Typographical Union, although one
of the biggest and most successful craft unions
existing, voted through its delegates at the fed-
eration convention 5 to 1 in favor of the indus-
trial plan.
However, there are some trades that would be
rather difficult to organize by industries. A recog-
nition of both types of organization seems the only
feasible solution. The A. F. of L. would do well to
maintain some of the craft unions while at the
same time recognizing the good features of the
industrial unions.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
fetters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Men's Dormitories
To the Editor:
The decision of the administration to condemn
an additional block of residences in order to
make the proposed Graduate School larger than
originally scheduled has made a previously un-
desirable situation intolerable. The problem of
providing suitable rooming establishments for
men has always been an acute one, and the razing
of several rooming houses has made it even more
On this campus we are confronted with the par-
adox of the women students living in large, al-
most palatial dormitories, while the men have
been forced to either join fraternities or to find
rooms in old, ramshackle houses, far removed from
the comfort they are accustomed to at home. En-
rollment has increased steadily in recent years,
and more men now have to live in less rooms.
Some will say that the obvious answer to the
problem is for the men to join fraternities. How-
ever, most male students do not join fraternities
because either they are financially unable to do
so or they are not in sympathy with the ideals
of fraternities; and I believe the number of the
latter is much greater than is commonly supposed.
The solution I am proposing is one which has
long been discussed and demanded by a very
great number of students: the building of dormi-
tories. The chief opposition to this plan is fur-
nished by the householders of Ann Arbor who
very understandably are opposed to losing the in-
come which renting rooms to students provides
them. However, is the University of Michigan in
existence to provide an income to the residents of
Ann Arbor, or does it exist to provide its students
with an education? I believe anyone will grant
that a clean, quiet, comfortable environment is

conducive to studying, and it is just such an en-
vironment that will be provided by dormitories.
The students will be living in new, modern, well-
heated buildings instead of in ancient, damp fire-
traps such as most of the rooming houses in town
I believe it right and fitting that the Michigan
Daily, the students' publication, should take up the
fight for the better living conditions which dormi-
tories will provide the men on this campus. The
situation is an unusual one in that it is the
men and not the women who demand equality.
The women have dormitories. The men want
them too.
-Alvin Schottenfeld, '37.
Answered Himself
To the Editor:
"Slipstick" I think has adequately answered 'his
own question as to the reason for an engineer's
ball. I too can feel the sheer stupidity of the
social whirl, which is nothing more than a vicious
circle wherein functions are held so that people
may be seen at them, and people attend them so
that they may continue to be held.
The column referred to in "Slipstick's" last sen-
tence appears on the woman's page. So does all
the other trivial inconsequential gossip and advice.
What's wrong with women that they can't write
about things other than fashion, the football play-
er's ideal and how to decorate your room? Surely
woman's existence is not confined to such things
alone -why isn't there a column of intelligent
discussions of present day problems? Why can't
the standard of the reading matter on the woman's
page be equal to that of the rest of the paper?

The Conning Tower~
On the Occasion of the 2000th Anniversary
Of His Birth
"Exegi monumentum aere perennius"-Book III, 30
THE monument that I have finished
Shall by the years be undiminished
As bronze eternal, and as strong
Is my high Pyramid of song
Not wind and rain, nor erosive time
Shall gnaw my monument of rhyme.
For the part of me that is immortal
Shall never pass through Death his portal.
As long as there shall be a State
My birthday men will celebrate,
My birthday known through all the earth,
A bard who was of lowliest birth;
And Fame my glory will rehearse
For what I did to Latin verse.
This tribute take, Melpomene,
And crown with bays the head of me!
At the Central School, Orange, the children re-
enacted the first Thanksgiving. There were Joe
Bellosto as Miles Standish, Clemantina Iatesta as
Priscilla Alden, and James Ramano as the Indian.
Thistyou may say is a far whoop from the old
Colony days in Plymouth, the land of the Pilgrims.
It seems to us a moving bit of melting pottery; and
thrills us more than a dozen fife and drum corps.
They are playing "Rosmersholm" in Canada, and
the Second Deputy Office Clown wants to know if
there is a part for Quebecca West.
Book Review
Am I going to finish "Europa?"
Historians' Peekly-Weekly
Sweet & Low Number: To be Read to the
Rhythm of "When You Wore a Tulip and
I Wrote the Anthems for the City
of New York."
This week we present Mayor Fiorello H. La
Fusion, who will croon, for the first time on any
wave-length, the official anthem of the Depart-
ment of Sanitation, Borough of Manhattan.
This anthem, a "snappy march song," was
written at the Mayor's suggestion by our favorite
composer and aerialist, former Mayor John P.
O'Bligato, a wandering minstrel of 1749 Grand
Concourse, the Bronx (ring O'Brien's Bell).
Admittedly a masterpiece of harmony, synco-
pation, and air-conditioning, this latest composi-
tion of the former Mayor was actually composed
during the siege of Fort Sumter J. Hylan - the
composer scribbling the words on the back, or
envelope side, of an old chemise by the dawn's early
light. For a time, historians confusedethe composi-
tion with Elbert Hubbard's "A Message to La
Guardia," which Jeeter Lester carried in his pocket
for thirty solid years on Broadway.
The work (as the former Mayor's effort is labori-
ously labeled) is scored for clavichord, harpsi-
chord, larynx, zither, steam piano, and a paltry
psaltery, or psalary, of $25,000 a year. Copyright
tenderly applied for.
The next windpipe you hear will be that of the
Mayor, giving you his own snappy march-song
version of the official anthem, which is entitled,
My Borough, 'tis of thee
Sweet town of slavery,
Of thee I hum,
Sweet, hum.
You are my lucky star,
You are my boots and saddle,
You are my ma-a-a-ammy,
In the middle of a kiss!
But I gotta feelin'
You're foo-oo-oolin';
Just a cheerful little feelin'
Of the well known little earful:
Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton,
In my Georgia rockin' chair;
And oh, how I wish a-g'in
That I was back in Michigan
In my old Kentucky home;

So carry me back to ole Virginny,
Back home to Tenn-o-see,
For I come from Alabama
With my banjo on my knee.
I'm sittin' high on a hilltop,
On a bicycle built for two;
Everything is okey-dokey,
But wait till the sun shines, Nellie,
Wait till the cows come home
In 3/4 time.
Of course, we have no bananas,
But the bells of St. Mary's
Jingle all the way,
So who's afraid of the big bad wolf ?
(La, la, la, la, la!)
Then it's 'Take me back to New York town,
New York town,
New York town,
That's where I long to be-'
On the Isle of the I.R.T.,
The original Isle of Capri,
Near by dear old Mother Machrettsky,
And those chilly-billy,
City of New York Blues
Out in Kansas they think that they hear the
watch on the Ship of State calling "Landon Ho;"
There is no war between Ethiopia and Italy, as
there has been no declaration, so there is no war

A Washington
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. - The
unanimous, if informally ex-
pressed, opinion of the Ohio Repub-
lican state central committee that
"Herbert Hoover should not be a can-
didate (in 1936) and should not be
nominated" starts the Republican
presidential nomination pot boiling
with a vengeance. It is the most
positive development to date of the
next presidential campaign.
Yet, to assume, as some Washing-
ton political writers do, that under
the blow the Hoover boom will fold
up and disappear within a matter of
weeks, is to take Mr. Hoover's present
role altogether too lightly. If the
sage of Palo Alto has set out upon
the mission that most Washington
onlookers believe he has, the actual
outgrowth of the Ohio committee's
action might well be to force Hoover
and Senator Borah also into nomina-
tion campaigns, regardless of whether
they actually desire the nomination.
O SUCH observers, and among
them can be found some old
Washington friends of Mr. Hoover
who might have direct information,
his recent activities have brought
conviction that the question of his
own nomination largely is a mech-
anism for the exercise of influence
upon the party convention as Mr.
Hoover sees it. They believe him to
be shrouding his actual intentions in
mystery because to step out of the
race might strip him of any influ-
ence whatever either as to selection
of the next Republican standard
bearer or the writing of the '36 plat-
If that is the fact, Mr. Hoover
hardly can accept the dictum of the
Ohio committee meekly. If that chal-
lenge to his titular leadership goes
unanswered, his prestige must suffer.
About the only sort of answer he
could make would be to permit his
friends in Ohio or elsewhere to con-
tinue to press for a Hoover vindica-
tion ticket and platform.
* * *
NOR CAN the action in Ohio be
wholly pleasing to Senator Borah.
Much as the snub to Hoover might
delight him, the prospect of Ohio's
52 votes parked on the favorite-son
sidelines and presumably available.
for "back room" negotiation of a
nomination against which the senator
inveighs, invites Borah to battle. He
is not likely to accept at face value
the implications of the state com-
mittee's formal declaration for a fa-
vorite-son policy and a coupled in-
formal anti-Hoover verdict.
That implication clearly is that it
was not a move in direct Hoover in-
terest. It would not cover the pos-
sibility of a Hoover-favored candi-
date who might be just as repugnant
to Borah as Hoover himself.
From the inception of the Repub-
lican pre-campaign battle over who
is to be in party councils at and after
the convention, it has been clear that
the Ohio situation, where seekers of
primary honors must file their assent*
to get on the ballots, was likely to
bring the Hoover-Borah clash into
the open.
In therhistory of the symphonic
poem there is no greater name than
that of Richard Strauss and it is
this form more than that of the opera
or the symphony which will make
certain its place in the future. The
Boston Symphony Orchestra, in its

appearance here in Ann Arbor to-
night in the Choral Union series, will
play one of the greatest of the Strauss
poems: Heldenleben.
The majority of those who criticize
the works of Strauss do so from the
basis of his dissimilarity to other
composers. This work, however, is
very classical in its structure, being
of the familiar Sonata Allegro de-
sign, but its apparent complexity is
caused by the extreme concentration
and condensation of material. As the
title indicates, the work is a biog-
raphy of a hero's life - where else in
music or literature can one find such
a history that tells so much about a
hero in so little time?
Strauss is a follower of the philos-
ophy of Nietsche - at least of that
part of the philosophy which deals
with the complete freedom of the
world, a class morality of the superior
man. Is it any wonder to us then,
that he chooses subjects possessing
the nobility of Zarathustra, Nietsche's
Uebermensch, and his own Hero?
When he writes of the soul, he writes
of the soul of all mankind. Similar-
ly, when he writes of heroism, he is
talking of the greatness of all man-
The theme denoting the Hero is
extremely chivalric and of extra-
ordinary breadth and vitality. Other
minor themes serve to express vari-
ous phases of his personality, pride,
sensitiveness, determination, rich-
ness of initiative, etc. A second part
deals with the Hero's adversaries.
Their thematic material is indica-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all menbers of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11, 1935
VOL. XLVI No. 60
Notices i
President and Mrs. Ruthven will ber
at home to the students on Wednes-
day, Dec. 11, from 4 to 6 o'clock. I
Choral Union Members: Members
whose records are clear will please
call for their Boston Symphony Or-
chestra pass tickets today between
the hours of 9 and 12, and 1 and 4.
After 4 o'clock no tickets will be
given out. Those whose records are1
not clear will please turn their Mes-
siah copies at once, and receive back
their music deposit.1
Senior Engineers: Class dues are
now payable to Lawrence Halleck,
Thomas Jefferis, George Frid, Charles
Donker, Percival Williams, Robert
Warner, Robert Merrill, or Howard
'Intramural Basketball Games startE
this week. Games will be played at
4:20 and 5:00 in Barbour Gymnasium
on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Come out and support your house or E
zone. If you don't know which zoneT
you are in, come out and we will tell1
you. -
Academic Notices E
German 86: Former members of<
this class, including those now in the1
Medical School, are cordially invited
to attend a presentation of the mov-
ing picture, "The Advent of Anes-
thesia," on Wednesday, Dec. 11, 5 E
p.m., in the University Hospital Audi-
torium. This film is the one enacted
by the internes of the Massachusetts
General Hospital and previously1
shown to the Victor Vaughan Society.
Economics 51: Rooms for the ex-
amination on Thursday at 2 p.m. fol-
lows: 25 A.H., Mrs. Miller's and Mr.
Hebbard's sections.
1035 A.H., Mr. Wier's sections.
231 A.H., Mr. Anderson's sections.
103 R.L., Mr. Church's sections.
N.S. Aud., Messrs. Donhof's and
French's sections.
Boston Symphony Orchestra: Dr.
Serge Koussevitzky will lead the Bos-
ton Symphony Orchestra of one hun-
dred and ten men in the fifth Choral
Union Concert, Wednesday evening,
Dec. 11, at 8:15 o'clock, in the follow-
ing program.
The sympathetic cooperation of the
public is invited, to the end that the
audience may be seated on time. The
first number is rather long, and the
doors will be closed during the per-
formance. The University Musical
Society and Dr. Koussevitzky and his
players, will appreciate sympathetic
cooperation in this respect.
Concerto for Strings and Wind Or-
chestras in F major. Handel.
A tempo ordinario
"Pohola's Daughter," Symphonic
Fantasia, Op. 49, Sibellus.
"La Balse," Choregraphic Poem,
"Ein Heldenleben," Tone Poem, Op.
40, Strauss.
The Hero
The Hero's Adversaries
The Hero's Companion
The Hero's Battlefield
The Hero's Mission of Peace
The Hero's Escape from the World
Latin Group Hears
Talk By Meinecke
Prof. Bruno Meinecke of the Latin
depgrtment spoke last night before
members of the Sodalitas Latina of

the Michigan State Normal College
at Ypsilanti on the subject of "Hor-
ace, the Twentieth Century Latin
Professor Meinecke's speech mark-
ed the local celebration of the 2,000th
anniversary of the birth of Horace,
which is being observed in every
country this year. In his lecture he
discussed the philosophy expressed by
the Latin poet, emphasizing the uni-
versal appeal of his works from mod-
ern artistic and philosophic view-
He is humble in his approach to his
beloved, ably portrayed by solo violin,
so fused with beauty and suggestion
that each new hearing is refreshing.
The fourth section deals with the
Hero's battlefield, not a battlefield
of war, necessarily, but of the con-
flicts of life. Through all the tur-
moil, the calming influence of the
beloved is felt and though he rejoices
with her at his victory, the world is
cold and indifferent.
A retelling of the Hero's works of
peace deals with his spiritual evolu-
tion and achievements. Slight re-
mindings of the cackling foes are
quietly overcome by the nobler and

Emil Ludwig Lecture: The fifth
number of the Oratorical Association
series will be presented tomorrow
night at 8:15 in Hill Auditorium when
Emil Ludwig speaks on "The Fate of
Europe 1914-1940." Tickets are avail-
able at Wahr's Book Store. Patrons
are urged to purchase tickets as soon
as possible.
Events Of Today
A.S.C.E. Meeting, Room 311,W. Eng.
Building, 7:30 sharp. Professor Jak-
kula will present slides on the de-
velopment of Suspension Bridges.
Every member urged to come.
Chemical and Metallurgical E'ngi-
neers. Mr. H. C. Sung will be the
speaker at the Seminar for graduate
students in chemical and metallur-
gical engineering at 4 o'clock in Room
3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject is
"The Cracking of Oil, Effect of Con-
ditions and Character of Stock."
Alpha Nu Debating Society at 7:30
sharp, Alpha Nu will hold a special
demonstration meeting in the chapter
room on the fourth floor of Angell
Hall. New students on campus have
been invited to be the guests of the
evening; many distinguished alumni
of Alpha Nu are expected to be pres-
ent. It is espcially urged that all old
and new members of the society at-
tend this meeting.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Regular meeting
at the Union, 7:30 p.m., uniforms re-
quested. There will be a brief busi-
ness meeting and a speaker. All
members are urged to attend to
assist in the planning of an initiation
banquet and dance.
Freshman Glee Club: Rehearsal at
Union, 4:30 p.m.
Varsity Waiting List Glee Club:
Rehearsal at Union, 4:30 p.m. Those
in class who cannot attend, will please
report at 5 p.m.
Stanley Chorus will hold regular
lar meeting at 7:15, at the Union. All
members must be present.
Druids will hold a luncheon meet-
ing at 12:15 today in the Union.
Interpretive Arts Society Initiation:
The Interpretive Arts Society meets
at 4:00 p.m,, room 206 Mason Hall, to
initiate those students whose tryouts
selections were accepted.
Contemporary: Luncheon meeting
this noon at the Haunted Tavern.
Staff members are urged to attend.
The regular meeting of the Ann
Arbor Citizens' Council, scheduled
for tonight, will be held instead Wed-
nesday, Dec. 18. There will be a dis-
cussion of "County Government" at
the meeting.
Catholic Students: There will be
a Christmas dance for Catholic stu-
dents tonight in the church hall. Bob
Steinle's Union orchestra will play
from 8:00 to 10:00. All students and
their friends are cordially invited.
Admission will be 25c.
Coming Events
Applied Mechanics Colloquium:
Prof. W. E. Lay, "Some Questions
in Automotive Engineering." Re-
view of Literature. Meeting will be
held in Room 314 West Engineering
Annex on Thursday, Dec. 12, at 4:00
p.m. All interested are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Psychology Journal Club will meet
on Thursday, Dec 12, Room 3126 N.S.,
7:30 p.m. Recent research on dif-
ferential test scores between psy-
chotic, feeble-minded, and normal
subjects will bereviewed by Miss
Horr, Miss Ban de Vort, Miss Fiske,
and Mr. Alexander.

English Journal Club will meet Fri-
day, Dec. 13, at 4:00 in the League.
The program, open to the public at
4:15, will consist of a paper by Jona-
than H. Kistler on the subject, "Re-
cent Studies in the Renaissance," to
be followed by general discussion.
Public Health and Hygiene Club
has been reorganized with Micheal
Kunzman as president. The club will
meet at the Michigan League Thurs-
day, Dec. 12, at 8 p.m. to complete
plans for the Christmas party to be
held at the Women's Athletic Build-
ing, Dec. 18. All students of the
department are urged to attend.
Cercle Francais: After a short busi-
ness meeting, the Cercle will have its
annual Christmas party, Thursday, at
7:45 in the League.
Assembly meeting on Thursday,
Dec. 12, at 4:15 in the League. The
room will be posted.
Contemporary: Important meeting
of the entire business staff Thursday
at 5:00 in the Student Publications
Hillel Foundation: Dr. Hootkins'

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