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December 10, 1935 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-10

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Coach Keen Announces

Varsity Wrestling Schedule


Matmen Will
Engage Four
BigTen Foes
January Third Is Date Of
Opener Against The New
York Athletic Club
The 1936 Varsity wrestling sched-
ule was submitted to the board in
contilol of athletics yesterdrly by
Coach Cliff Keen. The schedule in-
cludes an Eastern invasion beginning
January 3 against the New York Ath-
letic Club at New York. The Wol-
verines will meet four Western Con-
ference opponents.
Following the opener with the New
York Athletic Club, Keen's proteges
will journey to Lancaster, Pa., to
meet Franklin & Marshall on Jan-
uary 17 and on January 18 oppose
Penn State. This dual meet will close
the Eastern trip.
Coming back to Ann Arbor on Jan-
uary 23, the Varsity grapplers will
engage Michigan State and then will
journey to East Lansing on Feb. 15.
The team will then travel to Ohio
State on Feb. 22. The match will in-
augurate the Wolverines' Conference
Ann Arbor wrestling enthusiasts
will get their first glimpse of the Var-
sity team in Big Ten competition on
Feb. 22 when the Chicago grapplers
will attempt to gain a victory over the
Maize and Blue. Washington & Lee,
the last Eastern opponent arrives on
Feb. 24 to prepare the Wolverines for
their last two meets with Conference
Northwestern will invade Ann Ar-
bor on Feb. 29 to close Michigan's
home season. On March 7 the Wol-
verines will meet Indiana, last year's
champions, at Bloomington. The
Varsity will seek to avenge their 1935
Max Schmeling, former heavy-
weight boxing champion from Ger-
many, is being greeted by rival pro-
moters in New York. They are seek-
ing to match him with Joe Louis or
champion Jimmy Braddock.

'Five-Yard Tuffy' Is Colonials' Gridiron Handy -Man

Outside Forces
Charged with

ill Zepp Hopes To Earn Berth
On U. S.Olympic Track Squad

Swaying Vote YPSILANTI, Dec. 9. - Although he had an opportunity to display the
has completed his college competition brains that have enabled him to earn
Bitter Accusations Hurled with a brilliant record, Bill Zepp, better than a "B" average in the
B Michigan Normal distance runner, classroom. At the start Zepp too had
By Leaders In Olympic is seeking further fields to conquer. the lead and held it for about three

-Associated Press Photo.
Alphonse "Tuffy" Leemans, of George Washington University, was
perhaps the most colerful player in the history of football in the District
of Columbia. He has averaged five yards every time he carried the ball
for the Colonials in three seasons.

NEW YORK, Dec. 9.- VP) -E
Sharp exchanges between Jeremiah
T. Mahoney, of New York, and his
successor in the presidency of the
Amateur Athletic Union, Avery
Brundage, of Chicago, late today fan-
ned the fires of bitterness growing
out of the A.A.U. decision, by a close,
vote to go ahead with plans for full
American participation in the 1936E
Olympics in Germany.
Renewing his pledge to "continue
the fight" against holding the games
in Nazi German, Mahoney elaborated(
on his charges that "outside groups,"
voting as the allied bodies of the A.;
A. U., were instrumental in defeating,
the movement to boycott the Olym-
Mahoney referred to the fact the
allied bodies were 15 to 1 in favor of
Olympic participation on the final
convention roll call yesterday, there-l
by offsetting a majority vote among
A.A.U. active associations for non-

In the first meet of a series in which
Zepp will compete in the hope of
earning himself an Olympic berth,
the two-time Huron cross-country
captain will compete against leading
two-milers of the country in the Sug-
ar Bowl track carnival at New Or-
leans, Dec. 28.
Floyd Lochgner, National Inter-
collegiate champion, and Norman
Bright, Stanford alumnus and hold-
er of the American record are two of
the country's leading two-milers.
Along with Zepp, their expenses for
the Southern trip are being paid by
the meet sponsors.
During the past season the Huron
ace won six out of seven races, losing
only to Ed Bechtold, Michigan State
captain and I. C. 4-1 champion, in
the State Intercollegiate. Zepp was
suffering from a cold at the time and
could finish no better than fourth.
He later avenged his defeat by whip-
ping Bechtold in the Central Inter-
collegiates in his final college appear-
In the Central Intercollegiates Zepp

miles, with Bechtold at his heels all
the way. Then Bechtold passed the
Huron and led for a mile. But Zepp
took the lead on the final hill and
won going away.
Before the race Zepp had planned
to let Bechtold take the lead at that
particular point so that the Spartan
captain would have to lead the way
through the treacherous Sugar Bush
Swamp, with which Bechtold was
familiar because the run was on his
home course at East Lansing. Once
through the swamp Zepp took the
lead and was never headed.

Sports Of The Day
ST. LOUIS - A St. Louis syndicate
of businessmen failed to purchase the
lowly St. Louis Browns according to
a report here today. Walter M. Smith
acting as spokesman for the group
stated that "the deal is off."
NEW ORLEANS- Miss Alice Mar-
laman's Oican, with Tracy Reno up,
won the Spanish Fort purse at a mile
and a sixteenth. Oican beat Vesee
by a length and a half. Wilco was
third. Chortle, the favorite, failed
to place.
MIAMI-W. Keith Phillips an-
nounced that a formal invitation was
sent today to the University of Mis-
sippi to oppose Catholic University
New Year's Day in a North-South
grid tussle. Phillips said that he
expected a reply some Lime during the
PIEDMONT -William Louden, 51,
former major and minor league base-
ball player, died here last night :t
his home.

Far West Still Has
Three Major Games
NEW YORK, Dec. 9. - (A) -- To
keep the football pot boiling until the
successful Rose Bowl candidates
settle down to preparation for the
big New Year's Day games, three
games of "major" ranking will be
played on far western gridirons this
The mid-December program in-
cludes only lower ranking teams.
Southern California. a 6 to 2 victim
of Washington in the Pacific Coast
Conference final, takes on the strong
Pittsburgh team in an intersectional
St. Mary's, victorious over Oregon
Sunday, encounters the University of
California at Los Angeles, co-cham-
pions with Stanford and California of
the 'Coast Conference. Utah, its
Rocky Mountain Conference season
over some time ago, visits Honolulu
for a game with the University of
Krueger Leads In
Sarasota Tourney
SARASOTA, Fla., Dec. 9. -- (P) -
Alvin (Dutch) Krueger, of Beloit,
Wis., took the lead in the first round
of the Sarasota $2,000 Open golf tour-
nament here today by shooting a 67,
four under par, to top Victor Ghezzi,
of Deal, N, J., and Zell Eaton, of
Oklahoma City, who carded 68's.
Eaton is an amateur.
Ed Dudley, of Augusta, Ca., and
Craig Wood, of New York, Ryder Cup
team members, were net with 69's.
Orville White of Memphis, Tenn.;
Johnny Kinder, of Asbury Park, N.J.;
Horton Smith, of Oak Park, Ill., and
Ralph Stonehouse, of Indianapolis,
had 70's.
Paul Waner, Pittsburgh major
league baseball player, was among
the low amateurs with 72.
Tom Creavy, former P.G.A. cham-
pion from Albany, N. Y., equalled par
of 71, as did Paul Runyan, another
ex-P.G.A. titleholder from White
Plains, N. Y.

Let our skilled workmen
capture both of


-- -.






College Cab


7-Piece Band -Girls Trio
Sound System
Phone - Ypsilanti 900-W








Keen Selects First All-Michigan
Mat Men For Past Ten Years

For the first time in 10 years as1
Varsity wrestling coach here at Mich-
igan, Clifford Keen has picked an
All-Michigan grappling team. Many
of the wrestlers on this squad have
not only won Conference honors, but
also managed to gain inter-collegiate,
National, and Olympic laurels.
The team is as follows:


118-Russell Baker, '25 '26
126-Robert Hewitt, '28 '29
135-Al Watson, '26 '27
145-Russell Sauer, '27 '28
155-Otto Kelley, '30 '31
Carl Dougovito '29 '30
165-Ray Parker '30 '31
175-Al Steinke '30 '31
Heavyweight-Ed Don George.


The 118 pound Wolverine star, Rus-1
sell Baker, captained the team of1
a25-'26, and only lost one match inj
three years.
Bobby Hewitt, 1930 captain, was
prob'ably Michigan's greatest wrestler.1
His sophomore year he won the con-
ference title, the national champion-
ship, and was an Olympic finalist.t
Hewitt also managed to win confer-
ence titles in '29 and '30, and in 1932
he annexed the N.A.A.U. title in. the
126 pound class.l
Al Watson won Big Ten champion-f
ships in '27 and '28. Watson was
only beaten once in three years of
conference competition.
The 145 pound representative, Russ
Sauer, copped the conference title in
1927. The following year he beat
Melvin Clodfelter, undefeated nation-
Seekers of Unusual
% Values in Gifts for
Christmas! Here you
Are, at Stoeb& Day's
Manhattan and Van Heusen
(Silk or Wool)
ROBES in Silk or Flannel.

al champ for three years, in the I
Olympic tryouts to win an alternate
berth on the United States team.
1930 was Otto Kelley's banner sea-
son as he won conference, national,
and inter-collegiate titles. He suf-
fered only one defeat during his three
year career.
Carl Dougovite, like Hewitt, was
another versatile wrestler. Dougovi-
to, '32 pilot, was also the 155 pound
grappler on the 1932 Olympic team
in addition to winning the national
and inter-collegiate championships in
this same division. In 1929 he won
the Big Ten title in the 175 pound
class and in 1931 the 165 pound title.
Undefeated in Western Confernce
competition and champion. in 1930,
Ray Parker, wrestling with a broken
leg, finally suffered his first loss in the
1929 national meet at the hands of
Van Bibber of Oklahoma A. & M.
One of Michigan's first pro wrest-
lers, Al Steinke, gained recognition
when he upset the dope and defeated
Upward of Illinois for the 175 Big Ten
Spe'aking of Michigan'slone heavy
weight wrestler,. Keen said, "Ed Don
George was unquestionably the best
heavyweight the Western Conference
ever saw."
--by day, week, month or
longer period. Rent may j
apply on future purchase.
Special rates to students.
A large and complete stock
of portable and recondi-


Beau Brummel Ties 65c, $1.00
McGregor Sweaters 2.95, 3.95

Manhattan Shirts

... $1.65

Interwoven Sox. 35c, 50c, 75c
Gordon Corduroy Coats $5.95
Grey checked Rain Coats 2.95
La Salle Hats ........$3.50
Hansen Gloves $2.00 to $3.50

Wool Scarfs
$1.50, $2.00


Flannel or Silk

Robes . . 7
$6.50 - $6.75

Dilly Bounce Is a tough guy

Coopers Shirts and Shorts
3 for $1.00
Michaels Stern
Suits 25% off
20% Off

T'S TRUE that he spills his orange juice, which is a
very bad thing to do-evein if lie is a rubber doll. But
toughness is a virtue when you have to pal around with a
two-fisted fellow like Bobbie (the chap with the curls).
There was a time when a rubber doll just couldn't take
it-but today rubber dolls (and other rubber things from
tires to hot water bottles) are made more sturdy and
stout-hearted by chemicals developed by chemists of the
rubber industry, aided by Du Pont research.

Curiously enough, the very orange juice that Bobbie
himself drinks so nicely, comes from golden fruit the
orange grower protected with Du Pont Plant Spray.
And Bobbie's wash-suit, which is a joy to his mother
because it stays so bright and blue, can thank a Du Pont
fast dye for its color.
At almost any moment in the daily life of the average
person-young or old-modern chemistry is contributing
useful service of one sort or another.

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