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December 10, 1935 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-10

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Islamic Textile
Arts Discussed
By Mrs. Weibel
Mohammed Is Pointed Out
As An Early Collector Of
Moslem Designs
Mrs. Adele Weibel, of the Detroit
Institute of Art, in a lecture yester-
day pointed out that a study of tex-
tile arts is of general interest as a
means of following by the styles and
methods of weaving, the progress of
a civilization.
Mrs. Weibel, who is curator of tex-
tiles at the Institute, spoke yester-
day in Alumni Memorial Hall on the
subject of "Islamic Textiles of the
Middle Ages." Hers was the sec-
ond lecture in the "Near Eastern Art
and Culture Series" being sponsored
by the Research Seminary in Islamic
Art of the University.
Islamic textiles, Mrs. Weibel said,
achieved their first prominence at the
beginning of the Byzantine period,
and then changed little until the
Tenth Century, when they achieved
their fullest development. The ma-
terials used were varied cotton
from India, silk from China, and linen
and wool. Herbs, minerals and mol-
lusks were used in making the rich
dyes. Gold and silver were also lav-
ishly used in the textiles.
She pointed out that Mohammed
himself was one of the earliest col-
lectors of designed textiles. Mos-
lems, she said, have been collectors
of textiles ever since they were first
recognized as an art in themselves.
Mrs. Weibel then showed a number of
slides, illustrating, she said, only the
Byzantine and Sesanian tradition.
The slides showed the most typical
scenes used in all Eastern art. These
include hunting scenes, and scenes
with the Tree of Life in them. It is
difficult, Mrs. Weibel said, to differ
between Sesanian and Byzantine art,
as they are alike except for very
small details of color and design.
The Tree of Life, she said, is the
most common feature of both schools.
One of the most famous of these
tapestries, shown on a slide by
Mrs. Weibel, pictures a ruler hunting
lions. He is dressed in armor, and
through the armor the ornate design
of his state clothes may be seen. He
is shown in a typical pose, holding
a baby lion on his arms, while the
mother tries to snatch it from him.
$852,000 Is
Received Here
For Park Job
Waterloo Development To
Cover 10,000 Acres; 100
Men AlreadyAt Work
An allotment of more than $852,000
for the purchase of necessary prop-
erty and the development of the Wa-
terloo project in Washtenaw and
Jackson counties, made by the na-
tional parks service, was announced
yesterday by C. D. Platt, manager of
the project.
The total area of the proposed park
is more than 10,000 acres, for whose
acquisition $312,000 of the entire al-
lotment has$been set aside. Ofthis,
some $200,000 has already been com-
mitted in signed contracts for the
purchase of necessary territory, and
the remainder of $540,300 is intended
for the development of the parks.
One hundred men are already at
work on the project, it was an-
nounced, and men will be added at
the rate of about 10 a day through
the National Reemployment Bureaus

in Ann Arbor and Jackson.
Three major phases of the project
are outlined as present. First is the
development of a mass recreation
center at Mill Lake, in Washtenaw
County, providing camping and pic-
nic facilities, bathing beaches, space
for group camps, and general recrea-
tional equipment.
The second part of the program
calls for a recreational and resort de-
velopment of Negroes at Little Pleas-
ant Lake, in Jackson County, and the
third enterprise is a public bathing
beach and picnic grounds on the
south shore of Big Portage Lake, near
Newport Bathing Beach on the Dex-
ter Road north of Dexter.
Other proposals under the project
contemplate refuges for wild fowl and
game, and an extensive fish-rearing
enterprise has been begun with plans
for the construction of one of the
largest breeding ponds in the State in
Jackson County, in cooperation with
the county conservation league there.
In Ann Arbor C. H. Elliott, county
welfare relief administrator, an-
nounced that more than 1,400 Wash-
tenaw County residents have now
been transferred from direct relief
to the work relief rolls under the
WPA, with a payroll of $28,155.20 for
the period from Nov. 20 to Dec. 5,
paid entirely from Federal funds.

Varsity Debaters
lIn Action Friday
The men's Varsity debating squad
will take part in its only debate of
the semester Friday, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Arthur A. Se-
cord, debate coach.
The affirmative team will meet Il-
linois here and the negative team will
debate Wisconsin at Madison. The
affirmative team will include Wil-
liam A. Centner, '38; Collins E.
Brooks, '37; and Leo Burson, '39. They
will debate the question, "Resolved,
That the Several States Should En-
act Legislature Providing for a Sys-
tem of Complete Medical Service
Available to All Citizens at Public
The negative team will include Clif-
ford C. Christenson, '39; Frederick E.
Densmore, '36, and Harry L. Schnid-
erman, '39.
Sabotage On
New Cruiser


Why Emil Ludwig Likes Our AmericanColleges

Everyone knows Emil Ludwig, who
will speak Thursday in Ann Arbor,
as the internationally-famous biog-
rapher of Bismarck, Napoleon,
Goethe, Christ, Lincoln, and other
great personages in history.
Few know, or can imagine, Emil
Ludwig as an accurate and informed
.ommentator on American college
Perhaps the best expression of Lud-
wig as such a commentator can be
found in the American Magazine of
October, 1931, in an article written
by him entitled "Why I Shall Send
My Boy to An American College."
In the article Ludwig includes six
basic reasons for this decision, and
they comprise the impressions left
by American colleges on a visitor
from a foreign country who has had
the necessary amount of interest and
time intelligently to inform himself
on existing conditions.
Ludwig asserted, first of all, that

he would send his boy to an Amer-
ican college "because in America
learning is a cheerful and happy.
thing. The American student is not
bent over his books for five weary'
hours at a time. He is at his books
for an hour or two, and then he has
change and recreation in exercise
and play."
Ludwig found in American col-+
leges "an easy comradeship existing
between the pupil and the teacher,
not to be found anywhere in Eu-
rope." He was impressed with "the
American competitive system which
awakens in the student an ardent
desire to prove himself foremost in
physical prowess, in spiritual and in
intellectual matters."
Ludwig would send his boy here
because of the great variety of races
which come together in close and
friendly communion in this coun-
try. "Nationalistic and racial hatreds1
such as the various nations of Europei

cherish and tend, are, in America-at
least among the whites - unknown,"
he stated.
In this connection he advanced the
opinion: "The thought never occurs
to the American student that stu-
dents of other races may be better
than he or she, or not so good. Such
thoughts burden the social inter-
course of innumerable students of
European schools."
"My boy is to learn," he continued,
"that there is a similar tolerance in
regard to class and caste. Although
I have found many of our own social
prejudices in your country, I believe
that the lesson a young man can
learn only in America or in Soviet
Russia is that, in these countries,
everyone works, including the rich."
Ludwig declared that "No country
in Europe has, up to the present time,
held the idler in social disrepute, and
this score of idleness I hold to be
the greatest American invention."

Another major value of American
college Ludwig found to be in its
pacifistic attitude. "My son," he said,
"has been brought up as a pacifist,
but in our schools he would be sur-
rounded by disquieting talk about
parties, about world power, about re-
venge, about hate against other na-
"Such talk as this he will not hear
in the schools of America. The wish
for power among his American fellow
students will not express itself in the
wish to butcher. Living with the
youth of America, my son will learnI
that money is better than war, that
peace is better than money, and that
health and love of his fellows are
better than anything else," he stated.
Turning to criticisms advanced
against American colleges, Ludwig
found "the greatest European criti-
cism of America to be the accusation
of an insatiable materialism. But on
this score, the only difference between

Europeans and Americans is the en-
gaging frankness and naivete of
Americans in admitting the all-im-
portance of money, while in Europe
all of this is just as true, but veiled
and disguised."
Another criticism common among
Europeans, who accuse Americans of
being in too much of a hurry, was also
decriefd by Ludwig. "The famed
American 'haste' is nothing more
than a mere matter of European prej-
udice," he asserted.
In the senior class elections of the
College of Pharmacy held yesterday,
Larence G. Mann of Nunda, N. Y. was
elected president.
The other officers chosen were Eu-
gene E. Land, vice-president; Lily
Hindley, secretary; and Alvin Sass,

Is Reported

Investigation Of Dama
To Reduction Gears
'Quincy' Is Started


QUINCY, Mass., Dec. 9. - (RP) -
Serious damage to reduction gears
connecting turbines of the new U. S.
cruiser Quincy with the propeller
shaft was reported today by Harry
E. D. Gould, general manager of the
Fore River shipyards.
Asked if the damage had resulted
from sabotage, as had been reported,
Gould said an investigation of the
matter was in progress.
Gould declined to estimate the ex-
tent to which the propelling mech-
anism of the new $12,000,000 fight-
ing ship had been injured when the
machinery was being tested Saturday.
Shipyard employes unofficially ex-
pressed an opinion that the big re-
duction gears, which serve in a ca-
pacity similar to the transmission
gears of an automobile, might have
suffered $100,000 damage.
Saturday's accident was the second'
serious mishap to delay work on the
578-foot 10,000-ton cruiser. Last
August fire swept the main cable room
of the vessel soon after it was
launched, causing damage to wiring
and electrical equipment estimated by
Fore River Shipbuilding Corp. offi-
cials at $100,000.
Elaine Plans A Hollywood
Trip For Date With John
NEW YORK, Dec. 9. - (fit) - Dark-
eyed Elaine Barrie, protegee of John
Barrymore until their romance broke
up a month ago, is leaving for Holly-
wood this week - ostensibly to ap-
pear in a play.
The New York Daily News, how-
ever, quoted her as saying she intend-
ed to see Barrymore, after whom she
made a fruitless transcontiental chase
early in the fall.
"We've made a date," she was




You Are Home

C hris tmas

Vacation - --


Be Sure To Take Advantage of the Time
To Tell Your Parents that it is No Longer
Cheaper to Send Your Laundry Home!


Here Are Some Facts!


WHEN you take into consideration the cost of sending
your laundry home (express charges) - the time
and trouble spent by your family in having your laundry
washed at home - and the length of time it takes for
your laundry to be returned to you, especially when you
are sorely in need of a clean shirt, then, you too, will take
advantage of this new, cheaper, certified service that the
Ann Arbor Laundries are now offering and that just can't
be beat for economy and service. Shirts, handkerchiefs
and socks are finished to meet the most critical eye --
underwear and pajamas are washed and folded ready to


WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. - (1'} -
Postoffice Department officials have
told a House appropriations subcom-
mittee that postal service again is "in
the red" and indefinite retention of
the 3-cent postage rate is desirable.



For Dad-
Wahl - Eversharp -
DeLuxe - - $10.00
For Mother, Sister,
or Brother-
Wahi - Eversharp
Non-leaking and
Adjustable - $5.00
and $7.50.
For Kid Brother
or Sister-
Wahl - Eversharp
at $3.00, $3.75, $5.00
or Wahl - Oxford
$1.00, $1.95, $2.95
Wahl - Eversharp
95c, $2.00, $3.50. $4.00
$1.95, $2.85, $3.95,
$5.00, $7.50, $10.00.
and $12.50.

3 Shirts
2 Suits of Underwear
6 Handkerchiefs
3 Pairs of Socks
2 Bath Towels
COST 92c

Price per lb.
Sk~irt xr

. ..ioc

. ."

num Bundle 50c
S0 0 09 0 lOc

(Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price)
Sox Extra, per pair .. 2c
Handkerchiefs, Extra. . IC

GI 1Iiw



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