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November 23, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-23

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The Budget ...

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Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
axid the Big Ten News Service.
Assoiated To iate Im
-1934 19.3 5 s

GOV. ALF LANDON of Kansas is be-
ing mentioned more and more fre-
quently as the Republican party's 1936 nominee
for President, and his main battle cry has be-
come, "I balanced the Kansas budget."
When a man achieves something as remarkable
as this, his envious fellows naturally pause and
ask, "How did he do this? What is his secret?"
His secret is one that a certain section of the
Republican party, of which Herbert Hoover is
the chief spokesman, has made its own. And
they've been keeping it a secret, too -something
which seems strange when it promises to be of
such importance to the people. The formula of
Gov. Alf Landon is simply to cut relief.
Herbert Hoover, the mouthpiece of Republican
Old Guards, has disguised it with the phrases
"Stop foolish spending!" and "Don't waste the tax-
payers' money!" and similar ones. Put into prac-
tice this credo, as Gov. Landon has demonstrated,
is simply cutting relief - a "foolish" and "waste-
ful" form of spending.
Recently a minister, leading a delegation in an
interview with Landon, told him, "We have a right
to something more from our governor than the
washing of his hands of our fate like Pilate!" More
than once it has been reported that the unem-
ployed will march on Topeka this winter. If such a
march serves no other purpose than making clear
the disastrous nature of the Old Guard's program,
it will have been extremely useful to the public.


The Conning Tower
He has turned away his face
That was my sun,
Muffled his body, of grace
The paragon.
Mute is his voice, of song
The sweetest part.
Lord, let the echo long
live in my heart.

The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
.. dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school yearby carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Aavertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
9PORTS EDITOR .................WILLIAM R. REED
News Editor ...........................Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
NIGHT EDITORS: Clinton B. Conger Richard G. Hershey,
Ralph W. urd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman,
Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
pavies, Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Joseph P. Andriola, Lester
Brauser, Arnold S. Daniels, William J. DeLancey Roy
Haskell, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton D. Heppler, Paul Ja-
cobs, Richard LaMarca, Thomas McGuire, Joseph S.
Mattes, Arthur A. Miller, David G. Quail, Robert D.
Rogers, William E. Shackleton, Richard Sidder, I. S.
Silverman, Don Smith, William C. Spaller, Tuure
Tenander, Joseph Walsh, Robert Weeks.
Helen Louise Arner, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas,
Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes,
Jeanne Johnson, Rosalie Kanners, Virginia Kenner,
Barbara Lovell, Marjorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars,
Roberta Jean Melin, Barbara Spencer, Betty Strick-
root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swantz, and Elizabeth Whit-
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William
Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Con-
tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth;
Circulation and National Advertising, John Park;
Classified Advertising and Publications, Lyman Bitt-
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles W. Barkdul, D. G. Bron-
son, Lewis E. Bulkeley, jr., Richard L. Croushore, Her-
bert D. Falender, Jack R. Gustafson, Ernest A. Jones,
William C. Knecht, William C. McHenry, John F. Mc-
Lean, Jr., Lawrence M. Roth, John D. Staple, Lawrence
A. Starsky, Norman B. Steinberg, Donald Wilsher.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betsy Baxter, Margaret
Bentley, Adelane Callery, Elizabeth Davy, Catherine
Fecheimer, Vera Gray, Martha Hanky, Mary McCord,
Helen Neberle, Dorothy Novy, Adele Polier, Helen Purdy,
Virginia Snell.
Sheila Burgher, Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis
Eiseman, Jean Keinath, Dorothy Ray, Alice Stebbins,
Peg Lou White.
Farewell To
A Fighter.. ..
ELLICOE, Great Britain's tough
naval fighter, lost a battle against
death this week when he succumbed to an illness
contracted during an Armistice Day observance.
"Hell Fire Jack," as he was known to his men,
was admiral of the united British fleet in the
battle of Jutland, most important sea fight of the
world war. Famous for his firm disciplinarian
measures, Earl Jellicoe led an active and colorful
career since his entry into the navy at the age
of 13.
Sick with malaria, he was below decks when
in 1893 the Victoria which he was commanding,
was rammed and sunk with more than 400 on
board. Struggling up to the decks, he collapsed
and was thrown into the water, where he was
saved by a midshipman.
Other colorful events marked his service as a
director of naval ordnance at the admiralty, where
he devoted much of his effort to long range firing;
in 1915 he as appointed to command of the British
High Fleet, which he conducted during the battle
of Jutland, and thus became subject to severe
criticism which led to his removal shortly there-
after. Jellicoe succeeded in disabling the German
fleet for the remainder of the war, but he
was reprimanded for his failure to fight a more
aggressive battle, which, it was said, might have
given the British a decisive victory. As it was, the
victory of the battle is claimed by both sides, since

the Germans inflicted much damage with their'
smaller ships. Defenders of Jellicoe's policies aver
that Britain had much more to lose than Germany,
and that the Germans might fight a more reck-
less battle in desperation, but Jellicoe was never-
theless removed from command and succeeded
by Admiral Beatty. His public life ended in 1924
when he retired from the post of governor-general
of New Zealand.
He was a great fighter and a man of indomitable
spirit. He served his country well in peace and
in war and his memory will be a part of the British
naval tradition of courage, skill and service.
Father Coughlin on the air:
Like a grotesque Colossus, this administration



Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors aregasked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
An Abandoned Quarrel
To the Editor:
I would not have entered into your present dis-
cussion of art except by invitation. Generally,
people dislike taking up again an abandoned quar-
rel. So far as I know if the paintings now under
discussion ever had vital importance it was a long
time ago. I do not know of any continuing
influence exercised by the theories they represent.
Ten or fifteen years ago such canvases as those
shown of Picasso, Braque, Lager and Masson were
amusing, interesting, novel. Hackneyed repetition
has simply made them commonplace. I was re-
minded, seeing them, as I have been reminded
before and will be again of a remark attributed to
an illustrator, Frederick Remington. Viewing one
of the exhibitions of early modern paintings, he
was said to have exclaimed, "Why, I have two
maiden aunts who can knit better pictures than
these. You cannot convince my aunts that these
are pictures."
However, I would not have my remarks inter-
preted as conveying the belief that they are not
without interest. They are simply beyond my com-
prehension. Most appreciations are common to
definable intellectual groups. It is possible that
there is a value in the declarations that such
paintings make that I lack the fineness of percep-
tion to comprehend.
There cannot be any doubt that such work rep-
resents thought patterns incomprehensible to a
large body of people. A few months ago I had an
interesting and prolonged discussion with a psy-
chiatrist who was keenly interested in modern art
because, given a pencil and paper, his patients
did "very creditable and revealing drawings in the
modern manner." I think anyone can see that
Andre Masson's "Man in Garden" represents such
an essay. To those who can comprehend his
symbols it may be "a little gem," "a poem," but
I am inclined to believe it is a bit of sterile sophis-
I hope that you and your readers will perceive
that I am disinclined to influence your judgment
of the pictures under discussion. A work of art
either gives one aesthetic satisfaction or it does
not. If the satisfaction is general it is important.
It may be important for other reasons, but to any-
one who does not receive this aesthetic stimula-
tion it is unimportant. I am much more interested
in the student reaction to this collection of paint-
ings than that of those of us who in one way
or another have created the present phase of art.
I notice that in discussing this exhibition there
is a tendency to make it take its place with con-
ceptions of art and beauty. To me this does not
seem necessary, and may, as in all bigotry, make
us incapable of perceiving values that without
this bias would be readily comprehended.
I cannot close without declaring disagreement
with what I have found in this discussion to be
the defining of art and beauty. We can readily lose
consciousness of the pictures if our discussion be-
comes involved in examining these important con-
cepts. Yet without being able myself to define
either of these ideas, I must protest that art is not
a creating of beauty, and that beauty is a much
more complex concept than the discussion up to
this time has suggested.
Just as a nucleus upon which to begin another
discussion, is not art primarily a revelation of
comprehension; and beauty, though it must cer-
tainly be related to what is good -is not beauty
that which we understand?
-Fred H. Aldrich.
He Survives The Exhibit
To the Editor:
I am now sufficiently recovered from an at-
tack of the creeping horrors suffered while view-
ing the post-impressionistic paintings in Alumni
Memorial Hall to pen this letter to The Daily.
It strikes me that post-impressionistic painting
is a function particularly of conceit. It must take
a stupendous store of cold nerve and high egoism
in an "artist" of this type to screw him to the

Bonnie Prince Farley says that postal clerks
will have to restrain their natural curiosity as to
the outcome of straw votes. He means, of course,
that postal clerks ought not to delay the delivery
of postcards by reading to see whether this or that
sender is opposed to the New Deal, or in favor of
it. Well, we know a lot of postal clerks and a few
carriers, and never have we seen one postal
employee show the slightest curiosity about such
The Bonnie Prince says that if they show un-
warranted curiosity there will be disciplinary ac-
tion. Any penalty for warranted curiosity? And
is a postal employee allowed to read the mag-
azine or newspaper, especially if the ballots show
that there is a feeling against the Administration?
"Cats," by Eleanor Booth Simmons,
Will appeal to some men and a great many
., * * *
Those were dandy pictures published in yester-
day's Herald Tribune. They came out, though
the H. T. didn't say so, in Harper's Weekly, in 1905,
and even then they were something to see. They
were printed in Harper's Weekly because its editor
was George M. Harvey, who - though it may be
that Harper & Bros. paid the bill-was the
host at the dinner.
It seemed to us that the eulogies and the tributes
to Mark Twain were necessarily weak. The
general excellence of Mark Twain, a genius whose
faults are Homeric nods, is too great for anybody
to say anything that doesn't sound trite.
Sir: Your memory, if I may coin a phrase which
will undoubtedly be stolen, plays you a trick when
you say it is a Raw Eating Apple I request for
dessert. What it is I infrequently order because I
know I'll infrequently get it is a Raw TABLE apple.
A Raw Eating Apple is a small, self-effacing
apple sold at vegetable stores for five cents and
at restaurants for 25 cents.
A Raw TABLE apple is really the guest towel of
apples: Something to be seen but not touched.
You see it as the principle item in those very
decorative bowls of live and dusty fruit which
rest on wall tables in West End homes. You see
it on display in swanky restaurants, where you
may obtain both an apple and a pair of raised
waiter's eyebrows for 40 cents, 40 cents or two-
fifths of a kitty chip.
The story about Clare, N. Y., likens that St.
Lawrence County hamlet to Sweet Auburn, love-
liest village of the plain. "Like the Auburn made
famous in Oliver Goldsmith's famous poem," it
says, this is virtually a deserted village. Neither
telephones nor electric lights may be found here."
Well fares the town whose incorruptibility
Is not a prey to any public utility.
Don't tell us that Clare is a deserted village.
The (R) man evidently found a telegraph office
I wrote "Programs" on 'a time,
Making radio titles rhyme.
Critics met me with the slur,
I used all the rhymes there were-
So I herewith pen a serial
Ode of added raw material.
There are Margaret McCrae;
Fay and Cleo; Marty May;
Uncle Don; the Hit Parade;
Wayne King; Samovar Serenade;
Bernice Clair and Francis Adair;
Church of the Air and George Barrere;
Eddie Cantor; Edward McHugh;
Animal Closeups; Agnes and Lou;
Ranch Boys' Trio; Cheerio;
Organ Reveille; Minstrel Show.
While perhaps the Emerson Choir
Chimes with Woollcott, A., Town Crier -
Advertising Talk, Roy Durstine,
Might be rhymed with

CHICAGO, Nov. 20.-(A) -Chicago teachers
were in a fix again today, but it wasn't financial
this time.
They complained that while they wanted to
promote safety, they also had a preference for rea-
sonably good English.
The State of Illinois Highway Department issued
100,000 cards for distribution to school children
urging safety.
One quotation objected to by the teachers was
"Do you know that some boy or girl is killed
in an automobile accident every day in the State
of Illinois because they walked on a highway with
their backs to traffic?" -Yesterday's papers.
Chicago teachers aren't what they used to be.
Why didn't they tell the Highway Department
how the card should have read ... "because he or
she walked with his or her back to traffic"? Our
suggestion is "Don't walk with your back to traffic.

Off The Record
EVERY noon Attorney General
Cummings hot-foots it across
lower Pennsylvania avenue for lunch
at a drugstore counter. His order is
always the same: "Ham on rye."
A new counterboy treated him too
off -handedly for the taste of the older
"Hey! That's the attorney general,"
they cautioned.
"Says you," snapped the new boy.
"He's just ham-on-rye to me."
Cummings overheard as he was
leaving, grinned and came back to
say, "Hope I don't bore you."
The widow of Vachel Lindsay,
the poet, who is here teaching
school, says "Girls are beginning
to call work 'occupations' and not
'careers,' thank heavens!"
TWO sentence drama:
They are filed at the National
Aeronautic association and written in
a dainty hand. They say:
"Place of start: Harbor Grace,
"Destination: Europe."
The answers were filled in by Ame-
lia Earhart just before she buckled
on her helmet and set out across the
Atlantic alone.
Ruth Bryan Owen, Minister to
Denmark, is hopeful that Europe
finally will see the typical Ameri-
can as the man who "lives on the
sunny side of Main Street instead
of the one who lives on the shady
side of Broadway."
bureau of American ethnology re-
turned from the Arctic with his na-
tural, scientific predilection for dem-
onstrable facts a little shaken.
Sailing through James bay he was
shown a huge rock protruding from
the water which the Indians believe
controls the tempests. To point to
the rock in a certain impertinent
fashion brings disaster, they say.
White sailors kept their hands in
their pockets.
Not so Michelson. He pointed on
a lovely summer day, he says, and
two hours later they were riding one
of the worst storms known in the bay.
The harried looking private
secretary to a department of ag-
riculture chief was stopped and
"Where's the beetle confer-
"Oh, lord," asked the secretary,
"are they having a conference,
SERENITY below the Rio Grande
is an unquestioned quantity in
the minds of friends of Josephus
Daniels as long as he is ambassador
to Mexico.
They give as an example of his
diplomacy the story of his first day
as secretary of the navy in the Wil-
son administration. Admiral George
Dewey phoned to ask if he could call
to pay his respects.
"No," said Daniels. Dewey gasped
over the phone. Daniels chuckled.
"It would be more proper if I came .
to pay my respects to you," Daniels
ONE of the extra thrills at the San
Diego exposition was the booth
set up by the department of justice'
where anyone could have a full set
of fingerprints made.
The "pay-off" came when the de-
partment received a piece of paper1
with a set of fingerprints on it. The
sender appended: "You're so good,

let's see you write ne and tell me'
who I am."
The same day a letter was in the
mails for him correctly addressed.
Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
of Nov. 23, 1925
Two great elevens, contending for
the highest honors on the Western
Conference gridiron, clashed yester-
day afternoon at Ferry Field, and
when the final whistle sounded, the
brilliant Yost-coached eleven, rising
to its greatest heights, remained su-
preme in Big Ten circles, the highly
touted Minnesota team being com-
pletely annihilated by a 35-0 score.
Sen. Duncan U. Fletcher of Florida,
ranking Democrat on the Senate'
commerce committee, said yesterday
that the administration shipping pro-
gram would result in the disappear-
ance of the American flag from the,
sea of commerce.
"The Latest Dope on Evolution,"
will be the subject of Prof. A. Frank-
lin Shull of the zoology department
in an address at the First Congrega-
tional church tonight.
Bibliophiles of the University Fac-
ulty Wives will meet at 2:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 26, at the home of
Mrs. Dnald Muirphy, 1102 Forest

SATURDAY, NOV. 23, 1935 f
Graduate School Students: Stu-
dents enrolled in the Graduate School
will not be permitted to drop courses
after Wednesday, Nov. 27. A course
is not officially dropped until it is
reported in the office of the Graduate
School, 1006 Angell Hall.
Students who have made any
changes in courses since submitting
their election cards should report the
corrections in the Graduate School
office. Changes of address should also
be reported.
C. S. Yoakum.
Phillips Scholarships in Greek and
Latin: The competitive examinations
for these scholarships will be held on
Tuesday, December 3, 4 p.m., Room
2014 Angell Hall. Freshmen carry-
ing one full course of four hours in
Latin or Greek this semester are
eligible. The examinations will be
on four units of high school Latin, or
on four units of Latin and two of
Greek. Students who wish to com-
pete should register as soon as pos-
sible with Dr. Copley, 2026 A.H., or
Professor Blake, 2024 A.H.
Dormitory Directors, Househeads,
Sorority Chaperons: The closing hour
on Wednesday, Nov. 27, will be 1:30
a.m., and on Thanksgiving Day, 11:00
Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women
Sophomore Girls, including second
hsemester sophomores, who still wish
to try out for a position on the Sopho-
more Cabaret may do so by seeing
Miss McCormick at the League any
time Monday or Tuesday.
Organ Concert Postponed: The or-
gan recital by Palmer Christian, an-
nounced for Sunday, Nov. 24, will be
omitted on account of Mr. Christian's
Contemporary: All those who con-
tributed manuscripts for the first is-
sue should call for them at Contem-
porary's office in the Student Publi-
cations Building as soon as possible.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology 111A (Lab. Course)
will meet Monday, Nov. 25 at 1:00 in
Room 2552, East Med. Bldg. Each
student should come prepared with
a $5.00 Hygienic Laboratory Coupon
procurable at the Treasurer's Office.
English 31 (Hawkins): Mr. Haw-
kins will not meet his classes in
English 31 at 9 and 11 this morning.
English 211 (c) and 259 will not
meet Tuesday, Nov. 26, in order to
permit students to attend the lecture
by Bonamy Dobree in Natural Science
Auditorium at 4:15 p.m.
History 11, Group 3: The class
will meet Tuesday, Nov. 26, at 2 in
Natural Science Auditorium for an
illustrated lecture on medieval art.
Biological Chemistry 121: Section B
will meet on Monday, Nov. 25, 1 p.m.,
in Room 319 West Medical Building.
Students should provide themselves
with a $5 breakage ticket obtainable
at the Cashier's Office and a copy of
the laboratory manual. No desks
will be assigned unless a breakage
ticket is presented.
E.M. 2a. All Students: The blue-
books on Monday, Nov. 25, and Tues-
day, Nov. 26, at 2:00 p.m., will cover
both the lecture material and lab-
oratory experiments to date.
University Lecture: Mr. Bonamy
Dobree, English scholar and man of
letters, will speak on the subject
"Approaches to Criticism," Tuesday,

Nov.. 26, 1935, at 4:15 p.m., in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Of Today
Varsity Glee Club Bainquet given
complimentary to active club and
alumni members by Judge Robert F.
Thompson, Supreme Court, New
York; Room 316, Union at 6:15 p.m.
U of M Outdoor Club has been in-
vited to the Intramural Building to-
night for another splash party. It is
of a mixed group and everyone is
welcome. A fee of 15 cents will be
Coming Events
Psychology Journal Club meets
Tuesday, Nov. 26, 8:15 p.m., Room
3126 Natural Science Building. Mr.
Schaefer and Mr. Gilbert will review
recent abnormal psychology articles.
Alpha Epsilon Mu: Supper meet-
ing on Sunday at 6 p.m., Michigan
Deutscher Zirkel: There will be a
hike on Sunday, followed by a lunch
and "gemutlicher Abend" at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Rodrian. Mem-
bers and all others interested are

will begin Dec. 4 at 7:15.
certificate is essential.

Graduate Outing Club will meet at
Lane Hall Sunday. Nov. 24 at 12:30.
Transportation will be provided to the
Psio Cabin where dinner will be
served, approximately 35 cents.
Games will be played in the after-
noon. All graduate students are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Bookshelf and Stage Section of the
Faculty Women's Club will meet
Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2:45 p.m., at the
home of Mrs. C. L. Clark, 1401
Hillel Players Tryouts: Tryouts
for one-act plays are to be held at
the Hillel Foundation Monday and
Tuesday from 4 to 6.
These tryouts are not limited to
Stalker Hall: Class at 12 noon Sun-
day on -"The Social Responsibility
of a Christian" led by Mr. Herbert
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
Prof. Julio del Toro will speak on
"Personal Religion and the Church."
This is the second in a series on
"Personal Religion." All Methodist
students and their friends are in-
vited. A Fellowship Hour and sup-
per will follow at 7 p.m.
First Methodist Church: Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach at the Morn-
ing Worship Service on "The Need for
Bad Manners." Time 10:45, Sun-
Harris Hall: Regular student meet-
ing Sunday night in.Harris Hall at
7 o'clock. Professor Robert Angell,
of the sociology department, will be
the speaker. His topic is: "The Re-
quisites for Social Health." All Ep-
iscopal students and their friends are
cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are 8:00
a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 am.
Church School; 11:00 a.m., Kinder-
garten; 11:00 a.m., Morning Prayer
and Sermon by The Reverend Fred-
erick W. Leech.
Church of Christ (Disciples) Sun-
day: 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship
Iwith sermon by Rev. Cowin; 12:00
noon, Students' Bible Class, leader, H.
L. Pickerill; 5:30 p.m., Social Hour,
15c supper served.
6:30 p.m., Discussion Program,
Topic: "Thanksgiving." A brief his-
torical sketch of Thanksgiving will be
followed by a discussion of new val-
ues that have arisen out of the chaos
of the last twenty years.
7:30 p.m., Evening church service.
Congregational Church, Sunday:
10:30-12:00, Unified Service of Wor-
ship and Religious Education. Serm-
on by Mr. Heaps on "Let Us Give
Thanks." Special Thanksgiving
6:00 p.m. Following light supper
The University Symphony Orchestra
will play. Lecture by Prof. Howard
McClusky on "If I Were A Student."
First Presbyterian Church. At 9:45
Sunday, Prof. Howard McClusky con-
tinues his discussions in the student
Forum on the theme "Getting Per-
sonal Help from Religion."
10:45, Dr. Lemon will preach the
last sermon in the series "What All
the World is Thinking" speaking on
the subject "The Catholic Mind."
6:30, The Westminster Players will
present the play "Dust of the Road"
in the auditorium of the Masonic
Temple. A student cast of charac-
ters with previous experience has been
selected, and is as follows: Prudence
Steele, Margaret Brackett; "The Old
Man," Dick Clark; "The Tramp,"
David Lemon; Peter Steele, Ellis
The usual fellowship hour with a
cost supper will be held at 5:30 p.m.
Bethlehem Evangelical Church,
Sunday: Uusal morning service at

10:30 o'clock. The Pastor, Rev.
Theodore Schmale, will preach on
"The Reward of the Merciful," his
sermon being the fifth in a series on
the Beatitudes.
The Junior Young People's League
will meet at 7 o'clock in the evening,
leader, Miss Mary Seyfried.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Sunday.
Chief worship service at 10:30 a.m.
with sermon on Christian Steward-
ship by the pastor, Rev. Yoder.
Lutheran Student Club in Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30 p..
7:00 p.m., Dr. Paul Krauss, D.D.
of Fort Wayne, Ind., will speak on
"Russia's challenge to American
Christianity." Dr. Krauss was a
member of the Sherwood Eddy semi-
nar which toured Germany and Rus-
sia last summer.
Zion Lutheran Church, Sunday.
9:00 a.m., Sunday school. 9:00 a.m.,
Harvest Home service in the German
10:30 a.m., Harvest Home sermon,
"The Table God Prepares for Us."
5:30 p.m., Student fellowship and
7:00 p.m., Rev. Paul Krauss, D.D.

A medical

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

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