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November 10, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-10

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University Will
Send Exhibits
To Exposition
9 Departments To Display
Work At Michigan Wom.
en's Centennial Exhibit
The University of Michigan will be
one of the chief exhibitors at the
Michigan Women's Centennial Expo-
sition to be held Nov. 11 to 16 in
Grand Rapid's Civic Auditorium, it
was announced yesterday by Dr.
Charles A. Fisher, assistant director
of the University Extension Division.
The University's share of the ex-
position will show the part that wom-
en have taken and are taking in the
affairs of the state, and is under the
direction of Dr. Fisher. The exhibit
will consist of contributions from
various departments and schools of
the University.
Children's Books Included
Prof. Ross T. Bittinger of the Col-
lege of Architecture and Mr. Walter
M. Roth, engineer of the building and
grounds department, have left for
Grand Rapids to set up the display.
The Centennial Exposition is be-
ing held to celebrate the 100 years of
progress since statehood was granted
to Michigan.
The University's exhibit will in-
clude photographs of campus build-
ings, including two pictures of the
Michigan League building, statuary
from the fine arts department and
the University Museums, and a group
of photographs from the department
of physical education.
Also, in the exhibit will be an ar-
cheological atlas by Dr. W. B. Hins-
dale, director of the Great Lakes divi-
sion on anthropology, which will be
part of a display of Indian relics pre-
pared by Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director
of the Museums of Anthropology of
the University.
Leave For Grand Rapids
A group of children's books from
the library extension service will be
shown along with a chart from Ira M.
Smith, Registrar of the University,
designating the number of women
who have attended the University.
Pamphlets and publications of the
University and of the Extension Divi-
sion will be taken along and also a
publication by Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
assistant to the president, on what
the University is and what it does.
The College of Engineering, the
School of Forestry and Conservation,
and the University elementary school
will also contribute to the exhibit
and the botanical gardens will furnish
Detroit Community Fund
Exceeds Annual Quota
DETROIT, Nov. 9. - (P) - The
eighteenth annual drive of the De-
troit community fund today had ex-
ceeded its 1935 quota, raising $2,021,-
402. The goal was $2,000,000.
Among gifts received Friday even-
ing was one of $75,000 from Mr. and
Mrs. Edsel Ford, an increase of $5,-
000 over their 1934 pledge.

Miami Pitches In To Remove Hurricane Debris

Prof. leber Curtis Explains Annual
Shower Of Leonida, Shooting Stars'

-Associated Press Photo.
As soon as'the hurricane which roared through the city had subsided, residents of Miami pitched in to
clear the debris left by the storm. Here are shown workmen cleaning up the city Yacht Basin, which was com-
pletely destroyed.

Admiral Byrd To Show Motion
Pictures Of Recent Expedition


Will Be Presented As Part
Of Lecture November 18
In Hill Auditorium
"Seeing is believing."
For two years students and resi-
dents of Ann Arbor, in common with
the rest of the world have read
about the second Byrd Antarctic Ex-
pedition. Newspapers have made
daily and near-t1 acity demands on
their imagination and credulity with
tales of "lone vigils," men "buried
alive under icp" and "relentless strug-
gles against storm an barren wild-
On November 18 in Hill Auditorium
Ann Arborites will be able to "see for
themselves" the actual experiences of
the expedition as Rear Admiral Rich-
ard E. Byrd accompanies his personal
account of the trip with 9,000 feet of
motion pictures.
Watching these pictures, the audi-
ence will be able to "take-off" with
the Admiral and his crew of men in
the big Condor plane used by the
expedition and "look down upon" ex-
Parley Sets Up
New Corn-Hog
AAA Program
Will Attempt To Increase
Pork Production; New
Bonus Rates Fixed
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. - (I)-
A new corn-hog program-intend-
ed to speed up hog production next
year to quiet consumers - emerged
today from the conferences between
farmers and AAA officials.
Final details will be arranged by
the officials but the major outlines
were sketched in recommendations of
farmers and extension workers from
25 states. Gerald B. Thorne, chief
of, the AAA division of livestock and
feed grains, said the program favored
by the farmers was satisfactory to
the administration.
Under the plan brought out today,
farmers will be paid about $2.50 a
head for all hogs they raise, up to 50
per cent of the number they produced
on the average in 1932-33. That
would mean that a farmer with a
base of 100 hogs, who is to be paid
$150 for limiting his production this
year to 90, would be paid $125 in
1936 if he grew 50 or more hogs.
The conference also voted to per-
mit production to expand to 100 per
cent of the 1932-33 average. Penal-
ties will be provided for contract
signers producing more than the
1932-33 average next year.
The two-year contracts will leave
the way open to AAA officials next
year to order such adjustments for
1937 as seem desirable.
Under recommendations of the
farmers and extension workers, the
new two-year contracts would con-
tain the following major features for
next year:
1. Contract signers would be re-
quired to hold their corn acreage
from 10 to 30 per cent below their
1932-33 average acreage.
2. They would be paid 35 cents a
bushel for the estimated yield of the
acres withheld from production.
3. They would be required to grow
at least 30 to 50 per cent of the acre-
age possible after electing their re-
4. They would be required to put
the retired acreage into soil-conserv-
ing or erosion-preventing crops.
5. They could produce as many
hogs as their acreage in the 1932-33
period and would be paid about $2.50
a head for all produced up to 50
percent of the average 1932-33 pro-

panses of the 450,000 square miles of
hitherto unexplored territory in the
Antarctic Circle as the men observed
them on the actual flights.
The pictures show the rebuilding of
Little America from the remains of
the previous trip, the queer animal
and bird life that was found on the
Antarctic continent, and, as a climax
to the whole "vicarious" adventure,
the audience will see glimpses of the
advance base established by Admiral
Byrd just before he began his six-
months solitary vigil 123 miles south
of Little America.
And where the audience might oth-
erwise have to discontinue their "ad-
venture" as the camera is taken back
to the main base, Admiral Byrd sub-
stitutes his own account of what
In addition to the story of his long
stay "at the bottom of the world"
Byrd tells of the identification as part
of the Pacific Ocean a vast area form-
erly marked "unknown" on world
maps and the consequent exploding
of a popular hypothesis which held
that an archipelago occupied most of
this area.
He relates of meteorological and
auroral observations taken on the ex-
pedition that are revising science's
conception of weather conditions and
are aiding in the attempt of meteor-
ologists to make long-range weather
He describes how Antarctica was
found to be a single continent, how a
seismic sounding device never before
used in Polar regionsunearthed new
facts as to glaciation, how coal and
fossils were found within 190 miles of
the South Pole.
Once having "seen" and "heard"
there will be no excuse for not "be-
Admiral Byrd's lecture and moving
pictures are being sponsored by the
Oratorical Association, and for those
who have not purchased season tick-
ets, seats for the lecture, priced at 75
cents and one dollar, are still avail-
able at Wahr's State Street book-
New Text Book
Published By
Prof. Meineeke
A new textbok in Latin, "Rapid Re-
views in Latin," has recently been
published by Prof. Bruno Meinecke
of the Latin department, according to
an announcement made yesterday.
The contents of the book include a
complete grammar and statement of
syntax illustrated by Latin sentences
based on Cicero, and a text of Cicero
with a running commentary. In ad-
dition there are lessons in Latin prose
composition to provide a thorough re-
view in Latin syntax, with an English-
Latin vocabulary and idioms.
Other helps include a bibliography
of works relating to Cicero, an out-
line of the history of Latin literature,
suggestions on the English pronuncia-
tion of proper names, and an index
to the grammar and syntax, and also
the Greek alphabet.
The book, which was published by
Allyn and Bacon, is based on Profes-
sor Meinecke's earlier book, "Third
Year Latin," and aims to provide in
a compact volume all necessary ma-
terial for the formal training of
prospective Latin teachers.
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Preston James
Speaks Before
Toronto Group
Istinguished Gathering
Inaugurates First Chair
Of Geography
Prof. Preston E. James of the geo-
graphy department spoke on "Objec-
tives and Methods of Modern Geo-
graphical Work" at the University of
Toronto Thursday, Nov. 7. Prof es-
sor James and W. L. Joerg of the
American Geographical Society rep-
resented the United States at cere-
monies attending the inauguration
of the first Canadian chair of geo-
graphy at the University.J
First occupant of the chair is Prof.
Griffith Taylor, formerly of the Uni-
versity of Chicago. Professor Taylor
was a member of the last Scott expe-
dition to the Antarctic, for which he
received the coveted King's medal for
exploration. He came to the Uni-
versity of Chicago as a specialist on
Australia and on the general field of
climatology and now is again under-
taking the work of applying his sub-
ject to another important section of
the British Empire.
The inaugural ceremonies were held
in the convocation hall of the Uni-
versity of Toronto after a banquet
given by the Canadian Geographical
Society. Addresses were given by
Lieutenant Governor Bruce. Hon. Dr.
Cody, president of the University,
Dr. Camsell, president of the Canad-
ian Geographical Society, and Joerg.
Professor James discussed the work
done in the state of Michigan and the
efficacy of geography as a functional
aid to regional planning.
A permit for the construction of
a storage building on E. Washington
St. by the University has been grant-
ed. The building, which will be par-
tially financed by WPA funds, will
cost $19,400.

Points Out That Larger
Groups Travel In Paths
Of Certain Comets
(Continued from Page 1)
he can compute the orbit of the
shower of meteors in space.
The interesting result from such
calculations, Professor Curtis said, is
that our more prominent meteor
showers either move in the paths of
certain known comets, or in the
paths of comets that have disap-
The shower, that we can expect
this week, he pointed out, has the
same period as the comet 1866 I,
namely 33 years, and the meteors of
this shower are generally very swift,
and of a bluish hue. "This shower,"
he reports, "is notable in that it once,
in 1833, gave the world a wonderful
display. The meteors then seen were
said to be 'thicker than the snow-
flakes of a heavy snow-storm, - a
silent storm of interlacing luminous
trails in the morning sky.' " Because
of this, he goes on to explain, ob-
servers were on the lookout for a
repetition of the beautiful phenomen-
on in 1866, and again in 1899 and
1932; but in each case the observers
were disappointed, and only rather
paltry displays were in evidence.
A few days later, he pointed out,
between the 17th and 27th of Novem-
ber, the earth passes through the
meteor swarm known as the Andro-
mids, which appear to come from the
constellation of Andromeda. "This
meteor shower," he said, "is of unus-
ual interest because it has a period
of 6.6 years, and seems to be all that
is left of Biela's comet, now lost. In
these rather slow-moving meteors we
are actually watching, so to speak, the
death and disintegration of Biela's
These showers are of great interest
to the meteor observer, he said, and
all over the earth some hundreds of
meteor enthusiasts will be watching
the skies in the vicinity of the con-
stellations Leo and Andromeda
throughout the predicted periods of
Downtown, North of Postoffice

the showers to secure additional data
on the orbital paths of these swarms.
According to Professor Curtis, the
apparatus used by the meteor observ-
ver is very simple and inexpensive;
just a star map pinned to a board on
his lap, a ruler and a pencil, and pa-
tience, patience, and yet more pa-
tience." Also he should not be too
near the lights of a city. Watching
the skies as carefully as possible, Pro-
fessor Curtis continued, he notes the
paths of the meteors he sees, and
draws a line on his chart representing
their paths among the stars; also, he
makes special note of any that are
unusually bright, and keeps a record
of the number he sees per hour in
the quarter of the sky selected for
observation. At the end of his night's
work, predi:ted Professor Curtis, his
Nov' ber 14, 15, 16
presents its
Harris Hall
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