11 .:
Publisned every morning except Monday during the
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Peg Lou White.
Meet the football team's train at 3:40 p.m.
today. A great team, that went down fight-
ing, needs your support now more than ever.
case was but a step in that direction. If the admin-
istration had been upheld, the plaintiffs would
have appealed to a higher court, even as the Gov-
ernment has already done.
Just what would the act do if iti is upheld? Its
purpose is to abolish all utility holding companies,
which, in the opinion of the Securities and Ex-
change Commission, serve no good. The burden
of proof rests with the holding company.
The act intimates, rather strongly, that the
Commission should be hardest on those companies
which are furthest removed from the operating
companies -that is those which hold stock in
other holding companies - as well as those which
are far removedgeographically from the concerns
they control.
That is a worthy aim, but whom does it benefit?
It benefits primarily the investor, who at present
stands to lose when the operating companies are
"milked" by their holding companies. It is only
rarely that this occurs to such an extent that the
consumer is forced to pay higher rates for power
than he otherwise would. But when this is the
case it usually could be prevented by state secur-
ities commissions, which are notoriously incom-
petent and not infrequently corrupt.
Where this condition prevails, the Utilities
Holding Company Bill would do a public good.
Regardless of this, it probably is an excellent
thing. Holding companies at best effect little
economy and efficiency. They are an unnatural
and unwieldly element in the capitalistic system,
often a source of corruption and dishonesty as
was the case of the Insull situation.
All in all, it would seem that President Roose-
velt has given undue emphasis to the bill; that
the high court will probably declare it unconsti-
tutional; and that it doesn't make much difference
SThe Conning Tower
As Others See It
The Wages Of Football
(From the Daily Princetonian)
GOVERNOR DAVEY'S announcements concern-l
ing the wages received by Ohio State's foot-
ball players cannot be called revelations. They1
rate the front page of the press only because theyj
are so outright in their statement of the facts.
The conditions under which footballers are subsi-
dized at Ohio State are the same as those at prac-
tically every other state university in the country
with a good football team; the difference is only
one of degree, and that is the reason that other
members of the midwestern conference have made
no trouble over the matter.
As for privately endowed institutions of the
Big Three type, their position is in no way better.
Their subsidies are in the hands of alumni who,
not having the payrolls of the state governments
open to their disposal, must use instead what.
amounts to athletic scholarships, which are quite
the same thing in principle. Briefly, it is un-
equivocally impossible to have a ranking football
team without some form of financial aid to the
players thereof.
To repeat that the reason for this exploitation
of football in the less sensationalizing cases is its
payment for all other sports is unnecessary. Dean
Gauss represented that aspect for the world at
large in the Saturday Evening Post of some weeks
past. But it cannot be denied that the football
craze has forced the colleges of this country into
probably the most hypocritical position of their
Two alternatives in the present situation are
possible. In facing the issue squarely it is necessary
first to decide whether or not athletes should be
allowed to receive wages of a sort for their playing.
Some argue that football is a form of good hard
work and should be allowed as a legitimate means
of earning an education. It will be perfectly
apparent that, if permitted to come out into the
open, the wage market for good players would
soar and the university giving the highest offer
would have the best team.
The other alternative is to endow undergraduate
athletics as Harvard has proposed, thus making
them independent of football for subsistence. On
the face of it, this seems by far the better, in fact,
almost the ideal answer. But the rub here lies in
the fact that the alumni want to see their team
play big games and win. It is they who must
endow its downfall.
Although complicated by many entanglements,
the choice of alternatives cannot be in any doubt
to a university worthy of the name of a truly
cultural institution. There can be no sanctioned
subsidization of athletics, no recognition of alumni
activity in -that direction, no scholastic discrimi-
nation toward athletics. The function of a uni-
versity with truly cultural purposes cannot allow
them to become contaminated by athletic commer-
cialism. The words of Woodrow Wilson when he
commented that the athletic sideshow was steal-
ing the show were never of more import than now.
Those Mysterious Etruscans
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
AFTER MOLDERING in their graves for some
centuries, the Etruscans are back in the news,
placed there by doubts as to the genuineness of
art objects attributed to them. Dr. David M.
Robinson, an archeologist at Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity, says much alleged Etruscan art in mu-
seums over the world is fake stuff, of modern
Italian manufacture. Director Rogers of the local
art museum assures St. Louisans that the pieces
displayed here are the genuine Etruscan.
Laymen who wish to know more about the Etrus-
cans before entering what promises to be a debate
will learn little from the experts. The Etruscans,
it seems, are the forgotten people of the ancient
world. Even their language remains a mystery, for
no modern scholar can read its scanty remains,
and even an ancient writer said despairingly that
there was no language like it. The Etruscans'
(For Al, the Architect)
Ah, gifted friend, since you designed
Your rousing rhapsody in blueprint,I
Your will on my sequacious mind V
Has left its shoeprint.1(
For once my modest cottage wall s
Enclosed, I thought, a realm where I'd rule,p
While scorned were fatnous fools who fall
For every slide-rule. h
Alas! Your pencil, subtly skilled, t
Of resolution has bereft me;I
Nay, worse; my lovely lyre is stilled, t
My muse has left me.f
For frosty fields and scowling skies
Which bards now bring to autumn readers,
Bid me but turn mine alien eyes
Toward copper leaders.
Or when the sparkling sheaths of ice
Soon cling to saplings, earthward dipping,
I shall not sing, what with the price
Of weather-stripping.
Nor Laughter holding both his sides,'
Which Mr. M. indorsed for strumming, c
Diverts me from these mirthless Guides V
To Modern Plumbing.
No, friend; I simply sulk and stewl
And wish my lyric flame would burn as I
Spontaneously as my newr
Oil gulping furnace.
Yet, though my golden voice assaysp
At most, about eleven carat,
I've learned why some immortal baysr
Bloomed in a garret. N. D. PLUME
The Reader's Digest Association, Pleasantville,}
N. Y., wax in the hands of what idolaters call our
impeccable artistry, sent its check for $3 yesterday
to the order of the Tribune Fresh Air Fund. Also1
the R. D. A. sent along the check which first had
been issued to Francis Hackett, who told the
wheeze. The joke in full read: "Anne of Brittany
was expecting her first child of the new series."
The latter returned the check - we have the
check made out to Francis Hackett, indorsed to
but not by Benito Mussolini - comes from the
Italian Consulate in New York. It said, in part:
As the check in question was later forwarded
to H. E. Mussolini, I have been instructed to
advise you that Premier Mussolini wishes you4
to kindly donate it to some charitable organ-l
The Tribune Fresh Air Fund thanks H. E.
Mussolini, Mr. Francis Hackett, and the Reader's
How the Princeton fresnman class voted, as to
political leanings and favorite film girls, excited
us not at all. The boys are too young to vote, any-
how. But are they too young to have a Favorite
Newspaper? And are they too young to have
read two novels or even two poems, so that
they might choose "If" or "Invictus"?
Our guess is that "Song Dedicated to Butler
Bros.," by Paul Foochman, is sung - though the
song sheet doesn't say so - to the air of "The
Good Old Summer Time." It works, anyway.
The chorus:
The house of Butler Bros.
Is always after us.
The credit man and salesmen
They keep on drumming us
To pay our bills and buy their wares,
At Butler Bros. Fairs.
They greet us always
With bargains galore,
At Butler Bros. Store.
"And why," asks Mr. Lewis Gannett, "has no
publisher yet made a book of E. B. White's verses?"
Well, no publisher but Harper and Brothers has
made such a book. It was called "The Lady in
Gold." And why did no critic at the time it was
published, in 1929, make more fuss about it?
Even so careful a commentator as the New
Yorker's Mr. Clifton Fadiman, in his otherwise
flawless review, in the current issue, spells Marc
Connelly's surname Connolly.
Whoever is publicity counselor to the Dionnes
doesn't know his job. Why not enter the four
walkers in the Olympics, in the mile relay walk?
When, Wednesday, recking naught of doom,
I went from the composing room
At what is termed an early hour,
I'd left made-up The Conning Tower,
And mused, with somewhat spurious sorrow,
"Nothing to do until tomorrow."
But Thursday morning "Hell," I said
"Who has been going over my head?
Alas! meseems it is a myth
That I am never tampered with!"
I looked again, and through my tears
I saw the friends of years and years;
I read that column, line on line,
And knew it for better stuff than mine.
So, drunk with honey dew, I say,
"Thank you, dear friends."
William Mitchell of Auburn, Ala., was buried in
his bed, with his shoes placed thereunder. The
whole is encased in a brick vault.
The Roosevelt boys are validating an old adage
Off The Record
LEY who is also patronage chief
for the Democrats, stepped into his
ong limousine followed by a friend.
As he seated himself, he bent overa
silently, picked up a folded piece ofo
paper and tossed it out the window. t
"Looks like a note," said the puzzled c
"It was," grinned Farley, "from
he most persistent job-seeker I know.
Hie throws them in here every day.
Not that it bothers me, but I some-
imes wonder if I'll wake up and
find him in bed with me."
The bureau of air commerce
had a new way of saying it in the
official report on the airplane ac-
cident at Cheyenne, Wyo., Oc-
tober 7. The report said in part:
"An airplane, piloted by licensedt
airmen, carrying passengers,
mail and express, unexpectedly1
contacted the ground."
CARPENTERS in the basement of
the White House tipped their
caps as Mrs. Roosevelt picked her
way through repair operations.
She seemed to be looking for some-
thing. Finally, she asked a busy cook,
"Where do you sit down when you're
not working?"
"Why - why -no place, much,"
stammered the surprised cook.
So the White House repairs will
include chairs for the kitchen crew:
Mrs. Roosevelt's orders.
have helped the national deficit
to the extent of $4.76.
They were caught by a bureau of
fisheries warden 94s they merrily
scooped salmon from the Situk river.
They had 27 fish flopping around
the shore, but evidently were fishing
just for fun, because they kept right
The dogs were tried on two
counts: fishing out of salmon season,
and withdrawing more fish from the
water than was necessary for food.
They weresentenced to exile from
the river region during salmon sea-
son, and their catch was sold for
$4.76 which was turned in to the
United States treasury.
SENATOR BORAH of Idaho arrived
at his office early but he seemed
preoccupied, and the work didn't fly
as fast as usual. Suddenly he left.
In an hour he return quite jovial,
and the work flew.
His staff uncovered the story. Bo-
rah had been out for his usual crack-
of-dawn canter on his faithful horse.
During the ride the horse had shied at
a flying leaf. Borah had applied the
When the two returned to the
stables the horse was piqued and re-
fused the usual lump of sugar. When
Borah returned later, on his absence
from the office, the horse relented,
took the sugar and nosed affection-
ately around the senator's ears.
Justice Louis D. Brandeis of
the supreme court has a charac-
teristic habit which usually pro-
vokes a suppressed giggle in the
court. When he picks up a man-
uscript to read he solemnly re-
moves his glasses.
VOL. XLVI No. 35 p
Notices P
Students and acuty: In accord-W
nce with the decision of the deans F
f the several schools and colleges,
here will be no general suspension of H
lasses on Armistice Day, November T(
President and Mrs. Ruthven will beT
it home to the students on Wednes- S
lay, November 16, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Members of the Faculties of the F
University are invited to make sug-
gestions regarding facilities that
ought to be available in the proposed
building for the Graduate School. A
By deed of gift the structure is not L
to be used merely as a social center '
nor for faculty offices, classrooms and
aboratories. Provision for scientific
organizations of the faculties or of
graduate students, conferences, and
meetings of outside scientific and
learned societies should be consid-
ered. Other services may be desir- B
able. Members of the Executive
Board and the staff will be pleased i
to confer with anyone having pro- o
posals that will enlarge the usefulness N
of the new building.
C. S. Yoakum.
Attention of All Concerned, andt
Particularly Those Having Offices in
Haven Hall or the Western Portion ofs
the Natural Science Building, is called
to the fact that parking cars in the
driveway between these two buildings
is at all times inconvenient to otherF
users of the drive an'i sometimes re-e
sults in positive danger to other dri-
vers and to pedestrians on the diag-f
onal and other walks. You are re-
spectfully asked not to park there
and of members of your family callE
for you, especially at noon whena
traffic both on wheels and on footC
is heavy, it is especially urged@
that the car wait for you in the park-t
ing space adjacent to the north door
of University Hall. Waiting in theP
driveway blocks traffic and involvesa
confusion, inconvenience, and actualt
danger just as much as when a person
is sitting in a car as if the car is
parked empty.-
University Senate Committee On
International Panel On Modern1
Turkey: The Turkish students of the
University, assisted by Professor Aga-1
Oglu, professor of Islamic Art, will
present a panel talk on Modern Tur-t
key in the small ballroom at the
Michigan Union at 4 o'clock today
(Sunday, November 10) and all for-
eign students, faculty, and other stu-
dents interested in international af-
fairs are invited to attend. This is
one of the new projects of the Cos-1
mopolitan Club.
J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor To
Foreign Students.
University Bureau Of Appointments
will hold registration for all 19361
seniors, and for graduate students
who have not previously registered,
in the office at 201 Mason Hall, Tues-
day to Friday inclusive, November 12-
15; hours 10-12, and 2-4. This en-
rollment is for both the teaching and
the general placement divisions, and
is the only registration to be held
this year. There is no charge for this
service, but after November 15 a late
registration fee of $1.00 is charged.
Academic Notices
Mathematics 36. Dr. Hopkins' sec-
tion. The quiz will be held in Room
201 South Wing at 9 o'clock.
Education D101, D102, D203, and
D202: Beginning Monday, November
11, I shall meet my classes regularly.
F. D. Curtis.
University Lecture: Dr. James A.
Gunn, M. A., M. D., D. S C, F. R. C. P.,
Professor of Pharmacology and Di-
rector of the Nuffield Institute of
Medical Research of Oxford Universi-
ty, England, will speak on the subject.
"Medical Education and Practice" at
4:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 12, in
the Natural Science Auditorium. The,
public is cordially invited.
French Lecture: Mr. Paul Leyssac
of the Civic Repertory Theatre of
New York will give a Recital of
French Poetry, Thursday, November
14 at 4:15, in Room 103, Romance
Language Building.
This is the first number on the
Cercle Francais program. Tickets
for the series of lectures may be pro-
cured from the Secretary of the De-
partment of Romance Languages
(Room 112, Romance Language
Building) or at the door at the time
of the lecture.
Don Cossack Program. The Don
Cossack Russian Male Chorus, Serge
Jaroff, conductor, will be heard in
the third Choral Union concert Mon-
day evening, November 11, 8:15
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
heir ticket stubs for readmission. The
rogram is as follows:
redo .................Getchaninoff
raised be Thou, O Lord, Tchaikovsky
Ve Sing To Thee ......... Kastalsky
uneral Song .........Tschesnokoff
Vho Can Equal Thee? .. Borniansky
istory in Song of Serge Jaroff and
his Don Cossack Chorus . Schvedoff
'erek and Kuban Cossack Songs . .
.................Arr. by S. Jaroff
'he Volga Song.........Folk-Song
'he Captive Cossacks .. Nishtchinsky
long of the Indian Host from the
Opera "Sadko"..............
rom "The Invisible Town Kitesh
and the Maid Fevronia" ......
(Arr. for Male Chorus by Jaroff) .
n Old Polka ...Arr. by Dobrowen
ezginka ................. Schvedoff
Two Don Cossack Songs.........
...................Arr. by S. Jaroff
Events of Today
First Methodist Church. Morning
Worship Service at 10:45 a.m. Dr.
Brashares will preach on "Fighters"
Stalker Hall. Wesleyan Guild Meet-
ng at 6 p.m. There will be a program -
of vocal and instrumental selections.
Miss Louise Cotter of the School of
Music will speak on "The Place of
Music in the College Student's Life."
Fellowship hour and supper following
the meeting.
Class at 12 M. on "The Social Re-
sponsibility of a Christian."
Harris Hall: Regular student meet-
ing this evening at seven o'clock in
Harris Hall. The Reverend Fred-
erick W. Leech will be the speaker.
All Episcopal students and their
friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m.- Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.-
Church School; 11:00 a.m.-Kinder-
garten; 11:00 a.m.-Special Armis-
tice Day Service, Morning Prayer and
Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lewis.
Members of the University R.O.T.C.
and the Army and Navy Club will
take part in the service.
First Presbyterian Church - At
9:45 a.m., Prof. Howard McClusky
will begin a series of three discussions
for succeeding Sundays upon the
theme "Getting Personal Help From
10:45, Dr. Lemon will preach: "We
Know the Unknown Soldier."
5:30, Student Fellowship Hour at
the Masonic Temple.
6:30, Prof. Preston Slosson will
speak on "The Meaning of Armistice."
Presbyterian Student Men who are
in the University for for their first
year are invited to the home of Nor-
man W. Kunkel, 1417 South Universi-
ty, at the corner of Elm, next Thurs-
day night, Nov. 14 at 9 o'clock for a
Fireside forum.
First Baptist Church -
10:45 Dr. Frank W. Padelford of Bos-
ton will speak. Dr. Padelford is sec-
retary of the Baptist Board of Educa-
tion. 7:00 p.m. Young people of high
school age will meet Dr. Padelford
for questions and conference on the
value of higher education and how to
make plans for it.
Roger Williams Guild: Sunday
noon. The student group will meet
for forty minutes in the Guild house.
Mr. Chapman will speak on "Re-
ligious Aspirations." Criticism and
discussion will follow. 6:00 p.m. The
student meeting will be held in the
guild house. The speaker will be
Wm. Umbach, president, who will
lead in a final consideration of War
and Peace.
Congregational Church-
10:30, Service of Worship and Re-
ligious Education. Sermon by Mr.
Heaps on "Let Us Have Peace," fol-
lowed by a plebiscite on war and
peace. Lecture by Prof. Albert Hyma
on "Erasmus, Champion of Enlight-
6:00, Student Fellowship. Follow-
ing a light supper there will be a
round table discussion and plebiscite
on "War and Peace."
Church of Christ Disciples: 10:45
a.m., Church Service. Sermon by
Rev. Fred Cowin.
12:00 noon, Students' Bible Class.
H. L. Pickerill, Leader. 5:30 p.m., So-
cial hour. Fifteen cent supper.
6:30 p.m. Discussion: Roads to
Peace. Leader, Carroll Fitch. The
causes of war presented last Sunday
will be reviewed and ways of removing
them discussed. The positions set
forth by Prof. Slosson last Sunday
evening at the Congregational Church
and by Mr. Villard Tuesday evening
at the Natural Science Auditorium
will be considered. All students in-
terested in this topic are cordially
invited to come and take part in the
Trinity Lutheran Church. E. Wil-
liam at S. Fifth Ave. Henry O. Yoder,
9:15, Church School. 10:30. Chief
Worship Service with sermon by the
pastor on "The Impelling Power of
Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
Of Nov. 10, 1925
A Useful
THE UNIVERSITY owes much of its
growth and reputation to the gen-
erosity of many of its alumni and friends. Mich-
igan has been especially fortunate in having so
many interested in its welfare.
One of the latest to contribute to the resources
of the University is Mrs. Viola Weiss of Detroit
who gave $2,000 toward the establishment of a li-
brary* at the Hillel Foundation. This library will
be considered a part of tne General Library's col-
lection and will be catalogued in its files.
These books will deal with Jewish subjects
including philosophy, arts and letters and will
considerably contribute to the filling of a notice-
able need for such material. The University li-
brary is outstanding in many respects and the
acquisition of this valuable supplement will ad-
vance still further its reputation and compre-
hensiveness. In the words of Dr. William W.
Bishop, University librarian, "Every addition is
a tremendous help in that the students and fac-
ulty will have access to opportunities they have
Utilities Holding
Company Bill . .
THE UTILITIES Holding Company
Bill is, in the opinion of a Federal
District Court, unconstitutional. According to
the Maryland judge, Congress is guilty of a "flag-
rant viniation" of its nowers for passing the act.
Alterations involving $6,000 are be-
ing made in the chemistry building
to provide quarters for a laboratory
in electro-chemistry.
In the second radio broadcasting
program to be transmitted from the
University station in University Hall,
President Clarence Cook Little, Dean
Henry M. Bates of the Law school,
Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law
school, and Prof. William J. Hussey of
the astronomy department, will speak
Means of eliminating liquor from
fraternity parties were discussed by
the Interfraternity Council at its
meeting yesterday afternoon at the
Union but no final decision was
Every effort is being expended by
the city to complete the widening of
State Street before the Ohio State
Dancing is being done more slowly
and leisurely these days, say dancing
experts, partly because of the increas-
ing vogue of the tango with its un-
hurried and effortless steps.
Prof. Orlando W. Stephenson of
the history department will speak
at the regular Chamber of Commerce
luncheon today. He will tell of his
work in writing a history of the city.
There has been no easing up by
the authorities in Rome in their ef-
forts to gather in persons who are
believed to have been connected with