The Weather
Generally fair, colder today;
tomorrow increasing cloudiness
and rising temperatures.
A16V A# P
.Hitr t 9 an
Meet The Football Team
What Did The Elections
Mean? ...
Dawn Drive Today
Marks Makale As
Mussolini Flays Profiteer
And Speculators; Arrest
Begin In Genoa
Ethiopians Retreat
In Northern Sector
Central Columns Of Italy's
Force Bivouack Before
Mountain City
MAKALE, Nov. 7. - (P) - Italy's
central columns in Northern Ethiopia
bivouacked Thursday night on a
mountain rim within easy sight of
Makale, ready to push into and past
the city in a dawn drive Friday.
Fascist guns frowned down from
the heights upon Makale and nearby
Dolo, and reports routed through
Rome predicted scattered battles.
At Addis Ababa, however, a govern-
ment spokesman said that the North-
ern Ethiopian commanders were car-
rying out orders by slowly withdraw-
ing, refusing to fight and "enticing'
the enemy.
On the Makale front in Ethiopia
the columns of Gen. Ruggiero San-
tini and Gen. Alessandro Pirzio-Biroli
pushed to their present position com-
manding a series of small valleys
leading directly into the city, by a
quick dawn-to-noon march, and then
halted to allow their supply trains
to catch up.
Native runners reported that scat-
tered regulars of the Negus were seen
on the streets of Makale, and their
presence led the high staff of the
Italian advance to take extra pre-
Mystery Forces Flank
The main columns were flanked
on the right by the column of Gen.
Pietro Maravigna, coming down from
Aduwa, and on the extreme left by
the "mystery" Danakil forces under
Col. Mario Marchinotti.
Thursday's advance along the
thirty-mile Northern Front broke a
two-day pause enforced by torrc-'itial
Dispatches from Assab, Eritrea,
said that the Italian cavalry in the
vicinity of Mount Mussa Ali, on the
extrenme east, had begun to move
along the borders of French Somali-
land toward Technici Plateau.
The Italians claimed that the
horsemen entered the Sultanate lof
Aussa and were welcomed by the Sul-
tan's runners from Jahio, leading to
a prediction that the Sultan's son,
commanding Ethiopians in Aussa,
was ready to desert with his army to
the invaders.
The Ethiopian Government dis-
counted reports from Addis Ababa
that an Ethiopian "Death or Glory"
squadron had entrenched itself in
Russian-built "pill boxes" north of
Makale ready to die in defense of
the town.
Report Ethiopian March
Aerial observers for the Italian ad-
vance reported that groups of Ethi-
opian warriors were marching beyond
Makale, and predicted scattered en-
counters as the advance guard pene-
trated beyond Makale Friday.
After Makale it is understood that
Alag, 40 miles southeast along the
plateau, will be the next objectve.
ROME, Nov. 7. - (A') - Fascist
Italy struck swiftly today at war
profiteers, speculators and those who
circulate "defeatist" rumors.
Many arrests were made at Genoa,
six men were sentenced to five years
imprisonment "on islands" in an ef-
fort to end speculation. The stores
of other merchants were closed temp-
orarily and the proprietors lost their
membership in the Fascist party.
Action against sanctions, which
will change the commercial map of
Europe by diverting Italy's trade, was
BERLIN, Nov. 7. - (/P) - Ger-
many, with an arms embargo al-
ready in effect against Italy and
Ethiopia, announced today she would
take steps to prevent war profiteer-
"We are willing to halt extraor-
dinary purchases of foodstuffs, but
we hope to go on with normal trade,"
explained a foreign offlice spokes-
"Germany definitely will not act
I the part of a war profiteer in the
Italo-Ethiopian conflict," said the
Search Finds
6 Passengers
Air Transport Ship Found
Near Dawson, Alaska;
MNissing For 6 Days
Group Is Stranded
Says Rescue Pilot
s Long-Lost 'Raphael'
Acquired By Detroit
DETROIT, Nov. 7. - (/P)- The
Detroit Institute of Arts disclosed
late today that it had acquired one
r of the lon glost paintings by Raphael,
Florentine master of the High Ren.
Dr. William R. Valentiner, director
e of the institute, said the painting,
lost for centuries, had been redis-
covered in a royal collection in cen-
tral Europe.
The story of how the institute ob-
tained the painting and the circum-
f stances surrounding its rediscoverer
t Dr. Valentiner said, would not be dis-
closed for one year.
Federal Court
Says Utilities
Bill Is Invalid
Maryland Justice Scores
Congress For Exceeding
Its 'Lawful Powers'
BALTIMORE, Nov. 7. -(OP) -The
1935 holding company act - designed
to give the government power for a
sweeping reorganization of the utility
industry -was held to be invalid "in
its entirety."
Federal District Judge William C.
Coleman ruled to that effect and in
those words in instructing the trus-
tees of the American State Public
Service Co. to treat the act as "in-
valid and of no effect."
Announcement in New York that
an appeal would be taken apparently
headed the case toward the Su-
preme court of the United States.
Judge Coleman took a position that
Congress "flagrantly exceeded its
lawful power" under the Constitution
in enacting the measure by which
elimination of most of the holding
companies in the nation's large util-
ities network was sought.
Landon Says Nation
Needs Sound Policy
CLEVELAND, Nov. 7. - (A') -Gov.
Alf. M. Landon of Kansas, a Republi-
can who has beer. mentioned as a
leading possible contender for his
party's presidential nominaton, as-
serted last night the nation's greatest
need is "sound common sense ad-
He condemned experimentation in
government, urged a "pay-as-you-go"
policy of government financing, and
warned that increasing public debt
burdens would hamper later genera-
Marooned Men Return
Alaskan City Soon
Dog Team
FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Nov. 7. - (AF
- The Northern Air Transport Coin
pany announced tonight that Pilot
- Jack Herman and his five passenger:
missing since Saturday on a flight
here from Dawson, Y. T., are safE
at Cassiar Roadhouse, 35 miles fron
A searching plane piloted by Bob
Randall, sighted the party but wat
unable to land, the company reported.
Herman's plane was seen on ar
island in the Yukon River. Six mer
came out of the cabin and waved tc
Randall as he and his two compan-
ions flew over them.
Randall was accompanied by
Charles W. Wills and Merion Ed-
mundson as observers. Mills mes-
saged the company's offices here of
his success.
The report did not say whether
Herman's plane was damaged. It was
believed here that the six men would
return soon to Dawson by dog team.
Missing in the same territory in
which Pilot Art Hines and three pas-
sengers were lost last summer and
never found, fears were felt when
they failed to arrive here Saturday
night on the X250 mile flight.
Herman's passengers were: George
Townsend, Dawson; Oscar Adany,
Sulphur Creek; Walter James, White
Horse, Y. T.; and Peter Funk, and
0. Egren, placer drillers enroute to
Vancouver, B. C.
Peace Council
Will Sponsor
A student peace rally will be held
at 4 p.m. Monday in the Congrega-
tional Church auditorium under the
auspices of the University Peace
The Rev. John H. Bollens, of the
Messiah Evangelical Church of De-
troit, and Prof. Bennet Weaver of the
English department will participate
in the program, as well as representa-
tives of the student body. This pro-
gram is the first of a series which will
be sponsored throughout the year by
the Council for constructive educa-
tion in peace.
Sunday evening the various church
guilds on the campus will meet to
continue the discussion of peace
which was carried on by these groups
last Sunday and during the four pre-
ceding weeks. The work of the guilds
will be summarized at the rally Mon-
da~_ nd il h dPVl dPr riir
Pair Of 'Ilriens,
Debate Court Suit
Two state attorney-generals - on
present and one past - will debat
the maze of legal technicalities o:
the University-Cohen case in the De-
troit federal court.
David M. Crowley, newly-appointed
attorney-general and Regent-elect
will argue the case for the Univer-
sity, according to its regular attorney
George Burke of Ann Arbor, "because
it is a state institution."
He will be opposed by Patrick H
O'Brien, attorney-general under the
Ccmstock administration, who is Co-
hen's lawyer.
Another one of the many mix-ups
in the suit is that of the two O'Briens
Attorney O'Brien's pleas are being
heard by Federal Judge Earnest
The O'Briens are not related.
aslitenaw And
State Freshmen
old Caucuses
Sorority Women Ally With
Men In Campaign For
Dec. 4 Election
Caucuses of both State and Wash-
tenaw freshman literary college polit-
ical groups, at which preliminary or-
ganizational details were discussed
and acted upon, have been held and
the campus political ball appears to
be rolling along in fine style.
David Drysdale, Delta Kappa Ep-
silon, was elected campaign manager
of the freshman State Street machine
at a meeting held last night in the
Union. Vince Butterly, Delta Tau
Delta, will serve as caucus chair-
man. Approximately 30 freshmen,
repiesenting 17 fraternities and sor-
orities, attended the meeting.
The Washtenaw group's hierarchy
is rather more complicated. At a
meeting in the Sigma Nu house early
this week Robert VanderPyl, Theta
Chi, was elected caucus chairman, to
be assisted in his work by an eight-
member council and several commit-
:ees, the personnel of which is yet to
be named. The caucus voted to al-
low VanderPyl to appoint his own
council, consisting of five men and
three women. The Council will have
nominating authority when the
arty's election slate is brought under
More than 100 students attended
the Washtenaw Party's stormy gath-
ring. VanderPyl said 28 fraternities
and sororities sent delegates.
The two parties will announce their
:andidates in the near future. If no
further postponements are decreed,
he freshman elections should be run
)fl Dec. 4.
obbers Gain
$40,000 From
Five-iM1an Gang Stops Erie
Passenger, Mail Train
With Machine Guns
--A machine-gun gang of at least
ive robbers, firing shots and shouting
hreats of death in Wild West fash-
on, held up an Erie Railroad passen-1
der and mail train as it stopped here
oday, boarded a mail car, and looted
t of pouches which probably con-
ained at least $40,000 in cash.
More than a dozen persons wit-
nessed the holdup. The robbers
>oured a volley of machine gun bul-
ets into the baggage car as the train,
bound from Cleveland to Pittsburgh,
nade its regular stop here.
John F. Williams, assistant man-
iger of the Warren (0.) Chamber of
Commerce, who was a passenger on
he train, said one of the robbers then
covered workmen in a control tower;
another, gun in hand, guarded the
engineer; a third stood outside the
baggage car, and one or two others
entered the mail car.
At least three of the robbers car-
ried machine guns.
Orlin Workman, clerk in charge of
he mail car, said the robbers knew
exactly what they wanted and picked
>ut the mail sacks they were after.f
Ban Will Parade
Before Illini [Trip1l
Will Serve Summonses
Hemans 'Guesses' Cohen's Case
Will Be Thrown Out By Court
A prediction that "the students will
be thrown out of the court five min-
utes after they enter it" was made
last night by Regent Charles F.
Hemans of Lansing, in a discussion of
the suit brought against the President
Ruthven and the Regents by Daniel
Cohen, '37E for permission to re-
enter the University.
"I can't tell what the judge will do,"
Regent Hemans said. "I'm no prophet.
But my guess is that the court will
throw them out five minutes after
they enter it."
Regent Hemans, speaking to The
Chandler, New
eal Supporter,
Scores Victory'
Kentucky Politician Fights
State Sales Tax During
Gubernatorial Discussion
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 7.-(A')-
Smiling, A. B. (Happy) Chandler,
37-year-old lieutenant governor who
fought the state sales tix and sup-
ported the New Deal, advanced to
the governorship of Kentucky today
on a Democratic majority approach-
ing landslide proportions.
His margin Overr Circuit Judge King
Swope, Republican who opposed him
soley on state issues, soared to 51,-
459 as returns from 1,544 of the
state's 4,219 precincts were tabulated.
The vote was Chandler 219,883 and
Swope 168,424. The trend indicated
his final majority would be well over
100,000, a record for a gubernatorial
race since reconstruction days.
Chandler, who urged a Democratic
victory to "assure the reelection of
President Roosevelt" in 1936, will be
inaugurated at Frankfort next month,
succeeding Gov. Ruby' Laffoon, a
Democrat, famous for his "army" of
colonels. Laffoon bitterly opposed
Chandler but supported Roosevelt.
In their general election Tuesday,
Kentuckians also rolled up a sizeable
majority for repeal of their stateI
prohibition amendment. With 1,372j
precincts counted, the vote was 133,-
452 for repeal and 105,659 against.
An amendment to authorize the
legislature to enact old age pensions
was adopted by an overwhelming ma-
jority. Returns from 1,332 precincts
gave 198,950 for the amendment and
22,499 against.
Kentucky also elected a Democratic
general assembly but final returns
were needed to determine the size of
the majorities in the house and sen-
ate. E. W. Creal, a Democrat, was
elected Congressman in a special elec-
tion in the fourth dstrict without op-
Rutlven, Regents
Daily from Lansing by telephone, ex-
plained that the Regents discussed
the situation regarding the three
students from time to time and that
'we knew of their threat and thought;
it was nothing more than a threat
of Cohen, William Fischand Joseph
Feldman, all '37.
"They don't want freedbm of
speech or assembly," he declared.
"All they are interested in is raising
all the hell they can. They won't
abide by any rules or regulations, all
of which have been explained to them
time after time.
Regent Hemans emphasized that
he is "an ardent supporter of free
speech," but held that "that is not
the issue here."
Regent Esther Cram of Flint, who
was also called yesterday, said flatly
she had nothing to say, "I know noth-
ing of the developments," Mrs. Cram
stated. "Anything that I could say
would have no effect. The Regents
will have to decideeas a whole what
to do."
Asked if Cohen's action came as a
surprise, Mrs. Cram would not make
an answer.
UCLA Fullback
Is Ineligible,
Dean Charges
Player Entered School
With False Credentials,
Says Educator
AMARILLO, Tex., Nov. 7.-(OP) -
Dean Earl J. Miller of the University
of California at Los Angeles an-
nounced here tonight he had estab-
lished definitely that a fullback on
the team known as R. F. (Ted) Key
is ''ineligible'and no longer can play
for the Uclans.
"We have positive proof that he
entered UCLA with false credentials,"
asserted the Dean whose investigation
of reports concerning the player's
identity produced a 1935 gridiron
"All we have on his true identity
is a bunch of conflicting identifica-
tions," Dean Miller added. "The,
UCLA Key has been positively iden-
tified as both R. F. Key and Clois
Key. I think he is Clois and I know
that he is ineligible."
Key's entrance credentials at UCLA
were from Panhandle, Texas, high
school. Dean Miller said he had
learned definitely that he never was
graduated from there.
Dean Miller who came here after
receiving reports from Amarillo that
Key was really Clois Key who had
played for the Texas School of Mines
in 1922, ended his investigation and
prepared to return to Los Angeles.
There, two persons added fuel to
University Counsel May
Move Suit Be Dismissed
ChargingNo Evidence
Involved In Case
Burke To Compose Reply
To Daniel Cohen, '37,
Within TenDays
Summonses ork President Ruthven
and members of the Board of Re-
gents, notifying them of the suit
brought by Daniel Cohen, '7E, for
readmission to the University, will be
served today by the office of the Unit-
ed States Marshal in Detroit, Patrick
H. O'Brien, counsel for Cohen, said
last night.
Petiton for a writ of mandamus
ordering the University to reinstate
Cohen was filed yesterday morning in
the court of Federal Judge Ernest A.
O'Brien, who issued the summonses,
but advised that the mandamus pro-
ceedings be not pressed out of defer-
ence to the University as a State in-
Since President Ruthven and two
Regents, Junius E. Beal and Franklin
M, Cook, are in Lincoln, Neb., at-
tending a meeting of the Association
of the Governing Boards of State
Universities, the summonses will be
turned over to George Burke, at-
torney for the University, who will
have approximately 10 days in which
to file answer to the charges.
Crowley Is Counsel
David M. Crowley, State attorney
general and regent-elect, will be act-
ing with Burke as counsel for the
University in the case. It was indi-
cated by Burke last night that the
University might reply by asking
that the action be dismissed on the
basis of insufficient evidence.
In such an event, O'Brien said last
night, it is likely that he will request
a jury trial and will ask, by special
motion, that the case be heard within
the next month. Otherwise, he will
ask for a court order forcing the Uni-
versity to show just cause why Cohen
should not be admitted. O'Brien,
former attorney-general, and Nich-
olas V. Olds, his assistant attorney-
general, are acting as counsel for
Cohen at the request of the American
Civil Liberties Union.
Cohen's Petition
In the petition, Cohen set forth
that he was in good standing in the
engineering college in June, that he
was at no time guilty of unlawful
or improper conduct toward the Uni-
versity or the students, and that he
has met repeated failure in attempt-
ing to persuade authorities to readmit
him. He charges that he has been
unable to secure a hearing before the
engineering college disciplinary com-
mittee, citing the rules and regula-
tions of the Board of Regents which
states that a student may be "sus-
pended, dismissed or expelled by a
two-thirds vote of a disciplinary com-
mittee appointed by the faculty of the
school or college of which he is reg-
istered, after a full and impartial
hearing, before said committee and
with the approval of the proper dean."
President Ruthven has contended
that the four students were not ex-
pelled or suspended, but merely are
requested not to apply for readmis-
sion. Cohen, in his petition, alleges
that the action was in effect an ex-
The petition further sets forth the
charge that the University is guilty
of a breach of contract in not per-
(Continued on Page 2)
'Relief To Payroll'
Drive Progressing
DETROIT, Nov. 7. - (A) - The No-
vember drive to transfer able bodied
men from relief rolls to payrolls is
progressing at the rate of 3,000 men
a day, State WPA Administrator
Harry L. Pierson said today.
The administrator asserted that
50,000 men would be employed on 499
projects in the state early next week.
To bring the employment total up
to 50,000, he said, 213 projects were
In Suit For Readmission
uaC.',y, wViny e ueveiopeaa urng
"An innovation may be a back- those that follow.
ward step," he said.
Landon and Gov. Harold G. Hoff- 1 DEMAND LOYALTY OATH
man of New Jersey, also a Republi- NEW YORK, Nov. 7. - (/P) - Thel
can, addressed the Ohio Chamber of New York City School Board of Sup-
Commerce. Hoffman attacked a erintendents ruled today to refuse to
"cult of preachers, private and po- give diplomas to local high school
litical, whose text, whether they know graduates who refused to sign a loy-,
it or not, is the destruction of Ameri- alty oath to State and National Gov-
ca for the benefit of other nations." ernments.
Lasting Trend Toward Hiher
Business Level Seen By Davis
By BERNARD WEISSMAN there is no more secure storm cellar
A definite swing upward in the , than well-selected income-yielding
business curve is evident for the first real estate.
"If we believe in inflation, then cer-
time since 1929, William Lloyd Davis, tainly this is the time to persuade
former Akron University economist, others to go into debt for real estate.
told 200 members of the Michigan Now is the time for the monied man
Real Estate Association last night in to disgorge his hoarded dollars and
the Union. . his dollars tied up in low yield bonds,
Mr. Davis declared that it is the and plant them in the solid soil where
general concensus of opinion among they will grow and not shrink.
reliable economists that "we are ap- "Now is the time for the prospec-
parently witnessing the initial up- tive home-owner to pay down all he
swing of a lasting trend towards more can on a home, and feel confident
satisfactory business levels." that if he assumes a mortgage it
The speaker also warned against will be paid off in smaller dollars."
the dangers of inflation, which he said Mark Levy, Chicago appraisal ex-
is imminent and being accelerated by pert and treasurer of the National
political, economic, financial and Association of Real Estate Boards,
me sta influences, rwhich will conclude its 25th annual
Real estate will profit more than meeting tomorrow.
The closing of Ann Arbor business the fire 'by asserting that Key had
establishments from 11 a.m. until 12 played on a longshoreman's eleven
noon Monday was asked by Mayor known as a semi-pro outfit against
Robert A. Campbell in his proclama- the West Coach navy team on Trona
tion of Armistice Day yesterday. Field, San Piedro, in 1932.
Wood Pulp Laboratory Will Be
Formally Dedicated At Banquet
Gleaming instruments, shiny little
wheels spinning around, delcate re-
cording needles, electric "eyes" with
"retinae" sensitive beyond human
imagination, modern science at the
heighth.of what the layman popular-
ly conceives it to be - and is so sel-
dom in actuality - may be found in
the new paper and wood pulp labora-
tory on the third floor of the East
Engineering building.
Established through funds provid-
ed by the various Michigan paper
industries, this research center will
oe presented to the University from-
ally, November 15 in'the Union at a
banquet which will be attended by
faculty members of the chemical
engineering department and repre-
sentatives of paper products manu-
The new laboratory includes two
new types of raw materials, sizes,
fillers, dyes and starches are made.
An elaborate air-conditioning out-
fit maintains a constant temperature
of 70 degrees Fahrenheit and a con-
stant relative humidity of 65 per cent
in the second room.
One of the most intricate of the
instruments contained in this room
is a machine which tests the "gloss,"
or the smoothness of paper surfaces.
The paper is placed on a black, pol-
ished glass surface and light is
thrown on it at a 15 degree angle. A
photo electric cell is so arranged that
it will receive all of the light that is
reflected at this angle, but no more.
The degree of roughness is thus
measured by the amount of light re-
ceived by the cell.
Another instrument tests the abili-
ty of paper to withstand constant
folding, and is similar to one used by