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September 24, 1935 - Image 26

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-09-24

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lw ---..- scl'rr-,NmrR 21, 1935

Yordmeyer Brings Scholarly

Regents Give
Approval For
Allotment For 1935-36
Exceeds Total For Last
Year fLy$800,000
Reduced Salaries
Are Not Changed
Departments Hit By Cuts
Of Past Year Benefit By
Action Of Board
Climaxing several months of con-
fusion over the University's income
for 1935-36, President Alexander G.
Authven recently announced that the
Board of Regents had approved a
budget with nearly an $800,000 in-
crease over last year's total income.
For the school year of 1935-36 the
grand total budget has been set at
$7,877,550.72. This figure also in-
ekides the budget of the University
Hospital. For. the same period last
year the Regents had determined
$7,081,622.55 as the grand total, or
nearly $800,000 less than all Uni-
versity agencies will have at their
disposal for the current year.
The 1935-36 budget allots approxi-
mately $2,200,000 to the University
Hospital, whose expenses are de-
ft yed by itsownoperating income.
Slightly more than $1,900,000 was
the amount budgeted to the Hospital
for the 1935-36 year.
n interpreting the budget, Presi-
dent Ruthven stated that it was
formulated on the basis of income
from state appropriations, from the
receipts for the general funds from
tuition and various other miscellan-
eous sources. Unless they are
specifically donated to increase the
operating income, special gifts are
not included in the budget figure.
Usually the purpose of special dona-
tions is to foster a specific division of
the University.
The major use of the $800,000 in-
crease will be to resuscitate depart-
ments of the University which were
severely crippled by income cuts of
the past few years. A meeting of
the Regents will be held here Sept.
27, at which time the details of de-
partmental budgets are scheduled to
be perfected.
-President Ruthven supplemented
his announcement on finances- with
the statement that the Regents took
no action toward restoring reduced
salaries by a blanket increase.
Left - Handers Are
Not Inferior, Says
Teacher At Illinois
Are all left-handed people infer-
ior? In a paper read to the Ameri-
can Psychological Association during
their recent conention here, Floyd
L. Ruch of the University of Illinois
stated they are in no way inferior to
their righthanded companions as far
as he could determine by tests of
scholarship, inteligence, emotional
stability, and contrariness, or in
ability to perform unimanual motor
221 students were tested on a
"handedness" performance scale of
38 single hand operation tests, with
no difference found between the right
and left-handed students tested.
Dr. Ruch offered these results as a
refutation of the traditional belief in

the inferiority of the left-handed. He
pointed out as examples of this be-
lief the French "gauche," Latin "sin-
ister," and German "linkhaendig"'
(clumsy), all meaning "left" in those
languages, and the expressions: "left-
handed compliment" and "left-hand-
ed Irishman," for a clumsy compli-
ment, or the Irish expression mean-
ing a Scotchman.
GRAND RAPfDS, Sept. 22.-(/P)-
Registration at Calvin College has
reached the 400 mark for the first
time in the history of the school, Reg-
istrar Harry G. Dekker announced to-

Wasp Engine Used In Automotive Laboratory

.. sb.f+ w -. ,Y . .- s n ..r . - "._._ . 1 _-.> r
This 450 horsepower Wasp motor is utilized jointly by the aeronau-
tical and automotive departments of the engineering college as part of
their laboratory equipment. The three blades of the test propellor are
shortened and redesigned for laboratory work.

* * *
Are Used By
12 Divisions
Sizes Vary From Metal
Processing Foundry To
Tiny Research Rooms
(Continued from Page 25)
probably the roomiest laboratory in
the college - the entire area sur-
rounding and including the campus.
Students interested in radio will find
available the University radio station,
W8AXZ, employing 500 watts and
used in maintaining contact with
foreign expeditions and summer
camps of the University.
Illustrative of the equipment in the
civil engineering department is a
large experimental flume used in the
hydraulic laboratory for studying be-
havior of water in open channels. The
marine engineering department pos-
sesses a 300-foot-long naval tank,
together with machines for produc-
ing wax models of ships.
The metallurgical laboratories are
equipped with electric and gas fur-
naces, X-ray and Pyrometry ma-
chines, and machines for testing the
physical properties of metals. Lab-
oratories in the departments of
chemistry, physics and astronomy,
not separately included in the College
of Engineering, are also available to
engineering students.
Radio Program
To Offer Many
New Features

ornet Engine
To Be Used In
Airplane Tests
Prof.Lay Secures $10,000
Motor For Stiidents In
Engineering College
A 550 horsepower Hornet airplane
engine, valued at nearly $10,000.
has been acquired recently by Prof.
Walter E. Lay, head of the automo-
tive engineering department, and
will be used for special test runs by
students in the department.
The Hornet motor, together with
the Wasp engine already in the pos-
session of the department, will be
taken out to a new building now being
constructed at the Ann Arbor air-
port where test runs may be conduct-
ed without disturbing the campus
by the noise. The building is a small
steel shack, and will be completed
sometime this week.
The Hornet engine was obtained
by Professor Lay from Lieutenant
Wilson of the Grosse Ile Airport. It
was mounted in one of the airplanes
destroyed by fire this summer, and
although the motor was undamaged
by the fire, officials of the airport
decided not to risk using it again.
A large steel device to measure
the resistance of the airplane motors
has been constructed for use in the
test runs. A steel cradle is delicately
balanced on supporting girders rough-
ly resembling a huge sawhorse. The
motors will be mounted on the cradle
and measurements will be taken of
the distances by which the motors
tip the cradle to one side or the
country being discussed will also par-
ticipate in the program.
Adelaide Adams of the fine arts
department will discuss original
paintings with Marie Abbot, '35, in
the American historical art series
Listeners may secure in advance
prints of the paintings to be dis-
-~ -

Iopwood Prize
Novel Will Be
Published Soon
Doubleday Doran Plan Toj
Ibssu iNovel Written By
Hlbert Skidmore, '35
The novel which shared the first
prize money of $3,000 in the Avery
and Jule Hopwood Contest offered by
the University last May is to be pub-
lished next February, according to
an announcement issued last week by
Doubleday. Doran & Company.
Hubert Skidmore, '35, author of the
novel, which was written under the
title, "They Shall Inherit," is at pres-
ent in New York preparing his book
for publication. While a student in
the University, he was the winner of
two other prizes in the contest in
addition to his final award.
The prize winning novel has as its
locale the region of the Cumberland
mountains, and deals with the evolu-
tion of character of a group of people
in the course of their simple life.
"They Shall Inherit" was written by
Skidmore while studying here under
Prof. Erich A. Walter of the English
Awards Since 1930
Recognition of the importance of
the Hopwood contest has been gained
through the measure of literary suc-
cess that has come to other Hopwood
winners in the five years in which the
contest has been conducted. "What-
e'er You Reap,' 'a group of poems
by Annemarie Persov, which won
$2,500 in the contest, has been pub-
lished with an introduction by Max
Eastman; "Fireweed," a novel by
Mildred Walker which won a prize
of $1,100 has been followed in pub-
lication by her second novel, "Light
From Arcturus," which has strength-
ened her position as a young writer
of considerable ability. Other prize
winners, such as Dorothy Tyler, Lorna
Chambers, and Van V. Alderman,
have made their appearance in pe-
riodicals from time to time.
The awards have been presented
each year since 1930 under the terms
of the will of Avery Hopwood, famous
author of light comedies in the first
decade of this century, and have been
executed by a committee under the
direction of Prof. Roy W. Cowden
of the English department.
Judges Well Known
Judges for the contest are selected
from among the most prominent fig-
ures in contemporary American lit-
erature. Sinclair Lewis, Henry Haz-
litt, and Ezra Pound were among
the prominent judges who served in
last semester's contest.
In order to equalize the competi-
tion, the committee in charge of the
contest has divided the awards into
three divisions: the freshman con-
test; the minor contest for the gen-
eral student body; and the major con-
test in which senior and graduate
students alone may submit manu-
Competition for freshmen is under
the direction of Mr. Carlton Wells,
from whom information is now avail-
able concerning the contest. Sep-
arate awards are given for the dif-
ferent fields of the essay, prose, and
I Three prizes of $50, $30, and $20
are given within each of the three
. fields in the freshman competition.
In the minor awards, two prizes of
$250 each are given in each of the
four fields of dramatic writing, the
-- -i

Nordmeyer Brings Scholarly
Background To New Position

(Continued from Page 25)
added, 'should take a high place
among other departments in that
He then taught German at Ohio
State University and at the Uni-
versity of Illinois. When in 1918
there was a dearth of German stu-
dents, he became associated with the
University of Chicago Press, doing
editorial work.
From 1921 to 1924, to prove his in-
terest and capability in the field
languages generally, he was profes-
sor of modern langues at Grand Rap-
ids Junior College, where he taught
Spanish and French as well as Ger-
man. In 1924 he went to Swarth-
more College and in 1925 to Wash-
ington University in St. Louis, where
he remained until taking the position
as chairman of New York University's
German department in 1929.
Professor Nordmeyer has traveled
extensively. Besides roaming nearly
all of central and western Europe,
he has toured Mexico, Canada and
the United States.
He is interested in swimming and
canoeing, and because Michigan fur-
nishes ample opportunity for these
sports, "that is one of the reasons I
came here."
Librarian Attends
Congress In Spain.
Dr. William W. Bishop, librarian of
the University, is back on the job
after presiding over the Internation-
al Congress of Libraries and Biblio-
graphies this summer in Spain.
Dr. Bishop, who is also president
of the International Library As-
sociation, besides heading the gen-
eral congress ,also lead the section
on professional library training.
"The congress discussed principally
international questions affecting li-
braries," he said. Some of these
were the simplification of customs
proceedure so as to facilitate loans
between libraries and the coopera-
tion of libraries in matters other thar
loans. "The congress was very suc-
cessful," he declared.
essay, fiction, and poetry. The major
awards present four prizes of $2,00(
each or the equivalent distributed in
the same four fields.
Material submitted for the contest
variesfrom sociological analyses t
_fanciful poetry, and follows closely
the trend of contemporary literatur
in this country. While much of th
material that has been favorably re-
garded by the judges has represente
a mature outlook.
Attention of students is called tc
the Hopwood Room on the third floo:
of Angell Hall, a library and study
devoted to current books and mag-
azines, in which persons interestec
in contemporary literature may
gather for informal discussion. Or
file in the Hopwood Room are the
prize-winningmanuscripts of prev-
ious contests.

As a sideline, Professor Nordmeyer
is interested in history, and studied in
that field at first. He is constantly
doing research and is regarded as an
authority on Goethe and his period.
He has written much on that subject,
as well as on problems of medieval
German lyrics.
He has a library in his home, at
1416 Granger Street. of some 2,000
volumes, but he doesn't think this
is many. "In fact, I've never both-
ered to count them," he said.
"I like Michigan a lot," he smiled,
"and I look forward to happy andI
interesting activity here."
Every new German professor
should be asked about Hitler, and
Professor Nordmeyer took it with a
grin. "Frankly, I don't have much
use for Hitler," he said, "I look upon
the European situation as an Ameri-
can, and as a man who believes in
academic freedom, freedom of
thought, of research and of learn-
"Granting that the German people
have the right to arrange their own
affairs as they see fit," the new
professor contiued, "the ideals of the
party in power do not jibe with
ours," whereas we have a great deal
in common with the Germany that
But Professor Nordmeyer saw hope
for Germany in the future. "The
spirit of the nation will go on
through the ages," he asserted, "no
matter what political forms may pre-
vail at a certain time."

LaVcrne Noyes. Scholarships: Per-
sons intending to apply for LaVerne
Nyes Scholarships for the present
year are requested to do so before
October 10. Applications should be
made at the President's office, 1017
Angell Hall. World War veterans and
their blood descendants are eligible.
Frefhmen Glee Club: Tryouts Wed-
nesday, Octover 2, 4 to 5:30 p.m. at
Glee Club rooms, third floor, Mich-
igan Union. Regular rehearsals each
week Wednesday, 5 to 6 p.m. Mich-
igan Union. Freshmen eligible for
Varsity Club in second semester.
Varsity Glee Club -Tryouts and
first rehearsal, Thursday, Oct. 3, 7 to
9 p.m., Glee Club rooms, Michigan
Union, third floor. Regular rehear-
sals each Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m.
The Lutheran Student Club will
hold its first meeting Sunday eve-
ning, September 29 at the Zion Lu-
theran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washing-
ton St. Social half hour at 5:30 -
Supper at 6:00 prepared by Zion Lu-
theran ladies. Informal program at
A Large and Choice
Selection at
314 South State Street

hr, - _ -


IF '

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Corner of Liberty and Fourth

I I"---- - ------- ----. - - -*--~--- --

(Continued from Page 25)
at 8:30 p.m., and on "Current Events
and Research," at 8:45 p.m.
Students in speech classes will pre-
sent laboratory pnrograms, dealing
with campus news, dramatics, and
interviews, at 9:15 a.m. on Wednes-
days, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sat-
The "Parent Education Series" will
consist of talks on the general sub-
jects of "Juvenile Delinquency,"
"Guidance," "Youth and the Modern
World," and "Health,"
Prof. Joseph E. Maddy of the music
school, who is conductor of the Na-
tional High School Orchestra, will be
in charge of the music instruction
The talks in the "Michigan, My
Michigan" series will be designed to
inform students and citizens of the
state of the natural resources, in-
dustries, educational facilities, and
history of Michigan.
Faculty members who have visited
foreign countries will be the speakers
on the "Geography-Travel Series,"
and if possible a student from the

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Extends a HEARTY WELCOME to the
FRESHMEN and Returning Students.
f roti our stables, tit all hours - Phone 7270.
SJPECIAL RIDES: Moonlight rides Friday 8 P.M.
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- ----- --- ------ --



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